ypffwp5fij - mtKmmm T3r.affW.JJrlpiirt'SijT1'jB 'Ui tw, i Wand w ".tTli-tlWiHE1 v CTmi'jJf "ifflr.SHF7raflBH ': "' ' H K i7W?i rt-iF v -, ': ;T BANK CLEARANCE TODAY $36,769.80 The New Year's Edition Will Re Qut Sunday Mor ning. Order Now Medford Mail Tribune .un THE WlJATliER Cloudy tonight ninl toriiotrow Tho Mdisge of the XT n. Wlilto Kalr weathur. Hlue ItBln or snow. "White anU blue Local shower lllnck trlntiKular Above white, warmer; below white, colder. White with black center Cold. K, '' y ynt m fiti o ,?.; FIFTH YEAR. i MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1910. tfO. 240 i REBELS WIN FIRST BATTLE REVOLUTION Government Forces in Honduras Fall Back in Disorder Rebels Start on March to Capital City Fully 3000 in Rebel Ranks. Plans for Campaign Have ,Been Carefully' Mapped Out Estrada of Nicaragua Will Remain Strictly Neutral in the Affair. PUERTO CORTEZ, Dec. 20. Tlii! first skirinhdi between the rovo lutiniiury forces under former Pres ident Honilln mid the federal troops vn.s fought here today near Cape Oraciasadios, Tho revolutionists were victorious, the government forces falling hack in disorder and the rebels, headed o Honilln, and the American adven turer, Leo Christmas, started oi, their march aeioss country against Tegucigalpa, tho capital. Manilla and Christmas arrived to day on the gunboat. Hornet. Tlieii arrival was the signal for the leai beginning of hostilities that have been carefully planned for weeks. The men who had been gathered and drilled in Nicaragua, just across the border from Honduras, at once crossed tho Segovia river and pro pared for the advance on the fed eral capital. With Christinas and Honilln a number of recruits arrived and tho force that linally fell in foi the long march numbered about 3000 men. .lust across tho river a small force of federalists was gathered. . TJicv endeavored to stop the inarch, hut after a short skirmish in which u number of the federal soldiers are reported to have been wounded, tin federals fell back and the advance of the rebels began. Christmas and llonilhv have planned n campaign of attack on Tegucigalpa. They will march au straight across from the Atlantic I the capital as they can. Plans foi furnishing their soldiers with stoic have been made and the who'.e cam paign has been carefully mapped out. If it can bo avoided, no battle will bo fought until Tegucigalpa is reached. Then the revolutionists expect to storm the city. It is predicted hero that little real resistance will he met by the revo lutionists and in this section of the country there is strong rcvoliitionuiy sympathy. This, it is believed, i largely due to the success of tin Nicnrngunn rovolutiou, headed l Estrada. Estrada and Honilht' art friendly, although it is undorstoot' that Eslrndn will observj' strict neu trality. It Is boliovod here (hat sympathies of the 1'nitetl States government are really with Honilln, as President Da villa, the present executive, is bo liovod lo bo n close friend of Zolnya. tho deposed president of Nicaragua. HEAVV QUAKE Province of Ells, Greece, Visited by Tircmblor Troops Rushed in to Preserve Order Hundreds of Homes Are Wrecked. ATHENS, Grooco, Dec. 29. A lionvy earthquake, causing Immense damago' mid probably a niimbor of fatalities, Is reported In tho province of Ells. Hundreds of buildings have boon wrecked and gonoral havoc wrought, nceordlng to maagro tele graphic advices. Troops hnvo been ordorod to tho provlnco to maintain ordor. Tho In habitants of the province aro said to bo In a state of terror. PORTLAND. Ore.. Dee; 29. Floid or .Tones, formorly of tho White Sox, whoso namo has boon mentioned per sliitantly In connection with the fu tnro manasorthlp of tho St. Louis Drowns today denied tlmt ho will talso control of the torn as roportod. WRECKS HI NEW BUILDING EORUNiONMEAT COMPANY HERE Will Erect New Building Soon in Order to Keep Pace Witli Increas ed Business Four New Cold Stor a.qc Rooms to Be Built. Local Branch of Company Distrib utes to All of Southern Oregon Two Locations Arc in Sight for Larnc New Building. Heeuuso Its business has more than doubled within tho past year the Union Meat company has decided upon the erection pf extonslvo addi tions to their plant here In tho near future. Manager C. .1. Eastman of tho lo cal branch o tho concern recently submitted detailed reports to tho of fices of tho .company In Portland on two deslrablo locations hero where permanent quarters hoflttlnj the lo cal business might bo erected. Whllo no word has been received from Portland yet regarding tho ac ceptance of any now location, the recent reports that tho Southern Pa cific company voro conomplatlng tho removal of all tho warehouses front ing their right of way on tho west side in ordor to follow out their pol icy' of parking gives credence to tho belief that the Union Meat company, as well as other present holders of leases on property there, will have to move. According to officers of tho Union "oncern thoy aro more than pleased with tho recults thoy havo achieved dnco locating hero. Tho local office has boon informed that before next summer four cold storao l coins, with a. capacity of ono car each, Mill bo erected besides tliclnstallation of other Improvements that vill facili tate the bandlinc; of tho greatly In creased voh'ine of business handled hero slnco tho erection of tho pres ent temporary quarters. The plant bore, which Is tho hcad yuartors for this torrltory and also supplies Klamath Falls, now has a payroll and local expense account of approximately $1200 per month. All tho smoked and cured moats sold by the concern In the local market aro prepared hero In oMdford, only tho raw materials being Imported from tho outside. PETITION BOOKS CEOSE SATURDAY City Recorder Tclfer Changes Date From Monday, January 2, as It Will Be a Legal Holiday and Can not Be Utilized for Business. Owing to tho fact that next Mon day will bo a legal holiday, City Ro corder R. V. Tclfer announced today that candidates for office in llio coming city election must file their petitions not biter than o o'clock next Saturday afternoon. In answer to numerous telephone inquiries during tho past weok, clerks in the recorder's office have given out the dato for tho dosing of the files as .lanuaiy 2, an impression Recorder Tolfcr now wants correct ed. Only four potitions had been filed up to noon today. They were tho.,o of E. F. A. Hittnor, candidate for mayor; John Deinmer, councilman for the Third ward anil candidate for re-election to tho samo office; R. P. Little, candidate for council man for the First ward; and 0. .11. Millar, socialist candidate for coun cilman from the Third ward. Frisco Will Have World's Fair. WASHINGTON', 1). C. Dec. 20, Whothor or not congress sanctions Snn Francisco us tho exposition city in 10J.', a world's fair, oquwl or greator than any other Paunma ox po.itjon. will b hold there, accord ing to Sonator Flint, who i pond iuic hi holiday hero working iu con- juHi'lon with the Snn lM-ancuav ciiiiiinittoo. Order Copies Of the New Year's Edition Now If you desire extra copies of the New Year's edition of the Medford Mail Trib une which will be issued Sunday morning, January 1, 1911, clip and .fill out the fol lowing blank, mailing it so that it will reach this office by noon Saturday: Medford Mail Tribune, Medford, Oregon. v Please reserve for me : copies of the New Year's edition of the Med ford Mail Tribune. (Signed) MASONS VOW NOT III SWEAR AGAIN Three Hundred Members of the Or der Now Become Expert Counters Came at Suggestion of Grand Master of Iowa Jurisdiction. CEDAR RAPIDS, In., Dec. 20. Three hundred Musoiis are rapidly becoming expert counters ns tho ro- stilt of u vow taken by the Cedar Rapids lodge never again to uso pro fanity. The vow was taken at the banquet table in the new consistory temple here at midnight at tlio sug gestion of Grand Muster Frederick K.. Crane of Des Moines, who was the guest of honor and principal speaker at tho dinner. An appar ently rational man, shaking his fist at some cause of provocation and counting rapidly, "one, two, three " is said to be a common spectacle to day. INVITE WEBSTER TO SPEAK HERE Commercial Club Requests President of State Good Roads Commission to Attend tlally Here Shortly Andrews Writes for Date. Acting for tho Medford Commer cial club, Ed Andrews yesterday for warded Presldont Webster of tho stnto gqod roads commission nn In vitation to deliver nn address In tho Interest of tho movement hero nt a rally to bo held within tho near fu ture. No dato has as yct.beon set for tho affair, It having been decided to as certain first what tlmo would bo most convenient for Mr. Wobstor to como to this city. Every effort Is bolng mado by tho Commercial club to give Impetus to tho good roads movement la this vi cinity, and it Is hoped by that body that tho coming year will seo rapid strides mado In road Improvements nnd construction In Jackson county. E MEAT CO. TO COME HERE National Packing Company Recog nizes in Medford Metropolis of Southern Orcqon Dissatisfied With Present Location In Ashland. That tho National Packing com pany, whoso headquarters for South ern Oregon is now located at Ash land, is dissatisfied with that city as a distributing point and is con templating the removal of its branch warehouse to .Medford is the report received in this city Thursday. Unlike tho Union Meat company, who do all their curing and smoking for the local market at their plant bore, tho report states that the Na tional concern is only looking for a site upon which to erect a ware house, but whatever the kind of building that will bo erected here it will bo made tho jobbing headquar ters for that concern for Southern Orogon and tho contiguous Califor nia territory. Several local silos hnvc boon sub mitted to the National concern and a reproeontativo of the company is o.v pocttfd to arrive bore to look over the ground shortly, Wnnt-HdverliNe the vacated room and there will be a new tenant in n few duy. i I SI 4,000 PAID FOR -SO ACRES Ashland Citizen Buys Land Near "', Phoenix Tract Has Ten Acres of Alfalfa Land Upon It Remainder Is Wooded. O. C. Cnly of Ashland hns purch ased fit) acres near Phoenix. The tract consists' of ten acres in alfalfa on Hear creek bottom laud, the bal ance is woodland extending one half milo along the main county road and adjoining the townsito of Phoe nix on tho north. Owing to the class of trees on the place and its easy access jo Med ford, this tract is ono of tho few of its kind in the valley that can be used for park purposes or developed for subdivision in acre tracts for su- burban homes with plenty of shade, Thoeonsidoration was .$14,000. It was owned by Mrs. Sarah Fell of Sutli Dakota. 14 ARE KIEEED BY EXPLOSION Ice Plant Sceno'of Disaster Twenty Are Injured None Escape Injury Plant Almost Completely De stroyedCause Not Given. PITTSFIELD, Mass., Dec. 20. Fourtceii men aro reported to have been killed and 20 others injured in an explosion at the' Morewood Lake ice plant today. Ambulances and physicians were sent from PiltsfieM. More than 110 men aro known to havo been in (bo plant at the lime of tho explosion. It is believed that none escaped injury. The plant was almost completely destroyed. Most of tho dead aro unidentified Poles, Swedes and Italians. Engineer William Dunn was hurled 200 feet. Martin Smith was thrown mqre than 100 feci, bis legs broken and his bend crushed. Paits of lb" boiler were blown to tho tops ol trees 150 feet away. VANDAL AT WORK AT FATHER VAN'S Breaks Glass Front in Door A Week Ago St. Mary's Academy Suffered Reasons for Vandalism Unknown to tho Father. Somo unknown vandal last night broke tho plate glass panel of the front door of Rev.' Francis. Van Clurcnboek's residence on South Oukdulo avenue, next the Catholic church. Father Van bad retired for tho night and uns asleep when he was awakened by tho crash. A week ago, about the samo hour, 10 o'clock, ono ol tho upper window in St. Mary's academy was similuriy broken, evidently by a missile from a sliug-shot. No reason is known for the com mission of thcho acts of vandalism, but thoy are evidently tho work of some ignorant person' cnlerlniiiing violent religious prejudices. Town's Founder Dead. SEATTLE, Wash., Dee. 20. Wil liam Hremcr, founder of (ho town of Hremortou, whole the Paget Sound navy-yard is now located, is dead at his .home in this city after a pro tracted illness. Hremcr was (0 Yours old and had Inetl m thin vicin ity for 2'J j cars. SEEEIN6 TO WIN SIRUUUEi Well-Known Politician From Port land Says It Is Selling for Presi dent of the Senate Bowcrman Meets Great Opposition. ( Thai Hciv Soiling of Multnomah will bo tho president of tho senate during (he next session of the state legislature is the belief of Dan .1. Malarkey, tho well-known Portland attorney and politician, who spout Wednesday in Medford. day How erman, who has entered the race for the office, cannot win, owing to the great opposition being offered. Mr. Miilarkoy declined to discuss his own chances. "I havo not paid much attention to tho fight for tho speakership." stated Mr. Mnlurkoy, "as I havo nothing to do with iho house IIow- ever, "Captain Egglestou seems to bo 'developing much strength." TRAINMEN WIEE GET AN INCREASE thought That Railroads- Will Settle Dispute by Granting Increase of I0J4 Per Cent Secrecy Sur rounds Conferences. CHICAGO, HI.. Dec. 20. Although much caro is being exercised In guarding commimicatioiiH between tho union trainmen and the' managers of the (11 western railroads, it is rumored hero Hint tho trainmen's de mand tor l.'j per cent increase will be settled with HMi per cent. Rapid progress Inward a final settlement is being nuidc. It is suit! that the innungers have already of fered an increase of something over 8 per cent. Tho secrecy which foul arcs llio proceedings was brought about hv a desire by the ninnngors and train men to prevent strike talk such ns marked (ho negotiations with the cu- gincors last week. TO START WORK ON .1 Sisters State That as Soon as They Receive Deed to Site That Work Will Bq Undertaken Plan to Have Building Ready by Fajl. Word Iiiih been received by H.e hospital committee of the Mfdfnid Commercial club (hat as soon as the deed (o the site tendered- the Sisters of Providence by tho citizens ol Medford is received that they will i.t once (Jniiiiioiice tho erection of the buildi'ig. The deed is now in escrow anil will ho tendered heforo March I, when work will probably shirt. The Sister plan to ercot the most complete institution of its kind lo be found iu tho state outside of Port land, They agreed to expend $1)0, 000 if Medford would expend .f 10, 000 for a site. Falls to Fly Across Sea. LONDON, Dec. 20.Fiiilurp again marked the attempt today to flv across the English channel by Rob ert Lorraine, aclor and aviator. Lor raine took tlj air in a trial flight before venturing out over tho sea. lie found that Ins aeroplane was not in a III condition to make the hax- Inrdous 1 light and descended. PT M POISON ALSO USED BY BURKE A WITNESS San Francisco Chemist's Testimony In Famous Dynamiting Case Falls Like Bombshell According to Witness Tried Poison as Well. Says Powders Applied to Woman's Arm After Explosion Contained Enough Arsenic to Kill a Dozen Human Beings. SANTA ROSA, Dec. 29. Powdors opplled by Dr. Wlllnrd P. llurko to tho Injured arm of Luetta Smith r- tor tho explosion In Miss Smith's tent contained enough arsonlo to kill n dozen hnmnn bolngs, was tho etart llng testimony given by Thomas Prlco, a San Francisco checlst, at tho llurko trial hero today. Prlco said that tho samplo ho ex amined contained enough nrsonous acid to mako It 7 por cent arsonlc, This, ho said, amounted to 24 94 grains to tho ouueo. Prlco's testimony foil llko a bomb sholl In tho court room, although Its import wni exploited by District Attornoy oLa In his opening iituto mont. It was Introduced aftor n sharp fight between the stato's at torneys and counsel for tho dofensc. Tho dofens plndd that th alleged sec ond crlmo did not provo anything connected with tho oftonso charged against tho agod defendant, but Judge Soawoll ruled otherwise nnd allowed Prlco to testify. District Attornoy oLa precoded Prlco on tho stand to Identify tho powdor Prlco examined aH that vhich "MIsTT ShnthfseTrnTftjrTrnii''wTTcr was tho only other wltnocs to testi fy during tho morning session. Consul Attacked. WASHINGTON, 1). C, Dec. 20. That the attack of Darchi by Japan cso and Chinoso on Consul William son of Hip United States foreshad ows trouble is tho belief in official circles hero today. The Japanese government bus been asked for an explanation and severe punishment for the offenders will bo demanded. Reports at the stale department in dieu,(o that Williamson barely escap ed with his life. 14 MILL TAX IS LEVIED ASHLAND City Council Fixes 1 1 Mills for Gen eral Purposes, 1 for Park and IVa for Public Library Need $29,593.50. Tho Ashland city council has fix ed the annual tax levy at M mills for all purposes, divided as follows; Twelve mills for general and street purposes and mills for park pur noses ami l'i mills for library pur poses. Newly nlected members of the council wore present to take part in tho discussion as (o (ho amounts lo be levied, Tho leu! ami personal property of the district is assessed at .f2,7IO,l!lS The railroad and other corporation taxes have not yet been given out by the stalo board. A budget of estimated oxponnw, compiled by City Ro'cordor Eggles tou .shows that $20,rIK).fj() is needed. Iu addition to this, tho Ashland park commission makes mi estimate of funds required by the park coimnis ion for the year 1011 amounting to f70(.05. Quakes Are Felt. VASHON, Wash., Dee. 23. Poo-plo- living in nil the small enmmuni tis on Vushon Island todny report cd that three distinct unvthquuko sbouks were foil hero yosturdav af (ernoqii about f:20 o'clock. Crooh ory was rattled in Bevornl homos, but no damage resulted from the temblors. The shocks were record ed by tho seismograph at (ho state umu'iMlv iu Seallle. JAP IS FOUND WITH WIRELESS IN PHILIPPINES Though Officials Arc Still Silent About Discoveries Made During Recent Raids in Manila, Activity Indicates Startling Conditions. Japanese Found Operating" Secret Wireless Modern Instruments in Use Arrest in Connection Willi Explosives Is Made MANILA, Doc. 29. Although tho officials aro still silent about discov eries whoa raids on tho Japanese quartor In search of hlddon explosives wore ordered, nclHy ngrtlnst ' tho Japaneso In Manila indicates that startling conditions were unearthed. Ono Jnpaneso, roportod to havo boon tho oporntor of a mystery wireless outfit, has been doportod, and an other, said to havo boon found by of ficers during tholr raid, Is to bo tried for tho alleged storing of explosives. That a plan, presumably to placo mines In Manila harbor, was discov ered is Btill rumored horo and tho movomonts of tho civil nnd military authorities today nro boliovod to bo proof of this fact. Tho Japaneso who waH reported and whoso namo has boon withhold, was, accordlnc to woll defined reports, found oporntlng a secret wireless sta tion near Olongnpo naval station. Tho wlrolocs station, It is nlloged, was discovered when a passing ves sel picked up a ciphor message sent from Mils .station. An investigation followed. ' Tho station, It lo roportod, was 'equipped With tho most 1ip-t6-rtKto In struments. Heavy bnttorlou woro In stalled, Indicating that tho station was used to transmit long dlstnnco me&sagos, Tho staUoa wae carofully concealed but it was so located that It looked down over tho unvl base. It was at Olongapo that tho dry dock Dewey sank mysteriously. Whothor thoro is any connection bc twoon tho actlvIUcs that resulted In tho establishment of a wlrolosa outfit ovoMooklng tho stntloiv and tho slnk lu; of the dry dock Ib a question thnt tho authorities horo aro evidently tryftig to solvo. Nothing ban boon clven out re garding tho arrest, of tho Japaneso charged with having Illegally stored explosives. It Is boliovod, howovor, that his arrest was tho result of tjio raid mado by tho civil authorities at tho alleged request of tho military, to seize oxploslvos, which It was said tho Japaneso had, and which, ac cording to rumor, woro to bo used to load mines nt tho naval anchorage. That oxploslvos woro found, tle nplto tho doutul of tho military au thorities, Is tho general Impression hero, and this Is Btrengthotied by tho fact that an arrest In connection with the explosives has boon made. MASONS TO START May Let Contract for Excavating Before End of January Commit tee Meets Next Week to Take Ac tlon Plans Under Way. In all probability work on tho Ma sonic tomplo'wlll bo started next month when It is planned to lot tho contract for tho excavating qf tho basement. This will bo d no In or dor that work on tho erection of tho building may "start early In tho spring. Tho directors of tho Masonic build ing association will moot noxt Wudnosduy evening nt which tlmo tho. lirchltects aro now at vork on tho plans. Thoy yl'l soon bo complotod. SEATTLE, Wash., Dee. 29. Hun dreds of Seattle voters nro signing; tho petition being circulated by Mrs. Kathorino O, Stirlnit turning; ta'tho passage of a law abolishing mipl.il puuishmout in this state. Tnraknulli Das, a Hindu student jn Jhe' stalo university, Is circulating tlio peH lioiis among Iho students. BUILDING ON U 2 A .vi n "- V5 it '.ffl si ija 4 4