Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 05, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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fc v
Representative Norris Introduces
Two Resolutions, Ono of Wlilcn
Will End Committee Secrecy-
Would Rend Veil of Secrecy.
"WASHINGTON, D.' C, .Ian. '.
The move for the iiroscnC Bcsalon In
(lio Insurgent fight for teformed
liuusu ruloa was nimlo today when
Hopreaontatlve Nonla of " NcbrnBkn
introduced two resuliitlons, ono of
which Is Intended to end committee
Hoorory. The rule, wlilcli old line
Ieiidei'8 cnll rovolutlonnry, Is Intend
ed to put on record the liicmhurH of
committees on measures which are
referred to them by the I10111.0. Un
der the provisions of this rule, the
vote, which is taken In secret, Is to
become open. A report to tlio house
phowlnj,' how each committeeman
voted must be mnde, If the resolution
hi adopted.
Tlio-second resolution chatiKOS n
former rule amendment ' providing
fur tlio discharge of committees on
retiuest of the members introducing
"Tlio abuoo of comnilfteo secrecy is
ono of the Kieateot veils In the pres
out sonduct of legislative' affairs,
and the resolution presents the ncci
"esaary stopB In tho reform of house
procedure," said Norris in (IIhciibhIiik
tho resolution)!.
It prevents the evasion of respon
sibility heretofore posslhlo In throt
tling tho bills in committee.
MA bill referred to 11 commit toe
nana be hilled without anyone nssiim
inn .tlio responsibility. It simply dis
appears. I proposo to niiiko every
incniber of every committee responsi
ble to the house. The resolution
iiniondB tho rules to read 'unless oth
erwise ordored, tho business of all
Klandliu'. Hpeclnl and select commit
tees, Iiu'lmlliiK tlio votes therein,
fihnll bo publlahed.' "
Idea of Havliifi Machine; Overlooked Many Men Hih in Official Life
by Inspectors Is Good, They Say,
But Aviator Is Best J mine of His
Own Machine's Condition.
Presbyterian Church.
Call at Home of Senator and Ex
press Sorrow Was a Leader of
the Majority in Senate.
LOS.ANOKLKS, OuImJiui. .'). In-j WASHINGTON, I). C, Jan. G.
terestiiiu ami widely divergent' opiii- Senators, representatives and men
ions of tliu of tile Aeio high In official Ilfo today called at
..I.. I. ..1' a......:.... ... - : r i!..:.. 1 1
,.., ., iiuiviu'H m luuimu """" the ElkliiB home to express their sor
Under (Into of December 'JO, Sgo
lu'l & Day say:
The KuKlihH markets oil Wiilson
ville Newlowns ulniid now hh fl-Imvx:
Liverpool i, Connolly & Co. en
bin their iiinikct on four tiers nlniid
7n lid to 7h (Id, with 11 little mot
(lciuniid, but offerings me (iiile
.oiulon M. Iwinoa & Soiih cubU
tluil their markel Htunds Jit aboti
7tf, with Miuillisli ol'feriiiKS anil a
j'tiir (leinainl.
Nnlurall.v between tlio holiday
ilie (Iciiiaml is always. hiiiiiII, biiyurn
Itiofurring to .iiIoho" up their yearly
buHJnehs without any heavy slock
of fruit 011 hand) nnd it is the mum
way here.
This Morning one em-loud of ap
ple from WiihliiilKtou wan sold liere
lit lUK.'tioii hulk Home Heautics aud
very good iiuuUi $1.70 on the extra
I'aucy mill $ on the fancy; bill
. mice of Hie ear eoinpOMd of hiuiiII
iuh lots of (ill hinds of apple sold
from 4-1. i" to $1.(10, pretty pom
At privutu sale virtually nil l
em out of wliil torne, the offe1
iiijj luive ln'iin quite niuill mid the
present prieeH are us follew:
SpitzenlioiK. .-f'J-'J.'Jfi; Uahlwlns
$hr0-a; Oiogon HihIm, l.0-2:
liiiine Utmuty, $1.7fi'J.2.'i; lllink
Twiir. $l.fl(M.87: Hlnek Men Da
vis, ifl.riO-U; Oano, $1.50-2; Men Da
viH, jM .30-1.00; Newton, $1.7.VJ
Thcao huurcH iiIkiw a tulle atl
viuieo over our Iiim( nuoliitions, pi in
oipillly bcemiho of the xumll offerin,
tiuil wojIh of u few lniyor who Inn)
lint laid Jo tatoi-U, holiday dniiimi I
nnd I hoy could not be maintained 11
cailniul lols.
The (pimititieK in store here ar
niuple mill price in the future me
nroblutniilionl. However, hnnel ap
pl()K ure sIi'OHkI.v lu'hl nnd in fcv
huii'i.s. Florida oranuoK me at tin
end as fur as homy shipments an
I'OiiceiDcd, anil wo me in hope, thai
nflor llif middle of Inpum-v to iv
n much bettor state of tilings here.
inspection of aeroplanes hefoie
flights were attempted were uxpres
cd toduv by the mint org who par
ticipated in the Domiugiiu. aviation
"The idea is good," said lluheit
Liitliiim, "but are ligl the aviatois
and their mcchiuiciuus Hie best in
spectors The aviator is best iiul
ilied to pass upon Hie condiliou ol
his machine, and knows more about
it than any official inspector. Nov
ices should have iiihpeclors and
dioiihl be barred from public meets."
In the opinion of Roy Kunbciishite,
inuiiagcr for the Wrights, inspection
would 10 a good thing.
"A plan that will miike aviation
infer will be welcomed," he said.
"However, as most accidents are due
to cliuiutif conditions ad varinlionn
in the wind, inspectors would not
find much to do, as the aviators
humselves ate very careful iiinpuct-
"Jf the Aero club of America
would pill 11 stop to (he offering of
big mid iillmuig prizes for aviation
feats there would lie fewer accidents
and less call for inspectors," said
Walter Hronkins. "The prizes offer
ed are so big that mi aviator takes
risks. .Stop money-bailing mid fheic
will he fewer mihluips. An aviator
Is I lie bust inspector,"
"Inspection would bo u good
thing," snid Cllfiin II. Cuiliss. "The
nspectors would have to he compe
tent mialors, however, to ho of any
.fe. They miixt lie acipiaiiilcd with
all classes of machines or else theie
would huve to bo an inspector for
itch tvpo of inaehine."
.lames Ifadley, the KngliHliman, did
.10! take kindly to the idea. "1 am
my own inspector mid I would be in
smie to attempt n flight unions I
made sure my niachiue was in per
feet condition. When we finish go
ing oer a machine we do not need
an inspector to tell us whether it is
'11 shape or not."
row at the death of Senntor Stephen
Her.ton Klklns of West Virginia. The
senator's death, though it hnd been
predicted, came aftei t wits thought
ho was recovering from a mysterious
malady which virtually caiifiod star
vation. Members of the family yes
terday Issued a hopeful statement
in which It was said the senator was
Improving. Later la the Hay Hlklns
becanio weaker and shortly after
midnight he died.
Sonator lOlkiiiB became 111 while
he was In Now York city after the
close Of tho last session of congress.
It wan thought that the malady was
not serious but physicians who were
called In were baffled. Today hn
physicians admit that the senntor
practically starved to death. A germ
in his blood prevented tho assimil
ation of food, aud noaurlshment tak
en In turned to poison. Ills consti
tution was worn down nnd his power
of resistance so weakened that he
could not throw off the r.Iacaso. He
relnpscd last night aud sank Into 1111
couscIouBnesB. Senator Klklns was ono of tlio
leaders of -the majority In the upper
house. He wiib particularly Influen
tial In railroad legislation and fath
ered tho IOlklns rnte law. Ho served
as secretary of war under President
Harrison, having boon Influential In
securing tho nomination of the Hoo
slor gonoral.
131kliiB waa extromoly wealthy, his
fortune being estimated at $1)0, 000,
000, He had large railroad and coal
mining Interests.
.Services every-night this week at
the Presbyterian church, excepting
Saturday night. This is (ho work of
prayer in the evangeli. .il churches.
All are invited to join with us in
theo meetings. Kvnnge.'-d-! meet
ings may he continued following th'JJ
week ol prayer.
Communion services next Sunday
morning at 11 11. in. Heoeption of
members. Services at 7:!10 P. in.
Sunday. Special subject and goodf
music. Suudiiy school at 10 .a. in.;
('. K. society nl (JtfO p. in.; J. C K.
xoeietv at 4 :.'!() p. in.
WASHINGTON, l). C, Jan. r..
1'ho pennant nwarded for the best
marksmanship of any ship in the
United Stateii navy was .1111 up on tho
halyards or tho Cruiser Maryland to
day. Tho cruiser led tho other ves
tolB In her class by sevoral points
during 1010 practlco, making about
10 per cent of bits under varying
I'ondltloiiB. Tlio other ships finished
In tho following erder:
Mnryland, South Dakota, Delaware
Idaho, Minnesota, Vermont, Wash
ington, North Dakota, Nebraska,
N w IlanipHhli. South Carolina,
Ithode Island, Louisiana, Tonnetuioo,
Callfornlna. Virginia, MUslsulppI,
Colorado, Ponnsylvanlii, West Vir
ginia, Kansas, Connecticut, (leorgln.
Michigan and Montana.
Upset Stomach lYcls Splendid.
Ml-O-NA stomach tablets will re
lievo a distressed, sour or gassy Btoni
ach In five minutes.
In tliroo days they will niako the
most miserable or cranky sdyspoptlc
feel that there Is plenty of sunshiny
In life.
In a weolc ho will havo an nppotlto
for and will eat without any hnd af
0" effects food which now causes his
stomach to strenuously rebel I.
If continued for from two weeks to
a month MI-O-NI will thoroiighly
reuovato and eleanso the Rtotnach
nnd will compel It (no inatlor how
obstinate it may bo) to throw off Its
weakness and flabbluesH nnd become,
as nature Intended It nhould be,
strong and elastic.
If you hnvo a coated tongiio, honrt
burn, sour fond uphcnvcls, uiieasl
iicbu in stomach, dizziness, bilious-
noun, sick hoadncho, bad dreams or
." nercs, l miles Irom Tiilen;,
fenced, timber, nl fnlfn mid fruit
land, good house, pure water, Vi
mile from fcIiooI, .'100 young pear
trees, lovely place; $2000, one-half
Also ,'11 acres. 1 mile from Tnlenl,
12 ncre.-. of fruit, fninilv orchard i.i
henring; apples, Newtown", 12
acres, peach filled; 7 acres timber,
irrigated, dwelling Iioiim- hIiikIciI by
large laurel 'trees, nlentv of wnter,
feitile soil, garden spot, pumping
limit; terms, $1:1,000. $7000 eud:.
the balance in payments of $1000
venrlv nl (i per cent.
Also 20 acres alfalfa and fruit
laud with timber, 1 mile from Tnlenl.
ffi.'iOO cash down; just think what r.
snap, 11 Utile over $.'100 an acre.
Where can you find near Hie depot
mil rnilroad a cheaper place?
Town lols in (he ncwlv incorpornl
i'd town of Tnlenl, Or., on the in
slnlliiient plan.
Also 17 acres, 14 acres commer
cial fruit hci'.ring orchard, 2 miles
from Talent; $10,000, one-half 011
Also 80 acres fine Ijinber, $2000.
one-hull down.
AOlso :M ncres. half mile from
Talent, fine house, (mil trees, nl
jfiilfii. all under (;uHivnlion; price
$87"0, balance to
Also lor sale, homo 111
.luekson county, Oreupn (u newly its
corpo.rnted (own), a fine home of IS
nercs; level, fertile alfalfa and fruit
laud, irriiiuted; one block fiom post
office, on the inn in ro'ud mid extends
In Dear creek: has two acres henrius
Newlowns, 11 yeaih,old; 12 acres
Martlctt and D'Aujou pears; 2 aero
alfalfa; all is fine garden laud; a
six-room house; climate very mild:
pure water from the mountains; verv
healthy; churches, schools and lit
em rv societies; no saloons or
drunkenness it is n drv tewn: it is
sin! purchaser,
hmne in Talent
any kind of Btor-'nch troublo put youri midwav between the thriving cities
faith In MI-O-NA tablets. 'of Medford and Ashland; price $10,-
They will make the stomacl strong.) 00-$4,'.00 down, the lemaiudet- on
and when tho ktoinach Is strong, good ,.
health,, vl... and vl.;or comes. ' t"m' "' (' 'Mr ,,,,nl-
Fifty conts Is nil a laio box of
MI-O-NA costs at Chnfl. Strang's on Ami "n,1,, nirH' d fruit, from
loading driiBI'lRtii ovoi-vwhoro, on 1 20 to
nioiioy hack gc. antee. Write Month's j slumps
Ml-o-na, lPiffalo, N. Y for free trial!
wimple. 1 1
800 noies. Write, iuclosinu
, or conic and see me.
. N. JUDD, Talent. Or.
jy luive a spltMidid nssoplmout
ol' I'ohs and clwiins in (lie vimt
nowesl designs.
JAt all prices.
Jlino watch and jowolry ropair
hitf. Abates 1110111110(1.' and tlio
rinost (MiKi'avinif and diainond
sotting dono at
sonioono s woddmtr or
Rich, Sparkling Out Glass
JIr bright inj? up and beaut i
lying your own tablo.
ij()r I01
birthdav prosont;.
Yon can select here tioiu n fine
assortment of elegant pieces, 111
haiidsnuie patterns, rich, scintillat
ing cut gins., of highest iiuality.
MARTIN J. REDDY, The Jeweler, Near Post Office
RAN JIlKflO. ("nl. .Inn. .'. L I
Oakes, n bookkeeper omploved bv J! I
A'. Seripps, wns iiistnntlv k'1.''''!. V j
McMuhnn, chiiiiffonr. rubiiblv li 1
IjiIIv iniuroil mid liss Ivv Hash, .1
pompmiioii of 'Miss Soripps. scvei-c
V jniureil avIkui nu niitoinnlnle 0
wlilcli tlio party wore rjdinir. wem,
'over n grmlo nctir Ihe.Siirippi. rimeii
nt Mirnnutr yPHtordny. I
Tho nof'idonl oeoniTfd two and n,
Jinlf miloR soiilh of Mii-mmir. Mi
Ulickcn, n now cjmyffuf, had ban
vnniod veslerdny jo fdmv down a I
tli enrvo. - ' '
Hank I us for health. 1
Bring your prescriptions hero. Wo will take particular care to see that you
got exactly what tlio prescription calls Tor. Our drugs are guaranteed pure
and our prices are reasonable.
FTER "the sale "-do you stop there?
Not if you hope to live and do Busi
The Push-Cart-Man sells you ten cents
worth of cherries, then hustles his cart
around the corner before you discover the
short measure, the false bottom in the box.
This is very fine Salesmanship, good enough
ethics, for a Push-Cart-Bussness. His sales
room is wherever the sun shines. He is an
uncertain quantity. He comes from an
Age Past, that said, "Let the Buyer Beware".
After he makes "the Sale" he has no furth
er interest iji his customer, but to avoid his
Salesmanship of the Borroughs kind does
not end when the sale is made. After the
Sale comes Service.
Consider this service of the Burroughs Adding Machine Company.
The Individual Merchant or Corporation who buys a Burroughs,
puts himself in touch with 103,750othcr business men. All the
good tinie-and-work-saving methods devised and developed by
each of these Burroughs users, are worked over by the home
force. When perfection is in sight, then it is passed along for
your use. Just one of these systems, applied to your business,
will often return to you many times over your original expendi
ture for the machine.
That is the Business Systems Service, which is free to vvevy user
of Burroughs Machines.
The Burroughs is built right its eighteen-year history proves it;
but the Burroughs Company insures its users against accident.
If your machine, ever goes out of order, or if someone breaks it
beyond use, or if it needs cleaning or overhauling, there is no
loss .of time to you. Any one of the 340 Burroughs representa
tives close at hand will provide you another free while
yours is in the shop.
That Shop is a country-wide organization, in charge of Burroughs
factory graduates, within telephone call of every user, no matter
whether in Panehita, Texas, or Mattiwanikoag, Maine.' That is
Burroughs Inspection Service.
Even the latest inventions are turned to your advantage, because
your old Burroughs, bought when you need only a plain adding-and-listino-
machine, can be exchanged at a generous allowance, as
part of the price of the latest automatic, electrically driven, Split
and Normal, fifteen column Bookkeeping machine, when you need
That is the Burroughs Invention Service.
Thus the Burroughs people work in direct opposition to the Pu
sh-Car-Man's practice. They spend $300,000 each year maintain
ing and improving the Burroughs Service.
They give you more for your money than you can get anywhere
else, and then very naturally when you want to buy or your
friend wants to buy the name Burroughs, the thought of
Burroughs, conies to you unbidden.
You recognize that you not only buy the machine; you buy the
Hand and Brain Service, with a jigger of Moral Responsibility
thrown in, behind the machine.
This may explain why 90 per cent of all adding or listing ma
chines sold are BURROUGHS. (Do you know of any other
Adding Machine than the Burroughs?) Salesmanship ' is not
Salesmanship without effectual service to follow.
The Company can't make the Burroughs indispensable to you
(because nothing is indispensable.) But they can make the
Burroughs the only safe purchase, if you have decided to buy
an Adding Machine. And they do.
Thus the Burroughs Machine is only Part -of the Burroughs'
"Sale." The service is the Other Part, and some sav the Service
is the important thing to the. Customer.
Seventy-one Styles of Burroughs Bookkeeping Machines Ono
to handle any kind of Work, and Made to Fit any Pocket.
IT you are interested in "A Better Day's Work," write us
(using letter-head) for our
unique book under that title
Now in its fourth edition
192 pages. One hunndred
thousand already distribr
utner hoeks: "Whv Don't
)ou Go Home," a 48-page
book for retailors. Also,
Cost-Keeping Short Cuts,"
--ISO pages giving simpli
Jied methods for cost-keening
Henry Bldg., Seattle, Washington. .
421 Burroughs Block, Detroit, Michigan. ' ,
. il
" I
iMS .
,.mmf M"teLm-
Ml &k i 4f