KlijflppppMi,iir w-"-- r"T?TW7 -i TJT Twr Vr ,5 J ' 2 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 1911. r - -rf - W4T '' tGIRL IS FIRST. ward W. Paikcr from reports re ceived by the United States geologi al uuru'v lrom coal milio operators ml others fnmtlinr with thoiudtts iry. Hnuklns for Health. Woman Murders Children of having drowned ttic babies, who , were 0 mon .u old. They were found Campbell & Baumbach j nmr. Ao-n T.nATvre nnTWTV WARRANTS. X NASHVILLE. Vim.. Ji" 14. ' In a canal nonr the county Infirmary, On a charge of having inuruereu nor wiierc their motlier was an Inmate, twin babies, Hello Martin Is being J The grand Jury is investigating. hold today without ball at Hunting-1 . ton, Tcnn. Tho woman Is suspected ' Hasklns for Health. FIOI RODENTS: SI P. 0. BUNK tyiuJ.tJLu-j.urxj ijwj"iwi www. - . I CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS i Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches : and fruit land. - PH0NE323I. 320 GARNETf-COREY BLDG. Method of Protcctinn Young Trees From Ravajjcs of Small Animals Prominent Orchardlst Suggests Ways High School Miss Carries Off Honon As First Depositor In Oregon ai Opening .of Bank in Klamath Can't Attach Accounts rsr r ssr-rr -sr m r , t4 U'j s srNr fifmwivm GUARDING IRES pr-t tv I 6 ft fcnt !iV W fc i i" r fe 4n W fi is w ??- & $ ri J us 0 ,r.' tor ' ' ?l ( 1.:9l Jr -i J" ' KLAMATH FALLS, .Inn. 14. A per schedule, the poiitnl savings brink, (ho only ono in Oregon, was oponoi. nt the local pohtolfico Friday. The firt depositor was Miss Laur i Nelson, a IukIi school gill, whose home in at Keno. The oiTiee will he open for bushier between 8 a. in. mitl r p. in. except 011 Sunday nd Ic?,'11' holidays. Ap DALLAS, Ore, Jrtli. 14. As Hip ltorcnRu of I'm It incronaofl, the (nen Uon of preiorriiur tho y&TUifr tree from the ponsiblo dopioduliuiis ol small niihnnta oocomos of ureal im ourtnnoo, and Hie planter w com pelled to tin n his mind to vvnys mid means of safeguarding bis orchard It has been roportud from several fiourccs that some dnmngo is boiu plications to deposit have alrcau done this wintor by tho rnvngos ol been recoived by the postinnMor fion snuirrolB and rabbits. .1. W. Jenkins. ! parties in Portland and Gold Hill, ami tU'qpriotor "I'd manager of HethlinH this will be the only potoffici lloijhta walnut grovcr, a :wgo tract t hunk in the slate, it is probable thai of fruit lands near McCoy, Mio lwu j dejioaits will be received from othc made u deep study of hortiotiltuio. towns in Oregon. Ono fealuie of tin and who has had great buccom iv ' ytoin is that these aeeonnts are no. Browing. tieoM, suggests the follow- f mtbjeui to attnehmont. The follow ing pievctilivos in a communication I iujr sire some of tho rules laid dow to tho Observer: by the board of directors, which eo i- "Sir Rabbit is Htrictly a vog'-j fain of tho iofltinnftor general, seci? tarhiti. Secure a lew quarts of blood! fury of the treasury and tho atonic from a bliitighlor limine, tml with a gouorul. biitsh or cloth wutdi tho trunk ol , Any person of the ugo of JO year tji oliltle treoH, and the rabbits will j or over may become a depositor . not diBluib them. Tho rabbits, or, Tlio account of a mnrricd womai Hclgiun hares, as tho ease may' be, will run about thiough tho orchard but they will not touch a (tee Ilia, has the scent of blood upon it. "Stpiiriels do much more damage will bo free from any control or in terferenco by bcr husband. No person thall have more tint' one account at the same time. Depositors will leceive postal sa to fruit trees in this section than rnb-j ings coitificnloff covering the ninoun bits. They bite off tho torminal bin , of 0aeh doposit made. Electrical Fudge Parties s fit) I 'Ss dft Wiilm irom ine wniniu, an uguaw anil eiiip the biuk from other treos. I will sci out over 5000 tiocg this wintor am spring and tho loss from tho doprda tious of H(iiirruls in the hills will b, ipiifo heavy, unless tlioy are killed a fast as they appear on the prunliHo I luivo tried various tilings as a pre ventive, but the milv btiro lomedy I jinve found is to kill the stpiiric' which Is not always an easy lliim.' to do, "1 poison- them yith tablotB math' as follews: One (iiiail of flour, on quart of com meal, one and a ha uups of sugar, two tahluBpopnfuls salt. Dissoho one-half onoo oJ gtrychuino in warm water and iu. it wjth tho ingredients named, into . pliff dough, and roll it out to nbou tho ihiuUnuBB of piu orust. Cut tin into wafors about halt an inch square. Drop two or throe of tin i' wafers into tho uquiriol holes, am falling their runs and about tho true- near the fences. I prefer tins l poisoned wheat, bccnuu it is oli'iapei and, being soft, the squirreli will in I uiutv it to their duns and burv it. 1 I fis alio more effectiml. ' Cnibnliiioiim lias boon recommend- i iKl, and 1 bao tried it, but 1 Juiye nut given it a sufficient loci to judge of its merits or dcineiits. 1 hoaitut- tid to wuh tho dunks of valnnblw trees willi it full strength, for fcai It would injure the bark or kill tho troo." f If any ono lias given thin lofilotly u thoroiuth trial mid can spenk Croio I o.vpoi'ioiietf n to its merits and iff : offunt on tJie burk of thu vouiig trt a wuwj fivun tlu'in on tho subject "Would ho aHtreciutd by many who An account cannot ho opened fo less than ifl. Fractious of n dolla jannot be deposited and cannot ! withdrawn except as interest. A person cannot deposit more thin 100 in any calendar month, nor cm his account at any time exceed $f)0( exclusive of interest, , In order to save small amounts fo deposit, JO cent postal savings card ind postal savings stamps may Ik .uncaused at any depository oflic. A savings card with uiuo stamps ai mud may be deposited as .!. Iuteiest, payable annually, will b. allowed upon deposits til the rate ol J per cent per annum. Certificate .ssuad after the first business day o any month commence to draw iuteron from the first day of tho followin, month, IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS Informal fudge patties are enjoyable affairs when G.E. electricall) heated utensils are used. No visits to the kitchen arc necessary, as the fudge may be prepared in any room in the house. You can entertain your friends with delicious fudge or candy,' made right before their cj'es, and the novelty and convenience of electrical cooking will enchance the pleasure of eating the sweets. If you have electric lights in your house the G.E. water heater and the little G.E. electric stove will be found useful in a thousand ways. Their first cost is small and they consume very litt'e electiic current. Rogue River Electric Co. - .- S .if .. Don't Mistake the Cause of Youi Trouble A Mctlford Citizen Shows How to Cure Them Many pooplo neor suspect thci kidneys. If btifloriug from a lanu weak or aching buck they think llu it is only a muscular weakness ; whci miliary trouble sett, in they think i. will soon eonoct itself.- And so it , with all tho other symptoms ol kid nay disorders. That is just when the dm liter lien. You must cine then trouble or they may lead to diabete or Ilrighl's diseuse. Tlio best reined ,lo uso iu Dunn's Kidney PilN. It cuu 11 ilU wbieh are caused by weak . ilitteuHcd kidueyu. Medford people to t if V to pormunout einos. O. M. Jones. 1401 X. Con t nil ae. nr lvoubll with the squirrel ms , Mudfoid, Ore., mi.v: mid thw wMr will be gbid to pub- "1 found DoiinV Kidney Pills t- )i?ll the Jf ult ot tlifir iiiiwiit' j iwciuliy adapted to my oase. M " ' - .back wns ttrv stiff and pninl'ul mm STUDENT COUNCIL OF jl l,Md nUior umiumiw svinptoms ..t THIRTEEN AT C0RVALLI8-kiilnvy trouble. Donn's Kidney PilN procmtil nt Ha-kin's drug ' stiu- COKVALLIH. Juu. 11.- The stu-, brought me prompt udiof nud sun dent council of thirteen luomhci-'i , taking thoni uiv health bus hocn mm It which is to u i-t us tlio goNonuiirf, bettor. Thi oeelUiit nuuod lm body under the new suit go eminent I en rued my oiidufsouieul." . ifgulntionx adopted by the students, I'r sab by all dealers. Price ."( ' of the Oregon ugrieullunil eollego j cenls, Fo-tcr-Mitliurii Cv., ltutfnlo lnis U'cii flefled. TIm nmult of these ( uw York, side ngciits tor the I tuu-i, plfvtioiis has been thu I'liiuco of a Kittle. Wry ubl. and reUVBiitutio bodj Uwneuiber tin- mime Duau' ' oJ young men. ThoM will tak their mid lake no iilni. OK tli ol t.rrwo January lfi and llie' " "- Hbw sN-iim Mill then by put iniu WOMEN WILL OPPOSE :uiMjraiion. The student council i., BILL IN WASHINGTON ,na follow , Ijihtv Ketiif, president of the slit- OLYMPIA. Jan. 1 1. It i- ,.p, ,-u t , yaill htl, liPrnim, aeeonling to the Itiut the stttttagcttex who tu- u tfl'oKiilulmiis fhairuttiu of th miiipi1 Ol.untua will mi so M xi.dent pmt aite otiur iiicutliers ur J. L. MpAJ- ; hn u bill prepartnl by llepn senia iator, colonul of the cadi' I rtsjiment; 'ivo Tbouumon of Pierco etuu lv n-Ki-wui H. Lemon, editor nt the Har-, hilroJuwd In tho hotwu. Thomiwoi uiiiotei1; Huj C. CltiiMnan, r?4dfiil 'nld extdude umm tnm jui.v tluh of tho senior rlass; A. A. Akbalir. ly wpetifiug "uial jurors" in tb, jjnwiiloiit of oiatory and dabaht; C ! law. Another auiendineut of the pm fYhiiui;, manager ut tho Oraflfta Coni-, which he ays he will otter soo idyumii; K H. Hie, U. A. Blanehar.1 will, if pawed, abolish the proiui Jlarold llurla. Ilagh Smith. Fivd W ' hieh rei aires that u jur.tuan inn jWmUhurluid und T. li WUisis. , be a lanpiivtr. This auiemhaeu ,' i probably will be backed sulidl b iNO MORE SECRET FILING , . who arc represent 2 , tab. OF DIVORCI PAPERS! union foivet. - - . , SACHAMliNTo. Cal.. Jan ii -i Col Prcduotlon Has Grown. Ot fllluK o , ouorto paper il WASHKVOTOK. 1) v.. J. II. h , a toppod If bllU lutrodueeu the j.,,,,,; ,,, . "'.. ' rr.rt The Deat THE . OWNER h of leslslaturo today are uiaiu tato duwv TJio proafiit statut im.iiii.n fc Wio .county uleik tioai aii n. i, Bii'uuflonjof lUvorue don n . m . u ,i rccordtj, Trko propotw-d law nmi tbut roBtrlcUon. t.ih il. in . I'Mu ff.- betwct'i -17 .IIIUMMlti ., Is .,0011,000 -lion ' " i'l I . I, , , , i . , wo nir ill I I t - ""I '...it t 'ilk II) UHIP I ind npproxiiutileU within 1 pvr wit t the iiuiMiniiiii pieviotis lecoid ol IhO.fll.U-il (i.ii- m l'MiT I Tl.i-. .. n . t .v 1 I lOijublcs us lo offer what we houesjly believe is the best bargain in a procluciiur, oi'fljard in the valley. There are f) acres in the tract and it fe only a mile from a shipping station. There are about 11 acres in apples, Ben Davis, AVincsaps, Rpitzenbergs, Nowtowns. Trees are about 20 years old. They tire in good condition and produce heavily. There are also about 12 acres in staudard varieties of peaches, in full bearing. About 8000 urates of poaches wore shipped from this oivlfard hist year. There arc also S acres planted to Newtown apples, which wore three years old this winter. Tho balance of the land is cleared and was in grain last year. The buildings consist of a house, barn and packing house. AVe think a reasonable osfchnato of tho crop on this place this coining vcar would be .'5QQQ to 4000 boxos of apples and GQ00 to 8000 crates of peaches. A team of horses and a full tjquipnmnt of ninohinary goos wtih the place. The price is $lo,000, a trifle more than $-100 an acre. Tho tonus asked are half cash, balance easy. If you cannot meet these terms as to the cash requiredmake us an offer. W. T. York & Co. Medford Iron WorKs E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents In So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. s T , ,... i1.,!. i...-.:., ii- ,r.r c iuu uk upt"u lui uii&ujeaa. jluu whl- fles, hot cakes and short orders. Quick ser vice cooking done in window on gas. Come and see us. Gem Waffle Kitchen 323 E. Main St. Medford. 6, a ft' v 5 i County Seat Real Estate Office Bltlfi., Jacksonville, Or. Office in Bank of Jacksonville. tins numerous choice bargains in citj lots, orchard, fanning and alfalla ranches. Our Applopitc allev ranches are bargains; a'l bae an abundance of water for itriat;on. Don't forget that .lack eonvillo ib the county neat am' that -t is iiistsiflintr an up-to-diie water svsteni t'otne ami -ce u We'll intcit vnu LUY CQ. COLLINS Rr.ex "iKSPr, rn m&'& CHILDREN THRIVE W0NDERFULY ;friif vrfs- 2S i ." . -" r- - aP ir (mi m our biead and rolls. Il i- .limp y atoiiishii k the amount of nutiinieiit they demo from them. Thov like it, too liven take our bread in prcf eietieo to ordinary cake. It must bo prettv Kod to attain tbut result. TODD & CO.. South Cential Ave. Medford Bakery & Delicatessen. Try lunula lJiead. lJJ'R3ii'JIvfAMprJiJMilJSkE. r ,i vi ri i nrt -OL JIL-tf JL.V -K3-iJA.JL J $ STEAM AND HOT WA1FR HCA1ING It 9 tl X Yll Work Guaranteed Piice. Roasonabli t rfl'ZrrT2s'E7Km9,l Sa fntrh tryyr V Vff ffJCll MW. -Vii PboM 3(: H 5 11 Nnrtl D Pt Wodfoid Oo Ncr r tf jxftfcj 'rrtf crf vr a-iftt-ej-trrtii trtc V J t. ENYAKT. Prohidont JOFIN S. ORTI1. Cashier J A PEHK. Viuu-PrfMirfNii W U JACKSON. A't Cashie. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, SIOO.OOO.OO Surplus, $20,000.00 AFE DEPOSIT B0XE3 TOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING ttlSinESS TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE ! 5 i I $ ft i, A . ft U tk il ft ft fk $ rr, r'",'S"'"'',...... .-- . ? The QUAKER NURSERYMAN HAS EVERYTHING IN THE NURSERY LINE PEARS, ArLESCHERRIES, PEACHES, AP RICOTS. PRUNES; JJ.L KINDS OF NUT TREES AND A FULL LINE OF FLOWERING SHRUBS. ROSES. ETC. A FINE LINE OF 'SHADE TREES. COME IN AND GET PRICES Office 116 Main Street Office Phone 238!- Res. Phone 2493 X I w, irai.l'Jns for Iru'th -J I &'