't fy - 1.W j Tif f"B,f JPfPP 6 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEOEIBER 29, 1910. wmiih.1 T "A & S.rti i vv IBM sy- v?r. Mi CAPT. E6GLEST0N LIMING 'EDI UP Representative-Elect Is Bccomlnn Stronn Factor In Fight for Spcak ershfj Is Wonderfully Well Qual ified for the Place. i tip Cnptnin M. V. Kggloston is leave tonight or tomorrow for north for the purpose of lining liis support for npeiiker of the house, which no far is any one's gntue. Hut Captain Kggloslon is receiving inniiv usHtirnnocs of support, lie will leave noon for points between hero mid Portland soliciting support. Jn Portland at tlic niosent time arc Henry McKianey and Lair Thomp son, who are also aspirants for the speakership. V. .1. .'lumens, mini ngcr for Allan Kiilon, elaiuiH Hi it Enton Jias X vote. McKianey says he (locMi't. hulieve Katon has halt that unmoor, anil that Thouiwon lui next to none. During the hut few days MelCin uey lui heen informed that his sup port in to go to Thompson, to Brooke and to .Jerry Husk, but MeKinney mi.vh lie in going to keep his Htippoil for hiniHoIf. rcporlH to the contrary notwithstanding. Thompson has heen closely identified with the Hoi ormaii progrnin, which is Huffieient to line up ngniiiHt him many repre sentatives who otherwise might eon m'dur him. Whatever support Thompson getn will lie forced to hill1 hy the same agencies which are he hind the Howurman hoom for presi dent of (ho senate, these being 0. W Kultnii, Itulph K. Williams and S. C itoucii. iMclMiiney says Ho ih m dcpeiideul and under no obligntioiif to the Howurman crowd. Kgejestou, who is recorder v'd municipal judge of Ashland, as well as representative of Jackson county, and a Wod Pointer to hoot, is beginning an ng-grchtm-o onmpuign and is gaining much support. Katon appears 1 have left his case in the hands o! Clemens at that end of the line. Much depends on the .Multnomah delegation in tlio house, which is at present nliot to pieces. There lin not been a mooting of the dolegatioi sincu the first was held. No pornin ncut chuirmau has heen selected am' no program or pulicicH outlined. N ouo has offured to issue u call foi a niooliiig, none upparently caring; it assume the responsibility. Brutal Murder at Allin 6 Allins' Tlio prices on our entire stock o' Chiuhwuro and Dishes of all descrip tions ha vti been brutally murdered. It you a ro looking for dishes now h the time to purchnso them at the lowest prices ever nimlu in this section. nEFUSED POLICEMAN BANANAS; ARRESTED SAORAMKNTO, Dee. 1MI.--V Gtiiguor, the peddler who was fined .') on snap judgment by City Justice Anderson on Thursday of last wee!;, will have an opportunity tomorrow to prove Ins stnlemcut that lie wa arrested hy Southern Pacific Ol'li cor Wutwood, not for driving liul over the Yolo bridge, but for rol'iis iiiL' to pay toll in the shake of , bunch of bananas demanded by the railroad watchman. Lots S, y, 10 and 11 of block .'J of tlio Mountain View addition 'to the city of Mcdford, as per map or plat of Bald addition of record In Bald county recorder's office; Lots 2, 3, C, 7. 10, 11, 14 and 15, of Woodlawn Heights addition to the city of Mcdford, iih per map or plat of wild addition of iccord In Bald recorder's office; Lot number 2 of block 1 of Moun tain View addition; and lots numbers 24, 27 and 28 of Woodlawn IIoihtB addition to raid city of Medford as the panic Is denerlhed and designated on the official plat thereof of record in tlio office of said recorder; All of the Laurel Park addition to tho city of Mcdford, Oregon, as the same Is designated and described on mo official pint tliereof now on rec ord In the office of said recorder, the same being lot C, In block 1 of tho Nickcll addition to said city. v Lots numbers 1, 2, 3, t, 5, C, 7, 12, 13 niul 14 In block lumber 2; and lot number 2 In block number 1, all In Oak Orovo addition to the city of Medford, according to the re corded plat thereof on file and of record In the office of said recorder; Lot number 3 In block number 4 In the Nickcll addition to the city or Medford, as por map or plat of record in tlio office or snld county recorder; Lots 2, C, 8 and 10 In Llocl; num ber 4 of the Nlckell addition to the town (now city) of Mcdford, as the 8?.nie arc numborod and declgnntod on tho official plat tboreof, now of record; Lot No, 3 and block No. 4 of Hen sou addition to said city, as per map or plat thereof of record la tho of fice of the said county recorder; vs. Charles Nlckell and Kllu L. Nlckell, his wife, II. C. Maltby and Maltby, bis wife; Oold Hny Healtv Co., an Or egon corporation; the Fanners and Fruit Growers bank, an Orogon cor poration, end to all whom It may con cern, defendants. N0TIC2. Take notlco Hint on the 29th day of Decembor, 1910, an application was filed by said H. C. Oarnott la the circuit court of Jackson county, Ore gon, for Initial registration of tlio ti tle to the land nt'ovo described. Now, unless you appear on or be fore the 30th day of January, 1911, and show causa why nii-li application shall not lie grunted, tho sanio will bo taken as ronfesEod, and a decree will bo entered according to tho prayer of the application ar.d you will bo for- ovnr bnrred from dlsputliiK tho name Witness in. hand and tho seal of said court affixed this 29th day of December, A. D. 1910. (Sen!) W. H. COLIOMAN. County Clerk of .Inckiion County, Or egon, and 1'Jx-Offlclo Clerl: of the Circuit Court for said County and Stato. (Seal) II. F. Miilkey, Geo. W. Sherry, At ornoys for Applicant. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. said council having considered the,PrIddy. Lo.t 4, and the north 16 2-3 matter, and deeming that Bald water, feet of lot 5, block 1, Itungalow ad inaln was and Ib of material benefit, dltlon to the City of Medford, Ore to said city, and that all property to gon. Frontage 60 2-3 feet on the be assessed therefor would be bene-least side of North Orange street, nnd flted thereby to the extent of the. described In Vol. 70, page 03, county recorder s records of Jackson coun ty, Oregon; CC 2-3 feet; rate per foot ,.71c; amount $47.33. Assessment No. 17. Louise Mil ler. South 33 1-3 feet lot 5 nnd north 33 1-3 foot of lot fi, block 1, Bungalow nddltlon to the City of Medford, Oregon. Frontngo CG 2-3 probable amount of Bald respective assessments to be levied against said property did order said main laid. And, whereas, tho coBt of said water main has been and hereby Is determined to bo the sum of $993.28. Now, therefore, It Is horeby fur ther determined that tho proportion ate share of the cost of laying Bald i feet on the east side of North Orange CITY NOTICES. IX Till: ('IHCTIT roriiT op Tin: KTATi: OF Oltltf.'OX, FOU JACKSON COPXTV. In tho matter of the application of II. C. Gnrnott to register title to the following described lauds Hltuated In Jackson county, Oregon, to-wlt: Lot number 22, of Woodlawn Heights addition to tho city of Med ford us the siuiie Is numborod and designated on the official plat there of, now of record; Lot number i, of block 1: lots 1, 2, 3. I. of block 3; lots 1, 2, fi and U. of block I, all of Mountalnvlew ad dition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; altio lots 1, G and S of Woodlawn Heights addition to said city of Mod ford, as per map or pint of said ad dition of record in tho office of the county recorder of said ceunty: Lot 2 of block 2, in tho Nlckell addition to tho city of Modfoid In Huiil county, according to tho record ed map or plat thereof, snld lot con taining r ncr'; Lot l of block 1 of N'lckell addi tion to tho city of Medford, aUo lot 1 to 28 Inclusive of Albert's Subdivis ion of lot 4, block 2 of Nlckell ad dltlon to said city, nit-onllng to the recorded plat tluyeof. Lot 2 of block 1, and lot 1 of block 4 of tho IleiiBim addition; lots 5, C and 7 of block 3. and lots 7 aud 8 of block 4 of tho Mountain View addition, all of tho clt of Mcdford, na per tho recorded plat tl ereof of record In tho county recoup i'h office of mild county; , Lots 1 aud 2 or block 2 and lot !. C and 7 ot block I of tho Benson ad dition to tho c ty or juuiifoni. ami (Continued Kroni Page 3,) jf ICIm street, and dcscrlbod In Vol. , page , county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 30 feet; rate por foot 80c; amount $24.00. Section 2. And It In hereby or dered and ordained that tho several assessments and tho Ileus thereof bo eiitorcd In the water main lieu docket of the said city, aud that thereupon notice bo given to tho owneru or ro nuteil owners of said proporty, and that the same bo enforced and collect ed In tho manlier provided by the charter of said city for the collec tion of assessments for tho Iniprovo mont of the streets therein. Section 3. It Is further ordered that tho notice above provided for be published three times In the Dally Mall Tribune, a newspaper published and of general circulation In said ejty, In the manner provided by ordinance No. 2fi0 or said city. Tho foregoing ordinance was ptiHBcd by tho city council of the City of Mcdford, Oregon, on the 20th day jf December, 1910, by the following vete: Welch absent, Merrick aye, lOmer lek aye, Wortman aye, ICIfert aj'e aud Demmer aye. A ppro veil December 21, 1910. W. II. CANON, Attest: Mayor. KOUT. W. TKLFKH, City Ilecordor., NOTICK To tho ownors, or reputed owners. of each parcel of property described In tho foregoing ordinance, as named therein, and hi tho lions declared by said ordinance, as recorded in the docket of tho city Hens: You aro hereby notified that the assessment declared by tho forego ing ordinance has been made aud the lions thereof entered In tho city docket, and that tho same Is duo and you are hereby required to pay tho same to the city recordor within ten days from tho service of this notice which service Is made by publication of tho foregoing ordinance and this notice three Union In tho Medford Mall Tribune pursuant to an order of tho city council of the said city. HOHKUT W TKLFKIt City Hecordor eiiiiix.xxci: x. iui). An ordlirnucc dcelm-lutf tho assess- ment on the property bouofitod for the cost of laying a 4-Inch water main on North Orange street from West Main street to West Fourth street, and directing (he recorder to enter a statement thereof In the water riuln lieu docket. The City of Medford doth ordain as follews: Section 1. Whereas, the city coun cil did heretofore, by resolution, do claro Its Intention to lay a Much water main on North Orange street from Wont Main street to West Fourth st i eel and to assess the cost theieof on tho property fronting on said por tion of said street In proportion to the frontline of said proporty, and (i a time and plnce for hearing pro tesu Mgulnst the laying of said water main on said part of said street and the niuioesincul of the cost thereof as aforosald. Aud, whereas, wild resolution was duly puhlUhud and posted required by suction 110 of Hie charter of said city; And. whereas, n mooting of tho council whs held at the time and water Snnlh of each pnrcel of proper ty fronting on said portion of said street the amount sot opposite tho description of each parcel of land be low, and that each plcco or parcel of land benefited by Hie laying of the snld main to the full extent of the amount so set opposite the descrip tion of the same, aud that the respec tive amounts tepresent tho propor tional benefits of said water main to said' rospectlvo parcels of land, and also tho proportional frontage thereof on said street, and tho council does horeby declare ench of the parcels of property de scribed below to bo assessed and each of the same Is hereby assessed the amount set opposlto each description for Lie cost of laying said water main. ASS13S8M13NT FOU A FOUR-INCH WATRR MAIN ON NORTH OR ANGE STRI310T FROM W'KST MAIN TO WKST FOURTH STKKI3T. Assessment No. 1. Anderson & Toft. Lot V, block' 2, llungnlow ad dition to tho City of Medford, Ore. Frontngo 50 feet on the west side of North Orange street, aud described In Vol, , page , county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; GO feet; rate per ft 71c; amount $3r.ro. AssosBinent No. 2. L. M. Rundlett. Lot 2, block 2, Bungalow nddltlon to 'he City of Medford, Ore. Frontngo "0 foot on the west side of North Or 'ingo street, nnd described In Vol. 75, page, 138, county recorder's records 'if Jackson county, Oregen: 50 feet; rnto por foot 71c; amount $35.50. Assessment No. 3. Mrs. Selena T. Corliss. Lot 3, block 2, Hungalow uldltlon to tho City of Medford. Ore. Frontage 50 feet on tho west side of North Orange street, nnd described In Vol. 73, page 137, county record er's records of Jackson county. Ore gon; 50 feet; rate por foot 71c; amount $35.50. Assessment No. 4. Mary Alsdorf. Lot I, block 2, Bungalow nddltlon to tho City of Medford, Ore. Frontngo 10 feet on tho west sldo of North Orange street, and described In Vol. 75, page 290, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon! 50 'cot; rnto per foot 71c; amount $35.50. Assessmont No. 5. Henry Hart. Lot 5 block 2, Hungalow addition to ho City of Medford, Ore. Frontngo 50 feet on tho west side of North Or ango street, and described In Vol. 73, uago 582, countv recorder's records )f Juckson county, Oregen: 50 feet; rnto por foot 71c; amount $35.50. Assessment No. 0. Henry Peck. Lot 0. block 2, llungnlow addition, to tho City of Medford, Ore. Frontage 50 feet on the west sldo of North Or ange street, nnd described In Vol. 78, page 502, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rnto por foot 71c; nniount $35.50. Assessment No. 7. II. I). Corlles. Lot 7, block 2, Hungalow addition to 'ho City of Medford, Ore. Frontngo 10 foot on the west side of North Or ange street, and described In Vof82, oago 321, county recorder's records )f Jackson county, Oregen: 50 feet; rnto por foot 71c; amount $35.50. Assessment No. 8.- 13. 1C. Ornvatto. Lot 8, block 2, Hungalow addition to tho City of Medford. Oregon. Front ago 50 feet on tlio west sldo of Vorth Orange streot, nnd de.sci)lbed 'n Vol. 82. pngo 371, county record er's records of Jackson County, Oro gon; 50 feet: into por foot 71c; iinount $35.50. Assessment No. 9. II. 13. Marsh. Lot 9, block 2, Hungalow addition, to the City of Medford. Oregon. Front ago 50 foot on the west side of North Orange street, and described In Vol. S2, page 475, county recorder's rec ords of Jacgson county, Orogon; 50 feet; rate per foot 71c; amount $35.50. Lot 10. and North 25 feet of lot It, 'dock 2, Hungalow addition to the City of Medford, Oregon. Frontage AsKossninnt No. 10. W. 0. Oreen. Lot 10, aud north 25 feet or lot 11. block 2, Hungalow addition to the "tty of Medford, Oregon. Frontage 75 feet on, the west side of North )rango street, nnd described in Vol. '9. page 127. county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 75 feet: rate per foot 71c; amount $53.25. Assessment No. 11. H. P. Har urnve. Lot 12, and south 25 feet of tot 11, block 2, Hungalow addition to the City of Medford, Ortigon. Frontage 75 feet on the west Bldo of North Orange street, and described In Vol. S3, page 310, county record er's records of Jackson county, Oro non; 75 feet: into per foot 71c; Hiuount $53.25. Assessment No. 12. May Ander son. Lot 13. block 2, Hungalow nd dltlon to the City of Medford. Oregon. Frontage 140 feet on the west sldo of North Orange street, and described in Vol. Gli, page 003, county record er's records of Jackson county, Oro Ore Oro eon: 90 feet: rnto per foot 71c; amount $03.90. Assessment No. 13.--M. A. Rndur. Lot 1, block 1, Hungalow addition to tho City of Medford, Orogon. Front age 60 foot en tho east side of North Orange street, nnd described In Vol. S2, page 2S". county recorder's roe. olds of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 ftwt; rate per foot Tic; amount $35.50. Assessinont No. 1 1. Clara Molii tutdi. Lot 2, block 1, Hungalow ad dition to the City of Medford, Oro gon Frontage 50 feet on the oast Bide of North Ornnxo street and do scrlbod In Vol. 02, page 4S9, county recorder's records of Jackson coun ty, Oregon; 50 foot; rate per foot Tic; amount $35.60. Assessment No. 16 Clara M. Alt ken. Lot 3. block t. Hungalow nd dltlon to tho City of Medford. Ore gon. Frontage 50 foot on tlio oast street, and described In Vol. 78, page. 001, county recorder b records of Jackson county, Oregon; 0 0 2-3 feet; rate per foot 71c; amount $47.33, Assessment No. 18. Snrah 13. Weeks. Lot 7, and Booth 10 2-3 feet of lot C, block 1, Hungalow addition to the City of Medford, Oregon. Frontage CO 2-3 feet on the east side of North Orange street, and described In Vol. 60, page 005, county recor der's records of Jackson county, Or egon; 00 2-3 feet; rate per foot 71c; amount $47.33. Assessment No. 19. Win. Mc Gownn. Lot 8, block 1, Hungalow ad dition to tho City of Medford, Ore gon. Frontngo 50 foot on t'.io east sldo of North Orango ctreet, nnd de scribed In Vol. 77, page 231, county recorder's records of Jnckson coun ty, Oregon; 50 foot; rato por foot 71c; amount $35.50. Assessment No. 20. Warner & Wortmnn. A parcel of land com mencing at tho southwest corner of lot 8, block 1, Hungalow addition, and running thence south along the enst line of North Orange street, 50 feet; thonco east 180 feet; thence north 50 feet; thenco west 180 feet to tho plnce of beginning. Frontnge 50 feet on the enst sldo of North Or nngo streot, nnd described In Vol. , pngo , county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rnto per foot 71c; amount $35.50. Assessment No. 21. L. 13. Coch ran. A pnrcel of land commencing at a point on the cast lino of North Orange street, 50 foot south of tho southwest corner of lot 8, block 1, Hungalow addition, and running 'hence east 180 feet; thenco south 50 feet; thenco west 180 feet; thenco north hO feet to the place o begin ning, Frontngo 50 feet on tho east side of North Orango street, and de scribed In Vol. 7C, page 358, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot '71c; amount $35.50. Assessment No. 22. Warner fc Wortojjnn. A parcel of Innd com mencing at a point on tho east lino of North Orango street, 100 foot south of tho southwest corner of lot 8, block 1, Hungalow addition to tho CIvy or MyJford. Frontage 50 feet on tho east side or North Orange street and described In Vol. , page - , county recorder's records or Jack son county, Oregon, 50root; rato per foot 71c; amount $35.50. Assessment No. 23. W. Aldon l)ngen. A parcel of land commenc ing at a point on the east line of North Orungo street, 150 feet south of tho southwoat co-ner of lot. 8, block 1, Hungalow nddltlon to the City of Medford,' Oregon, nnd run ning thenco cast 100 feet; thence loutli CO feet; thenco west 100 foot; thonco north 00 feet to tho place of beginning. Frontage 00 feet on the CITY NOTICES. east side of North Orange street, nnd described In Vol. 84, page 7, county recorder's records or Jackson coun ty, Oregon; CO feet; rato per foot1 71c; amount $42. GO. 1 Assessment No. 24. Warner & wormian. A parcel or land com mencing at a point on tho cast line or North Orango street, 140 foot north or tho northeast Intersection or North Orango street, nnd West Main street, and running thence east 180 teet; thenco north 9 reet; thence west 180 teet; thenco south 9 reet to the place ot beginning. Frontnge 9 .f.,ALFALFA LAND.... SOLANO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. Choicest dairy and nlfnlfa proposition in tho state, located on (he main line Z L Southern Pacific railroad, between bnerumento nnd Ban Francisco. ABUNDANCE W WATER FO H IRRIGATION. Write Us for Jntorinntion. Dixon Alfalfa Land Co, Dixon, Cal. reet on tho east side or North Orango) w- street, and described In Vol. , page y wyjryrv - , county recorder's records or Jack- Z . I 4 son county, Orogon; 9 root; rato per toot 71c; amount $0.39. AsseEsment No. 25. Annie M. Root. A pnrcel or land commencing at the northeast Intersection of North Orango streot, ;.nd West Main street, running thenco north along the east line of snld North Orango street 140 feet; thence east 55 foot; thenco Bouth 140 feet; thenco west 55 feet to the place of commencement. Front age 140 feet on tho cast sldo of North Orange street and descrllcd In Vol. 71, pago 194, county recorder's rec ords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 90 feet; rato per, foot 71c; nniount $G3.90. Section 2. And It Is horoby or dered nnd ordained that tho several assessments nnd the Hens thereof be entered In tho water main lien dock et of tho said city, and that thereup on notice be, given to tho owners or reputed ovners or said proporty, and that the same bo enforced and col lected In the ninnncr provided by the chnrter ot said city Tor tho collection or assessments tor tho Improvement o.' the streets therein. Section 3. It Is rurthor ordered that tho notlco above provided Tor bo published thrco times In tho Dally Mall Tribune, a newspaper puhllsho.l nnd or general circulation In said city, In tho r.innner provided by or dinance No. 250 of said city. The foregoing ordlnanco was passed by tho city council or the City or Medford, Oregon, on tho 20th day of December, 1910, by tho fol lowing vele: Welch nbsont, Merrick nyo, Kmei Ick nyo; Wortman uyo, Elfort nye, Dommor nyo. Approved Decembor 21, 1910. V. II. CANON. Attest: Mayor. ROnT. W. TI3LFT3R, City Recordor. J. E. ENTART, Proaident. JOITN S. ORTH, Cashier. J A. PERRY, Vice-President W. B. JACKSON, Asb'I Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital Surplus, $100,000.00 $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKIN6 SUSIJItSS TRANSACTED WE .SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. v rrc ----- - ---- --- - NOTICE. To tho owner, or roputed owner, of ench parcel of property described in tho foregoing ordinance, as named ti'oroln, and In the lien declared by sijld ordlnnnco, as recorded In the docket of city Rens: You aro hereby notified that the assessment declared by tlio rorerjolng ordlnnnco ha.i been n'ndo and the Hon therefor entered In tho city lien docket, nnd that tho same Is duo nnd you aro hereby required to pay the sanio to tho city recorder within 10 days from tho sorvico of this notlco, which service In made by publication of tho foregoing ordinance and this notice three times n tho Medford Mnll Tribune, pursuant to an order of the city council of snld city. ROHT. W. TI3LFI3R. City Recorder. I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Union Livery Stables and will conduct a general fool and bonrdinoslahlishmct. Horses boarded by the duy, woek or month. I guurunteo a sqnnra deal to all. R. GUANYAW UNION LIVERY BARN. RIVERSIDE AVENUE. --"----- --- - -- - 4- ssss DOLLS Who Wants One? The Reason This store enjoys such nn enormous buiucs Hint is eouMnnlU' inciensimr is hocnusp of the t'net thnt people have learned and nro leaniiiiir daily Hint they ciin If iv the best for iiml n lillle lesx at this store. A mnn told us.Snturtlny I'int we were soiling npples too cheap, lie was joking, but he meant what ho Miid. He hnd .shopped nnd by coining here saved something like (!."e nu each box of tipples lie bought. This is one of the ninny iciimuis why we nro busy. ALLEN GROCERY CO. Main and Central Streets x We hnve severnl odd lots of Dolls thnt we will put on Mile Friday only nn follow?.; ' 1 lot ,lupnncc uml C'litnu Dolls nt. ench Ic 1 lot Dolls worth up to 'Joe, choice .it ench I00 1 lot of Unbreakable", .Jointed nnd UKKSSM) DOLLS, worth .fl.fi0 to $2.00, on snle Fridnv onlv nt, uiifh $1.00 Remember Wo are olonring out this week nil -TOYS. C1A.MKS, AIRSHIPS, KLKC- . TRIO .MOTORS. TISSUE TOILET (T$ASKS. PHOTO ALBUMS. MITSUI X ROLLS, KTCVut Jl'ST OXIMIALF ,' OUR UKOrLAR PRICKS. Hut if you want tlie.-e bniuitis v you "miiht emtio this week. place fixed In wild ronolullun. for the purpose or consular In miy such pro-lnide of North Orango Btroot, nnd de- leHiM. nwi no moii'tfiti. Hi'if iu bain srrilinil in vol is Diii'tt lill.i riiuntv lot 4 or Woodlawn lloignis miumon time, or at anv ottier time made to1 recorder's records of Jackson county, to said city, s per limp or Hui of siiid or received b Hie council to tho Bald Oregon. 50 foot, rate per foot 71c, additions on fllo In tho recordti s laying of said water main or the as- amount $3i C0 . offlco of HHld county; .Bcssment of the cost us aforesaid, and AhhosMiieiU No. l (leorgo Y HUSSEY'S LANDQUIST, JOHNSONS LI LIUS, INC. Real Estate and Insurance Special Representative for International Real Estate Association, Chicago, 111. AGENT FOR FRANKLIN FIRE INS. CO. RELIANCE FIRE INS. CO. BARGAINS AND MONEY MAKERS IN FARMS, ORCH ARDS & TIMBER LANDS. 201 St. Mark's Building, Phone 2411 ? This Knob Hill View Taken just after tlio paving was completed on Kasl Main direct, reminds us Hint the lit tune to invest in ouo n t .tti of llioutt vu-,,11 Front Tirr Lots on Nob Hill, the sw,lu.M t,f the W0 f the Medford swell the owners, Dr. Hundv or Win M 11..1...1. , , .1 , . . '" " "oimes. ou cnu't buv tho:u nt any price , mx inm.th.. i,,.MBI1 for Wo )IK21b nro now being prepared for i.nined.a.e budding these lots :i i Rogue River Land Co. NO. II N0HTH CENTRAL AVE.