. 'WW-' o ALEDHORD MAIL TRIBUNE, 3IEDFQKP, OREO OX, SUKDAy, JANUARY 15, 1911 34 i sJi THREE PRODUCTIONS BILLED AT THE MEDFORD THIS WEEK SCENE FROM "THE BARRIH f THREE G00D,SH0WS COMING THIS WEEK f i'hrco notworthy productions " "" arc coining to Mcdford this " " wool:. "" Tuendny nislit, "The Barrier." WnIiinln nirrlif flviinti Pmn " .. V..I.V. -...., ...,..., v......, ..... oron. -f "" Tliursday night, Mary Man- normu. ' "THE BARRIER" WILL BE HERE TUESDAY NIGHT After playing to overflow houses throughout the county, "The I3a;ricr" comes (o I ho Medford opera house for one performance on Tuesday eve ning. The unstinted praise of the critics where this production has boon given can he understood by the Capitol Kows of IJoIse City, which Is hut one of tho many favorable re- , ports on this play. "Tho dramatization qf Rex Beach's , great story, "Tho Barrier," as pre sented by tho company appearing at the PInnoy theater last evening be fore a largo audience, Is a portrayal of Alaskan frontier life that Is In tonso In Its Interest. It Is a drama of tho highest typo and Is given by a company of very capablo artists. Without such a strong company tho play might savor of tho niolo-drainnt-Ic, but not so with the cast appearing here. Tho story of tho "Barrier" is too well Known to necessitate review. It Is always tho players and not tho piny that rnnhe or tmninko a produc tion, nnd tho players In "Tho Bar rier" seem to have boon selected with singular fllitoss for nil seem ndnilr ab'ly adapted to their parts. ,MIss Helen Barham, as "Necla," Is charming and plays her difficult role in a manner that could call for nothing but favorable criticism from tho tnost exacting. It Is when sho learns that Bho Is a white woman and nol a half breed, as sho supposed, "that her talent Is shown to the best effect. Norvnl MncGregor mnltos a splendid army captain, and as such be Is tho central figure In many of the scenes of tho piny. Ho hniidles tho climaxes well. George A. Olevo-i land In the part of "l'oleon Uorot" was a favorite with tho audleneo ant' was warmly applauded. Tho partf bf John Gale and Han Stark aro bit terest of enemies, and are taken re spectively by Will M. Chapman niir" Verne Lay ton, both of whom an strong actors. William G. Colvlt 'urnlshed tho comedy as "N'o Creel Leo" and made a decided hit. Tin pint df tho rfciunw was well portrayed. GRACE CAMERON IN "NANCY" WEDNESDA One of this season's groat pin suoocw, is a play called "Nniley which was written by C. II. Ivor author of "The IU-nnty Doctor," "Lil tlo Dollie Dimples," "I'npn's Baby. "Over the Fence,'' etc. TIih pice will be presented in thi city for on night only at tho IModtbrd thealc and comes with a grout compam bonded by tho peerless comedienne Grace Cameron. The pltiy is delight ful and refreshing, full of heart in terest and highly diverting comed situations. Tho production conic here in its entirety ,the mmo as in nl the niotropolitun citien. There hr been some controversy among om theatergoers a" to whether wo avcic to have the original No. 1 (or bij. city) company in "Nancy" or n sec ondary company. The mnnagement of the Mcilfon theater wishes to inform his patron that the original No. 1 company headed by Clraco Onnioron, will b the one thnt will appear here not tin No. 2. or secondary company. It i seldom thai our playgoers ntt nil op portunity to witness such a sterling (JUACIO TAMKUOX I.V "NAXCV," W KDXKSDAV KVlCXlXO. ttraction as Oiace Cameron in Her ort Kerr's four not comedy "Nancy," liiolt appears at the Mcdford on .Vodnosdny. Manager ITazqlrigs h to be con ,'ratnlated hi securing this sort of tttrnctionu for the Bedford, and hero is no doubt that our pubfio will give their utmost Support to k neso lirst class attractions coming. Nothing succeeds like success and he success of the great piny 'Nancy" lias boon in a way most inrvolous. Packed houses have jreeted this offering all along th1 ino and the owners have sent out hreo companies playing this piece .o supply the demnnd for it. Tho trigiuul number one company is head id by Grace Cameron, the dainty tin who was I'oVmerly prima donna r star with "'Little Dollie Dimple." PUT Puff Pouff," "The JJostoiiiuns," lavage grand opera company, "The Tenderfoot," "When Johnnie Conies Unrolling 1 Tonic," Foxy Quiller," and tinny oilier high class attractions. The other members of the company supporting Mi-s Cameron aro wc'l known nolors of unjiuestioned ubilit'. MARY MANNERING WILL BE HERE THURSDAY f 1 1 HiCTlitSli i MEDFORD THEATER Wednesday, January 18 DAINTY Grace Cameron In C. II. Kerr's Great Masterpiece "NANCY" A Soul Stirring Play. A Beautiful Story of ilotite Life. Full bf Pathos and Comedy, with Special Musical Numbers YoU Will Lauftli, You Will Scream, You Will Roar and Then Some YOU ALL KNOW HER Sonic of tho Attractions she lifts starred in: Henry W. Savage Grand Opera; Whitney's "Piff Faff Pduffj" tho Bostoninns in Robin Hood;" "Tho Tenderfoot;" "Johnny Combs Matching Honie," "Foxy Quiller;" Sousa's Famous Hand; "Dolly Dimple;" nnd many Others. Kutiro Production Carried by Company. Secure your seats early Sale Opens Saturday morning. i I I t rVlFnFORn TI i M;, 'T-nafe v Wil'yi fl'l III 1 f Hit .JlW?W DD Ki 'Ti t ii JftfT? 'ta ili 4 Acij B VE BMHiBHB C H B R ft B IH raTl u ll ' jj... j Capt. BurrcN and Nccla Mary M.nnncritig will be the at traction nl the Mcdford theater ntxt Thursday. She will bo seen in "A Man's World," which rah for somo months in New York, at tho Comcfiv theater. Tho new role in which Miss Mannering will be seen U that of a writer who hides her identity un der the name of Frank Ware. The piny is told in four nors atid the scenes are laid in tho Itohcminn cir cles. All tho characters in (he story arc representatives of some brunch of art. The story relates tho career of Frank Wale, Who, having adopted nu illegitimate child, is so impressed with tho injustice visited upon it, that she devotes her literary tnlonls in demanding the snnio law for th man as for the woman, and thai woman should expect in mnn tho sumo honor thai man demands of woman. Having no clue to the father of the child she does not spare him in her arguments. All at once Frank Ware 'herself (ContliuitMl on I'nifo 4 ) -T. MEDFORD THEATER Thursday, January 19 ' The Messrs. Hhubvrt annomico Mary Mannering IN "A MAN'S WORLD" A VhW IX FOUR ACTS 11Y KACI1KL CKOTHERS Seats on sale Monday, January Kith. Prices 75c, 91.00, 91.S0 nnd 92.00. HEATER uary 1 7 Rex Beach's Greatest Success Miss Helen Barham, In "The Barrier" RIER ?f N f m 11 H Gate and Stark Direct From. Its Long Run at KLAW & ERLANGER'S ew Amsterdam Theater GREAT CAST Seats Now Selling. JJJjg '? :!': ' I I ' ' r, j ' id I Airt 1 Knees uc, a 1 .uu, ai.ju L ;,i mmT I Holn niifl Ulc Cnhiui W14 I umu uiiii ma wiiucivi Tin v m mmm im wiiii.ip 1 H BIG SCENIC PRODUCTION