q. ?; .ry Kw!3ff!1 "Wf '""W m. W ,"p'fp!( W ft- ?i o ', "f TODJK)HD rA.tL,qHJUiNl!, MEU.IX)1U, WliX'QN, 'AlOff DAY, plgGRMlMSU '2Q, 1U0. V w L'j ' i A J U MKN RECORDTHISYEAR SKffiBW By March 4, 35,000 Bills Will Have Been Introduced by Members Much Work Is Being Done Record Broken by 7500. ' ' " Ki. WASHINGTON, Dce.:20.-All rcc- Eprds will he broken when the present iou'-o of reprcsYutntlvcs cbresf o to- lal approximately of 35,000 public inil private bills introduced up to its telose on March 4 next. This is a lean of more than 7500 over the rcc- fbrd established by the hifet congress the ClOlli. These figures are exclus ive of resolutions, which, mi far in thc .three sessions of the present con jforess, liuve numbered 8811 simple re.-- mlutious, 278 joint resolutions and 5b (concurrent. Hack in the earlier congresses, itherc were comparatively few meas ures presented, but with tho exten sion of tho sway of the American ling to various insular possessions Pand with tho host of river and har bor and public builtlinsr do vehement s with pet projects for a multitude oi streams, almost never before heard of, tho hulk of bills and resolutions has been increasing rapidly. In the 51th congress, 10,000 bills introduced outdistanced all othci rccoids. This was raised by n thou sand a little later, nnd four years .ago the bonne lilcs wore flooded with 11,000 biJIs. 'Muring I he tvo preced ing sessions of this congress, 27,204 bjlls were picscutcd, and up to today tho present session has registered 3011. A Hood of measures probably vyill be introduced in the few days following the reassembly of congress on January 5, and then (he tide will recede. f ILUflATICS PROVE if Test Shows That the Insane Patients Bouflht Real Bargains, According to Superintendent of Asylum In St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 2C Suporintend- jent J. Atkins or tho City Hospital for Ithclnsanc, believes that Insnno per- sqiis showed more Judgment than moat shoppers In making their Chrlsamas I purchases. Ho conducted an In teresting scrlc3 ot experlmonts by permitting 10 of his patients each day to mlnglo with shoppers In big department stores. 'The women bring their purchases wto me for Inspection," ho said yester day, "and I find that In almost every lease they havo bought real bar- Igalns." Each group of patients waB oscart- cd through tha down town district by na attendant. Tho attendant does not wear tho garb of a nurso, and tjiero Is nothing about her charges to lndlcato whenco they come. Dr. At- Inson says that tho shopping parties' have had a salutary effect on thoso twho have been permitted to Indulge Hn them. "Normal shoppers do not know they aro rubbing elbows with tho In- sano, and since tho experlmonts be gan a woel: ago, there has n t been a enso In which a patient did anything to attract attontlon to hor mental "'infirmity. MIXUP IN IDAHO'S NATIONAL GUARD BOISE, Idaho, Dec. 20. Robe, t Lansdon, secretary of stato of Idaho, who was ousted from his position as colonel of tho Second regiment of the Idaho national guard, declared tpdny that he will lgnoro tho order for his retirement Issued by Governor Brady, acting as commander-in-chief qf tho gaurds. Lansdon stated in addition that ho would appeal from tjio ordor of tho court dissolving his temporary Injunction sought to pre vent the board oL inquiry from con tinuing Its investigations Into charges tliat woro preferred against him. Lansdon declared that In this man ner he expects to nullify tho action of tho governor. Tho ousting of Lansdon was a re sult of personal feelings between Governor Brady and Lansdon, accord ing to friends of Lansdon. They as sert that tho board of inquiry which was appointed to investigate Lans don's fitness to occupy tho position ol colonel by tho governor for thp pur ppso of ultimately "getting tho sec retary's scalp." Insubordination and disobedience aro given as tho cause of Lansdon's removal from tha guards. Hasklua for Health, SHOPPERS IS Seattle Pastor Is Threatened With Death Following His Sermon of Last Sunday on Vice Practiced in i Tnat'City. . SEATTLE, Wash., Dec. 2C.A rig id Investigation Is being held by the authorities todaj;' following tho dis covery of rive sucks of dynamite wrapped In a packago on the front stops of the First MothoHlst church kite Saturday, by C. E. Downlo, who chanced fo bo passing. Downlo no ticed the parcel on the church steps. He examined and found It to contain five sticks of dynamite, each about a foot long, wrapped in tho case. There was enough explosive in tho package to blow tho building to atoms. Dow ulc notified tho police and stood guard over tho explosive unfll Patrol man Opdyko arrived and toel: tho stuff to police headquarters. Rev,. Adna Wright Leonard Is pas tor of tho church. Last Sunday eve ning ho scored tho city administra tion on account of the existence of Ico, and rebuked what he called tho 'flendly Influence of vice" In Seat tle. Laj or ho received a letter threat ening him with death and tho des- ' ruction of his church. n FOR SALE l)Q acres all cleared, 3V miles Engie Point, .fUO per acre, finest soil. 110 acres, 70 cleared, (J in orchard, 3 miles station, buildings, $85 poi acre. 120 acres dairy and nlfnlfa ranch, 70 cleared, close in, $7000, tonus, t GO acres nlcoly located, close In, good buildings,, trade for city lots will mako good sub-dtvlslon. It ncres, under ditch, fine peirr and alfalfa land, 3 miles out, cleared and fenced; $250 per acre. CITY PROPERTY Two lots near P. O., trado or sell, equity $27o0. City acreage on West 2d, near new schoolhouse. Lot 50x145, 5 blocks postoffice, $850, e.isy terms. .oomuig house, 10 rooms, on East Mam, closo in; pneo cut for quick sale. J-room house, near school, sewer, sidewalk, city water; $950, easy terms. Lot on paving, 50x200, $750. 'iots in West Walnut Park, $275 to $350, easy terms. WANTED Oirls for general housework. Listings of city property and ranches. E. F. II. loom 206, Taylor & Phlpps Bldq, LOST. LOST Liberal reward for tho re turn pr for information leading to tioxoturn of my female pointer dog. A'. Gluck, 503 S. Oakdale. Phono G021. 237 LOST Ono box of china, two bolts of t'hee.seclotji and other valuable packages. Hut urn these packages nnd receive suitable reward. Ad dress Jphn S. Norwood, Central Point, Or., R. F. D. No. 2. 238 FOR EXCHANGE. Keal J&Uite. FOR TRADE Scuttle or Portland property. I huvo about $200,000 of choice Seattle or Portland prnp erty for trade, both iucomo prop erty or in lots; also farms nnd gro cery stocks for trade for Rogue .liver properly or city property; also have some California pprop orty for trade. Write A. L. Cusic k, formerly of Cusick & Meyers, 1140 W. 10th st. phone Main 2232. 200 rO EXCHANGE For Medford preperty: 20 acres, unimprovoir; $2000; 10 acres, unimproved. $1000; 20 acres, unimproved, $1000; 18 ncres, improved, $7500; 52 ncres, improved, $11,000; 3(1 acres, improved, $0000. W. T. York & Co. tf FOR EXCHANGE 230 acres .111 Roguo river, fine wnter right, 100 ncres cleared, fino nlfnlfa laud, fine stock or fruit ranch, good building, $15,000; will exchange for good city iucomo or residence property to the nmount of $5000 or $8000; $5000 cash, balanco terms. A. L. Cusick. 1140 W. 30th. Phono 2232. 241 FOR EXCHANGE A good, largo house, close in, a fine location fo" boarding and rooming parlies; not able to care for same, will consider good 5 or fi-room hoiiho and give long time on difference. Inquire 315 N. Riverside. tf FOR TRADE-Five-acre tract m, Contrnlin, Wash., for equal value in ' Mcdford or burronnding property. H. C. Glascock, 218 Beatty l 238 i DYNAMITE UN IN CHURCH n FOR EXCHANGE. Miscellaneous. FOR EXCHANGE Mcdford nnd suburban property, ranches, liiubat j lauds, for other property. Address1 Box 109, care Mail Tribune. til FOR TRADE Hnvo for trade good drayngc business, including several teams, for house and lot in Mcdford or Alilnnd. A. L. Cusick. 1140 W. 3,0th St., formerly of Cusick & My ers. 241 "FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Miscellaneous. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Fivo passenger 4-cylinder louring auto mobile Address Box 200, care Mail Tribune office. tf FOR RER7. Farms. FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches, garden lands, general fnrming ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 210 West Main. tf Housekeeping Booms. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing and warm sleeping rooms nl 125 S. Oukdnl'c. " , 23&" FOR RUNT Furnished housekeep ing rooms at 23 Roosevelt nv. 237 Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. Inquire 520 W. 10th st. tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. 203 Oleson st! Phone Main '4474. FOR RENT Only hotel in town of 1,000 inhabitants. Roguo River vnl ley; niodernly equipped, toilets, baths, water and electricity;, 40 rooms; nearly nil refurnished. Cull Aldenhagcn, care Rogue River Elec t'rie Co.. 210 W. Main f.I. FOR RENT Two largo connecting front rooms, fine for offices or dressmaking pnrlors, upstairs, cen ter of town; $25 month. Phone 0202. 300 FOR ItKNT Sunny furnished rooms, one. block from postoffice; board if dosired. 208- N. Centra) nve.. corner 5th. st. 300 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients at No. 10 N. Grape st., next to Farmers' & Fruitgrowers Hank bldg. tf FOR RENT 20 modern equipped rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wil ier, electric light, toilets and lmthsl fcuilable for first-clnss rooming house; rooms en suite, suitablo for families or modern offices. Inquire Aldenhagcn, care Rogue River Elec tric Co. tf ant furnished rooms nnd board, with hot nnd cold running water; baths, large sunny porches. (!01 W 10th st. or 124 King st. tf Hoard and Room. FOR RENT At the Cottage, pleas ant furnished rooms and board, with hot and cold running water: baths, largo sunny porches. 1101 W. 10th st. or 124' King st. tf PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOM at' 402 S. Central nve. Mrs. C. II. Hart. Houses. RENT Good 5-room house, brick cellar, barn, chicken house, etc., $10; nlso shiall houso for $7.50. Humphrey, room 3, Adkius block; phones, offico 5001, residence 3!)02. 237 IJusiness Rooms FOR RENT Office rooms, $4 each per month, in Hostel's modern -block nt Central Point, Ore. Par ties desiring veil located office rooms will do well to examine these. 259 FOR RENT Offico rooms over tho Postoffice. See G. F. Dyer, 123 E. Main st., room 2. FOR R-ENT Offico rooms in Elec tric building, modern equipment, steam boat, electric light, baths, toilet, hot and coll water. Gold Ray Realty Co., 210 W. Main Bt. if FOR RENT Business room on W. Muin St., 24x140, suitable fo- res taurant or billiard room or other business, steam heat. Gold Jtay Realty Co., 210 W. Mnin st. tf Miscellaneous. FOR LEASE Pillly equipped placer inlno. Call on Aldenhcgen, Rogue River Eleptric Co. ;10 West Main. tf FOR SALE OR RENT. Uuslncflfl Property. FOR SALE OR RENT 8-room houso at 700 S. Oakdale nve., nowly painted and decorated, cement basement; will sell nt a bargain villi best of terms; monthly pay ments if 'desired. Harry II. Tuttlo. Park nve., immediately back of the above house. Phono 71. " tf FOR SALE OR RENT-Oood open ing for general merchandise stoe' in now town with $15,000 monthly, payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ruy Realty Co, 2QQ W Main. tf. , FOR SALE. Business Property. FOR SALE Dry goods store, doing good business, long lease, smnll ex penses, east of S. P. railroad; must sell on account of health. Address "Opportunity," enro Mail Tribune offico. If FOR SALE Choici business prop erty nt a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Power Co. FOR SALE Third floor of Adkius bldg., formerly used by Oddfellows. Apply to D. F. Day, Frank Wilson or J. B. Wood. tf tiOtS. WAREHOUSE property, 150 feet on track, very close in; snap, terms. Humphrey, room 3, Adkius blk. 235 EXCELLENT location for npartmcut house, closo in, on pavement, 150 feet frontage, 385 deep; a snap. $2000. Fine lot in Kenwood, last chance on such terms, $10 cash, $10 per month. HUMPHREY, Room 3, Adkius block. Phono 5001. 237 FOR SALE Residence lots, closo in. high elevation, coniinnndiiig a beau tiful view of tiio city nnd valley; best residenco disltiol, 'at prices that are right. A. F. Harnett, Jnck sou Co. Haul; bldg. Phono Main 42. residence 2574. tf THE MOST desirable, nicely locate.!, high, dry lots oil ,W. 2d st. at the lowest prices aro in the sightly Hill view addition, $275 to $350, terms. Humphrey, room 3, Adkius block. Phono 5001. 237 I. 1 l - -- ... FOR SALE A good lot on a street In be paved in tho spring, 50x100. nt only $150; lernis ate most lib eral, $10 down and $2.50 11 week. Cornitius-Gnrncr Realty -Co., 133 W. Main. Phone 0031. 237 ' FOR SALE Fino tract 15 lots, closo in, two good houses, sidewalk, water; u bargain, $4300, 'easy terms: it won',1 stay long. Humph rey, room 3, Adkius block, phone 5003. 237 FOR SALE $200 each, $10 down nnd $10 por month, for six fine building lots, 50x120, 0110 block from pavement on North C st. In quiro 4 S. Orange sfe tf Acreage. FOR SALE 30 ncrc.i red fruit land, 4' miles from Mcdford; will sot to any kind of fruit and furnish trees for $200 per acre;, land ns it is, $125 per acre; if interested, write If. E. Bowman, Jncksonvillo, Or. 200 FOR SALE 5, 10 nnd 20-aoro trncts with porpcliiol water right for salo on easy payment plan. Roguelnnds Incorporated, Fred N. Cummings. mnnngor. tf FOR SALE Largo modern house with south nud cast front, 113 feet front on paved strcot, by 181 feet long, nicely improved grounds; ev erything strictly modern; reason for selling, Indy. of li'mso needs a chnngo of climate; Uiis plnco is suitablo for nice homo or first class rooming hous; ensy terms to right party. S5 ' tho Jackson County Realty C-) 004 West Tonth st. Wo also bavo largo and smnll tracts of improved and unimprov ,ed orchnrd tands. tf FOR SALE In small tracts, or its 11 whole, 200 acres finest fruit or alfalfa land, 2 miles fiom railroad, 11 miles from Mcdford; land is ab solutely free boil, deep and rich; no liardpan; slopes gently to nnd faces 011 main county road; wo must sell this tract in tho next 30 days; price and terms are right. Sco plat in our office. D. II. Jackson & Co., 318';. Main st. I'Jiono 2722. tf $11,500 for 40 acres of $car creek bottom land, 20 acres set out in fruit, 10 acres in garden patch, 2' miles from Central Point; easy terms. Inquire No 4 S. Grape, tf FOR SALE 14 acres, 10 acres planted to pears, 0110 milo from Central Point, $235 per acre. W T. York & Co. tf FOR SALE 5 nnd 10-uuro tracts Just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 niiuual pay ments. Address Condor Yater Power Co. FOR SALE 22 ncres of go"od fruit or fa nn land in tho Wolf Creek dis trict; will sell chcup if taken at once. Address P, O. Box 110, Mcd ford, Or. 237 Acreage. FOR SALE One ncic, will make hi largo lots, between Iwo streets to be paved, clobo in, with now two- story house and shack; will take a (tlose-iii lot in .trade, $3000, or will sell miv puil to suit purchaser. John Reter. 0 S. Central avo. tf FOR SALH Beautiful hillside build ing site, about 1 acre, just outside of citv limits in East Mcdford; high and sightly, with beautiful view of Medford and tho valley; will sell 1 aero for the pneo you would have to pay for a good city lot; small cash payment, easy terms on bui uucc. Address )'. O. Box 702. .211 FOR SALE. 1I0HC, Mcdford Mall Tribune Want nds are business brlngcrs. FOR SALE Modern 5-room house, furnished, $22. Moor-Ehni Co., 212 Fruitgrowers' Bank bldg. 230" FOR RENT House, and fnriiituie (or sale. Inquire at 003 S. King st ' 238 FOR SALE For $1500 wo can give you. 11 new five-room bungalow on an enst front lot 58x140; four nice' sbndo trees, and by next spring will bo only ono block from paved street. Corjiitius-Qnrncr Realty Co., 133 W. Main. Phone 0031. 237 FOR SALE We have a dandy little 5-room house, modern and on a paved strcot, at $1050; good terms Cornitius-Gnrncr Realty Co., 133 W. Main st. 237 HOME FOR SALE In Talent, Jnek Son county, Oregon, 11 newly incor porated town, a fino homo of 18 ncres; loved fertile nlfnlfa nnd fruit lnnd, irrigated; 9110 block from postoffice, on tho main road and extends to Bear crook; has two acres bearing Ncwtowns, 11 years old; 12 acres Bnrilott and D'Anjou penrs; 2 acres alfalfa; all is fino garden lnnd; n 0-room house; eli nato very mild; pure water from the mountains; jiealthy; churches, schools nnd literary societies; no saloons or drunkenness it is a dry town; it s midway between tho thriving cities of Mcdford and Ash fniid ;prico $10,000; $4501) down, tho remainder on time nt 0 por cent. Conio to Talent and let mo Inly) you over tho place, or wrile, onclosing slumps. L. N. Judd, Tal ent, Or.. Dec. 8. 1010. 210 FOR SALE --Limited number pure bred Poland China hours, 3 nud 1 months old, eligible to go in the best herds and chonp enough for any farmer to buy." Berkeley Or chards, Geo. C. Osgood, mgr. Phono Farmers 703.-:f. tf Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Old established busi ness in Mcdford; $2000 will han dle. F. ('). B.,' cure Mail Tribune. 23!) FOR SALE Cheap, good cow; al.10 team, horse, wagon nnd harness. Inquire 211 V. Main. 230 FOR SALE Placer ciaim, 00 acxes, ditch, reservoirs, Rinn'.l houeo, goo J lnnd; Jncksonvillo 8 miles; price right. Address V. A Springford. Jacksonville, Or. 24'J FOR SALE Exceptional bargain; 1010 Chalmers Detroit "30." See Ira JJ Dodge, Fruitgrowers' Bank bldg. tf FOR SALE Cookstovc, burned two months, cost $17; will tnko $10. In qniro Gregorys Studio. FOR SALE Potatoes, A I ranch po tatocs, 1 cent a pound whilo they last. 707 W. Main. FOR SALE liny, delivered at any timo from Isnac ranch. 230 FOR SALE Corn. Clancy. Dr. R. M, WANTED. Lots. WANTED City lots in part payment for 5 and 0-room houses. Moor Ehni Co., 212 Fruitgrowers' Bank bldg. 230 Acrcnge. WANTED Land; several men with ample means, with families, desire to move to a more ideal climate; want unimproved laud capable of highest stato of development; good water, good raods, lino scenery es sential; wo represent different trades nud professions; would probably '.develop njl natural re sources and raw materials in the section where wo locate; full .infor mation desired before wo inspect the property; ami bring to the place wo choose a very high class lot cif people; 110 literature on "ten-acre plots" desired. F. S. Culver, Porl Clinton. O. 238 MlsrcllniicoBn. WANTED Hnvo buyer for houso, also vacant lots, close ,iu, Enst .Mcd ford preferred; will pay not to ex ceed $3000 for houso and lot; own er only recognized. Address C. V. Muiison. Box 317. 238 WANTEDTwo carloads of hogs Lewis & Sons, butchers, Central Point, Or.s . WANTKD Clean cotton rags .it Mail Tribune office. " WANTED Bonrders and roomers 510 N. Riverside nvo. tf WANTED A puppy for child'H por. 330 N. Front st. 237' HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Male. WANTKD Forcmun to tuke charge of young orchard, wifo to cook for men. Must furnish ref erences. Boudiuot Conner, Central Point. 320 WANTED Salesmen in every local ity of tho northwest; money ud vuueed weekly; many make over $1000 month; choico of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top peuiuli, Wapli. HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Male. WANTEIi Ten men to chop oord- wood, nt JjuUo balls; return you cash d(j ejuts cot'd. Address J. J. Wcnninglinni, Butte Falls, Or. 243 WANTED A first-class Japanese boy for housework, 2 in family and good wages. Apply mornings 210 N. Oakdale. ' tf VANTED-A young man who is a competent stenographer. Aplily nt dffico Big Pines Lumber Co. Help Wimtu! Female. WANTED Woman or girl to do light housework for board and room. 323 S. drupe or phone 1021. tf WANTED Girl for goneral house work; waccs $1 per day. Call at 21C W. Alain st. tf Situations Wanted. WANTED Position by loenl young ,mau to keep .sot of books for small firm, from 4 lo 0 p. m., or in tho evenings; nm also stenographer. Address F. R., euro Mail Tribune office. 230 WANTED Nursing by Mrs. K. Mo Royuolds. Call at 320 N. Riverside avo.. or phono Mnin 32. WANTED Position ns housekeeper by widow for widdwor or elderly couple. Mrs. L. Enrlbort, general delivery, Mcdford. 230 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accouutniitfl. D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kept for ,1 reas,onablo i'iguro; your business solicited. Offico Phipps bldg., room 201). Phone 3122. Architect). JOHNS & TURNER. Architects and Buildors. Offico 7-8, 325 Main. Phono Main 3471. Rosidauco phono 744. Assnyci' and Analyst. RARL V. NGKL$, B. S, Boat equipped assay offic(o in Oi'egon; food produces, soils, fertilizers, MV.uy products, yntor, etc., nn nlvyed. Grants Pass. AitoriicyN. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Rcnmcs. Lawyers. Of fice' Mcdford Nalionnl Bank build ing, soconTl floor. PORTER J. NEFF,' WM. P. MEA LEY Allorncys-at-low. Nos. 1 and 2. Post office building. A. E. REAMES Coroy bldg. -Lnwyor, Garnett- WITIIINGTON & KELIAV-Lnwyors, Palm building. Rllllard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiardfl, Gi gurs and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nice, oool plnco to spend tho hot nftoV' nonns. Dili Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill poHtornnc Distributor. All ordora promptly filled. Room 20, Jnckfcon Count Bank building. Mcdford. Or. Cigars nud Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehouse Dcalpra in tobacco, cigars and smorckH' supplies. Exclusivo ngents of Lewis Sinf-Io Binder. El Mritt a:id El Palonoia. 213 West Mnin street. Collections ACCOUNTS collected in any part of tho .world. No charge if not col lected. Paciilo Collecting C,o 33 Jackson Co. Bank bldg. Fidelity and Murot7 Bonds, L. L. SMALL, bonds of all kinds in the best companies. 33 Jackson Co. Bank bldg. Kiiriilturo. II. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in now and swond-hand furniture nnd hardware. Agents for House hold hIovch and ranges. 30 South Fir street. Phono Muin 3101. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS -Comer 8th und Holly streets, Mcd ford. Mission furniture mndo to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cookstoves and ranges. New and Bocond-hand furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W. F st.. South. Phouu 01. Medford Granite Works. GOLD RAY aRANlTE CO., 210 W. Main St., munufnutiirerfl mid deal ers in gmontimontnl and buildin granite, crushed grnnito common brick and pressod brick, eoarso und fino washed rivor snnd. MEDFORD BRICK CO, Goo. W. Priddy, O. D. Nnglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brijk; dealers In pressed hriok niifl Hmo. Office in Qurnoit-Cnrov block, room 200. 2d Moor. Phono No. 3181 Notary Public, NOTARY. PUBLIC Room Phlpps bldg. 207, NOTAltY PUBLIC Mail Tiibutu offico. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. .Nurseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, tot grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. 'Woguarantee ev erything put mil. Wo "are not in tho trust. II. B. Patterson, offico removed to 110 E. Main at. ROGUE RIVER "VALLEY NUR SERY CO., incr-Growera fu high grado nursory stock. Offico 25 W. Mnin. Tel. 1201. Nursery Products THE OREOON NURSERY products nro nil one-year bud'. on- 3-year roots;' representative "off ie.o' now iii Mcdford; can supply opple', p.car and walnut .trees on short jiotjujo; all guaranteed in overy respect; rnncji ors, write us of your needs; will bo glid to quote you prices. ralnters and rnpcrlinngcrii. DECORATE your tinted walls with stencil borders by A. Hisdpn, paint er, decorator ajul piiporhanger, No.. 5" E. 3d st., Mqdfonl. ' " Photographers. HAVE your Ninas photos mndo by Mii.ek.ey if you want something Ic please. Physicians nnd Surgeons. J. E. &IIEARER, M. D., Physiol ami Surgeon. Special attention 'giycn io internal )ncdieln.o mid gen eral offce ,pract(cc. Office hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Office phone 731, rcs(de,nco phono 4542. Office over .Slrnug'K drug si ore. ' DR. S. A. LOCIvWOOD Ph.VHic.inn nud Sui'gcm Office 210 E. Mnin st., over Has- kins' drug store. Phono Main 1001. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Phv " sicimiB nnd surgnons, Tayldr nriii Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offico phoho 501, rosiddnco phono 012. Offico hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOV. DR. EVA MAINS (CAR,LOW .Osteopathic physicians. Mov'qd to Roons 410 nud 4J7, (jL-vrnolt-Coroy bldg. Phono Main 0351. "bit. E. II. PORT.ER-yDiscpBcs of women a specially.-, Roonjs b, 6, 7, 8. St. Mnrk'o bldg., Mcdford, Or. Phenes: Offico 41)01, residence 4051. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prno lico limited to diseases of tho eye, oar, noso and throat. Offico 210 E. Main st., over Mcdford llard waro Co. DR. ARTEMAS W. DHANE-Offioo in Riulto bldg., 123 it. Main. Giis 'administered for oxlrcotion of tuolh. Tolephono Main 081. Night a 10110 4432. DR. W. W. WICK llomcppathio physician; rosidonco 203 'Olson st., phono Mnin 4474;' offico, rooms 3 and L fit. Mark's block, phono Main 1871. DR. STEARNS-Physician mid sur 'gcon. Offico Gnniott-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 1002. Reai denco 113 Laurel st., phono 2002. W. A. LOVELACE Contractor and practical buildor; ostimnte3 fre.o; patronago appreciated. 125 South Almond st. DR. MYRTLE S. LOOKWOOD Praclico limited to discuses of wo men. Offico Hnskins bldg. Phono Main 1001. DR. STEl'llKNSON fits glasses to correct nny dofect of tho oyo. Of fice over Allen & Reagan's, riiouo Main 3851. Dr. y. M. Van Sqoyoc. Dr. C. C. Vun Scoyoc. Dentists. Fruitgrowora Bank bldg., Mcdford, Or. l'linnn .1n7' Printers and Publishers. T i MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho bcHi equipped .job offico in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Central avonuo. HteungrnpberM. ELLA M. aUANYAW-Palm Blook. Stenographic work done quickly nnd well. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 402 Garnett, Corey building, West Sido. o.j-, Tin Shops. J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron wuro on hnnd and made lo order, 128 Norlli O st. Read Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers, Day phono 351. Night phones: C. W. Conklin 3001; J. E. Butler 3573 ; John A. Peri 4111. UnlOHS. CARPENTERS' UNION, LOCAL 1840 Mcota at Smith's hall, 126 North Grape street, every Thurs day evening promptly at 8 d'eloak, All journeymen carpenters, an wll iiB local rnombsrs. united to he &. cnt. Business of vital mtctrat t nil carponters transaettA at tkau meetbiKS, t, 3., SmUImmImm M M .. 1