f f"5 1? vft $7?WW!FFT'W r Ar.Tp Sf; - MEDFORD -MAIL TRIBUNE, aJGEDFOflD, QUEGON, SUNDAY, JANUARY 8, 1911. W fit LV ?'5 tp WM RETAINED it., WOOLEN TARIFF t r i . National Wool Growers' Convention ''to 'Consider rtcsolutfons' Rcfjanlinij Tariff on Wool Rcsoluilons Pre ferred by Commltiee. ' PORTLAND Or., .Inn. 7. Ht'olu- lions ricninnding the retention of flu? liej.fn'l uoojon tariff and llio cstab; u iMiiifimicnt iurifi 4com-j me hei'oie tle National lishnienl of JUISHIOH t'llHU' Wool Growers' corni'iiliini lutfuy for (indorsement. It was lielioved tlml flic l ('solutions would bo trndorsC'd willioul defihtc iis ull aijrliiiK'ntH clur in: I lie convention buvo indicated that such action would be taken ul timately. Tlie H'Holulions were prepared by tliu resolutions cotnmittec and is con sidered as' the lir.il step on the part of the wool men in their campaign for continued protection of raw wuohj. Ill thin connection the association hnfi already ouc on accord ( o a J nil overj)iaenl jn ventilation' into all phases (it the tariff affeetiiiK rnw woolb. ,(' Tho I'l'soltitinn favoring the crea tion, of u tariff commission was lUc , outgrowth of tlie agitation for lowei duties on wool by onfUern liinnufnc trcrri of woolen pioducts. The uool men profess to (iclicvo thai (be manufacturers arc in bettor position to i'orco throiiKb a reduction of the wool tariff than nro ()i sltoepmou to per.suado (hope in aulhoiity lo, re tain hcIkhIuIu 1, As a result tin. woolmen are nnxioiiH to yet, the lurid out of polities whoip disinterested parlies may bo the judges in .the dis pute behveeu growers and maiiufao-turcrs. FRIDAY, 1 3TH CANON MADE LIGHT CONTRACT WHICH HE CLAIMS CREDIT FOR REPUDIATING IP 'Ml 1T0 llfiV ! M tolled ford lail Tribune: v ' I Canon negotiated the tenns, cost' of installation, hmriher 2 n N fin HA I Sir Rcfering to the artiele on the first page of yester. and location of the lights, and embodied the same in mem- , Urj I? T! .day's Mail Tribune, quoting the confutation P i 1. . 1... ('.. ! . i1. -.i. 'J.. ' il. 1 !,. OlltlilVl" VL III. llimilPUUHIlllt m-i-xi vvi i.i .;. .. - v .. .. .....7.7 In Los Angeles Thirteen Judges Will ., . . . . , '. .-, I i ri r- "" ""u""- "" a mg sei'vice, tins article lias evidently 'etnanateu jroinwr. Slf on 'Thirteen Different Benches' Canon or hif on, flic Thirteenth of the Which 1$ Also Friday his lieutenants,, and certainly this article must Month i have been published, if not at the dictation of the mayor fc i personally, at least with Ins knowledge and approval, and 1 for tlif- sole purpose of making it appear to the public mat i am rue canuiuare oi or ar-least nave me approval of the Rogue River Electric Company. The fact in the matter of an extened service arc briefly as follews: When the light' committee recommended an extension of the service, the council ordered- in certain street lights. Now, the Rogue River concern had a con tract with the city covering the, matter i of extended ser vice, which contract contemplated the advance J or the cost of installation, and heretofore, it, has been the cus tom of thecUy jo advance the tost of installation. , This was not unreasonable, for the reason that the lighting company wight bo1 compelled to install-'lines in -i-emotc placeHtnnd institute n service which might be repudiated If llmrn nrn r,n nil Irl.wlu of rn. P Ulfirilllia lll'll IJ U IU ;t;uuilJlI TOlllll.ll 1;MI1IU l,MU JIUIIL- vcrsnis arid deciHiona. riiabiiios of, ing'comp.'luy with an invefttlnont in a n(m-prodr,cing cir- WUi j.oroove-ii, it is a. ousmesa cusiom wj.iii iigmmg con cerns that whei'C power or light aroijnstalled, outlier to municipal corporations or- private individuals, to ovadt I.OS ANOUU-JS, Cal., Jan. 7. Thirteen Jiidscs of the B'iparlor court are In ri on IS dlffornnl IioncliPB of the Jtidlolnry, In this city on Friday, i,u Kith of .January, and ono. of Die Judges lins i.'l canes on tils -calendar. Judgo Willis, who has thg ia cases,' has announced his Intention of koIii;,' Into court, next Friday vlpi a hlnck cat and with his flnsqrs croised. Meantime ho. Is trying to bprrw,a case or two from the calendars of Ills col le,';ca ties .Ji.ct to brpaU the Ittl number. , , attorneys pver fees nnd errors in the iccords on that day tlio i? Judges, will Jio surprised, accordIn to tholr own Kviitnna(niitl i ",it aii camo abouVi.ecnuso the 12 itlic primary .cost of installation,- or indicia liiereo n I'on- suncrior judKcs. ot this county foundl tract. hovering such ; period as to jiiakoithe installation tliomsolvcs s'-'ampod wl(,h work nnd rprofitable. ' M called uiion Judgp Covert of Hanford Pin-siiiint to the Jiction of the council. M Canon and to help thorn out. . . , 1,,1ii- (1, i; j,,,;,,, n(- (i, ii.i 1Ani1l,:unn rma iA jiijnvii, lv iii tisj i'liiiJi iikiii in. i-iiv." ii.mit iiiMiiiiiiirt;r m;iiKi.v the Roue River IQleef rie company's office, and there fr. umcui cLCMiun ur DELEGATES PROPOSED! mg myself and the lighting company, J issued the communi cation referred to in the columns of the Tribune. There after the matter came before the council in the form of a .rtf Notarial and Corporation Qaiio Phone us &nd we will call for copy MEDFDD BOOK ' STORE .eommuiiication from the light company, and upon motion! J at Same price yOU 2 of Councilman Wortnian to lay the same on the tabl9 Ljj pay n Portland, t trs-nsi ttiit- i -n-w -"i-ni iYinitinnin nr r in iinmi I t?r Tn rir ak It is apparently the effort of JMr. Canon and his lieuten ants to connect me by insinuation and innuendo as being the candidate of the Ray lighting corporation, but the ef fort is a misfire, for the reason that my personal relations with that corporation have been' strained to the breaking point, which .culminated a few days ago in my ordering jts power meter out of my place of business. However, that has nothing to do with this controversy, and if J am elected mayor the Ray company will got a square deal, and Tio more. The records which were used in the Tribune publication are' the property of the light company and could only have been produced by it. Does itnot occur to a thinking pub lic, if I Avere the candidate of that concern .that it would most reluctantly surrender private records to such use? On the other hand, My. Canon or his virtuous ptress agent is sufficiently close to the light octopus to procure its pri vate records lor public purposes. '.Verily, the ox knoweth his piaster and the ass his mas ter's crib." , Leaving these matters to the consideration of a fair minded public. Vary respectfully, W.W. BTPERT. Aledford, January 6, 1911. (Pair advertisement.) 4, 4 C c A (V 4 4, 6 4 4 4 4 r-t-rr4 . PACKY IS TO MEET WELSH IN A LONDON RING KANSAS CITV, Jf Jmi. 7. Al though I'achy MeFnilnnd and Fred die Welsh may not fiht Tor Jliif-h litcTutoRli, it is regarded us certain that they will sol tie their (llfTcrcncoh in n London linj,'. Aliiiounceiueiil oi an offer hy Promoter Jleltinson ol the National Sporting club of 1-on-il(in a hicli is helieveil lo coiitaiu fat hotter tunny than that of JHdntosh ' was made hero hy AfeFarhind today r I'achysaid ho had received u cnhlo from JlcttiilKou offering him .flfjOh win, lose or diaw, and transporln 4 tion. Jlettinson nrced to refeu-e ftho match hiuihelf, which cliininatc.- r I'miky'tf chief objection to the qJn- tosh offer. The National cluh would Htauo the fiht ncVt month. 5 "Heltinsou'M offer looks piod to SThic." aid loKnrlund. "1 told Multi tosh that Kiinene Corrie would Iin o to jefeieo if 1 fought for him, hut gllottiiibon is jitut us kooiI. I know thut ho is honest, and Hint is nil I ask. Of course WIhIi may not nyiue hut it is up to him us lar iih I ain Siioiicnriicil." f U is helieved that MoKiirland will 5'"hlo ilcln(osh wilhdrnwintr Iih Icm itativo ncceptniieo of the Australian luomolers' turais. JAPANESE EDITORS DEPLORES WAR TALK VICTORIA, II. C, Jan. 7 Con sidcrahlc conunenl U made in .hip iinono iehpapoi received hv the Kinpremi of Japan, ruardin tin i cent Washington dispalcheh on the inndf(uncy of Pacifjo Cist de fenhos and protestations aie inade hy maiiv wrifei-H that Japan hIiouIiI :( not credited with intentions to at tack (he United Staus. Bill Lane Signed. VICTORIA, IJ. ('., Jan. 7. -Word has just heon received fiom Lot An Ki'les that ICddie Houhuliolder hat hipr0(l Hill I,nno, hest known ins tiu stnr heaver of (ho St. Vincent team four years ago, to pitch for the new Vielorja Norlhwewtmn team. Lam has heen wilji the outlaw toukton eluh. "This Iiiiukk the nunihoi- ot pliiyers thus iiu .lulled up to 1T. t Free Atlvertlslng For Our City. Wa reeoicd the piod new that the neucilicthic Knther of All. Aiijjel, Or., who tunc wxkcd u- thix Mlulc ' hinco 1882, jae to publish n cgntcn " iifni numhT in which mil lily i n , liayo a conspieuou pohilion. "he All, ,Ayu?l Alujrnriiie" that cinvylitler all vei' llio I'moii mid 1-Juropyi iu ipevioift you Iik duie much to ml Vertiso Oregon mid hriitfr progieivt vUixt'iirt iq tho q Air. N. lleurj ifobiifson, Hjo Held 'dieilor, will cull lujff and Inktiip tin- uuiv with the f'oimncrdlaf cUdj. We henx-nk a mnu word for jhui. SACRAA1KNTO, Cal., Jan. 7.-1)1-recl cleclion of ilclegnles to the im lionnl conventions of the various parlios in 10J2, us HiigKcstori hy icnntor l.arollette is under consid rntion today hy the progressive ic Diililican leaders of the seunto nnd isseinhly. Tlie fensahility of inlio dueiiiK u cnnciirrent resolution pro Idiiijj for (ho populnr choices of dpi 'gales to tho rcpiihlic.iu piohahly will he presented hy Gates of Los An geles, should tho lenders decide that LnFoIlette's suggestion is u good one. RICHEST WOMAN IS ILL AT HER HOME i NKW YORK. Jan. 7. Aln. Hettv Oroon Is 111 t.tho homo ofher daugh ter, .Airs. Maftlinws Wlllin. 'lloporls from tho homo today say that her condition Is not "serious. MANN'S Medford's Popular Price Store North Central Ave.--Near P. 0. MANN'S h ,y Our XOT1CIJ. Week of prayer at tho Methodist church, cornor Konrth llartlutt. A lari'.o and unthuslnHtlc aiidlenco or semhled last ovcnlng, tho first night of the week of prayer. Itpv. .1. L. MrConih preached a very liolpful nnd Inspiring Herinon. llo will siiealc again UiIb ovenlng. Subject: "Who la on tho Lord's Sldo." Tho choir and ort;uulst are urged to ho pres ent. A cordial Invitation Is extend ed to tho public. UnsUlnH for Health. STODDARD DAYTON Automobiles Dr. F. C Page Mgr. Local Agency First Annual Clearance Sale Now Going" On Greater Bargains Than Ever for Saturday's Selling Be Sure You Get Some of Them Remnant Sale Saturday inornlns we plaro n hiiIo 1000 remnants of SILK DRESS GOODS Outing Flannels, ainghamn, Sheetings and Waoh dooda; lengJis from 1 to 10 yards; nil NI3W, I)I-:SIUAHLK GOODS; tho accuiunlatlnu of tho past threo inontliH' heIUhb: all go on iialo at a KHACTIOX OKTIIKIIt ACITAL VAIA'i:. Wash Goods 1000 -ynrdst flared Wash Goods; valuos np to 20e; clearance salo prko, ( yaul &C 1000 .ards fine Organdies nnd fancy Wash Ooods; fast col ors; valuesc upjto 35e; clear ance salo price, Ori yaul V-. "C 5000 yards host Quality Skirt ing nnd DrcesCPi-Ints; good pat terns; clearance. f" sale price, yard- ..'..... OC Winter Suits OI-7T JIAXX'S I'ltfCKS WIST Women's ?15 Suits now .7.50 Women's ?2t" Suits now .tJS. Women's $30 Sult3 i.ow ijtin.OO Women's $33 Suits now .SI7.no Women's $10 Suits now S20.00 just oxn-iiALr Radical reductions oa Furs: All $10 Kur Scnrrc ...JjiO.OH All $13 Fur Scnrfs . . .$t 0.08 All $20 Fur Scarfs ...$M.08 All $30 Fur Scarfs ...$2.no All -$0 Fur Muffs .tl.lS Winter Coats Women's $12 Coat now '(1.00 Women's $15 Coats now i:7.no Women's $20 Co:rts,now $10.00 Women's $25 Coata now $l2.r,o Women's $30 Coatn now $1.1.00 JUST OX!-MIALK. Childrou's $1.50 Coats, now . . . , $2.2G Children's $5.00 Coats, now ji'j:.r.o Children's $C00 Coats, now .5.1.00 Children's $S.00 Coata, now $1.00 Children' $10.00 Coats, now $n.oo Chlldien's $12.00 Coats, now $0,00 IthAXKI-XS CO.MI-'OKTHUS HOHlKltY Heavy ftrey cotton Good largo tll;alln( Hoys' and rlrls' "Last manUets, 75e guide; Comforters; $ 1 2 5 Forovor" lloao; 25c now a pair, grade; now v values; now 59c 98c a pair 12 1-2 IWOKItWKAK Women's and c h I 1 -(Iron's fleeced lined Vests nnd Pants; 35c now 25c " waists rieautlful now llngerlo Waists; all sizes; $1.50 allies; now eacK$1.19 MANN y s Medford's Popular Price Store North Central Ave, Near Post Office MANN 'S -in v . j.. Nillw. To conirHt'lar?ZBlnl wmte-- hmhlerx o JrfoilAjrd I hut m ml nrti-r Apnl 1. ik iHininuJW t,t-MW5! w u lor car- ,S0O OI INTRODUCTION SALE OF FINE EMBROIDERIES ' l ' " WE PUT ON SALE FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY All our now fine Embroidery just received. All brand new goods nnd exclusive patterns. Swisses,, Nainsooks ,' and Cambric, from lJ (0 (JO inches wide; edges and insertions. Nothing reserved. Embroidery Edges; Best 10c Values for 5c A( this sale you have choice of dainty Embroidery lOdges. They nro embroidered in good quality Swisses, Najn k and Cambric nnd have fine finished edges; best quality 10c; special 5c Embroidered Houncinq and Corest Covers, 30c-35c Values, 20c An oxira spocial offering of Jieautiful bMouncing and (Dorset (overJCmbroidery; shown jn wide." widths and olab- -'. aioly ombroide'od on fine uality Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric. " . . - Values 30c and 35c Interduction Price 20c Batiste Embroidery, Best Grade, $1.25 to $1.50, for 95c . A vory ehoico offoring of 27-inch lOmbroijlery flouncing, shown in pi'otty Venice and baby-Irish pattyrn? boa nt.i fully embroidered on good (pialily batiste; also dainty patterns suitable for baby dresses; introductory pridU '...,...' t , ., " 95c All Over Embroidery, Best Grade, for 25c A special of faring of 18-inch allover Embroidery shown in larger and small patterns; prettily embroidered on find Swiss and Nainsook; especially suited lor .voice sleewyandVajsts; regular quality up to (iOc; special introductory price J. '. 35c c-r n 1 t ii I - " " jcou wm una prices oorrosponaingiy low on an , over Embroideries, we have too many to mention them all. Friday arid Saturday Gray & Moe Did You Say DISHES 9 . ' IAVe liayo everything in dishes and makq f)riecs that you can't du plicate even at whole sale. (Vme and see our linn of dishes, both in seta ,or separate pieces, the grades and patterns most preferable. GET OUR PRICES. Groc enes I 4$Evciything in this lino is new and fresh and the quality is sure to please. ALL IN i ALLIN 132 West MainSt . Phono Main 2691 X s r-rr-tttr NJ; SECOND TERM of tho Mcdford Consqrvalory for MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Will BoKin on JAN. 2, 1911 O. TATLLANDIER. Dircptnr. Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles GENERAL OVERHAULING" & MACHINE REPAIRING. , First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN 0231. Corner Central Ave. and 8th St Medfoid, Or. Bargain Corner Ono tonr of Hip store is t'i' en over to special liuvs. Jn:t now wo nfffr'a iuecinl lmV in Shoe fnht our regular line, lint ner snecial lines'!, the lieM hnrgnino ever slimvn. LADIES' SHOES. $2..-j0 nnd ."?.1 Shoes $1.95- $.:0 Men's Welts $2.35 W "'O Leather Lined . . . $2.35 ..'.2: Work Shoes ... .$2.25 The Wardrobe Home of Good Shoes wort,! . T, ,FOAMY. 4 v tH .- :jvl "-viaut rm rirt .w rjejM'n-