- s cj W MEDFORD "MAIL TRIBUNE, jSEEDFORD, 0KEC10N. TUESDAY, -JANUARY 10, 1S11 .AjrtAririifiirtjf.irL.n,fLijnnfniLHMV,iii,ir r i: i;,'--',: " t "i " imi '.'"? COUNTY COURT Adiufeifcrfi , papipupvpip . I.)',' ( l X.''1 V "V .v- tf I) RAWS IFVY 'v .....VS.W - - , MM'UfJtfAW'rf,W!' JTW? If & s: ! i! f :&' If. ... ; f . . . . ,..': Commissioners naisc Levy unc-ieiiin, Mill Additional Sum Will Go ln County Road tindr-Tolal.Lcvy Jn: Mcdford Now 22 6-10 Mills. ft, . ' TT Tit revising the county tux lew in 1030. the court of county oomm - M sinners on Afoitduy wised lln fk":i-P ; of 75 hills, docidcjl upon Snturd.-v r r to 7 (1-10 mills. Tho additional -iiiii; r will go to tlitJ county road 1'micl. , Tliu rond district weic chin . i , so as to allow VI instead ol' 10 and,; , ilio following Jojnl stiporvi-on wn" mimed: No. 3, George. .Iniios; ' 2 ' Sam Van Dyko; NTo. .1, A. Tliiwk-I irforfon; No. 5, Olio Cosier; N . d.j Tom Stanley; No. 7, I'M Iligc'cltii- mil'; No. 8, W. I). Slurgos.- X". K George Lynch; No. 1(1, W. H. l.ir- .. "VT- 1-1 I It' II V . ! reti; io, n, .i. w . iiiiv, - .lames I. rridcnhcrg. ; ; : WHEN ROOF FALLS j Foilr Bodies Recovered and Resell , ei's Explore Tunnels for Others J Larne Numbers Arc Crushed Un- . der Tons of Earth. ; MAWIII). .Ian. 10. Jinny miners , wore buried lodny when the roof of a mine 'nl Sntro 'rdmlen loll. rour , bodies Juivo heen lcoovorod anil res cuers aro exploring the tunnels' for olhurfl. Tlio actual number of imm 1 ... , IX working m the inmo at tlio nine o the time of the noeitleiil Iiatl not heen ascertained hy the initio officinb- nt 1 noon. Jl is believed (hat a largo number of inon were in tlio (tinnel, in wlw-h tlio' Occident hupponod, and wee crushed under the Ions of rod; that Ru's AXMINISTER Regular.$27.50,to $35 grades . 'Our Price:' 5xi2f.!'. ; $22.50 8.3x10.6 ... . : $20.00 0x9 $15.75 HIGHEST GRADES JJIGrELOW, SMITH HARTFORD EXTRA 200 TO PICK FROM ; I The House 1. T That Se lis r ror JLC &o Linoleum GERMAN INLAID LINOLEUM li FIRST GRADE REGU.LAR $2.00 OUR PRICE, YARD $1.50 LAID ON YOUR FLOOR j? StCCO" MINERS BURIED mSKBml GoCarts LEATHER COLLAPSIBLE GO-CART. SOLD FOR $10.00 OUR PRICE $6.50 ANY COLOR BIG STOCK Lentz Guaranteed ' Dining Room i Tables Perfectly Satisfactory i: t J eaters WE ARE MAKING BIG CUTS IN THIS DEPARTMENT YOUCAN SAVE 25 PER CENT HERE Lace Curtains OUR NEW ' v- SPRING LINE IS ARRIVING BEAUTIFUL EFFECTS IN NET, SCRIM AND NOVELTIES Stickley Arts and Crafts Living Room i' f Furniture Beds WE ARE CLOSING OUT A LINE AT 25 PER CENT LESS THAN OUR REGULAR PRICE SEE THESE BED LIKE CUT $7.50 I , " hi I K ' .! r" ; : 1 : : ; : ; -; ; 1 ' i NOTION. Tlio IikIIoh or HI. Marli'n Onlhl will Klvo (i dliinur .from 5 to 8 p, m. at St. Mark'H linll AVedtioaday. Hvery hotly Invited to comooo. I'rlro 50 ccnlH. RGESIE 3 i: -': The House That Made It Possible to Buy House Furnishing Goods in Medf ord at Reasonable Prices 16,000 Feet of Floor Space itsiBIFf Medf ord, Ore. Near Post Office M ES (IKIilll BY GOV, WEST (ContlnutKl from I'ncu 1.) imDWMM M(MMMMMVMt lMDtMMMMMMHm r ootniuiMidntion, honover, in Unit .i law lie passud lo eompel llio Inliel lng of all priaon ' made kodiIh tlmt are oold in eoinputitinn with artielis niannfaeturod hy fr' lulior. 'L'lie- ni(NiijB uoalniiiH appro.. i inatoly 'J0,U0U wonlx. Following are OMJerpts: OnnlluiiiDii of llio IieUlntiii(: I'.i dor the eoiiKlitiilion it lioeoineM inv duly at governor, and I dofiii it .i liitth honor and piivileo, to inform von, iiiHofur an 1 limy, of eoudition in tlio btalo and its iiiHtitutioiin and to iiihI.'o Ktteh rorninmandfitlniiit or WitiKOHlions ociHedniinic lotflHlHtion o I nm.v ihtfin fit linar or HMuwmi'y. llllt lieforo pAMtiiiK to tlio (lieti ion of tliontj nihtterx in dotHil, 1 ile ulru lo oxproMH to llio pooplo of thin groAt Btate, (Urouyli you, thoir duly eloot Otl ruprohoiitativew, my all-ii-hraetng and deeply incoro IhiuikM for the Iriiih honor which thuy Iiam oonforrod niwii nio. I eoiifcidor tknt this honor wiih hIiowii mo heeuiiMo the pooplo of Ore gon had confidence in my mueortlv and my iutorit.v ami liolioved Mini I. as tholr xovornor, would uovor for get that I wn their pulilio borvnui, whoao duty il wa lo do evorylhintr in my (Hiwor lo promotu 1 1 1 1 puldie good find mlvitnee tin Reiural im porily of llio Mlattt. And I (Wire to el(i)inenl. (ileal iuduitriui and emniuoroinl entoiiirisort aro hriugin,; lidded people uud eouii'ortalilo honuw to hroiuloii tlio liinijs of our eities. A flood of immigration in peopling the rural districts with prosperous furiiM and Mill fui'tlier i)iihing hank tlio forest from tlio doorhteps of lite Iowiib, Now railroatlfi aru liinding thp htato I'lonor and eloxor Jogethor Hud on ovory hand tlio hum of indus try bliou'K progretin, miootMw, .Vorinal Srliool C'liiinw. When (lie normal hoIiooU weie aliolixliod at Hie liiMt sobolou of the legiHlalure no provihiou wn tundo for the payment of llio HtiliU'io of the taaohoiw tor tha halnueo of llio toi'iu lor Som prosporily and BiMl0 (us ConvielN fo ledure euougli to eoer tlio iieetl- of llio stnte (ho counties would not bo culled upon lo eoiitriliuto auylhiiiT towiuds iJie supporl ol ilio stale and would he concerned onlv in raising sufficient revenue to cover couui.v evpe'ises. liueli esunly could fix il Miltmlious to sgil i l soil', or us its lo- ;ciii neons itimut iTiiuiie, antt witlioti I lour of Kiili.jeeiiiig il4 ciiiKcns to ih unyniKiil of' an unjust portion of : iment a fair trinTTTor if it proves a road patching tliousinns of didl;ril would suggest, therefore, thai pr - for Itoaii Itullillng. 'I'lieiv nre nppi'o.sinuilely -1:1(1 pn oners now eortfincd lutlle Hint"' jipui tntiary. .Muny of tlio )risoue. nre employetl us hcloers urouiul Ih liMMilittloii, ollieix in the state KimjiV iii ii 1 ivlttLk n lii iHiit iiiunliuu i . which they had kit... employe,!. Uum m.(( . (ho Movp ( m tif them reeoivod lit 1 1 u or no,. , , ... ... Ill( III Ill'CUl llillll-iv Willi II lrv-ll pay from lanimry 1, 15)01), lo the end. eonl met made hy ll.e tle N'ovein ... .1 i I. :.. I I ...I. . i '"'"" "" '.' . ,. r. V M'"'- 1. 1017. with Urn Uwenhorg & ittlo Uioy clt.1 roceive was dorivvdaoi ( ,,.,,,, , ,m .,. miUliiliiiv. there ore, should U full , bm. , ho ti . . in ,..,..,.. .... ,,. ,..,.,,.. VUi xn ,.., ..,,..,.,.., ... ,. ,,, ... I M!!" HIMl 1 It' H'T III It 1 ' ud all unpaid salaries that may op justly due from the ttutn. Tlio Tti .Vniendineut. While (he lax iiitndinnit amy Ih open to sopie cntictma it nuvorthv leo npoun tliu way for Iiin lefotia and at! it will permit (ho adoption of any oipiitnlilo r.ybtiu of (axMtioti tlio poopht may chooee to adopt theiv renminK no rtHtwoii on tmrtlt why v 4iouhl not without further dclm men anil as uianv more as the com pany 1'i'ip.ures provitliug they can b Miiarod without depriviiiK tlio state of ueeokbiirv help hmhiihI llio iusli tution. Ohjeolioa has hecui uiudo to th eiuploymeiit of eouvietM in coiuHti lion with tree labor, ami there i nieiit in the olijection, I'.ul conuai deeencv ami tha eoiihitleratiou win 'i wo should have fur (he iiiitorliiiml. udopt (he itiohl pronivshivw sysleni toluinhe it inipomtivo that tlio convui pnmilPO iiitin now mm mrouiuoui in j ntmin mo imm iibh--iti -.",-., .... nn.- .. ...... . ... .--... lonn of office I will ktp (hi furl flu found in iuiv Htnle at tin l.'uiou. 'U irivoii omproymenl of wmie kuu! success it will not only iiisiiro good roads for, bin a grout Having to, the statu, and will provide heulthlul out door work iir the prisoners and a long waj ioynrd putting nn end to oompuliiiii'i buhron free ai.t prison IhIioi'. i l.'oi' (iood ItoaiK. Oregon will ncvor oonie into i("' iwu in the unv'of iluvufopmoiif on .11 blie lakes stops lo improve her lisshwnvs. Tlniv. are eelions of our tnlo -great mpirmi whi'n you eoiiul oitt scM'inI nf (he JVw llnfflainl latot aliMduiely without auxiiiH ol eaehing the i.iilrouds or markots vith their uodutil$ (Rv'twpt by a two r three tla-. luul - soinetiuies ,i . veok'n .jouriiix ovor ahnosl iuip.ir... , bio wagim i-o.mIb. Wo may sing thei tale's praise- to tho sky ami spoml of Ihe people's money were being stiiiautlereil annually, a number of our puhlicspirilcd cili.oiiH, (liiou&h thoir organi.atiou, the Oregon Good li'atlb iisrtocialion, have thorughly investigated the avIioIo cpioatiou (f road building and 1 understand will submit to you ior your considera tion a number of bills which embody their views and recommendations hi tho mailer. Knowing thai llieir ret omnieuthitinns nre being prompted solely by f n e:'rnohl desire to mo this simu yridiroucd hy tko hot sysjii of highways in the world ami at the least possible com to tho laxpuvw, 1 a-k tl.nl tho whole iuestion be kindly yiven tho most careful consid eration hy you. Imllclal System, lteform in our judicial system has i fortuuc in .i.ortiEiigour rBouicislmeu long overdue. The pooplo, tit o attract liomeMbkorK and settle1 -. I tlio last elocttou. tm-ed an mntqid. bbul rt will luivo hut liltlu miico-. uiiIosb we c.ii iMiiilhlo some movr noill toward- thi)' ooiiBti'iicMoii of tood itiatU our Which llio product f Ihe faiiiis m.iy bo hauled lo iiuu- IJealini" i irrt'.itlv llu- i n. 4'lts III lii'ii! ;iilil I'll. (I mil ill brotu-h i' i ip -bod l i tluul . u I i ...i.:.!. .. n ttl....:... nil-ill n iiii'-i irjumi's. uii ruiifiMHiHin- al obstnole.. fro nitlio path of bolter- iiioul and the way is now open for the burial of the many antiquated fenliiro! of our -ly-loin and the binli of new ones. An .iiteiupl i I riisioii li.nuvi.. I"inhl t i i i. 1 ,iii. r tli. hi ili it .Mi' lie i id il ' 1 i i r, i" si i . ters, js grafl and corruption, into oblivion. Within tho past few days Oovern ors O.sborn of Michigan, Foss ol Massachusetts, Marbhall of Indiana, Plaisted of Maine, and Xorris .)' Montana, have declared that lluir 'tnion must .adopt Ihe "Oregon sy . tein" for Diditieal reneneration. Oregon's synlcuuis no longer nn oxperimenl. It has been refined in the fires of fierce opposition, niul bus stood the lest well. If imperfee lions exist, these in time may bo rfiu oilieil or adjusted. Hut I hold that if change must come, Ihey should eome at the hands of (lie friends of the law, and 1 say now that tlurii.r my term of office I will zealously gunrd thn iutegrity of these laws of the people and will combat with evei v means in my power any attempt lo injure, infringe, or subvert them. Tho people of Oregon, at different times and in no uncertain tones, hae de clared for these laws, and no men or no hostile inllueuee should be per mitted to attempt, in any manner, to wrest from the people their hard- coulrollod. have watched this , - "" vu-uirv. . strike oil (he -heel It's ol imiIiIh.h ,,,.;;r-..r; '.uerx id. iv n- w iIiixiul; the ., toinnition --Um w,ib lis uiivnta vision be made for the nppoinlmci:: of a commission, to serve without pay, whiwo duty il shall be lo pre pare and submit to the next legisla ture a hill which will mnke mio thor ough revision of the whole sysleni. The twit years tl investigation and iliseiission will give eory one an ov portuniiy to be hoard and should en able the commission lo give tlio stnl" ilio hist judicial system on earth. 1 am oppotwd to all hasty ami pRtob .voik legislation at this or any linn-, tuitl believe that the plan proposed is thn only eauo method for ascer taining and making the noocsaiv changes in our present system. Tlio "Oregon" IMau. Tho pyoh of the nation aro focused ou Oregon today. Tho progrn..ivo laws of this stale are being made tho palto.ni of state after state. Ore gon has tried out the direct primary law. the direct election ot I'liltcl Stales senators, llipinitiaiive, the rei erendiun. niul the recall, and has found these measure miad. Otht r states, boss-iidtleu and niachiiic- evor lioforo my miud as a guiding star uud u mtny in time of -Ires and trial. Of tin people, I intend by my ovary act lo serve tho icoplo. Jui as their good is iu good, tud thwr Pm1 loUlHtiiro- bav luid iw I nlil some nuobjectionsuli) hstcai ttrouutl work for a good s stein sa-.l twuiJovineut u dovuetl it would i il how rHt with you lo complete it.' j most inliunmii to tuuuiouiii tliee nu The fifMi tMitl most iinporiont steu if i to itll-ue anil lo tbiu dsprte tlo.n lo Dttivide for I lie MetHiratioii of the 'of 111 Ood-aivou blueing ot uot..l xonicm of mUIo uud Iih'mI irveaiMi iiroHperilv niv own, m would tluHrj When Huh i none (lie !( mil muo misfortune be n eros mid 41 sorrow its rvenu. When tbk i done the . (o -inc, and I pledge tln-m now nn'sl.ile will rni its ivvtHtim rici vow' and my oath tlt.it. with the hcliintll,V fivm mlli srieo eorimrtt- of Almighty Clod. I will b a i.itilitul lions, liceime fees, keener of their irnsi so that ot the' urli .oilier mhjeH end J maybe gien iki ynaiesi e.. Ilium possible for n publie .rriciiil ""WoIU'iJoito, thou t;ontl and faithfi I ocoiiwtiuu. Il klumidj no the aim t llio hlute, lbtirefortt, lo prowdc tin . us soon us pritetiettble with ciuiilns- HWMit which will remove Ibeui as i..m iu iMissiblo from competition u hi uiiieritHticvs ,r, iVoe un The bel solution it seemsl as the leKisii-jio me in (heir einplj.viniui in tuc' iun ov Un mmp1u may think c.i:d . coiutrueliou of run d. I urn athi. Iwr't be 'bundle J b (he btuir Uu tbut the Kod.d iimtU uwtuuivi. win. h i (iiuuusMjn. . 'J1 is sV!teiu Hoiibl Ki;aiv to lie fcilruduml ul this -iml each eountv loinpiete home iiilc m of the K(iliitiiri) will cull tor to'1 -'J ,.. ; -:'' t 1 1 r w 1 11 1.1. ....-. in 11 .I,, iniKn-0j-rw'SjiiJnt!S,US ; V .V 1 X V V 9 s If V ? V -I,....,, (j Mnw w,ll miieii'il mu.ii llm lMulter of laalMiii: nod uoli 1 Us of eioiviet Isbor. aud. il sn. .' lUl XTlt'iiC w)liilrul iiiigii -s and tie , ibe siuiw nf -talc icwiiu laileil lav I be people will give llu- eHr A Unique Chorus Fcauture In the Bin Musical Production. "Tha Quocn of the Moulin Rogue." Medfortl Theatre, Thursday. Jan. 12. m 4 4 4 t ' 4 4 4 t 4 4 1 j 4 I I ,"'NM-F 1-3 off on all Calendars in stock V I Medford Book Store IU v, L&ft