.--. . mwFw''' t . M : MEDFORD MAIL .TRIBUNE, lyraPFQRD, OREOON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, toll. tt x W Eti R '4 Bfe t; fc i u i U 1 i k: Medford Mail tribune AM I1IDKPENDEH57 MEWBPAPER PUBLISHED DAILY jmCEPT BAT US- UAV nv Tim McuruRu XT.INT1NO CO. A iniiiiini:Ulcin or I Mo Mtnlforil Alull, oslabllHlii-1 1HS1), iin Sonlliorn Orri;on Imi, CHialillHlicil 1UU2, tliu Duitiocrntle Tittles. oatnlillHliril 1873, the Aolilntxl Tribune. rKtuliIlslicd 183(1, lnnl tliu Mod ford Tritium', (Hlal1lBlicd JI906. OKOItOi: 1TTN.VM. Editor and AtnnnRor 'n. m Entered ns nccoiuI-clnss iimltrr No vember 1, 1009, at tin noHtofflco ni Mod ford. Orrcori, under tlm nut of Mnreh 3, 187! EFFICIENCY SHOULD BE APPRECIATED. TOTAL LEVY TO BE 22 MIL S State Tax Fixed at 1.6 Mills Coun ty Road Tax Will Bo Fixed Dur inn Present Session of the County Court. Tola! (ax lovy fur Illl I will In Cv,tcii 'l'lwu 12:i mills. Tliu cuutlt court now in simhkiii will in all prob ahility i'ix the Jury for tliu count) u( 7 mills although it limy possibly creep U little higher, but not go ovo. -8 mills Tliu Htulu (ax lias been fi. oil at J, (I .niillH, Tliu hcIiooI (ax in thin (list ritrt , 7 mill and the city lax 8. With tit stale ami road tax between 7 and b tliu total luvy will I10 about '22 mills JUSTICE OP PEACE IT, I p SAN lllOItNAltlMNO, Cnl., Jan. 5. Solomon In a;; lua glory would took filiinimy bosldo Justice of the Pence 0. M. Plttnmn, mwlj elected. .according to nttornoyB and court- hoiiHo attaclioii lioro, following tliu Introduction of an Innovation In tlu local JiiHtlco'ii coiirtt Whoa court oiHinoil today Hume having IhihIiiohh tliuro uutmed their amaxomout at tliu night tliat mot their KM0- .Iiuliso Plttnmn, who can count tho olectlona ho Iiue voted on ono or two flguroH, sal at IiIh bonoh In regal Bploudor. Jlo wan clad In tile robes of a chluf juullcu. Court pro cooiUngu prouregBod all rlttlit, hut tlu attorneys havou't recovered hhITIcI cntly to renioiubor what thoy aald or did, buflldoti casdnt; at tho now Judge and hits attlro. Justice IMUruii Hiido.oodU' .IuhIIco hoiuaa, a p.'onoor of thin city. OLE OLSON TO SHOW HERE THIS EVENING Concerning "Ole OImiii," which allows lioro tonight, tli Tolegni" biiyi: "Olu OIboii" was given a roimiiif. w oleoma at tho lliuigiilow yimtorduv aftur an iibkunco of a , .year. Tliir popular character, wllli hitf iiuaiai Suedibli dialect, good liumor and dc (urmiiinlion to Iiavu fair ln , ni pear to grow nmio pi)iiilar will' I'ortluud theatergoers uMhu yent lotl liv. At each purloriiiuncc yes tordny tin I html or wan thronged, inc. (lu goiid-nuliirod I'lirirdumh crowd hliuwi'd llu'iv appreciation !' fh. play liy much applaiiku. .Many oi "OloV JCnrtlilnud frloudu woro imm out, and they oujoyod tliu offorU ol tlu ojitfrtaiiior to nuiuae u uiuoli h iiiiv titliurx. lion IIoIiiium in tliu tillv ndo i tlu sauiu.old Hun. if nuylliliiK, liu i lit t lu Iwllvr than ho Iiuh uvor liueu lo l'oio, mid hi Hiipport i iiImo un iui provoiuuut over I lint of pant viiU to tiiih oily. Hi porlrnyal oC" Olr OUuii, wlnt "bun in Itoutr.v tu moitt and mix woke." U typlcnj of tli youuK Swedu wlu I ill ooiuu to Am oriea and who u ,jul beiiiir inilialf.l into tliu ua.vm of Amuiicun life. I'u fcopliiMlionted Die uiMiir to liu limit Hllipjl mid iKiioruut llian liu really i and provex to bo a Mii'rii u thit play devlup. Tliu piny if a nididruiua in which (Intro ore two villain, a liulu iil and (lie hero. Of coiru Ulc u the luu(, and hu linulh renem the child 1 ro in, tliu villnuiii who kidnup hci, and l'niitrntty their ttitupt to drivo the uirl's innihcr trout wluil lijililfully l)t'lon to lu-r. OIu NJuuti n mimber f diuleit flouti wliioli p!oao tliu ((udunct'. Th iijoh! popular inimbut' am "siritw Ijunies" and ".Moii)oiiei of My Swed ish Home." Hu and I.iu'IIm Auiolti, wlio Illicit tho puv of the pint k Amorioau f,rir), sjjig' n duot and diii.fi initio ll.vdp n$ vtJio widow wht i fjC(lklllt 0 illlgUUJIll, lllll llnbril J'aidloy in tio mlo of (lit) oiiu , i (lootoiv ooiitriliulo epwinjtios. The sumo bill will hu ijtv.yn t" evciiiucr IhU week, with 'JJntitiday anil Snturthiy lulitinuo porfonnuneo I,i lil .. fur ItulUh. ystciu only ji snuul )art ol tlu town (oiilfcl,l)o serv-ou, o.w was no money in the tVoaaiii'V io pay Xor uny niiiins. rriie city iiad aliWtlyJjoiroed't'o tilie'Tnll and the interest on the water, honds Vniwl he 'paid DL'RINCI the past two years Medi'onl has expended $.f).'J5,0()0 for public iniproveinents. The expenses of administration, engineering and superintendence have been J'ar IJelow the average in other cities for similar work. The work has been well done and the citizens received value returned for their money. There still remains a half million dollars' Avorth of work to be done, contracts for which have been let. Lt would not ha expedient, nor good business sense, to attempt a change in administration and would probably result in additional expense without resultant gain.. , ! The ability and resource'! illness of the mayor and the city council have been strikingly exhibited in numerous instances. Nearlv evervone is familiar with their efforts to meet; emergencies, but a few are herewith recapitulated: JJitulithic pavement on West iMain and Oakdale could not be completed because there were no provisions made in the previous tax levy for paving intersections, and there were no funds aA'ailable. Tho present administration se cured an agreement with the Warren Construction com pany wherebv.the paving companv agreed to stand part of the cost of these intersect ions, thus saving the taxpa vers several thousands of dollars, and enabling the completion of the contracts. . s "'. ' ",'" Six miles of water mains thcn'compris'ed tlie distribut ing system only a small part ol the town could be served, ;nu( i.jen more limit ana tne interest on tlie water. hows must le pa cither by wateV sales or direct Inxift'iViii. ' The'ailm'iinstl'a tion worked out a plan Avhereby adjacent property was assessed for the cost of the new mains, the assessment being divided in ton annual installments, and bonds behjg issued to defray the cost, the bonds to bo retired as the assessment were collected in. .Property ownei'S making payments were given certificates good in -payment for that amount of water to be used on the premises, thus mak ing tho sale of the surplus water pay for the mains with out burdening tho property owners too heavily. To do this a charter amendment was, necessary as a result four teen additional miles of water mains' have been laid at a cost of $90,000, and the revenues increased from $300 a month to $2200 above the dues paid by certificates. liy borrowing tho gravity water fund lying idle in the bank, on account of llanloy's injunction suit, $2!5,000, was saved to the city by paying in cash instead of bonds for the water svstem. This monev was replaced after the sale of tho bonds. An additional $900 Was saved through (he Southern Pacific's giving a half rate on tho pipe lit the instance of the administration.' As 'a result tho pipe has boon laid at a cost of $7000 per mile as against $11,000 per mile formerly paid. 'The utmost economy has had to be'.exereised in the management of city affairs, because not only was there no money in the treasury, but there was $20,000 owiilg con tractors on'the Riverside avenue trunk sower, completed before the present .administration was elected. Through the exorcise of economy, $0000 was saved out of tho run ning expenses of the city and paid on the sewer, and an other $0000 was saved to pay tho deficiency in Hie grav ity water fund. Had it not boon for (hose enforced econ omies, there would have booh more money available for street lights and street cleaning, but though we have suf fered temporary inconveniences, Bedford's credit has been maintained. Such a record by city officials is one that any city might well be pifjud of. It certainly merits the commendation of every citi.en. Honesty and efficiency in public office are so rare that when wo have them it would be folly not to keep them. 1-. FRIEiS OF WEE SHOO BOGIE Wi Hold Quaint Service Over' Remains of Departed Countryman Per forated Papers Placed in 'Coffin Insure Anainst Interference. to malco steamship connections for China In Sun Francisco Saturday, ' Haskins for Health Tho Chinese frlendH . of Leua Wuuo Woe, who died hero Suturday ' following a hemorrhage of tho lungn, i yesterday paid a farewell tribute 'to their dead countryman by placing: within tho caultct in v hldh ho 'will ' be burled a number of pieces of pa- j per, perforated, according to tho doc-1 trlno of ConfiicIoitB, so as to scare off tho evil spirits. After the abort ceiciony, which was hold In the rear of tho .John A. ! Perl undertaking astnldlshment, the ' lipping caBe wan hermetically sealed. Tho body loaves Mi I'ford tonight Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles GENERAL 0VEIUIAUL1NG Ss MACHINE REI'AIIUNO. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN G231. Coruor Central Avo. and 8(h St Medford, Or. The Girl Who Lives Alone whether she attends college or goes to business, needs the Perfection Oil Heater. It will heat a cold, cheerless boarding house or dormitory room and make it livable. It is always a ready help in the many things women do for themselves in their rooms. With the damper top opened it will heat water for tea or cocoa ; it will dry the small articles that a woman prefers to wash herself in her own room. It will quickly heat an iron or curling tongs; quickly dry wet shoes or skirts an ever ready help for the woman who lives alone, depend ent on her own resources. The ERiEcrio SMOKELESS Los Angeles AND RETURN If sufficient number desire to make the trip an excursion will be conducted Medford to Los Angeles and return some time in January or Feb ruary at the round trip rate oi; $31.55 witli a' thirty day limit to return. Tickets will permit of stopovers and be good via cither line to and from Los Angeles. For further information see or phone A. S. R0SENBAUM, Local S. P.. Agent, or call at the Passenger Station. Tone 341. 251 l--"-i 5E JMmgmL w ' . " " CALIFORNIA SOLONS TO CONSIDER SUFFRAGE NACItAMKNTO. rl , Jan. ' A miiMitiiti.in.il niniiiiliiH'iil piiiMilt'i fur "Miles fur women" hux been pre purud It) Senator Melt ol l'ahttileiri Mud will go to tho eomnntteu on ulue- tioiiM. Tin inukuup of thU uomtnlt PREFERS DEATH TO LIFE WITHOUT BABE I .OS ANUKUW. C.il , .liin :. i'u'ienlng dentil to ni'p.i' uloii 1 1 urn tin ear and a hall old li.il of hoi dead HlHter, AlfH. Kloioilie Ul.ike, !' wife of a Southern Pacific eiupl ii re tired with the child cuddled In In r Absolutely smokeless and odorless is invaluable in its capacity of quickly giving heat. It will burn nine hours with 6ne tilling. It is safe, smokeless and odorless; lias a cool handle and a damper top. An indicator shows the amount of oil in the font. The filler-cap Is put in like a cork in a bottle, and is attached to the font by n chain. It has an automatic-locking Hume sprender, which prevents tho wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop hack so the wick can be quickly cleaned. The burner bqdy or gallery cannot become wedged, and can be unscrewed in an instant for rcwlcking. Finished in japan or nickel, strung, duruble, well made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Dealer j Everywhere If i t rt ijrs. unte fir deienptiH cinular h the nearest oieney ! the Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) LANDQUIST, JOHNSONS LILIUS, Real Estate and Insurance Special Representative for International Seal Estate Association, Chicago, 111. AGENT FOR FRANKLIN FIRE INS. CO. RELIANCE FIRE INS. CO. BARGAINS AND MONEY MAKERS IN FARMS, ORCH ARDS & TIMBER LANDS. 201 St. Mark's Building, Phone 2411 No good. can possibly come from wearing cheap glasses; positive injury may. Come here and lot me explain tlie difference. D l . R .1 O .fc..I3 R T Over Kentner's luu prnuliuully n..iu. a favorahle nrm h I'irgo nuniitlb of r ruport on the uimu-iiru, and il i M"11'1 aml .,,,0,l vinil hours latei thought tho hill -l.uuU a Kood iiliinn-t-'Mr"- m,lUu 1,,ok l'"m'K "' bain C iwhwiku and of bciuK uluiiitltii.! U,,,,H tlu ,le"th of '''' sl"u,,' r io tho voter of the Hlate. ,j',ohn '''"lk' '' ftuhor of the child TJiu lull iimkeH uulv HliKhl ehtiumm 'wvurul tlmuii and tluwitened to lake ill I liu orbjhtttl Mrtiuu 1 of urtielt. 'J ,ho ''"' wl hut night. It Ik h.Ii1. of Hip cuuNlhuliiiu nml evteiid the ,,llrld Mr. UUko that hIim 11110.1 I'KiUittliUu to woiiiun by PliiuiuttlliiKi1."' Ml tho ,ot '" u"w la'iJ 'uialo" wherovov it ieeuru ill that , : j; z Mtietioii, Rates Are Reduced. WASHINGTON, U. C Ji..ft. lioilliutitf lit ju rut on to tttke .iiiiiii. diulu ofruol, huvu I) cell filed with tho intorMato ooiuuiorc eomiiuniiiou by tlu Siiiitliarn l'ueifie and the Watdern l'ueifie railroad. Thn re duotiou 11 mount to nearly 3J Kr 'Ut. . 'lltl' WlMtVlll llieU1l' MHH'lltl.V Mil-! iii.iuH-ed that it would - reduce eltt rottm on liiwn;u,U he(vTHu (.'ulifor-l ni.i, N'dYMit. I'tiUi, ArUtMin and Xen- Alexico. The notiee wh fileil with the eotnuii-ion today. Tlie South-1 k'rn I'aeitie 11 1 onee filed notiee of similar ivductiooH. ! It i-i exWMled that other wexteiM inilt'ondo Mill fyHtiw suit. Many of the lYiltmtioiu Mr 35 itr (. Some ! llii'in are iiiueh more radieul. .,.,. .,. ------ -- Office Outfitters V. & K. KllliiKCablnots. Undurwood Typawrltors. Wrltor Urgtuus. l)Mik DuakuUi. jlond nml Ctith UoxtM. DlHHk Hooks. Tyrwrltor Pamre uiul Sup- llllOL A TRINITY ,0F STRENGTH. for eery homo ih when wo iiiMnll wirinsr and all appliances for lien', huhtiimr and power for telephones, hells and moloi-h. When jou want eperl work done in eleelrie rii-i of any kind, and when you need, electrical supplies or electrical work, mmmI for The Reason This store enjoys such an eiionnoiis business that is- constantly ineronninir ih hccaiis-p of tho fact that people hnvo leanicd nnd nra lwirning daily that Uiuv can huv the hest for just a little, less at this store. A mnn told us Saturday that we were selling apples too cheap. Ho was joking, hut he meant what he said. He had shopped and by coining hero saved something like (i,ju an oaeh box of apples he bought. This is ono of tho many reasons why wo are busy. ALLEN GROCERY CO. Main and Central Streets .4r V( SOUTHERN OREGON CO., 27 S. Central. ELECTRIC Phone 3461. " Lahd For Sale Fertile fruit and alfalfa hind in small and large tracts. Cleared and uncleared, reasonable. n Terms and price Address Box 16, Tolo, Oregon i ,ii-p--'j.... J. E. ENYAKT, Prcsidout. JOHN S. ORTU, Cashier. J A, PERRY, Vioe-President. W. 13. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. All prtcM (l utility. consistent with Want Better Game Laws. KI.AM.VTII FALLS. Dr.. Jan. .V flie KLiinuih t'uiint.v Rod Uun lull In- I'ninpii led urruiiituint'utio i.i "(Mid dlitale to SmIui to u-sim m ScltiiiR the Ifshitioa dixivd lof ill. pluli'i luill .tod M'I . I ,i Hi. mi .,' lite K-itu. and ii- li 1 1 , i . Medford jBook Store THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 f AFE DErOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. H. B. PATTERSON j The QUAKER NURSERYMAN HAS EVERYTHING IN THE NURSERY LINE PEARS, APPLES, CHERRIES, PEACHES, AP RICOTS, PRUNES; ALL KINDS OF NUT TREES AND A FULL LINE OF FLOWERINC SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC. A FINE LINE OF SHADE TREES. COME IN AND GET PRICES. Office 116 Main Street Office Phone 238! Res. Phone 2493 M ge?totEott tribune and ItET the news the day it happens i jl v , n ijf ? fVH r