Vf ii- ""VV YT" i4 "Pff'W ar5J!W, ' WPWWfT T i VS2 L. In ml j, -i V Personal and Local !! - HI I ! I 1 i I II IBM I mil 1 Ish t( announce td tho public that Mr. nwl Mrs. HenrtburK of Mich igan Have ttnu'iiod tliu dlnlnK rdotn at tlio Cbttare and nro serving first elana board by tho week at reasona ble prices. The Cottago Is nt the corner or West Tenth aiul Klhg stredlrf. ' 2U William rtolchert, the well 'known local swinnror and high diver, leave's Med ford tonight for SlsktfUu cdunty, California, wheib he frill'take chargol of the. woflUtir nhd development of soino mining properties, Fifty-three acres special, 10 acros 'coming Into bearing orchdrd. Call on J. fl" Wood, Condor Water Power Co'.'s 'office. ' ' " ' ' tf Mr. nml Mrs. Blaine Klum of Mod ford visited Anhland relatives re cently. Cornitlus-Gnrncr Co., 133 W. Main utreot, for city propor'.y. tf "Mr. and Mrs. D. n. Russell and Hon and Mrs. It. 13. Swan of this city re cently visited I'rof. and Mrs. W. T. Van Scoy of Asliland. Stono'n candles aro fine, fresh and cheap. Try thorn. Opposite now de pot, tf II. II. tlrndslmw of tills city recent ly toel: his son to Achland for nn oporntlon at tho hoapltal. W. J. Sllng er nlno underwent an operation. Wanted boarders A now board ing house? has opened at 700 South Oakdaid.' Call and see lis for fnlr tredlrii'erit, or hddreisB F. II. More lhnd'. ' 302 "Mr. riiid Mrs. V. W.HeVondf tiro t7p from .Josephine county on n visit. Cornllliis-air or Co., 133 W. Main B(roct,"for city property. tf Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Clrlscz wore called to Yreka last week on account of ''the Illness of his fiithor, Ferdi nand Orlsoz, who passed away at the ago of 79 years. Ilo ealnO to Hlnkl you county in 1850 nnd Is survived hy a wife and five children. Mr. Cli-laea Is county surveyor. Hnvo you noticed the now build' Jhgs going up in Oakdale Park ad dition Just south of Mr. Root's? tf Waltor Pollard contontplntcB leav ing soon for a visit to his former homo In. southern Callforuln. Ilo will bo absent several wcoko. Prlvato room and board with Mrs. J. 1). Fay, tiireo'blocks from central part of town, 310 N. Hartlott. Architect "Powers Is confined to his homo by a severe Illness. Cornltlus-anrnor Co., 133 W. Main atreot, for Jty property. tf Henry C. McGeo of Yroka Is opend Ing u fow days in Med ford. , John II. Cnrkin, attornoy at lnw, ovor Jackson County bank. Manngar .Miiluouuf of tho Med ford Commercial oluh has returned Jrom a trip to Portland. Dr. J. 13. Slicaror, physician and surgeon. Office ovor Strang's drug store. tf. ,, -W. II. IS.ikor of Ashland wits n Visitor In Medford Wodnocday even-, lng. i Is your louso wlrodY Ono cigar; toss a day would pay for a hundred per cent Increase In comfort. Stjirt living tho electric llfo. tf. 'National Wool Growers' rcitivontlOn ntTd midwinter nlieon bIiow, Portlnnd, Ore., January 4-7, 19 J 1. For the ujhovo occasion, round trip tickets will ba'sold from all points on its lines Including brunches by tho Soutliornj jfacuio coinjrany ni ono iinu ouu-iiiiru fare. Tickets on sale January 2 and .'I, l'Jll, good for return until Jan uary 10, 191,1. For further particu lars, call on any Southern Pacific agent, or vrlto to Win. McMurray, gomy-al passenger ngenl. If you haven't got n block In Oak daeo Park addition you had bettor got ono at onco. See W. II. Evorhnrd, 909 N'lnth street, West, for particu lars, tf '''Loiif Charley' or th6 Little liulto cfeek country wn a Mudrord visitor Thursday. ''Monr-Ehni Co.. Idniis, Frdilgrow- enWlWnk building. .floury Pnloy of I3r1o Point spoilt Thursday in Medford on uuhIiiokh. Cornltlus-Garnor Co., 133 W. Mnln street, for city property. tf J ud Kdsall of Hrownaboro Is trad ing in Medfo'd. Wanted, u young man who Is a conllfctent stenographer. Apply ut office Dig Pines Lumber CO. i William II. Cai-hoim of Uold I llll bpent Thurnday in Medford, Phono tho Hoguo Hlvor Creamory for milk, cream, butter or butter milk. Main 2661. tf ' T. W. lloni'rlolcH of OnuitH Push was u vilstoi in Medford Tbursdny. Try Stono's new utorn for your cl Bare and tobacco. Fresh goods, low prices. Oppotdto 8 P. depot, ffi - - - - m ' Weeks & HcCowan Co. w'aNDBRTAKRRS DAY PHONE 2271 Niglit 'PJienes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT t W ?'irf. W H. Moody of Grants Pasa is visi mug rneiuis in Aieuroro. i A, C. Stnlthson bf Jacksonville is, spending n few days in Woodvllle with frlendc. J. At. Woods of Kvans creek Is In Medford on business. J. 12. Jones of Woodvllle Vns In Medford AVednesday evening on n short business 'trip. If. I). Wilson lonvoB Saturday fof a business trip to St. Louis. C. V. HlfdFon of 'Till'cnt 'was lr. Medford Thursday" on a Bhort busi ness trip. L. 13.' Traitp ltjft for hlcago Thurs day where his mother Is very ill. John It. Lnmpson gr Pliodnlx spent Thursday In Medford. Harry L. Lewis of Hoseburg Is in .Medford, tho guest of his borlher, J. C. Lewis. Christmas candles.' Heat and cheapest in town. Stono'B Candy Store, opposite now depot. Joint oPbllng rif AppelGdto wns In Medford Thursday on business. Cornltlus-Garnor Co., 133 W. Main street, for city property. tf Miss Carrie C. Kelly loft Thursday for a visit In San Francisco. eBtter property at best prices and terms. Ask It. II. Lincoln, 21 Jnck son County Hank building. 2C5 W. II. Johnson of Trail Is In Med ford on business. Ask for Columbia hnms, bacon and lard and go tho best. For sale by all first class grocers and butch ers, tf Dr. J. F. Iteddy Is expected home from Spokeno Friday. Columbia hnms nnd Columbia and Itoyiil Anno bacon nro dry sugar cured. Ask yo'ur dealer for Colum bia brand lard, tf T. J. Tylo- Is spending a few days wllli relatives In I3ugene. Bvory light but olcctrlclty gives off smoko and sm'6ko contains soot, which doposlts on your' wall papor, curtains, draperies. Electric light lows In iui nlr tight bulb. tf. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. liofer of this clly are In Los Angeles, spending tho holidays. Wanted, to buy a carload of fat liogs. If you linvo Iocs than a car load write us. Union Meat Co., Med ford Meat Co., Medford. If Archdeacon Chambers returned to Mcd'ord from Portland today, lie Is accompanied ly W. F. Cliace. They aro registered at tho NiihIi hotel. ENTIRE POLICE FORCE. IN ABERDEEN FIRED A1113UDI3I3N. Wash., Dec. 29.--Mayor 13. F. Menu has dismissed tho entire polleo forro of the city, hlof of Police George S. Dean stops down and out on Sunday and with him fo 1 1 patrolrnon, thb ontlro force. Tho ucllon of tho mayor Is approved by tho city council and n now crow of police officers will be sworn In Im mediately. Tho change camo about through the complaint of Harry Cardigan, a logger, who was arrested for drunk enness Thursday, ardigan was boat en up by tho mombeis of tho police force and the Hummnry dismissal of nil followed. LOCAL MAN FALLS TO E W. J, AHoih luft Wodnosdny for his formor home In London, England, whom he will participate lit tho ho( tloniont of the estate of a rtecoatiod relative, Since his arrival from Unsland about a yonr ago, Mr. Akorn, who Is a draftHiuau by profonHlon, lias dt- vldod his tlmo but ween Medford and Jaol6onvlllo, A short tlmo ago lie rocnlvod word hero through tho Jackunu County bank of tho death of his relative and ub tho reault left last night to make steamboat connection In Now York for Liverpool, llo will probably return hoio. Htifio Kelly Is a Comer. NHW YORK", Dec. an. IMnimiii lo defeat all the topnoteh middlle weights in America before the re turn from Australia of Hilly Papke, Hugo Kelly loday issued a challent.e lo the winner of the Frank Maulcll Jnek Sidlivan fighl, which will lie held nt the Nntional AOdotio club lu1 10 toniglit. Hv hunting nil-comers, Kelly hopes lo pei feet hi claim In the title of niddlew eight champion of the world A match between Papke mid the hcl of tlioxc now in the I 'nil ml Slnte proHiiumbly Kelly, jmdmbly will In in-ranged when PapKo txjlurns fiom his Aiihlraliaii (our. notioi:. Jf any ono Uuowlng anything In re gard to Thomas 12. Sheldon of Itoguo River war, 1855-56. ploiiBo oomnmnl cato with Mm .Mary Sheldon, 533 South (liupo ;t;n HEIR FORI MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, ODESSA ROAD HID limp Qiinui fir t h tit K , ! " Forest Service Men Report Snow Storm Raojnn In Crater Lake Re serve Swenninn Leaves to Plan Future Sales for Local Office. I Assistant Runervisor Sam Swoo ning of the (.'rater Luke imtioiial forest left Wednesday for Odessa t- attend to the preliminary details oi home timber .sales shortly to be made in that iieighboHiood. Owing to iui unusually heavy hiiowlall during the past week the trip, which will probably keep M' Swennintf out of the city until wimt time in February, will prove n liiud one. l ' ' Kniiget'K 11. 1. Shuuiioh nnd II. (I. Whitney, who returned Sunday from it trir Id Odessa, rcfiorted about Ihri'c 'feet of snow then on the highei stretches of eotiiitry. As the storm was still raging when they arrived heie, it is believed Unit Swooning will encounter some difficulty in rever ing the ground, as the road in com pletely buried. EUGENE BOOSTERS WILL RAISE SUM OF $12,000 KITORNK, Or., "Dei-. 'J!). Eugene will continue its promotion work dur ing Mill pud efforts aie now beine nlade, wilh prospects of good .suc cess, to raise .f 12,(100 for the wort? The commercial club, at an enthusl anile meeting, uuaililtiouHly voted to continue (lie work along tle sumo successful lines that hnvo liccn fol lowed during the last three years, the wotk hhvitig been conducted two years by .John II. llurtog add one year by I). ('. Ficcmnli, under tilt direction olf n board of governors. Tho club is also contemplating the erection oT a five or siv-story block for ii homo and for business pur poses during (lie coming year. STEAMER FOUNDERED; CARGO WAS TOO HEAVY VICTORIA. . ('., Dec. 2!). That the st (Miner St. Dennis, which is re- polled lo have foundered on her way from Vancouver to South America, was the viclitu of u young captain's ambition to make a recoid for curry ing n large cargo, is the opinion ol NEW ADS TODAY. FOR RENT A strict I v modern five room furnished house, close in. Coruitius-tlarncr Reallv Co., l.l.l West .Main. 211 VVANT.ED First-class on 1 pouter wants carpenter work for lot. Address llo.x Tribune office. in exchnne (I, care Mail 2-11 WANTED Work on ranch by young man and wife. Addicss llox 11. care Mail Tiihiine. . 210 WANTED Position by cNpeiicnced primer; specially heading young trees. Address !lo (I, Care Mail Tribune. 2-11 FOR RENT Three nice furnished looms, dose in, suitable for light housekeeping; some furnituie Phone Main -107-1. ' tf FOR SALE Nothing down, $20 monthly, buys fi-ruotn collage, large dist front lot; juice ."Mll. II. F. liciiMiu, room !1'1, .InokOn Count v Haulc hldL'. - WANTFD-To rent small house be fore January fi; moderate pric , Address at once Hox il, euro Mud Tribune office. "42 FOR SALH PJ-i-oom honsjO. close iu, suitable for four apaitinents ot Untie roonts each; on this basis it will show returns of $80 peri mouth; price $'.'2&l) will lake good, lot m part payment; it will nav von lo investigate this. Cornitius Oarner Really Co., t:i!J West Minn! si. 'Jlli FOR SALE One saddle anil diiving mure, .-fl'Jo; I delivery or truck liorse for .flOtl; 1 yearling fill, Perehentii slock, .ff)0. A. K. Ware, .Medford. Or. 'Jll FOR SALE Apple., apples; Neu towu apples, ood for cooking ot (aling, f0e per hox; delivery tiny part of oily. Send postal card t Hox OKI. Medford, Or. ail WANTED -Address, or (he follow ing parties, recent nt rivals: Mr. L. Stevens, .Mis. C. L. Moore, Mr. t F. Clink, Mrs. Win. Din trick. Re ward given; iufoimaliou treated confidentially. Cull' Phone No. (I0'i:i. or addre.s 1(10, euro Medford i Mail Tribune. UUS FOR RENT -Two-mom house, fur nished Inouire JO I S CcntrU nu . an MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, . ' ' Wcll-hlfdr .J., v .1 - ..-. ' rmed itiariuc men oi tins ' port. Captain Dnvis of the St. Denis I was a young man hud hud informed many ol his 1 fiends tlint he wils go ing to load hta .ship to the minls. .Muny of them advised him against this anil were nof Hiirpriy-,d l hear.1 il tlie lUrfrtStlT. 'the vohcl t'hnlbdi n crew of' 14 men'. Up to the present time nothing in the shape of jibwb beyond the find ing of the wreckage 1ms reached Vic toria. BIG BASEBALL MEETING IN CHICAGO IN JANUARY cnicAbo, ' in., Dee. ''joTifc meeting of the American association at which i tl.s believed the decision of baseball war or peace will be de cided, will be held here in Jnminrv, according to ail announcement. At this meeting the cpicstion of re classification iliid the abolition oi the draft rule itrc expert ed to become the principal topics (it discussion. Whether the :issoeiiitimi rtill decide to break wilh tliu National associa tion nt thti 'oxpiiytiou of its present agreement nnd classify itself as a major league is n matter of much argument. If it does, a merry base ball war will be on in earnest, but fans are inclined to believe that an i.micable agreement will be reached. WORK "THIRD DEGREE" ON THIEF'S INTERIOR NEW YORK. Dec. 211. Suspecting that ho swallowed a stolen diamond ling, the Jersey City police will hnvo X-iays applied lo John Miller, who is under an est for the t licit. The ling, valued at $170, was received as a Christina gift by a Jersey City business man, who proudly showed it to some friends in a downtown leslnurant, when i suddenly vnnNii ed. A policeman nrrcsled. Miller. Tim ring was not found on him, hut it was decided Unit, as his articulation was obstructed for a few minute while being interrogated, he had swallowed tho ring. Ain't It, the Truth? An Indiana editor,, who has-taken time, despite his heavy duties of "molder of public opinion" to keep track of Ills material and montal pro-! gross during tho year offers tho fol lowing summary or his gnlnlngs and lesses: Ueen broke .100 times. Had money 05 times. Praised by tho public 9. Told tho truth, 1. Was cussed 10,000. Lies told on uwj 100.000. Missed" prayer meeting, f2. Washed office towol, a. .Missed meals, none. Money found, none. Taken bath, G. Delinquents who, paid, 27. J)ld not pay, 430. Paid in conscience, none. Got whipped, none. Cash on hand, beginning, Cash on band, ending, .ISc. 11.00. Want-advertise and get some real ly effieien people, to competing for thai vacancy in voiir office. PRIVATE WIRE PHONE 1831 Moss 6 Co. GRAIN AND STOCK BROKERS W. L. BAIN LOCAL MGR, NO. 10 NORTH FRONT ST. MEDFORD, OREGON MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILTJlNG ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. STODDARD DAYTON Automobiles Dr. F. C. Page Mgr. Local Agency SECOND TERM of the Mod foul Conservatory for MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Will Begin on JAN. 2, 1911 " i in i i "W. O TAILLANDIER. Director. ASSESSMENTS DtllllJENl - fc But Few Property Ovners Have . Tendered Second Payment on Wa ter Mains Laid a Year Aflo Cases May Be Taken Up Soon. Second payments' on water main,? assessments which were due Decem ber I are now delinquent, but in spiic of this fact, ii Inrge number of the firopeiiy-owneri Jinc failed to pay up as (hey should. Unless they ar' paid soon the city will probably take steps to collect the amounts due. The city needs the money badly nnd proposes to get it soon. . HOXEY TO FLY PASADENA, Cnl., Dec. 20. Mrs. M. HoNsey, mother of Arch Iloxsey, the aviator, intends to fly with him I either Friday or Saturday morning ' before the crowd gathers at Domini.-' uex aviation field, not wishing to make the trip ill public. "I am anxious to experience the sensation of flying," said Mrs. IIox soy today. "Arch has told'ine ninny' interesting things concerning uvin-i T?. V. A. UITTNKIt, t'audldato foe Mayor. fPiiid Adveriisomunt.) For the Latest in Books Stationery Magazines Pottery Pictures, Etc. Call ou tho Medford Book Store WIT - F??WWWe County Seat Real Estate Office Bldo., Jacksonville, Or. Office In Bank of Jacksonville tlas munoious choieo bargains iui city lots, orchard,, farming and alfalfa ranches. Our Applegate valley ranches aro bargains; all have mi nbundanco of water for irrigation. Don't forget that Jaek Mimillo is the county sent nnd that it is installing an up-to-dne water system. Co mo and sco us. We'll fnteiest vou. AJY O. COLLINS ip0P'p'9pMp.p i jFLUMBING 1 STEAM AD HOT WATER HEATING I All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable I COFFEEN , PRICE j ii iNortn l St..AJcdioid Ore. Phone 303 R. F. GUERIN (S CO. 4 MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, Have a number of APPLICATIONS FOR FIRST LOANS of from $500 to $3000 to return Investors 10 annum, If you have money Jo loan u 1910. 1 lion, and 1 nm deeply interested ni it. i hnvc no idea how high we wnl go; It will depend altogether on how the altitude affects me. I have ab- solute confidence in Arch and his ability to manage his milchiiil', nn I I will have no fenr in going iff) with I hm. Arch is nntioti? to mnke u lit- Itle trip, and 1 am edrtnin we will en- ! joy ouiM'lves in the ride through the air. Hasklns for Health. v-r.rr The Best Shoe i 1.4 tld' celebrated and famous justly J.&M. If yon want n shoe thnt feels old when new, looks new when old, and one that will last just a little longer than any you eer tried, call and lei us show you the Johnson & Murphy line. Duffield Bros. Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles DENERAL OVERHAULING & MACHINE REPAIRING. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN 0231. Corner Central Ave. nnd 8th St Medfoid, Or. CLEAN BREAD THAT KEEPS THE FAMILY HEALTHY. is n treasure no. one enn afford to ho without. It is made right here. 1IAVB YOU TIMED Figola Bread MEDFORD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN TODD & OO. SOUTH CENTRAL AVE. MORTGAGE per cent ocr it will pay you to investigate them I ''BREAD jf ! I fc , , I i I Where to Gd Tonight NATATORIUM :: 'i I ' Features on Skntes Every Evening;; ANOTHER MO DANCE' 'sat-': '. I URDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 31 Best Music' ns Usual. i t !! Sfcdford's Exclusive Picture The-'I j! , ; i!atcr. Latest Licensed Photo- ! ?i;!play r'S. ' !;0ne lllmc- -No More One Dfmc. I "NAT" THEATRE X Has all tho Latest and Up-to-Dntc ; Moving Pictures. Our subjects nre always inlerest- ing, our pictures aro clear. We ; change our program three times J per week, Sumlnys, Wednesdays ' i and Fridays. M'ntinec every Sun- ! I day afternoon. A cozy theater and comfortnblo : chairs. Stock Co. MAUJOIUK MANDVILLE STOCK ; COMPANV TONIGHT, "FACING THE. MUSIC." Ry Murjorie Mandcville Stock Co. Farce Comedy. A scream from ; stnrt to finish. Specialties be tween acts. fUbb naiKisoino lin.e given1 nwnv Wednesday. Get fice cou pons at hox office. N. B. Reserve your seats now for New tour's eve. Phone Mam (1T1 U-G-0 ORCI1FSTRA. Jtescrvc your seats by Phone, ' MAIN 2071. Now Attraction nt THE ISIS THEATRE 1 ho place whero yon can nl-! 2 wuys spend a pleasunt hour and invo n hearty laugh. "FACING THE MUSIC." TRIVEDA & ROBINSON, Singing, Comedy atld Quick Changes. MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY; - . AND SUNDAY AT 12:30. THREE REELS OF THE LAT- tsr MOTION PICTURES ILLUSTRATED SONG BY HARRY BLANCHARD. Bargain Corner Quo corner of the st ore is given ovor to special liuys. Just now wo offer u special huv iu' Shoes (not our regular linos. hut new special HubbI. tho host hnrgnhiB ever shown. LADIES' SHOES. ' 2.."i0 nml $3 Shoos $1.95 ?3.:Q Men's Welts $2.35 $3.30 Leather Lined ....$2.35 $3.23 Work Shoes $255 The Wardrobe Home of Good Shoes mgkgM, ADMISSION 10c. $ II (Id High-Class ? i" ' . &xxum