p ". "W -?1 1f 'TV 6 MEDFOftD iAIAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD,,QRW,iOy, WEDNESDAY, DTCOEMBEK 2fr.19.10. -s?tw ? I 1 lid ')' M '"mm 0iEak iW 9mwS MR u.ul'ii.i. r.i if.viiiii mKuaF tumi ...i'i.i.. ...... ....... nnr. " Talent Items On riuisliiin", H. .). Ton ill passed to lliu tri out booiid mid tin1 I'niuilv have (ho ,Hniiatli.v ol all Tulonl, u hi; has lived muoivr them inuu.N jwun, mill by his hind disposition mill l'riondlino-s hint been greatly beloved mul iuh))i'o.cil. , Ho vias Si! yean oh!. .Mrs. Ktl ll-ibison's friends will ro iot lo hen (lial 'hu' is very ill .il thin writ in:;. Mr. mul Mr. Kiniuetl lloeion nic now ul homo in thcjr hinul.soiuo new buuriilow. Mr. mul .Mrs, Glinics mul boil vin ili'il ul N-. O. Power' .Monday mid wore outciluiucd wild iijusio until u liito noiir. Mi. mul Mr. Tom Keoll nro in (I')M Hilt for ho holiihiy scan-n. ChiiMnuis Mr. mul Mrw. Wnko inmi itnio(l I'ltnii Modl'tird in liiuo lo on I tnrlu'V with Mr. Vim dor Slui'o mul I'niuilv. y Orlie Powers is Ikiiiio lor vanillin mul rotiinis to Comillin Jnntiiirv J. Harry (Hinies also yoes lo I'oilhiud lor u hIioiI visit mill I rum Ihcio l O. A. ('. The resident t i i Wiiiriior eieik mot ut tic W. M. hull mul oii.iu)t'1 I liristnuiN I'liCor loj-clhci. Tin1 .Mojlioilistt, luti! h crowded house C'hriNtnuiH ovo ul tho Jhiptlr.1 ohm eh, whore ,1110 little ones wore iiuide happy. Tho Methodist e'huroli is now iiuikinj; n good showing inn will lie oomplotoil )y sDiinj.'. Mr. mid Mis. lJnudiill onlorluhu'ii nl dinnor Clirislmu-. tho two Mr. HiisIoii'k, .Mr. Dun el mul Mi. Whit iniin. Mi., mul Mrs. ,l''iilhir euijiycd (In hospitality of .Mr. mid Mis. Glim hrlstiunrt dny. X(iw ('Jiiitliiuiti Iiiik eonii! mul gone mul iv have tiiuo o n oiiioloi, "Did wo do nil in our power to nuiho othot hiipp.v Wins 'theio mi,lhiitg let! nudum: Unit would Imw- made Mjnie poor or Jonoiv hoint ghul" 1 1 so, lo( us ii'sohe Ihitt the now yen: sliull he devoted to L'ood wink. MERRY IAS ... AT POOR HOUSE r-nd about oI)an8, Kulrcy Pills and fMtthcr attacks or kh'npv complaint sot a box at Iiaslc'lnV Drug tSore. I and I have enjoyod good hcattli. I do not hctdta'.e lo say tlat oDan'H Kidney Pills nro a anoclfic fofall dlf llcully caused by weak lldn6s." Kor h.ilo by all doalora. Price 50 folt bettor from (ho tine I com mented tholr dec and It veo not long before 1 win? enroll. 1 nri In a posi tion to leto'in-ond oDan'ii Kidney ' I'l'bi highly to anyone afrllclcid wKlijCohta. Poslor-Wburn Co., Huffalo, Griffin Creek liems kidney complaint ' (Staloinont j-lvon Scr lumber II, 1007. Gifts Are Received by All Inmates of Permanent Cunv .lustiries ito-i'ii-County Poor House Day Was! ., ,l"-' , i When Mib. Daiissuiu wis Intor- One of'Good Cheer Many Con- viowca on octoYcr ac, loeo.fhosabi: "My former ondoi'scmcnt of oDan's 'Kidney Plllp ntlll lioldi r-cod. Phlro,;: , iniH romecJy rurcil nif I Jiavo unci no ;; Now York, sole agents for the United i Stat oh. , Koni'!i"Vi tho luvno TJoau's and cake no other. trihutlons. MMMMMMW 'I 'I A merry Christinas was bad this! your a I tho county poor house, on tho Ashland road, more being gill loi every inmate, oonliibulod by lh' cmmiuuie- minded people oL llio eouyly. The iumalex of llio iustitiitioi wore given a turkey dinnor, alloi ,which oiieh roooiod some usof il gift. For two weeks past oonlri hiitiuiis for ( iirictmith duv him been leooivod nl the farm. Heboid oloM'd Finht lor a wook'n vaoalion'. A nuniher of visilors nlleiidod Ihi Chrisliiias e.MiieiHos mul nil ropoit .in onjoyablo time. ' m MI'-s Dealho, Mm piiniary leaehoi will hpend vaealiuii in ('out nil Point tho guest ol Mrs. "ooviiton. Hurl Lamb emtio down from Ibilli Kulls llio hitler pint of the week mid Mill isit with his cousin, M. I. Miu oar. J. A, Hose has been ou llio sieb list for several days. Miss niuuche Dat by, Who i nj lendiir school ul Ceulral Point. emiio hoine Friday lo spend llio holi days, iAIr. and Mrs. 0. N. Fisk visited at llio A. W. MoI'h6ioil home Siiuihu Tlioy wont aecoinpanied by Mr. and .Mrs. C. Ij Jlol'hoison of nrniil IMss, who will visit lelalives hoio sevoral days. ! Douar, and family. Mr. mul Mrs. ('. M. Howell mid Mr. Howell's mother, of I'entral Point, isiled with Mrs. Howell's par outs, .Mi. and .Mrs. ('hallos D.nh.t. Sal in dav uigbl mul Sunday. iMiN. 10. K, Laud mid sous bud as Xniiis guests, Mr. apd Mis. D. II. Mai ding. Mr. and Mis. M. A. Diok orsou mid obildieii, Mr. and Mi's. .1. i. Wilson nod Torrenee .luilv. .1. V. Dollar mul son nro planting ton noios more of (heir, farm to pears, This will give Ilium it liO-aore pour orobaid. Owing to the ninny Ximis dinners llio .Sunday sehool alloijilmice amis sinnllo,' than usual last Sunday Next Sunday new officers and teachers will bo elected and a largo nltoiidauco is desiied, Mr.mid Airs. M. l.'Aliucar mid Knit Lamb spent Clitisliaas with Airs. ,. II. Alinoiir mid I'muily. Claicnco Doyd, a fonner r"sidenl !f you mo working at n "makr shif t" job, simply bcenuse (he suit-' able po.silion is not to bo had, begin a classified advcrlising canipnigu foi feolf-betlenncnt. Theio is a good job tor you ami you oau find it thiouji adeilising. Very likely lliere is no oilier way lo find it. , N m vBt f i S W Jk M -nBHml jsjm U K-L--Hi. .jl. i -------R---H-t-';f ' MSftw ' . MHHHHKP MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. ...ALFALFA LAND ri cm Aim nnilMTY. CALIFORNIA. Choicest dairy and alfalfa piomsitu.n in tho stale located qn the maiTliiL of the Southern Pud .e ,...lru.l. betueen Sneranieulo and San 1'raueiseo. AWUNDANC'K OF WATKH FO 1MH1H0ATI0N. Wlilc Us for Inl'oi nml ion. Dixon Alfalfa Land Co. Dixon. Cal. KKKl'll'S 'VV.A,. 13. 1-'. A. JMTTXKIt, C'amlldato for A!iior. fl'aid Adveitiscment.l the John Donar of Kdon Valley spenl if Hiifliu Cicek, is f'hrisliuas -with his biolhci. J. V 'rtuiiiv Iriends hcie. giooting bis j - I Geritral Point Items I'lieie Can He No DouPl mVIhmi( Itesillls in Meilfoid, UohiiHh (o'l ilio talc. All doubt In removed. The toKtlinony or a Mcdfoid elti.eii Can ho eaelly linestl'jated What hotter pi oof can 'e had? Mrs. .T. H. Uaiissuni, Ceulral ave nue, Med ford, Ore., uaya: "1 was so bad with kl .Hoy tiouuiu that 1 could not do my lioi'Kowork. JIv back wap weak and paturul and In llio morn ing when I get up, I wch lame mid Bore. Tho kidney socio 'o ja vere iin iiat vial aud my health steadily lanj down until I wiih hardly ablo to got , about. While In tlm' fomllllou, I . .1. L. Ollno tho liUHlllilg leal omIiiU agont, sold W. M Ilogbind'H fain near Hiowmiliotro, of 100 iicioh to K li. Union aud Oroon. Thin sale In ought t:i,s:i. Dr. I'ollultr. litis boon at Cortland, ami IlOHoburg the past week. (Hon Owens of llornbrook arrived heib on Sunday to Hpend tho holldayH wlh his mother, Mih. .IuIIii Owoiib, AIih. Whipple or Woodvlllo Is ,tlio g n out of her mother, Mih. Itandiil, . Will I.ookoy. ajjont of tio South'-J orn I'ueirie at yoodlllo, aecoinpa nied by MrH. hockey, vlalted huiu b Iween traliiH on Sunday. Mih. WIUIIaniH of Modfoid wB visiting at tho home of Coiiiiollinaii .1. W. Myers and wife. A. .1, llanby In upending his holi day vacation hero. Jlnuulo Wllllamu or Seattle hi x In- j King ut the home of Mr and Mm. lb nue WIlllaiUH, ' i Ihiiao WIlllaniH, Hi , of Ul unite I'iibh ' wiih a guoHl of bin Hon Kunduv. Alises I Vinl Ifoss, 1211 it William, Shipley Kons( Fbid Woss went o Clrauls Pass Mouda. eMuiiug. I), .laeobs, assistant pusciigc agent at (ho Sotitlioiu Piteilie dopol here, was at Kosebuig the first ul tint we'd,. W, II. Xoroross has moved In family into their beautiful new iiih commodious homo. Joe OU'i'weis of Sun Friineiseo '. I be guest of Jim ('liitc and luiiiih Ocoigo Wilkoi'son mid liunil, iepoul Clirislnuis with Kittle poiu' rohi lives. W. .1. Nichols and little duuyhtei Ilci'iiic, nml Itttllt, wore, vihiling (lold Hill relatives son Tuesday. Will Welch mid wife of Tolo wen shopping in (Vuhul Point Tuesdin Joe Welch of Ashland is visitiuo here w.'h lebilives and liieuds. I.ittlo Leslie lluwl, has been or s'u'k with iheiuniitisui, but is now ooni'alesoiug. The ( htisluili Science ehuieli h. iniiehased u now piano, STILL SENDING XMAS PRESENTS A nihh ol belated ( hlistums shop-1 purs ou TuomIii, beMOKud the loe.il i postoffieo and ran the slump sale, up to .l!I.,l f"f the day, whereiis the , nonino sale ranges botweou $7' ami, Jl(l(. This iiulieulo.s tluit a iiuuihoi of persons iIoIiimmI Ibeir sheppiut: hm long ami aie doing past-Clnihi-fnu!js giving. 'Assistant Postnuihier Woodforl ' iuti'ti'thut all ivcoidx foi any pro viottK mouth's business in ibu loou'l ojlieo will bo badly sluttloiml when IhltfHlccembi'i ilosos. I( will run peal jho f0liii niiirk for receipts. .MODERN HAIR DRESSING . has plajed havoc tTlth tho tr of tl falr-waud driisis everywhere com mtnt v'a the fact Unit thf.v are lluis Jarpi qim'nlillM o( J8o for maViug tUe old-fftfliloiiisl "KaK leu,' fcueh at wai used by qur ijramlmotht'rj' fpr prflinotlas tlm KrowIlT (it tnvlr hulr und rturbn; IU mi turn I color. Th deouiud for tlnr well Vnouu herb for tldu purpoo has been o Kreat that one lunuufacturor U.is tuLcp advuutflite or (he f.ict. and hw nl.iwil op the market nil Idea! "na-jo tta." eoatalo lug sulpliur, a ytilunhb ffmody far dan drutf mid scalp ni((lu' and Irrltauoui. ThU preparation, which' U MlId WyetuW Saue aud Sulpliur, U Jold by all leadliu; ,i..-t.,i- fN- r.n hmti nml Sin linttti. or wJllbe eBt direct by lh Wywth ClumleV j r, ,.. ti n.,plitiiU SL Kuvv York I Cltr, upon receipt of price. j'ur xuip una ivcoiiimended by Leon U. IlQBklus, Bill ULRICH FOR COUNCIL STODDARD DAYTON Automobiles Dr. F. 0. Page Mgr. Local Agency For Iho J.alest in Books Stationery Magazines Pottery Pictures, Etc. Cull on iho Medford Book Store PRIVATE WIRE; PHONE 1831 Moss S Co. GRAIN AND STOCK BROKERS , W. L. BAIN LOCAL MGR t NO. 10 NORTH FRONT ST MEDFORD, OREGON ' re.. WVpjP9r' J. E. EtfYART, President. J A. PERRY, Vice-President. JOHN S. ORTII, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING 3HSIKESS TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. 4WstfeWf w W W '" The Best Shoe lb the celebrated and jiihlly fainoii J.'&M. if you want a hboe Unit feels old when new, looks new when old, and one that will lust jimt a littlo longer Until any you ever tried, call and lot us show you the Johnbon & Murphy line. i Duffield Bros. I MH --- -- - lj SECOND TERM of the Medford fouhoivatoiy for MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Will Hej;hi on JAN. 3, 1911 0 TAIIiLANDinR. Diieolor. ' v.l I I lVtltnnis are lioint; onoululod t ! place in noimiialioii William llnc'i for the oouuoil I loin iho .Sooom' vvaul mo beiiiK oiioulatud. Mi. I'l liii bus not sim'iticd whothor lu would nut or not. but it ih thought tluit he will. "Dope Coiiiiicss" Is Next. WASHINGTON', Dee JS. One ol the most Intoiontliif eonveiitlomi to lie hold In Iho cuiiiluis .votir In tho so ealloil "iloo 0011141 (jkh" 'ho con Kroiu for Jho International rontro! of htiblt-formliitj ilriiRt-, the piollni Ihnrbm foi vvhloh are now holuu ai raiiKini by- tint joverument of tho Nothoi'luiidb. Koine .voaj ito dip loimitlo noijotlat lorn botwiMin Cbluit mid i:nKand resulted In au u(;ioo inont hote'n tho two povveu, b which HiiKluud arooil upon a jjrad. ul reduction of tho qiinntltlnH of the (lunntltleH or opium expoi'tod from Itu Aitlat;. poHiiohHlons into China ' Tho grout henofltn which have ro- tultoil from this agreement have cjiuod tho vnllKhteiiud nrogrowlvoa who now dotrlnato tboovern'mwtit of the Colesilal empire to huk w moio rapid rudiiptlou of oiitmn mile In Chiua tlmn lb Viovided for In tjio AiiKlo-Chlnoso tioaly. Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles OENERAL OVKUIIAUUNO & MACHINE RKI'AIKINO. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN 0231. Corner foutuil Ave. and Sth St Modfoid, Or. Notional Wool Growers Convention and Mid-Winter SHeep Show PORTLAND, OREGON ""January 4-7. 19! B For tho above occasion, round trip tickets will bo sold form all points on its linos in cluding branches by Southern Pacific Company AT One and One-third Fare Tickets on wile .January lid and ld, 191 1, good for return until .January 10, Hill. For further particulars, call on any S. I. Agent, or write to , WM, Mc3IURRAY, 231 General Passenger Agent. --- ----- I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Union Livery SlaMes and will conduct a general feed and boarding cstnhlishmc .t. Horses boarded by tho dny, woek or month. I guaranteo a square deal to all. j R. CUANYAW UNION LIVERY BAKN. RIVERSIDE AVENUE. ----- - - . --- - - - --- . - The Reason This store enjoys such an piiihhhuis bti-inc Unit is eniistnntlv iiicrensinif is beoiinsc of the t'not thai neoiile linvo Icnmod .'ind lire loiirniiiif dnilv that thov oan buy Iho ho-l fur itil a littlo legs at this sioro. " A nuin told us Sutuiday tiial vvu vveio solium; npjilos too ehoap. Ho was jokiii-f, but he nioant vvluil ho said, lie had shopped and by eouiin-.' here saved, suiuethiuj; like li." an eaeh 1'ok of apples he bought. This is one of tho ninny leasoiis why we aie busy. ALLEN GROCERY CO, Main and Central Streets 9" ' -M - '- 1 mv " BREAD lrJX " " X A j vBsil yTHj"""T' IV,XztJr r ' T jP,"- m R. F. GUERIN (S CO. 4 MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BUILPING, Have a number of APPLICATIONS FOR FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS of from $500 to $3C0O lo return investors 10 pon cent per annum. If you have money to loan it will pay you to investigate them LANDQOIST, JOHNSON fiUlIOS, INC. Real Estate and Insurance Special Representative for International Seal Estate Association, Chicago, AGENT FOR FRANKLIN FIRE INS. CO. RELIANCE FIRE INS. CO. BARGAINS AND MONEY ' MAKERS IN FARMS, ORCH ARDS & TIMBER LANDS. 201 St. Mark's Building, Phone 2411 r f 9,0 r9 Sl Wi.irirzt Siax . ki v .nrr mr z ii i- Fyhra "! Viint-iidvoitine for u puitnor, or n bacloi-r-tuid push that husinoss CLEAN BREAD THAT KEEPS THE FAMILY HEALTHY. ft lliisui( no one oau at fold to without It to made iisiht here. H.U K YOU TKIEO Figola Bread MEDFORD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN TODD & 00. Why Pay High Prices for Real t stale You know perfectly well tint now is llio tune lo buy. Yh ? Beoao o tho muii who is now nuMou to soli bin hoiue, lot or orchard w into n little vein ensli and ta not it is usually willinj; io make a cood "deal" ns to price touns. etc Hee)lout opportunities nt must desaable pi ices and terms await your call. 5?eo R. H. LINCOLN REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. . , 21 Jacksnn County Bank Bulldinn. fT'ev'j'1: IMTJS 1 muf y J . . WV, itHT'r- 5.--- . S3 TttJ" X This Knob Hill View Y' " w 1 u - -:i i -". . Ti U ffryi'- Taken jiiht after the painB wan completed on Eiut Mum neet. lmninda us that Iho vij-ht timo to invest in imo llf lllacifi ctt'11 IT.nnl TIrti. -- ...av anvil I Ull I IVI ;, - ; '" "-hii. me pavius and buv at mice from the owners 1 r ndy or Wm. M. Hob,ie. Yoi,'on,rt ITUy he ut any pr.ee , s months. nt).,SUs for W l tl X now beiu,; prepared for imn.e bate b,ld,uK on ho,0 lofs j Rogue River Land Co. X NO. II NORTH CENTRAL AVE. 'i 4 4 HBVV jflt1r n.'ipn() oi )niii- SOUTH CENTRAL AVE. """"' f,...,M,ttLt -"Tanr"';" - 1''5ii5 I