Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 09, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Oregon Good Roads Association
Making Headway In Their Cam
paign for Better Highways in
State Bills Drawn and Ready
,i . .
PORTLAND, Jan. J). "OreRon's
Uriel roads fund is big enough. The
state's hampered development, the
unpopulated areus that should he
producing wealth for busy communi
ties, the difficulties of vehicle trans
portation, and the excess in wear
and tear on everything that travels
the roads, including people, arc to be
charged to this had roads fund."
This statement of Oregon's condi
tion was ib'sued here today by the
Oregon Good Koads association. It
is the reason assigned by Judge
Lionel II. Webster, chairman of the
association's executive, committee,
for si determination to enlist every
progressive) Oregon citizen, every
man or interest to bo benefited by
good roads construction, and every
legislator who desires to servo the
interests of the -people, in the effon
to reduce rood building plans in Or
egon to a permanent, definite and ef
fective system.
Lack of system is charged by ull
conversant with the situation us
cause for Oregon's poveity in good
roads. The constitutional bar 10
road building that existed until lift
ed by the people at the last election
shards" the blame.
The Oregon Good Itonds conven
tion recently held here, approved
five good roadb measures drafted oy
Judge Webster, because of-the be
lief that if these measures are adopt
ed by the legislature the system o!
construction des.ired will bo inslitut
"ed. All were ngreed that the most im
portant of the five measures is the
one creating a good roads commis
sion. The members of this commis
sion nro to be three in minibct.
When appointed their .services will
cost the state nothing. -They will
serve the cause of good roads i'oi
the good of the people, as a public
duty. Their executive officer i& to
be the state highway commissioner.
The bill requires that the state high
way commissioner must be 'thorougn
Jy skilled in scientific road construc
tion." I lie authority is to help build
roads in every part of the state. He
must know how. lie must serve the
people and the cause. Any failure to
fulfill reqiirements will mean hi
dismissal Authorities are agreed
that his proposed salary of .f-1000
5iryear will be but a small portion
of the real financial advantage to be
realized hi the state and its coun
ties becauso of the commissionerV
service. He will be exponent of sys
tem, the system that is expected to
show tangible results in the form o'
actual miles of permanent gojd
NEW YOltK. Jan. 9. -.Money
kings of Wall street today prepared
to meet financial disturbances thi'i
might result trom the closing Satur
day of the Carnegie Trust companv.
Great tacks of nionoy were piled on
the counters of paying tellers whei
the banks opened today, while reas
suring statements were issued by J
P. Morgan and othor leaders in tin
fiuancinl world.
Under Morgan's? direction th
E(iiitable Trust company prepared U
take over the Madison Trust com
pany, while .Morgan iwrsonally as
sumed the responsibility for the ob
ligations of tho Nineteeenth Wart
and Twentieth Ward launch bauk
lie ordered the securities which theM
concerns held which were not read
ily negotiable, replaced with actu.i
cash. Not since 1907 had tho Mor
gan influence so openly been dis
played in the banking world.
OLYMPIA. Wash., Jan. 9. Th.
Washington legislature which con
ened todnv will not consider th
election of the successor of United
States Senator Pilot, until Jnuuar.v
18, although this matter was origi
nally scheduled for tho opening
week. The nominee is Congressman
Mile.s Poindexter of Spokuno and
there will bu no opposition to lit
election following an ovorwhelmngi.
victorv at the primaries. The post
ponement of tho election by the log
ixlntnrs is said to have no oigaif-cunco.
Many Have Left His Cabinet and
Others Will Leave as Result of
Poor Showing Made Against
MEXICO CITY, Jan. 00. General
Cozio has resigned as minister of
war; Minister of Finance Liniuntour
has signified his intention of retir
ing, and other members of Presdent
Uiaz's cabinet are to be changed n
the result of the poor showing being
mude by the government against the
revolutionists, it is reported. Gen
eral Cozio withdrew from the cabinet
at the close of a long interview with
tho president, at which, according
to reports in official crcles, he was
ciiticised becauso tho revolutionary
movement had not been stamped out.
Enrinuo Creel, former minister to
the United States, is expected to
succeed Limuntour. It is behoved lis
will be sent to France to negotiate n
loan for the Mexican government.
Senor DeLnbarra, Mexicon am
bassador to tho United Stntes, ha
been offered the portfolio of for
eign affairs. Ho will go to Mexico
shortly to give President Diaz his
If any one knowing anything h.
regard to Thomas E. Sheltou ot
Uoguo Hiver war, 1855-50, pleas,
communicate with Mrs. Mary Shoi-
ton, 533 South Grape, tt
HnsKlns for health.
To the Honest,
As a candidate for the office of mayor of this fair city,
J wish to make the following statement:
I entered this race at the earnest solicitation of my
manjr friends and after careful deliberation on the matter.
I .mi in the race to win, and believe that all honest men
will vote for me ad the principles T represent.
I believe that Medford should have the best officers
that are possible to get that men should be elected to fill
office knowing that when tnhey get those offices they will
be required to fill them in a creditable manner. I believe
that the interest of the many should be served instead of
the interests of the few that
a city government that progress should be shown at all
times and yet that expensnes should be kept as low as pos
sible that the honest majority should rule at all times
that only those men properly
should be appointed to those otiiees and that no grail
should be allowed to entenr into the city affairs at any
1 am a republican always have been one and will re
main one for a long time E hope. I am running on an in
dependent ticket in this election and have the assurance of
a great many friends that X will be elected. .
1 have held several offices, and wherever I have been
T have made good and can show a clean record. T can give
to this city the kind ol administration the majority or cit
izens would desire.
I do not hang around the saloons do not cater to them.
Still L believe that if the majority should express a wish
to see them continued, 1 will
is long as they keep strictly within the law. 1 1 any should
violate the law 1 will do till in my power to see that they
ire punished, and if they persist in violating the law I. wiil
strive lo see that their licenses are revoked.
.1 believe that I can fill the office of mayor in a most
creditable manner that 1 can stive the city money that
I can insure more harmony that there will be less cause
for dissatisfaction than ever before that every interest
that deserves to be served will be served in the yovy best
I am not pledged to prohibitionists or, saloons, to cliques
or interests of any kind and have no friends who are seek
ing office.
My only object in running for the office of mayor is
this T wish to see that the city government is run as it
should be run. There is but one way to run this city, and
that is on the square. Can anyone state that it has ever
been run that way? Hasn't it been run more for the spe
cial interests than, for the interests of all? Haven't one
class of citizens been favored while the other and many
times better class been ignored? Who are the real rulers
of this city? The people should rule, and if 1 am elected
I will do all in my power to see that the people do rule,
if you want flie people to rule you, you should vote for me.
Will Appoint Advisory Board.
If elected to the office of mayor, 1 propose to appoint
in advisory board, which will consist of at least seven rep
resentative citizens. Before appointing anyone to office
I will call a meeting of this advisory board and consult
with them as to who is the best fitted to hold the several
offices. 1 may not always know who is the best for the
jffices to be filled, and by advising with representative
itizens I am sure to recommend the best men. Jn this
way 1 will be compelled to go according to the wishes of
the people and will not be running a one-man affair or
dealing out appointments to friends or relations. Not that
l do not feel capable of choosing the right man, but that
the people may be sure that everything is being done for
their best interests.
(Paid advertisement)
Be It Itcsolvcd. liy tlin city council of
uie city or .Mniroru, ureen:
Tlinl It 1b tlu intention of tho council
to lay u four-lncH water main on
Oak street, from end or present inutn
nenr North school, north to Mnnle
street, will to asserts the cost thereof
uuon the nronerty frontliiK on wild tor
tlon of snlil street In propoitlon to tho
rronuiKe or sain properly.
Tho council will meet nt tho council
chamber In tho city hall In said city on
tho 17th ilny of January, 1911, at 7,30
p. in., nt which tlmo nil protests itKninxt
the laylnjr of salil water main on satit
tiortlon or Hnltl street niul the iihmiss
ment of the cost thereof upon the -property
fronting UiereOn will le heard.'
The foroKohiK resolution was passed
oy me cuy council 01 me cuy, 01 .Mro
ford on the 3d day of January, 19U by
tho followlnir vete:
Welch absent, Merrick nye, Kmerfck
aye. Wortman nye, Klfert aye nnd Dem-
uier aye.
Approved January 4, 1911.
v. ii. uajsun, .Mayor.
Attest: ROIir W. TBM-'HR
City 11
Ho It ltesotved. hv thti city councl of
ino cuy oi .Mcuioro, urcRon;
That it is the intention of tho council
to lay a four-Inch water main on
Sherman street, from Clenevn nvcmio to
Ooneseo street, and lo assess the cost
thereof upon tho property fronting- on
said portion of said street In propor
tion to the rrontiiKo or mm properly.
The council will meet at the council
"hamber In the city hall In said city on
tho 17th dnv of January. 101 1. nt , p
o. m., at which time all prolosts against
tho layliiB of said water main on said
portion of said street nnd the assess-
lieni or me cosi mereor upon me prop
ertv frnntlnir thereon will be heard.
Tho foregoing resolution was passed
bv the cltv council of the city of Med-
ford on the 3d day of January, 1911, by
the following vete:
Welch absent, Merrick nye, Kmerlck
nye, Wortmnn nye, JSlfert nyo ami i-ieni
ller nye. .
Approved Jnnuarv i, 1911.
W. II. CANON. Mayor.
Attest: ROUT. AV. TKLFKH. ,
City Recorder.
. HTBor.trTiON. t
De'i't Resolved, by tho city council of
urn city or Meiitoru, uresen:
TJint, it Is tljo intention of tlu councl)
t ri n a n .t ll nnll ! In 111 II I If fill
M:nle street'.iii'ohl Oak street to l'lne
street, luUl Uo nssess the cost thereof
upon iht .property, ironunB on sniu por
tion ort sftia.fltroei in proportion to in
frnnthirri of wild iirouertv.
The council Wlli moot nt the council
ehiimber In tlin cltv hull In said city on
tho 17th day of January, 1911, at 7:30
p. in., nt which iimo un protests ukuiiihi
the lnyliiK of said water main on said
portion or sniu street ana. tue iissess
ment of tho cost thereof upon the, prop
ertv frrinlliiir thereon will ho heard.
Tho foregoing resolution was passed
Qualified Voters
politics should not enter into
fitted to fill certain offices
do nothing to hinder them
by the city council of the city of Med
ford on the 3d day of Junimry, 1911, by
tho followlnir vote,
welch absent, Slprrlck nye, Kmerlck
nye. Wortmun nyo, Hifert uyo and Ocin-
iner nyo.
Approved Junimry 4, 1911.
W. ii. CANQX. Mayor.
Attest. UOIIT, W. TKI.l'KH.
City lteooider.
He It ltowolved, by the city council of
tno city or .Mouioro, urcRen:
That It Is tho Intention of the council
to lav n four-Inch wnter ninin on
Oonovn avenue, from Main street to
Sheriiuin street, una to assess the cost
theleof upon tho property frontlnK on
said portion of sflld strit In proportion
to tho frontiiKo of pultl "property,
Th" council will meet at the council
chainber In the city hall In mild city on
tho 17th day of Jitminry, lull, nt 7 to
p. m , at which time all protects aKiilliRt
the laying of said water main on snld
portion of Bald ntreet and the asses
ment of tho cost thereof upon the prop
erty fruiting thereon wilt ho heurd
The fovoKolm resolution wa pantted
hy tho city council of the city of Mod
ford on tho 3d day of .lammry, 1U11, oy
tho following vole
Welch absent, Merrick nye, limerick
nye, Wortmnn aye, Klfert njo and Dclit
uier nyo.
Approv6d Jantinry 1. 1911.
W. lr CANON, layor
Attest; HOI1T. W TRM'KH.
City Kecordor
Ilo It Resolved, by the city council of
tho city or .veuroru, uickoii'
That It In the Intention of the council
to Inv n four-Inch water main on
Sherman street, from Clenevo avenue to
flenesee street, ana lo iibhoss me cost
thereof upon tho property fronting un
mild portion of said street In propor
tion to the frontage ot said property.
Tho council will meet nt tho council
chamber In tho city hall In said clt on
the 17th day of January. J911, at 7:30
p. m., at which time all protests ngalnst
the laying of said water main on said
portion of said street nnd tho assess
ment of tho cost thereof upon tho prop
erty fronting thorcon will be heard.
Tho foregoing lexolutlon wns passed
bv tho city council of tho city of Med
ford on the 3d day of January, 1311, by
the following vete:
Welch nbsent. Merrick nye. Kmerlck
nye, Wortmnn nye. Klfert oyo and Dein-
If) nercs, '.) mile? from Tnlcni,
fenced, timber, ul fill fn nnd fruit
Iniitl, jiontl lionse, pure wntor, V,
mile from school, .'100 yoim penr
(roes, lovely place; $2000, one-linlf
Also 34 acres, 1 mile from Talent,
12 acres of fruit, family orchard i.1
bearing; apples, Newtowns, 12
acres, peach filled; 7 acres timbor.
irrignted, dwelling house shaded by
largo laurel trees, plenty of water,
fertile soil, garden spot, pumpiup
plant; terms, $13,000. $7000 casl-,
the balance in payments of $1000
venrly at (I per cent.
Also 20 acres alfalfa and fruit
land with limber, 1 mile froifi Talent
$0500 cash down; just think what r.
snap, n little oyer $300 an acre.
Whore cn.ii you find near tho depot
and railroad a cheaper place?
Town lots in the. ncwlv incorporat
ed town of Talent, Or., on tho in
stallment plan. . fc"
Also 17 acres, 14 acres commer
cinl .fruit bearing .orcbaid, 2 mile
from Tnlcnt; $10,000, oiie-hulf on
Also 80 acres fine timber, $2000
one-half down.
AOIso 34 ncrcs. half mile from
Talent, fine hous, fruit trees, al
t'trlfa, all under cultivation; price
$87")0, balance to suit purchaser.
Also for sale, ihomo in Taleiii
Jackson county, Oregon (a newly ir
"orporated town), a fine homo of If
u'res; level, feitile alfalfa and fruil
'and, irrigated; one block from post
office, on the ninin roiid and extends
to Hear creek; bus two acres beariiu'
Newtowns, 11 venra old; 12 uciv
Hartlett and D'Anjpu pears; 2 acre
alfalfa; all is fine garden land; a
six-room house ; cliinato very mild
pure water from the mountains; von
healthy; churches, schools and lit
erary societies; no suIooiih oi
drunkenness--it is tt dry town; it is
midway between tho thriving cilie
of Medford and Ashland; price $10,
000$4f)00 down, the remainder on
tuno at 0 per cent,
Also lnnd, alfalfa and fruit, from
20 to 800 ac-es. Write, inclosing
"tumps, or come and see me.
L. N. JUDD. Talent. Or.
want something Kod in dim line
send to
Talent, Or.
rSrVf '
ini r nw
Approved January I, 1011
W. It CANON. Mnvn
AllCSi: HUHT. W. TKI.FEll,
City Kecoriler.
One comer of tho store ift
uiven over to special buy. .Tint
now we .offer a special buy in
Shoes (not our regular lines,
but new special lines i. the hoM
bargains over shown.
$2.,-)0 and $3 Shoes $1.95
$3.50 Men's Wolts $2.35
$3.50 Leather Lined ....$2.35
$3.25 Work Shoes $2.25
; '
The Wardrobe
Home of Good Shoes
Offutt Homes
Auto Co.
Workmanship Guaranteed.
Corner Central Avo. and 8th St
Medford, Or.
You can't afford to do without
this splendid, refreshing drink.
Call up and order a ensa sent to
tho bouse. Tho purest, most
healthful drink known is
P. C. BIGHAM, Agent.
Often need Glasses during the
formative period of childhood.
Let us prepare the glasses for
your children's eyes, and tho
chances are tho slight error
will he speedily corrected and
vitiiln a short time the chil
dren's eyes will be restored to
Offico Over Allen's Store,
Main and C Street,
Phone Main 1 857. Medford, Or.
The Best
I the celebrated and justly
. famous
If you want a shoo that feels
old when non loolyi new when
o'd, nnd one that will laht junt
a lit t lo longer than any you ever
tried, call and let us bhow you
the JohuMou & Murphy line,
Duffielcl Bros.
Automobiles 1
v ... ' ""nV . WM
Qimrnntecd Honest and Tray anil Package Delivery
Kelinhlo iiSKenors. h SpueinUy
Medford Messenger Service
Under New Management,
All small parcels or messages delivered five blocks or under, .10c
Over five blocks and under ten ' ,... .15(5
Over ton blocks mid under fifteen 20c
Over fifteen blocks , 25.)
FKED HANSrAM, Prop. 337 South Central Ave,
Telephone Main 11-13. Medford. Oregon.
Land For Sale
Fertile fruit and alfalfa laud iu small and large
tracts. Cleared and uncleared. Terms and price
Address Box 16, Tolo, Oregon
The finest
Sample "Rooms
in tho city.
Hotel Moore
Telephone In Every llooin
Proprietors. '
-- ---- -- - ---
Union Livery Stables
and will conduct a genoral feed and boarding establishment. Horses
boarded by tho day, wook or month. I guarantee a square .deal
to all.
- --- -
Choieent dairy and alfalfa proposition iu the ntate, loeatcd on the
iniiiu line of the Southern l'ncifie railroad, between Sacramento mid
San Franciseo.
Write Uh for Infornintiou. ffn.fflPiWF
Dixon Alfalfa Land Co, Dixon, Cal.
even higher valuu oothlll rnncli or orchard homo. Tho Medford
property comprises two and ono-lmlf acres; 2-atory, 8-room houso;
nlco shrubbory; berries; fruit trees, otc; In short, ono of tho nlcoat
homes In Medford, Property offered In exchange for UiIb must
pass Inspection and lie of good value. No padded prices.
Rogue River Land Company
Oregon-Washington Railroad
and Navigation Co.
TrafflG Department Announcement
Tho nbovo iminrd oomimny was inporporatod Oo
('(lnbcM 2.'5, 1910, for the purpose of Inking over the
following lines;
The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company.
The North Coast Railroad Company.
Oregon & Washington .Railroad Company.
Idaho Northern Railroad Company.
llwaeo Railroad Company.
In future these lines will bo operated by and in
tho name of the Oregon-Washington Railroad ,& Nav
igation Companv.
General .Freight Agent, flcn'l Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon.
General Froight and Passenger A gout, Seattle, Wash.
" : ' ' T i(
Single rooms or en suite
also rooms with bath
-. -
Beautiful City
Home to Trade
for Orchard
Wo nro fortunalo In
being able to otter a
Medford homo, valued
at $7000, for nlco, su
burban or country
property of sntno or
I, ir- t jurist
' ''Mm
n - v