ojfcr tBp-KJ1TT'"&-wrfr'l' ? mmmmmmmmmmm MmnMMM T-JV w -flrfr- yf TN "WTwnr-Sffi 1 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, aCBDFORD, ORISON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1910. St" - 0 ga Personal llnvo you noticed tho new plunk Hlricwnlaks from the end of Oukclalo avenue to Oakdale Park addition? Fifty-thrco acree Bpeclal, 10 acres coming Into bearing orchard. Call on J. B. Wood, Condor Water & Power Co.'b otrica. tf .Samuel S. Swonnlng, deputy su pervisor of the Crater National for est, left Tor the Klamath country yes terday on official business. Ho will travel by train, to Klamath Falls, and from there go on snow shoes to Fort Klamath and other places. Ho ox-Cornltlus-Gnr'ier Co., 133 W. Main street, for city propor'y. tf pects to bo gono at least six weeks. Peter M. Kershaw spent Wednes day In Ashland on business. Stone's candles are fine, fresh and cheap. Try them. Opposlto now de pot, tf William Von der Hcllen of Englo Point was a visitor In Medford Wednesday. Wanted Hoarders A now board ing houso has opened at 706 South Onkdale. Call and sco us for fair treatment, or address F. II. More laud. 302 Chns. Turpln of tho Renshnw or chard was a Medford visitor Wednes day. Cornltius-Gir .or Co., 133 W. Main street, for city property. tf S. Vilas Ucckwlth has returned from a business trip to Portland. Have you noticed tho new build ings going up In Oakdale Park ad dition just south of Mr. Root's? tf Colonel J. F. Mundy Is on ono of his flying trips to Medford. Private room and board with Mrs. J. D. Fay, three blocks from central part of town, 310 N. Rartlett. John Sheridan of Seattle, who has purchased Dr. J. F. Roddy's interest In the Nash hotel, arrived Wednes day and Is in conferenco with Cap tain Nash regarding proposed im provements. Cornltlus-Garner Co., 133 W. Main Etrcet, for Jty proporty. tf Judge C. U. Watson of Ashland spent Wednesday In Medford. John H. Carkln, attorney at law. over Jackson County bank. Ed Clngcade of Eagle Point Is a visitor In Medford. Dr. J. E. Shearer, physician and surgeon. Offico over Strang's drug store. tf. Mrs. Frank Brown of Englo Point was a Medford shopper Wednesday. Is your iouso wlrod? Ono cigar less a dny would pay for a hundred per cent Increase In comfort. Starl living tho electric life. tf. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nlckols of Eagle Point spent Wednesday In Medford visiting friends. If you haven't got a block In Oak daeo Park addition you had bcttoi get one at once. See W. II. Everhard, 900 Ninth street, West, for particu lars. tl Mrs. Gub Nichols and daughter, Ruth, of Englo point, wero recent vis itors In Medford. Wanted, a young man who is a competent stenographer. Apply at office I51g Pines Lumber Co. ! J. II. Anglo of Eugene Is In Med ford on a Bhort business trip. Cornll ins-Garner Co., 133 W. Main Bt.ect, for city property. tf I.eland lieverldgo has returned from a trip to Portland. Moor-Ehni Co., lonns, Fruilgrow ers' Hunk building. W. W. Johnson of Trail creek was a vhdtor In Medford Wednesday. hots A good lot just of pavement on South Central avenue, $500 cash. Inqulro Van Dyke Realty Co., 239 T. 11. Andrews of Talent spent Wednesday In Medford. Christmas candies. Best and cheapest in town. Stono's Cand Storo, opposite now dopot. John H. Wilson of Evans creek spent Wednesday in Medford on business. Lots for sale. Three south front lots on Fourth street, fGr.O'cnch if taken at once. Tho Van Dyko Realty Co., 123 East Main strcot. 239 J. W. Meyers of Central Point was a Medford visitor Wednesday. Cornitius-Gnrner Co., 133 W. Main Ftreot, for city property. tf Tho public library will bo open as usnnl Wednesday afternoon. eBttor property at best prices and terms. Ask R. H. Lincoln, 21 Jack son County Bank building. 265 Tho Swastika danco will bo given on Thursday evening, December 29, and not on Friday ovening, December 30, as announced. Ask for Columbia hams, bapon and lard and go tho best. For sale by all first class grocers and butch era. " Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT. f and Local The Swastika club will dance Tlim-Mlny cvquint;. A plcnn iu urn evening is assured. Try Stono's new storo for your ci gala and tobacco. Fresh goods, low prices. Opposite S. P. depot. Harvey Y. Stott, who has bcon em ployed forjjomo time on tho Pacific & Eastorn7left Tuesday for his old homo In Illinois. Mr. Stott came to tho valley a year ago for his health and hns found It. Columbia hams and Columbia and Royal Anno bacon aro dry sugar lured. Ask your denier for Colum bia brand lanl. tr John Crane of Applegate came in Tuesday with a bunch of fino beeves for tho local mrrkot. Every light but electricity gives )ff smoke and smoko contnlns Boot, vhlch deposits on your wall paper, curio! us, draperies. Electric light lows In an nlr tight bulb. tf. Will W. Joln.son of Talent wns In Medford Tuesday exhibiting a branch' of a raspberry vino on which 32 bor rles wero cllnginc. It was plucked Xmns dny. Miss Matney nnd nleco Miss Roundtree of North Bnrtlett street aro enjoying their Christmas holidays with relatives and friends in Jack sonville and Applegate. The Donovan and Archer families on North Central wero mado exceed ingly happy Christians morning by being so pleasantly remembered with such a big supply of tho necessaries of life .Thanks to that noble nnd hu mano order of Elks. Wanted, to buy a carload of fat hogs. If you have less thnn a car load wrlto us. Union Meat Co., Med ford Meat Co., Medford. tf Phone tho Rogue River Creamery for milk, cream, butter or butter milk. Mali 2C81. tf SPEEDING TO GREET HIS TWINS; IS ARRESTED LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Dec. 2S. C. C. Slmrp was arrested for speeding his automobile on Central avenue to day and taken before Judge Roso whero ho plead guilty. Sentence wns suspJnded when ho informed the judge that ho had bcon notified by telephono that his wife had just pre sented him with twins and ho was naturally In a hurry to reach his homo. "Your enso Is unusual," rcmnrked the court, after Sharp had been heard. "1 sentenco you to 25 In Jail, but In view of tho. exigencies of the situation, I suspend sentence. Mr. Sharp, don't let It hnppon again." "But, your honor, do you mean " protested Sharp. "I said," Interrupted tho Judgo, "Don't let It hnppon again." "Never again," absented Sharp, a? ho left the court, whllo tho bailiff pounded for order. EXTEND RAILROAD TOWARD FAIRBANKS SEATTLE. Wash., Dee. '28 Tli t'upper River & Northwestern rail wnv will lie extended toward Fair luniks in the Tuiiuuu gold district u soon iih (ho weather in the uprin, will allow, according to inforniutio' Mint has ,jus leaclied Seattle Iron Vow York. It is said Hint the lim ill lie pushed toward Fuiibnnk from Chitinu. Chilian is about 1,'x miles, troin Cordova, tlie ocoiin ter ninus (if Hie line. It is eslimuU'i Hint the cost of constructing the lint 'letwecu Chilina and Fairbanks, : distance of Hill) miles, would be tip proxiuiiuHiv .yw.oiw.ooo. FRANK M. SMITH NOW CONTROLS KEY ROUTE OAKLAND. Cnl., Dec. '28-Frniil M. Smith. Hie borax magnate, wh s 'the principal stockholder in th Key Route railway, hns concluded . deal wheiebv he has trained coiilro of the Oakland Traction compnii' and the balance of tho Kev RouU stuck that he did not already own according to n persistent rumor ii liiiiiucinl ciielcs today. Tho report states Ilia) Smith ha mirchased the holding- of Willhin Kershaw in both concerns. AUSTRALIA PREPARING TO DEFEND HERSELF. MELIJOritXK. Dec. '8 -Active preparations me beiujr made by tin commonwealth with a view to th orttnblislimcnt of defense forces o.' Hie soundest footing in the shortest possible time. The latest calcula tions that have been made iudienti that at least 100,000 vouths botweoi the ime-, of 14 and 'JO your will In ready for t.riiiiiing in July no.t, ac cording to tid vices reaching heic to day. The defense department luus ako.i measure accordingly and is order ing nil the neinrv clothing nip' eipiipmont. Further to aughioiit the war forces of I he commonwealth, it is propofced to increase I lit war fore to 50.000. p. ! I.ll " I (asking for Health. GENERAL STATE FUND INCREASES Report of Secretary of Stato Shows Good-Sized Growtii in State's Re ceiptsItemized List Is Given Out. SALEM, Or., Dee. 'Jtf. A huge in crease is shown in the general stute fund according o the report of the .secretary of htnle during the pas. two years, lhe receipts lor the lasi two years nmojint to sf.l.T.'W.D.JO.BT. against $2,80.yl0o.-l!l lor the pre ceding biennial period. Following is an itemized statement of leceipts for the general fund, which does not include receipts foi various funds in which the money collected is absoihed in the fund fo, Which they are cellected: Ualaneo on hand September DO U)08( !?2H8!)7.!)ii; from taxes, $:,-0-13,170.1)5; from interest on defend, payment of taxes, 31)0.04; taxes oi insurance premiums, 14,010.1;!. bale of surplus products of stato in stitutions, ('i454.43; fees of state engineer, 12,017.4:1; convict lnboi 211,430.07 ; care of local insane 5150.35; fees of Minrehio cohrl 12,780.20;. violation of game' laws 4o0.37; sundry fees of state de partment, 148.(iS0.73; for keeping deposits of express and iiisuranc companies, 0708.51); coiporalioi fees and licenses, 205,737.55; Ii "ense on gross earnings, 1 1,410.02 'uteres! on deposits of state funds $20,13(1.41; fees for examination o bniiks, 5750; fees of board of eon Irol, 4835.08; fees for niuiiitcnaiiu of feeble-minded, 3500.73; tvausfei trom insurance fund, 113,257.31. transfer from swamp lnud fund $7100.85; from niibcellnnoou. ources, 3581.40. GORE DEFIANT Blind Statesman of Oklahoma De dares He Expects to Live and Dii in Senate. Finhtlnn Graft and the Grafters Made Target of Abuse WASHINGTON', D. C, Doc. 28. Senator Thonins P. Goro of Okln- onm moved by a story printed In jpposltlon papers that bo was on his tvay homo and Intended to retire, to lay uttered a defiant stntoment, do- larlng ho expected to live- and dlo u tho bcnat, fighting graft nnd graft era. Tho senator said that ovor since Is crarges of fraud In connection vlth Indian lands ho had been the target for vitriolic abuse and fake barges." Tho resignation story, he aid, was tho culmination of tho at tack. "I have no thought of resigning," aid Gore. "I havo no expectation hat 1 will bo defeated for re-election .vlion my torm expires. I intend to Ivo and dlo In tho senate, and I shall vago eternal warfare on graft and ;rastorB." Goro's term does not expire until 1915. T REFRIGERATOR CARS SALEM, Ore., Dec. 28. The Su iremo court lias handed down an up iiiou affirming the judgment of the iwer court of Umatilla county foi wimiigc in the sum of 2258.25 to '. V. .Martin, a fruit shipper, against lie Oiegou Kuilroud & Navigation ompauv. The action was brought jy .Martin to recover damage amount :ig to 0310.50 nnd 1000 nttorney's ees for the railroad's failure to .uiiiish a number of rcfrigorutoi -urs to bliip apples from .Milton, Or., o the east. .Martin's right to re. .over damages wn bused solely up hi section 20 of the Oregon railroad ommisMon's laws, which provides .hat all transportation compauiu--ire compelled to furnish suitable dripping facilities for perishable .roods. The supreme court holds the ailrond law covers the case vnv reetly and the state' right' to oxer .io police power over the railroads tuiiiot bo questioned, in spite of the .irgumunt presented by defendant'" counsel, to the effect that the intor date shipping laws ol this state con flicted with tho iutcihtntc commerce eonimiesion's regulation. The completeness (always) of n store,' advertising is a reliable lest of the cnmpleleuo-.s of (ho .inn, sci- i-. MNI RESIGN LOSE NO TIME ON . OREGON TRUNK Tracks Belntj Laid at.Rato of Two Miles 'Per Day en Central Orcrjon Line Will Soon Reach the Crook ed River. PORTLAND, Dee. 28. Tracklny iiig on the Oregon Trunk is progi eas ing more rapidly, than jvas expected about two miles per day being thv. average maintained since work wu commenced. The clews have reach ed the 57-mile post and will coutiuui to inish on as long us" the wenthci permits. It was hoped to gel dowi alios, u mile nnd a half of track each working day, so that even the nios. sanguine expectations of the engin eers in churgo have been excelled. Very little interference has beei caused by bud weather, little snow Having fallen ami none inning re niaiued long on the ground. Tin iveather, "in fact, has been just tin chid wanted lor rapid work, so th. I'oreinen report, for it bus been coo enough to put tho tracklayers in fini trim for work. At the rate woik i. iow progressing track will have beei aid So Crooked river b'idge eaily i. the spring. Klcctrie car service over the Unit ?d Knilways lino into North l'laihs i to be inaugurated about the middh f iinuury, (he construction depart uent having instructions to turn tin ino over to the operating department January 10. It was intended to rm denm trains over the new line us fa is Olencoo to begin with, but tin uogram was changed nidi the sen co will begin with electric cars. Un .il 'completion of the Cornelius l'n. uiiiiel, trains will be run over th ihoo-fly line around the heaviest jrado of the mountain thnt forms tin !iido between the Willamette am rualatiu valleys. UNUSUAL PROSPERITY PREDICTED FOR 1911 NKW YORK. Dec. 28. -Unusual irosporlty Is predicted for 1911 by rlen llownrd Chepoy, stato supor- tendent of banks. .vChenoy bnses his )rodlctlon on tho gonoral flnancinl conditions at present prevailing throughout Now York stato. Cheney Is preparing his annual ro port on tho stato banks. It will show, ho snys, that tho banks aro paying well with the prospect that this state it affairs will continue. Whore banking business Is good, other lines will prosper, says tho superintend out. TRIED TO SHOOT SISTER IN CROWDED CAR SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Doc. 28. '.following an unsuccessful attempt o shoot his Hlstur-ln-lnw, Miss Clara Coroslo, In a crowded street car, William Dwyer, a machinist, was ar rested today. Moro than a scoro of passengers wore botween Dwyer and tho woman vhon ho drew his revolver. "I'll get you now," ho shouted. He pulled thetrigger but his aim was bad, and tho bullet crashed harm lessly through the roof of tho car. Two pol Icemen t wero scntod oppo site Dwyer. They overpowered him and took him to tho city prison. NEW ADS TODAY. 11,500 for 40 acies of Hear creek bottom laud, 20 acres set out in fruit, 10 acres in garden patch, 2', miles from Ceutial Point; easy terms. Impure No. 4 H. Orange, tf FOR HKNT--Small house, -and I'm iiiture for sale. 003 H. King st 212 FOll SALK Small house and lot, K. Washington st.; sewer, water and electric linht, 050; small cash pay ment, easy terms on balance; ,i bargain if taken quickly; propeitv will rent for 12 per month. Ad dress 1. O. llox 803. Medtord. 23) FOK SALB Two largo lots, Hum ill, easy terms lor quick sale. De: 001, city. 245 WANTKD Plain sewing of all kinds; sliirtwiiists, uuderwca, plain skirts and dressos. At 808 Washington st. 244 WANTKD .Man and wife wish en. plo.vmeut ; hotel, ' icstuiiruiit or hoarding house pieferrcd. K. A Carr. (ion. Del., 5111 K. Maui. 'i-Ti MONKY. TO LOAN -Small umouuis short time loans on lots, etc Ad dress "Agent," Mud Tribune. If SPLENDID Mifidcnco loth, jut-t oil "Hiving, .i:ilHI, pavmentM $10 month ly; we help yon build. Room -'III, Jackson Counl Dank hldg FOR RENT Lmlit hou-cUepnu; I i.H.m-, .J.l') X Fint m J 10 i CLOSE CALL FOR AVIATOR Wi I lard's Airship Becomes Unman ageable and Dailies Toward the Grandstand Ely Amonrj Those to Try for New Altitude Record. LOS AXCIKIjKS. Oul., Dec. 28. t'harles F. Willurd of the Cuiliss camp caused the occupants of the grandstands to gasp today when lu lurrowly escaped u full thnt probah y would have meant death or fatal injury. Driving the Curtiss biplane No. 8 Willard was tho lirsl aviator to as ent when the meet wns resumed (his aftermvui. While sailing about 80 feet above i lie grandstand, something went Along with his tilting planes and (lie rcut aeroplane veered sickeningly roin side (o side while its pilot Aorked desperately with the levers. Sweeping in a tangent to the nurse, the biplane darted within 30 feet of the earth before it righted itself, Willard (hen brought it down directly in front of his hangar, where Glenn Curtiss and his niecUan ienns repaired the defect. Improved weather conditions caused much rejoicing today in tin enmps of the binliuen. Unless u wiu'd of the proportions of the gulc Unit swept the field yesterday springs up before the hour for the first (lights, conditions augur ell for a banner day. Postponed from yesterday, the first special derby ever held wa1 scheduled us the chief attraction this ifteinoon. Although u speed test 'let ween Fly, driving a Curliss hi oluiie, and I'armnlee. in the Imln Wright racer, was offered lale yes terday, the violence- of the wind pre cluded starting the big race. Hrookins, Ky nnd Ilo.vsoy, nc "ording (o an announcement todav will try for height record. GREAT NAVAL AVIATION SCHOOL AT SAN DIEGO SAN I)IK(10. Cnl., Dec. 28. Sap Diego will be tho scene of ho nava school of aviation to be established 'jy Glenn 11. Curtiss nnd l.ioutenanl Allison, U. s! N., according to r statement made today by Fd Moore 'nanneor for Curtiss. - Los Angeles AND RETURN $31.55 Ji suJTioienf nuinbpr desire to make the, trip nn excursion will ho conducted Medford to Los Angeles nnd return some time in January or .Foh ruary at the round trip rate of $31.55 with a thirty day limit to return. Tickets will permit of stopovers and he good via either line to and from Los Angeles. For further information see or phono A. S. ROSENBAUM, LociU S. P. Agent, or call at the Passenger Station. .FoiioS-ll. 251 - - - ASHLAND I u XZ3 Ashland, Orogon Swedonburg Block This is the school that will make you Suc cessful, Train you for Business and JJelp you to a Position. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND AND ENGLISH Secure your Business Education at home at a very moderate expense and, if you wish, we will secure you a position in any of the large commercial centers'. NO BETTER SCHOOL ANYWHERE AT ANY PRICE ENTER AT ANY TIME P. RTTNBR. A. M President, STOCKYARD FIRE DUE J WIRES Watchman Testifies Dlazo First Came From Where Electric Wires Entered Warehouse Inquest Is Postponed Until Next Week. CHICAGO, 111., Dec. 28. Crossed electric wires probably wero respon sible for tho flro that snuffed out tho lives of 30 firemen In tho slock yards last Thursday, according to tes timony brought out nt tho coroner's inquest today, Paul Lufkn, a wntchman employed by Nelson Morris &. Co., owners of tho warehouse that was burned, tes tified thnt tho flames flrts enmo from tho second story, where tho electric wires entered tho building. No othor causo could bo discovered. Moro than a scoro of witnesses, In cluding many comrades of thodcad firemen, wero summoned to testify, but tbolllness of a Juror cut short the hearing. W. II. Ferris, general su perintendent of tho warehouse, was tho only other witness examined, ills testimony concerned tho gonoral con struction of tho wnrohouso and sur rounding buildings. Tho inquest was postponed until January 3. Rescue Mission Worker Coming. The people of Medford will have a rare opportunity of hearing one o' the noted rescue mission woi'kurs of this country in the Christian church. Friday, December 30, at 7:30 p. in. The Kev. 11. M. Robinson, who has labored in the slums of Loudon, New York nnd tho Hurlinry coast. Sun Francisco, will tell the wonderful story of the noted river pirate, Jerry McAuley, whoso conversion was tin miracle of the hitler half of the 10th ceutui'A'. Not since the days of the conversion of the Apostle Paul has there been such a conspicuous illus tration of tho power of Christ to save- tho worst, as tho ease of this unique character. This lecture is free to every one. Mr. llobinsoii will sing several rfolos, among them being "Mother's Prayer" and "Tho Ninety nnd Nine." livery meinbor of tho Commercial club is urged to bo present tonight. Business of importance must bt trausaclod. - - - - - - - - t Where to Go Tonight .r-rrr4 ' Mcdford's Exclusivo Picturo Tho- j! ator. Latest LiconBod Photo- ! plnya. s ' i: t One tlir One tlimo No Moro One Dime. : T, "NAT" THEATRE I X I Has all the Latest nnd Up-to-Date 2 J Moving Pictures. J I Our subjects aro always interest- ing, our pictures arc clear. Ve j i change our program ilueo times I per week, Sundays, Wednesdays ; and Fridays. Mntiuco ovory Sun day afternoon. , ;j A cozy ilicnter nnd comfortable; !; chairs. AnMtSSMN Wc. Y-rr 9 i I I-.ID Hlnh-Class V Jnrl P.n MAItJOHIlC MANDVILLK STOCK COMPANY TONIGHT. "P'OLLY PRIMROSE" ? IN FOUR ACTS. I i Hcnutiful Boulhorn story during I 9 ii.. r:..:i .,.. iiie uivii torn. Knnoinlt!i bnlwccu the nets l)V Miss Mandoville, Athoy & Athoy. I; FREE Handsome Cut-Glass;; Set given away Free Wednesday night. $ UOO OUCIIKSTRA, directed bv J iHlllll Jiliumj uinut-.T. lleservo your seats by Phone, MAIN 2971. vrsr-Kj- -rr 'i Motv Atfpnntinn nt THE ISIS THEATRE ; The placo whero you can nl ; ways spend a pleasant hour and lhavo a hearty laugh. " THOMPSON AND FARRELL ln an Entirely New Act BUBBLE'S BIRTHDAY :;matjnkk every Saturday; AND SUNDAY AT 2:110. t THREE REELS OF THE LAT- EST MOTION PICTURES AND- ILLUSTRATED SONG BY HARRY BLANCHARD. t i NATATORIUM h'oatures on Ska tea Every Evening! ANOTHER DIG DANCE WED-J NESDAY NIGHT, DEC. '2&. Host Muuie an Uhiial. I --4 Bargain Corner One corner of lhe wton Is given over to wpecial buvs. .Int now wo offer n specinl buy in Shoos (not our regular lines, but new special lines!, the lio.-tt bargains evor shown. ' LADIES' SHOES. .t2..'0 nnd $3 Shoos $1.95 $3.flQ Men's Welts $2.35 :1.50 Leather Lined .,..$2.35 $.1.2.") Work Shoes $2.25 The Wardrobe Home ot Good Shoes wme, I i H l : , MMRmMjanBizfflM vaaaimmamMM