Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 08, 1911, SECTION ONE, Page 8, Image 8

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'r f
Struflglo Berlins Monday In Iowa io
Name Successor to John P. Dol
livcr Standpatters Backing
lie tent-fully prolrslod Hint lie liutl
not firod a binj;lo shol tl' the IiimI
nilo thai killed I'liuwiMire. Uehvtvii
nubs ho Hiiid lie n lieailily mjiij
lie had ever huuoiiie a hniidil.
DBS AIOINKS, Ih., Juu. ".A
Hlrumjle to huleel a man to hiii-culi.
Suimtbr Jonathan 1. Holliver will la
Kin when the lenislntnre meets Mon
day. Politicians already at the cap
ital lor the preliminary skirmish
predict Hit' I the Jihl will he bitter
and say they cannot I'uieciiHt the re
salt. There are three camps, the
proKrcritiivcM, the democratM and the
HUtndp.ittern. Tito democrats back
Daniel Hamilton. The standpatter
arc Htipportin LtiKuyc'tto Yoinif.
who wan appointed by the tfovcrnoi
to temporarily lill the place.
Tho i)roj?resivcs Imvo not yet
(li.iKL'ii tiny doliiiile candidate Inn
' will probablv decide to endorhC V. li
Hyciv, A. II. Funk, Warren Garni oi
W. S. Yonyon, iiH8inliuit Unit;.
States attorney general.
The iirorehbivcs deninnd a repub
lican cauciiH, bat the standpatter?
refuse to enter ouu.
The progressives, hae not yet
chosen any definite candidate bit
will probably decide to endorse
if. Byeis, A. II. Funk, Warren Gatw
or V, S. Renyoii, asbiatnnl Unitei
States attorney general.
Tho itiKrcsnivcs tlvtmiiul a repiih
lic:iii caucus, but thu standpatters re
fuse to enter olio.
A deadloek is predicted. Tin
The newspapers of thu state aru do
iimmlitiK a special primary to name
a senator.
WASHINGTON', I). (. Jim. 7.
DeclarliiK Unit, Much lnul no effect
nKalnst wcnltli, President Tafl today
icfuscd to commute the Hpiiteiico of
XV. S. Harlan, wealthy manager of
extensive lumber anil turpentine In
tercBtc nf Florldn and Alabama, con
victed of peonage.
"Fines nro not effectlvo iiKnlnst
wealth," wroto Tnft In denying the
lilca for commutnllou by Harlan's
frlctidn. "ImprlHonment Is tfccenwiry
to retain and enforco the Imprison
ment part of this sentenco operates
powerfully to prevent the recurrence
if such offonKca by men of larger af
fairs and huslncHH standing. To re
lieve such a man from tho penalty of
Imprisonment when properly convict
ed and sentenced would ho to break
down tho authority of tho law with
thoHo who have powerful Influence,
and to tempt further breaches on
'heir part. What Is worse, It would
jlvo ground for tho contention often
heard that only poor criminals aru
really punished."
On Telephoned Description Fur
nished by Douglas County Author-
. itics Man Wanted Is Caught on
Street Here Admitted Identity.
Advertised Letter List.
The, following list of letters rt
iimiiiittr uncalled for at the postol
l'ieo at Alodford, Or., Wednesday
January !:
V. I). Akin, Ifov. J. H. Adams, Mt
Sarah J'. Adams (-), E. D. Adamsoii
David Aiken, St S. Aiken, W. II. An
tes1, George Arnold ('J), George Hear
ley, 0. II. Heardslee, Charles He
incut, IS. .M. Hcusoti, D. linker, J. II
Damn, S. J. Hanoi, Mr. mid Mix
Prank Dlnckbimi, Mis. 11. I. llrown
Harry llrown, .1. P. Drown, Mrs
Geo. II. Donivill, Goo. W. Durke, Iiuh
ley Orchard Co., D. I). Duller, K. S
Drooke, II. J. Drevnrd, Fred N. Cun
ningham, Mr. Cunningham, Mrs. Myr
tie Cox, Prank Conrad, Arnold W
Cook, Mru, J. M. Claphaud, A. U
Chirk, Walter Jotdan Clarke, Mrs. ,1
P. ('line, Henry C. Calvert (2), lrvn
Pltyhaek, Win. Daily, I'M
Huv. Day, E. Davis.)ii, Deri Dulloy,
.Mih. It. II. Dudly, M. W. Duiliaiu, It
J. I'iVniiH, Harry Pvcrhhed, Mt
CllCbter, Kichnrd Pouhetv, P. P. Pal
tell, P. C. Paucott,' Ifcuo Garin, Les
U'r GiliMin, I.iunnii Griffith, C. T
Humphrey, M. C. Hopkins, 1Iiiit
jitiiiHton, Henry Hewitt, Phil Hoi
tiler, I?. A. Ilornig, J. A. lleiiuy, I"
Clrinit Hamm, Mrs. Plizaheth Ilaule,
(jfiMiM'e llttiiHou (II), J. J. Hansen, II
Ihiinburger, Mrs. P. D. Ilnnoy, W. S
Ijiiwey, Mrs. Anna Hartley, Joncpl
jf. IIiixcii, W. II. Ilawley, John Ilo.
Al Johnson (12), Albeit Johnson, (t
P. Johnson, Hazel James, G. II, Jen
lingn, J. N, Jones, Cleoue Key, A. J'
Kirk-ham, 11. A. Killam, S. M.
P. P. liiuiriince, 1 4. W.. I.iirfm
Claude t.awieuee, TIion. It. haiidei
-Mrs. Walter P. Lane, 11. W. Marshall
Thomas J. Murliit, P. T. iMatietto,
Will S. May. Harry Mitchell, .Mr. N
D. Meade, J. P. Minimi. 1). C. Moyo
Henry W. Mos, Jim Mount, Now
man Moou, 0. P. Mullen, Willian
Mullen, T. II. Miller, Dual rice Miller
C. J. McKainiirii.
Pnjlich calling fot the above let
tors will pleaso say "advert ised." .
chuijo of one cunt will he niiulo upo.i
A. M. WOOD POIH ), P. M.
Man Kills Wife.
PHOENIX, Aiis., Jan. 7.-ln a ft.
of jealousy ciiummI. it U said, by ill
tentioiih paid his wile by uiiolhu
man, (leucre Meyers, a miner, todn
shut his wife fatally, and after hold
itiyr officers at hay for half an hou.
pluccd the muz.le of h.'-evoUer i
his mouth and blew out his brains
dying instantly. Mr. Meyers died
ut the hospital two hours later.
The murder and suicide were com
milled in thu presence of the twi
miiiiII children of the couple, ugvi
1 and 7 yours. Meyers, jt is said
has frequently threatened In wife.
Boy Bandits Caught.
DULUTII, Minn., Jan. 7. Willinni
Muziud mid Algot Johnson, the
boys alleged to have killed Police
man Harry Chesutoie after holdiua
tip thu Hotel Meluty here, were cat)
titled b,v 4i posse at a lumber caui
'IK miles north of here todav. Tin
lads from whom a desperate legist
nuco mis cNpectcd, surrendered with
out a struggle when they foun-'
thuuihch'jA surrouiiited.
Johnson, whose age was report e-1
as 11), said h is only HI. When the
kHiidciiffh were snapped op his wrists
I113N0, Nov., Jan. 7. Three mask
ed thugs wlo murdered Geno Qull
Icl, proprietor of a caloon at linlay
near here, and robbed his safe of
$1200, arc being Bought today by tho
ioIIco of Nevada and tho authorities
of Utah, California and other stnteu
have been notified to watch Incoming
trains for men atiBWorlng their des
cription. Tho men entered Quillet's
laloon last, lined up Its pall-oil's
igaliist tho bar, forced Qulllcl to open
tho snfo and then shot him because
ho tried, to give an alarm.
It Is believed that tho robbers suc
ceeded In catching train number 3,
which passed through Ipilay shortly
iftor tho holdup.
Hawkins for Health.
To the Lovers of Good Coffee
Wo wish to ml vise you that wo
'tnvh Installed In our store a now
(loyal Hlcctrlc Coffee Mill. This
uachlno Is equipped with steel knives
which cut tho borry Into practically
inlform clean cut particles, Instead
if grinding and crushing It, as by
ho old method.
All Coffee Mills heretofore UBod
vlll only crush tho berry, tnutllut-
ng the minute oil cells, allowing tho
Ooffpo Oil to evaporate, thus Impalr
'ug the strength and flavor.
Ily this now process tho little oil
-ells remain unbroken, thu essential
ill (food product), cannot evaporate
itid the coffee thus letalus Its fine,
"Ich, aromatic flavor In its full
This Is one reason why a pound of
Mtffeo cut In this mill will make from
wolve to fifteen cups more of full
ltrength coffee than will any cof
'oo ground the old way. Tho l.ovoi
tf flood Coffee finds hero a richness
if flavor never found in Coffee
round In tho ordinary way.
Another feature about this Mill Is
that you may havo your Coffeo cut
is flue as the finest sand and It will
it til be practically free from that
'I no dust which Is produced by the
dd method of grinding. You will.
therefore, always havo a clear cup of
offco Instead of a muddy effect a
esult of using tho old stylo Mills.
Itojal Cut ('oHcc Is also adaptable
or percolators or French Dip Coffee
'I'O a pound of our cot fee cut on a
toynl Mill mid m know jou will lc
leasiHl with the results,
ox tiik wiivr .sim:.
1 off on all I
Calanders $
in stock !
T. W. Meeks, wanted by tho au
thorities ot oouglus county for tho
alleged forgery of a check for $20,
wans arro3tcd In this city Friday.
Chief of Police H. 0. Shearer re
ceived n descilptlon of tho man by
telephone from Koschurg nnd Inter
picked him up on the street hero,
Ho wns hold In tho city Jail and
Saturday Sheriff Gcorgo II. Quiuo
of Douglas county Identified him and
took him to Rosohurg.
Mcoks admitted his Identity when
placed under urrCst by Chief Shearer.
A bill designed lo break up the I runs-1
Atlantic i-hipping- combination was
introduced today by Congressman
Humphrey (Washington). The bill
prohibits ships belonging to a combi
nation entering any port or clearing:
Irotn any porl of the tinted Stales.
Tim penalty provided is a fine of
i'JOO ugainst the company for each
passenger carried and a forfeiting
of all the merchandise brougijt
uboaid. Humphrey said the trust
was the biggest in the woild.
"The rate on cerv pound of
freight and oery passenger between
here mid Purope and South America
has been fixed by. udwinco agree
ment," Humphrey aid. "Special
rates were given the Standard Oil
company, the steel trut and the har
vester combine to such up extent
iliut competitors were absolutely ex-,
eluded lroni competition in foreign
imtrkets. American foreign trade '
at the trust's mercy. "The unjiist
ucs.s of the rate.s and the greed ami
'xtortion of the companies is shown
bv the fact that the llainburg-Anier-ican
line, the controlling factor i i
(lie combine profits annually 113 pc:
cent on a').) of $0(1,000,
000. 1 intend to insist on the im
nediate hearing of this hill."
Tho most profitable as well as tho
most Interesting "llttlo journeys'
are those made tu answering clan?
I fled nds.
"Tho Kid's Friend" of Denver Soon
to Fill Enrjaflcmcnt Here Is One
of the Most Talked of Men in
One of tho most talked of men in
public life will be In McdTord next
week, when Hen Llndsey, famous
judge of tho Juvenile court of Den
ver, will appear na Die second attrac
tion on the Natatorlum amusement
courBo. The date Id Friday January
13th, and tho extremely low price of
GO and 75 cents havo been .nulo.
During tho four years that Judge
Llndsey line been on tho bench 'of
the Denver county court his work
among delinquent juveniles hns-mado
him u national figure. From nil over
tho civilized world come inquiries re
garding the methods and tho admin
istrative system of tho Juvenile court
of this young man of an. It would
bo within tho truth to cay that Den
D. Llndacy's matinee court Is the
greatest slnGle factor countir.s for
righteousness in tho state of Colo
rado. Seats on sale Monday, January 9,
at 10 nm. at the Natatorlum box office.
SACKAMHNTO, Cal., Jan. 7. Jhc
inauguration of Hiram Johnson n?
governor was accomplished w'ftlt a
saving of $1043 on the amount re-
!(iuiicd for inducting into office Gov
ernor1 James N. Gillelt, according to
Senator Estudillo of Hiverside, chair
man of the joint legislative inaugu
ral committee.
'.Music, lights, programs and drap-
eiles for the occasion cost the state
.-412 for tile Johnson ceremony. The
gold lace of the staff colonels and
the inaugural ball in celebration of
Gilletl's incumbency made the tot il
at that lime $1433.
The payment of $130 to the scer.
Jary Sf the inaugural committee, un
der tho old regimo, as against $3 Tor
the secretary finder the new, is one
instance of the saving effected. Gil
lctt wns inaugurated in a local the
atre because the capilol was torn
HP. n
Huskins for health.
10 '
Don't overlook thill Los Angeles
excursion leaving Medford Jantiiuy
39, the round trip $81.53, thirly day
limit" stop off whore and when yo.t
please, go and return via cither
route. See San Francisco, the Gul
den Gate, Mt. Tumnlphis, Alcatniz,
the beautiful bay, the city
rising from the ruins of the fire nnd
qunkc, then travel south and co
Palo AltofSan Jose, Santa" Cruz,
Monterey, Dul Monte; take thu
Const line, the daylight trip along'
the ocean' and see the immense oil
wens in tiio ocean; ,suo ftnutn jjiu
brtra, I'ato Hobles, lheuLos'Aiig6lcs,
Pasadena, Hedlnnds and Hiverside,
the home of the multi-millionaire?;
go to Venice, the city built out m
the ocean, see tho , Ostrich farms;
then go to Catalinn island, scoi the
submarine gardens from th'o glas
bottom boats, tho flying fish an 1
many other wonders of the ecean:
take advantage of this excursion! the
low rale, the Hummcn wcathor now to
be enjoyed in the sbtith. For par
ticulars call at the -Misscngcr office
if not convenient to on!!. Phone for
further particulars.
Our First January Clearance Sale
Unconditional Surrender of Seasonable Goods
i '
Merchandise of Merit and Style Led to the Altar of Sacrifice
Not a dollars worth of goods' reserv
ed or excepted .
Spring goods are being purchased nothing must bo
carried over Everything must go to make room Tor ho
coming season's new fresh stocks. This is the only time
io ONLY SELL and shut our eyes io cost or loss. Our
gain is in the clearance Your gain is in taking advantage
of this deep price cutting throughout the store.
The chance you've been waiting for
to secure splendid coats
for women, misses and children. An imported black
broadcloth Coat; lull length; shawl collar; cancul trim;
lined throughout with Skinner satin; regular 97 Qft
value $ff.()0; clearance Halo .- yuldv
Hlack broadcloth Ooals; i'ull length; some lined to the
waist; some full lined; values $22.50 ttud C-l C AA
$25.00; clearance stile ,. 0JLI.VV
Ifull length mix.turo Coats; Style Craft make; reguhir
salo. p I ; li: AA
values $22,50 and $25.00; clearance $1J.VV
Others priced at $9.50, $11.95 up
Children Goats Half price
Evening Capes and Goats underpriced
Rain Coats underpriced
tf v
Read every item herein, they are
only a small part of the many
actual bargains in the store
Surprised slashes Madam, every day until the racks
and shelves tire empty. "We mean business. We mean to
grve you the best bargains and the biggest saving chances
voir (5 vcr, knew. '
AVatelc our windows. Look for our newspaper an
nouncements. Be here early, but be here surelv. '
. 'i
The chance of a life-time to save on
stylish suits
Beautiful man-tailored Suits; made of mannish worsted;
strictly tailored style; banded skirl; peau do cygne; lined;
in a medium shade of gray and tan; regular (M7 TA
$-l7.5Q value; clearance sale yuloJV
Tailored Suits in mannish tweeds, ' serges, Venetian
cloth, handsomo braided broadcloths; Stylo, Craft, Jftib-
laiijnmt Jmtiravenuo makes; regular values " (M A CA
$29;50, $32.50 and $35.00; clearance Stile
. Small women's and ladies' Suits in cheviot and fancy
Medford cord; garments regularlv selling at (til AT
$20.00 and $23.00; clearance sale t. J11.7J
Prices Slashed on Furs
Hejuitiful sle of Kolinsky Furs; regular
value $(50.00; clearance jQ CfJ
A southern Lynx Set; regular aluo
.Y29.00; clearance, . Q1C7C
sale M $10.1 J
Small pieces and stoles; values &(i.50 and
$7.50; clearance Q? AC
sale .-. J.J
' ''IS' . .
Must Go
'Primed hats, regular values to t A Ar
$15.00',. Clearance Salo : J?.7J
One table of untrinnnod hats
values to $5.00, Clearance Stile....
Cut Prices
on Silk
Taffata Silk Petticoats in plain and fancy
stripe effects, reguhir values $0.50
and $8.50. Clearance Salo $4.95
Big' Saving's on
kSHirt Waists
Every waist in stock at
One-Fourth reduction
222 West Main
St. Mark's Bldg
Hand Bag's
January Clearance
at a 20 per cent
!MMfttMMi I