''vfw,T';srw FWR 'TFT" r'T'l 1 'k Uv VtAhAK-' .HK ". T&sstf veM . .r a ' -we " . ' ' $ r-;- $ hW HI .1 ' iH M .' ', -Zfjl 1 MEDflCftD MAIL TRIBUNE, H13DF0KD, OKBOON, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1010. Medford mail Tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED DAXX.Y EXCEPT 8ATUH- DAY BY THE MEDFORD ritlNTINQ GO. A conHolltlntlon of thu Muilford Mall, established 1889; the Southern OroKon Inn, cstnlillslicd 1902, tl)o Democratic TlmoH, CBtnbllnlipd 1872, tlio AKlilnml Tribune, cslabllHlioil 1890, and tho Med ford Tribune, oatabllBhed 100C. QKOROn PUTNAM, Keillor and MannRpr i ' 'DR. COOK'S CONFESSION. LTf It m l'ntered ns pecond-clnss matter No vcmber 1, 1909, at tlio posforrico ut Medford, OreRon, uhder tlio not of March 3, 1879. Offlclul Paper of tho City of Medford. 8UBBCIIXPTI0N KATES. Ono year, by mall..,. ......... .15.00 Ono month by mall ., .60 l'ur month, delivered by currer in , Modterd, Jacksonville arid Cen tral l'otnt -.6x1 Hunday only, by mall, per year.... 2.00 Weekly, ner year ..a..., 1.60 Tull Ziad WIro United Pre Dispatcher. The Mnll Tribune la on Hale, nt the Kerry News Htand, Sun Krnnclsco. Portland Hotel Nown Htand, Portland lluivmnn News Co., Portland, Or, W. O. "Whitney, Seattle, Wash. Hotol Bpokano Noxvu Stand, Hpokano. swoztn circulation. AvoraKe dally for January, 1910 2,122 March, 1910 2,203 April iuiu Z.3U1 May, 1910 i 2,450 Juno, 1910 2.G02 July, 1910 2.G24 August. 1910 2,fl27 Koptembcr, 1010 2,.P5I October, 1910 2,79b November Circulation. 10 3,07f, 17.... 3,0. (i 18 3,050 20 3,100 21 3,0.(l 22 3, ono 23 3,oro 25 .1,050 27 3,075 28 3,000 29 3, 000 CO,.., 2,975 .70,909 1 3,100 2 3,350 3...1 3,100 4 3,100 C... ,, 3,150 7 3,100 8 i 3,100 9 3,100 10 3,100 11 3,100 13 3,150 11... 3,100 15 3,100 Total Dally average, 3,080, STATH OK OREGON, County of Jacl;- "On"tlw first day of December, 1910, personally appeared beforo me, dcoi-Ki-Putnam, manager of tho Medford Mnll Tribune, who, upon dath, acknowledges that tho abovo figures aro tiuo inn cor rect. II. N. YOCKHY, (Heal) Notary Public for Oregon MEDFORD, OREGON. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and tho fastest growing city in Oregon. Population tJ. H census 1910; 8810, cHtlmntcd in November, 1010, 10,000. I'lvu hundred thousand dollar Oriivitv Water System complotoil, giving finest supply pure moiiri tain water uud six teen miles of Htreut being paved and contracted for at n cost exceeding II, 000,000, making a total of twenty nillus of pavement. Postofflcn receipts for year ending November 30, 1910, show a gain of 51 per cont. Dank deposits wore 2,370,532, a gain of 22 per cent. llannor 'fruit city in Oregon Hoguo lllver Spltzcnberg apples won sweep BtakcB prlzo and title of "Apple Xing' of tho World" at the Notional Apple Show, Hpoknne, 1009, and a cur of Nowtowns won rtrst Price In 1910 at Canadian International Applo Show, Vancouver, It. C. llocuo Hlver n prices In nil iiiiiiIuiIh of tho world dur- Hlver pears hrouaht iiighent lug tho pnsi six years. Wrlto Coinincrclul club. Inclosing G cents for postage for tho finest commit nltv pamphlot over' written HAMPTON'S Magazine for January contains the first installment of Dr. Cook's "confession." n it the Arctic explorer describes in detail his search for the polo, its supposed discovery and the conditions surrounding tho expedition. lie frankly takes tho public into his con fidence, admits that ho may have made a mistake in sup posing that he had reached ihe polo, but that he honestly thought ho had. JJe describes tho perils and hardships undergone, and the. physical sufferings endured, which he states, mentally unbalanced him. The article is graphically written in vigorous "English far more entertaining reading than Peary's dry descrip tions. It is written with the avowed intention of restoring the author to public esteem. Whether il accomplishes its purpose oi' not, it will secure a hearing for. tho discredited explorer to state his case to a public, which always loves lair play and which 13 prejudiced against Peary because he was unfajr. 73oople generally do not believe there is any more proof that Peary and his negro servant reached the pole than I hat Cook and his Eskimos did, and from tho nature of tlio moving hold of ice its location by either can never be verified. Nor did its alleged discovery and tho waste of human life and effort that has accompanied it, benefit the world. AValt Mason, the Kansas prose poet, aptly sums up the case in the follewing: "Doc Cook, who didn't find the Polo, has trouble in his soul. Throughout tho world he's viewed with scorn; and so ho says: ' I 'II toot my horn, and print a mile or two of rot, explaining that I really thought I'd found tho pole, until I wolce, and tound the whole llimir was a joke. can't endure," says Dr. Cook, 'the cold, disgusted, scorn- Mil Joolc ol those I moot, who whisper 'Shame!' and talk about a bunco game, and say I'd prove I had some worth by falling off the weary earth. But Avhen they read my sad appeal, and realize how tough J feel, and know how I regret my breaks, they may forgive my little fakes, and take me to their hearts once more, and salve me where my wounds aro sore!" If old Doc Oodk would stow his jaw, and get a sawbuck and a saw, or buy a plow and hit the soil, and get right down to honest toil, he'd have a better chance to earn the boon for which he seems to yearn. The woriti win paroon any ,jay who sneus 111s coat and works all day; but it grows weary of the skate who's talking ear ly, talking late, who tries to win the love of men with jaw bone and with fountain pen." governments of Uio xrorlil, distrust, dis believe ono nnothcr, 'And now wo have readied a plnce where tlio disbanding of tlio nrinlen of the world would be it dangerous nmtter. Another million of men thrown on the labor market, al ready glutted, would be dnngerous. And to leave our cities unprotected would Invito anarchy In every land. We nre not endeavoring to dlscpurage jieneo, e onferencen and federations. We a'e merely calling attention to facts Indisputable facts. ' The Scriptures graphically dcscrlbo our pitwnt condition. They give us a word-painting of what Is now going on, Haying, "Beat your plow-shares Into swords and your prunlng-hooks Into spears. Let the weak boast that they aro strong" and oudcavor to keep pace with tho strong.' "Come, get yo down to tho Valley of .TeltoMioph.it" the val ley of death tho place of tho great struggle with which tho reign of tho I'rJnce of Darkness shall terminate and which will preparo the way for Mes siah's Kingdom (.Tod hi. 0-13). Thank (.Tod for the assurances of his Word that the great "time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation," which Is nbotit to burst upon the world, whoso masses are better educated than over before and trained to the use of nil 'military equipments, will be but n short struggle! ..Tun inti mation ' of the Scriptures Is that If those days should not bo shortened, no ilcali would survive. But for tho elect's sake by virtue of the Kingdom of God's elect being established those days shall be shortened. Then will come tho reign of the Prlnco of I'eaco OREGON ROBBED OF HER SHARE. Fifty Years Arjo Today,, Dec. 28. J. II. l'loytl of Virginia, secre tary of war, resigned his portfolio. Twenty-five Years Ago Today. August Spies, ono of tho lead ers In tho riaymnrket riot In J8S0, talked nnnrohy before an nsscmbly of Chicago ministers. If tho Whitman road from Omaha to Walla Walla is over completed, and turns nut to ho Htich an attrac tlvo thorouKhfaro as described In uil- vanco, thoro can bo no question thatj It will catch thousands of automobile (ixptii-HlniilBtH ovory Hunson, coining and going, OUT OF $'15,000,000 allotted by President Taft for car rying on government irrigation work during the next five years, Oregon received only $925,000, which was about 2 per cent of the total. Six hundred thousand dol lars of this goes to complete approved and accepted por tions 01 me iiniuaiii project, and sju.uuu to complete a fourfh small unit of the present Umatilla project, being lands lying between those now under irrigation and the Columbia river. Oregon is the heaviest contributor to the reclamation fund and its share souhhhave been $(5,000,000. The rapid settlement of the state, the taking up of government land, should increase Oregon's share in the next few years to as many more millions yet we see the money being spent in slates that have not contributed a dollar to the fund. . Whether the army board is to blame or the president Himself, makes little difference in the result. A gross in justice has been worked to tho state and its people. , as urogon senators rank with the insurgents, thev Have little inlluence with Mr. Taft. lions out heir reconimonda- is for offices are openly disregarded and stand-patters, of sympathy with the majority of their nartv. aimoinN (id over their protest. It is possible that his st'andpat in fluence, seeking (o discredit Oregon senators, is'i-esponsi-l)le for this discrimination against tho state. It Is quite truo that tho debt of 1T8 (jltlw lit tho United States Is ? 1,21:1.000,000, but thoro Js some consolation In tho fact that back of tho Iiidobtudjieiw Is property ownod by those cities amounting to ?2,7SS,-l'JD.000. Andrew Cnrnoglo Is roportod ur planning n groat unlvorslty ut Tho Hague; Nothing would toud to bring about universal (llgnrinninent miiuh sooner than oduontlug tho na tions In tho doctrine of ronl fid low whip. 8000 TIDINGS OF JOY WHICH SHALL BE TO ALL When Will Corns the Long-Promised Peace? Govoruor-oloet Ulx Iuih also entered upon tho tatk. by no menus ulwn.vs pleasant or til way easy, of dlwtii IjolutliiB his foos, ovou at tho cost o( tfltiapiiolutlug homo of tit out) who pro files to bo him frloudi. If President Tnft is looking for an other tonn, the public gnu afford to stand back ain lot him noloet in nil- vnnco tho abloHt mon lo autlst him in (tarrying forward . irojfrtMuIvM.conJ Borvntlvo' pollclas. Omaha proopnoa that all glrla graduating from high schools kIikII make tliolr own graduation bouh. Omaha Booms not to understand And When tha Good Will to Man 7 Na tions Still Making Unpreccilintod Preparation Por War. CUATTA.N'OO (! . 'JVnn.. ! -th I'asttir Itua 'll of l'.rxHiM.Mi I'ul'i ruin h- pmirh i I line ii.iln, lit ill'1 iifiei uimii mi I lie (ite.it Here iiiiii' nod In the tiMi'iinnii frmti tin tet li(iu ii:oil On IhiMi i"'i unltM? Ill UtUlll'll 'l-s h)tt stii'llbiiiiud for a iiiii li liitiuii' i line limn (lie mnlni'lt, hai In i ii tu ttie habit or llley' (u a dbtiHiiM. liocp eairernexM whm uIm iuhiiIIVniiiI to itvt'he fioui iiu ii'dier at lu i luxo free euple of I'tnlor Uw sell' liixiklet u "Wlmt Sny the S.Tlp UiriwMuMit iiill" Tlw speaker mild. Kl&htwii ctiiiuriiw HUd mure Iihvo )MHd kIui Israel' uroufiM 1'iopliol, .Iimum. wilt forth liltt mvMujfo of rivtui WM If Iiik nrmy. On every sen are srwit Itiillletililps reiiulilujt; thotmauds of men and millions of dollars for their up-Keep. not to fuentlon the millions of dollars which they originally eost. And still more war vowels aro plan ned with mentor nuns, somo of which expend thousands of dollars for pow der and shells for oven one day's tar ret practice. It Is safe to say. too that tho ehlof Interest In and chief bucking of recent OKporlments In aerial imvlgiitlon eomo from tho War lJopnrtiuoutH of CUirialendom, which we In such devices a new method of warfare. And tho Intent lnformatli'ii is that a new toriHHio haw recently Imjoii InventiHl inoro powerful, more dcMlrtirtlvo. moro terrible, than nnv (noxious device. What means. this sreat liatilo array this (Uiiparatlon for a ureat strugale betxveen the nations? Wlij do not the nations dUbaud I heir artule and dis mantle their mix le ami (urn these WMHi (Hi euei'Klen to human proiit. to innklnn tho on till to liloMMom as the rnm? The aiiiwar Is-SIn sin niarred th orltt and, ns tho prophets declare, ho nhall bo like unto Solomon xvho had no xvars, but to xvhoni every Unee Imwed and every tongue confeed. Ills King dom of ilRhteousness will be a King dom of peace, notxvlthstandhtg thu fact that It will bo ushered in by such a time of trouble. "I Camo Not to Gend Peace." Hut do tho Scriptures contradict themselves? What did the Great Teacher menu when ho declared, "1 camo not to send peace on the earth, but a sxvord?" (Matthew x. 31.) Ah! he referred prophetically to tho ef fect which his gracious message of love and favor xx'ould produce In the world during the reign of sin. lie well knew that tho I'rlnce of Darkness xvotild oppose all of his folloxvers, as xvell as himself. lie foretold that xvho snover would Ilvo godly xvonld suffer persecution unri so it ms been. Klght ecu centuries have proven It! Ho sent forth his foljowfrgjl like himself, un armed, to bo jjbiicomnkors. to bo help en, to "folloxv peace xxlth all mentnd holiness, without xvhlch no man shall hco the Lord." 1T( 'counselled his fid lowers, "lie that "laketh the axviird shall perish by the sword." Hut their message of peace and love and the coming Kingdom xvhli h shall bless the xx nolo xvotid and fulfill the angelic p-ophoey of our text- these things seem to anger the1 xx-orlrt-not' merely tho vicious, the ungodly, btt't thexvorld ly i)rofesjois of godliness who have schemes, and plans and theories of their own to work out which ,aro con trary to the Gospel Message. The darkness, moro or less mixed xvlth selfishness, hnteth tho light, the Truth, the lovo of God, neither cometh to the light, lest Its deedsof darkness selfish ness, selllsh ambition and hypocrisy should be made manifest. Tho Master knexv xylut the effects of Ids Gospel Messago would bo In tho xvorld and that only those xvho xvonld compromise his Message could possibly Ilvo at peace that all xvho xvonld be loyal and faithful to him xvonld bo tin il'ieod, slandered, persecuted "behead ed." either literally or llguratlvely. His xxords, therefore, xvero a prophecy re specting tho tribulations xvhlch all his footstep folloxvers xvonld surely haxe. Hut more than this, his words xvero a prophecy respecting the nations. AVhat Is It that has brought us to our present degree of elvlllKod snx-agory? N hnt Is It that makes of every bust niws corporation a buccaneer seeking the destruction of every competing lluanchil craft? What Is It that has thus sharpened tho xvlts of humanity to such an extent that tho majority Hud It dlllleult to bo honest, beeauso I hey see so many opportunities for dis honesty, xvhlle It U Impossible for laxv- makers to make nexv laxvs xvlth suill- clent rapidity to Keep pace xvlth tho In telligent methods of circumvention. Tito laxvs, doct ilnos, of Christ are. In a certain uease. lesponslblo for all this. Tlio liberty whoroxvlth Christ makes free his followers nud the light xvhlch 1 1 and they let chine upon a datkened world, received In (tart into unsanctl lied hwirts and minds, have glxen wis dom that, misapplied, xvo call cunning and craft. The proof of xxhat we say In fouud In the fact that other nations than lhoe which have received this re Heeled light of Christianity are still tjulto In the liaek-xrnuiul. Only nox u Ohrlatlan clxiliBiitioii In a perverted form Is rem him; tho.se peoples are they will surery do minajcr, and bo fulfilled, too, by and through the One whom tho nugels announced and xvhosc birth Is very gencnrily celebrated today. Tho Great Teacher, questioned by PHnte.an swored that ho xvas born to bo n King the King of the Jexx-s; but he also add ed, "My Kingdom Is not of tlds Age." IIoxv truo! Many of us have gotten (ho xvrong Impression that our Kcdectncr has been xvnglng. as tho Great King of Glory, an unsuccessful xvnrfaro for eighteen centuries against Satan, sin and denth. Hut here xvo learn from tho Great Teacher's oxvn lips that his Kingdom is not of tills Age. It belongs fo tho "xx-orld to como" tho Ace to come. Do xvo Inquire, then, who hns been tho ruler of this xvorld, this Age? Tho ansxx-or of the Master Is that Satan Is tho Ii Ince of this xvorld. He Is a usurp er. Ihe dominion of earth xvas given to man. Hut Satan, deceiving our race, putting darkness for light, has become thereby the real ruler, using humanity merely as his tools. He Is styled "the god of this xvorld," and tho "Prince of this xx-orld," or age. And xvo are told again that "lie noxv workoth in tho hearts of the children of disobedience." When xvo reflect hoxv many of human ity aro disobedient, wo see tho xnst ness of the empire controlled by the Prince of Darkness. And when xvo sea the fexv, comparatively, xvho are sol diers of tho cross and folloxx'ers of tho Lamb we percelvo that, ns tho Master Tray nnd l'nekugc I)'dluvety a Spccinlly. Guaranteed Jloneot and tinlintiln Messcntiers. Medford Messenger Service Under New MKi"W","tAI.r,win, PR0MPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. All small parcels or messages dehxered five blocks or under.. 10 Oxer fixe blocks and under ten , . . 1 1 fifl mm WO Over ten DIocks ami miuu x.v.-.. Over fifteen blocks FKHD IIANSPAM. Prop. Telephone M"" Iji!: ots 337 South Central Ave., Jfedfoid. Oregon. iiial (il-IIKenohs of loxo In the hiimnu mxvnkoulng and Iwcouiliig competitor 'an ami, iiisioati, impiautiM t no op with so called ChiUtendom. pwlto ilU(OHltloii of tto)flhneH. H (U our udvanced coneeitlons of heredity hln and hOltUhuuas Imve (Mr- i Oiuinco. xvarf.in-. etc., a pettluent ques intMited our race. As wi reud. "He- (km xvorthy of dcop thought. Is. Will Inld. 1 xvas shapim la lutqulty; In sin I It bo iKis-dhlo to live In tho xvorld at all did my mother conceive me" (lNuliu , Hfter the givntest tlnauehtl minds shall II. ft). This Is true of tho eutlre Iiuiuhu , hHvoutnnt-liled all of tho world's hubl ftttnlly. Wo ghwti the Hirfaeo. v mw, ami after tho Ihbor orgnnliatlons uiHKe a filiow or giving little money Ulwll have had their sav s to xvho 4 fur the education of tlje heathen. We shall ami xvho shall not earn a living, umko h little khuw of relllinu nctlv- uud after the tis'iulng millions of China Ity In (mri&teudoiu, but the griytt ur- iaud .laiwu slmll lino beconie thorough Plus of wealth Is mihmiI In lf-iirutlliiH. Iv civlliied mul ( 'livUtlnnliuil nfim thu cllintlun to G1. At the lliuu of hl I thin-Hlroholic beveiiiges alone fouuui uoiulnal sort? Would not thu hordes Win MMKi'l vMturM. uiiuoiiuctiig him log umnyfold tho itimmut doled out to of the Kar Khm ovorxvliotm thu innn- decluml Unit bin birth Mgnlfled "gomt girl gradiiato. what n Bi-aduajlou gown inwuu to a' t'lng of great Joy uhhli nuull I in .... I Mil lUilVl.l.l" M...I lit... .1.1 ....... I. t .. . .. i-i-iv aim mill nun nuillll hhmh "pcNt-vouourth mul good will umougst meu" it.iiku 11 in in x'ni uti,- JtiiMla apianrs to ha uncovering' Hgliintu ceaturlea Uim (nihMmrt grudunlly that o.oIiiIvjhib is not "tin uufuifllleil. Wo find tha world In synonynioiiB xvltli booluslon, '" "lo xvarllke londltloti nt prtMnit thau 'X" li'foi. ImroiH Una n aimwllttg . .... "' ovir n million ut tlm nli-Vu I . A man xyho ohoorfully glvwi flu.., .,, (r . K(Mtl.ll ,,. Vn, ,.., uuu.uuu iur j ii co is i'criHiiii.x ii isti , ,. titled to It, hciuuvolout euterirlm of nil kinds. , pamilvoly little handful of Kuropo nud !,.... d-, . i ... M n America? What is tho prosoot of tha Peac8. Peace, but No Pea.o. ndHllment of tho prophecy f our IcxU- iror conturles the xvwUl hus Unju cry. "Peuco on e.i.ih muni will toxvnnl 'log out. "Peace. Peace; jl thert- U o j mwiy- yuw u m nrosnect from (h P"ace." nut Mill arrwiter tMwpmiitlon for amthly soutt-iHi toxvard which xvo lmvo w it- Why? ItocuiiM. di!.ite im .!.. , n looklug If that iirqnheey Ls over t U fultlllisl it must bo by soma Dixltie interxentlon in human affairs. Tho Desire of Alt Nation Coming, Notwithstanding tho eighteen centu rliM of ilelax our tet a a (ro;hwi t ixilK'ltlon, tlie Wolld well I.U. 'UN H own sfiiKimess lis own r. tl. its mi lliir( ..r powei- and It Xi-. Iv r. MMnis tliMt lii otliern MtUhuos ii ul .i' il iiitll.nl line 1 leu. e Willi .i.l I .. i l' nt it I iii ns f fi I ) 1. 1 -lil.' ill I' i said, his folloxvlng during this age Is to be a "little dock." Perplexed and confused many may ask. What, then, Is the hope of the ful fillment of our text. "Peace on earth, good xvlll toxvard men?" W'c answer that our Master, who declared that he xvas not the Prlnco of this age. de clared also that his Kingdom of the, next age xvill be Introduced xvlth pox' er and great glory and that, although its Initial manifestation xvlll be xvlth clouds nnd darkness and n time of troihlc such ns never before hns been, nevertheless his reign xvlll be glorious, triumphant and eternal. "He shall take unto himself his grent poxver and reign" until "he shall have put all enemies under his feet;" "the last enemy that snail be destroyed Is death." "Unto him every knee shall hoxv and every tongue confess." The victory of Emanuel means the overthrow of sin the crushing of the serpent's head. At tho very beginning of his glorious reign Satali shall be bound and folloxvlng Its close he shnll be destroyed in tho Second Death, to gether xvltli all those xvho lovo un righteousness, after they shall have jiad full knoxvlcdge nnd full opportu nity for recovery from the snares of sin and death. Then, Indeed, the xvhole. xvorld xvlll proclaim the glory hf God. There xvlll no longer be dis cordant sounds. As the Scriptures de clare. There shall bo no moro crying, no more sighing, no more dying all (ho former things of sin nnd death shall have passed axx'ay (Hex-, xxl, 4). The Great Restorer of All. Tho great King xvho. eighteen cen turies ago, died, the Just for the un just. hnt he might. Judicially, bring mankind back Into harmony xvlth God. Is to bo the Great King of earth, the great Kostoior of all that xx'as lost lu Adam, ami ho xvlll make all things nexv" (Itevclntlon xxl, fi). v Everything nppertalnlng to this great Plan of Salx'tition outlined In the Word of God Is reasonable. Tho cru cial testing of the elect Church Is nee essnry In order that, as faithful nnd merciful priests of God and of Christ, associated xvlth him in Ids kingly glory, they may bo God's Instrumen tality hi succoring mnnklnd from the fallen conditions xvhlch have resulted from six thousand years of sin, and from the malignant lutlueure of the Prince of darkness, during, the thou sand years xvhlch the Bible stipulates as the period of Messiah's reign (Hex elation .x. (! a period neither too long nor too short In xvhlch to nccoinplNh tho great xrork of tho world's salvation. True, some ono might say. If It has required eighteen centuries for the development of the Church, how much more time xvlll be necessary for the uplifting of the xvorld? But xvo an sxver that'll Is not tho Divine Purpose to uplift tho world to the station of spirit nature and glory, but rather to restitution blessings and conditions It Is beenuso of tho high exaltation offered to the Church that such crucial testings of sacrlllelal obedience ex en unto death Is required. With the Pineo of darkness bound nnd the Sun of Righteousness arising xvlth healing lu Its beams the darkness of sin and crime nud sorroxv xvlll soon tlee axva.x Ono contury of such blessed Influence upon the xvorld xvlll Mirely xvork won dors, bringing lu nlso Inventions nnd comforts and blessings, as jet uu dreamed of. Next xvlll come the grad ual axvakenlng of all who have fallen asleep In death. They xvlll como forth from the prison-house of death, as ih-S-Vrlptures declaro; xvlll come foith that they may bo made acquainted xvlth tho true God and xvlth his glo l-ious Son. ihe Itodoomer, and with the principles of righteousness in con trast xvlth the principles of uln. We cannot supisiso that It xvlll re quire the majority of man. under those conditions, to sit long couutlng the x-ulue of Ihe blessings of eternal life and restitution protTeml them. The upward moxe. roMjrroctton, uplift lug. regurtlou. xvlll go rapidly on. xvhlle uienuUiHc. generation uftor gon emtlou shall coiue forth from the tomb nud enjoy similar experiences. Plu.illv nil wuttll have eonie forth, lw ctiue the love of God made this pro. vision through the dentil of our It, deemer. who delighted to do the K. iliw will uud xvho ha nlrwuly been rewarded gtnrluly with high exalts Hull to Hie dlx Ine plana of glory, h mnr ami ImiiKv.-tnllty, rori B. 0. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. tr X X Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PH0NE323I. 320 GAFIiMETT-COREY BLDG. ffffifi Che finest Sample "Rooms in the eifv. Single rooms or en suite also rooms witli hath Telephone in Every Kooni RAU-MOHR COMPANY Proprietors. EUROPEAN PLAN TIMBER LANDS WANTED List with us what you "have for sale. Timber cruising and estimates f urnitshed. HARRIS TIMBER LAND COMP'Y 320 GARNETT-COREY BLDG. MEDFORD, OREGON. I He famous 1&$ rO Does Not Strain the Eyes Don't use a small, concentrated li&ht over one shoulder. It puts an unequal strain on your eyes. Use a diffused, soft, mellow light hat cannot flicker, that equal izes the work of the eyes, such as the Rayo Lamp gives, and avoid eye strain. The Rayo is designed to give the best light, and it does. It has a strong, durable shade-holder mat is neiu nrm anti true. A new burner gives added strength. Made of solid brass and finished in nickel. Easy to keep polished. The Rayo is low priced, but no other lamp gives a better light at any price. Once a Rayo User, Always One. PtattrsCltnuhtrt 1roluly .rs, ur ,fv . Wft.vr anulart'Jiketi.arislaetncti.fiht ViL'," oi i -, . i. ' ? standard uil Company wucurporaieaj m VWWjWIW ikmMmmm-fmmm',fns , s ' J ' s x The QUAKER NURSERYMAN With xlore a4vertiinK so offoetixi !int Pery eoiy of tUfc Mpaper uemttie--, a leman fur you. you II tind lluij bnsiiiPH-. ennfTmies to hu proxo la the xertro of your eap.-nitx li Ii. unllv it HAS EVERYTHING IN THE NURSERY LINE PEARS, APPLES, CHERRIES, PEACHES, AP RICOTS. PRUNES; ALL KINDS OF NUT TREES ANO A FULL LINE OF FLOWERING SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC. A FINE LINE. OF SHADE TREES. COME IN AND GET PRICES. Office 116 Main Street Office Phone 2381 Res. Phone 2493 X I S S'v , - 'Wr""! r- - m