'n,nr r j . M ""4; MTSDFORD-IilAn. TRtBUNB, ULEIXFO-RDT; QRKOQy; STOPflTr n'iVS'CJAIlY'8; ISUr ''&, ' ft i,s 'f Eagle Point Eaglets A. O. Hewlett. (J. M. Vnn do Alans, who Uvea bn'vlato the necessity of having the j Hoguo rivet, nonr the mouth of Dig Butte, npent two nights with us and (hiring tiio tlmo between the two nights went to Mod ford, but he hap pened to go to Medford on Monday, the, 2d, nnd that being a legal holi day, ho had n hard tinio finding the men ho wanted to see. hut ho finally succeeded nnd reached tho Sunny Bldo In tlmo for cupper. traveling public stop In tho midst of their Journey or lmvo tho mall car rier travel sixteen miles out of his way to get through with tho mall, as ho did during the last freshet. Be sides thnt It will bo the proper placo for the auto road to cro& the river and be a grcnt accommodation to this and the Sams Valley communities. The petition "ns only circulated for a few hours and there were 3C tinnmcs I John Foster wont to Trail last i aucurofl and among them wore al- Mo'nday afternoon, returning TueB-m0Bt overy prominent .business ninn day. ,in those parts .? PLAN TO FORM LABOR TEMPLE ' . ' Central Labor Council Contemplates Leasing of Old Angle Opera House Will Cut Large Hall Into Smaller Hall and Offices. ltuspoiidiiij; io n uirclc-- call from remain here off lh fla-'.Mhh) 'GalitiMn. the lorpcJdOi iVUt3. Jlolilla arrived hero toduj from San Dieo ior a fortnight's miiiiciie.' jing. Iloth fleets vill engage iutnr uct prnotiee in the eh:nucl nnd' m I hind operation.. Aecording Io Heat' I Admiral Tliomtrfjrtlie wnHiipswiH and on for three Answer all "likely looking" help jWunt nd& or.it will not bo an cn.y mutter to find the right' job, HaskinsfoHealth. , .John Winnlnghniivanti young Mas soy came out Sundny after a load of goods for llutto Kalis, but when they reached here they found thnt tho goods had boon carried to Cameron when the trnln wont up uftor tho pil ing mentioned In a former article, so thoy had to pull half way back to Hullo Falls through tho Ileeso Creek stlcky nnd the road is said to bo almost Impassnmblc, and take tho goods from there over a very bud raid. John Foster has been circulating n petition to the county court to lmvo u wagon road laid out and opened to u point on Rogue rlvor nonr tho Henry Fronch farm and another pe tition was circulated on the Trail sid,c of the liver to have a sim ilar move made on thnt side, with a view to having a blrdgo built across Rogue river at thai point', something that Is greatly needed, for It will Oil m inn to about two nnd a half miles of the worst kind of sticky and ob- Mesers. A. Eltown of Tolo nnd L. K, Finch of Medford were here Tuesday for dinner and were enquir ing about o piece of land nnd convey Ing their Idea thnt they might pos sibly buy 'lots and put up buildings to rent n good Idea for there is not a good house to be had In our town. Last Monday, Clyde Cole nnd tho engineer of the I. & K. railroad wont u few miles alter a load of wood and on his return trip his engine got off the track and someone hnd to como out and order suppor for tho men nnd then go on to Medford with a hand car for the necessary ap pliances to put the engine back on the track, and the result wns that they had to stay thero all night, and thoy could not keep up :i fire because they were senrce of water, and il they kept up H fl It would boll away nil tno water and tnon inoy would lmvo to "kill" tho engine. Thoy reached tho Huniiysldo about S o'clock tho next morning. Woodviile ItepSs; . 1 Mr, nnd, Mrtf. 0. W. Potter of Med- olded to put one room of tho old ford spent Now Ycnr's with theli cousin, 8. F. Potter nnd wlfo up ISvnns creek. iChnrles Rossor of Minnesota has arrived In Woodvlllo to take charge o( the bank hero, iVo must Iiuvo more houses bulll In.Voodvlllc t nccouimodato the peo ple, who are coming In hero to lo cale, it Is Impossible to find oven rooms In which to keep houne. It would bo a good Investment for some one to build houses to rent. "Voodvlllo In growing faster than wo, can realize. Wo mine faco to fnvo with this fact w.hou on Monday morning two of tho school rooms were so crowded that tho children building Into shapo to hold school thero iiniuodlutely. A teacher will bo hired for tho rest of tho term. C. W. Stone nnd bou of Morgan Hill, Cub, wore Iri Woodvlllo on Mon day, the guests of .Mr. and .Mrs. J. V. Jacobs. Mr. Stone Is looking over the valley with tho Intention of locat ing hero. Dr. Chlsliolm and lunilly from Hold lllll have arrived In town nnd are located In tho Law house, Tho funeral of Herbert Sunburn, who died from Injuries received while moving u house with an engine, was largely attended. Tho 1. O. O. V and ho Woodmen lodges hud charge of tho sqrvlceu. The deceased was hold In high esteem in Woodvlllo, The old Angie oporn hotihc, now being used ut a meeting place lor o -oral frnlermt! orders ns well ns laboi uliiolih, is soon to bo nfade into u labor temple if the present plans w tlie Central Trades ccftmcil of Jlo'd lord, do not miscarry. The council litis taken over u luu-c on the old play house with the mi derstnnding that the present Owners nVo to renovate the large hull, nd' another hlory to it, divide it into several smaller halls and offices where the council will maintain u por- nmnonUoffieo. The smaller hulls it'o to be util izod m, meeting places for fralernul orders and local labor unions. The work of rebuilding will probably not be tuken up before spring. Jt is the intention of the central body to give dances and entertain- mentb in the meantime at such times as the hall may not be occupied b. oilier. Thme Will bo several nights in the week that tha large hull will be for rent until (he building is ic-built. ISIS woro forced to Hltvherovor thoy could which wiib shown by tho many beau- find a jilaco. The directors lmvo do-j Will floral offerings. Central Point Items yietor Hursell nnd wlfo returned", Mrs. Court Hall of Medford was Thursday ylulit from ICugono, whan visiting her mother and other rein they have been spending tho holidays with Mrs, Urusell'B pnraents, Mr.' nnd Mrs. J. y. Coram. : P. W. Streets of Woodvlllo was tj-nnsnatlng business hero Friday. li.Gnmo "Warden Chnrlcs Gay visit ed his parents hero l'rlday between trains. Mrs. F. 0. Coqhrnn and chlldrQu weio visiting relatives at Phoenix on Friday. iair. Farnum's brother from Mon tana Is visiting huio. Mark lleathurl);, accompanied by Flora FrloH, loft for l.os Angelas Friday morning. Miss Mabel Poarl 1ms boon Unit ing at Phuoulx. Miss llliiuiho Uarby was visiting friends on Giltflu crook. ' lives hero Friday. Master Robert Holmes, 11. P. C'a-top,- mud,o a business trip to Jack tjouylllo Thursday. -Mrs. Kddlngton and daughter are the' guests of J. S. Shields and fain- Ay. "Mis. Woolvortou, assistant princi pal' of the Central Point high school, was n Medford visitor Thursday. Miss Cecelia Who! ploy Is visiting relatives and friends hi Tolo, Mltis Muud Harr ono of tho teach ers In the school hero, Is visiting relatives at Applegate. John (lrloos of Piospect Is visit ing friend's nnd relatives hero and attending to luminous. Miss Gladys Raid Is visiting friend at Ashland. Many Bowlers at Meet. ST. LOUIS, .Mo., .Jan. 7. Tlirw bundled nnd seventy teams nto offi cially entered in the tournament ol the American bowling congress -which begins hero iltinunry 21. The an uouuccino'ui wns made today by otfi cers of the congress. Pour hundred and ono teams took part in the tour ney lusl year in Detroit. "tyrpedo Flotilla at Santa Barbara. SANTA (lAKIIAliA CnU,-Jitii.-T. THEATRE The Home of Vaudeville Collins 6 Marriot A Comedy skit entitled "A Bird in Trousers" 3-REELS of PIGTURES-3 l-The Masked Trail : 2Hobos' Christmas 3--Attack on Ft. Ridgely . Matinee Saturday and Sunday 2-30. p.m. Illustrated Song By Harry Blanchard Admission 10c and 20c SemT-AWiiWaT Clearance Sale Wo are holding our Semiannual Clearance Sale. 0;uytwo sales are. held: in this store each .year, but when, wc say SALE" we mean it and he prices are re duced accordingly. 2NTJ02lTILVT-'yQirx$AW TIlS i?WrER- IIAPPENS TO TISEMIDNT AND SEE WHAT YOU. Don't miss this big (jleaVance. The stock i in fine shape for- choosing. The prices are the lowest ever. pnc NO WONDER YOUR ' . -I HEAD ACHES after counting out the cash for your, monthly bills and then finding your cash don't balance. Airtl ifs all uu-. nccessnry work too. If you had .i' account at this bank you coijbl miu- lily nuike out checks for your bills and bnlancc your account nt ymlr leisure. The checks would be re--ceipts loo, so you wouldn't "have lo bother about them cither: Farmers & Fruit Growers' Bank. " 1 WATCH FOBS M kvJ AND. CHAINS JWe have a .spltiiidid assortment ol' lobs and chains in the very newest- designs. CJAt all prices. JKine walch and jewelry iv)air ing. Agates mounted, and the finest engraving and diamond selling done at T ; : : - : ; - ; - ; , i auti- Kich; Sparkling Cut Gl-la'ss - ClhW hriuhtitm" Up and l)eau lying your own table. 6r for someone's wedding or birthday present. p You 'iur holeol here from n fine ussorlnient of ek'saiil i)iooo.-, in haiuNoiuv i)iiltorn, rich, scintillat ing out Klusb of hijjhi'bt finality. MARTIN J. REDDY, The Jeweler, Near Post Office PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST I 0jHHM.JX.J J. E. ENYART, President. J A. PERRY, Yioe-Proaident. JOHN S. QRTH, Cnshior. W- B. JACKSON, Asa't Cnshier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. &&44 ir T County Seat Real Estate Office Bltlg., Jacksonville, Or. Office in Bank of Jacksonville tins numerous choice biyKnjns in city lots, orchard, farming nnd alfalfa ranches. Our Applcgnto valley ranches uro bargains; all have nu nbundunco of walor for irrigation. Don't forget that Juclc fronvillo is the county seat and that it is installing un up-to-da'.o water system. Como and see ns. We'll interest you. JLUY (Si COLLINS v- THREE-LABORERS ARE AERIE GF EAGLES ilURT IN EXPLOSION, INSTALES OFFICERS .yANCOl'VUIt. M (' . Jan 7 Ah n mjitlt of a iutorlouK (Ijimtnllo e.v jdmtlon at tho Woutom Canadian ryjver coinpany'H oauip at Slave- lake tht'cu laborers are In tho gcnornl 1ioh jillul Horloubly Injured. lOno luboior. namod IloUlniur, wtm Inlornully hurt and blu copdltlon li1'1'". uroildoittj Mr. 1 conBldorod duncorous. .lohn Con-! lTwblent: J. Carboy, ijuht, a bluckHinltli. hud bin rlhl Uioaldonl; 1. D. oululdo uuard hiiud blown off. and another laborer Helm. Inside nu.wd: Paul Ki named Klood had bis noalp cut Tho oxplosloii oc uu red In blacltHiiiltb Hhop 08itrdn.v. Tho nol elected nrfkoiH of the local nolle of ICiikIoh were dul luHtallyil at a mooting of tho order hold Tburuday night. A musical pronuu wiih rondorod during the evening, whlcdi was hrouitht to a olomi with a supper, Tho now officers are: 1). S. Hut- llunglntj, vli.'o- pnut woitliv Mr. utxor WYiUH'ily. i" C lllnhaiu. tiiibtcos PURE DRUGS Hrin your i)reseri)(iotis here. AVe will take particular care to gee that you got exactly what the prescription calls for. Our drugs are guaranteed pure and our prices are reasonable. 101 OUR PHONE, NIGHT OR DAY 101 MEDFORD PHARMACY NEAR THE POSTOFPICE t 4 t r-rfrt -t-r-t-r--rrr-r,f S i DO YOl KNOW? That NOW in tho tunc to evince ""' "11 lt'"" "lib a now one. 'Hint it will improve the appear ance of jour pioperly fully Kll-''V I'KIt IXNI' v the fonoo , right and properly coutruet'ed. that The Page Wire Fence i best huiled for tho purpose, af it is iiuulo up ot the liot Ihgn laibon Stuol Wiie that in found in fencing; in uddition to Ibis, it i tho only lonu which hus the 1'ACIK KNOT, and eotitinuoiib cro-s wire to woavu it together, hence it Is The Best Fence i ! tho J NATIVE TROOPS ONLY FLAGS AT HALF MAST HOPE IN ISLANDS 'IN HONOR OF ELKINS; TT - - ,- . In hu t-uiorKoiiuy .tliw Unltod StatOb , , , . , would Iihvo to clopond upon nutivo .))VABHIal,0. u i Jan , troopH to protciol tho l'lilllpplnos. niv KUiga nt All VilMlnO- I'onts iod uro',.,,,. ,0 ti,0 xa!Ugj mport of Hrl- Mlfilmlf WHSt 1h honor of bonator sujBr CiononU John u. Porshlng, com- tpbw y. JSUjIh ol 08t VliKlnln. whom fwwiKM'aB ut lor thU uft orioon. MU:lH8 wb sotrctury of vtiu- Mdr PrIlnt Harrleou und tin- war (Jowcrtirtont l 1','5 tnbn'. t. u.ahiH l.. Ubi mm&f ''for tVu ron. taMiiug ur that inotiuy can buy or niodorn science pi.mIuoi Owiuy; to oueh lino wire- buiiur. uotled before the s fonoo wovon, l'asjo Koiieu in oaily erected i.i bills a nil UiioukIi dnlos, wltlinijJL Ihu ne'cosity ot J innndor or th dlatrlct or Mindanao. Tbo lutivok would ronpond loyally, tho uonorul buy. Tho Konorul loiommoudu that the imoil fr i iioiloii'- or a my. outtiii" and h)!iuiiiL'. It is M A D ... . nt Adrian, .Mioh., tuiil fcliipjoil by us in c.irlo.ul h.is, diicot fnm Ihu KACT0I5Y TO i SL'MISK, llmi liixiuiiiL' tho Kivntosl value ut i It. UiwoM poMblc price. J Lot lis show oli why "ii should n-o ln.i Fonoo in pretorcnoo to niii otliuu tyn J Without charges otiiuutei 01 cot ot Uncini; ti.ni-, and coutr.iot to build I'onooo toufp4ut. i Wo will fimiro with o on .ni aumuiil Uucin.. Iimuv one iid to a onilonll C you uro waiitiuir Fonoo, (lutes, or ci lur cw i.r cl.ir ii-is, lelt us linre with mui. Wo fpnitsh man and y I'OX- funiUli, tool.s nnd naeist in the eroe ton ul Pai I'cym vthout extra eo&t GADDIS & DIXON Till: P.U.r KKKrK MKX" UiBtnbulwl" fj'i, Jontlni;n Ounoj .intL.'orliojii (ijitorniu MAIN OFFICE, 134 NORTH RIVERSIDE AVENUE. MEDFORD, ORc". 1'llONK 'JtlSl. .vAM s s s s X s J I i LANDQUIST, JQHNSQN LILIUS, INC. Real Estate and Insurance Special Representative for International Real Estate Association, Chicago, 111. AGENT FOR FRANKLIN FIRE INS. CO. RELIANCE FIRE INS. CO. BARGAINS AND MONEY MAKERS IN FARMS, ORCH ARDS & TIMBER LANDS. 201 St. Mark's Building, Phone 2411 H. B. PATTERSON The QUAKER NURSERYMAN HAS EVERYTHING iN THE NURSERY LINE REARS, APPLES, CHERRIES, 'PEACHES, AP- Tr- RICOTS, PRUNES; ALL KINDS OF NUT TREES ANO A FULL LINE OF FLOWERJNC SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC A FINE LINE OF i in 1UBII" SHADE TREES. COME IN AND GET PRICES. iS ftn-i trtt-t-rt m-4- Office 116 Main Street Office Phone 2381 -Res. Phone 2493 , ) -. ttrCTiMg'gmmci-JaMvcgr-v . .-t g&sfjj.-.,,.