' ; - ? wt Tr" , v-7 . VB. "T" "TWTfi, i ;--'-' !T"(l ' "t, s' ' ,-TTT."r J""""1??! - jW v "tn, i v.1 . I f 1 V JUEDFOBD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORTMWEGO SUNDAY, JANUARY 8, 1911. l0Ml W. fl. Meeker 6 Go's : yxrs. mk Jill lm ' cvt2 : rHWrt ' W. yitnwmHw j THERE'S DASH AND SWING . Wt. Vac. n-nA ,r,n vil 4-li v; , -I... 1 i. ....... .. .' i A" 7c i i0' . , . "ldl&H iuw so iow m iact tnat you may well consider yourself lucky in obtaining them we are willing to admit that we couldn't have made these prices earlier in the season, but an overstock now makes the sacrifice necessary. Take advantage of these prices you won't see them duplicated for a long time. Lucky Horse Shoe Clearance Sale BEGINS SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 7TH, 8:30 O'CLOCK, AND CONTINUES UNTIL SATURDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 21, AT 10:30. f Just 13 days of fast and furious selling when you can swing to yourself all the benefits of ," sharply reduced prices, for we have cut the prices on PRINTZESS coats and suits, house 1 dresses, underwear, outing flannel, umbrellas, etc. not a tiny cut of a cw pennies to deceive you but great big generous slices .that cut to the heart of profit. ' ' This store will be the rallying point of prudent minded women to you who realize the hap py combination of quality garments at almost unheard of prices come gather to yourself the benefit of these savings. . n vRcmombci"-13 days marked by sensational prices and extra quality offerings. . --SUITS- DRESSES -CHEAPER THAN YOU COULD MAKE THEM : Every oneaiew, crispand dainty the materials alone would cost you nearly as much as wo ask for the completed dress then, think of all the trouble, time and worry of making that you save when you buy at these prices A look at any one of them will convince you. Princess Suits at Really Lucky Prices These suits offer you a wide range of cloths and colors for selection thcjr are the aristo crats of the ladies' garment field read the descriptions and note the prices at which we offer them Lucky indeed will be the woman who buys the PRINTZESS suits now. Coat Prices Like These Will Make Happy Buyers Not to own your winter coat now is to pass real bargain saving opportunities for in'iccs such as these arc seldom met. PRINTZESS COATS contain all that is$ goo din style, fit and qunlity, and when you can own them at such discounts you may consider yourself lucky. : c . ,. $40.00 Blue Serge .v $20.00 $25.00 Fancy Weaves $16.79 $20.00 Fancy Weaves $15.00 $15.00 Fancy Weaves :...&.' $10.00 $12.00 Fancy Weaves '....... iLl :.$8.50 --SKIRTS-- $15.00 Voiles, Black $7.50 $10.00 Serges and Panamas $6.50 $8.50 Serges and Panamas $5.00 $5.00 Panamas, Blue, Tan, Black $3.76 --FURS- $35.00 Fur Sets :. $19.95 $10.00 Fur Sets ...I:.....' $6.50 $8.50 Fur Sets .... $5.06 ,-N Sale Specials Ladies' Outing Gowns. $1.00 values ., 79c $1.25 values $1.00 $1.75 values $1.35 House dresses reduced $1.00, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00. Big values in long and short Ki-nionas. FJVE ARTICLES GIVEN AWAY EACH DAY OF THIS SALE Each day we will give five articles that sell for $1.00 2 each and hide them in our displays of merchandise. i; Each article will bear a small ticket with these werds: ; "Lucky lToi-se Shoe Ticket" on it When you find one j: of hcse tickets, simply call the nearest clerk, give her :j your name and address and take the article homo, gratis j; ' Every article will be hidden either on the tables, the counters or in the displays AND NOT in the shelves. j: Join the Merry Crowd of Fortune Hunters. I -COATS- ' $15.00 Coats, newest styles v $10.00 $.1(5.50 Coats, newest styles .'.."....:....'.....:. $12.50 $20.00 Coats, newest styles .....:....!:....t! .X..$15'.00 $25.00 Coals, nowest 'styles I ' $17.50 V CHILDREN'S COATS ' 55 Children's Coats; values $5.00 to $0.50. Not this sea- son's styles; extra good cloth in all colors; Lucky Horse Shpe sale, $1.00 each, while they last. EACH DEPARTMENT WILL SHOW UNUSUAL VALUES DURING THIS SALE--WE QUOTE HERE FROM THREE Remnants. We find that after inventory we have a large amount of rem nants on hand of all kinds of piece goods, going at" less than nant table. fi -' 52r5r 15c Kimona cloths 12c 12c Kimona cloths 10c 25c Turkish Towels -....19c !5c Iluck Towels lie $2.00 Umbrellas $1.50 alfrogular prices. 'See Rem-- 25c Pillow Tops 12jc .... 2-.ni Curtain et 21c 35c Worsted Dress Goods. ..25c 2.00 Ladies' Waists $1.50 5c Pearl Buttons, 3 cards 5c $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00 Men's Clolf Shirts 75c $1.25 Wool Underwear ...98c IJ5c heavy "Woolen Socks 23c $1.75 Men's Grey Sweaters $1.25 $5.00 Leather Suit Cases ....$3.75 $1.25 Moil's Gloves $1.00 Sale Specials 15c and 32 ic Outing Plaimol; blue, pink, striped; extra. heavy quality; clearing salo V ', 10c Yard W. H. Meeker & Co. 28 South Central Avenue V 3 iu . y t t i )mmmt