TTJ iniMwiwiiwii ii ii n.uommn.iimilJL.U-U u mfBC "KoaaawMBH """HBIIPiWBBBi V- ww?rJ' twsm. -vt " rv f Ty-jit V? 'wmmFwmw'Ww t wr- V1 1? . I wr i.l k '4 IMEDFORD MAI1. TRIBUNE, MEDFOItP, QKECION, SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 1911. Some of the Many Fine Buildings Constructed in Medford in 1910 . . i I, i i i i !. ii i i in : I . I : . ' ' - . r-'zcrr;.,- "" i i r dtitu&ik'jk , im x-' lflSttfi w$ 'fl KIjKCTHIO ItVlliDINO. AIKDFOHI) Fl'HXITUHH AND HAH DWAHH CO. HUILDIXO. During tho nst jenr Medford has made (ho greatest strides in its his tory in tliu niutlor of erecting Btib Htnntial business MocIck. Tho nn compnnying illuHtrntioiiH show a few of tho larger ones. It haft been es timatod that $r,000,000 Vn spent by Medford in various improvements during tho past year. Tlid business Bcction of the city is fast liking on a most metropolitan aspect ' Tho year 11)10 lias seen olio four story business block coiiilotctl ih tho cit yand a second ono tinder way. Both of those buildings aro tnoduru in every respcet. Steam jicnt, mod-' om electrical appliances and ele vators are becoming necessary in oncli building being erected. The starting of work on a inodorn four story building no longer excites comment in tho city. Yet with the completion of these buildings and their now offices, there is htill a dearth of offices for rent. TIio Medford Kiiriilturo Itulldlng. Early spring will witness tho coiu pletion of tho Medford Furniture iV Hardware company'a building on the corner of Central uvumto and .Sixth , streets. This huildiinr is tho hire-J. est in tho city, covoring n quarter block. It is four stories in lioighl and is built of reinforced concrete, at an ostimated cost of .f 100,000. Tho building is being erected by ohus & Turner, architects and buihlr ors.' It lias a large, commodious basement and four elegant foors(J Three of these and the basement will. bo occupied by tho owners. The top floor will bo devoted to offices. Tho fliunctt-Corvy Hulldlng, ' Tho four-story building of the Oamett-Corey companv at .Main ifnd Qrapo streets is tho first four-story building to lie completed in the citv and, is a handsome structure It Ih equipped with all Into devices, which includes an clootrie elevator. Jt, is built of u dark red brick and is trinpned with granite. IttTcosl was in tho neighborhood of $100,000. On its roof is a spacious roof garden, from which the entire valley may be viewed. Home Telephone Co. Tho Home Telephone company during the past year completed W- home on Sixth street, erecting a sub NATATOHU'M lU'HiDIXCJ. hulls, ii plunge and other devices I'll aiutiseniont lire found, it was. erect ed ut an estimated cost of $(10,000, the fixtures running this figure 'higher. 1 Tim Klcctrlc Itulldlng. ,, 'Tho Klectric. building, erected lv the Itoguo, Hivcr Electric company on. West iMaiu street, is a handsome jHtrunturo of granite front and ce- liiuut walls. The, building is three stories in height and is occupied liv the Klectric comnaiiy. Southern Oiegon granito was used in its eree- Medfoi-d (iroooiy Itulldlng. Owing to n largo increase in Ihim noss, tho Medford Grocery conipanv, wholesalors, during the pint yen' have erected a handsome new homc of brick on Front and Tenth street Tho building is lar;e and give theiu a s)leud(d home, it cost in llr noighhoihood of $!I0,000. Odd Kcllovvs' Itulldlng. The .Medford Lodge of Odd Fel lows are just completing a luiim VVW ."'' it Vk i-. m ' : flN? k' Jitltm JBK9MtSff9Sm- S afll a JMXHIKlfi x - - - -' - - --! - - ,. : .. ... 'ram 1 v.. 1.k. x -i'aiUHH wmm sir.'iasLZiS- Htnntial two-story building in which bouio three-story hiibinoss hlook on their plant is housed. Sixth titreet. which will be used for The Xatatorliiui. busiuekti ptniioHcs, tho third floor OIM KKI.I.OWS THMIMH. &'? y ' J . M , t - . "jfe. .. "T ' Offc. T HAHXKTT-COHHV HL'I LDIXG. -y : n -.t,-" y. - ? , -...ik - Vi-'-S!(i S.XV ' -5ys ivr p ; 'J 111 4 i 1 ; V 'Hi " w ' '. JSWyiSSKtSr - BgagrgstfStfS'm r:NX3P?!K?"3MriSSMlWWM! ierogg x V. Mi;i)KOKI) (SHOCKItY CO. 1 1 f ST, JIAIIK'S HIIU)IX(J. one of (ho mt luinduiiie building in tho city. It is constructed l Southern Oregon granite and i t w Tho Medford Natalorium is (he1 1,t,il"-' '"'to' '',,,,m' ' ,,ht tliutorios in height. It cost in the finest mnuheiuont palace in the slate, hoikmiicmiioou oi,mni. barring none. It is a spacious i ,! lK's Hlock. building in which howling alleys, ' St. Mark's block, erected on th billiard balls, skating rmk-s dancing1 corner of Mam and Holly streets, i ueighboihood of f 10.000. .Medford Xatioiial Hank. i The Medford National bank durinu tho past year has doubled the m I of its hunk huildiif; by erecting :.u addition at a cost of .f:it),000. Th -gives several more oltlees in t j building and three si me. Tho Sp.w(a UloeTc. I The Spuria building, on the o ner of Main and ltivotide is to I u hauiUtniie three-stoiy huildii when completed. It is being creed i h John M. Root and Uhsociutc :i an estimated coat of $U0,tl()O. Davis IIIihIc. One of tho handgoinokt building iicctod ih tho city during the pu-i vear is (be liavk block, on the cur lier (' Oonlral ml Thin building ib of while enamel hricK, sinr hi u.nixd'. n Otholui SM$ra, will stnt Aluirh oiiWlDD.OOU honpi- MlUF01tU NATIONAL UAMC, stui t Tho outire buildiug will h eiet. . iiiiniued with grnuito, and wc( work iii'Miueh onu;-5,l00,tl00 honiii- early in tho uv yunr and will In irctle at a eot of l(l,0UO by . tal to stand nil thojlioights ovoiloolt- ( l'JUxlUU loot in kilt, Jt is a tw.i Davis. tug i lie ntv. f i story ooneroto building. J he build - " Seveml ui'w ojjmjili buildings ar ors are Johns & Turner It tm - In oildition to thetio huiltling com- piiinmd in mko (ho iilttctf of pr- on tho comer of Fir nod Si. plitid during 1U1U, a lurgo number itit Muii'iuns. iktiBOta. Tha. third oi the biTildn ( hiulilingfc aio uither under cwti-i Tb l'u( Nntiotml lmnk U Hlo.eonikoted hoiuo tlie l'uivrsit i i,il tuiiliiMi or uie projerled for ih eu!itutpl;iu a the orRiHMi of h new as well a the Mnil Tribune. on ii g ear Anioinr these i the building lor bMiiktug piuimsc-. ' " ' j"" """ Misoi.u teiniilc, wholi v.ill cost ,io Om- i lunl n Uie M.hI Tribune Want -advertise and get some inji' ilovuiuililv $10,1100, Wi'lk on wliu 'i l.ialiliiiu' li.t - 1 nniili toil an.' Iv eltlrien ptsiplo to coiut'lin; (' will blart wui. in the spung, ivork hub -t.uiid in itu sci-oml Ihttd. that vaeaoe.v in jour oil ice. HiiMl, TI.LLI'IlOXi; UllU)l.U. .A I z.