vfT7 Trwrxflflr V '" X?"KW" JLEDK)Jn') MAIL TRIBU-Nh, M15DMRl),'6ilt(QNt WEDKlDAV, DECEMBER '2S, 1910. 2-v - i . ' r zzzz r IN fcVM t a 'i 11 H irM Mfl 1 ; TWO AVIATORS DSHEDT0 DEATH Frenchmen Fall 200 Feet Stay on One t)f the Planes Evidently Gave WayWere' Trying for ' $20,000 . prize for Fast Trip. ' ' RBI A W R Perfection in Fruit Given hy Wizard After Twenty Years Expo rts Give it Praise Bears First and Lonnest PAWS, Din. 28. Mnrnuis Mari I'niilu mid .AlOJmiidor Luff mi, chief pilot of the Antoinette Kclinol of HmhIiom, wore cruahed to death to day undrr their uoruplniio .iii niter flr- hud taken the nir for hjmmuI l'liyht iiuin l'nris lo Urusfrcls nnd return. Lnt Ion's wife vvn hliiiidiiiL' onlvl n few icet away wlion tho wnchiiie contiuninc Iter liunlinlul struct; Ihc uroinid. Tho nvinlors fell 1200 feet, and iliu ncrnnlniio fulliui; on tlitsimi ertiPhpd nnd manjjlcd both xPuck- insly. Luffon'i head wn crutdied nnd tiio rihl leu twilled upwind iiKitiiiMt Iiih body n lM driven inlp Jiim eliohf by (Tie J'oice of tin' compact Lnffnii, n daring liitdmtin, and the Marquis l'jiiilu woio in Lutfon'tj imi . i .... . nunc, Joey were trying lor a prioi of .1-20,000 ot'fored for lliu fnslobt passenger flight over the 1'arip JiniKbcl.s (;oiii'hO. 'flic machine had left Hie Kiottud, easily and eirelud onee aliotit the grounds ready to hlutt on Hk Ion;: Jliuht. .lust iih it piist-ed over Lnf Jo'ii'k Jiunnnr and huuinud about lo nlfoot away on the Hriissulh coiuxe the niiiehino lurched violently. It i boliovcd that thu ntuv of one of the wiiirk j;nvo way nnd Hint the ueio plane at mice beeuiiio iinmn luion lIc Front the mound LulTou's offoit to nht hc ninoliiuo woio )laiuly vis ible. Tito fliyhl In Mod only a few niomenlb, however, and with iniollirr lurch (he liiabhiuo ducKed to wind the earth, at the miiiio time lurniuK over. Tiie two aviators Muck to thoir places for tint first lutn, but wore thrown out -when I lie. machine, njtniii swirled around and turned couiplotoly over for the second tini'. Thoy htruclc tho fnrth a fi action ot a pecond bofoio tho niachine, with its heavy eiijini's, was (lushed upon them. SANTA HOSA, Cnl, Due. 2S. -One of ihojiotaldo crentlois pH'foel ed tills year by Luther ISutbniik, nn nrtnncenujut of which bus jul been made public, i a Blruw'lioyry of .. now type, "The I'litujcoirin.'' Some of the feature of tiie now straw -berty are tltat it coniuieiicOK to ripon fiiHt and continues to bear tho lonjj cM. 'flion the leave uio lnljie nnd uitUMially thick and firm, with a thin, ilky down, and "lire- novor in jural by ftiiiihiini, where other vm i - ctWM nic either Huuoii-ly browmd m wholly dcHtroyed." The new Mmwberry is heralded b.--its creator as "the find of a new j nice wjiicb ha eoino to niahe Mrnw- bcrry grower rejoice." Tho berries aio tinilorinly InrKC, fliu'lo beiruM. Komctfnies wcif;bin,' nn ounce; fine scat lot color with haudpoino paje Ilcnli. Tho .seeds are wo hiiiall nB to bo iilmoHt imperceptible. Tho new slmwborrv meltH in the mouth with a sweet pineapple, si law berry mid crcain-liUo flavor. Builmnk worked on this straw -beriT for a number of vears until ibis yea I lie lias pronbuiieed it jier- lecl and ban so aipiounced it within the p.i-t li w da-. INDIANS MAY 60 INTO REAL ESTATE BUSINESS WCTOltLA, IS. C, Dec. -J8 The Indiaim of Diitinli 'oluinbin mn go into the real CMtnte IminIiu'm-i. Thc.N are wary of their brother. I)r. olm toDoupill of the Indian dcpiirtmonl,hnH junt roluntcd to Ot tawa, after spending n week at Port Qporj0, whole the Indians rotund fOS.OOT) for their I carnation. 'The prifB offci'bd Woufd nvetiiKc nboui .?.")!) per nere, and onu ol tire old chiitts who has apparently had some oxirtrleiieo in Mnhdividing principle exprpaaqtl himself tlmsly: "Suppose white man ketebnin k serve $() ncre, thdn he sell urn $.")l)l' one lot. Mint (laiiiu tool iiulinu I be lo solium." cured mo nnd now I am well and Blood Dlaordcrn, Feinalo Complaints heart." It's nIno positively Btmran- and Mnlnrla. Try thorn. 50c at all teed for Liver Trouble, Dyspepsia, drtisglsta. r4rr-t-ttrrrer-r-rr.rri' THIS WEEK fn,.ntv Seat Real Estate Office Bid,., Jacksonville. Or. Office In Pnk of Jacksonville ... . . a!... ttc nrflmrd. fanninc and tins iiumerous choico-Jinrpniiw in d - -;; ,inpfl5liq. alfalfa ranches have an abundance Our ApploRiito valley ranches aio barpams; 11.1 e "f water lor ,rri.-itim.. Wl foict Ilia Jack- Mtmillo is the county scat and that it is inMnmn an . water 'j stf in. Come and see us. We'll interest you. LUY (Sl COLLINS j ONLY I'AliMXi; llAIIt. Out PIONEER RESIDENT HAS PASSED AWAY INSTALLED IN DEFICE Tho newly oloctid otlicers of the airdionl Lodsro, l():i, A. V. A: A. M.. were installed last I'vonmjj b. 1'ast W. JI. M. I'lirdui. The new officer aie: K. A. I licks, W. Jl . ; .1. W. Lawton, S. W.; K. li. (loie, .1. V , Willtum Mullor, secretary; .1. A. 1'erry, tioiimiror; 11 II. Micks, S 1) ; Fmnk Wilson, .1. I).; L. iV Warner, dr., S. S.j I.nwieiuc llur orv, J. S.; Frank 1'oolc, tlcr UNCLE SAM TO WAR ON ELECTRIC TRUST WASHINGTON. I) ('., 1W -JLX Tho suit of the U'v eminent niiimtxt tho Ho-called elei-trical tru.i will rival in imiKiiitudo the prosecution of tho Standard Oil com way and the toluuto tniut, ucoordim, to attaclics of the department of jtiNtieo todnv, and it in predicted that the itovom niniit will win thu cane. 'Hie Miit ha been hrouxht under the Sbormmi uuli-triiitt law. The evidence wlileh tho Kovommonl will lay befoie thu roiirls, it ig asHiuU'd, slmw lul- Jim; pi'lo-jusKlmi. NIGHTDRESS CAUGHT FIRE AND BURNS MAIDEN LOS ANOKLKS. Vul , W. liK J lor Jidy, anus and face scaled l fliy lit fill hut'iiK, .Mi llaxel ,Mooik. .l.H, i at thu looci.v.iix' bopi(al lo iluy, vvheto it wa id aim bus little (,'liitiiuc to lio. Sim loeoived hor ierrjblo hunts when her uitdtldrMN oniij-jil fir lmuf aw open g& uv vhlo blnj won pruHiriiiK to retire Jiifct nielli. She wu ttliHie iu hvr nparlipmit and it wiu .evcrul niiti lilos by fore n)io could o.tnijuili the flainos, 7 LA FARGE'S PAINTINGS GIVEN TO MUSEUMS One iiioi-p ol .)iicltou count j's pio neers ciossed the InM divide Christ inns ilny, when Horace Icfloixoit Torrid, aed H2 .jcuis, died at ln" home in Tulout. .Mr. Teirill cnnie to .Incksou county in 18(17. .Mr. Teirill was boiu December 21! 1828, in Ohio. In the cni'ly '.'ids b came to California and staved about one venr. I lo (lieu returned to Ohio In 18(17 be crossed the plains with his ianuly and settled near Albanv where I hoy lemnined one yeai. Thev then movrd to .Inekbon county and settled near iliowuuboio. whole thov lived until 2ft vohix ul'o. when tlmv moved to Tnlont, where thoy have since losfdod. lie loaves to mourn his death an nyod wife and ni chil dren: Uyrou Terrill of .lluriis, llaniey couno ; Mi. Rfflo Seaman ol Tal' on t; Chnrloa Toirill of lliownsboro, Mr. Klfa M, Mast of Kujfeue, .Mis Clin a Seaman of Woodville and .lav Terrill of Talent. The fuiicinl wi! be hi'l t rum the lesidenic and mlci ment will be in the Steam-, ccnu ti s mi Wanner creek. MOTEL'S FILLED WITH T Kaslly lie Slepped: Also Dund iiiff nnd KcIiIiik .Scalp. If I'arlstan Sno dnosn't stop fnll Im; lmlr, Itching scalp, and orndlcnte dandruff In two weeks, Clias, St rant; stands ready to refund your nionej without ai bunion t or red tapo of any kind. 1'nrlKlan Sao will put a fnHcinnt IiiK rndlanco Into any woiunu's hair In u few days. Susniino Calnltan, of Hotel Royal, Ilueyrtis, Ohio, on Manli 25, 1010, vvtote: "Mothor's hair lioRnn to conio out vory badly and bor scalp was so wiro It was vory l.nnl to do anytliliiK for It. Parisian Sago provod a OIIA.VD SUCCKSS ovei) way. Ilor lmlr stopped coming out, dandruff all disappeared, soreness all left tlio scalp and bor hair Is cnntltiK In again svory nicely." Lnt'Ki bottle no cwntH at ChiiK. Hliang's. Your Choice of Aiy Toy in the Store at Just Half the Regular Selling Price. This Offer Includes all our ,jw -r- -V -"l IPLUMB1JN U STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed ' Prices Reasonable COFFEEN (SI PRICE 11 North D St..Medfoid Ore. Phone 303 1 M2 II Mechanical Toys Wooden Ware Toy Dishes Mamcure Sets Photo Albums Iron Toys Doll Furniture Toilet Gases Smoker Sets Land For Sale Fertile fruit and alfalfa land in small and largo tracts. Cleared and uncleared. Terms and price reasonable. Address Box 16, Tolo, Oregon IVlusic Rolls Etc ?'jw''JMbbr5 K.VIIS WINTKi: TltOITIUiKS. To many, winter Is a season of (rouble, The frost lilt ton toas and finders, cliapped hands and lips, chll lilalns, cold sores, rod and tough skin, prove this. Uut such troubles fly be fore UiiclJon'a Ainlca Salvo. A trial convinces. Grunt oat healer of Hums, f tolls. Piles, Outs, Soros, lCczonia and Sprains. Only UKo at all driiKKlsts. hanks o.v sum: thing now. "I'll never bo without Or. ICIiik's fCow l.ifo Pills attain," wiltes A scdiiiiKwit, ;i7 nim St.. nurraio, n Y. "Thoy cured me of cluonlc con st Ipallou wlion all olhors failed." ITnequaled for lllllousnoss, Jaundice, IndlKOstlon, ollndncho, Chills, Ma laria and Debility. i!f)c at all drui; WANTS TO IIKI.I SO.MI3 ONK. 1'or thirty, years .1. 1 Iloycr of Kqilllo, Mo,, needed liolp and couldn't flltd It. That's why ho wants to help some ono now. Suffering so Ioiik himself ho feels for all dlotreas fioin HacKnclie, N'onousness, I.osh of Ap petlU', l.asuiiude and Kidney disor ient He .'Kovw that 10k. Iik Illtteis vmhIc wiudcn for mull ttoubles KHo bottles," ho wiltes, "wholly Just One-half Price This Week New' Years Post Cards lc A Swell Line of 1911 Calen dars at 10, 15, 25 and 50c Who has ticket 14021 and 13819? I ;l rNrv For Sale FOR SAL IU A no-lot subdivision, iih, sightly lo cation; special price, .$3300; terms. See Van Dyke Hcalty Co., .123 JNEam street. F0R.SAL13 Two fine lots on West Seventh street, opposite end of Summit avenue; $1000 each; terms $-100 cash, balance in one and two years. Van Dyke Realty Co., 123 Main street. Phone 082. WANTKD To list good farms and fruit ranches; also swell tracts. Van Dyke Realty Co., 23 East jUain street. Van Dyke Realty Co. 128 Main' Street ftfwrvrgy4j.ij. sr'.rgsNr-sr FRARDULER XIHV YOHK, Dm. 38. -All of Jolnl . Ln. Knre'h piiiulni(fn Ur.KT I NI()NT, O, )it JH t I iiiini' hnicU nii llowi'd lodav wil.i ciliiiih ol AdnuiM couutv, who it i wiiiluitf n chuuee o plead tfiullv ( ilmi'iies of Helling their votes. Wn on load after wfR load of votei -under niilielHieiit pouitid into the cilv duriiiur the day. Ah fast as then ctimiM wero called tliny admitted then guilt, were dinfruueliiMod toi-jt pi riod of five veam and woio lined in Mirolficniit amount. .Mwjuwhlo the iudictiiwat mill v lou!ily ut woik and it wax eHi t ed that ut leant 50 nioio true hit'-. oiild b reliiriii'il ihU nfteiiioon Thu would hriittf the total iiumher up to IWIU0. lliuutredH ut citixeiih wen' oiiniiuoned to appenr at lite kuu.i imv rooiii. Ancient Em Is Fountl. Mid drawinxai vvoie lionuonlhod to iIk Jfetiopylltnu, tho ("nineie and the Ken It lo iniifcoiiiiiH in the will of ill flllllOllli Hi'llSl, whlpli Wtlfc filwl lu-c today for )hu(ii. iu ?nvtW. lm heonino faiuotts ahlofly Otroush In- PARIS. IW. US.-Soine 17 or Is ceuturie. hm a liun liviiijt in the vt cinils ot Maii'nee, following tho inn ami hubilt. of it hind, laid an c, which wiu piiiliuhly iutmided toi ('aNir' ImukfHht. Hut evidi-uilv Cncxur irol tijt too late that uioriunu and went wtllioiil Urtmkfaxt, lor diu uiit the excavation of nil oll Itoinnu cm6p oh (Ih auUkirtM ut AU.fnt n few diivi. ami ht euir wu r.iuml h ihit Uitioiu uf nu old eitni in (lie lui-IUVIlt of Wlnt NN OH II ltittllll.il villa. Tin- 'W' ! Iiesthsl mi iKhloll "t cy.hidlM in an old Itftinou dnnk nit nii hci iiiiKit ut liiiilnnwnir, In ill ".I Whllll Hi III (. (...NKl'MOU SCHOOL CHILDREN Often need Glasses tlurlnn thu formative period of childhood. Let us prepare the "lasses for your children's eyes, and tho chances arc the sllnjit error will he speedily corrected and .vltiiin a short time the chil dren's eyes will be restored to normal. DR. STE FHENS0N Office Over Allen's Store, Main and C Street, Phone Main I8S7. Med ford, Or. e-Inventory Sale pnilHuif f dgoOllllivc Willityiy, U-ll I ' K niiiii.ni u vuiih of Slav liuce nllectjon of tnuml )aijflliv;if. ' "" "" '-- ' " ivlnliilun . )noMlvQ,fu toliioiifi of eoolofiln'slipul' ',l' iv puiiu-n uod lml m (lwlllictor. iiihK ,i I.iii. .,,W ,, H, In, ii,) Pure Clear Sparkling Von can't afford to do without (his splendid, rcftetdiiiiK drink. Call up and order a euso hoiU to the houso Tho piuot, most healthful dunk known h SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER As we begin invoicing right after the first of the new year, there are a great many goods we want to close out before then for money is easier counted than merchandise. A little Christmas money will go a long way as prices on Coats and Suits have been reduced l-49 " 1-2 and 1-2 $45 Tailored Suits Now $24.50 lli'iiiititul h inil-lniloicd Suits i,i wiiistciN, twied,' ci;c, liasket weave, in i.ict aN new weave-. Mtietlv liiBh rlnss; iCRulur $rj..")0 ,nd$r..oi. Pre-In- $24.50 M'lltOt Suit.' Tniloied Smi-., Styleeraft niak'. in. tweeiU, Vonotiaiis, luaided linutili loth. pixtw; ever.v one n vood nioilil, H'jfulur value fi))..)) and ..-... I'ro- $19.50 luveiiioiv S. Ii Olln pr'u imI ut $12.95, $15, $16.75. 25 Per Cent Reduction on All Furs Winn on oppgitunily to Rot .ucli a lir ii'duutiun on a Hue taili' a tin! Tliii ini'ludei,our hoauiitul .l.ipaiieo iMinlt Set.s, Ulue W.ill Set, Aiiktmliiui (Tiiu clnll.i t, SuiitUeiii l.yil Set, Ml tact i'M'1 v I iir iu Ktoi-k tit One-Fourth From nemtlar Pricey Childrens Goats at Exactly Half Price St Mark's Building il.M i 'yistt t .jief $:i ' MM v1 Pfyf- - mW Sm v J I 1 VW ""l"",,"""""""'"',,""u'"- 11: - WTZT . $40 Caracul Coats NOW $27.50 A beautiful full-leni Caracul Coat, Dohsou' best quality, lined throughout with vain d.ved satin, tin twcellent value at its lejnilur -I0 puce I'le-lu-veutory Side $27.50 l!eautifiil Novelty Coats m mx. tin a nuil biondcloth. the faino.i-. .-iivie-v ran niaUe, u'KuIar valuer, 1 ic-Inveu- lorv .ale , nun unit's $22.50 Others Priced at $10.00, $11.95 and Up. Dresses Are Greatly Underpriced. r. ..... ii i ,. '. iiuii in nie i ncss l.veuui!,' Die I)u'e our nie k-es, Alternoo'i nil nie lliKlcrmicinl n' l'l'dnventjiry Sale Millinery Is Reduced to Half Price About Much of the Millinery is rodnc 'd even nioio than one half, but uo it must. Our cases must ,x lea rod. The "eye Is mightier than the pen." Come in and look around. You will be pleased with the val ues we are offering 222 West Main St. I ' P. C. BIGHAM, Aocnt. HiihUIiiu for Health. li i i in 'in n i'iIi j r-rf-M '''"'',''r.