Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 01, 1911, NEW YEAR'S EDITION, ORCHARD SECTION, Page 3, Image 19

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b4vM9P 9f Largey Orchards
' ' " ' !. .ill. i.i
MBit rwffHIirir iTi r i nr r 7fi" " j"iL$i&iM
TMK HI'SVltr.Kt OnC!fAIII)f, located Houllu'iiHl oftcdrnrd,
trees, 8 and II .years old, cnnii1end (ho uuM Uniform tit nny tract of equal isiro in llio northwest. Hnnercst is classed ns a foothill orclinril, iilllioiih only one mid ono-linlf miles from iho main Iinb of the Southern "Pacific rairrod;-'Utf'7Bhlfrfrfa)rfrrinr.
A oiiKrrvnlivo otltnmlo jIhcih Iho hitmou( from ihiw orchnnl, sHcr iivn vpbw, nt vor 10(1 i-nrn iinnuallv. Il ii without tloitbt one of'tho licit oiniucroinl orchnnN in tlic Rocti Rivor vlley ' hijiV
Opportunity fqr Investment in
It !(,-willi leliicliilii'i! (lint notnlil
f(ict in n'j;inl lo (Iiik womlnrful
I'oiuKry, Juntly ilitferihcil onl,witti a
lilicrul iih of MiiorlA(lvcMr nr piil)
IUIiimI, U i iv dixtril'l iihoiiiiiliui; in
opimrtnnily for rich nml lM"r nliko,
wlnr invoHimcnlM nr mil hiihjci't (,
llio viinri'H or Willi sired or lo vio
lent lliu'lualioiiw, Iml ns ceilnin of
it HiiMiilv Iiicronis in vnlno m lliu
lilniit of il nnniiiil growth. Thoro
ore no ''lictiirt" in tliin innHiol; no
toinplitlion to 'Veil hhorl.'' The
profit U nil willi Hit "hulk" Prh'tM
lixatili'iidily.: no ''lop orjlori." nVcoi.
tut$ iAiH,x)Hkwii Hliy, "yohr
inoitoy wurkN ulillu y'diMHrcup," iiml
lilwnyx loour profit.
It ii oiiilninnry ,nmon ImnkurH
nml Inokyty wjto ilcnl in invi'iilinVmn,'
Jackson County Timber
Development or tln timber re
noiirccH of houtlicrn Oregon In tho
lunula of Iho KOVcrnnient will ttrobn
bly tnkn plftco rnpldly within tho
tii'xt few yearn, no donlit much mora
(liilcl'.ly than flic tlmhor In pmtitctalnn
of prlvntw owitorM. Or tlm 2,000",
000,000 fent ot- Htnndlng tlmborn In
Jnr Kaon count) moro than otto-hnlf or
It Ik In tho hUntls of prlvato owiiertt.
Yet tho lumbering Indtlntry In Jack
unit county Ik lu Its Infancy, while- It
ftlinultl bit forC'tiuiKt among nil InUtnt
tries In tho count.'. In Homb futitro
I lino It corlnlnly will lw, but mioh
ilnvclopmcnt dopnndH on butter tran
portullon ruclllUes. Owrforrt of lajgo
trnctM or timber Imvo no muoli capltnl
Involved In tho nctpilrfliuent of their
holdings that thny nro reltlotnnt to
Invent heavier lit tho comitritrtlon of
rallroniln In order to Rot their tlm
bor to mnrlcot, Mnrkot values for
liimhcr hftvo cojiHtftntly boon Inrroas.
litre and thoy reel It a Kooinnveatmimt
to contltuin hoUHiig llinlralmfior. Tho
Rovernmoht In Wllllngto eoll lift mn
tttro llmbor t any tlmo, nnd Itn ro
conlly tiro Ulllod tlinWr It In adver
tising for mtlo now at cxtrnordlnnry
low prlccH, and lu lnt'go enoiiKlt bod
ies to warrant tho ronntructlon cif rati
rondK tin tho ttmbor.
To Inly ttmbor from tho nntlonnt
foieftt luyalvca a comparatively small
Amount tot capital. Tho timber Ik
imld for by InHtnllmontn ah ctit and
loavoit tlio purclmner frco to pfto his
Available mono)1' to Innfall lngglnK
c'ltilpiijout, Any btiHliioua proposl
tlon which mives tying up lnrRO
nmniinlH of capital In tho greatest lHu
ducoutent to liulimtilcH. UMn lointon
itbly roi'tuln that tbo next tow ytrnrH
wll btlt( About railroad txtonulonH
In nnvet-al purtH of Jncl'son munty n
tho tlmnor within tho Crater National
forest, t
Such dovoopmont will moan much
for Jticl'Hott county. It wl)l furulHlt
traiiHportatlot to romoto dlstrlcttl,
monu tltu enlployincnt of htii)dtodH of
mon with a coneiipoiidliiK'blu puyroll
mid mean ii'unoy (o tlm inorcliu'ntf- or
tho cltlmt In tho cotlnty who will fm-nli-li
tho IokkIdk camps with tholr
ciiulpmont and nuppltos. '
Not only thin, but on overyono
knows, an per cent . fof, All 'rccolptu.
from national foelR Rojinek tn.tlin
countloh lu which tho forests' at o lo-
olthor wnl or potwioiil prnporty, to
Iny jtn'nt Htrem on (wo poinlr in ro
Knril t their attPtinan, vlr.., nnMy
of principal nml iKlenminy of in
coiuc. Ami ipiild nuhlly. loo, nh
thi'MO arc (ho main fm-torx HoiiKiit
hv Iho invcHtinc pnlilic. If you huy
i cnl ostttto voit want lo ho certain
I tuil Iho piirehtso pricn will Im re
lurncil lo you, in uvwit you ileniro lo
cll, pint u foir rule of inlcrcnt on
tlu inoiicv invchlotl. cither in renin
or filial profits urixim; from tliu unt
il ra I increano in villuo ot tlm prop
erly. So, nlho,. will! iiivexlineiilK in
bhmlrt ot )imrli;iiKO. Vni'.ninl "lo
niillhfy-yourVoUjiw In 'tlm nliMilutu
p'nfolv f your priiwlpal "nml n rein
Hounhlo intercH r.etuni. (Irmtloil tint
wyeurij.y of your principal, yoiu'
cjilt'd, Kor tho . (Ideal yoar eudltig
Juno :i0, 1J100, Jackson coun(y ro
colved over 4f00, Diuliif; tho prcs-
ont yar It will rccolvu moro and In
(titttrrt yearn a aunt 6f 110 to 50 thnii-
nahd. dollars Will bo a low nverago of
(ho amount Jaoknom county will rc-
eolviv each year. This huhi goes Into
tho cotinflcn1 school and rond fund.
Tho territory of tin-ber tributary
o Medfonl t'xotitts fur beyond tin'
limits of .luckhou county. While tho
forest nreU of upper Hdtui river is
inmlcilM, llioio is an ciiuitlly vast
Area to tho South and west, oxielnt-.
iug into Josephine county, in Ore
gon, and into' Siskiyou, tho mountain
harriers being such its to ittiiko it
impossible In move tho limber o.vcepl
front tho Oregon side, and through
Med lord. Illoi nearest railroad MtnW
Tho Pacific i& Kasteru railroad
already toueHcs thn timber belt oil
tipper Itoguo river, and tho ritiltvnd
proposed to the Ulna Ledge eoppot1
mines- will open up tho vast tiirihi'tv
cd region of tlm tSiskijou ranges
Tho milling of the lumber from
Iheso mvnt i'otesls will bo ictluecd
lo minimum cost because, of the un
limited witter power afforded by
Rogue river iud Hutto o reeks on IIiq
One hand and by tho Applegate, Idt
tlo Applegate, .loo and Klliiilt crcoks
On thd oilier. y
All (he morchanlablo tiuilioi' in
cluded in this estimnto is of find
grade. Tito 'trees nro loug-bodiod,
tinyorliiK front 100 to :jl)0 ,1'coU Iho
slralRllt brown (rnnks fieo of limbs
for inntiy feot "up. Most of these
troos will cltt 'five to eighl 10-fool
logs mid are fronf (treo to eigiit
feut in diamoter on tho slump. Fully
(Ifi iv itt'ltt of (ho logs nro surface
clour i'reo of knots.
A mitlvo tlr or plno troo on tho Pa
elflu coast grqwa much moro rapldjy
than any con-morclal species In the
eastern Unltod Statps. In Mlnnosotn,
Wlucoitflln and Michigan nearly nil
timber lnnd not abnolutply domtdod
by forost fres has boon cittotvor tw0
or threo tlnies In early days tho
lumhorman took from tho forost all
lo,troefl that woroutt that tlino morp
ohantitblo. Fifteen years lutor lib
0(1,011 cut (i out tho tmmo tract nit
amount uf timber equal to iho drat
(Slitting, and again, after fifteen
or twenty yenrfl moro wont over tho
tmiiio Hi'QUiut for a' third crop. TRnoli
(miuhIhI of WlTl norcs, planted iiHottt equally In apples nnil pears, nilh
I chief unncnrii ii to ko( Ih0 JnrKunt
income iMiHKihle. Tim tmft'hl invest
ment in either cIjikr Ib lo he mndf m
a trewint: eoinlnnnity where prop
erty w btrnilily inerenftin -in vnlti"
Tim iuerenHo mny arise from any one
of many eaunes. hut this fuel re
mains Irue thn trrentcr the inerenso,
Iho safer heeomen yttur inveslmeiil.
Tlieitf n tiuims wSlh which every
one 'is I'limiliar.,
Houuo Kier valley piocrl. ii
hlcadily increasait; in 'value and nil
vanciim in price tieeause of intriiiMt'
merit. . j
.Mt4fonl. tlm oKiul;cenler ut lli'l-'
licnttfifitt valley, is nitvinir in popin
lation (vecond htrt;et'pi,rcentauo '!'
irrnw'ili in the tlr'iilcd Elates iltirmtr
the liftt deeado) nml ifa property S
hL n 9tVDB'PtDK!.'. H jiHlii. Ijlfc '. iH.L7kkH im ll ""F"
iQiBBBMBTT'v;WriJWp-t- f itmm.rrmBKIIHKOBf ' Vl
yTtBbfiHM t'fllSr-'A'j8BBr wriftmiflK'tl!CTr iBflirVLB
"""""fffffffffUM If JvC4HlulruiHw jSlflr jBHKj9vh
BWHriB. !UnHj' AH i4HH HH
vBpitMH, t'1!B"JS9flB
iRtlBwlsHPSbzBB kf"ii - ILLB
IRBaK?!ffijnluilBijsBBB IBIHh
bhmIRjBwbKi4' tLrv' flBBn illBtBl2H
Bnly9VflBMKHS' jftfli -WHHQ9VlfliBBI
BBHB ',-"";-" tu' yy5pUt'; ? kjqHB'
BBBKw"- vy -' 98H
tiHDMMKavOGMsfili jK ft ' ' Ws&fVM . 93mIHB
;3fiswfvV i HSi " "WKtajy w-jT-yv ll EilM
ifSBfJjkf ViJ.'-ato Jf ?" .-tv 1 1 .rim jR -T ' wBL flffHHmtfsff jtfrf PWHH
"""""""b """"MKfltf4imf 'iMBWLjlBu9flHMBHfflQSilVKrUDSTH MBtliVfllllHy.HltllllllllH llB N
Is Now the Tendency Thrchct Vafey
i i . i I ii i i i , . i i i i i . i i mmJ a rtt Mi
Rogue River Valley
inerensiiiK in vnlno beevtso invest
ors arc rapidly developing property
tu the valley nml creating htfineii
that justifies ii mtieh larger city than
tiny Medfonl of (odny. It is a fact
Hint Medfonl is ttuiouc in the Pa
cific northwest in that the country
trihlilnrv is developing more lanidlv
tjian iho eily iNelf ;' flint the valley
already warrntilft a much liigger altd
tit mr Mcdfttrd. The inerease iit
value of Medfonrvrenl estate and it
ntpid Kmivtli in population is cer
tain not speculative or dependent
on , the , grow (It . of jiddiliomtl jniWde
husiiieJs. This lieinSjniv.'Medfiml
offers to inventors, a truly bewilder
iit! vnrietv of oxepllenh investments.
jTltoy may trtko their choice at near
ly uvery known Jorm ot lestllnuito
By M. L.
. O-
ll.OOU ltlVR. VALLEa
pencil filler. This orchard fins nftrncie'd attention "olfliort fciil t ufftsrTKftvTnjrt ''bo ltd "B!oclco JE ' l$tf "acres of
investment and mnkc no mistake. The
only real question to bo solved is
what -form of investment will befct
satisfy each individiiul' person. Noth
ing is oordone. You mny pick tip
our life here whercyou left off ht
homo and feel assured "of n hitherto
unknown success,
Jfedford really needs mnny things
that would 'prove the very best of in
es(mc:t(h. A few illli.-f rations will
shrtw the bntad range of opportuni
ties that immediately sugget them
selves in this coimcc.tirm.
AVe need tholisailds of thriftv
fanners, (o locate on s'tnnlf, closc-In.
tracts, five to ten, acres to the famil
Ilf 411111 llUIU, lU.14W7, itltiVII
truck,' jKtuUry, etc. A large incoine,
awaits ecv man who will intelli
Erickson, Supervisor Crater
(- - -rferBriHfer
GOl? t
-W 13
gently devote his labor and a mini
mum amount of capital to this indus
try. The Boil and climatic conditions
aro the best your labor will do the
rest, and such independence as is tin
known in less favored localities will
There nre thousands of acres of
logged-off lands, fhat are admirably
adapted (o agriculture and horticul
ture that can be purchased at a low
price and on "easy terms. These land
will be suited to the man of small
means who desires a fairly large
farm and tho cost of improving-suqh
propertj-.will be rethrner manyfo!d
to the owner. On Mich farmsda'iry
ingwill prove very profitable. We
need' moro dairy farmers and need
them badlv. No spot on earth is'
tlmo tho lumbering operation was a
profitable undertaking and usually
In tho last cutting, modern motbods
Introducing logging railroads and
steam loaders were instituted.
In western nml southern Oregon,
where conditions for trco growth are
moro favorable than In the Lake
states, it seems reasonable to believe
that similar or even better develop
ment can bo achieved In the lumber
Industry. An when theso results are
attained without any attempt toward
proper managomont or flro protoc
tlon, tho outlook for still better re
suits under systematic forestry prac
tice appoars sanguino indeed.
Ordinary logging operations tako
from tho forest merely tho sawlog
slzo trees, 'and leavo numerous
small trees varying In slzo 'from 10
to 20 Inches In diameter standing on
tho grojtnd after tho logging Is com
pleted. SUch trees If protected from
tire will grow Into merchantable tsaw
log timber In 15 to 20 years. Be
sides theso, there aro still many moro
smaller trees which grow twice1 aa
rapidly after the large over topping
trees aro removed. Natural repro-i
ductton always occurs readily oa
logged oft lands and It protected
from fire, tho seedlings and small
trees will continue to flourish and
eventually develop Into merchantable
saw tlmbor. Tho ono year old seed
ling will ordinarily reach raorchant
ablo slzo in 100 years. In thejnean
tlmo, beglnulng with the original
stand the foreater has cut at least
four crops ot timber, At tho end of
tho 100 year rotation tho one year old
aoodling has become a full grown
forost troo, ripe for tho axe.
In this conndctldn It should be un
derstood' that what la conmoaly
spoken ot aa tho "mature tree," sev
eral hundred years old, does not exist
'in practical forestry. A tree la the
primeval' forest ot southern' Oregon
may be 8 00 years old and In th
Sequoia belt ot1 California often over.
1000 years o rage, yet that tree,' it
grown "la a forest oft proper de&sltyl
or uot suppressed by big trees, over
head, did attain its maximum 'growth
In approximately 100 years, A'for
est treeatter' reaching 'merchantable
dimensions', way epatlaue to live far
hundreds ot years" and still not In-1
diameter 'niovo than a few inches?
Thus It Is easily seen that retaining
-. Mwm
better adapted to this industry than
the country surroBHding Medford.
nor in there a better market to lie
found for the dairy prodtiets thiti
right here, and yetbulltlleis done.
Your income begins immediately ami
is certain and large. '
Men who would like to&invest in
lnnd in the Rogue River valley, but
are ttnnble to leave their r presVht
home and employment, will have bo
difficulty in arranging, with-one of
the several companies developing or
chards, to purchase land, have it set
to fruit. trees, teuHivH ted arid seien-
tificalfy eared fdr dtinngjjihe grow- '
uk iwnuu nnu mnieu overlie hum a
producinund income-bearing prop-
(Continued on .Page's.)
National Forest
frees In the forest which have -at- H
talned their maximum annual lacre- H
ment Is poor economy alnee to sour-
lnh them after growth becomes so
slow means loss of money sad a det-
rlmeat to the vlgoroua healthy 33
younger trees la the forest strug- H
gllng for a place In the stand.
However, oa account of excessive H
tax levies on standing timber ao pres-
ent owners can afford to hold tlm- r
bof land and protect growing timber t
for tho pdrp'ose Ot securing success- S
tve rarest crops. Private forestry
will never assume prominence, even "
anions the holders of large estates, -until
tho present system of. valuing
timber lands for taxation purposes Is
abolished. The better plan and one
from which tho stato and couaty
would derive equally aa mUcfe'reVe
nue In the long ran, i weald!. he! to
lmposo a tax oa the tlfceeri at the
tlmo ot marketing Instead ef e-a the
growing tlinber as at-preWt.' Un
less some such change' "Ma -the tax
laws are, made it seeawthat tho prac
tice or'torestryimaet'teiaain chiefly
nnder the'eestrol ef the federal gov
ernment, which hasabt'taxea ta mv
and can' well afford te aialntaln for
est land for themurftoee-et growing
successive crops of timber,
Under- federal 'eohtrel natural for.
estlaad la heWila'peVsetalty for tb,eQ
purpose' of '-eeaservltMf i attd produc- .
Ing wood. By wtee Keesuch land
can be made1 doubly wore produc
tive than It allowed, te reaiain in its
natural state. It (eah. cutting la
carefully conducted m m to protect
the small tlwtwriwhlle removing the
mature and large treesfefed for all
time after a 71omIbc ration, the
best use' of our wewtatsi'forest land
will be attalBed.cHTheiferest service
In its admtaletratlea'letiMe national 0
forests reallsesruhirawl 'iractlces It
as tar as theirtm'sawssyertnlt.
ITamnered'kviMilrVAflsitfrinlanf an.
proprktlonflret,oeireg, the for- o
eat servleeicaaaet aeeewpHsh 'the aee-
eseary. 'iaprai-ssisatsftal the way' ot
bat dinar ttsloBaeaavt Um twilU aad
empIoymea'et'.'MM laasMflsaal fire
gnajrda Jaeeded( ten talhyhiiH the
forests as they stoeldi,hefiiHitd,
Yef wtthhe'sa''tMNW.Tb
the nre u,owewmmjsi;Mrti
hnn ttaa MUMrsAtotOv'MMaJfl'laMtkU.
cring thf 'htream-ewotllMitr
required to-proteet. ,
. M
i k-
- T
t l.
A ,