gy 'Wua R. .? MTCDFOTJ-D MATL TRTBUNR rRDFO.RT), OttTCCION, SUNDAY, .TANTJATCY If?,- .1911. 5 - a ii i iiiiimiimii ii iiiiimm ' MBllWlll'WI lllwHWlllP ''l "WJ'i'W MMwiii'lllJ MW m km VP&i ' - i , I': J "SLEIGHING HERE?" WHY, CERTAINLY!! Slujuliinj; is heconiiiifr fusdiioliuble in Mudford. True nil of the sleighs .seen on the street arc not of the trim cutter va riety, most of them being but plum everyday buggies and delivery wag ons, hurriedly de-wheeled and .sot upon improvised runners. Still, it is sleighing, and .with the addition of a few .small bells the clumsy cart of yesterday can now make n noise like a Russian droshko in winter. Wrestlers to Portland POKTIiAND, Jan. 11. "Porthu.d ! will be the scene of the national , gage in a ring encounter. The iu wtctliug championship for 1911." 'jured member i rapidly impiovinir. Tin's information was- given out to-. he says. day bv l-Mgar K. Frank, chairman o! j .Mcintosh agrees to match Hunts the boxiiur and wrcstliutr committee1 with .Sam Langlm-d or "Gunner" of the JIultonomah Amateur Athletic I Moir if the Canadian defeats Lang club. BITTER EIGHT COMING; MRS. EDbY IS CENTER TOMMY BURNS NOT TO ' FIGHT BILL LANGE TACOMA. .Ian. 14 Tommy Hiinn former champion heavyweight pugi list, denied today that he had ac cepted the offer for a fight with Hill Lunge, as reported in Seattle- dis patches. Hums received a cable gram fro Hugh Mcintosh, the Aus tralian promoter, last night, however, offering him a match with Lunge ni (Sidney on Kii'tcr Monday and cabled a replv stating that ho would decide within thirty davs whether his m- jured knee would permit him to en- GENERAL RAINFALL SWEEPS CALIFORNIA SAN KHANClSl'O, Jan. VI.-A general rainfall north of the Tehueh api was reported today by the wcallier bureau here. According : the forecast it will continue tonight with showers tomorrow; The cold Hinp that has accom panied the present storm gave way to warmer weather todav and great benefit to grass in the interior was predicted. Nearly three inches of rain has fallen in the bay section sjnee the tirst downpour Monday. I'ONYOHl), N. II., Jan. 1 1. A bit ter fight over the will of the late Mrs, Mary Haker Kddy is predicted by Christian Scientist!! and others today as the result of what is be lieved to be the pieliminary move by George 11. Glover, son of the late leader of the Scientist church, to break the will. The suit filed yesterday by Glover, asking for a construction of, the clause of the will giving .?2,00n,0()0 to the mother church in Huston, was widely diseased in Christian Science circles todav. Auv attempt on the , part of Glover or b Dr. K. J. Foster ; Kddy, Mrs. KddyV foster son, to preeut the carrying out of the terms of the will will be stubbornly resisted by the scientists, it is said. The directors have called a meeting I dbeuss what action they will take in the mutter. He.sidc a construction of the resid uary clause, Glover asked for an in junction nirniust the disposition of the property, pending a determination of the construction. Cold in Canada WINNIHKG, Man., .Ian. 1-1. Tt is still bitter cold throughout thn Cnnr, dinn west. Fifty degrees below zero were recorded at Prince Alberti Sask., last night, 44 below at Cal gary and 112 below at Winniptg. Many local dealers are running out of fuel owing to the big demand. As a result the price of coal has soared to .110..")0 per ton. M"ch suffering is being felt among the poorer classes. CALIFORNIA MAY ADOPT STATE FLAG SACHAMKNTO. Cal., Jan. 14. The "Henri Flag,' is to be the official state flag of California if a mean ure troduced in the senate today by Senator llolohan becomes a la.'. The state at present has no oni blem, apart from the national flag and llolohan believes that the old time flag of the California republic, with the bear and the star, should be adopted. The bill provides for the length of. the flag in proportion to its widih. a white field with a singje star ia the upper left hand corner and a grizzly bear, walking upon u grass plat in the center with "California Republic" beneath. ROBERT COLLIER TO BECOME AN AVIATOR NKW YORK, Jan. 1 I. Robert Collier will become ait aviator. new Wright biplane was delivered to him today at llelmont field, wncte tlw recent iuleruntionnl aviation meet was held, and Collier, "with a corps of mechanicians, began the work of assembling it. Collier will attempt to break all amateur records for height, distnncu and speed. Ho 'has agreed to pay Wright brothers $100 dally if he their machine to compete in any meet. Hnsklns for Health. ft m::SsXfi: kSyoSw JZTil I . . . 1 I I . IT Jr' . V gs wfaMcwk WiSafSaS (--.:v:-.:'L 135. Vai)y'BJ!a4jB XtMr9P!&& iJii'a'.v'.iAi JBfcrv 33BSr JTILW L . tJRW yMBW I BBBaBBfflHBaMBwgBaawa NGE WEEK! FORTY-FIVE Carloads Coming Are California's Finest The "SUNKIST" Kind ON SALE ALL NEXT WEEK! Attractive Prices and Special Displays of "SUNKISTS" At All Dealers Forty-five carloads of famous "Sunkist" ornnees more than 18,000 boxes are speeding eastward by fast freight, direct from the orange groves of California. They will be here, on sale at every dealer's next Monday morning. The sale will continue through the week-. It will be the biggest affair of its kind in history. Last year's "Sunkist" Orange Sale was such a huge success, and everybody bought so liber ally, that your local dealers were simply r.wamped with business. They. were hardly able to supply the demand. We therefore suggest that you place your order for Sunkist" oranges as early next week as possible. Then you will be cer tain of being supplied. Every orange in every box is sound, tree-ripened and hand picked themostluscious, health ful fruit on the market. For "Sunkist" oranges are Califor nia's choicest crop. Five thousand orange growers select theirchoicestand pack them under the name "Sunkist." Thus every "Sunkist" orange is pcitcct solid, sweet and full flavored. In "Sunkist" wrappers you get tn'c-ripcnct hand-picked oranges of the most acceptable variety. Every orange is picked by a gloved hand. They are shipped by fast freight, and always reach your table in prime condition. Be ing seedless, librcless and ' thin-skinned there is but very little waste. They are the most economical oranges you can buy. Each one is packed in a germ-proof tissue paper wrapper and bears the label "Sunkist." A31 Physicians Advise Oranges Physicians and food ex perts advise Don'? Fcrgct the 03te Week Beginning Monday, Jan. 23 people to eat more oranges. Wo nro a nation of meat eaters. And in winter, especially, the system gcAa clogged, causing congestion, colds, fevers, etc. Those who cat fresh wholesome fruit freely, seldom require medical treatment. Serve Them for Breakfast and in Salads and Desserts Oranges are the Ideal breukfast fruit and "between mcols" lunch. For salads, they nro Indispensable. Orange Ices, sherbets, puddings, etc., are very popular and delicious dessert!!. "Sunkist" by the Box "Sunkist" oranges reach you in such perfect con dition, iresn lrom tne orange groves, they will keep for weeks. Your dealer can make you a handsome saving If you order a box or hulf box. They are cheaper than table npples, and the gieatcst health food. A Word About "Sunkist" Lemons Fruit dealer! at nil times ire sup plied with "Sunkist" lemons. They are the same superior qual ity as " Sun kist" oranges. Never thick skinned or pithy. "Sun- kist" lemons are bo juicy that two of them equal three of the commonplaco kind. They, too, an packed In "Sunl.lst" wrappers. Save Your Sunkist By savlnc your "Sunkist" onumo and lemon wran pcrs you can easily becure a full pet of genuine Roere orange spoons, dessert spoons and fruit knives. The patterns shown Ijero aro our new J911 styles designed exclusively for us. They aio as attractive and stylish ns money can buy. All uio Rogers quality, Mnudurd A-No. 1 plate and are fully (;iiarnntccd by the maker. No advertising appears on any of our premium . Read on the rtjht the description of theto vnlunble premiums and how to get them. (31) i Wrappers a SUNKIST" Premiums I Rogers Orange Spoon Free Tho picture shows our new 1911 design, "Sunkist" Or ange Spoon, ac tual size; being a Renuino Rog ers product and of tho latest stylo.. Thi3 spoon will bo sent'you, charg es, packing, etc., prepaid, ou receipt of 12 "Sunkist" wrappers and 12c. For each additional spoon s'.uid 12 ''Sunkist" wrappers and 12 cents. Notice! Valsable Dejiert Spooa Free Tho picture showsour now 1911 design, Dossort Spoon, nctuul size. It is of tho samo excellent quality and beautiful de sign as tho orange spoon, but being larger and heavier is moro valuable, Sent to you on re ceipt of 24 "Sun kist" wrappers nud 20c additional. For each addition al dessert snoon send 24 "Suukfof I wrappers and r 20 cents, Pi I! M THE CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS' EXCHANGE, 34 Cbrk Street, CHICAGO, ILL. On all re mittances up to 21c please YTM'; bend one-cent stamps, on amount.3 above 21c, send post office money oruer, express money ornor or uanu urait. Do not send cath. Mnko your money order or draft paynblo to Tho California Fruit Growers' Exchnngo, and nddrcrs your let tcis to The California Fruit Growcra' Ex change, 34 Clark Street, Chicago, III.. You can secure theso premiums with 'Sun kist" orango wrappers, "Suuktet" lemon wrappers, 'Red Ball" orango wrappers, or "Reel Ball" lemon wrappers. If you will make It a point to buy only "Sunkist" and "Red Ball"orangcs and lemons, yon will not only get tho (lnest fruits that grow, eco nomically priced, but you will boon havo enough wrappers to secure a complete cet of tho beautiful spoons uud knives here shown. Tkis Fruit Knife Free Our 1911 "SunkisfFrutt Knifo is shown here, actual size. It is made of special tem pered steel heav ily silver-plated. Fully guaran teed by manu facturers, Wm. Rogers & Son. Sent to you on receipt of 24 " Sunkist" wrappers and 20c. For each additional knife send 24 'Sun kist" wrappers and 20 cents. t life 'fflflfc Wk SUNKIST ORANGES May Be Bought in any Quantity and at the RIGHT PRICES, Only of the Following' Firms Warner, Wortman , Gore, Inc. Allin Grocery Company f ' ' . " It a .1 . jz? Allin , Allin I (& Hibbard I . ., t, ..., - ,-, ,,r... .v . .- , r -,-; ?w,''-iM8te i i - -- ii i tl,aiMiiaiai'iiairiiIlCZlKZMB