wrwTFtrwr irflWWJV Yf 1W7-" M10DFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1011. v tf w Of 1 Hj X v r '.- '1 Jtf .y Mf j t v-r-s-, FISH HDGS WOULD NOT OUIT RIVER P8is&.r Effort Being Made to Insure Repeal of Law Passed at .Last Election Closing Rogue River to Commer cial Fishing. : . i ' BANDON, Or., JnnfTo Effort U being made .In Coos and Curry coun ties to Insure the repeal or the Rogue river fishing bill, passed as an amendment to the constitution No vember 8 last. Copies of the following petition were circulated over this part of the state Inst week, and similar copies will bo sent breadcast: t "To tho governor, tho senate and tho house of representatives: ', "Whereas, tho law recently passed closing tho Roeuo river to commer cial fishing will by Its needlessly sweeping terms result In groat In justice to vested Interests, deprlco many fishermen of tholr livelihood and work, hardship upon many farm ers, render valuelecs fish hatcheries, canneries and similar plants valued at over ?2G0,0OO, and seriously set back tho country tributary to tho lower river with no resulting benefit whatever; now, therefore, "We, tho undersigned citizens and voters of tho stnto of . Oregon, re spectfully petition and request that Bald law bo so amended as to carry 0'it the Intent thereof and to do Jus ' tlco to all concerned by allowing j commercial fishing, under proper re strictions, upon said Rogue river be low the mouth of tho Illinois river, lixcept for Btcclhcnd trout." Tho petition is said to have been signed by persona in tho cities of .Marshield, North Bend, CoquMlt, Uandon, Port Orford and Gold Bench, and by farmers whoso homes are close to Rogue river. ME11FOIU) MARKETS. Prices paid by Medford merchants.) Potatoes f 1.15 01.25 per cwt. Cabbage 2 c. Squash SGcQ)l. Parsnips lc. Carrots lMsc. Boots le ', , Onions lc. ' Poars l14(S2c. Prunes Dried, 4c. Pumpkins 83)12c. Apples 2c --' Celery 90c a dozen. I Butter, Kggs nnd Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford merchants.) Butter Fresh ranch, 32c; creamery, 40c. Eggs French ranch, 40c. N" Poultry Mixed, 10 14c; spring chickens, 14 10c; turkeys, 17c. (Prices paid producers.) Hay Timothy, ?1C; nlfalfn, $14; grass, $14; grain hay, $1G. Grain Wheat, $1.15 bushel; oats, ?3C ton; barloy, $32 ton. Beef Cows, 44c; steers, 5 6c. Porlc 7 Vb 8c. 'Mutton 5Q5i.c; lambs, 6c. Veal Dressed, 9c. (Selling prices.) Rolled barloy, $1.75 cwt, $32 ton; brain, $1.75; middlings, $1.85(3)1.90. Notjce. Tho Ordflr of Enemies will install officers' on Thursduv evening Jni. uurv 5.' 1911. A full attendance) i jlcsircd. Hip; food is being planned. PRIVATE WIRE ) PHONE 1831 Moss 6 Co. GRAIN AND STOCK BROKERS W. L. BAIN LOCAL MGR NO. 10 NORTH FRONT ST. MEDFORD, OREGON I . . .Medford Thursday, January 5th, 1911 Prince of Dialect Comedians Ben Holmes Sweet Singer in Ben UST T rVT 17CAXT II H III 11 1 I : KJlLjEj J3uJJL!jD-S.1 ;j Twpntv YpirI nf Slirppqq 150 Lliaghs i! iwenty i ears or ouccesb. iou juagiu , , The Only Anglo-Swedlsh-American Play In Existence - Seats Now on MAIL CLERK SHOT SEffiLESMIOS Bullet Plows Its Way Through His Face, Knocking Out Every Tooth Sheriff and Detectives Are Close on Trail. . SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. . Mail Clerk H. O. Clark, ( who was shot by I the masked baitdnlts who held up the Northern Pacific-trnln ns it pull ed out of the local station last night, vns resting comfortably at tho hos pital today, and It is believed that ho will survive. ' ' Nearly every todth in his mouth was shot out when tho bullet plow ed Its way through his face. Tho sheriff's posso Is still search ing tho suburban district and 30 de tectives nro scouring the lodging house district for tho two men who perpetrated tho holdup. It Is fear ed that If tho men gain entrance to Seattlo they will escape. Tho chief of tho railroad detective forco maintained by tho Northern Pacific started from St. Paul today to take charge of the investigation. E. P. A. IHTTXER, Cnndldato for Mayor. (Paid Advertisement.) FOR SALE DO. acres, all cleared, V miles Eagle Point, $90 per acre, finest soil. 110 acres, 70 cleared, (i in orchard, 3 miles station, buildings, $85 pot acre. TIMBER.- 43000 acres fino timber, OO'por.ceut stigar i)ino, close of 'railroad. 200,000,000 feet timber, well located. CITY PROPERTY 0 rooms, modern, largo lot, $1050. 3 lots, inside limits, f0.127, near pnving, $250, terms. Warehouse property, corner site, $3500. Rooming liouso, 17 rooms, .$0,10. Lots 50x127, near West Main, $225; good I onus. Rooming liouso, close in, $800, Rooming house, (! rooms, on Easl Main,eloso in; price cut for quick sale Lots in West Walnut Park, $275 to $350, easy terms. FOR EXCHANGE. Seattle income property at en h value for ranch property up to $35,000. WANTED Girls for genera! housework. E. F. L Room 20B, Taylor & Phipps Bldtj .- U tf MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. 0rr-r Theatre. . . Hendricks' Comedy Sale at Haskins TT 1 . . . . , ' If .you arc working at n "make- shift" job, simply because tho suit able position is not to be had, begin a classified advertising campaign for1 self-betterment. There is n good job for you nnd you enn find it through ndvertising. Very likely there is no other way to find it. MONEY TO LOAN. HONEY TO -rOAN Small amount-, short time loans on lots, etc. Ad dress "ArohI," Mail Tribune, tf FOR EXCHANGE. lteal Estate FOR TRADE Scnttlo or Portland property. I havo about $200,000 of choice Seattlo or Portland prop erty for trade, "both income prop erty or in lots; also farms nnd uro cery stocks for trade for Rogue river properly or oily property; nlso Imvo some California pprop erly for trade. Write A. h. Cutfok, formerly of Cusiek & Meyers?" 1110 lOtli st, hoim Main 2232. 200 TO EXCHANGE -- For Medford preperty: 20 ncrcs, unimproved, $2000; 10 ncro", unimproved. $1000; 20 ncrcs, unimproved, $1000; 18 acres, improved, $7500; f2 nores, improved, $11,000; 30 acres, improved. $G000. W. T. York & Co. tf MUcnllnnrou!. FOR EXCHANGE Medford nnd suburban property, ranches, timber lands, fob-other property. Addres.4 Box 190, cure Mail Tribune. tf W4LL EXCHANGE 1010 .J-cylindor louring car, in iiuc coudilion, fully eqtiippod, used 2.100 miles f' "I falfa Innd or oilier real estate. Ad dress Maxwell. Mail Tribune of fice. 2."il FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Miscellaneous. FOR SAMS OR EXCHANGE Five passenger 4-cyIinder touriiiR auto mobile Address Box 200, care Mail Tribuno office tf FOR REST. Farms. FOlt RENT Farms from 40 acre to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranchos, cardon lands, general farming lnnchcs. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 21 fi West Main. tf Hoard mid Rooqi. FOR RENT At the Coltnj-o, pleas ant furnished rooms and board, with hot and cold running water: baths, largo sunny porches. 001 W. 10th st. or 124 King st. tf PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOM at 402 S. Central nvo. Mrs. C. U. Hart. Housekeeping Rooms. FOR RENT Two furnished house keeping rooms, $12 per month. 32.1 S. Ivy st. 2 17 FOR'HEN'I Light housekecping rjooins. 330 N. Fiont st. 247 TO RENT Tlul-o. nice rooms on ground floor, suitablo for light housekeeping; some furniture. Phono 4074. tf FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 45 N. Barllett st. , 217 Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT Three nice unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 21 1 Stark st., nonr corner Roosevelt and Washington. Kiirnlslu'd Houses. FOR RENT Three-room liouso. furnished, $20 per month. Cull 02 J W. 11th st. 251 Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Large- furnished room with stove, $1.50 per week. 1001 S. Central ave. 240 FOR RENT One large, sunny, wolll furnished room with privato bath, now house. Mrs. E. 1$. Killiiiu, 211 Laurel st. 240 FOR HUNT Only hotel in town of 1000 inhabitants, Rogue River val ley; inodornly equipped, toilets', baths, water and electricity; 40 rooms; nearly nil rofurnislnfd. Cuil Aldt'iihagon, euro Rogue River Elec tric Co.. 210 W. Main st. FOlt RENT 20 modern equipped rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wa ter, electric light, toilets mid baths suitable for first-duns rooming house; moms en suite, suitable for families or modern offices. Inquire Aldenhngen, care Rogue River Elec tric Co. tf FOR RENT Furnished front room suitable for two; hot water, hat!:, stove; $15 month; center town, 231 E. Ninth st. 250 . FOR RENT Large front room, two blocks from postoffico on North Central, l'lioue 2302, or call a I 228 K. Central. tfj; IOIt RENT-Purnisl.ed rooms with 312 s o sl. 2-10 f I j llt I 1 It 1 4J Central. Phono 2302, or call n( Miscellaneous. FOR LKASI5 Fully equipped placer in I no. Call on Alrionbspm, Koriip River Klectrlo Co., 216 Wa Main. tf . t -. FOR RENT. Busincsj Hoonn T. . ,,,. fir,,,,!,,,,,, fr;iliui ,. ... , ----.... -7 i....aw .. .. office Gregory's Studio. tf T- fOR RENT Office rooms, .$-1 cneh per month, m Hostel's modern block nt Central Point, Ore. Par ties dosirinji well located office rooms 'will do well to examine those. ' 230 FOR RENT Offieo rooms over the Postoffiue. See 0. V. Dyer, 123 K. ' Mnin st., room 2. FOR RENT Offieo rooms in Elec tric building, modern equipment, stonm heat, electrjo light, baths, toilet, hit and coM water. Gold Rnv Rcaltv Co.. 210 W. Mnin st. If FOR RENT Business rodm on W. Main St., 24x140, suitablo fo- ros tmirnnt or billiard room or other business, Btoam heat. Gold Ray Realty Co., 210 W. Main st. tf I louses. FOR RENT Four-room house, modern, first, houn south pave ment. South Central ave.; $18 per month. 257 FOR SALE OR RENT. Houses. HOUSES for rent or sale by owner. (i() N. Orange st. tf Business Property, FOR SALE OR RENT Good opon ing for general merchandise stoo in new town-with $15,000 monthly payroll, oir railroad, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co, 200 W Main. tf. FOR SALE. ItiiHtnesH Property. FOR SALE Dry goods store, (Joing good business, lung lease, small ex penses east of S. P. railroad; must sell tin iipcounl of henllh. Address "Opportunity," euro Mail Tribune office. . - tf FOR SALE Choict business prop erty at a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Power Co, , Lots. FOR SALE A lot on Y. 2d st close in, at $450, $10 down, $1.25 n week. Cornitius-Gnrnor Really Co., 133 W.Mnin st. tf FOR SALE A good, high, level loi., east front, 50-vl15, in tho Kenwood addition, $500, $10 down, $10 a month. Cortiilius-Gnrnor Realty Co., 133 W. Main. tf SPLENDID residence lots, just olf wiving, $300, payments $10 month ly; we help you build. Room 33, Jackson County Bank bldg. FOR SALE Residence- lots, closo In. high elevation, commanding a beau tiful view of tho city and vnlloy; best residence district, at prices that aro right. A. F. Burnett, Jack sou Co. Bank bldg. Phono Main 42, residence 2574. tf Acreage FOR SALE -30 acres red fruit land, 4V miles from Medford; will sot to any kind of fruit nnd furnish trees for $200 por acre; landl as it is $125 per acre; if interested, write H. E. Bowman, Jacksonville, Or. 200 FOR SALE Eaglo Point is the com ing town of tho Ruguo River valley tho record orchard of the world H hero; the hct truck farms in the valley arc hero; we have the kind of laud you aro looking for; 1 luu-o 1100 acres of choice fruit and truck laud, adjoining town, with 200 acres under irrigation, partly sot to fruit, for sale in small tracts on terms to suit your rcquireinent.i: take no ono's word for it, but conic up ami hec'for youiself. C. W. Lake, Eaglo Point. 248 I,. N. JUDD, real estalo agent, Tal ent, Jackson county, Oregon, mid way between Medford nnd Ash land, in the fruit belt of Southern Oregon; healthy, mild cliuiiito and pure water; alfalfa, fruit and tim ber lands, front 15 acres to 80" acres; also lots on tho iustallineii plan, in the newly incorporated town of Talent, Or. Write, inclos ing stamps, or come and sue mo at Talent, Or. r FOR SALE-5, 10 and UU-nuri tracts with perpetual water rigid for salo on easy payment plan Roguelands Incorporated, Fred N CiiininingH. mnnngor. tf FOR SALE furgo modern house with south and oast front, 113 foe front on paved Htre.ot, by 181 feel long, nicely improved grounds; ev erything strictly modern; rensor for selling, lndy of h'niBo needs i clinngo of climnto; this place i suitable for nice homo or first class rooming hous; easy lorms i right parlv. Si tho Jacksoi County Ronlty Co., 004 West Tentl st. Wo also )"ivc largo and small trticls of ininrovcd and unimprov ed orchard 'ands. tf FOR SALE 5 and 10-ucro truoif just within and udjoiuing city Hu 'its, at u bnrgnin, on G annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co. " FOR SALE. Acreage. FOR SALE One, ncre, will make six largo lots, between two streets to bo paved, closo int with new two story h6usc and shnck; will take a close-in lot )n trade, or will sell any part to suit purchaser. John Retnr. 0 S. Ccnlral ave tf Hobscb. FOR SALE A .brand-new five room modern bungalow, only five blocks from our office, $1S00, $500 down, balnnce $20 u month. Cor-nitius-Gnrncr Realty Co., 133 West Main. tf FOR SALE A- three-room house on nn enst front lot, 00x108, only $425, $125 cash, balance liko rent. Coniilius-Gurn,er Really Co., 133 W. Main st. tf FOR SALE Two 2-room housos nnd woodshed, one house brand new, other in good condition, rein ed; patelit toilet, lot 50x108, clo.-o in, for only $750. 305 Oleson st. 248 FOR SALE- Limited number pure bred Poland China hours, 3 and 1 months old, eligible to go in the best hords nnd cheap enough for any farmer to buy. Borkelcy Or chards, Geo. C. Osgood, nigr. Phono Farmers 703x3. . tf FOR SALE Nice now home, close in, at the lowest price-; will make the purchaser a present of furni ture if you act tit once; terms. Call 520 S. Grape Miscellaneous. FOR SALE A Grout Western sleul range, ns good as now, $20. In quire Hussev's Cash Storo. If FOR SALE Two filly colts, 2 and 4 years old in spring; also eight hives of bees; nil til a bargain. Jos. Tavlorr & Sons, Central Poinl Road. 21!) FOR SALE A homestead relin quishment of 1(10 acres with 3,500, 000 feet of saw limber; some water for irrigation; will sell cheap or trado for unimproved property in Medford, C. S. Drake, Beagle, Or. 240 FOR SALE Animal fertilizer for orchards, lawns, etc.; writo for guaranteed nnulysis nnd profitnblo results from use Union Meat Co.tf FOR SALE Clnnov. -Corn. Dr. R. M. FOR SALE 12 nnd 10-inch length" oak nnd fir block wood for use in hontors and fireplaces; also split fine for hitchon use V. Oscn bruggo, dOl Riverside nvenue Pa cific phono 1041. 270 FOR SALE Fiirnil nro, nnd liouso for rout. 1005 S. Peach sl. 251 FOR SALENo 1A Toledo rulchcl die, I to 2-inch, good as now, and some other plumbing tools ul a bargain; wo also repair gasoline engines, centrifugal mid spray pumps, sewing machines, lawn mowers, gusoliuo stoves and lamps locks, gulls, 1 limits, etc. 31 Nnrlh Barllett, Mctlloi'd, Or. Phono 1531. 25? WANTED. Miscellanea ns. WANTED To purchaso a wouncd fox terrier puppy, male D. L. Woodruff, Gen. Del. 247 WANTED To let contract for clcuriiig land, will furnish mnchiiie if desired. For piirtieiilnrs iuqup-p D. If. Jackson, office opposite Ho tel Moore Phono 2722. 248 WANTED Boarders homo cooking. 44(5 st., corner 12th. ami roomers. S. Evergreen 200 WANTED Addresses of the follow ing parlies, recent arrivals: Mrs. L. Stovens, Mrs. C. L. Moore, Mrs. C. V. Clark, Mrs. Win. ,'Djnlriulc. Ho ward given; information treated confidentially. Call Phone No. 0013, or addreos J 00, euro Medford Mail Tribuno. 240 WANTED t- Hens or pullets, 10 months or year old; iinv good slock Addict .It. O: J., euro .Mail Trib une 24(1 WANTED-Clenn cotton Mail Tribuno office rags at SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED JWorlfc on ranch by young man and wife Address Box 1 1. care Mail Tribune. 240 HELP WANTED. Help Wiiiite:! I'onmlo. WANTED A girl for gcnonil house work, small fnmilv. Iii(uiro of Mrs. John Orth, 010 S. Central. Phono 1102. 250 WANTED CJIrl for gonoral Iioubo work: wanes $1 por day. Call ut 210 W. Main St. tf WANTED-A girl to do housework in a family of four, good wngew t. tho right person, m:d must be a good cook. Apply to Chris Kjmiiiov Hurdware, Jacksonville, Or. 250' WANTED-Girl for general work. 835 E. Main st. 3901. houso Phone 4 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Male. WANTED Mnn to work -on fruit ranch; one with sntno experience preferred. Address P. O. Box 00,1 Medford, Or. tf WANTED A first-class Japanese boy for housework, 2 in family and good wngos. Apply mornings 219 N. Onkdnle tf WANTED Salesmen m ovcry local ity of the northwest; money ad vanced weokly; mnny lnnko over $1000 month; choico of territory. Ynkima Vnlloy Nursery Co., Top ponish. Wash. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. 1). R. WOOD -Grnornl accountant Your books audited and knpt for a roasonnblo figuro; your business solicited. Office Phipps bldg., room 200. Phono 3122. Architect. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects and Builder. Offieo 7-8, 325 Main. Phono Mnin 3471. Residence phone 744. Assnyer and Analyst. EARL V. 1 NO ELS, II. S. Best equipped assay offieo in Oregon; food products, soils, fertilizers, fipray products, water, etc., an alyzed. Grant 4 Pass. Attorneys. 11. V. MULKEY, Lawyer, room 30, Jackson Co. Bank bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY Lawyer.;. B. R Mulkoy, Geo. V. Chorry. Room 30, Jackson Co. Bunk bldg. COLV1G & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. 1.. Renmes. Lawyers. Of fieo -Medford National Bank build ing, socond floor. PORTER J. .NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attorneys-tit -law. Nog. 1 and 2, Postoffico building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, ' Qarnotl Corey bldg. WITIHNGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm building. B. R MULKEY Lawyer. Room 30. Jackson Co. Bank bldg. HUlliu-d Parlora. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and S.oft Drinks, Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nipc, cool phico to spend the hot nftov- 1100I1B. lllll Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill poster utir Distributor. All ordora promptly filiod. Room 20, Jnckson Couut Bank building, Medford, Or. Cigars and Tolmcco. IRELAND & ANTLE. Smokehouse Dcalors in tobacco, cigars and fcrnoroks' supplies. Exclusive agents of Lewis Sluglo Binder. El Merit I nnd El Polonoiu. 212 Wont Mnin street. Collections ACCOUNTS collected in any part of tho world. No chnfgo if not col looted. Pacific Collecting Co., 33 Jackson Co. Bank bldg. l'lirnlturo. H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in now and hwoiid-lmnd furniture and hurdware AgcnlH for liouso hold stoves nnd ruugos. 10 South Mr streot. Phono Main 3101. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS -Corner 8th and Holly titroots, Med-' ford. Mission furniture mado lo order. Cabinet work of nil kinds A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF-Cookstovos and ranges. New and second-hand furniture Ends' old stand, 18 W F St., South. Phono 01, Medford Gt-uiilto Works. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 210 W Main st., manufacturers and deal ers in ginoiiumoutal and buildin granite, crushod granite common brick nnd pressed brick, course and fino washed river sand. MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Priddy, O. D. Nugjo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and jnanu- faoturors of brisk; dealers in pressed brick and lime Offio'o in Garnett-Corev block, room 200. 2d floor. Phono No. :U8l. Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Our stonk is not irrigated. Wu guarantee ev erything put out. Wo nro not m tho trust. II, B. Pattorson, office romnvoil to 110 E. Main st. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., ino. Orowers of high 'grado nnrsory stock. Offiod 25 W. Main. Tol. 1201. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Fidelity and Surety ttomlfl. L. L. SMALL, boilds of all kiitffTm tho best companies. 33 Jackson Co u Bank bldg. "' Nursery Products THE OREGON NURSERY prodncU nro all one-year bud on 3-yoar roots; representative office now in " Medford; enn supply apple, .pear and walnut trees on short notice nil guaranteed in ovory respect; van eh -ors, writg us of your needs; will bo . glad to quoin you prinos. Notary Public. NOTARY PUBLIC Room 2o7, Phipps bldg. NOTARY PUBLIC Mail Tribuni office Painters and Paperliangew. DECORATE your tinted walls with stencil borders by A. Risdon, pnint or, decorator and pnporhitnger, No. 5 E. 3d st.. Medford. Physicians and Surgeons. J. E. SHEARER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Specinl attention given to internal medicino and gen oral office practice Offieo hourt, 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Office phono 731, residence phono 4542. Office over Strnng'sr drug store ; DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician' and Surgeon. Offieo 21(1 E. Main'st.. over Has. kins' drug store Phono Main 1001. DRS. CONROY '& CLANCY Phy sicians and surgeons, Taylor nri!v Phipps bldg., rooihs 210-211-212. Offieo phone 501,' residence phono 012. Office hours b a. ci. lo 8 p. m. DR. F. O. CARLOW. DR. 'EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved lo Rooms 410 and 4 J 7, Gurnett-Corcy bldg. Phono Main 0351. DR. E. H. I'ORT.ER-Discscs of women a specialty. Rooms ft, (!, 7. 8. St. Mnrk'o bldg., Medford, Or. Phenes: Office 4DQ1, residence 4051. DR.' CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prao tico limited to diseases of the oye, car, noco nnd throat. Offfcu 210 E. Mnin st., over Jdedford Hard wnro Co. , DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE, Dentist Office in Riulto bldg., 123 E. Main., Gas administered for ex traction of teeth. Telephone Main (181. Night, phone 4432. DR. W. W. WICK Homeopnthio physician; residence 203 Olson t$t., phono Main 4474; office, rooms 3 and 4 St. Murk's block, phono Mam 1871. DR. STEARNS Physloum nnd sur geon. Offieo Gnrnctt-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 1002. Rcdi denco 113 Laurel st phono 2092i st mt. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD Practice limited to diseases of wo men. Offieo Ilnskins bldg. Phone Mnin 1001. Dr. W. 'M. Van Scoyoe Dr. 0- O. Vnn Scoyoe Dentists. Gnrnott-Corcy bldg., suito 318, Me.d- ford. Or. Both Phonos. DR. R. E. GREEN, eye f.-nr, poso nnd throat. Rooms 212-213 Gur-nnoK-Coroy bldg. DR. CHOW YOUNG will cure rheum atism, nslhtua, paralysis and other dincases. See me nt 241 S. Front and 10th streets. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho host equipped job offieo in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Central avenue HtcnoKraphers, ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Block. Stenographic work dona quickly and well. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 402 Garnctt, Corey building, Wet Side 245 Tin Shops. J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and shoot iron waro on hand nnd made to ordor. 128 North G st. Road Undertaker. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. -Undertakers. Day phono 351. Night phones: C. W. Conklin 3001; .7. E. Butlor 3571: John A. Peri 4111. Unions. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1810 Moots nt Smith's hall, 128 North Grapo streot, ovory Thurs day evening promptly at 8 o'clock. All journoyroon carpenters, ns well ns local mombers, urged to be pres ent. Business of vital interest to all carpontorfl trantmoted at these meetings. .T. J. Son), businpfw nart. Miscellaneous. SOUTHERN OREGOt- HOUSE MOVERS -Wo buy, sell mill mow till classes of buildings; Iwq your' suoceVful career in Medford; ref erences and bonds furnished if de sired. Berdtiu fi Sons, phono Mum (1002, Medfgrd, Or. ' 'S rts ?J ytm . iA'Wdlai(iu..