!? wmrzr "TfTjwr "s "' wiirfj MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 1911. 4 a i I $ Medford mail Tribune ak imniPBtttrzrtT hewspapexi ruBr.isHKD nAiiiV sxospt satu- DAT BY IXS MEDrOXl) FRXHTXXO CO. i. A nmsolldaiioh tili.M-iirnril Mall, GStnillBliol JS89. Mip Southern Or-Rfm-isn, pstalillslipfl 1902: tlt. Dofnoprnclo TlmNi, estnblliilieil 172: the Aslilaml Tribune, fstofoll8iert 189C. nnd tlia Med foril Tribune, ctnuU.8iot 1806, GKOnan PUTNAM, Editor and Manager niitcril tin nrroiul-lDSM mstttur No vember It J 309, nt tlin pottofflro at MeilfttrO, Ori'Kon, tinilur tb uot of March a, 187U. 9r ofiicIttTi'fl'twT or urn city nt Mcnroni. SUBSCRIPTION Bft'liiHi -i rt nni. iv mull. ,Ji.nO (Inn ltUinlll llV inilll 50 i) tAttiit iln1lv,iril liv r.'irrifir 111 ati t.t,l? .) ' lntlranfivlllfl llllll tfill- HI JIUU.U,.., v - , irrii I'nmr ...... .....,,,. " iC.VV DO YOXT WANT ROTCH HOUSE RULE? aiul Ceil- llllKttl.l a.. .!,, , nntu iv rtinll. tifir vear . . Weekly, per year l-SQ mil Iiaanert Wire Unltofl Ftena Dispatches. Tho Mull Trlbtiii" Is on nulo nt thr Ferry Npwh Klaiul. H.in Krnnclnco. Portland Hotel Ncwh fllnnil, Portland llowman Ncwn Co., l'ortlnml, Or, V. O. Wliltnoy. Htaitld, Wash. Holil Spokane Nnttd Stnnd. Hpoknno. SWORN CIRCUI.ATXON. AVKUAUE J'OK VKAIt 11)10, SIHB MEDl'OHD, ORECIOU. Mnlropolln ot friulhurn OrnK'in nnu KorthPNi Cftlifarnla, nml ilia nstest urowlnic rlty In Oroon. Population 1J. S. roniiw 1910: SS10 astlmateil In November, 1MI0, 10.000, Klvtt liiimlruiV tliuiiKnnd dollar Clruvltl Valdr Syntoni eomplntod, Klvlm, flnom supply puro mountnln water and Hlx tcen nillOH of Btreot buliiR nuvod urn contracted for nl u cent uxoetMlllilf lr 000,000, making u total of twenty mlloF of pavement. , , Pohtofflco receipts for year endliip Novembor 30, 1!)10, show u Kaln of CI per cent, UnnIC depofilts wero $2,.170,G32,.(i Rail of IS par font , Ilanner fruit city In Oregon rtoi;u River BpltrenticrR npplcn won sweep HtnUcn prlr.o and tltlo of 'Applo Klnir of tlta Worla" nt flin National Applo HIiow, Bpolcnne I9CS, filnl ft car of Xusrtn.vn:i '.von X-lrst I'rtza lit 1010 nt Canadian International Applo Show, Vnnaoiivor, 15. C, Hokuo Hlvor pears brouulit lilghctti nrlci'H In all mnrKetH of the world dur lnR the pant hIx ycnrfi, Wrlto Commernlnl rlub. nelolnK C cents or pontnKo for tlio rinust conimu pity pumphlat over wrltlon UY OUOET T101TSE" politics hns been n fonturp of the A- ' cnm)aign. Bo 1 lie oWvm'Uh of Alodl'ovd win! ji ''rough house" ad miiiiftimiion? ldsifit'iitioih villifiention and abuse have been freely resorted to bv the adherents of one of the candidates The 61 hers hard conducted a clean campaign, letting the record speak for itself. Tn the effort to discredit the administration a strenu ous attempt has been made to discredit th a c.itsyv . " u ICnockiiif? has been the order of the day eyen the knocking of iMedford. Persons who have taken little or no part in the up building of the city, many who h'ave not resided htire lonp enough to vote, are busy finding fault with what has beer accomplished, distorting, discoloring, befouling not only officials who have consciontiolisly labored to create the city, but the city of Med ford itself. ' Do you wantthis unruly element to rule? Do you want the city turned over to government by carpetbaggers' ant7 kiiockers and riff-raff? Do you want the Medford spirit that has made and is making Medford, destroyed? ' Nine-tenths of those citizens Who have played a leading rote in the creation and development of Medford. are sup 1 orting Mayor ( jjuinn f'oi re-election, 'Do you think this would bc-llie case if they did not realize that it is for the best interests of Medford so to do? They have no animosity against the other candidates Everyone has a right to run for office, regardless of qual ifications, but if is up to the clean citizenship to Arotc for the best interests of -Medford and these interests call foi the re-election of Mr. -Canon. Ask any propcrlyownur and business man and you wiP find, with' few exceptions, and those-governed 'purely, by personal reasons, flmt they faVor a continuance of the present, administration. it is a business proposition for a greater Medford, and every citizen should personally use his efforts and influ ence' to secure the triumph Of clean citizenship at the polls Fifty Years Ago Today. Jan.' 9.' ailsKlNslppl Alth(UiMV from lllO TWnu. stomnor Hlar of llio Wpst, HyliiK tln TiiHoil Stntt'M thK alul coiivi'.vliifr rnllcf in Kort Stiinlor, was llifcl upon nl (ho. ciilnuico (o Clmilt'stoii harbor by South ('nrollim badcrlvH on Morris Inland. Tlio Now Voil; llornld innvoil Jh nvoniKo olirulnllon lo bt 8-1,-000 dolly, and Ilia Now York Sun proved Hn own to bo ill, ()00. Tlio Siln clillniHt lliiil Ihcso two ptipera belli tlio wnrld'H icc onl fur circulation. (Tin Her nia now elalmn m 1,001 ih Hn hlb watorinuik.) t CANON AND PROSPERITY. n"6t d8H6 yeilp-WTfk pTfipofly! UTRCl tho corn was not malting the growth hat It oiu;ht to mnko; that you wero feeding your team too much grain; you wero taking too long a noon hour and your cultivator shovels wero not properly not; that yoli Might not turn around In the field at I ho ends of ho rowH, us you might destroy a hill of corn; you ought to no In the od nt work .every morning at 5 j'clock and work straight through thp day until 10 o'clock at night 'vlthout feed or water1,, Now wjtal' would you Enyor'do-lo this now arri val of a huttlnsky who has so recent v ollmbnd upon n pjiper, pedestal and set himself up an n dictator? The chances nro that If lit" were In yoni Mold thoro would be nn,nrro,pt corn destroyed before ho climbed the fence to get out. ' ,. Tho situation In Medford todny Is comparatively tho samo. Tho map who has been employed to do .the work and who has dono his very beat anil has worked honestly and con 3c!ontlously should bo rctnined, as ho & familiar with every corner In the I ,lcl, nnd Iuiqwh tho condition of mcli mid every row of grain growing Imroln. A. I-VllAUNBTT. 'PETER THE PAINTER" MAY HAVE ESCAPED DEATh Where to Go Tonight 4. ft N V IS M LOCAL MAN Papers Found On Boily of M.nn Frozen to Death Between Jordan, Valley, Ore., nml Dclnmnr, Ida. Lead to Belief He Is Local Man. Information to Ibo offoct that a initn named A. Q. Dane, who In ho Hoved to lu-.vo boon u reiiidont of Medford, was found frozon to death near .Ionian Valley, Or., u'as jecolv od by Ohlof of Police Shearer this morning. According to tho communication, Dane was. found by rnngo rldors on tho morning oj .lanuary 2 on tho road bctwoon Jurdnn Valloy, Or., and Dolumai. Idaho. Uo wiih dead when found. The body wan taken 1o Dolanmr nnd burled there. ltoboit llnllot of Jordan Valloy, who wiotfl Chief Shoaror, K.iy that Done wiih six Teot tall, and that the ring and middle ftngorB of his loft lituul are missing. AERO CLUB SEARCHING FOR LOST BALLOON I ST. l.Ol'IH, Mo.. Jim. . Tlio bal loon Hi. Louin No. J, liieli willed from here lute .voftoiduy, in tin olj jocl oi' a hi'siwh liy llio Si. luui Aero I'lnb ol'tleinl todny. A wulli westerly wlmf blowing nltnol rnlt' ja h(ii;M) in linw eiinied llie bal loon user PonnwyUiMiia nml hIiw I: Uint hlalo ami southern New Yorl worn uriljeil by thorn by tolegnipli u ;eo) un oyo aloft for it. Tlio Jmlloon enrrietl .1. Cownn Hum boil it ii I-f ami J'aul .MoCullough as niilf. It li"ii aboard 'JA bagw o' friuui ijml oia'iigh proviHionh for il U'ov' to liihl live iliiy. .MA.VUA, ,1(111.00. Tlitit tho Jap pinw4 government lin plaeeil an or Jer t'i'ni' lyO.QOl) loaf, of rieo from SiPHl; .jam) Uliinn, groworn, Iiiih h'm Ipnicil hero. Tin now lian HHM eoufiidonilllo oxcilement. The onlvMiwnlfai ardor tbj .lapanoio uuv rnmoitl over Rto drrh pifloeiUd iUv JLt5O-Jj!l!t0f.U woi1. fiifcli Mw, m'&av ifl rogafdod liero ijt oo ,pf im preimwlions C tw Jtip tw for laifcliUo nelivil.V, AIrifOlTCJII the campaign is now closed, no reason litis bee'u jidvanced why Mayor Canon should not be re-elected and in all probability he will be by a majority ovef all candidates.' The Mail Tribune has, no quarrel with any of the can didates. It is friendly with all, but litis always stood for what it considered the best interests of Medford, and thinks that the phenomenal growth and prosperity of the city and the success of the campaign for niuniicpal im provement, is due in uo small degree to the energy and ability of the present administration probably the best the city litis ever'en.joyed therefore, it hopes to see Mayor Canon re-elected, .lie litis "made good" and deserves re election. ' ' Kor the same reason, a year ago, the Mail Tribune sup- lorled Councilmen .Nilert, Worlman and Merrick. They lad "made good" as councilmen, and deserved re-election, so that the program of improvement inaugurated under them could be carried to completion harmoniously. Whatever the shortcomings of the administration mav have been, and whatever of praise or blame may attach to it, the council is almost equally responsible with the may or, lint three or four times during the past year litis the mayor 'had a vote the council ihaving decided without htsvote. One of these times was when his deciding vote prevented the establishment of more saloons on tho West Side. It is but fair to Mr. Kifort to shy that he voted against; the $1000 license and for a West Side saloon, so that he is not to be held responsible for whatever blaum may attach to the administration for high license and limited. saloons. Nor is he to blame for the repudia tion of tho contract he signed as atUVnig mayor, whereby the city was to pay for extending the lightaiul power linos, and the power company lorced to pay for the extensions themselves, bi most other matters, however, he is equally responsible With the ihayor and ciflillcd to equal blaUie or censure. ' ; i . . The time is not ripe for a socialist mayor, yet if there is a small vote polled, and it is split between three other candidates a socialist mayor is a possibility. Ilis elec tion would check the program of jaiblie improvements, as the bonds could uot be spld--nol necessarily because of any fault in the candidate, but because of prejudice among bond buyers and capitalists against socialism. It therefore behooves every tntizen to vote, and to unite in support of an administrator who has made good to take no chances, but to continue in power an executive who stands for a greater Medford, who litis the confidence of citizens anil foreign bond buyers rwho represents pros perity. Do you want continued progress and prosperity in iMed ford'? If you do, you will take no uluinces by voting for Air. Canon. Otherwise you take a chance and neither you noiMMcdfbrd can u I ford lo gamble with chance at this time. A vote for Canon is a vote for prosperity. A vote for one of the other candidates is a vote for von know not what. LONDON, Jan. 9. "Peter the Painter," anarchist, for who.se cap ture tlio London polieo riddled n' Sidney street lioiio Willi machino ?im fire, fiiinHy burning the sliuo uro, may have escaped, .Search ol llio ruins of the house, wIiIpIi-wof-renamed today, Hfielo'.od liiunni bolines and hoihe iiaexplodei) nllnrfli M bombs) bill, tlio idcnlilienliwMol the body at Unit believed to I"' llinl of "I'etor the Painter," hn-. been di i edited and the police think the man, illcged loader of tho Houadsditcn aiiarehisls may have oKeaped. Tlu sinvuh of the East Knd in an effoit to ,'iild h'uu and bin comrades- still ponlilnu'H. Mow many men were Killed ia Hit biuviiuir of tho Snlnoy si reel lionso i' aol el known. Whether lrom (lit charred hones discovered llio num ber can bo definilely determined i problematical. Two of I lie binned bodies me brou identified hh Svaars, a eomrnde Painter," nnd Jo.seph Kudewicz, u Ifus'iian. llessio Oershon, a drcuMiinkor, wilt la d been an occupant of tho Sidney si reel house, said thai the two inei appealed there January li. Tho weie prepaied lo resisl llio police m.il refused o leno the jhouse,, she seiil. ' H - w 1 Tli6 place where you can nl ways spend a pleasant hour and j ( nnvc a lionrty in,"Rh. . rofiMNS AND MAltHIOTT Now Atl motion nt THE ISIS THEATRE A comedy slttt. A lUrtl in' T"conseij4 MATINKE EVERY SATURDAY iViNU DU. JA1 AT 1SMU. I THREE REELS OF THE LAT EST MOTION PICTURES ' " -AfoD- ' ILLUSTRATED SONG BY HARRY BLANCHARD. Jtfedterd Threat re THUESDAY, JANUARY 12TH SAMUELTil: RORK'S'-SENSATIONATJ- MUSICAL PRODUCTION (Original Company) nriTTm - -f 4- ff-f I j I rl. 4 Distinct Novelty in Amusement -r " j t ij MMirMffM'M tt-t QUEEN g& MOULIN ROUGE XKUIT iVV. Oi; PAULS correctly portrayed in 150 minutes wKliouti uasto of time or money. , . . , z SCKtUATi VlCATrUK, direct from tlio Moulin' llougo, ,1'arix, "Ij'AM- X OUU DI'MAIMCIIIV introducing the original APAOIIK DANOK, Mitli a slioclnl cast. . ' ' X swirr, ssrAfrr, saitv and gokokopslv oiuly tih laiKcst Musical Oiir:inl.'i(ion Kn Tour. Seats on .sale Monday, .Tanuary Otli e4 9- X NATATORIUM Skating, Bowling and Tub Hatha. ' Rest Hcore on Rifle Hiiiifs, $.ri.00 2 stoifSrSn' ml : I A "'r,..,,.,,,,.,,,,, 'nni..ii r.'r'ii? "t'eter the ol ;l'llJJ'-?! Notarial and Corporation Seals " : l at same price you J t pay in Portland. Phone us and we will call for copy At 4 MEDFORD BOOK STORE ' Vvr,' Did You Say j DISHES 9 Why Canon Should Be Retained To tho edlior Supiioala:; on weie lo nil our frleudfl and uolghbors u prnollil aimer, and ou wero oin- You feel that these cnmpllmcntR, to- IVe have everything in dishes and make prices that you can't du plicate even tit whole sale. ( 'omo and see our Jine of dishes, both in sets or separate pieces, the grades and patterns most preferable. GET OUR PRICES. Q rocenes myaM :: ilntor, j: Afodford's Erelusivo Pieluro The-i Lntcst Licensed Photo- j' Plays. One llfmc No MoreOne DlmeJ rrt4rt "NAT" THEATRE x i Uavo fino pictures for Sunday aft- Z ernoon, Monday nnd Tuesday nights. ? 1 Wild Fire and the Rose is onp of tlio best pictures over shown In Medford, a drapm start-i llnu from an aviation meet, and la Riven particular jiress notices by tho lendlaK theatrical papers of j ITiI iwl L3. . Liiuuu otuit'n i 2. He What Will lie Is also an i j extraordinary good picture Kid and yhablo $ 3. A Plucky Wcstorn Kid I a' Trump llicycllst, a Inns' X conieuy. s Jion't miss these pictures if you X s want to seo rfoinethlnu Reed. ADMISSION 10c. WANTED MEDFORD INCOME AND ' ROGUE RIVER PROPERTY IN EXCHANGE FOR THE FOLLOWING -n FROM OWNERS ONLY: - - o u $2o,000 Ripilty In excellent business pronol'ty in Chicago, 111. ? 25,000 Dairy ranch near Kent, Washington. $ 12,0(0 Airalfa Htoclt rancli near Tulare, California. 9 (I5,00i) S9-room apartment house, Seattle, Washington. t "i :t,5(l(f--ri-rbom niodern '-liunKnloW, Seattle, WnsliinKlon. v t. p :5,ooo 223-acro nlfalfa and sralu ranch, Callforalli. " ' $ :5,o00 1120-acre Kraln nnd dairy ranch, California. r S2t)0,000 i'00-acierrult and alfalfa rancli, California. ', $ 5,(ioo n-room bungalow and (5-room house, Seattle, Washington. v $ 10,l)iIo !-rnom modern house, garage, furnace, etc., Pomona, California. j? jfl,0do Lots, unimproved, first-class, Pomona, California S 7,500 -itrick yard, mnchinory, kllna, etc., Washington. j? I'J.OOO- Hqnltj In residence properly, Seattlo, WnHlilngton. f f 10,000 :iu lots at rnelile Heacli, California. ft .1,000- iolr.'i-ka farm-of 1(10 acrerf. ' :,, $ 5,000 Hipiltj Hi 20 acro.v Uuena Pal'k, California. $100,000 Splendid apartment house, Seattle, WnHlilngton, 9 rt5,000 Store building In Seattle, Washington; good income. S ttO.OOO Store building In Seattlo, Washington; good income. $ 20,000 lOrroonl 2-story, large lot, Hollywood California. ij 11, 'l 00 57 lots at llarrlman, Oregon, near Portland. $ 12,000 1 block business irropei'ty, Portland, Oiegon. 3 7,010 :sr2-nero wheat ranch near Ititzvllle, Washington. 5,000 -r-aeio inlproved ranch "at Downey, California. Address or call on CHARLES W. SHARPE or A. L, CUSICK k :I7." So. (Vlilral Ae. , ! MllDl'OUD, OltKOOX. I if II 10 V. IDIIi St. H I 1 m ,. r ttmDr A TRINITY OF STRENGTH. ', , for every home is when wo install wiring and all appliances for heal, lighting and power for telephones, bellrf and motors. When you want export work done in elect rie service of any kind, and when you need eleelrienl supplies or eleeiiieal work, send for SOUTHERN OREGON CO., 27 S. Central. ELECTRIC Phone 34GI. waaB X s 4 1U-.G0 High-Class Stock Co. MAIMOItli; .MAXDVILliK STOCK; COMPANY TONIGHT, "MAuruno LiFir In town chapters. THE KING OF ENTERTAINERS A OKVl'IVK KIMSDY PIIOVOOUAIMI Ol'TPIt SKNT WITllOCT COST TO YOP ON" 10 DAYS' FREE TRIAL This is an Invitation lo every reader of this papor to write iir, at once, for our fiee trial offer no money down H months to pa uo Interest charged wo pay the freight and give 10 days to trj an Kdlson Phonograph In your 0n homo. Our Outfit io, 12 costt $'A 1,20 and lncludeH Vow ICdlson Pireijldo Phonograph with com bination rpproducer to play 2 and l-inlnute locords; now Cjgno Horn, alsrt special Fiber-Horn; half dozen Edison Amberol (4 minute) Kecords and half dozen Cold Mouldod StandaVd, Records; nickel-plated Crane, bottlo Phonograph Oil, Oil C.1n and an Auto ntntlp Hrusli attaihmcnt. This offer Is fair to you and to us, bo causo we waul von a satisfied cusloitier a booster for Kllers oin best nilvertlsement Send us llio coupon catalogue and full particulars will come to jrtu by return mall. Farco Comedy. , ;nm; &' ti ior- FIlftK Ilaudsomo prize given jnwtny Wednosday. Get free cou l pops at box offiue. X X. U.-rrliesorvo your scnta now X for New Year's eve. Phono Main " ' U-G-0 0HC11ESTKA. M"AlN 2971. KSK HneM T " "! a ployed to kiow a field of ginln, ami that you liu.l brukou tho sroitml ami planted tho grain aad it hnd Rprnut od and grown nnd you wrt carefully cultivating otir field and keeping t clean and fioo ot all woods and foul giowtb, and, i.ppoao you woro right in tho middle of the growing season ami wan bimlty engaged inltlvatlng a beautiful fluid of corn, a field that you wore proud of. one that yqu gotlipi with tho natural pride of your success, conipeiiMiteii you for ypur labor. Then supjioso, right at thin time snmo lop-en red, monkey fucod troublo-iuakor of. nu Individ ual i nun niiiuu iiiiHiiui piaco Hiiuiiiii ill ifl into your community and nwnll our ilmracier. honiHity and lutiigrlty ami irlileUe your wolrK and iflud (unit with each and every thins that you had over done, and so so fur a, (Everything in this line is new and fresh and the quality is sure to xileaso. ALL IN ALLIN knew had inndo the largest growthjto appeal to our employer and tn-' qq "iir m Q. and vaii in tlio bewt condition of nay, form him that if ho expected ,lo liar- J .0 W CStlVlQin Ot Agency Grand Union ;t Tea Go. 110 Tripp St. Phone 901 Teas, Coffees, Baking Pow der, Spices, Soaps, Starch, etc. Orders token. being complimented for your offortmaml hire nnother man. that oii had Ir,,,,,.,, ., ,, 1 P 1" 0 111 p t Delivery 5 jioiu 111 urn rouiiMi, "iiii yiiu witi vi-ni it rruji uu ui(ii uniiit uiv ji , Phone Main 2691 For Sale One or two work horses, gentle; will work double nnywhere; weight l00 to KiOfl l'rleo $150 and 2'0. Agea 0 and 1 1 Tcrina on good papor. v E. . MORRISON ! It. U. One, Hov,17. TNTFDTATOfryr. .v;w m-ti. 1 m. aa h-b iiii t n'i'i .. - - .uv 1 . . & BOYS" Cut out and audi This Coupon, llo it today. EILERS MUSIC HOUSE, roim.M, pmicjo.v' IiU'trest WtMKpru Deal er in til makes of l.uuii u Mat lilm8 Vllilll til- S K .flL iiuurni EILEItS Ml'SIC HOUSE 353 Washington St.. Portland. Or Gontlenien: Plens,o send cntalOKiios and iwrticuiars or y o 11 r IWIWa Fieo Trial Offer Name 1 A