(IfPIIWmimiWIillrr MW ,1' Jtpvj v"V ;.'tt -r iwx f 'rrvnm J. t ft i nwtwPTmn wiQwiqKpmmmrm p. vr tt't " a ' u j kf' !-t lr 1 K' h ' M ,1 i f I arEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDirOBT), OttKfiOX. SUNDAY. JASTJAKY 15, 1911. EGGS IS EGGS JID A HENJSNO BIRD Matter of Tariff Brinfls Oracular Dictum From the United States Court In Settlement of Puzzlinn Question WASHINGTON, Jan. 1-1. Ekrs nro crrs. AImi hen is not u Im'J So hays llio United Stales court oi customs uppcnl in it decision which Booms to siitllo u question which has muddled Uic customs, puipluxcd the experts n.id finally called in the zooi ORistB. Errs coining from China usually Intvo been btoken out of llio shells, packed in tin cans and frozen. Cus toms oflicials contended they en tered this country in competition with home laid crrb and assessed a duty of 5 cents a doze;i. The importer said they should be free of duty, under that section of the tariff which puts the i'rrs of birds on the free list, and contended thai at most ihey were only albumen and dutiable as such. The full bench of five justices agreed thai (he claim thai n. hen is a bird lacked merit, and that tut crr is an fRR. in llio shell or out of it. "A Man's Woild" is said to bo a study of realism, replete with highly t dramatic features, lelieved with com cdy, and telling an intense story. It I is tin; most successful play in which Mary Mnimcrhig has appeared .for many years. The role she takes uf i folds her notable opportunily to dis play (he varied phases of woman's j character, when confronted by ob stacles in the conflict of circum stances. The Messrs. Shubcrts, who inniuige Miss Mnnnoriiig, have sur rounded her with a dignified support ing company. i i ii KVAXttKIilHTIC COXKKH12NCI3. An uvaiiRcllotlc conforenco Is being held In tho Uaptlst church. Dr. W. H. HIiiHoii of Portland will speak to night nnd Thursday evening at 7:30. SchhIoiih beginning at 9 o'clock a. m. and continuing all day Thursday will bo of special Interest. All are ln vltod to these- r.ervlcca. MARY MANNERING WILL BE HERE THURSDAY (Continued from page 3.) becomes involved in a net of suspi cion, since tho in lists who nro hci friends are busybodies. A tale carried concerning tho peculiar re seinblnnco boruo by the child to i member of their community. In n startling manner she suddenly finds that (ho man sho loves and has ideal ized and who is tho cause of her bitter fight against mon, is the fall.ci' of tho child. AUK VOU INTNItrcSTKD IN A GOOD IN'VKSTMKXT? Ono hundred acres Butto Creek bottom, under Irrigation, perpetual water right. Al for applec or pears; can make big monoy ralsltiR onions, celery, tomatoes and all kinds of veg etables; big money In subdivision; Joins a now townslto and tho rail road; all under new wire fence; can lo bought for one-half tho price of adjoining land. Buy from owner and navo tho commlRsIon. Address Box 3G, Mcdford, Or. tt TO WHOM IT .MAY CONCKUX. This Is to cortlfy that A. 13. Lo Pontz of Cential Point, Or., haB for tho past two years, and Is selling and handling our granlto for monuments, and any statement to tho contrary Is not true. 25G GOLD HAY GRANITE COMPANY, INC., Medford, Or. By C. It. RAY, Presldont. INSURANCE AGENCIES CONSOLIDATE REPRESENT HALF BILLION ASSETS Owing to (he iucrense of the busi ness of ihc Mcdford National Bank the insurance business of Jackson & Otth has been consolidated with that 6f the Mcdford llealty and Improve ment Co. ,Chas. S. LeltOf manager of the latter concern, will take cIiuirc of the business. Having been special agent for n fire insurance company for several years Mr. Lebo will be in a position to serve it'll clients to good advan tage, not alone in the adjustment, of losses, but the adjustment of rales as well. The offices are at 234 E. Main street, over the Model Clothing Co. Phono M 202. Che finest Sample .Rooms in the city. Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Motel Moore Telephone In Every Room RAU-MOHR COMPANY Proprietors. EUROPEAN PLAN - -- -- ----- -- I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Union Livery Stables l Notico The funeral of Mrs. J. II. Stewnit will be held Sunday at 1:30 p.m. from tho lute residence o; Souih Oukaulc avenue. Interment ir !. 0. 0. F. cemetery. Friends and u.-oiiainltuicc" invited to attend and will conduct a general feed and boarding establishment. Horses I bonrded by the day, week or month. I gnaruntee a square deal t to all. UNION LIVERY HAJIN. R. GUANYAW RIVERSIDE AVENDE. STRENGTH SECURITY CONSERVATISM Notice. If any ono knowing anything ii. rcgai d to Thomas E. Sholton ol Rogue River war, 185!)-f0, please communicate with Mrs. Mary Shot (on, G33 South Grape. tt CITY TIUSASUKKIt'S .XOTILK. Office of tho City Treafafror, Mcd ford, Oregon, January 11,. 1911. Notico Is hereby glvon that there are funds on hand in the city treas ury for the redemption of outstand ing city warrants isstiuJ against tho following funds: Warrants Noh. 5 and C, on sower district No. 11. Warrant No. 1 on lateral No. 8, district No. 11. Warrant No. 1 on lateral No. C, district No. 3. Intorest on samo will censo after tho abovo date. , L. L. JACOBS, City Treasurer. Tliree important, fn.nr.nrs r.n nmiKiriPi wlion i' selecting a hank to transact your business CAPITAL SURPLUS AND PROFITS $100,000 $ 65,000 ii JACKSON COUNTY BANK of Medford, Ore. W. I. VAWTRR, President G. R. LINOLKV, Vice-President C. W. McDONA LI), Cashier Founded by W. I. Vawter in 1888 WRITING OCT A CHUCK s rommands n lot more respect than counting out the cash. You have probably noticed that fact yourscir. You'll stand higher In tho community R you pay by checks drawn on the FARMERS' & FRUITGROWKRS' RANK. Open an account there and trj It for 2. while. We warrant you'll not be sorry for jour action. Farmers & Fruit Growers Bank ALFALFA LAND.... SOLANO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. Choicest dairy and alfalfa proportion in the stntc, located on the main line of ihe Southern Pacific railroad, between Sacramento and San Francisco. IDEAL CLIMATE. ABUNDANCE OK WATER FOR IRRIGATION. Wiite Us for Information. Dixon Alfalfa Land Co, Dixon. Cal. A Narrow Escape From Getting Rich has been the common lot of a number of men In Medford during tho last few years, from their failure td follow tho good advlco we have given them. Tako a stiaight hunch from us on this: We offer for quick ac tion 2 8 acres of land adapted to subdivision, factory sites, townslto platting, or small acre age tracts, with city water and sewerage already available, and ran make extremely good terms on tho tract, for only twelvo thousand dollais for entire noiuings. -i lim it quick hti-p In the right direction and land on a solid basis by buy ing this at once. Sec us only In regard to it. Will inako the best terms possible. This will lay the foundation for a fortune to the lucky purchaser. Don't delay on this. Rogue River Land Company Xo. II SOUTH CKNTRAIj AVKM'K. tiipiimSi & n & m mf C O V I O rl T" I ' ' S.SSS W. H. MEEKER 6 CO'S If if &' 1 1 This Is the Last Week lit & 2 KV. VX" 1 i lw i IS l i " mm$?i ' ! I u i it ' WyMM' ' 1 1 J i , I-' wP'irlm fl w f'lfi is m I !i 1 lm VVmi li 'fl ji, r Ji - i h w'l' ixaga; if j n& DON'T MISvS A VLSIT TO THIS ATORE DURING THE COMING WEEK You will find upon investigation that this is the biggest saving event now in operation in southern Oregon. Come and have a look for the articles that are being given away. You are welcome whether you come here to shop or to purchaso goods. Come and stay as long as you like. Come often. ks&&&- Lucky Horseshoe Suit Sale $10.00 131uo Kei'tfo $20.00 $25.00 Kanccy Weaves $16,79 $20.00 Fancy Weaves $15.00 $ 15.00 Kant'V Weaves $10.00 $12.00 hw Weaves $8.50 Lucky Horseshoe Fur Sale $35.00 Vwv Sets .. $10.00 Kur Sets ... $8.50 Fur Sets .. $19.95 . $6.50 ...$5.00 Five Articles Given Avay Each Day of This Sale ICaeh day we will give five ai'tieles that sell for 1 00 each and hide them in our displays of mrechandise. Kaeh article will bear a small ticket with these werds: "luekv Horse Shoe Ticket" on it When you find one of these tickets, simply call the nearest clerk, give her your name and address and take the article home, gratis. lOvery article will he hidden either on the tables, the counters or in the displays AND NOT in the shelves, .loin the Merry Crowd of Fortune Hunters. LUCKY HORSESHOE Sale of CHILDREN'S COATS 55 Children's Coats; Millies $5.00 to $(5.50. Not this season's styles; ex tra good cloth in all colors; Lucky Horse Shoe sale, $1.00 each, while they last. Lucky Horseshoe Skirt Sale $15.00 Voiles, Black $10.00 Serges and Panamas $8.50 Serges and Panamas $5.00 Panamas, Blue, Tan, Black $7.50 ...$6.50 . $5.00 ...$3.75 Lucky Horseshoe Coat Sale $15.00 Coats, newest styles . $1(5.50 Coats, newest stlcs . $20.00 Coats, newest snles . $25.00 Coats, newest styles ., .$10.00 .$12.50 .$15.00 $17.50 SALE SPECIALS Ladies' Outing Gowns. $1.00 values 79c $1.25 values $1.00 $1.75 values $1.35 House Dresses reduecd $1.00, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00. J3ig allies in long and short Khhonas. 15c Kiinona Cloths 12Vc 12c Kimona Cloths 10c 25c Turkish Towels 19c 15c II nek Towels lie $2.00 Umbrellas $1.50 25c Pillow Tops 121jC 25c Curtain Net 21c 35c Worsted Dress Goods 25c Remnants We find that after inventory we have a large amount of rem nants on hand of all kinds of piece goods, going at less than half regular prices. See Rem nant table. $2.00 Ladies' Waists . ..$1.50 5c Pearl Buttons, 3 cards 5c $1.50, $1.25 nnd $1.00 Men's Coif Shirts 75c $1.25 Wool Underwear . 98c 35c heavy Woolen Socks . 23c $1.75 Moh's (irov Sweaters $1.25 $5.00 Leather Suit Cases $3.75 tfl.25 Men's Cloves .$1.00 SALE SPECIALS 15c and 12i.jc Outing Flannel; blue, pink, striped; extra heavy qualitv; clearing sale 10c Yard