Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 28, 1910, Image 7

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    -'jr1 K-
. t yff lf?Xi
When You Are 111
It doesn't take a good doctor to 'tell
it. i tnni .....
To toll what makes you 111 sometimes'
nun. muai umuiiu cuii tin nH mnnn.
calls for. the utmost skill of the best
Anyone, by a few simple tests, can
tell that your eyes are defective
that' you need classes of some kind
but to know the exact cause and fit
tho right glasses calls for moro than
ordlnnry.skllj.,, t ., , ,Hl , .
I have made the fitting of glasses
a special study and I am In business
to bring wrong eyes and right glasses
DIt. KICKEIIT, Optometrist.
Room 2, over Kcntner's.
How an appalling calamity In his
family was prevented Is told by A. D.
McDonald of Fayettevllle, N C. R. F.
I). No. 8. "My sister had consump
tion," ho writes, "she was very thin
nlid pale, had no appetltp and seemed
to 'grow weaker every day, as all rem
edies afilcd, till Dr. King's Now Dis
covery was tried, and so completely
cured her (hat sho has not been
troubhled with a cough since. Its tho
best medicine I ever saw or heard of."
For coughs, colds, lagrippo, asthma,
croup, hemorrhage, all bronchial
troubles, it has no equal, HOc, $1.00.
Trial bottlo free. Guaranteed by all
Guaranteed Liquor Cure.
Drunkenness is u progressive dis
ease; (he moderate drinker is not
sul tailed with two or three dunks n
day, (ho cnuing for more and more
becomes irresistible us (lie. disease
advances; the result is chronic ul
eq holism.
The treatment used successfully
by thousands right in their owi
homes is Orrinc. Jt is .sold under i
positive guarantee lo effect a cure
or .your money will be refunded.
Oirino No. 1 is the secret lemedy
Orriiie No. 2 is for those willing t
take (be treatment. Either form
costs $1. Write for free booklet.
"How to Cure Drunkenness,'' (ho Or
rine Co., (132 Orrine building, Wash
ington, D. C. Sold by lending drug
gists and in this city by Leon B
llaskins. 2U K. Main street.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply lo the city coun
cil of tho city of Medford, Or., at
its regular meeting on January 3
1911, for a license lo sell spirituous
vinous and malt liquors in quantities
less than a gnllon at its place ot
buusiness in the Hotel Nasli building,
at soudicast corner First and Main
streets, in said city,Tor a period ol
six months.
If any one knowing anything in re
gard to Thomas R. Sheldon of Rogue
River war, lsrr-5C, please eommunl
cato with Mrs. Mary Sheldon, fi$3
South Grape. 331
J I know what you Trant I 1ito what you
need tho beet quality SASH AND
DOORS. H:eDthemInfltockfornuIclc
delivery. I have but one price unci bell
for cash only, fl I have my own factory.
It costs me much leas to make my goodi
and lcsa to sell them bcrai'o I make and
Bell In larjro qualities, tj Those prices ura
taken from my cataloc copy of which
I will gladly mail on request:
Front Doon, double thick elu $2.25 up
Fancy Front Doon, ityliit JS.CO up
5-crou panel Doort, for painting $1.25
Scroti panel Door, for staining 51.30
NewCrafttmun Door, for buncolow $l.CO
2-light Window, checktail 76c up
l.licht Darn Sash - 42c up
Cupboard Doors, with plain slati 51.00
K.I). Door I'riniM 75:, K.P.SsubFrscici 80c
J Do not fall to Ecnd me your list of ma
terial! for pricci and frrlsht charges.
J At for Catalog No. l
On ordlnnnco assessing tho prop
erty adjacent to and benoflted by
the 8-Inch lateral sewer constructed
along South Grape- street from
Twelfth streot to south city limits
for the cost of constructing tho same
and providing tho manner of carry
ing satd assessments into full ef
fect. Tho City or Mearora uoin urunin
as Follews:
Section I. Whereas, the Council
did herotoforo provide by ordinance
for tho serving or tho owners of
property adjacent to and benefited
by the construction of tho lateral
sower hereinafter described to ap
pear before said council and show
cause. If any. why said property
should not be assessed for tho con
struction of said sewer, and did fix
a time ior hearing any such protests,
which notice was given In accordance
with said ordlnanco moro than
ten days before tho beginning or tho
construction of said sewer, but no
protests against said construction or,
assessment or tho cost thereof was
inudo by any jono and said sewer was I
by said council oruoreo cuiiBi.rui.Hcu.
And. whereas, the cost of the con-
ot-. .,... nt onl.i cntvnr hriK been and
hereby Is determined to bo tho sum .
or $CS(J.r0'. Now therefore, bald,
elty doth ordain and declare that
cAbli parcel ot property described ho
ow Is adjacent tb and benefited bv
that certain lateral sewer S Inches
in size, constructed on South Grape
8 reet,rom Twelfth street to south
"-".' '"" u u mat. tun ,irr.
111. 11II1U8 nllfl Hint M.n
Ho1',1',0" of, lho, cost r sa'd sewer
which each of snlil nnrxnio nr i.,,
should bear, based on tho benefits
derived respectively by said several
tracts of land, Is the amount set op
posite tho description of each par
cel below, that each of said parcels
Is actually benefited In tne amount
sot opposite Us description below bv
tho construction of said sewer, nnil
tfcnt said several amounts represent
tno proportional, benefits of paid
several parcels from said sever. And
each of said parcels Is hereby as
sessed the amount set opposite its
description below for tho construc
tion of said sower.
Assessment No. 1 Samuel S.
Swlnnlng. Lot 1, block 2, Helms ad
dition to tho city of Medford. Oregen:
frontage 50 feet on the west side of
South Grapo ttreot, and described in
R-74; 50 feet; rnto por foot 76 cents;
amount $3S.
Assessment No. 2 Ida E. Kenwor
thy. Lot 2, block 2, Holms addition
iO tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
tge 50 feet on the west side of South
Grapo street, and described in R-244;
"0 feet; rate per foot 70 cents;
amount $38.
Assessment No. 3 Laura K. Park
T. Lot .'!, block 2, Holms addition to
ho city of Medford, Oregon; frontago
0 feet on the west side of South
Orapo street, and described in R-183;
"0 foot; rate per foot 70 cents;
amount $38.
Assessment No. A Detty Peterson.
Lot t, block 2, Holms addition to tho
"lty of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50
feet on the Avest side of South Grapo
street, and described In R-535; 50
feet; rate per foot 70 cents; amount
Assessment No. r Chas. D. Colby.
Lot. 5, block 2, Helms addition to the
Mty of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50
ect on tho west side of South Grapo
troet, and described In R-1S5; r0
ect; rate per foot 70 cents; amount
Assessment No. 0 D. T. Lavton.
ot 0. block 2, Helms addition to tho
lty of Medford, Orogon; frontago 50
'ect on the west side of South Grape
treet, and described In R-203; f0
'et: rate per foot 70 cents; amount
)38. i
Assessment No. 7 Chas. D. Colby.
'..ot 7, block 2, Helms addition to the
lty of Medford, Oregen: frontage 50
eet on the west sldo of South Grnpe
ttreet, and described In R-2C2; 50
ael; rato per foot 70 cents; amount
?3!1. '
Assessment No. 8 Chas. A- Mc
Vrthur. Lot 8, block 2, Helms addl
lon to the city of Medford, Oregon;
rontnge 50 feet on the west side of
?outh Grapo street, and described In
t-239; 50 feet; rato per foot 70
ents; amount $3S.
Assessment No. 9, Chas. A. McAr
hur. Lot 9, block 2. Helms addition
o the city of Medford, Oregon; front
ge A2i feet on tho west side of
louth Grapo street, and described in
-239; 42 & feet; rate per foot 7C
e.nts; amount $32.30.
Assessment No. 10 G. L. Boone,
'.ot 11, block 1, Helms addition to
he city of Medford, Oregon; front
igo 00.8 feet on the east sldo of South
rape street, tand described In R-187
50. S feet; rato por foot 70 cents;
imount $40.21.
Assessment No. 11 Win. Stailey.
Lot 12, block 1, Helms addition to
he city of Medfoi'd, Oregon; frontage
i0 feet on tho cast side of South
'Irape street, and described In R-123;
0 foot; rato por foot 70 cents;
-.mount $38.
Assessment No. 12 Earl II. Fohl.
Lot 13, block 1, Helms addition to the
lty of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50
"oet on the east side of South Grapo
treet, and described In R-121; 50
"eet; rate por foot 70 cents; amount
Assessment No. 13 Electa Stailey.
Lot 14, block 1, Helms addition to
I e city of Medford, Oregon; frontage
'0 foot on tho east sldo of South
Irape street, and described In R-122;
r0 feet; rato per foot 1 cents;
Muount $3S.
Assessment No. 14. C. E. Stailey,
Lot 15, block 1, Helms addition to
to city of Medford, Oregon; frontage
"0 feet on the east sldo of South
Grapo street, and described in . . . . ;
TO feet; rato por foot 70 cents;
amount $38.
Assessment No. 15. C. E. Stailey.
Lot 10, block 1, Helms addition to the
rity or Medford. Oregon; frontago 50
feef on tho east sldo of South Grapo
street, and described In ; 50
feet; rato per foot 70 conts; amount
AssesBinont No. 10 Nora D. Byr
moii. Lot 17, block 1, Helms addition
to the city of Medford, Oregon; front
age 50 feet on tho east sldo of South
Grape street, and described in it-iou;
"0 feet: rato per foot 70 cents;
amount $38,
Assessment No. 17 Helen L. Has
klns. Lot 18, block 1, Helms addi
tion to the cltv of Medford. Oregon;
frontage 50 feet on tho eaBt sldo of j
South Grape street, ami uuscnueu in
H-192; 50 feet; rato per fool 70
routs; amount $38.
Assessment No. 18 Francos Has
klns. Lot 19. block 1, Helms addition
to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front
ngo 50 feot on tho cast sldo of South
Grapo street, and described In R-152;
50- feet; rato per foot 70 cents;
fitnmint 238.
Section 2. And It is hereby or
dered and ordained that said several
assossmonts and the lions thereof hi
entered In tho lien dockot of said
city, and that thereupon notice be
glvon to tho owners, or reputed own
ers, of said property, and that the
same bo "enforced and collected la
the manner provided by tho charter
of said city, for tho collection 01 as-,
sessmonts for the improvements orj
streets therein. i
Section 3. It is further ordered
that the notice above provided for1
bo published three tlmcB In tno uany
Mall Tribune, a newspaper publish
ed and of general circulation In said
city, in the manner provided by or
dinance No. 250 of said city.
Tho foregoing ordinance was
passed by tho city council of the
n. . r.t f,i,tiA n-n.mii nn ihn 14th
iii u "l"'"' "'"""'I' "... ... ,., i
day of December,
lowing yote:
Emerlck ayo, W
15iu, uy tno lui-ki
elch aye, Elferti
Ammroup ji.yi r, TUTuuNh), iUuuitokp. .orkuon. wrcoxiasbAY. beckamiiorss,
aye, Merrick nyo, Donunor aye,
Approved December 15, 11)10.
Approved November a, 111 ID.
W. H. CANON, Mayor.
Attest: ROBT. W. TELFKR,
City Recorder.
To the owner, or reputed owner,
of each parcel ot property described
in the foregoing ordinance, as named
therein, and in the. lion declared by
aid "ordinance, as rccordod iu the
docket of city liens:
You are hereby notified Ihni the
assessment declared by the forego
ing ordinance has been made and the
lien therefor entered in tho city lien
docket, and that the same Is dno and
you are hereby required to pay the
same to the city recorder within ten
days from the service of this notice",
which service Is made by publication
of the foregoing ordinance and this
notice three times In tho Medford
Mail Tribune, pursuant to an order
of tho city council of said city.
City Recorder.
90 acres, nil elenred, l1!; miles Engic
Point, .90 per neie, finest soil.
L10 acres, 70 cleared, (5 in orchard,
3 miles station, buildings, $85 pe
.1000 acres fine limber, (10 per cent
sugar pine, close of railroad.
200,00(1,000 feet timber, well located.
Two 4,-ronm houses, $2200.
Two lots near P. O., trade or sell,
equity $2750.
City acreage on West 2d, near now
Lot 50x145, 5 blocks -postoffico,
$S50, easy terms.
Rooming house, 10 rooms, on East
Main, close in; price cut for quick
Lot on paving, 50x200, $750.
Lots in West Walnut Park, $275 to
$350, easy terms.
Girls for. general housework.
City and ranch property to ex
change. E. F. I
'loom 206. Taylor & Philips Bldq.
item istitate.
FOR TRADE Seattle .01' Portland
property. 1 have about $200,00(1 of
choice Scattlo or Poitland prop
erly lor trade, uolh income prop
el ty or iu lots; also faring and gro-
eery stocks for trade for Rogue j
river property or city preperty:
also have some California pprop
erty for trade. Write A. L. Cusick,
fonneily of Cusick & Meyers, 1140
W. 10th st. phone Main 22:12. L'liO
preperty: 20 acres, unimproved,
2000; 10 acres, unimproved.
$1000; 20 acres, unimproved,
$1000; IS acres, improved, .$7500;
52 acres, improved, $11,000; 30
ncros, improved,
York & Co.
W. T.
FOR EXCHANGE 230 acres on
Roguo river, fine water right, 100
acres cleared, fine alfalfa hind, fine
stock or fruit ranch, good buildings,
$15,000; will exchange for good city
income or re&idcnco property lo the
amount of $5000 or $8000; $5000
cash, bnhiucc terms. A. L. Cusick.
1140 W. 10th. Phone 2232, 241
FOR EXCHANGE A good, largo
house, close in, a fino location for
boarding1 hud rooming parties; nM
nblo to earn for same, will consider
good 5 or (1-room bouso and give
long time on difference Inquire
345 N. Riverside. tf
TO TRADE Bakery, .sodu fountain
nnd ice cream parlor, combined, to
gether with rcsidenc.o and two lots
in subuib of Los Angeles, Cab, to
tii'ido for small ranch or acreage,
valuo $5000. See Van I).vk Really
Co., 123 E. Main st. 23!)
FOR EXCHANGE Medford and
suburban proporly, ranches, timber
lands, for other proporty. Address
Rot 100. enre Mail Tribmio. If
FOR TRADE -Have for trade good
drayage business, including several
teams, for bouse and lot in Medford
or Ashland. A L. Cuticle. 1140 W.
10th st., foimerly of Cusick & My
ers. 24l
pnssenger 4-oylinder toOring auto
mobile. Address l36x 200, care
Mail Tribuno office. tf
Farms. -
FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres
to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit
ranches, garden land's, genera'
fanning ranches. Gold Ray RenJh
ro "irt Wf.t r.; f-
llouri und Room,
. i t ii ii
FOR RENT At the Cottage, pleas
ant furnished rooms and bourd
wjth hot and cold running water:
baths, largo sunny porches. (JO I
W. 10th st. or 124 Kintr st. tf
niMirin'i.i union ivn unmr ..
in iv i-u ww tttiis tvw4
102 S. Central uve. Mrs. C. I!
Furnished Rooms.
FOR KENT -Nicely furnished room.
Inquire 520 W. 10th st. tf
FOH RENT Nicely furnished room.
203 Oloson St. Phono Main 4474. v
FOR RENT Only hotel in town of
1000 inhabitants, Rogtio River val
ley; modernlv equipped, toilets,
"bnthn. water and electricity; -501
rooms; nearly all refurnished. Cnil
Aldenbagen, care Rogue River Elce-
(ric Co., 21(1 W. Main st.
FOR KENT Two Inreo connecting
front rooms, fine for offices oi
dressmaking parlors, upstairs, cen
ter of town; $25 month. Phono
G202. . '. " 300
FOR RENT Sunny furnished
rooms, one block from postoffico;
board if desired. 208 N. Central
nvo., corner 5th st. 300
FOR RENT Three rooms, suitable
for two people. Apply Cash Gro
cery, Onkditle and 3 1 tb. 2 IW
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for
transients nt Nn. 10 N. drape- st..
next to Formers' & Fruitgrowers
Hnuk bldg. . If
FOR RENT 20 inodern equipped
rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wa
ter, electric light,, .toilets and baths,
suitable for first-class rooming
housC; rooms en shite, suitable, for
families or modern offices. Juquiro
Aldonhngen, enro Rogue River Elec
tric Co. tf
UusinciM ltooms
FOR RENT--Office rooms, $4 each
per month, , iu Hostel's modern
block at Central Point, Ore. Par-
tics dchiring well located offico
rooms will do well to examine
those. 250
FOR RENT Offico rooms over the
Posloffice. Roo O. V. Dyer, 123 E.
Main st., room 2.
FOR RENT Offico rooms in Elec
tric building, modem equipment,
steam heat, eioctinc light, baths,
toilot, hot And col J water. Gold
Rnv Renltv Co.. 210 W. Mnin st. t('
FOR RENT Business room on W
Main st., 24x140, .suitable fo res
taurant or billiard room or other
business, steam heat. Gold Ray
Ronlty Co.. 210 W. Mnin st tf
FOR RENT Modern bouso for one
1' lw. ffiwilies; jjqml location. Cull
nt i"'04 S- 1T"llv sL -:I'J
FOR LEASEr-RuUy equipped placor
Call on YAldenhagon, R
"Electric Co., 21G
Business Property.
ing for general merchandise sto-o
in now' town with $4fij00t monthly
payroll, on railroad, 12 milos from
Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co
'201i W Main. tf.
L. N. JUD1), Talent, Or., general real
estoto agent; bargains at all times;
list proporty with mo. tf
UiiHincHS ProiK?rty.
FOR SALE Dry goods store, doing
good business, long lease, small o.v
iKniscs, cast of S. P. railroad; miiot
sell oil account ol' health. Addrtv
"Opportunity," care Mail ' Tribune
office. tf
FOR SA'LE Choict businoss prop
erty at a bargain, on long lime;
easy terms. Address Condor Wn
tor Powor Co.
FOR SALE Four lingo lots, Eiihl
Medford, close iu; part cash, easy
terms, on balance. For further in
formation hce owner at, 137 South
Ivy st. 243
DON'T fail to see Rogue River Land
company about those two fino lots
and two-story 8-room residence, ml
for $2200; this is tho snap of the
holiday season; house now rents for
$20 por month. tf
FOR SALE Four good Jots and
small good bouse iu a fine residence
corner; city water paid iu full;
$2500. See Van Dyko Realty Co
FOR SALE Residence lots, closo in.
high clovatiou, commanding a beau
tiful view of the city nnd valloy;
bct resideuco district, at prices
thut ore right. A. V. Harnett, Jack
son Crt. Bank bldg. Phono Main 42,
residouco 2574. tf
FOR SALE $200 each, $10 down
and $10 per month, for six fino
building lots, 50x120, one block
from pavement on North C st. In
quire 4 S. Ornugc st. tf
FOR SALE 3(1 acres red fruit land,
. 4Vi miles from Mcdfojul; will set to
any kind of fruit and furnish trees
for $20,0 per acre; land us it is,
$125 per acre; if interested, write
I LE. Bowman. Jacksonville. Or. 200
FOR SALE 6, 10 und 20-aoro
tracts with perpetual water right
for sulo on easy payment plan.
Rogucluuds Incorporated, Fred N
Cummings, manager. tf
FOU SALE Largo modnra houso
with south and cast front, 113 feet
front on paved street, by 181 feet
long, nicely improved jrroumfc; ev
erything strictly modern; reason
for eclliug, lady of bmso needs ,i
change of climate; this place is
suitable for nice hemo or first
class rooming bous; easy torms lo
right parly. SM tho Jnekson
County Realty C 604 West Tenth
st.Wo also )vo largo and smnlUvTFD
irncis ol miuroveu nun unimprov
ed orchard lands. tf
FOR SALE In small tracts, or ab
a whole, 2G0 acres finest fruit or
alfalfa laud, 2 miles fiom railroad,
11 miles from Medford; lnn'd is ab
solutely frco soil, deep and rich;
no hardpan; slopes gently to and
faces on main county road; wo must
sell this tract in tho next 30 days;
price and terms are right. Seo plat
in our office. D. 1J. Jackson & Co.,
llfii2 Main st, Phono 2722. tf
FOR- SALE 14 acres, 10. acres
planted to pears, one milo from
Central Point, $235 per acre. W
T. York & Co. tf
FOR SALE 5 and 10-acro tracts
just wit bin and adjoining city lim
its, nt a bargain, on 5 annual pay
ments. Address Condor Water
PoWer Co.
FOR SALE One acre, will make six
largo lots, between two streets to
bo paved, closo in, with new two
story house and shack; will tnko u
closo-ii lot in Irnde, $3000, or Will
sell any part to suit purchaser. John
Rotor. 0 S. Central nve. tf .
FOR SALE Beautiful hillside build
ing site, about 1 acre, just outside
of city limits in East Medford; high
and sightly, with beautiful view of
Medford and tho valloy; will sell 1
acre for the prico you Would hnyo
to pay for u good city lot ; small
cash payment, easy lenns on bal
ancc. Address P. Q. Box 702. 2.11
FOR. SALE Five-acro 8-year-old
orchard, Spitzenbcrgs and Now
towns. Inilo and u half from Cen
tral Point; prico $0500; terms. Ask.
R. II. Lincoln, 21 Jackson County
Bank bldg. 243
FOR RENT House for one or two
families, good location. Call 501
S. Orange. 210
Medford Mull Tribune
aro business brlngers.
Wutit ado
I' OR isALKiModern 5-room house,
funiihliod,$22. Moor-Ehni Co,, 212
Fruitgrowers' Bank bldir. 239
FOR SALE Limited number pure
bred Poland China boars, 3 and I
months 'old, eligible to go iu the
best liords and cheap enough for
any farmer to buy. llorkelcy Or
chards, Geo. C. Osgood, nigr. Phono
Farmors 70.13. ' If
FOR SALE Alfalfa liav. luquiic
13U W. 11th. Phono (111. 240
FOR SALE-rAniiiml fertilizer for
orchards, luwns. etc.4, write for
guaranteed nnalysis and profitable
result's from use. "Union "Meal
fattened hogs, f. o.
10 cents por lb.
Brown, Englo Point
dressed ooru
b. Eaglo Point,
Address 11. F.
, Or. 245
FOli SALE-Old Established IiimU
iiuh iu Medford; $2000 will han
dle. F. O. B care Mail Tribune.
FOR SALE- Cheap, good cow; also
team, horse, wagon and harness.
Inoiiiro 211 W. Mnin. 230
FOR SALE PJoeor ciaun, 00 acres,
ditch, reservoirs, small house, goo J
laud; Jacksonville S mi'cs; prico
right. Address V. A Springford.
Jiuksouville, Or. 24'J
- .
FOR SALE Cookstovc, burned two
mouths, cost $17; will tnko $10. In
quire Gregory's Studio.
FOR SALE-Potatocs.Al ranch po
tatoes, 1 cent a pound while- they
lust. 707 W. Main.
Clancy. -Com. Dr. R. M.
WANTED City lots iu part payment
for 5 and (1-room houses, Moor
Elmi Co., 212 Fruitgrowers' Bank
bide. 230
WANTED Two carloads of hogs
Lcwjs & Sons, butchors, Central
Polnl. Or.
4 -
WANTED -Clean cotton rags at
. Mail Tribuno office.
j j ,
WANTED Boarders and roomers
510 N. Riverside arc. tf,
Help Wuuted Male.
WANTED A first-clans Japanese
boy for housework, 2 in family and
good wages. Apply mornings 219
N. Oakdoln. tf
WANTED A young man who is it
competent stenographer, Apply at
off ice Big Pinch Lumber Co.
Help Wnntcd Mnlc.
WANTE1 Ton men to chop cord
wood at Butto Falls; return you
cash 00 cents cord. Address J. J.
Wonninghnm, Butte Falls, Or. 213
WANTED Salesmen in every local
ity of tho northwest; monoy ad
vanced weekly; many make over
$1000 month; choico of territory.
Ynkima Valley Nursery Co., Top
ponis'h, Wash.
Foreman lo tako
ohargo of young orchard, wife to
cook for men. Must furnish ref
erences. Boudinot Connor, Central
Point. 320
Help Vunto:f Female.
WANTED Woman or girl to do
light housework for board and
room. 43 S. Grapo, or phono 1021.
WANTED Woman or girl to do
light housework for board and
room. 323 S. Grapo or phono 1021.
WANTED Girl for general house
work; wages $1 por day. Call at
210 W. Main st. tf
Situations Wanted.
WANTKD Woik, washing nnd
hpuscclenning. Mrs. Lucy Davis,
home, Soiilh C rI,, first houso south
paving. 240
WANTED Nursing by Mrs. K. Mo
Roynolds. Call at 320 N. Riverside
nvo.. or nlinnn Main 32.
D. R. WOODr-Genornl accountant.
Your books audited and kept for a
reasonable figure; your business
solicited. Oflico Phipps bldg.,
room 200. Phone 3122.
JOHNS & TURNER. Architects nnd
Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 v Main
Phono Main 3471. Residouco photic
Assnycr anil Analyst.
equipped assay offico in Oregon;
food products, soils, fertilizers,
spray products, water," etc., ' an
alvzod. Grni.ts Pass.
vig, C. L. RoaniCB., Lawyers. Of
fico Medford National Bank build
ing. SQCond floor.
LEY Allorno.vs-ut-nw. Nos.
'and 2. Postoffico building.
A. E, REAMES Lawyor, Garhott
Corey bldg.
Palm building.
Billiard Pnrlora.
S. T. BROWN A CO. Uilliards, Ci
gars nnd Soft Drinks. Up stair;?,
Young & Hall "building. A uisoj
cool place to spond tho hot nftev
noonR. IIII1 Posters.
VERNE T. CANON Bill pastor nnr
Distributor. AH orders prompt
filled, Room 20. Juckxon Counb
Bunk building. Medford. Or.
Cigars ntu! Tolmcco.
IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokebouac
Dealorfl in tobacco, cigars and
Smorcks' supplies. Exclusive ngotits
of Lewis Biiiirlo Joinder. El Merjtt
and El Valencia. 212 West Mam
ACCOUNTS collected iu any part of
the world. No charge if not col
lected. Pnclfla Collecting Co.-33
Jackson Co. Bank bldg.
I''ldollty and Surety Bonds.
L. L. SMALL, bonds of all kinds in
)ho best companies. 33 Jackson Co.
Bank bldir.
1 Fiiriiituro.
iTTTTwiLSON & CO,, dealors in
new and si'tnid-hund furniture
nnd hardware. Agents for House
hold stoves and Tangos. 10 South
Fir street. Phone Main 3101.
Corner 8th and Holly streets, Med
ford. Mission furniture made to
order. Cabinet work of all kinds
A trial Order solicited.
MORDOFF ii WOLFF Cookstovos
and ranges, New and second-hand
furniture Ends' old stand, 18 W
F st.. South. Phono 01. Medford
(iruulto Workx.
Main st., manufacturers and deal
ers in gmontimental and buildin
granite, crushed granite commoi.
brick and pressed brick, course and
fino wnshod river sand
Priddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T.
O'Brien Contractors nnd manu
facturers of brbk; dealors 5n
pressed brick and limo. Offico in
Oumctl-Corov block, room 209. 2d
floor Phono No HI XI
Notary Public.
Phipps bldg.
PUBLIC Mail Tribum
II h mhJi" . ,twMB
i i in irwi nr v t J9I
aro budded, not grafted. Our stouk
is not irrigated. We guarantee ev
erything put out. Wo are not in'
tlio trust. H. B. Pattorson, office
removed to 116 E. Main st.
SERY CO., be Growers of
high grndo nureory Btook. Offico
25 W. Mnin. Tel. 1201.
Nursery Ih-oducis
are all one-year bud On '3-year
roots; representative offico rio'w hi
Medford; enn supply apple, pear
and walnut trees on short notice all
guaranteed in every respect; ranch
ers, writo us of your needs; will bo
gbfd to quote you prices.
Painters and Pupcrlianger
DECORATE your tinted walls with
stencil borders by A. Risdon, paint
er,' decorator and 'poporliangqr, No.
5 E. 3d st., Medford.
HAVE your Xmas photos mndo by
'Mivokoy if you want something tc
- Physicians nnd Surgeons.
,7. E. SHEARER, M. I)., Physician
and Surgeon. Special attention
given to internal medicine nml'jgch
oral offico practice. Offico hoJuK
10 to 12, 2 to 4, Office plioio"Wt,
residence phono 4542. Office over
Strang's drug store, ' '.
Physician and Surgeon.
Offico 21CE. Main st., over Hm
kins' drug storo.- ,,
Phono Main 1001.
sicians nnd surgeons, Taylor ,un'v
Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212.
Office phono 501, residence phono
012. Offico hours 9 q. m. to 8 p. m.
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic
physicians. Moved to Rooms' 410
nnd 4J7, Garnett-.Coro.v bldg. Pllohe
Main (1351.
DR. E. II. PORT.ER Discescs of
women a spocinlty. Rooms 5, 0, 7
8. St. Mark's bldg., Medford, Or.
Phphes: Offico 4901, residence
ticQ limited lo diseases of tho. yo,
car, uodo and throat. Offico '210
E. Main st., over Medford Hhrd-
wora Co. ' ?
" . ' ' .... i.,
in Rialto bldg., 123 E. Main. f,Gfts
administered for cxtrcctiou ) Of
fi'otli, Telophono Main 031. Night
phono 4432.
DR. W. W. WICK Homoopathic
physician; residenco 203 Olson St.,
phono Main 4474; office, rooms 3
and , St. Mark's blook, phono Main
l)ll.m STEARNS-Physicinn and 'sur
geon. Offico Gnmott-Coroy bldg.,
rooms 211-212, pboao 1092. Resi
denco 113 Laurel st., phono 2002.
W. A. LOVELACE Contractor und
practical builder; estimates fre'o;
patronage appreciated. 125 ?Wth
Almond st. ' '
Pruclice limited to disenses of wo
4iieii. Offico llaskins bldg. Phone
Mnin 1001.
DR. STEPHENSON fits glasses to
oorroot any defect of the eye, Of
fico oyor Allen & Rongau's. Phono
Mnjn 1851.
Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoe.
Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoe.
Fruilgiowers Bank bldg,, Medford,
Or. Phono .1072
Pdntei-s and PutillNtjcrs.
best equipped iob offico in South
ern Oregon; Portland pricos. 3V
South Central nvonuo.
:LLA M QUANTA W - Pftlro Block.
Stonoraphio work done quickly
and well.
Garnett, Corey building, West
s''o- 245
Tin Sbopa.
J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and
sheot Iron ware on hand nud made
to ordor. 128 North Q st. '
Bead t
dertakers. Day phono 351. Night
phenes: C. W. Conklin 3G01; J. E.
Butler 3571 ; Johu A. Peri 4111,
" " ' i )
1840 Moots at Smith's hall, 128
North Grape street, evory Thurs;
day veiling promptly at 8 o'clock.
All journeymen carpenters, aa well
as local moinbsrs, urged to be prg
ent. Business of, vita) intarst U
all carpenters transacted at tkaefe
meetings, J, J, Seal, bunk t.
4 , A, uJi
' W4