"!PVJ! aEEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 11, 1911. it , T WINTER COURSES Many Rofjuc River Valley Orchard- isls Are Attcndinn Qrcgon Aflri- cultural CoIIcjic Winter Short Course?. , v . t . t, t OUECJON AGRICULTlTUATi COL LEGE, CorvnlllH, .Inn. tl. Tho win tor Hliori couros Imvo opened at tlie OrosOn agricultural eollogo with tho IniHfHt nUondaneo ovor reuorded. Tho courses liavo attracted farmers, pro fessional men and capitalist. Tho work In horticulture hooitih to have attracted tho Rtoator numhor of stu dents, tho registration In this' depart ment having passed the 100 mark. The r.-ult dlHlrtrts of hoth Oiokoii and Washington aroA'ory largoly rep resented. Hojiuo Hlvor Valley and Hood Itlvor are leadliiK In tho num hor of atudontH enrolled with 25 Htu donts from oacli Bootlon. 'J'horo are also a largo numhor roglstorod from Wlilto Salmon, Wash., and hIx from Canadn. Tho rogUt ration hhowH Hint many Htililoiits 1110 graduates of hoiho of tho host eastern colleges and uni vorsitles. Tho Htudeiits registered from tho Rogue Hlvor district aro nn follews: 1-Vom Modferd: Alf V. Cnrpontor, Leonnrd Carpenter, 'JIib. Gcorgo H. Carpenter, Gcr.'rgo Iloono Cnrpontor, Euclid DoLoss Doty, MrH. Margaret Iiinwn McCoid, "VV. Alexander Uoiih Benn, .Tnincfl Urook Spencor, Mri. Winifred Sorcuiaho, Itnlph J Ware, C. A. Wctordahl, John Hwnnlon. Klamath Kails: 13. W. Jncobson, 10. II. Potent, Keith C. Wostwood, Krod Ellis. AHhland: "Woodbury It. Molchnr, Alhort W. Thoninn. Gold Hill: Harold UoonoHch, Sprnguo llolgol. Grants PaBB: Donald II. Clark, V. 0. Sauchliolz. Talent: Harry N. Gleln, L. H. HoiiHton, Alf Iterglund. Tho htudenta registered from Hood Hlvor aro as follews: William Baker, W. II. Butchart, George W. Hull, C. C. Clmpln, K. II. d)olnuo, W. 1). DIckoiEon, It. 0. 101 dor, K. A. Hall, II. M II(MuK, C. W. llownrd, H. 10. .lonos, L. It. Kelloy, 11. P. Klmhall, 10. L. MoLuln Jr., J. 1. Moroluud, Walter Nolhans, A. W. ro tors, U. G. Pond, D. S. Sumorwoll, Mrs. .1. H Sunhoff, Mrs. C. H. Hclimlclc. 10 ASHLAND, Or., Jan. 11. Tlu southern Oregon anil noi thorn Cal ifornia mining congioab inoeth in Aslliiiul Tuohila January 17. Un less tho plaee of meeting is changed ill tho nieiinlinio, the gathering will occur at tlio Coiiinioreial olub iiiouw. e u ASHLAND Intorohlud local parlicH nro at teniling to details nnd it is proposed to make tliu meeting a uolnhlo one. A oonimittuo on invitation lias boon appointed, .colluding of llomur Hill ings, V. W. Moore and H. l Cnnin hi), ami they nro exploit im llu pliiiHii of the niatttor with vim, in orilor that tlie time nnil plnoe, -. avcII at object of the KUtluring ina.v bo freely mlvertiHed. TlU i-oumiit-tee aptly argues that nine thu eail. mining dayn, otitlirit Oreuon and , noilliern Califoinia Imvo lt)ii ice ognixml among the richest mutiny if gion of tho Tinted Statu, but aeu. ity in luiuing line mntiu to ime Hi ellnuil in tho moro ntpul Kwtn il other roftouroup. The puipoHe of thiH eonri is t ldiiow iuteii)t .mil uiiitii fffurtN in milieu ami iiiinemN and to develop grout ronouroo iu that' Hue lo keep pneo Willi oilier phenomenal grow Hi of (hi wuuilerlul country. There i nhuniliiiit capital looking fur iuewlui(uit ami it n the hope o Iho promoters of tliU congnK lhr Hich eapitul niny bi IiuTumI in tin direct ion. (Our mine me by :io nioiine e.hnuiliHl, nor on de el oped. Them in no other mining le gion in the world that offer equal I'aeilitioK in chiuato, water ami lim ber for mining operations. Unlike Alnskn and oilier mining regions, op enitioiix ate earriivl on Iho yur round and (miifcitorlaHnu f)(Ui(ir nit' good. All that v.c n.l is to wake thei fuels known to the iniuintr world a oapital can he had lor deYeloptnea; To do this )viiiuv eiiort on our pjirt niul wo hoapoaL the en Mi' ?t ouipatli and eo-openitlon of nil. A tew, how over,' who m'o lump iliicei) unci OS led and pjjplie ti)lU)d tua H 'general mass of huiuanily will Iu liayo to put tinr oiiliUrn lo tb- j jvjieoj and felnrf the Iwll rollij). It) coiicliisioij, tic "lumutee unnj tlio brjpginp; in pflmu.tM.il liiwwiiie'e. anil wiehes to CliJibt the kiutl of : Jioe of ill iiiforP-Bt . ui .mlor tl.atft" '''" an ua) iniinvmr win .1... mnowfu niiiv b. m.i.l.. .... .. Uo "f M'wial iiitere.1 .we In- WOULD TELL ALL ''(if OREGON foil Resolution Introduced In Senate Dc clarliifi Oregon System of Govern ment tlie ,"Bcst In he WorluVJ and Advpcatinn Telliniijof It. j , , SALEM, Or., Jan. 11. A resolu tion declaring tho Oregon syr.tom of KoVoimnOnt Mho heat in Jio world" mid rocommomllng It to olhor Htntos has been Introduced in tho. sonatc by Sonntor Kellaher. Ho J cLnirman of tho committee on resolutions, which will consider tho mcaHure. It reads: "Vhoioas, Wldo attontlon has re cently boon atlracled to tho Oregon nyiitpin of popular government, moan ing thoiehy Inltlatlvo and referen dum, direct primary, corrupt prac tices act and recall, "Whnrens, legislature?! end leaders In progiessivo govornmont aro study ing the Oregon system with a View to adopting a similar Kystom in other states; "Resolved, by Iho Bonato, tho houso concurring, that tho Oregon Legisla ture hereby declares Its confidence that Oregon has tho bent system of govoinmont In tho world and com monds that syBlein to tho favorable consldoiation of legislatures in oilier Rtnton, desiring to improve their govv orninent and ro-oBtabllsb the . sover eignty of tho people. i 'IRofeolved, That u copy of these resolutions bo transmitted at onco by tho secretary ot stato to tho Bpeakor of the bouiio and the president of the senate of every stato legislature in tho Union." CATCHES WILD CATS WITH HIS 0Wj BARE HAND? LOS ANGI3M0S, pal.,- Jan. 11. -Mount Wilson has a "Jack Ahor nalby" of Its own today. Tho now "catch 'em with his hanila" iipoclal Ist BtraugloH wlldcntB Instead of chok ing wolveH. Ills name Is Harvoy Nle NIch siilfered considerably In attain ing famo. Ho was In souich of a wild cat that had been raiding bis hen coops when ho discovered tho animal and chaned It Into a hole. Tho cat caino back. It landed with all four feet on NIob' face and tho fight wns on. It wuh only after the hardest kind of a utrugfle, ilurlni which he wiib badly clawml, that Nles choked tho wildcat to death. FORESTERS' RELIEF WASHINGTON, Jcu. Il.-Scnntoi llc. Inn n has lequeteil lh( M'cretar.v of agrieiilllue lo reconiinend an iip liroprintion piovitling fuiulM to reim burse temporary employeH in the it Iho forest soiviee injureil lest year ii lighting fore! Jireb. antl alno to ie iuibiirHo owner. of Iioinok that wen killed while iu use by forest ofli ,nors, mid to provide a fund lor tin pioper burial of tho men killed win uoio buried iu I he wildcrncRg when tliuy lost tlunr livoii, and u fund foi the relief of their dependent jela live. Seeietary Wilson will reipieM an appropriation of $'211,000 for tlic puipoHCK, which cover the cues n Oregon, Watihinxtiin, Idaho and .Mon- tlUIN. PREACHER MAKES A HIT WITH UNION MEN SAN DlKflt), ChI. ,lan. ll.-Luboi uiiiouirtN tod, iv nr Draining a tall on ''etrikfe and blrikers" iniuln In Ifwv. Tyler Dtuiwtl, lute pastor of th Alki (ionic:iiional ehureh, Seattle lie for th Cougivcutimiul Chun U uieu'ri club di'iuer last night. "I helime I'im Isbor leudei a ' rule aro a I'ousecrated a lot of me. as Hip niinintei'M of our ehuiehes anc as uiucnii'," Wijd 1)V. l)iuiuctl. "J ipenk of tint average I iap known iiml lovcil I bcni. I lielipVrt thai laboi lenders cud coutroj their men far bet ter llian Utoir euitlpyt can do n My mwiictb' fan" tln labor troiihU" which a f foci the country is not to ilcNlruv the unions hut to have nion iiiiwiii jmiiJ uuiuutu ujl labor." Ifcv. Dsjjuolt, who hvotl threo yetu--iiiM.iit' tho icurniiMit ioikei au .wcat-hliop ejujiloyes f hu Iowdj liat Huitf in New York. )iti made JWrHOIlwl (UVt)gttQII Of HQCKllUI.'l ami union labor iu Now Yoik and Wwsliiuvlon, ia oot)idrtUK I) call from UiHcret Coiutrrjfatioiial elpuili here. i.l .lMilUil.1 III I IMrllllt,l K. An e.iugiliHtii) confuronuo Is belug held la the H:iptit cuurcb. Dr. W U. Uluaow of Port laud will snoiik, to- Ulgbt ami Thuieday evealug at 7:30 Sessions Uogiunliu; at U o'clouk a. ju i . . .,. ! k . mi . HEYBURN NGRNiAL SCHOOLS FOR EACH COUNTY! x i' Graves of Yamhill Will Introduce Bill Lookini! to Better Education Jiy Prqvidinfj Hlflhcr Scliqojs fn, Eacli poyny,, v ,5,,!, SALIOM, Or., Jan. 11. Small nor mal training bcIiocSIb in connection with blgii BobcolK .will bo oHtabliihcd In each county sent If the Idea con tained In a bill to be presented by HoprosonUitlvc Hoy GravoB of Yam hill Is carried out. Ills bill ls,modeled aftor tho system now in voguo In Michigan. .i.i. II provides for tho establishment of a board of control', composed of tho stato superintendent of instruc tion, Iho county superintendent and tho chairman of tho .snhool board In tho (ounly ! 1-eie tho teachers' traln 'ng clasBOR, as tho bill designates thorn, aro est.-.bllshcd. Counties whoro normal schools already oxlBt aro ex empted. TIiobo eligible to admission to the Classen must be bona fldo residents or the county .ind have completed at leant (lie second year In high schobl work. NEW YORK POLICE STOP - BATTLER'S CHALLENGES I " ' i". ;i ' N'KW YO)HC. .Inn, ll.A knock out punch that will keep him out foi ill time miles? he adheres lo certain restrictions, wns handed to Ibiltlinj: Nelson, former lightweight champion by the New York polico department today. The wallop was conveyed in nn official looking envelope prescnt il to Nelson by n blueeonted inil- vldiml bill il was ovpii moro effective ban tie one Jforan bonded him iu oersoii in Sun Francisco to intintH- itgo. Nelson is u performer in vaudo- ille. His lines are lo come on stage. lo a little monologue nild then ,ud- mice lo (lie footlights and challenge all comers. The pollen heard of it and sent an 'nspeelor lo the hIiow last night. On 'lis repnrl lio letler lo Nelson .i- 'niHcd, II directed the battler to cut nit his challenge or go lo jnil, as iin Hiiiiiiee wns an infraction of llw New York laws. XOTICII TO CON'THAOTOKS. HIiIb for' tho new school will bo iponed at1!) 'o'clock a. m. Saturday tit I be high school building. 251 Notice. To contractor! ami buildnrp ot rodford that ,op mid afnr Al'iil 1 ho minimum scale of wages for ear )outoi slpill he $-1 por day, S liontt work. 'J'- " I)AIAY. a. w. sniHLny. 3fi0 Tnirttceb Local No. JS10. xotkma I will hq at tho Hotel Mooro for a fsw dajB, whoro I will bo pleased to uiopt all Interoated In orchard heatr tug. G10O. 11. PAHjClOH. Jfi2 State Agent, Frost Preyentlvo Co. TO WIIO.M IT .MAV OOXCI511.V. This is to certify that A. 10. Lo "ontit of Centrul Point, Or., bus for the past two years, and ia Ho)lig and 'Kindling our graultu lor iiioniiuiputK, uud any statoiuonf to tho contrary Is iot truo. 2TiG GOI.p HAY GHANITIO COMPANY. JNt Medford. Or. ly V It It Y, President. E TO LOS ANGELES . : t ' t ) i t I Don't overlook that I .oh Ai;:q1c eM'urtou leaMiii; Mciltord ilanuaiy 11), (ho round n $l.fbt thirty day uniit tttip. oil licic iiinl when you please, K and ivtilin via citliei loute. See Sn 1'raucu.co, the Uol deu (late, Mt. 'i'auiHl)ia, Aleutnm, I lie beautiful buy, tho woudorlul iit tiding Jiom the nuns of the tilt and (lunke, then trine! kouth and tce Palo Alto. Sttu .lifo, Siintu ('ma, .Mvnteioy, Dgl Monte; take the t'oiut line, the ilHylixht tup alone the ocean and co the immense oil well iu the ocean; m'i Santa Har- baiit, Pao ltiihlen, thou Lh Aiiude-., Padoti, KuiIImuiU and Jincividcj Uiu homo at (ho inulti-ji)illionauo., t ko o VeiiHio, tho city limit out in J (lie oeiin. od the ntnu)f innn, JJ then k) to Cauilin ilaml, .sen th' v mhiunnne KnroVn I'ipm iho lns J IxM toin liunt. tho tlyint.' nh milj uiii other Moinicr of the ocean, i tako mlanlijK at (hU cxijiuimii. tio low I'Hto. the nuuuiiDr wither now iu enioviHl m IJie H)W. 1'or pat- j ticular iftll nt tho "tiu.fcOMger ottiee V if not eoliWUieut to c'llll I'hi.nc lor luillni iwrliculaiii j DOUGLAS AND LANE WILIrNOT MERGE County Court pejects Plan of Cot tane Grove Citizens to Form County VQul Fraijie Plan to Takj'to LsJature. rj r ,, HOSEDUHG, Or., Jan. 11. Tho county court of Doustias county baa BufninnrllV 'ro'Jocted a prbpocitilm from Coltngo Grove cilizdnB' looking toward an amicable agreement on tho creation of Npflniith county out or Ooulns amliLar.o, which project w.ib turned down by the voters of tho stat- at tlio last gcnoral olection. Cottage Grove asked thh court to appoint a committee of five citizens from the county to attend a con"orcn',o at IOti 3KH0 next Friday and assist. In pre paring a division i Ian for submission to the loBlBll.tliro. Tho court not only answered "no," hut protected ugainst tho Echemo In a formal resolution, basing 'Its objection on the' voters' de cision, i Notice. If any ono knowing anytliinp; it regard to Thomas E. Shelton o Iloguo l?ivor war, 18155-50, pon oommunicato with Mrs. Mary She ton. nXi South Clrapu. tf FOR SALE ' N u 1 15 acres, H miles from Talenr, . fenced, timber, nlfalfa ami fruit land, kooiI house, pure watdr, Jt mile from' 'scjiool. H00 young pcitr trc", lovely' place; .$2000, one-half down. Also IN acres, 1 mile from Talent, 12 acres of fruit, family orchard h hearing; ' apples, New! owns, 12 acres, peach filled; 7 acres timber, i r ' t ' irrigated, dwelling house shaded by largo laurel tree-, plenty of water, loi tile soil, garden spot, pumping, plant; terms, $1. '1,000. $7000 cash, the balance in payments of $1000 eaily at 0 per cent. Aso 20 acres alfalfa and fruit land with timber, 1 mile from Talent ."JfifiOO caih down; just think what a snap, a little over !?.iihi an acre. Where can von find noar the depot ami mill oud a cheaper place? Town lots in thcuiowlv incorporat ed town of Talent, Or., on the in stallment plan. '' ' , Also 17 aeies, '14 aorcs commci einl fiuit Jieiuing .orohnrd, 2 mile-, from Talent; .flOiflOO, one-half on lime. s Aluo 81) acres fine timber, .$2000. one-half down. Alt.0 III aeioa, liulf mile fiom Tnlenl, fine house, fiuit trees, al falfa, all under cultivation; price $S"ri0, balance to shit purchaser. Aluo for .alo, iftme in Talon;. j Jackson eountv, OregQii (a newly in corporalcd tottii), a Fine honie ol lb ttcroft; level, lerlilo alfalfa nnd fruit land, irricntcd; one hlock from po.st ofticc, on the main mail and extend lo Hear creek, has Iw'o acres hourhu; Xcwtowiis, II years old; 12 acres Daitlett and D'Anjott pears; '2 acres i alfalfa; all i- fine garden land; i six-toom hnii-p; cliniato very mild, pure water limn tho mountains; ver healthy; cluncliop, Sdliools ami lit-; entry soeielie-i;' io tiloons or dnuikonnos-. it is n"Mrv town ; it i-j midway IicIwmii t lto IhriviiTg citie-.' of Nleili)rd ami A&lilnrul; price $10. 000 $-l.r)00 down.' fhi) leinainder or time at (I per cent. Alw) laml. ilfull'a ami fruit, from JO to S00 .i, tert. Wiito, inclosing t.tniiiw, or i.'iii- and ec inc. L. N. JUDD. Talent. Or. p - - - - - v J. E. ENYART,' Tresiilent. J A. 'PEliltY, Vice-President. JOITN S. OHTn, Cashier. V. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 !AFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING mjSINESS TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WILL INTRODUCE AN ANTI-TRUST LAW SALIOM, Or., Jan. 11. An anti trust bill along the Bamo general lines as tho Sherman nntl-trust law now fcolng tested by the supreme court of the Unltod States in tho case of the American Tobacco company on ap peal Is being prepared by Senator Joseph of Multnomah county and will be (introduced before tho stato leg islature within a few d'lys. ' . ! L. jc u i i.XOTICK. Tho Indies of St. Mark'n Guild will give a dinner from f, lo 8 p. m. nt St. Mark'B ball Wednesday. lOvery body Invited (o come. Ptlce 30 contfl. r4r'''''-r4r4r''rs,': I3 off on all Calendars i in stock t ' Medford Book 3tore t sJM STODDARD DAYTON Automobiles Dr. F. C Page Mgr. Local Agency Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles GENERAL OVERHAULING & MACHINE REPAIRING. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN 0231. Corner Central Ave. and Sth St Medford, Or. Pure Clear Sparkling You can't afford to ilo without this sploudid, refreshing drink. Call up nnd orilor a ease sent to tho house. Tho purest, most healthful driuk known is SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. - - - - - - - - 2'J i 5 A Satisfied I Customer -1 ? means more to a storo than a thou- g 1 sand PUHlomei'K who aro not quifb X S - 7' 2 siirQ. gVQ buy only tho host grot'oi'- J i(s and mai'k everything a oxcop- .. lionallv low priecs. It' the quality pliould h.-lppeir to be off we will Z make good. lflMie price is sure 1o bo right. jVe couldn't expect our cus tomers to be satisfied if we. .should - p.ljarge them enormous profits. COMPARE OUR PRICES Allen Grocery Co. V ' Control Ave. (EL Min St. J Phono Main 3711 ' Campbell & Baumbach I MOITaAG-E LOANS, COUNTY VARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on handpt all times to loan on improved ranches X s and fruit land. jj PH0NE323I. -r-rrrrm-n Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. ..Jfc.x,. Gem Waffle Kitchen 323 E. Main St. Medford. AVo aro now open for business. Hot waf fles, hot cakes and short orders. Quiek ser vice cooking done in window on gas. Tome and see us. N'tf-ff-ff-'4'-'tf-C-tf'..Irf4W County Seat Real Estate Office Bltlfl., Jacksonville, Or. Otfice in Bank of Jacksonville ila numerous choiee hnrgains in city lots, orchard, farming and alfalfa ranches. Our Applegate alley ranches aro bargains ; all have an abundance of water for iirig.W'on. Don't forget that Jack sonville is the county seat and that Jt is installing an up-to-ilu'o water system. Come and see us. We'll interest you. LUY & COLLINS l.S,JMkr ,. -..V.D. Ij-tr-w -w -vm rLUMBUN Gl STEAM AND HOT A.11 Work Guaranteed COFFEEN 7 O" TTT'TT TTT Tk.T $ 11 North 11 Pt .Medford f,4 H. B. PATTERSON X X I The QUAKER HAS EVERYTHING IU THE NURSERY LINE- PEARS, APPLES, CHERRIES, PEACHES, AP RICOTS, PRUNES; ALL KINDS OF NUT TREES AND A FULL LWE SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC. A t SHADE TREES. COME Office 116 Office Phone 238! 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. JV BB. O. K b fk B. !V 1 m . ft. . . n. . - rr, - --- 2 WAIEk HEATING PriceB Reasonable !TV V-MD-. v.m. ' l PRICE Ore. Phone 303 - e4riir44444a4c . ? NURSERYMAN OF FLOWERING FINE LINE OF IN AND GET PRICES. Main Street Res. Phone 2493 X 4 4' 4 lll'll III lIlI'M1 M'l tl'l K HaM.ltiH for health. .tf ' '4''4 tr i '4 iu;slilit'd fiieeOtoS.