s aOGDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, jIEDFORD, OKKGON, MONDAY, JANUARYS, 191 J. n fr - T - Personal aficl Cbcal J. II. Allon of Central Point wis n C. W. Potter of this cltyJ Our vcti- rccent Medford visitor. - lorable and highly esteemed towns- Call nhono 2151. 1032 for hnKcago . J. J- Potter, celebrated the wagon.' 451 A. S. Johnson, who Went to San Johnson, Francisco n uhort time ago to visit his daughter, Mrs. Robert Halo, Is lying dangerously 111 In a hospital In that city. Mr. Johnson is father of Mrs. Maultby of this city. If your diamond was bought of Van Do Car It Is perfect. D." It. ferown of Gold Hill spont Monday, In Med ford on business. Private room and hoard with Mrs, J. D. Fay, three blocks from central part of town, 310 N. Bartlett. V. 0. Drown has left for a busi ness trip north. Wanted boardors A-now board ing hoiiHO has opened nt 70G South Onlulnlc. Call and seo us for fair treatment, or address F. H. More land. 302 Arthur Geary has returned from a IbIU1)i Portland. Flfty-throo acres Bpeclal, 10 ncrcB coming' Intd bearing orchard Call on J. B. Wood, Condor Wutor & Powor Co.'s office tf Adam Schniltz, who has been a res hlont of Jackson county for years, paid Medford u visit today for tho first tlmo for four months, and titntcs that' ho is amazed nt tho growth made In that short time. Mr. Sclimltz Is onu of tho progrcsslvo lesldcuts of Jacksonville. You can't buy any but perfect 0lniuoji1n at Van Do Car's. Editor Voorhles of tho Hoguo n Iv or Courior, )ubllslicd in Gnuits Puhs, spent Saturday In Modfordt Talisman lodge No. .11, KnighlB of PythlnB, will do tho honors for tho Ashland Knights' on Monday even ing at tho Ideal castle hall. Ash land will Bend over about 30 mom hers and nut on tho third rank. A light feed will bo spread. All knights uro Invited. Thoro will bo n good time fdr all. ' 8. A. Pattlsoil of Central Point was a Medford visitor Monday, Wanted," to buy n carload of fat hogs. If you havo lens than a car load tfrlto us. Union Moat Co. Mcd ford Moat Co.. Medford. tf Porter J. Noff exponts to leave Tuesday evening for an oxtonded trip east. ' i Every light out electricity give off smoko and smoko cont'nlnn soot, which doposlto on your wnll pupor, curta'ns, drnporles. Electric light glows In an nlr tight bulb. tf. Otto Itolohman, proprietor of tho Nash grill, loaves Tuesday on a vaca tion of two weeks In California, Columbia hnms and Columbia and Royal Anno bacon uro dry sugar cured. Ask your doalor for Colum bin brand lanl. tf " I, II. Johnson of Jacksonville wnB a recent visitor In Portland, returning Sunday. Ask for Columbia hnms, bacon and lard and go tho best. For ualo by all flrut class grocers and butch-J ore. tf Will P. Mealoy hnB roturnod from upending the holidays in Los An geles. John II. Car kin, attornoy at law, ovor Jackson County bank. Honjumln F. Huldol, engineer In charge, Crater Luke boulevard, Is spending u fow days In Medford. Dr. J. 12. Shcnror, physician and Rurgeou. Offlco ovor Strang's drug store. tf. C. II. Natwlck of Flounce itouk In vltiitlug this city. Dr. Sanders, eye, our and none specialist, tins changed his offlco from 210 Kut Main street to stilte 3 IS. third flunk, G.ivuett-Coloy bldg. 1j. C. Henderson of Trail Is a vis itor In Medford.- A recent Isbuo of tho Medina Trl luiuo, New York, has tho following In regard to J. J. Potior, father of flOth anniversary of his birth on Mon day Inst. Tho ovent was happily ob served with remembrances of gifts of flowers and other tokens of lovo and affection. Wo ore pleased to stato that Mr. Potter Is in fairly good health and retains his facilities re markably well for ono of his ago. Desk room or part of storo for rent In new store on Main street, part of show window, heat and light. TtPitBOhnblft rate. Address P. S. care Mali Tribune. 255 John D. Olwell and vlfa returned Sunday from Portland and Corval lis, where Mr. Olwell attended the meeting of tho regents of tho Ore gon agricultural college. Is your iouso wired? Ono cigar less a day would pay for a hundred per cent lncrcnso In comfort. Start living tho electric llfo. tf. Frank E. Ibbston, representing Hex Bench's groat siIccors, "Tho Bar rier," Is In the city today conclud ing arrangements for his attraction, which' comes to tho Medford theater TuoBdny, January 17th. Ti, j 1 CALIFORNIA TO ELECT SENATOR TOMORROW SACRAMENTO, Cal., Jan. 1). Tho voto for election of a United States Bounlor will bo taken at noon to morrow In both hotiHos of tho legis lature, uccordlng to resolutions adopted In the senate and assembly today. Supporters of Judgo Works of Los Angeles claim victory on tho dy as" in this one. The engagement1 , Isc scheduled for next Thursday night at tho Medford theater anti-will no doubt bo witnessed by a capacity houso andn will prove to bo tho dis-l ttnct novelty of the season's nltrac-j 'tlons, Tho production is tinder tho management of Samuol E. Rork, who has the reputation of sending us high-class attractions, and comes t here direct from a year's run at the Circle theater In ' Now York and' a six months' tuh at 'the OlyntpJc tllo atcr in Chicago. The piece: is byPaul M. Potter, with music by John T. Hall and lyrics by Vincetit 'Bryan, and is said to bo a correct nbrtrny- Two hundred and fifty-one nrnr-ln, of nIgi,t'iif0 in Paris as It exists at nagc licenses were issueti ny uountyi.i., nrnKPnt tlmo LClork W. R. ' Colomah during tho I 4 r . , MONTH OF JUNE LESS i BRIDES Two. Hundred and . Fifty Darts Planted by Cupid In Jackson County Durinn 1910 Summer Months Favored by Most. year 1910, Of this number ovor one half were procured during the threo summer months, June, truo to tradi tion, leading 6ver nil others. Tho following licenses have been Issued slhco New Year's day: Clar ence Mclvln Reeve to Ncllio Smith, James W. Chiles imd Ethel S. Moot er, Carl Richardson to May Dlts worth, and William C. Schimmel to Winn If rod Jones. TREMENDOUS SALE FOR , "yUEEX OF MOULIN ltOGUE" This was a busy day at Hasklns' drug 'storo, where tho udvnnco sale of seats for "Tho Quoon of tho Moulin Rogtio". engagement opened. Not In some time has thoro 'been bo much Interest manifested In a musical com- i r-r-r ! i NO BAD EFFECTS FOLLOW I i ' CLOSING OF, BANK NEW YORK, Jan. 9. As a result of tho Influenco of J. P. Morgan, fi nancial clouds that gathered follow ing the suspension Saturday of the Carneglo Tiilst company, wero dissi pated today. Tho strength of tho money king was felt In the market as Well as in banking circles and tho leaders of tho financial world are breathing freely again. Stubbs Sworn In. TOPEICA, Knns., Jun. !)D.-(Jov-ernor W. If. Stubbs for the second time toel: the'- oatli today as' gov ernor of Kansas. Chief Justice Johnson of tho supreme court ad ministered (ho onlli. Stubbs deliv, ert'il a short inaugural addict. Central Point Items Jliss Sarah Wrisjhl who lias been HpentliiiK Hie holiday vacation a i 1 1 her patents nt Portland, returned to first ballot. A Q. Spalding will nr- Central Point Suudny mnVnlii rlvo tomoirow. Ho has taken no hnnd In the fight. 1 1 hi lieutenants' claim Works cannot win on tho first Lallot mid say that tho contest will likely be long drawn out. Notice. Spccinl mecliiu,' of lloroliuulH as sociation at Commorciiil club rooms tonight nt 8 p. in. 4- 4- f f '' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. -- t TllHUB ROOM HOUSE with two Iot, Htiitublu for garden. 008 S. Newtown. '-'51 Miss JesfHio Kiuenitl of Portland in vihitiiif,' lior parents herd At the uehool eleefion Saturday. W. A, C'orvloy was fleeted dircelorr to fill vacancy eaufecd by tho rcsig nnliou Of .1. W. Merrill. Mny6r W. C. Leecr, Connciliiuin J. W. Mycin ninl Hunker H. W. Mini. Kuy ntteuded u Sliritiurg banquet Sat urday night. AHs&ea Annie Culoii, Gladys'' Hold and nbollt 125 olhcr.t froiu hero ut touded. tho play nt Medford Satur day nijjht. IC. H. March ami son, Lloyd, re- v ,. - HAIR WHITE AS Restored to Natural Color with One Bottle, of WYETH'S SAGE AMD . . SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY The Only True Hair Restorer, Tonic and Rejuvenator ALMOST A MIRACLE My hair was as white as snow when I comnienced Using Wycth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. One bottle re stored my hair to its natural dark brown color. As I am now 70 years old, I consider thd result most remarkable. If is an Agreeable and refreshing hair dressing, keeping the hair soft and glossy, without being in the least greasy or sticky. WM. WESTLAKE, 210 West Main-Street, Rochester, N. Y. !!! afc- KH UCOMfttMJOM MM jX) i? AN IDEAL y lrlairTon!ciiDross!igf JWkr. SmImm k rb 'SI 04 kit. Hfkl Mi W"b VFAiUr iifStj ? fcuJft-?rl at PRICE 5Cc. AND 51.00 1 WtHE WYtml CHUOCAtCOVW Si niw towc CITY lg liniictl returned from nil .oxtentled visit (o friends mid relatives in Cnl ilornia Saturday. iMihs M el tie Lewis ave u very clinrmiif; class party nt her lioine Friday nigliL A most tlelihtful eveuiiiK vas spent. Dainty re froshint'nto wero served. Miss Lena Downing of Jackson; ville has returned to resume her studies in the Central Point hih school. Tho'Y. 31. C. A. held a lf-uiinules street nieeliiif,' Sunday ntternoon. The M. B. church will hold u ser ies of protracted inoeliiiu, coin- incnciiiK Unbelt mi evnnt'liats front poilluud Tliunidity evening, llov. will bo assisted by two YOU 11KNT Two liKht housekeep ing rooms," new, liuhls and wutor. :120 N. Apple. afiL l-'Oll HUNT ll-room inodorn house, partly furnished if tlesired at (113 South C. 'Jo-l 11US1NESS CttllNKIt On Alhcrlu fit., 1'orllund, 100 feet on Alhcrta si., and storo building ; room for !t more hIoi'oh on lot; uood location for hurtlwaro works or any kind small business; $2000: jfUOO cash, hulaiieo '! years. No nonls. II. Hull, 1)32 K. aion N Slu. V, Povl. lund. A 'SNAP Portland residence, built by owner, two years ne,o; model n ti-ronnib, l lots; n H,iuall Kai'deu and chicken yard; pleasant Itttlu home for Home one. Forced to sell, $11100; half cash, terms on huhmcc.' ll Hull, 1)52 K. aien uv., N., Sta. F. Portland. til f-f-f-f-f f -f f -fif -H-4-f-f 4- -f f ' To contomplato adverth-liiK won't bl'ihu. -f biiHlucBH, Start now and yoh will boc'oino -f -f convinced that it pays to adverlluo all the -f time. ' ' -f f-f-f-f f-f f -f f--f "V4-'-f-f - LOST 'A sot of plans for Presbyte rian eltureh, on Friday nifjlit. lie turn to Kov. ltolknup at the Oregon looiniiK,' hotihe, mid receive liberal reward. '2'A) WeeRs & McGowan Co. UNDERTAIOSRS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Wooks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT $200 TO llOKHOW Two hundred ikdliirH, one year, real estate soou.--ity, liberal iuleiest. Address U-!. t-nre of Mail Tribune. 2M LOST (lold phi with fnisltiil leave, rose in center; lost on New YoarV day hulueun llnptist eliundi mid home on DOS I-. .Mtiiu. Fiudur pleaso return to OIKS I). Main, or phono JIS'I'I, mid reeeivu re ward. 2.VJ' 1 6s, Angeles AND RETURN $31.55 ,...!!, It' sutTiciont liuinbor desire to uiako tho trip an excursion will ho conducted Medford to Los Angeles and return sonic time in .January or Feb ruary at tho round trip rate of $31.55 with a thirty day limit to return. Tickets will permit of stopovers and bo good Via either jino to and from Los Angeles. For further information see or phone A. S. ROSENBAUM, yHfc Vfc.KjSjH jBHMV' HBfl WhV hesilritfe when WYETH'S 'SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY is daily producing just such results? After years of study and. analysis of the hair, we have been able to produce an ideal Hair Tonic and Restorer, which contains an dctual cbnstituerit of hair, combined with ingredients of-recognized merit for treatment of hair and scalp diseases. It makes and keeps the scalp clean and healthyi'gives life, strength and lustre to the hair, and restores faded and gray hair to natural color. ' No matter how lone arid thick your 'hair is, WYETH'S sage an5 sulphur hair rem edy will make It longer and thicker. It will re move every trace of dandruff in a few days, stop falling in one week, and start a new growth in from one to three monthq. ThnfiR nri SnHs thnt hnve been Drovell in 'scores' ofcflSCS. WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY is guar anteed to do all that it is claimed to do or the price will be refunded. 50c. AND $1.00 A BOTTLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS If Your DruiMlst TDoum Not Keep It Send 50a. Jn Stamp and Wo Will Send You ix Large Bottle, Espies Propyl r l nnm nftth Ptrfrt " r ' "' " it tUKlUtni" &MK4m vir -. -m .-..K -i.-.w WyOll JlfiitllCfil UUIUUH9 KEWYORKCrrV.I9.. FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY Leori B. Haskins, Medford,. Ore. Hnsltlns for llcaltli. STODDARD DAYTON Automobiles Dr. F. C Page Mgr. Local Agency I bread! 7P 0jyiw(r JvE""'"'r""' CHILDREN THRIVE " , ' W0NDERFULY m our bread :ind rplN. It is Bimp'y nsloni'-liiiiy tho amount of nuUimoiit tlioy dorivo from tlicln. Thoy lilcti i(, too. 1-Jvoii take our bruad in prcf- iivncc to yidinarV uako. Jt mum bu jn-ctty jiod to nflniii lint result. TODD & CO., South Central Ave. ' Medford Bakery & Delicatessen. Try l'"ioln Ulead. M' 'Local S. P. A gout, oc call at tho Passoiigor Station. .Fone3-U. 251 TIP Ml 1. THE mmmmmBBamaBsmmmm Deatn of E-R ow N ---i I-'OU KKNTHed pitmt and liiu room l'litnislicd, iiho of balli and ntbor pniK'Ke--, (loud hmud, -lo-' in. Hon 111. or plume 2!)0'J L'.'iJ e ; - - - -- - - "-jr -ru f t? KfTTr rw R"? " Tirtr T"t? r ?s- -F Ik John A. Perl r UndcrtaKcr and l-mbaiiiicr Siitcowior to tho uiulurtnUliiK do purtmuiit of Mod foul l'urultuto Co. ,. . .Offlco With Modfprd Furniture Company About February 1, Prlvnto Am IjuIbho) Sorvlco. Sick ond Injured vmivoyod to ny iuit or Uty or country. - Tokmhonus? -.IMy-ast. .laktif JobA. 1'urJ 4U1. C. W, CoHkllu, 3G01. J. II. Iiutlo-, 357,1. - "- KENTNER'S 15th Annual Clearance Sale Enables us to ol'IVv what w honostly belitno is the best bargain in a jiroduciug oivhard in tho valley. There are ;15 aoros in the tract and it is only a mile from a shipping station. riiere are about 1 acres in apples, Ben Davis. WiuesanH. Spitssonbergs, Newtowus. - Trees are about 120 years old. They are in good condition and produce heavily. There are also about .12 acres in standard varieties' of peaches, in full bearing. About 8000 urates of peaches wore shipped from this orchard last year. Thoro aire also 8 acres planted to Newtown apples, which were threo years old this Avinter. The balance of the laud is cleared and was iu grain last I and packing NOW ON yujir. The buildings consist of a, house, barn house. AVo think a reasonable estimate of the wop on this plauo this coming year would, be 3000 to 4000 boxes of apples and G000 to 8000 crates of peaches. li A team of horses and a full equipment of machinery ,roos wtih the place. i The price is $ 13,000, a trifle more than $ 100 an acre. Tho terms asked are half cash, balance easy.. If you cannot auvuL uici,u iwiib as eq mq caiwpnred, make ,iii auoi'fe it WATCH THIS SPACE TOMORROW FOR BARGAINS 1 v W. T. York & Co. .j --.... i -...-. i iMMMMMMMMM'MMMMMMMMMMMMMINMMMMMMMMMMMMl !.! -'