u 114 I : I r' MEDIfCRD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, E'RIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1910. Medford Mail Tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT SATUIt- DAY BY THE MEDTOKD FltlNTINO CO. A consolidation of the Medford Mall, established 1883, tlio Southern Oregon Inn, established 1902, the Democratic Times, established 1872, the Ashland Tribune, established 1896, and the Med ford Tribune, established 190G ar.OHOK PUTNAM, IMItor and Manager PROPOSED HIGHWAY LAWS. Kntcred us second-class matter No vember 1, 1909, at the. jiostofflce ut Medford, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 0 AT LARGE III CITY F. V. Medynski, W. W. Elfcrt and Others Lose Valuable Animals Six or Ei(jht Dogs Killed During Past Three Days. That vandals and tloR poisoners nro holding iindlBputcd carnival in llio residential portion of tlio city la tlio chnrgo mndo by n number of portions who, within tho last wcok, (differed tho loss of dogs, vnlunblo nllhor for their real or fancied worth, nt their hands. Karly Thursday morning V. V. ModynBkl of a 10 North Central street wns awakened by .ho barking of his dog, a hound valued by Its ownor ns a bird dog. doing to tho onnlosuro behind his resldonco Mr. Medynski let tho suffering nnlmal Into tho houso whoro it was seized with convulsions a few moments later and died. A physician who wns summoned pronouncod strychnlno poisoning ns tho causo of death. Councilman W. W. Klfort, whoso resldonco Is In tho snino block, also lost n dog, n vnlunblo cocker spaniel, In tho snmo way. Thrcq othor dogs woro roported this morning to hnvo boon poisoned during tho night nud tho dend body of an unclaimed col Ho dog is lying nt tho cornor of North Contrnl and Fourth strcots, NumoroiiB chlckon thofts hnvo been roported In tho ramo vicinity Intoly and tho belief provnllB that theso inlBcreantB aro Avnntonly poisoning dogs In order to mnko stcnllng cnslcr. Chief of I'ollco Shoaror has boon notified nnd Is conducting an Inves tigation. . " MONEY EASIER SAYS 1. REDDY Returns From Trip to Spokane, Say Inii Greater Investments Are Bclnu, Mado Than Ever Before Plf.nt at Five Per Cent Now. : j Dr. J. 1 Noddy, wlio returned tljis f morning from n visit to Spokane, v (MitliUHiastio over tho outlook foi l)iisii)('K (luring tlio coming your, nl- : lonely miulo tilnioit n uurtninty by the tuiidonoy hliown iit the monuv market ' of Spokane to become onuior. "(Irontor investment," lie Haul, "nro boing mndo now limn out hc i'oio, nnd with money plentiful nt ft T ooiit, whereas it wliott tiino iitf" it wuh hcarco tit (I'j and 7 per ceui. Ihimiiosh nil out the went will re ceive Kient impetus." DEW YEAR'S EVE TO BEOBSERVED Several Parties Arranncd for To morrow Evcnlnfl Cafes Will Be Open Watch Mectlntjs Wll Be Held Old Year Nearly Gone. TILE following is a resume of the bills proposed by the State Good Roads associatien: There shall be created by the legislature a state high way board, composed of three men, to serve without pay, but to have "neccSsary traveling expenses." Within 30 days after its appointment by the governor the boarxl will appoint a state highway commissioner with a salary of $4000 a year (a secretary at $1800 'a year) aiid "actual necessary traveling expenses)" who shall-have "general and advisory supervision of all roads built .wholly or in tVll'f 1)V i MP SI'llP Tho state shall appropriate $080,000 to be used in 1911 and 1912. Each county to have $10,000 a year for two years upon putting up '$20,000 for each $5000 put up by the state, when the count' court appropriates the money, selects the road to be improved, furnishes the required tools and machinery, the highway shall be built under the exclusive dircction'of the state highway commissioner. A county that does not make use of the slate fund in 191 J can use it in 1912, but failure to use it is a waiver to any claim on its part of the state appropriation.. There shall be no grade sleeper than seveu'per cent, except by per mission of the state highway board. The county bonding act provides three forms of initia tive by the people, and action by the county court besides: On petition of 25 per cent of the voters it is made manda tory on the county court to order a special election on a bond issue for construction of permanent highways; on petition of 5 per cent of the votes the county court is au thorized to call an election for bond issue, if it sees fit to do so, but is not required; on petition of 10 per cent of the voters tho county court shall submit the question of a bond issue to the voters at a general election. The county court may submit the question of a bond issue at any general election on its own motion. The rate of interest shall not exceed G per cent, and they shall not bo sold at less than par, preference to be given to citizens of the county in selling same- -All convicts, except those needed to do work at the state prison, shall be employed on the state highwavs. Any county that will care for and guard such convicts can have them on application to the state highway board. Three central camps, one in eastern, one in western and one in southern Oregon, arc to be established, where convicts are to prepare road material. The state highway board shall have exclusive control of the -convicts while engaged in state road work. County prisoners shall be under control of the county court, or majr be let out to any road supervisor or other person appointed to do work on highways. City prisoners shall be under the control of the county court, and shall be worked on the county roads in the same manner as county prisoners. A county court of one county may transfer to another county prisoners to be worked on the highways. Jn all cases city or county prisoners shall be required to work for the full number of days sentenced or fined at $2 per day. Vii'iy thousand dollars is appropriated to carry this act into effect." 110,000 DRAFT ASXMASPRESENT Local Orchardlst for One Long. Flcelinii Moment Enjoyed Himself and Then He Hit the Ground With a Dull, Sickening Thump. WHAT 1910 HAS SEEN. Tho now your will be appropriate ly welcomed in Medford tomorrow evening. Tlio union in the oily will bo opened anil u some of partiou h unions lOHidencus hnvo boon ar ranged. Ji number of tho churojio will hold Witch Hcrviucs. HAMMOND BACKING GREAT CORPORATION SAN FHANCJSCO, ChI.. Doc 80. John Hays Hammond, mining en gineer, of Africa and America, linn formed a $10,000,000 corporation to bo known as Yosomlto 1'owor com pany, which will deu-lon electric NINETEEN hundred alul ten has witnessed Medford make the greatest growth in its history and the Rogue River valley its greatest strides towards material development. The close of the year finds approximately 10,000 peo ple living in Medford, a gain during the year of 35 pei cent. .It finds (55,000 acres of planted commercial orchards and another 20,000 acres being planted. It finds a sub stantial beginning made in the development of the many resources of the country, tlie opening up of granite and lime quarries, the establishment of brick and tile kilns, the opening of lumber mills and a revival of mining. Nineteen hundred and ten has witnessed the completion of the Pacific and Eastern (the Hill system) to lutte Falls- and its survey made to connect with the Oregon Trunk, affording a new transcontinental railroad to the east. It has witnessed construction begin on the extension of the Rogue River Valley railroad up the Applegate with tin Mine Ledge copper mine as its objective. Nineteen hundred and ten has witnessed the completion of nearly nine miles of paved streets in Medford and the contracting of as many more. It has witnessed the com pletion of a half million dollar gravity water system, giv ing it an unexcelled supply of pure 'mountain' water. .It 'has seen many miles of sewer and storm sewer system completed. 1 1 1ms seen many modern business blocks erected and hundreds of homes built. It has seen the con struction of a magnificent new depot and the parkinu of the railroad right-of-way, as well as doubling the size of the Citv Park. Nineteen hundred and ten has seen the city outgrow ing its school facilities with nearly 1700 pupil's; the pur chase of new school sites and (he adoption of plans for the immediate erection of two fine new schools, with two mow to follow in the near future. Nineteen hundred and ten has witnessed phenomenal activity both in city and valley. The story of Medford is reflected iu less degree in the other towns' of the valley. Ashland has made material growth, Talent, )Yoodvilfe. Eagle Point and Putte Falls have incorporated; Central Point and Jacksonville have installed water systems. Everywhere substantial improvement and development have been the order of (ho dav. All this marvelous record of 1910 profusely illustratod, will be found in tho New Year's edition 'of the Mail Tribune. Suppose you rcceicd n letter from .our brother telling you that he bad jiint cleaned up' fjO 00,000 on a real e-itatc deal mid wns inclosing n druft for $.10,000 as n Xmas gift for you, and just us you got up in the uir n mile or two or three or four, and then suddenly hit the ground with n dull, sickening thud now, wouldn't it make you mad? That is the experience of u loenl orcliimlist. It happened this way: He visited the postoffiee Inst Fri day and found n letter. He recog nized the handwriting of n brother a successful eastern business miui Tearing it open this is whnt lie read : "Pear : Dining the past Jew mouths I linvc been very successful in u number of real estate deals and have cleaned up about $100,000. In closed please find draft for $10,000 m the way of n Jittle Xins gift, which accept witli my best wishes foi i merry Xmas. . . ." Here the ioenl man began scared ing that envelope to locate the draft. I'nsiiccessful 'in finding it, ho turn ed ngnin to the letter and, Martini; where he left off, he read: ". . . That is the way I wouuT liko to write, but, to tell tho truth, I am a liar nud hineu't made a cent Here is where that dull, sickenip! thud came in. TO EIGHT MOUTH OF FIVE PETITIONS ARE NOW NEED But One Day Remains in Which Can didates May File Their Nomination Petitions GoUld Files for City Council From First Ward. Want-adveitise the vacated room and there will be n new tennnt in n few dnvs. Wuiit-adverlise and get some real ly efficien people to competing for that vacancy yor office- With but one day remaining for the filing of the 'petit.onj ot candi dates for office in tins coming ei'y election, but five havd so far bee.) received nt the office of the city re eorder. , William P. Gould, socialist candi date for the council lroni the Find waid, filed bis petition this morning. The filing books will close Satur day evening at f o'clock, and any petitions not 'iled before that time will be invalid. Want-advertise when you want household -help for three-fourths of the competent servants secure situa tions by advertising or answering ads. Ilasklns for Health. Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Co. Traffic Department Announcement The above named company was incorporated Oc cember 23, 1910, for the purpose of taking over the following lines: . ,. r. The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. The North Coast Railroad Company. Oregon & Washington Railroad Company. .Idaho Northern Railroad Company. Ilwaco Railroad Company. Jn future these lines will be operated by and in the name of the Oregon-Washington Railroad As Nav igation Company. TTTAW ' P. W. ROBINSON, WE McMURRAY, General Freight Agent, Clen'l Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. W. D. SKINNER, General Freight and Passenger Agent, Seattle, Wash. R. B. MILLER, Traffic Manager. - --- -- -- ---4-- .--- --- I Searchllnhts Ordered to Liijht River In Order to Keep Track of Hostile Ships in Time of War Can Read hy Lijjht Five Miles Distant. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 30. Fol- owlng his return from Fort tScveus vhlcb ho visited o'n business conncct- d with tho construction ot bettor 'ortlfleatlons, Major Mclndoo, corpB f engineers, U. S. A., said that four i! the CO-Inch sohrchllghts provided or uso at the mouth or tho olnmbla nvo boon Instnlleil and until six nd- itlonal arrive from tho oiust, It Is aid sinallor lights will bo put In iilaco. Fort Stevons, Fort Canby nnd Fort oluinbla will bo equipped so that ho entire c trnnco and approach to Mo rlvor can bo brlllinutly Illuml ntd la emergencies, and while the ho lights nro Intonded for sorvlce In mo of war, so as to keep track of ostllo ships, they will bo used for 'r ntxht tni'Kot practice oIeo. Experiments mndo with tho big atchllKhts ahow a newspaper can read five mllos.'nt soa In tho rays f tho lighta. and vcssola can bo soon ntll fog Intervenes Ion.; toforo they ) 11 hi reach a point whoro their guns mid do effective work. The lenses .ive a diameter of flvo foot. The Khta are among tho lnreat In use. 25 Dozen Ladies' Seemless, Fa& Black Burson Hose, Fleeced Lined and Garter Top, All Sizes 25c Men's heavy Wool Sox, 35c values 25c a pair. 20 dozen Ladies' Worst ed and Cashmere Hose, 25e pair. Boys' and misses' Scool Hose, extra heavy qual ity, 25c pair. UNDERWEAR 10 dozen misses' medium weight fleece lined Un ion Suits, 25c each. 20 dozen boys heavy fleece lined Shirts and Drawrs, 35c each. 10 dozen ladies' heavy fleece lined grey mixed Union Suits, a 75c value, size 4-5-0, 50c each. Men's cotton cloth Gloves 10c pair, 3 pair for 25c. Men's leather Work Gloves, 50c and $1.00 pair. Men's Gauntlet Gloves, best qualities, all sizes, $1.00 and $1.50 pair. Your Choice at HALF Of all Albums, Toilet Cases, Music Rolls, Tron Tras, WoodTra?, Mechanical Toys, Electric Toys, Toy Dishes, Games, etc. iu:.iniis. RUSSIAN LION WILL MEET FARMER BURNS NBW YOUIC, 1). 20.- fleoive lluokeiiM-liiiudl, the "1iimii Lion," ImIhv picked ill th uauntlot thrown low ii by Fa liner Muni in bchnlt ot powor for San Frnnoltuo uud Inter yUU, cli.iih. the i tu.-.l wi.-thui: cltlea in Central California .lnordlnn , iiin,.i..n Thiu.li ,u k i ml.v, In to tho statin cut mndo b r.ntor Wl- mummer, llmk.u-.. hiuidi mi-tul .1 lev. nn eiiBlnoer who has completed iiint Wlli a I h mmi .pi.ihu.r edi part of tho deal, editor of tltu Now York World, that h would accept the sidi bet of $20. Otlfl iuiu0(l us H condition of th match by Goteh. lliit'kiiitchinicil offered to wrestle i.ef.ire the club offering the UtM 111 il ircmcuK on u w inner-lake-iil' Ii i-i I'urlev nml lliifki-ii-M-huitili v ill ii.uh I'lm .mo ttbi. i he tilt- I! 1 am lo r.clcVn -.ml, to t ilk buMiu" ,. .,.. .v ... iii ,1 111 t'ji ii'i iii' 1-111 jKiiiui in i.uurit -.nil, ill iiik 1 jlor ami wiml Uud Kdikn, sporting I with UoUha upa-tciitatica. i.iii 1 11 -f-r II Who .Suffer From Catairli, Sore Tliniat or oliK. Millions of pooplo throughout Mnerlca hnvo breathed HY0.MKI pionounce It IIfi;h-o-nie) and now wn a I1YOMKI Innbalor mndo of aid rubber. If ou own n 11YOMKI lnhalor.jio uitter where ou llvo, you can get bottle of HI.OMIJl at Chas. Strands ml druggists otorywhoro for only r.Oc. Ask for an extra bottlo of 11YOMI3I nhalent; It Is onlj 50c and with It vou can cure a couh or n cold In a day. 1 You can get rellof'from cmtarrh or -luffed up homl In two mlnutos and flop hawking ami snuffing in a eok. 't J nut pour a few drops of UYOMKI into tu inhaler and brontho It In Unit's all. It's so im. ami. so pleasant nnd so 'uch nyn desirable thnji swallowv lag muisoathic drugs. Uroatho II? omel over theluflamod membrane of tho note aud throat nnd Its soothing, healing action will bo folt lmmedN tly. If you haw not a HYOMKllnlmlor. get o complete 11YO.MH1 outfit at on co. This only costs $1.00, nnd with It cornea a ilYOMHI Inhwlor that will Ust 4. lifetime and ought to be In over famlh. For free Kauiple r HYOMKl wiite Uooth'ii llcmt i- llnffalo. N. Y. lliisklna for Health. 25 O O Discount On All.Fanc China, Saturday New Year Post Cards Ic Each - - -- --- --- ---- See Those $1.00 Dolls ---- --- - -- . ,. SELECTIVE PAETY LINES; FULL METALLIC CIRCUIT The Home Telephone Co. 'akes pleasure in announcing that it Avill commence service De cember .-f t ... fc... 1 l Saturday Morning at 8 o'Clock A temi)orary directory has been issued, and new names will be added as rapidly as connections are made. Call information for new numbers. Commence Saturday and Use the "HOME PHONE" . EFFICIENT SERVICE. COURTEOUS TREATMENT. tmn .-.-1-1r-- -;iT.i;1:.