VUMlliMW if? p TTWfjr " n? tf V27, fffciEBS mm tB&Ui! 9fc -i r-?si; lflr: .' MMDffOKP jALVTL TRIBUNE, aUDDffORP, OmCClOy, IfRJPAY; .D.RCJ3M13JJ1R 30, 1910. Biitte Falls Items John WimiiiiKhum. who has heen m I Will IIukKcs hits returned from the vnllcy, whilt5 there piirchnscd n U'oHiiko drove, hut will fon mnkfe gosollno engine and a wood fliiw. Ho lias n largo wood contract anil in prcpnrifig to operate upon qtiilo a liirKO bcuIc, as il'is in eoiiteinplulion to establish a Jorge woodyanl in Jleilfonl-nnd ship the wood i'rotn thin point. Christinas was n bright, beautiful day and enjoyed very nnnih by nil. Mrs. Mnrcy of. the -View hotel gave a splendid dinner, which was largely patronized by local and transients. The a'to'rca did a thriving business in Christinas goods and we're very biisy until late hours oil Saturday night. The Ladies' Aid society had a most successful bazaar on Wednes day and cleared about .f-lO from the sale of goods and refreshments. The fund goes lowilrd church purposes. Professor Johnson was visiting hero during the week and he says he will not teach the Crater Lake school any more, but'will go to Trail, and from thence to some point hi the val ley. Ed Cowden has been on the sic); list, but is now improved. Mr. Cow deu, who has been' Icnining on the road for several weeks, was exposed to the bad weather and contracted a severe cold. J. A. ifayburu has been under the weather from stomach 1 rouble, but is now able to bo around. another (rip, and will probably re main out for some time. Mr. Ford, u newcomer, went to Central Point to spend his holidays. Mr. Moor (Uncle John), 1ms been dowlt from his homestead niid spdni the holidays among his many frieiids in Butte Falls. Wo have had considerable rainy weather of late, and Monday snow began (o fall anil covered the ground to u depth of an inch, hut Tuesday was it fair and bright day, There is "an effort being made to form a baud among the boyu, nnd (his will be a very desirable move, as there is nothing so inspiring, uplift ing and calculated to refine the fccl ngs nnd awaken good nnd noble thoughts as well as to soften tho as perities of life as good music. Mr. llailey, who lately built for himself a home, has been ;allc.d to l'ortland and will likely remain iptite a tinfc, as ho has secured a good po sition in the metropolis. Professor tJVright has moved his residence into the homo lately vacat ed by Mr. Dnilcy. Tho Christmas tree exercises on Saturday uiglit were largely attend ed and the literary exorcises of the children well rendered and gave, great satisfaction. The tree was laden with beautiful and pleasing gills and everybody was well pleased with the entertainment. WONTADMITMAN jWOMAN BARRED 10 UPHELD UWliM CITY STORES CI Minus H AT P. 0. IS OVER Haittllhifj Rccord-Brcakfnn. PcrioJ. FOR SALE 00 acres, all cleared, lVls miles Kiigic Point, -i-00 per ncre, finest soil. DO acres,, 70 cleared, 0 in orchard, il miles station, buildings, $35 pei acre. . TIMBER. Local Office Ajjain Assumes Normal Appearance Workinu Force Dc: servhifl of Credit for Maimer of 10,000,000 feet timber, well located, ;I000 acres fjiio limber, (!0 per cent sugar pine, eluso ot railroad, After a period of two weeks, dur ing which time all previous records for mail matter handled wore broken, the Sorting room of the Medford postoffice today assumed -n normal Cjty acreage on, -West L'd, near now schoolhouse. CITY PROPERTY 10-rooni house, close' in, .f"00, good terms. Fine 8-room modern bungalow, snap price. ' Two 4-room houseflj ,$2200. Two lot near p., O;, trade or sell, i'lll!l.Y 'T-liJU SECOND TERM of the Medford Conservatory for MUSIC AND LANGUAGES 1 Will Begin on JAN. 2, 1911 O. TAILLANDIER. Directer: rrirrf appearance. Since the start of tho 'Christmas rush, the force of clerks and carriers has been kept under an almost con stant strain, but withal (he work pro gressed so smoothly that none "of the mail arriving rtt the local office in time for" delivery on Christmas day Was hold up beelilirie of delays hero. Tho unusual amount of Christmas mail handled throughout the east caused u few congestions at disltib lltiug poiuls, with the result that some of the matter for Medford and other western points intended for delivery by Christinas fulled to ar rive in time. Lot o(!xM.", fi blocks postoffic, $850, easy terms., Rooming house, ( 'room", on East Main, close in; price cut for quick sale. Lot on paving, 50x200, $750. Lots in West Walnut Park, $275 'to $330, easy terms ' , FOR EXCHANGE. Seal tie income proper! v at ca.ih value for $:i.-),U(l(). ranch property up to William Locb, Jr., Denied Admittance to Exclusive Republican Club Be cause He Forced Prominent Mem bers to Pay Duty on Goods. NEW YOIJK, Dec. til). William Loch, Jr., collector of the port of New York, was denied membership on Thursday nighl of-last week in tho Union League club of Now York, the most exclusive organization of republicanism. His application, indorsed by many of tho leading republicans, was reached' 'Several months ago, but it was not until last week at tho De cember meeting that tho membership committee and the club itself under took to den'tho application openly. There arc many reasons given for tho sidetracking of Loch's applica tion, and among those who wore iiiohI aclivu in bringing it about, accord ing to members of tho club,,, wore (leorge It. Cortelyou, president of tho Consolidated Oiih company, and Ed ward S. Fowler, whom Loob suc ceeded as collector. Corlelyou's dislike for Locb dates back to March, l'.MtH, when Loch dropped a bomb into KoosovcltWnh iuct and nipped i;i the bud the presi dential aspirations of Cortelyou, who was ihen secretary of the troabiirv. llis enemies also poiilted out that since he has become collector of the porL Locb has held up u number of members of the club and forced them Convicted of Shopllftlmj, Mrs. Fer nandez Is Told to Remain Away From Shonplnn District for Period of a Year. LOS ANGELES, V' Dec. :(). Convicted of shoplifting, Mrs. .Maria Fernandez mast for one year do her shopping by proxy. She will not be permitted to enter a store. This was the sentence imposed oh her by Judge Davis in llie criminal depart ment of the superior court, ul' the superior court. Mrs. Fernandez was arrested No vember J I outside a department stole, from which it was alleged she had stolen 254 yards of silk. She was given u three-year probationary term, during the first year of which sjie is banished from the shopping district. . SFATTLE, Wash., Dec. HO.--Mi ami Mrs. Ultickwords arc under or rest at Ogdcu, Utah, charged tilt theft of jewels and furs w .$0(1110 from the home of W. E. Ilnr- ber, president of the California Na tional name ot Micrameuto. llie Hlackwords reside in Seattle and the local police wore today notified ol their arrest. When You Are III It doesn't take a good doctor to tell Unit. Most anyone can do as much. To toll what ninkoB you 111 sometimes calls for the utmost skill of tho best nhytdelan. Anyone, by a few simple testa, can toll that your oyes aro defective that you deed glasses of uomo kind but to know tho o.vaet causo and fit tho right ghitises calls for moro than ordinary skill. 1 havo tuallo the fitting of glasses a Hjieelal study and 1 am In business1 to bring wrong oyes and right glasses together. nu. moKRiiT. optometrist. Room 2, over Kontner's. WANTED Girls for generaj housework. City and ranch property change. ' to cx- i ir, -w. 1 lie tsest Slide Is llie celebrated and justly famous J. & M; If you want a slioc that feels old - when new, looks new when old, and one that will last just u little longer than any you ever i men, cnll and let us show you i 2 the Johnson & Murphy line. S J t Duffieid Bros, j 3 E. F. L flITTNER Room 206, Taylor & Philips Blclu., BIG DAN COUGHLIN I DEAD IN HONDURAS; NEW ORLICANS. La., Dec 110. I "Jlig Dan" Coughlan, for whoso ur-1 real the state of Illinois bud offered! a reward, is dead at San l'odr, lloitdurjitf, according to disputclu. received hero today. Coughlan - lianic was connected with a jmyl s'caudal in Illinois several cars ago' and ho fled to ("cut nil America. i People will not assumo that your store is as good as its strongest to pay duties on things they have competitor unless its advertising is purchased abroad. as good. 0 -ELECT WEST IS STODDAi OFF TO Pure Clear Sparkling You enn't afford to do without this splendid, refreshing drink. Call up and order a case sent to tho liouso. The purest, most healthful drink known is SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Arjcnt. M. V. A. MTTVHIl, Candidate foe .'Mayor. (Paid Advertisement.) For the Latest in Books Stationery Magazines' Pottery Pictures, Etc. . Call ou tho Medford Book Store Offutt Roraes Auto Co. Automobiles GENERAL OVERHAULING & MACHINE REPAIRING. First-Class . Workmanship Guaranteed. t f PHONE MAIN 023i. Corner Central Ave. and Slh St Medford, Or. Guaranteed Honest and HMinb e Messengers. Tray and Package Deliveiy n Specialty. Messent 'er Service ty...i.. !t..... Afniifiiwinenl. PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. m,.,elsTmessages delivered five blocks or under.. 0o . 4 i... . "" Over f i vfi blocks and miner mi .,l)(. Over ten blocks and itirtlor fift ecu '.'.'.!!'..... 'Joo . Over tirteen blocks W qni'ifh ' Central AVC., Vm "ANfCAM 1'rop. 337 So"4 Telephone Muni lHdi - All small p The finest Sample Rooms m tne ciry-. Single rooms or eii suite also rooms with bath Hotel Moore Telephone In Kvcry Iloom EAU-MOHR COMPANY Proprietors. EUEOPEAN PLAN -TIMBER LANDS WANTED List with us what you have for sale. Timber cruising and estimates furnitshed. HARRIS TIMBER LAND COMFY 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. MEDFORD, OREGON. THE FIRST STEP TO INDEPENDENCE ih cu i of illness in spending. The man Kith a wilurv will" find that his money goes further when he deposits il in the bank and pays his bill nv chock. And he Knows where every penny goes. too. The Farmers' &. Fruitgrowers' Bank, unites accounts from salaried men and houseUcepeis. As liltle as two dollars will slai'i one. Many a one begun with tlml urn has become a goodly balance. because of tho check iL puis on thoughtless spending. W IMI I""" T i.l i I -T,-, -H flu 1 ..-. A A.. A.A A-A A - O -5 -.'"' V V w w v National Wool Growers Cooventio.o aod Mad-Wssiiter Sheep Show PORTLAND, OREGON January 4-7. CLEAN BREAD THAT KEEPS THE FAMILY HEALTHY. is ii treasure no one can afford to iie without. It is made right here. 1IAVK YOP TKIKI) Figola Bread MEDFORD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN TODD & CO. SOUTH CENTRAL AVE. M m ma n y PRIVATE WIRE PHONE 1831 f Returns Fcclinij "Bully" ami Fully Superintendent of Riiie River Elcc- Ptciarcil to Enter Upon His New Duties Is Glad to Get Under a Drizzle Once Analu. ALK.M, Or., Dec. :t0. (loveruor cleiU West rulurued to bin huiiiti in this olty' yMorduy t'rom I'ttlil'oruiii and inteiids to remain. When upj proitchod in regard to probable changes ho would make when taking over tho office of governor, ho mild: "Although I obimlderod iwvoral oluiligos 1 will make in tlm fjituru, -while in California, I am ilot at the present time prepared to iiiulfe any statement. I have made up my mind on oilu change and intend to act, probably before the legislature it ad journed, hut this change will not he Hindu known tint il 1 make it. Ah fr us uthor probable clmliges nro, eon liorih'il, ) do iiotwiHlt lo inko miv iioiisidoratinii of thorn until 1 nm in ' oflicy. "I wish to l'irM view llie pron cii( uduiihltit ration us the "ovonior of I ho stale before J ma ho any poai tivii decision, and if 1 think m chnng will bring nbout bottfmionl, 1 will act accordingly, irrohpeetvc ot pol itics. I intoud tp enter tin- office in mind, nnd w'lll do only what T duom Id be tho most bemifioial in the way of appointing now ho. -id trio Company Goes to New York to Confer With Colonel Frank Ray and Buy Machinery. II. V. Stoddard, uuporlnlcn Uut ot tho IliUjuu lltvor Ulectrlc coiui;n, litut loft for Kovv York city to conrcr wlUi olniinl Kriiulc Hay, of the com pany, and to purohubo machinery for tlio now popor plant to bo orooted ai Itottuu ltlvur falls, noar Prospect. IMitll after tho roufortnico butwoou tho two offlctii'K of tho company In Now York no doolalon vvtll bo arrived at regarding JiihI bow mueli miielii, nory nucoawiry will lio purobuiiud lit j this tlmu. ! ilr. Htuddnril will 1)0 away several wmU. Mo ss 6 Co. GRAIN AND STOCK BROKERS W. L. BAIN LOCAL MGR NO. 10 NORTH FRONT ST. MEDFORD, OREGON County Seat Real Estate Office Bltlji., Jacksonville, Or. Office in Bank of Jacksonville iln numerous choico bargains in t-itv lots, orchard, farming and alfalfa rtuuhc. Oar Applegale v.illev ranches are bargains; all have an abundanco of water for irrigation. Don't forget that Jack sonville the county sent and that it is installing mi up-to-da'o water M'Mein. Come ami see us. We'll interest vou. JLUY (El COLLINS ' l)rHi above occasion, round trip tickets will be sold form till points on its lines in eludinur brandies bv ! Southern Pacific Company AT One and One-third Fare ' Tickets on stile January 2d and Ikl, 1!)U, good for return until. .January 10, .1911. For further particulars, call on any S. P. Agent, or write to 2." I WM. McMURRAY, (leneral Passenger Agent. - '' 44 -, WfKSTfiiSBCSJu tmim 3japaErfRwfflC5ai5KB r-r.ft MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. iPLUMBINGi sw, w:z SillSsillftMliiSg W$m$ .iMWI::l:iilSS: 1 r if yri'frwitfftiiirti fimmiiitflrwrt W ''J-ri'".'r .. .!. 1 r ... i; wh mis uruuKinsi taoie in the sick room- - iiuKini; saiaus, puuumcs and other des SltAM AND 110! WATPMICA1ING I All Work Guaranteed lrico3 Reasonable "taMt-MllandcafeJtiJthemo ,icFrr r,n,m t&i r-iiii, i ik ., n ono l I.'U uu uu i i Vn..n, i o . M.wir...i rv- I 'r4Jrfslrr Suntcist Omni'M n hin.iM.....i flberless-seedless, 'they (airly mut in tho inout.i. There is ko little w.tbic In servinKnndeatlnft then that they are truly Bvtry bunktst Oranso c?ces in a Si Sun-' Wrapper. Thousands of fnniilic! "HM1.1VO none Duthunictst Oranges. Aftc you have tried them once they will wli you. Please make the trial today. Youi dealer wlls them. And don't forget it save the "Sunkiu" Wtappcn. . vvliielt 1 have cofitrol. "I hiii tflml lo net luiek to Oro(tiui. To ml umler u UIxlo tiKitiii U u plsumire, uiul hHIioukIi 1 lid not o i'.v for my lumllli, I nm IVolIiifr ImlJ.v uiul urn lully U0)iireil to enter in upon m fuiuro diitio." Mr We-.i -tled tlml ho worked all. till I. H. i' nliiiM in tll AOUtll mid WOIII tlu u ir ilu p'npo-i of fminitit,' li meKKHtte to the lejrulture iiml ui liienilurK1 ii'iiilinc o other Inioes niatie -. Oliil in u liieiiiulieiitK of .'Iimi-, uii .n ii ii. tut re i, i n ii. o ..i i STODDARD DAYTON Automobiles Dr. F. C. Page Mgr. Local Agency Ask for "Sunkist" Lemons F. QUERIN '& CO. 4 MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, Have a number of APPLICATIONS FOR FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS of from $500 to $3001) to return Investors 10 per cent ucr annum. If you have money to loan it will pay you to investigate them fv VVJK v l0K-'ilCV ,'?" ar"""' fnuijtheUklmT 5;c:.. i.K kmr..-d or rm sn J, t :""V xx; i 7i Kv t?rjLiur? . uu -5K:-jEi Rnnrrt n..nn. C V'VSK5 u " " vrittco lor Lnni . f--?i..w.. ,n.dtini.iiiM.Bi --. inDin ?.' "i : J ...." .W .VnV",t3k W v s. "aX coctsln 50 percent ni.irni ihm n I. J. "-nions. wjiuh ,Vi ' "i,u'econom. tun i ncn and tablo rtl SOCV -v. .ia liauiht ' Jin . t u.;tb Poll C? rapper Manlltiu, jSs!vnjS3t CALIFORNIA FRUIT GaOWER EXCHANGE T ."ii8-iwi, viuvuy, m, (jm