WW'ATY i:r '"WVH'W'f) ! . ..;l.;citx .NOTICES. OHDINANCK XO. 120. An ordinance nisctfeini: the prop-fi-lv luliat'out to niul benetitod bv the nix mill ciuhl-mcli lutcrul sower eoiidntded ulonir West Ninth street from Oniimu drcel to Hamilton .street, lor His co:f of eoiiblnii'iiy the hiiiiic and providing the manner ol" eurrvinir said uasofesiuonts into in)! effect. Tho eitv of Medford dotli ordain as follews: ycetion 1. Whereas, the eoniieil did heretofore- pi-ovido bv ordinuno-) lor; 'tlli' scrvintr-ut-tlie1 '6wnot-k if biioiild not bo nses!-od for the con struction of Knid sewer, and did fix a tipio tor henrinsr nnv such protonls, jvhicli. notice wan given in accord ance with said. 'ordinance more than on davs before tliu begriming of tho const rudinn of said sewer, but not protests ugninst said construction of assessment of the cost thereof was made nv nnv -One. and snid bower yns. bv said council, ordered con structed. And. whereat, tliu cost of the con st ruction of said sewer has been and bcrebv is determined to be the sum of Ki.-:i. Now therefore, said citv doth or dain and declare that cut, wired oi nroiiertv described below is ndiuceii! to and benefited bv that certain lat eral sewer six and diglit inches in sue. constructed on West Ninth street irom O run ye slrceL to Unni iltou street, and that the pronortioii of the cost ol said sewer. which each of said parcels ol land should bear, based .011 the benefits derived respectively, bv said several tract -ol land, is the amount set opposite the description of each parcel below that each of said parcels is actmilli benefited in the amount set opposite ted 111 pscrip its de.tcrinlioii below bv the oon- stnietion of mi id sewer, and that said several amounts represent the pro portional benefits of said several parcels from said sewer. And each of said parcels is hereby asses.sei tlie amount set opposite its descrip tion below for tliu construction ol said sewer. AHSKSSMKNT FOK A PATERA I SKWKK ON WKST NINTH STRUCT FICOM OHANG1- STHEKT TO HAMILTON. Assessment No. 1 1 W. Hutch ison. A parcel of land ' l.0.10( feet on (he northwest intersection 01 West Ninth street nnil South Orange streetVlrontnire. L"() feet yn tin north side of West Ninth street, ant described in Vol. . page . count recorder's records of Jackson conn tv. Oregon. loO feet: rate per foot 87 cents: amount. .$l.l(l"H). Assessment No. 2 0. if. VJelsbv Lot 1. block 1. Koss addition .to u citv of .Med forth Oregen: frdntuce .r)() feet 011 the north side of We- Ninth street, and described in Vol 7."). page 147. countv recorder's rec ords of Jackson countv. Oregen: .'l ieet : rate per foot $-i:i.ro. 87 cents: nnioun Assessment No. I! 0. M. Selsbv Lot 2. block 1, Woss addition to th citv of Medford. Oregen: frontage .")() feet on the north side of Wj-'s: Ninth street, and described in Vol 7". patre 147. countv recorder's rec ords of Jackson countv. Oregon frontaue. .r0 feet on the north sidu 01 West Ninth street, and dosciibed i. 'ol. 7Jt. niitro 147. countv recorder' recoills of Jackson countv. Oregon .")( feel: rato per foot. 87 cents Amount. $-l.).f0. Assessment No, 4 hot .'I. block 1 Rons ndditiou to the citv 0 Mod lord. Oregen: Iron time, ."it) feel 01 the north- side of West Ninth street and described in. Vol. . pace . countv recorder's records of Jack son countv. Oregen: "0 leet : rate pel loot. 87 cents, amount. $4.'l.i50. Assessment No. fi Frank Law rence. Ltd 4. block I. IIo-js nddilion to the citv of Medford. Oregen: frontage. "i0 feet on the north side of West Ninth street, and describe.' in Vol. 82. paac 2(17, countv record er's records of Jackson countv. Ore Ore eon: 31) feet: rale per foot. 87 ciiuls; amount. $-1:1.30. Assessment No. fl William Hail Lot 3. block 1. Koss addition to the citv of Mcdford. Oregen: frontage. 30 feet 011 the north t-itlo of Wet, Ninth street, and described in Vol 78. page Hit), countv recorder's rec ords of Jackson countv. Oregon; 30 feet: rate per foot. 87 ceiil: IMIIollllt. $4:i.3(). ' Assessment No. 7 Alex Pnlf Lot (i. block I. Koss addition to th.' citv of .Mudford. Oregen: frontage 30 feet 011 the north side of West Ninth si reel, and described in Vol. 03. pug 227. countv recorder's records of Jackson coujitv. Oregen: 30 feet; rate nor foot. 87 cents: amount. $4:1.30. .,;. Assessment No. 8 L. I). Craw ford. Lot i. block 2. Hm addition to the eitv of .Mcdford. Oregen: frontage 30 feet on the uorth hide of Wojit Ninth street, and described in Vol. 51. pngo 00. countv recorder'. records of Jackson coimtv. Oregen: 30 feet: rnte por foot. 87 oenU: amount. .f4:t.50, Asuc-is-mont No. 0 L. I). -m-ford. It 2. block 2. Ross addition to lli citv of Medford. Oregen: frontage 30 feet on the uorth hide of West Ninth street, and deoribed a Vol. 31. page (10. countv recorder', record of JaoUon count w Orouen: 50 feet: rate per foot. 87 cents: amount. $43.30. A,sMment No. 10 Alex Duff. J.01 It. block 2. Hos addition to the citv of Medford. Oregon; frontage. 50 feet on the north tddo of Wet NuiJIi street, and described in Vol. (i5.!poee 5(10. countv rceonler's rec iirdo of .fl.oji iomI. Oinmin; 50 proDcriy. mniteeiit, to npd benefited bv 'the t'onJtvuetion f.jf tint lateral hewer t hereinafter' dt4eribed to ap pear before . nitl vo'uneil and show cause, if- ahv. whv saiil Droimnv .. CITY. NOTICES. feet: , -ale per foot. 87 cents: amount T'JJ.oO. Assesvmeut No. llAcx. Uuff. Lot 4. block 2. Ifo.s.s rCtlittun to the wtv of Medfotd; Oregen: Irontage. oO feet on the north side of West Ninth Htreet. and described in Vol. (jo, page 501). countv recorder's roc oi'ds of Jackson countv. Ouven: 50 feet: rate ,er ol. 87 cents; amount' $4:1.50. Assessment No. 12 Frederick W Liorn. Lot o. block 2, ltoss addition to the eitv of " Medford. Oregon 'frontage. 50 feet on' the north side ol Aest Ninth street, and desgribud niyol. 09. pr.gc.24S. fount v record er's record- of Jackson countv. Oiv- gen: )0 led ; mto Per toot, 87 cents: amount. Ji-Jf'.oU. Asse.sbiuent No. Ill Frederick W. Horn. Lot (I. block 2. Ilos addition to the citv of Mudford. Oregen: frontage. 50 feet 011 the north side of West Ninth MrcoLnnd described in t Vol. (it), page 248. countv record er's records of Jackson countv, Or Or eeon: 50 feet: rate per foot. 8T cents: amount. $4:1.50. Assessment No. 14 John 1'.- Han ct ux. Lot 7. block 2. Koss addition to tho citv of Mcdford. Oregon; frontage. 50 ieet on the north side of West Ninth street, and described n- f.l l!l IT- ... .l ... 1 111. no. nna -ill, gouuiv iccoKior records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feet: rate Per foot. 87 cent; amount. $4:1.50. Assessment No. 15 John 11. linn et ux. Lot 8. block 2. Koss addition to the citv of Mcdford. Orogouj frontage. 50 feel on the north sub' of West Ninth street, and described in ol. (i(i. pngo 477. countv record er's records of Jackson countv. Oi-og-on: 50 feel: rale per fool. 87 cents: numm,!., $4.1.50. Assc siiiou l No. l(i Jackson (.'o Muildiug & Loan association. Lot !) block 2. Koj.s addition lo tliu citv of Mcdford. Oregen: frontage 50 feel on the north side of West Ninth street, and described in Vol. 84. pugo 18. countv recorder's records o? Jackson countv. Oregon-.. 50 'feel; rate per loot, at cents; amount 13.50. Assessment No. 17 R. 11. Flinn Lot 10. block 2. Koss addition to the ?itv of Medford. Oregon; frontagt "50 feet 011 the north side of Wot Ninth street, and described in Vol. 35. page 2. countv recorder's reconj of Jncksuii countv. Oregen: 50 feet: rato per foot. 87 cents; amount. m.50. Assessment No. 18 W. M. Hail Lot 1. block 0. L'oss addition to flu citv of .Mcdford. Oregon : frontno 50 feel 011 the south side of West Ninth street, and de.-icribed in Vol. 78. rmge :140. countv recorder's records ofl Jackson countv. Oregen: 50 feet rate per foot. 87 cents: amount. Ui:i.50. Assessment No. 1! Charles L'olbv. Lot 2. block (i. Hohk atlditioi to Iho .c.it.v of Mcdfoid. Oregen: frontage. 50 feel on the south sid f West Ninth street, mid describee 111 Vol. 73. ag 5:11. countv record er's records of Jackson countv. Ois jgen: 50 feet; rate per loot. 87 I'eiits: amount. $411.50. ' Assessment No. 20 W. H. Kver- hard. Lot :i. block 0. 'Koss atlditioi, lo the citv of Mcdford. Oregen: fionlage. 50 i'eut 011 (he south side if Wes?t Niutl) street, and described in Vol. 81. page :J12. countv iccord ls records of Jackson countv. Ore Ore eon: 50 feet: rale per foot. 87 cents imouut. $U V). Assessment No. 21 W. II. Rve. 'iiirtl. Lot I. block (. ltoss additio.' to the citv of Mcdfoid. Oregon, i'rontage 50 -leet on the soulli side ol West Ninth street, and described it Vol. 81. page :12. countv recorder's it-cords of Jackson countv. Oregon 30 feet: rate per foot. 87 cents; iniount. $4:5. Assessment No. 22 C. A. Hniulin Lot 5, block (i. Koss addition to the it v of Medford. Oregen: frontage 50 feet on the south sido of Wed Ninth street, and described in Vol. 82. page 104. countv --conlor't? rcc jids of Jackson coimtv. Oiegon; 51) feet: rate per loot, 87 cents; amount $43.50, AsesHinont No. 2Ii C. F. Garri son el ux. Lot 0. block (i. Koss nd dilion to the eitv of .Medford. Ore Ore eon: frojitni'o. 50 feet on tho south side of West Ninth street, and de boiibcd in Vol. 74. page 208, uonitfv recorder's records of Jackson coun tv. Oregnir. 50 feet: rate per foot. 87 cents: amount. $4U.5(). Assessment No. 24 J. T. Davis. Lot 7. block 0. Koss addition to tho citv of Mudford. Oregen: fionlage. regno : trouiage. th sido of Wot 50 feet on the soul Ninth stri'ot. aiid described in Vol. 82. pr- 38 1. countv recorder' rec. ords of Jackson coimtv. Oregen: 50 feet; rule per foot. 87 cent-.; amount 4:i.5(). AMi.ssineiil No. 23 H. R. Mursh. Lot 8. block 0. Koms addition to th" cilv of Mudford. Oragon; frontiigi 30 feet on the south side of Wct Ninth si reel, and described in Vol, S2. page :i75, eountv recorder's rec ords of -Jackson countv. Oregen: 50 fool- ruto pur foot. 87, ojmts; amount B 1:1.50. Aniwiueut No. 20 K- L. Miller Lot 0. Llock fl. Ross uddition to tht citv ot iledford. Oregen: frontiie. 30 futt on the south aide of West Ninth street, and duuriled in Vol. 74. pho Ul. countv recorder's rec. ords of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feet: rate uor foot. S7 ceut.; amount 5-43.50. Assessment No. 27 J. G. Shivoi,-. Lot 1. block 3, Iip uddition to the eitv or .Metltoni. ureeon; iroiugc, 50 foot on U10 south nd nr e;N,nlh B,rt,eti 81,a described i Vol Nuth trot. and denonbod m ol. '.'"" t.i , rinr,tar-u rao, 72. iao 12fl. countv recorder', toy-'or,, of Jacka'on county, Oronon; 50 mdi of Juckhou oouutv. Oreiren: 50,fet; rto per foot 76c; amount U7.50. ted: rtttt par foot. b7 owits; auiotp.it $13.50. Aieinilt No nSanih Wool- , ,'iiiiM. 1.01 y. ijiih . !" jiiuiio'ii .j. ii 1 I . Mi.. MEDITORD MAIL TRIBUNE, CITY NOTICES. to the citv of .Medford. Oregon -,' Ninth Blrcot. and described In Vol. frontage. 50 feet 011 tliu, south h1i1li"S. lmKo 147, county recorder's rec of West Ninth street, and described I m' of Jackson X-ounty, Oregon; 50 in Vol. (17. unco 4V1, countv record-! fpoiv0rato "cr foot ,Gc; tt,nol,nt. er's- recorls of Jackson coimtv. Oie-I A-;Be88inctlt Xo. 4.l.ot a, block t, cen: o0 U'eUrnte per toot, 8 cents; Uotl9 n,Wmnn to tho City of Medford, tynuunt. l.(..0. Orogon. Kroiitngo SO feet on the Assessment No. .Hi Ninth ooI- north side of We'Jt Ninth street, and vorton. Lot 10. block 5. Koss atldi- described In Vel: , pngo , county tiim to (he citv of .Mcdford. Oregon; recorder's records of Jnckson county, frontage. 50 feet oil the south bide oll0"01- r, tvci rato ,or 1(ol 7r,ci West Ninth, street, mid described in I amount $37.50 V.il H7 ,in.,. in ..,.....(.. v,.....i.. .,i Assessment No. o. Frank Law i. .,.1 r 7 . . W?;,n,WB Wico. -Lot 4, block 1, ltoss addition J.ocoids of Jackson county. Oregen: t(, tho City Qf aiedfqnl, Oregon. oO feet: rate per toot.- bt eonls; KnSjnso 50 foot on the north side amount. $i:i.o0 . r wst Ninth street, and described Section U. And it is- liorcbv or - doi-ed and ordaiiiud that euld several iiMsussmeuts and tliu liens thci-oot 1 cntored in the lieu docket of snid citv. and that (hereupon notice lie given to tho owners, or reputed oyn- ers. til' said proporlv. and that the sanio. bo enforced and colluded in tliu manner provided bv the charter of said citv for thu collodion of a- sjismnonls lor i.e imuiovemunts of streets therein. .... . . M'cuon o. it is limner ordered that the notice above itl-.nhlsd for be published three times in the Dadv Mail Trihnr'nj. a newspaper i)iiblish ed and of general circulation in suit, city, in the manner provided bv or dinance No, 250 cr said cilv. The foregoing ordinance was passed bv Iho citv council of tho cit of Jledford. Orceon, on (ho lltb dnv of December. 1010. bv (ho, following vele: Kmeriuk live. Welch uve. Riferl live. Merrick uve. Dennner ave. Worlnmn ave. Approved December 15. 11110. W. II. CANON. .Muvor. Allcsl: KOHT. W. TRLFRK. Citv Korordor. NOTICE. To Ihc owner, or reputed. owner, ol each parcel ol property described ii the foregoing ordinance, as unmet' (herein, and in the lien, declared b. said ordinance, as recorded in tin docket of citv liens': You are bercbv notilied (lint th; assessment declared bv tho foregoing ordinance has been made and tin lieu therefor entered in citv liei docket, and that thu same is due ane von are horebv rcoiiired to pav tin saiue to (he cilv recorder within lei days from the service of IIi'k notice which service is made bv'publicatioi of (ho foregoiuir iiivtuaiip--aiid this notice throe times in the Mcdfoid Mai Tribune, pursuant t- tin ordci of the citv council of said cilv. KODT. TF.LFL'K. Citv Kecorder. onoiXAXti-: no.. 11;-. AN OUDINANCK dcclarliu; tho as sessment on tho property benefited for tin cost of layliiK a 4 -Inch water main on Wort Ninth street from Or ange to Hamilton streets and direct lip; the recorder to eutor a statement thorcof In the writer inula Hon docket. The City of Medrord doth ordain as follews: Section 1. Wlioroas, tho city coun cil did heretofore, by resolution do elaro Us Intontlon to lay a 4-Inch water ninlii on West Ninth street from Orange to Hamilton street and to as sess tho cost thereof on tho property fronting; on said portion of said street in proportion to tho frontage of said pronortj, nnil fix a tlpio and placo for hearing protests against the jaylng of said water main on said part of said strcot ami tho assess ment of tho cost thereof as aforesaid. And, whereas, said resolution wuh duly published and postod as re quired by section 1 1G of the churtor of said city: And. wherous, a meetliiB of tho council was held at tho timo nntl place fixedln suld resolution, for the purpose of conalderlngny such pro tests, but no portcsts voro nt said time, or at ahy other time mudo to or received by tho council to tho said laying, of nald water main or tho as- B0sinont of tho tost ns aforesaid, and said roiiucil bavins ctnuddorod tho matter, and duemlni; thai said water nii'ln was and Is of pintcrlal hfiidfjt to snid tlty, and that all prop erty to be assessed therefor .would bo benefited thereby to tho nxttmt of the probable amount of said roepocttvo tissossmunts to be levied against said proporty did order snid main laid. And, wheroas, tho cost of said main has boon and hereby Is deter mined to be Iho sum of ? 1425.00. Now thorofore. It hi hereby fur ther dotormlnod that tho proportion ate shaio of the cost of laying said water main ,f each parcol of erty front Up; on said ponton or said stieet Is the nmotint set opposite tho description of each parcol of land be low, and that oach pleco or parrel of land bonufltod by the laying of tho said main to tho full oxtont of tho amount so set opposite tho descrlp. tlon of tho saiiie, and that tho rospe.--tlvc amounts p'prosont tho propqr lloual benefits of said water main to said respective parcels of land, 'and also tho proportional froutur,o there of on said street, and tho council doos horoby declare ouch of the parcels of property described below to bo as sessed and each of tho same Is here by asKC88od thu amount set opposite uanh doscriptiou for tho cost of laying said water main. i() Vol. 81, pao 812, oounty rocorU- ASSRSSMKNT VOH A -1-INCH ,. records of JatUson nouuty. Oie- WATKK MAIN ON WKST NINTH 'KOn; f0 foot; ralo por foot 7Gc; STHKICT FROM ORANGH STKUKTi amount $37. 50. TO HAMILTON STUKI3T. AsiWWinent No. ai-W. K. Hver- Assessmont No. 1. F. W. Hutch- j)0rd. Lot -I, block fi, Upa addition ison. A parcel of land 150x100 to the City of Medford, OM: foot on tho northweit Intersection of, FroiitB 50 fed on tho oiitu ! or Woet Ninth Btroet and South Ofongt, West Ninth strd. aatl dwKsrlbed In Htretii. Frontago 150 feet on the) Vol. SI. paw 31, oounty recorder's north sido of Wont Ninth nroot and nocords of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 Idoscrlbod in Vol. .page , county I recorder b records of Jackson county, ! $37. so. Orwen: 150 fet rato per foot 75c; Awwuwmont No. 22,-0. A. Ham amount $112.60. Hti. Lot 5. block 0, ltoss addition t AMessmont No. 2.- O. M. Soteby.itho CUy of JloUtord. Qrcgon. From Lot 1. block 1. Hosa addition to tho'aKfl 60 fwt ou tho otl) aldn of City of Medford, Oregon. Frontage , 60 feet on tba north slre of West AM(wmont No. - u. M.,sliy Ut 21. block 1. Ross addition to tho City of Medford. Oregon Frontas 11 rUai mi iliu until' 411IW in ir - I MEDFOim 01? MOON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER CITY NOTICES. . In vol. S2. lmEo'SO". count' recor- dor's records of Jackson county, Ore' con; 50 feet; rate per foot 75c; amount $;!7.50. Assossmont vso. i win. Hall. Lot 5, block I, Ross addition to tho City of Medford. Oregon. Frontago 60 feet on .tho uqrth side of Wc3t Ninfh ftrpct, tint! described In VOL 78, page 349, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregen: 50 feet; rato per foot 75c; amount $37.50. Assessment No. 7. Alex Duff. Lot 0. block 1, Ross addition to tho City of Mcdford, Oregon. Frontago 50 feet on tho north sido of West Ninth street and described In Vol. 05, page 227, county recorder's records of Jnckson county. Oregon; 50 feet; rato por foot 75c; amount $37.50. Assessment No. 8. L. D. Craw ford. Lot 1, block 2, Ross addition to tho City of Medford, Oregon. Frontage 50 feet on tho north sido of West' Ninth street, and described In Vol. 51, pngo CO, county rccordpr s records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 foot rate per foot 75c; amount $37,50. AKsoHsmont No. 0. L. 1). Craw ford. Lot 2, block 2, Ross addition to tho City of Medford, Oregon. Frontage 50 foot on tho north side ot west Ninth Mmli street, and de scribed In Vol. 51, page CO, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50feetf rate per foot 75c; amount $37.50. Assessment No. 10. Alex Duff. Lot 3, block 2, Rtiss addition lo the City of Medford, Oiegon. Frontago 50 foot on tho north sido or West Ninth straot, and doscjlbod In Vol. 05, page 501), county recorder's rec ords of Jackaou county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot 75e; amount $37.50. Assessment No. 11. Alox Duff. Lot 4, block 2, Ross addition to tho City of M Gilford, Oregon. Frontago 50 foot on tho, north side of Wont Ninth street and doscrlbed In Vol. 05, pngo 5 CD,- county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; fate per foot 750;. amount $37.50. Assessment No, 12. Frederick W. Dorn. Lot 5, block 2, Ross addition to tho City of Aledford, Oregon. Frontage 50 feet "Joil tho north sido of West Ninth street and doscrlbed In Vol. CO, page 24 8, county recor der's records of Jackson county, Oro gon; 50 foot; rato per foqt 75c; amount $37. 5Q. 4 A88essmentfo. 13. FrcdorlcJ; W. Dorn. Lot C, block 2. Ross addition to tho City or Tdedford, Oregon. Frontage, 00 fed tin the tpnth side of West Ninth afreqtVand doscrlbed In Vtfl. 00, pago 248, county recorder's records or Jacuson county, Oregon. 50 foot;-, rate por foot 75c; amount $37.50. - Assessment No. 1J, John U. Hair ot ux. Lot 7, block 2. Ross addition to Uip City of Mcdford, Qrogon. Frontage 50 foot on the jmrth sido of West Ninth utrept. and described In Vol. 00, pago 477, count:' record er's records of Jackson count, Ore gon; 50 fectu.ruto pur foot 75c; amount $37.50. Assessment No. 1f.-John II. Hair et ux. Lot R, block 2, Ross addition to tho City of Medford, Oregon. Frontago DO feet on tho north side or West Ninth street, and doscrlbed In Vol. G(. page 477. county record er's rocords of Jackson county, Ore gon; 50 feet; rato per root 75u; amount $37.50. Assessment tJo. .10. Jackson County Building & Loan association. Lot 0. block 2, Rous addition lo the City of Medford, Oregon. Frontago 50 feet 011 tho north sido of West Main street, and dfUicrlbod In Vol. !t, county roeordor'H . records of Jackson county, Oregon; pago IS; 50 feet; rato por foot 75c; amount $37.50. Asscasineiit No. 17. IS. II. Fllnn. Lot in, blnelt 2, Komi addition lo the City of Medford, Orogou. Frontage 50 foot on tho north nldu of Wont Ninth titroot, and dMarlbofl in Vol. 85, pago 2; county focordor's rec ords of JaeUsou tiounty, Oregon; nmoiint $27.50. Assessment No. 18. W. M. Hall. Lot 1, block (i, It mm addition to the City of Medford, Oregon. FrontuK 50 feet on tlio south onto ol worn prpp-ksinth street, and ilosorlbod in Vol. 7S, pngo 340, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county. Orogou; 50 root; rato per foot 75c; amount $37.50. Assessment No. 10. Charles D. Colby. Lot 2, block 0, Ross addition to tho City or Mtidrortl, Orogon. Frontage 50 feet on the south sidu of Wml Ninth Hlreot, and doaerlbud In Vol. 73, pago 531. county ro cordor'a records of Jackson county, OrugeiT: 50 toot; rato per foot 75c; amount $37.50. Assessment No. 20. W- H. Fver hard. Lot 3, block 8, Rosg addition to tho City of Medford, Orogon. Frontago 50 feet on tho south side 0f 'mt Ninth street and dew-rlbed fet; rato por root. 7nc; amoiini Wt Math utroet, uu uoseriuaa in Vol. 82. nnao lot. county reeortlBr's records or Jackiou oounty, Orwgou; 60 ft; rato pur root 76c; amount $37.60. Auowmont No. fi.C. F. Garrlaon et ux. Lot G. block fi, Roig addltlpn to the City or Bradford. Qrt;on. Frontage no rofi on uhj soma mj i ,i .Mum '-. .!-.. - CITY NOTICES. In Vol. 74, pago 2C8f county record er's records ot Jackson county, Ore gon; 50 rod; rato per foot 75c; amount $37.50. Assessment No. 21. J. T. Davis. Lot 7, block G, Ross, addition to the City of -Mcdford, Oregon. Frontage 50 feet on tho south side or West Ninth street, and described In Vol.jcll did horetoforo, by resolution de Si', page 384. county rocordor'a rec- claro Its Intontlon to lav a -t-lnph ords of Jackson county, Oregon; -. -- - 50 foot; rato per foot 75c; amount $37.50. Assessment No. 25. It. K. Marsh. Lot 8. block (J, Ross addition to the City of Medford, Oregon. Frontage 50 feet on tho south side or West Ninth street, and described In Vol. J2, page 375, county recorder's rec ords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 Teet; rate per root 75c; amount $37.50. Assessment No. 20, R. L. Miller. Lot !), block 0, Ro.ss addition to the City or Moilford, Oregon. Frontago 50 Teet, on tno south aide or West Ninth street, nnd doscrlbed In Vol. 74, page 111, county recorder's rec ords ot Jackson county, Oregon; 50 I feat; rate por root 75c; amount $37.50. Asgossmout No. 27. J. 0. Shlvely Lot 1, block 5, Ross addition to the city or Medford, Orogen: frontago 50 foot on the south aide or West Ninth street, and described in Vol. 72, pago 129, county recorder's records or Jackson county, Oregon; 50 reot, rato per foot 75 cents, amount $37.50 Assessment No. 28. Sedotlm Hnn- llfill l.nt lilnr.1: C T'nau ntlilltlfili to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front- ago 50 root on tho south sido or West Ninth street, and described In Vol. 73. page 4G2, county recorder's re cords of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet, rato per foot 75 conts, ainpunt $37.50 Assessment No. 2 3, J. O. Han nab. Lot 3, block 5, Ross addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; front fngo 50 foot 011 tho south aide of West NJnth street, and described In Vol. 85, pago 117, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 toot, rato por root 75 coats, apiouut $37.50 Assessment No. 30. R. II. Tort. Lot 4, block 5, Ross addition to tho city of Mcdford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on tho south side of West Ninth stroot, and doscrlbod In Vol 78, page 441, county recorder's records of Jackson, county, Orogon; 50 feet, rato per foot 75 cents, amount $37.50 Assessment No. 31. W. P. Bul lock, Lot 5. block 5, Ross addition to tho city of Medford, Orogon; front age 50 foot on tho south side or West Ninth street, and doscrlbed In Vol. 73, page IS I, county recorder's ro cords or Jackson county, Oregon; 50 root, rate per Toot 75 conts, amount $37.50 Assessment No. 32. M. L. Dally. Lot'C, block 5, Ross addition to tho rlty of Medford, Orogon; frontago or 50 root on tho south cldo ot. West Ninth street, and described In Vol. 73, pngo 184, county recorder's ro cords or Jackson county, Oregon; 50 foet, rato per foot 75 conts, amount $37.50 Assessment No. 3:i., A. W. Lacoy. Lot 7. block 5, Ross addition to tlio city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 50 fed on tho south aldo of West Ninth street, nnd described In Vol. 78, pago 00, county recorder's rocords of Jack sou county, Oregon; 50 foot, rato por foot 75 cents, ainount $37.50 Assessment No. 34. Jackson County IJulldlug & Loan Association, Lot 8, block 5, Rous addition to tho city of Medford, Orogon; frontage 50 red on the south sido of West Ninth 'street, and described in Vol 82', pngo 102, county rounrdor's records of Jnckson county, Orogon 50 foot, rato per toot 75 conto, ainount $37.50 A s a o s b 111 o 11 t No. 35. Sarrah Wolvorton. Lot 0. block 5, Ross ad dition to the clly or Medford, Orogon, frontage 50 foot 011 the south sido of West Ninth street, and doscrlbed In Vol. 07, pago 471, county recorder's rocords of Jackson county. Orogon; 50 fot, rato per Toot 75 cents, amount $37.60 Assessment No. 30. Sarah Wolver top. Lot UK block 5, Ross addition to tho city or Medford, Oragon; fiont ngo 50 feet on tho smith side of West Ninth Btreet. and doncrlbod In Vol. G7. pngo 471. county .recorder's re cords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 feet, rates lior root 75 centa, amount $37.50 , Section 2. And it Is horoby or dered and ordained that tlio sovornl uutcf!noniH and tho lions thorcof In eniorod In tho Water Main Lion Do cket or tho said city, and lhat there upon notice b gtvou to tho owners or reputed ownura of said proporty, and that tho l.'uiio bo enforced and eollectod In the manner provided by the charter or tho said oity tor tho collection of asHossinents for tho Im provement ot tho streets. Section 3. It U furtljor ordered that tliu notice ahovo provided for bo published three Union In tho Dally Mall Tribune, a newspupor published and of gonoral circulation In suld clly In the manner provldud by or dlniMico No. 2o0 of wild city. The forogolng ordliumeo was paus ed by the city council oI tho city of Medford. Oro'ton. 011 tho 14th day of DecBinbor, 1010, by tho following veta: Welch ayo; Merrick ayo; limerick aye; Wortiuan ny; ItJirurt ayo and Demmor ayo. Approved Docoiuber 15. 1010. W. II. CANON. Mjiyor Atteat: ROIJHOT W. TI5LFI5R City Recordor. NOTICIO To the owpora. or ruputod ownors, of oach purrol of proporty donorlbed In tho furogolug ordumuuo. no named therein, and In the lion declared by said ordinance as reaordod In' tho docket of the city liens: You are breJy nutlflod that tho ueaoMHuentH declared by tho forogo lug ordinance ran ben made and the liens thereof entered In tho city lieu docket, and that the same Is duo and you ar hereby recjnlrod to pay the eamo 10 Iho city ret order within ton days from tho service or thla notice which service Is made by publication or tbo forogolug ordinance aud this noilco tarno tlmos la the Mali Tri bune, pursuant to an order or the cit) council or sal1 city. &QBEUT W. THLFHR City Jteomler. OIIIH.VANOK NO, -l'-'". An ordtaauee declaring the at'J nipnt on the property benefited for thu iiiki of Uvlnr' a 4 inch u.ib'i 28, 1910. CITY NOTICES. main on 131m street Trom V01t Afnln struct to south lino Highland Park addition and directing the recordor t cntor a atnttwent thereo.' In the water main Ilea docket. Tho City of Mcdford doth ordain as follows; Hocrlim I. Whovnnq. tlir rltf rrrnn. ' -.-- - --- -- - --,-- water main on Elm street Irom West Main to south lino Highland Park addition and to assess tbo cost thoreor on tho prqporty fronting on said portion of said streot in propor tion to tho frontago of nald property, and fix a tlnio and place for hearing protests against tho laying of said re. tor main on said .part of snid street in proportion to tho frontngo or said property, and fix a tll.io and Place, for hearing' protests against tho laying of aald water main on snid part of said street an-1 tho assess mont of the cost thereof no aforo said. And, whereas, said resolution was duly published and - posted as re quired by section 11 if or tho charter of said city: And. whereas, a mooting tr the council was held at tho timo and place Xlxod In said rosolutlon, tor tho purpose of considering any such pro tasis, but no protests were at Bald time, or at any other timo mado to or received by tho council to tho said laying of said water main or the as sessment of the cost as aforesaid, and said council having considered tho matter, and I'ocmlng that said "liter main was and la of material benefit to said city, and that all prop orty to bo ascessod thorofor wnujil be bondlted tt oroby to tho oxtont or tho probablo amount' of said respec tive assessments to bo levied against said proporty did order said main laid. And, whereas, tho cost ot said water main linn boon and horoby Is deter mined to bo Hie sum or $1502.08. Now, therefore, it Is hereby fur ther determined that the proportlon ato Bharo of tho cost ot laying said water main of each parcol ojt proporty rrontlng on said portion of said titroot Is, tho amount sol. opposite tho de scription of each parcol of land bo low, and that each pleco or parcel of land benefited by tho laytnjv or tho suld main to tlio full oxtont of tho amount so set opposlto tho descrip tion of the same, and lhat tho'respoo tlve amounts roprcsout tho propor tional boueflts or mU water main to said respective parcels or land, and also tho proportional tronttigo thereof on said sired, and tho council docs hereby declare each of tho parcels ot proporty described bolow to bo as sessed and each of tho sanio Is hereby assessed tho ainount set opposlto each description for tho coat of laying snid water main. ASSFSSMIONT FOR A 4-1NCI1 WATI2R MAIN ON 10LM STREET FROM WEST MAIN STRKFT TO TI1K SOUTH LINK OF HIGH LAND PARK ADDITION. Assessment No. 1. O. V. Myors. Lot 1, block 2, Highland Park addi tion to tho Cty or Mcdford, Oro. Frontago 118 loot on tho wost sido ot IOI111 street, and described In Vol.' -, pago , county rocorder rec ords ot Jnckson county, OloRon; 08 foet: rato por foot 80c; amount $54.10. Assessment No. 2. II. II. Croft et nl. Lot 3, block 2, Highland Park addition to tho City or Medrord, Oro. Frontago 53.1 feet on tjio west sido of 131m street, nnd doscrlbod In Vol. . pngo , county recorder's rec ords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 53.1 feet; rato per foot 80c; amount $42.48. Assessment No. 3. II. II. Crolt ot al. Lot 4, block 2, Highland Park addition lo thovOlty of Medford, Oro. Frontago 53 foot ou tho west sido of Elm streot, a -d doscrlbud In Vol. , pnso , county rooorilor'u records of Jackson county, Orogon; 53 feet; rate por foot 80c; amount $42.40. Assessment No. !. Todd Bros Lot C, block 2, Highland Park addi tion to tho City of Medford, Oro. Frontngo 53 foot on tho wost sido of Elm street, and doscrlbod In Vol. , pngo , county roeordor'H rocords jnf Jnckson. county, Oregon; 53 rod; rato pur fpot SOc; amount $42.40. Assessment No. 5. Todd Bros. Lot C, block 2, Highland Park addition ,to the City of Madron!, Ore. Front ago 53 toot on tho west sido of Elm it root, and dost-rllied In Vol. , pago , county recorder's records of JaeltKop county, Oregon; 53 feet; rato per root SOc: amount $42.40. Assessment No. 0. II. II. Crort ot nl. Lot 7, block 2, Highland Park nddilion to the City of Medrord, Oro. Frontngo 53 led ou tho wont side of Elm streot, and doscrlbed in Vol. , pago , county rocordor'a rocords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 53 foot; rate per foot 80c; amount $42.40. Assessment No. 7. II. II. Croft ot al. Lot J, block 4, HL-jhlan.' Park addition to tho City of Medrord. Oro. Frontage 58 foot ou tho wost side of Elm street, and cjosorlbod In Vol. , page , county roeordor's records of .lackkoii county, Oiokou; 58 rod; rate por foot SOc; amount $4 0.40. AsMenttiuout No. 8. Hawaii Gray. Lot 2, block 4, Highland Pnrk nddi lion to tho City or Medford, Ore Frontago 55 feet on the west side or Elm street, and dtwcrlbud In Vol. 182, pngo 110, county recorder's records if Jnckson county, Orogon; 55 fool; rato por foot SOc; amount $14.00. Assessment No. 9. II. 11. Croft ot nl. Lot 3. block I, Highland Pnrk ad dition to tho City of Medford. Ore. Frontage 55 foot on tho west side ot Elm atroet, and doscrlbod In Vol. , page , county recorder's rocords of Jackson county, Oregon; ftO rout; rato per foot 80c; amouut $1 1.00. Assoesmont No. 10. Jl. 11. Croft ot al. Lot 1. block I. HiJihliuiil Park addition to tho City of Medford. Oro. frontage 55 feat 011 the wont side or Elm atroot, and doacrlhed In Vol. . page , county rocordor'a records or Jackwui county, Orogon; So fed; late por root 80c; amouut $14.00. AsHuwiuout No. 11. II. II. Croft I et al. Lot 5, block t, Highland Park addition to the City ot Mpdrord, Ore. Frontage 55 foot on tho wost side of Elm etreol, and described In Vol , page , county recorder's rdoord ot Jackson oouaty, Oregon; Aft feet; rate per foot SOc; amount $44.00. Aaefinent No. 12. II. 11. Creft et al- Lot G, block 4, Highland Park addition to the Oity or Medford, Oro, Frontage '' rest ou the vost side ot IS! m street, and decrlbod In Vol. , pago , county rocortlor'B rccordn or I.iil.ioil lounlv. Oii'gon1 55 feet; CITY. NOTICES, 1 i rate per foot SOc; amount $44.00. Assessment No. 13. H. H. Croft, et nl. Lot 7, block 4, Highland Park addition to tho City of Mcdford, Ore. Frontago 55 root on the west aide of Elm streot, and described lnVol , pngo , county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregqh; 55 feet; rato per root SOoJ amount 844.00. Assessment No. 14. Trail Lumber Co. Lot 1, block C, Highland Park addition to tho City of Medrord, Ore. Frontngo 58 feet on tho west sido ot Elm streot, nnd described In Vol. , pago -", county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 58 foot; rato por foot, SOc; amount $4C.40. Assessment No. 15. Trail Lumber Co. Lot 2, block G. lHghlund Park nddltltm to the City of Medrord, Ore. Frontngo 58 root on tho west sido ot Kim streot, and described In Vol. , page , county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 58 feet; rnto per root 80c; amount $4G.40. Assessment Not 10. Trail Lumber Co. Lot 3, block C, Highland Park addition to tbo City of Medford, Oro. Frontago 58 feet on tho west side of Elm streot, and described in Vol. . pago , county rocordor'a rec ords of Jnckson county, Orogon; 58 foot; rnto por toot 80c; amount $40.40. Assessment No. 17. Trail Lumbor Co. Lot 4, block C Highland Pntk addition to tho City or Modiprd. Qro. Frontago 08.52 red on tho west Htdo or Elm street, and ilosorlbod in Vol. . pngo , county recorder's rec ords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 58.52 toot; rato por Toot 80c; amount $40.82. Assessment No. 18. Scott V. Da vIb. Lot C, block 1, Highland Pnrk ndditlon to tho City of Medford, Oro. Frontage 118 red, on tho east sido of lOlm street, and dcqerlbpd In Vol. , lingo , county rocordor' rocorda of. Jackson county, Orogon; C8 feet; rato por foot SOc; amount $54.40. Assessment No. 10. Ai J, StovppK. Lot 7, IjIocIi 1, Highland Park addi tion to tho CHS' of Medford, Oro. Frontago 53,1 foot on tho east sido of Elm street, and described In Vol. , pago , 53.1 red; rato per foot K0e; amount $42.48. Assessment No. 20. If. If. Croft d nl Lt 8, block l, Highland Park addition to tho City of Modiord, Oro. Frontngo 53 feet, on tho east sido of Elm Htreet, and described In Vol. --, pago , county recorder's records ot Jackson county, Oregen: 53 feet; rato per root SOc; amount $42.40. Assessment No. 21,- 11, JL Croft ot nl. Lot II, block I, Highland, Parle addition to tlio City of Mcdford, Oro. Frontngo 53 foot on tlio oast side of Elm street, and described In Vol. , pago , county recorder's of Jackson county, Oregon; 53 i'eot; rato per foot 80c; amount $42.40. ' Assessment No. 22. II. II. Croft ot al. Lot 10, block 1, Highland Park addition to tho City or Medford, Oro. Frontngo 53 root on tho oast odo ot Elm street, nipl described In Vol. , pago , county rocordor'a records ot Jnckson county, Oregon; 53 root; rnto por toot SOc; amount $42.40. Assessment No. 23. II. If. Croft ct nl. Lot 11, block 1, Highland Park ndditlon to Hie City of Mcdford. Oro. Frontage 53 feet on tho oaat sido o,f Elip Htreut, and descrlbpd In Vol. , pasa , county rocordor'a records of Jackson county, Oregen: 53 feet! r,ato per foot 80c; amount $12.40. Assessment No. 24. II. II. Croft ot al. Lot 1, bldck 3 Highland Park addition to tho City Medford, Oro. Frontago 58 root on ;o east sido of Kim flreot, ant) described In Vol. , pago , county rocordor'a rocords of Jackson county, Oregon; 58 foot; rato por toot 80c; amount $4G.40. Assessment No. 25. II. II. Crort et al. Lot 2, block 3, Highland Park addition to tho City of Medford, Oro. Frontago 55 Toot on tho oast sldo of Elm stroot, aud dooorlbcd In Vol. , pago , county recordor'n records or Jackson county, Orogon; 55 feet; rato per foot SOc; amount $44.00. Assossmont No. 20. II. H. Croft ot nl. Lot 3. block 3, Highland Purk addition to tho City of Medford, Oro. Frontago 55 foot on tho oast aldo or Elm streot and described In Vol. -. page , county recorder's records ot Jackson county, Oregon; 55 foet; rato por foot 80n; amount $44.00. Assessment. No. 27. tIJ. II- Croft ot al. Lot 4, block 3, Highland Park addition-to tho City of Medford, Oro.' Frontngo 55 feet on tho oast sldo ut Elm street and described in Vol. - page . county rocordor'a rocords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 55 foot; rato por foot SOc; amount $4 LOO. Assessment No. 28. -II. 11. Crott ul al. Lot 5, block 3, Highland Pari; addition to llio City or Medford, Ore, Frontago 55 fed on Iho oast sldo ot Elm street, and described lu Vol. , pngo . county recorder's rocords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 55 foot; ruto pur Toot SOc; amount $41.00. Assessment No. 2!).- -II. 11. Croft et nl. Lot 0. block 3. Highland Park addition to tho City or Medrord, Oro. Frontago 55 reot ou tho oast sldo of Elm nlruwi. and doscrlbod in Vol. , jingo , county recorder's records or Jnckson oounty, Oregon; 55 red; rato pot- foot SOc; amount $14.00. Assossmont No. 30. II. II. Croft ot al. Lot 7, block 3, Highland Parle addition to tlio City of Med ford, Ore. Frontngo 55 foot on tho oast aldo of Elm street, and doscrlbod hi Vol. , pngo . count' rocordor'a rocords ot Jackson county, Oregon; 55 fcot; rato por root SOc; amount $14.00. AHsesnient No. 31. II. H. Croft ot nl. Lot 1. block 5. Highland Park ad dition to tho C.ty of Medford. Ore. Frontngo 58 root on tho oast hiIo ot Elm street and described lu Vol. . pago , couaty rocordor'a rosonla oZ Juckwoii count.'. Oregon; OS reot? rata por foot SOc: amount $40. ill, AHoHmoiit No. 32. II. H. Crort et nl. Lot 2. block 5, Highland Park ndditlon to tho City of Medrord, Orfl. Frontage 58 foot ou thu caut sldo ot EJm stroot, nnd described In Vol. - , pago , county roeordor'H records of Jackson county. Oregon; 58 foot; rato por root SOoj amount $40.40. Assessment So. 33. rlU H. Croft t al- Lot 3, block 5, H'gliland Park addition to tho City of Medford, Oro. Frontngo SS foot on the oast sdu of Klin streot. and doscrlbod in Vol. , P9KQ county recoruor 1 records or Jackson county, Oregon; 58 reot; rato per toot SOo; amount $ 4C 10. AssuHNiiHtut No. a-t.-H, i. croft ot al. Lot 4, block 5. Highland Park addition to tho CUy of Medford, Ore. Frontago 58.70 foot on tho oaat aide? iPoiiiintietl on Png IB ) Ik: t:j o $ W 1 - i 1 ii i 1 m "I D a n 1