Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 08, 1911, SECTION ONE, Page 5, Image 5

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    " '7'lWI't'WP!TWVi WmT "? r-yfymirz' "', T3T''"T"
SI T i"i !,
Personal and Local
Miss Ethel EifcrL Is quite lit at her
homo with pncumonln.
Call phone 2151, 1032 for baggage
wagon. . 451
If your diamond was bought of
Van Do Car It Is perfect.
Private room and board with Mrs.
J. D. rny, three blocks from central
part of town, 310 N. Bartlett.
Effectlvo annuity, January 8, mo
tor car No. 24, northbound, leaves
Medford at 10:21 a. m. instead ot
10:30 as now, This is the only
change affecting Medford on the new
Wanted Boarders A now board
Ing houso has opened at 70G S.utl
Oakdale. Call and seo us for tali
treatment, or address F. H. More
land. 302
The Juvenile club meets Monday
night at the Xattorlum.
Flfty-threb acres special, 10 acrc
coming Into bearing orchard. Call ot
J. B. Wood, Condor Water & Powej
Co.'s office. ti
You can't buy any but perfect
diamonds at Van De Car's.
Talisman lodge No. 31, Knights of
Pythias, will do the honors for the
Ashland Knights on Monday even
ing at the local castle hall. Ash
land will send over about 30 mem
bers and put on the third rnnk. A
light feed will be spread. All
knights are Invited. There will be n
good tlmo for nil.
Every socialist Is nonnested to meet
at Smith's hall on North Grape street
Sunday afternoon 2:30.
Wanted, to buy a carload of fal
hogs. If you have less than a car
load write us. Union Meat Co., Med
ford Meat Co.. Medford. tf
John M. Root spent Saturday in
Jacksonville on business. lie attend
ed the session of tho county court.
Bob Dow, deputy sheriff, Is pay
ing Redding, Cal., a short business
Every ligbt Dut electricity glvot
off smoke and smoke contains soot
which deposits on your wall paper,
curtains, draperies. Electric light
glows In an air tight bulb. tf.
The Medford Conservatory for Mu
sic and Languages opened Its doors
for tho second term last week. The
number of enrolled students laBt
week exceeded that of tho preced
ing term by 23 per cent.
Columbia hams and Columbia and
Royal Anne bacon are dry sugar
cured. Ask your dealer for Colum
bia brand la-d. tf
"Desk ' room ' tr lirirt of" store for"
rent In new storo on Main street
part ofshbw window, heat and llghtr.
Ileasonnblo rate. Address P. S. care
Mall Tribune. 255
Ask for Columbia hams, bacon
and lard and go tho best. For sale
by all first class grocers and butch
ers, tf
Frank Brown of Eagle Point was
In Medford on business Friday.
John H. Carkln, attorney at law.J
over Jackson County bank.
h. W. Kennedy, formerly crane
man on tho steam shovel working on
the Pnclfic & Eastern railway, leaves
on 1 Vfc this evening for Portland.
Dr. J. E. Shearer, physician and
surgeon. Office over Strang's drug
store. tf.
Mrs. I. N. Hembrny or Eugene
is visiting hor sister, Mrs. Mntlock,
Dr. Sanders, eye, ear and nose
specialist, has changed his office from
210 East .Main street to suite 318,
third floor, Cirnett-Corey bldg.
County Assessor W. T. Grieve has
boon confined to his homo In Jack
sonville for several days by an at
tack of la grippe.
Is your iouso wired? One cigar
less n day would pay for a hundred
per cent Increase In comfort. Start
living tho electric life. tf.
Joseph Ilnmmersley of Gold Hill
spent Snlurday In Jacksonville. Hr
returned to Medford Inst night and
took the evening train for Ashland
The funcrnl of the Into J. V. Koi
r.w, who died nt his home at .'Ki
Rnst Ogden street yesterday from
'lie effedts of n stomach nffection,
will be held from the First M. R
church this nftcrnoott nt 2:3C
Mr. Keir.ur, who was 53 years old
lind been u resident of Jaokso
county for over 23 years. He is sur.
vived by n widow and n family o
Christian Science. Service Sun
lay at 11 o'clock. Subject of les-Mui-serinon,
"Sncnunent." Sunday
-cliool nt 10 o'clock. Testimonia'
neeliiiK Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Al
ire welcome 128 North Grupt
itreot, north of Sliennnu. Clay inn
ie house.
At the Christian church, cornor
Sixth and Ivy. Hible school nt If
,i. m.; morning service nt 11 n. in.
Christian Endeavor nt 0:30 u, in
Evening service 7:30 Evangelist 0
P. Eshehnnn has arrived and wil
preach both morning nnd eveninjr
Morning subject, "Giving Jesus the
BesC; evening, "Life's True Founda
tion." Good music and great ser
non's. Everybody welcome. W
Theo. Muttnck, pastor.
Methodist Episcopnl church, cor--ier
Fourth- and Hnrtlett. Suiidn;
leliool 0:45 n. in. Preaching 11 n
m.; Epworth Le'aguo, 03:30 p. m.
preaching 7:30. A cordial invitntioi
is extended to the public.
There will be n mass meeting n
the First Methodist church on Mon
day evening nt 7:30 to conside
plans for the new building. All tin
members nud friends itro urged to Ik
present and u hearty invitation I
attended to the public.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Night 'Phenes:
F. W. Weeks, 2071
A. E. Orr, 3692.
John A. Perl
Undertaker and Embalmer
Successor to the undertaking de
partment of Medford Furnlturo Co.
Office With
Medford Furniture Company
About February 1, Private Am
bulance Service. Sick and Injured
conveyed to any part of city or
Telephenes: Day 351.
Night: John A. Perl 4111. C.
W. Conklln, 3001. J. H. Butler,
- -M
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, hoi
and cold wntor, lights nud bath
close in. 221 froith Holly t. I)
FOR RENT nicely furnished roou
for rent. Phone 4883. 318 S
Newtown. 24!)
TO EXCHANGE Lady will ex
change 3 8nercs of fine ulfuli'n
and fruit land for city property
Address Box 85. cure Mail Tribune
office. 'J-.n
WILL EXCHANGE old estnblishcr.
legitimate business showing gooc
profits, for improved city properi.v
in leuioru. Adores u, euro Mai
t i iiiuiiv: tji liru,
WANTED-Good girl for genera'
house work, small family. Cull oi
Mrs. A. E. Kennies. 818 W. Tenth, t
FOR SALIC Modern o'-rooin bunga
low on Oakdale avenue, close in
Price i?3450; terms, $1250
Vim Dyke Kvnlty Co., 123 E. Man
FOR SALE 11 lole on W. Fourth
st.. close in; 00 feet off pavementJ
sidewalks, water ami sower. A bur.
gain. Price $4000 if sold this week
Von Dyke Renlty Co., 123 E. Main
FOR SALE Two houses on Oau
dnle avenue: one 8-room house, oui
7-room house. Lids 45x150 fee;
rented for 80 per month. Price
$7500. ViinDyke Renlty Co., 123
E. Main.
FOR SALE Lot and two small
houses, rented for $14 per month;
u snnp. Price' $800; tonus. Vu
Dyke Realty Co., 123 E. Miiin.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms
45 X. Hnrtlett st.
FOR SALE Lot just off pavement
on South Central nve. Price $450
cash. Van Dyke Renlty Co., 123
E. .Main.
FOR SALE Two choice lots on W.
Fourth street on pavement. Price
$1000 cash; terms. Van Dvke
Realty Co., 123 E. Main.
FOR SALE Seven-room modern
bungalow, corc in. Price $3800.
Van Dyke Realty Co., 123 E. Mm
The funeral of Frederick Downing
who died nt his home ti 515 Soutl
Central avenue last Thursday fol f
owing a snort illness, took place n
he family residence Saturday af
ternoon. The Re Matlock officiated
uul n large number of neighbors nn
'riends of the deceased attended til
lervice. A number of bcatitifn
lornl pieces covered the hearse am
casket on its trip to the I. O. O. V
The pallbearers were Messrs. M
Adams, E. A. King, W. Adams, O. W
Murphy, E. L. Eijaino and Robert V
The local plumbers nud stcamfit
.ers' union held n meeting nnd recep
.ion in Smith's hull Friday night.
After the regular business of the
.oeal was transacted Mayor Canon.
.V. V. Eifert nnd number of others
lelivered addresses.,
The nffnir ended with n supper,
The rnte of taxation in the citv
f Medford during ,1011 will be 22'-.
Of this tax: 8 millri is levied by the
ity of Medford, 7 mills for the geu
ral school fund nnd 7U mills foi
ho county.
A Saturday market at which hoime
wlvea may buy cakes, pics, cold nsents
and other necessaries for tho Sunday
dinner, Is shortly to bo innurjurated
by members of the Ladles' Aid so-'
clety of tile First M. 12. church,
The market will start as soon as
n suitable location can be found. .
Charles Murray, convicted before
Justice of the Peace Glenn C. Thy
ilor Saturday morning of the tlieffoii-j
Wednesday last of a watch, was tak
en to the county jail by Chief of Po
lice Shearer last night to ser n
sentence of 30 days.
To the Wage Workers of Medford
, .
I wish to remind you of the coni
ng election of city officials, ordered
y resolution by tho city council on
December 22d, 1910, designating
hat there be one councilman from
nch of tho throe wards, and a mayor
"o bo olected, and further providing
or tho potllntr places as follews:
"Irst ward over Hasklns' drug storo;
lecond ward, Hotel Nash sample
oom, and the Third ward, the city
Said election to be hold on Janu
ry 10th, 1911, with polls open from
) n. in. to 5 p. in. excepting one hour
rom 1 to 2 o'clock p. m.
Section 55 of tho city charter pro
ldes that electors must bo qualified
s state voters (six months in the
date) three months a resident ot the
dty and 20 days In tho wnrd next
irecedlng the date of the election to
)o entitled to vote.
I quote tho above particulars Unow
ng that the avohrago worker hasn't
he time nor opportunity to gain this
The election of city officials Is an
mportant mntter to you and I hope
you reailzo It.
The socialist party Is composed of
vorklng men and women of all nn
lonallties, the movement Is world
vide, It Has tho support of some of
ho brightest minds ot this age, It is
he next step in evolution.
Wo are In syhpathy with every
working class organization seeking
'.he peaceable and equitable division
if tho productB of Industry. Wo are
'specially in sympathy and in most
countries n part of tho union move
ment, and as such It is not neces
sary for us to step down from above
and doclnro oui-Belves your friend
and co-worker, for wo aro such In
theory and in fact, and If you do not
realize this fact I would request that
you chargo yoursolves with tho care
ful study of this question and look
at it not only from a personal stand
point, but also as a duty to your'
fellow man. Remember, that tho
government of your Interests Is yours
for the intelligent assuming of the
responsibility thereof.
Locally this may not seom of much
Importance, yet It Is a departure from
tho past and the working out of a
theory for tho future.
I urgently request thnt you In
quire Into your class Interests and
vote as you organize I cannot re
fer you to nny services performed
'or the city and otherwlso will not
throw any bouquets nt myself, but
will leavo that to my friends It they
aro so inclined.
If elected, I will ns near as possi
ble carry out' tlho provisions of our
city platform; In '
1 am freo from nny obligations,''
only that of labor.
1 thank you In advance for your
support nnd 1 hope I will not bo tho
only socialist to go to the city hall
and that you will bo able hereafter
to look upon tho city hall as partly
yours, and not only as a placo to
which to pay tribute.
13. E. WOLTBR.
(Paid advertisement.)
"When I Was a Young Man"
, there were no such comforts as the General Elec- .;
. trie Luminous Radiator to warm an old man's
' blood on a chilly morning. Wood fires and the
sooty, smelly oil stove still used by many people,
'were a poor substitute for the genial glow of
lPf electric lamps.
Electric Light is a Boon
which every household can afford to enjoy and
which every thoughtful housewife will insist upon
having in her home. It is not merely a question of
convenience. Health and eyesight are involved.
Electric light does not consume oxygen in your
rooms. Consider what that means in the way of
pure air indoors.
f -1
Let us tell you how you can enjoy these advantages.
lie River Electric Co.
'( 9
Out Sale
' (Thero are hundreds of women In Medford nnd vicinity that can uso
some one of tile many articles hi this stoio, (JThls Is your final chuueo.
This Is (ho last opportunity. ffYou will never see goods sold for less In
this or nny other city. flCoino tomorrow, Monday, and choose tho gar
ment you desire, fTho selections aro exceptionally good. fYou can pro
cure ready-to-wear goods now for less than most merchants could buy
them for at wholesale. ((We will bo pleased to show you tho goods now
on final sale. (flCoino now.
M v m
ANY HAT $2.00
Worth from $5 along up to $15
' fJHKK OUR $1-1.00 WI.N'DOW SultH worth $27.00 to $10.00 for only
$1 1.OO. (JThls iHfJust a samplao'f tho many special 'value for M.ouday'H
HOlllllK. ' m j
Muslin wear
Hair Goods
I O. E. Tackstrom, Prop-
126 East Main St., Medford, Or. I
kk rv; ' 4
i i M
i4 '"'Si
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