vppp,r '.T """ ""' "" " ,v'T,'ijrii!"' i ''wTw'n ''Vt ?. s i " aLEDtfORD MAIL TRIBUNE, JifEDFOUDOREaON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1910. ;; J i' 6! T u f -! WANT SI 3,500 ASHLAND RESERVE Commercial Club Memorializes Con gress for Appropriation to Im , Prove Reserve in Canyon Above city. ASHLAKD.D c, 24. Much Interest i was manl'estcd in ' the Commerclnl club at a recent meeting over the movement to securo an npproprla Hon for the extension of roads in tho forest reserve, of Ashland cr.nyon. Tho following memorial prepared by u U. Watson waa adepted: Memorial to Coongvosi. Whereas, the conservation of nat- ural resources appeals to tho host Judgment of thinking people, and is admitted by all to bo one ot tho most Important purposes of govern Mont advancement, and Whereas, tho construction of i proper policy to that end lc a matter of first consideration, and Whereas, among tho resources to be consorved thevforests and water ara the prime- leaders, becauso upon them depend to n large degree the conservation and proper use of all others; a proper conservation of the one depending upon .proper fostering nt then thor. It irocs without saying that the details essential tq carry out such policy must not bo neglected. Our great ,vatcr sheds are forest clad beri3c the life giving clement awtor is there. Without tho forest the jvatcr cannot bo conserved and deprived of water the forests will die The greatest enemies to tho pres ervation of tho forest are fires and tho careless, greedly operations of men who have no-thouht or care be yond their, own present selfish pur noses of gain. Recent oxporienco has demonstrat ed that the greatest aid In battling with fnrost fires. Is to make 'the ifor- est accessible by roaU's and trails and if conservation is to be m. re than a pretense and a fad, sufficient funds must be avalbalie MFWYPcmfwyp must bo available for tho building of roads and trails. Such money, how ever, will Ih a largo degree bo wasted, unless every such road and trail shall first bo carefully eurvoyed, so that tho btnt grades may be established and then spbstantlally built so as to be permanent ? and lasting assets. To build ono-ttall- or-.road.thisycac and abandon It next year for a better route is au inexcusable waste. Therefore wo believo that suffi cicnt appropriations should be made to secure first class and permanent results. "The Ashland Forest and Water Preserve" vas established in 1893, primarily for the protection of the water supply of the city of Ashland, Oregon. SInco that time tho rapid growth of tho city and of Roguo River valley- have so Increased tho demand for water that ovory possible effort is don.anded for tho conser vation of tho water supply from Ashland creek watershed. This water-shed ,1s covered with one of tho finest pine and fir forests In the world. To protect this wator supply this forest must bo protected. Last summer forest fires did im mense damago to tho water-shod be causo of its inaccessibility. This would havo been prevented if a good wagon roa.l had been built from Lome's lodge, a distance of -0 mlle3, through tho center of this wator- Bhed to the rummlt of tl.o mountain near Mt. Ashland. A carotul esti- FOR SALE 00 acres, nil cleared, Vs miles Eagle . Point, $00 por acre, finest soil. 110 acres, 70 cleared, G in orchard, 3 miles station, buildings, $85 per acre. 320 acres ilniry and alfnlfn ranch, 70 cleared, close in, $7000, terms. 1G0 acres nicely located, close In, good buildings,, trade for city lots will make good sub-division. 34 acres, under ditlh, fine pear aud alfalfa laud, 3 miles out, cleared nnd fencefl; $250 per acre. CITY PROPERTY Two lots near P. 0., trade or spll, equity $2750. City ncreago on West 2d, near new sohoolhousc. Lot 50x145, 5 blocks postoffio, . $850, easy terms. Roomiuc house, 1(5 rooms, on East Main, close in; price out for quick side. Q-rpotn house, near school, sewer, sidewalk, city water; $950, easy terms. ; Lot, on paving, 50x200, $750. Lots in West Walnut Park, $275 to $350, easy terms. WANTED Girls for general housework. Listings of city property and . ranches. ' E. F. 1 Room 206, Taylor & Phlpps Bldg. TT CONTRACT SYSTEM "OF VOTE BUYING Grand Jury Adjourns After Finding Indictments Against 653 Persons v in. OhioPoliticians Paying Fines " for Poorerdhes.1' T WEST UNION, Ohio, Dee. 24. Thelnvestigatlon into tho election scandals 'revealed a coitract system of vote buying. The grand jury ad journed tlila afternbon until next Tuesday after having returned Indict ments against G53 persona, U is re ported that confessions have been ob tained involving many of the so called "higher-, ups"' In- tho political life of tho otato. - Under thea lleged contract system, imall .politicians .sold the voters, An wholesale, lots to- tho party bidding highest foe them. Judge Blair declared tljat an In rtanco shewins that, tho purpose of J'Ho contractors was aa follews: "One -of tho contractors wouiu go to tho party-, leaders and nay, 'Wo laveseyen men; what will you "Seven men would bring $70 In tho open vote market. Sixty dollars was UVlded among the purchased voters mil tho contractor kept ?10 as com nlssion. Men wcor sold liko cattle. I would say that half the voters in dams county were bought and sold." - Whorevor convictions havo been iccured tho cqurt is fining tho do 'eiulnnts the amount each received or his voto. In the cases of poor men tho poll- Iclans aro paying tho fines. natc shows that a 10 per cent grado ould'he had and n I'Qad Biiltablo for wagon traffic could bo built over this 10 miles including survey nt n cost of $13,500. A mere bagatollo when ompardd vith, tho loss of last sum mer's flros in tho destruction of- tho ,'orest! there and the dnmago done .o tho water-supply for years to come, 'jy tho burning of y. .heavy forest floor which has horotoforo acted as a Stent reservoir retaining great quan tities of wntcr, which was thus con served for use through tho dry sea ion. Had such' . a road been there ;vlth a few lateral trails, this damage would havo been reduced to a mlnl tmmf,ir indeed "if woto not wholly prevented. t ' A conservation of tho great Crater forest reserve is at no other point of o serious importance, as in this por tion which Is designated by tho "Ashland Forest and Water Preserve" withdrawal order If 1893. Wo believe that an appropriation of ont less than $13,500 should bo made by tho government for tho con struction of Mils road, and that such an expenditure would bo In tho ln etrest of economy, cheapor than fight ing fires, to say nothing of tho loss by such destructive conflagrations. Therefore boit resolved? First That this' document bo unanimously declared by tho Ashland .Commercial club as its earnest petl lon for such an appropriation of $13, 500 to bo employed. In the survey nnd construction of a wagon road frm Long's lodge, in tho Ashland crook canyon, Jackson county, Ore gon, to tho summit or tho mountain near Mount Ashland. Second That a copy of this docu ment be sent to tho proper officers of tho forestry service, through tho hands of Mr. M. L. Brlckson, super visor, that a copy bo sent to each of Oregon's United States senators and membors in congress, and that a copy bo sent to Hon. J. N. Teal, president of the. Oregon conservation commis sion nt Portland, Ore. Third That wo 'ask tho co-opora-tlontlon of tho cities, towns and com mercial 'bodlcn of Itoguo Ilivor val ley. Dated, Ashland, Ore., this 19th day of Docember, 1910.' Hnskins for health. LOST. LOST Libornl rawnAl-foiMhro-J turn or lor .lutormntiou leading to tho return of my female pointer dog. A. Gluck, 503 S. OAkduIe. Phone 0021. 237 LOST One, box of ehinu, two bolts of cheesecloth and other valuable pnekugert. Return these packages and receive suitable reward. Ad dress John S. Norwood, Central Point. Or., R. P. D. No. 2. 238 FOB EXCHANGE. Heal rotate. FOR TRADE Seattle or Portland property, I havo about $200,000 of choice Seattle or Portland prop erty for trade, both income prop erty or in lots; also farms nnd gro cery stocks for trade for Rogue liver property or city property; nlso havo home California pprop crty for trade. Writo A. L. Cusiek, fonnorly of Cusiok & Moyem, 1140 ttViaih' si, phouu Main 2232. 2C0' FOR EXCHANGE. ' Ileal testate. TO EXCHANGE', For Medford preperty: 20 acres, unimproved, $2000; 10 acres, unimproved. $1QQ0; 20 acres, unimproved, $1000; 18 acres, improved, $7500; 52 ncrcs, improved, $11,000; 30 nercs, improved, $0000. W. T. York & Co. tf FOR' EXCHANGE A good. lnryc house, close in, n fiuc location for bqardjuig npd rooming parties; not rible'to-enre for same, will consider good 5 or 0-room house and give long time on difference. Inquire 345 N. Riverside. tf i FOR TRADE Five-nure tract In Ccntrnlin, Wash., for equal value in Medford or surrounding property. U. C Glascock, 218 Bentty st. 23S Miscellaneous. FOR EXCHANGE Medford nnd suburban property, ranchos, timbor lands, for other property. Address Box 100, care Mail Tribune. tf FOR, TRADE Have for trade good druyngu business, including several temuH.vfor house nnd lot in Medford orAshlnnd. A. L. Citxick, 1140 W. 10th st., formerly of Cusick & My ers. 241' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE m Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Oil EXCHANGE Five passenger 4-eylindcr touring auto mobile. Address. Box 200, care Mnil Tribune office. tf FOR RENT. Farms. FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres to 400 aoros, ulfalfa land, fruit ranches, garden lands, general fannins ranches. Gold Rny Realty Co.. 210 West Main. t$' Housekeeping ltooms. FOR RENT Furnished housokoopT imr and warm sleeping rooms at 125 ,S. Onkdple.. ' 238 . FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rtiriius at 23 Roosevelt nv. 237 Furnished Itooihs. . FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, Inquire 520 W. 10th st? tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. 203 Oleson st. Phono Main 447d. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, closd in. Inquire No. 18 S. Almond St. - 230 FOR RENT Only hotel in town' of 1000 inhabitants. Rogue River vnl? ley; modernly equipped, toilet.-, bntlio, water and electricity; . 40 rooms; nearly all refurnished. Call Aldenhngen, euro Rogue River Elcevl ttric Co.. 210 W. Mam st. FOR RENT Two larire' connecting front rooms, fine for offices or dressmaking parlors, upstnfrs, con tor of town; $25 month, Phone 0202. 300 , FOR RENT Sunny . furnished rooms, one block from postoffice; board if desired. 208 N. Ccntrnl ove.. corner flh st. (300 . FOR KENT Furnished rooms for transients at No. 10 N. Grape st,, next to Farmers' & Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. - tf FOR RENT 20 modem oqiu'ppod rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wiu terclootric light,, toilets and bntlw, suilublo for first-class rooming house; rooms en suite, suifnblo for families or modern offices. Inquire Aldenhugen, cure Roguo Rivr Elec tric Co. . tf nut furnished rooms and board, with hot nnd cold running wntor; baths, largo sunny porches. 004 W 10th st. or 124 Kinir st. tf Iiourtl mid Itoom. FOR RENT At the Cottage, plen nnt furnished rooms and board, with hot aud cold running water: buths, . largo sunny porches. 00 j 10th hU or 124 King st. tf - PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOM nt 402 S. Central nve. Mrs. C. H. Hart. Houses., RENT Good 5-room house, brick .cellar, barn, ohioken house, etc, $10; also small house for $7.50. Humphroy, room 3, Adkins block; phones, office ,5001, residence. 3002. 237 Business Itoomi FOR RENT Offieo rooms, $4 each per month, in Rostel's modern block nt Central Point, Ore. Par ties desiring well located office rooms will do well to examine these. 250 FOR RENT Office rooms over Ihcl .Pofctoffico. See G. F. Dyer, 123lK.' Maui st., room 2. FOR RENT Offieo rooms m Elec tric building, modern equipment, steam heat, electric light, baths, toilet, hot aud coll wuter. Gold Ray Realty Co., 210 W. Main st. tf FOR RENT Business room on W, Muin st., 24x140, suitablo fo- rcs-i tnurnnt or billiard room or otbor business, steam heat. Gold Ray Realty- Co., 210 W, Main -st. tf FOB RENT. AHsccllitncoii. Fou LISASE Fully .equipped placer mine. Call on Aldenhcgen, Rogue River Electric Co., 216 West Main. tf FOR SAU QR RENT. BuoacM Property. FOR SALE OR RENT 8-room hopse .nt ?Q0 S. Oakdale nvo., newly, painted nnd decorated, gemoht basement; will sell nt a targain vith best of terms; monthly pay ments if desired. Hurry II, Tuttlc. Park nve., immediately Jjck of the above House. Phone" 71. tf FR SALE OR RENT Good opon ing f.or gdilqrnl morchnndls'o sto-e in new town, with $15t00p monthly payroll, on rmlroad, 12 miles from Medford. Gold. Ray Realty Co. 200 W Mala. tf. FOR SALE. IlusincKs Property. FOR SALE-rDry. goods store, doing good business, long lense, small e. peusup, east of S. 1 railroad; must sell on account of health. AddresV ''Opportunity,' euro Mail Tribune office. - tf FOR SALE Choict business prop erty nt o bnrgniu, on long' .time; easy terms. Address Condor Wa tcr Powor Co. - FOR SAL$' Third floor of Adkins bldg., formerly used by Oddfellqws. Apply ta P F. Dnjv Frank vY'lson or J. B. Wood. tf Xjots. WAREHOUSE property, 150 l'ect on truck, very clo.se in; sua), tonus. 11 ,..., I,....,, mmn !t AiU-itio lilt' O'l-,' I1IIIII,I1I.UJ , VVl ", .I.... . mm .... EXCELLENT location for npnrtment house, close in, on pavepient, 150 feet frontage, 185 deep; ti snap, S200U. Fine lot in Kenwood, last chance on such terms, $10 cash, $10 ,por mouth. HUMPHREY. Room 3, Adkins.bloeks Phono 500L 237 FOR SALE Residence lots, closo in. high eovntlont commanding a beau tiful view of the city and valloy; best residenco-district, at prices that are right. A.'F. Raruett, Juol: son Co. Bank bldg. Phone Mniu 42, resideuco 2574. tf THE MOST dusiruble, nicely located high, dry lols on W. 2d st. ufc tho lowest prices nro in the sightly Ilill yicw nddition, $25 to $350, toruif, Humphrey, room "3, Adkins block, Phono 5001. 237 FOR SALE-A good lot on u street to bo paved' in tlm, spring, 50x100, at only '$450 j terms uro most lib eral, $10 down nnd $2.50 a week. CorilitiuH-Gurncr Reaitv Co.. 133 L W. Jfnin. Phone (1031. 237 FOR SALE Fine tract 15 lots, close in, two good houses, sidewalk, water; a bargain, $4300, easy tenns; it won't hl'ny long. Humph' rey, room 3, AdkiuK block,, phone 5001. 237 FOR SALE $200 each, $10 , down and $10 per month, for six fino fiuildiug lots, 50x120. ,ono block from pavement on North V st. In- quiro 4 S. Orango Bt. tf Acreage. F.QR SALE 5, 10 and 20-ncre tenets with perpctunl water right for snlo on easy payment plan. Roguclnnds Incoiiiornted, Fred N. Cummings. manauor. UCt FOR SALE Larg6 niodnrn hoilbC 'ith south nnd cast front, 113 feet font on paved strcot,) by 181 feet long, nicely improved grounds; ev erything strictly modern; reason for Belling, lady of bnso needs i change of climnto; this pluco is suitablo for nice home or first class rooming lions''; easy terms to right parly. S"P tho Jackson ounty Realty Co., 004 West fentli st. Wo also havo largo nnd small tracts of improved and unimprov ed orchard lands. . i tf FOR SALE In smnll tracts, or us a whole, 200 acres finest' fruit or alfalfa land, 2 miles fiom railroad, 11 miles from Medford; land is ab solutely free soil, deep, mid rich: no havdpun; slopes gently to and faces on main county road; wo imjgt sell this tract in tho next 30 days; prico and tonus ate right. See plat in our office. D. H. Jackson & Co., 1182 Main st. Phono 2722. tf $ll,fi00 for 40 ncius of Bear creek bottom land, 20 aqres sot out ill fruit, 10 acres in garden patch, 21" miles from Central Point; easy terms. Inquire ho', 4 S. Gnipe tf FOR SALE 14 acres, 10 acres planted to pears, .ono milo from Central Point, $235 .per -nqio. W T. York & Co. If FOR BALE 5 and 10-nero tracts jtib.t within nnd adjoining1 city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co, FOR SALE--22 acres of good fruit or farm land in the Wolf Creek dis trict; will bell cheap if taken at once. Address P. O. Box 110, Mbd ford, Or. 237 I FOR SALE. fc; i Acrvrigc. FOR SALE Benutiful hillside biildf ing site, about 1 npre, just outside of city limits in East Medford; high nnd sightly, v'ith beautiful view of Medford, and tho valley; will sell 1 ucre for tho prico you would have to pay for a good city lot; small cash, payment-, ensy terms, on bI anco. Address P. O. Box 702. 24 1 ' Iteaaea. T Medfor4 Mall Trlbuno Want ads are business bringers. FOR SALE For $1500 we can give , you n now five-voom bungalow on an east front lot 58x140; foiir nice shade trees, and by next spring will be only ono block. from paved street. CornitiiiH-Guruer Realty Co., 133 W. Main. Phono 0031. 237 FOR SALE We have a dandy Uttle 5-ruom house, modem nnd vu u, paved street, at $10.")0; good terms. CornitiusrGarner Realty Co., 133 W. Main st. . 237 HOME FOR SALE In Talent. Jaek , sou county, .Oregon, n newly incur norated town, n i'ino homo of 18 i acres; level fertile alfalfa nnd fruit laud, irrigated; one block from pobtufftcc, on tho main road and extends to Bear creek; has two acres bearing Newtowns, 11 years .old; 12 ncrcs Bnrllelt and D'Aujou pcitrs; 2 nercs alfalfa; all is fine garden land; n G-room houso; cli mate very mild; pure water from tho mouutuius,; healthy; churches, schools and literary societies; no saloons or drunkenness it is u d'.V town ; it is midway between m thriving cities dl' Medford and Ash land sprieo $10,000; $4500 down, tho remaiudor on timo nt 0 por cent. Como to Talotit nnd let mo tnke you over tho place, or write, enclosing stamps, L. N. Jndd, TnN cut. Or., Dee. 8. 11)10. 24Q FOR SALE Limited number pure bred Poland China hours, 3 nnd mouths old, eligihlo to go in ' tho best herds nnd cheap enough for any farmer to buyt Berkeley Or chards, Geo. C. Osgood, mgr. Phono Farmers 703x3. tf Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Old established busi ness in Medford; $2000 will bun dle. V. O. B.. euro Mail Tribune. 231). FOR SALE Placer clainic 00 acres, , ditch, reservoirs, smn'.U house, goo! laud; Jacksonville 8 rniloa; prco right. Address' V. A Springforq, Jacksonville, Or. 24'i t FOR SALE Exceptional bargain; 1910 Chalmers Detroit "30." S.ee Ira J. Dodge, Fruitgrowers' Bank I'ldg. Hj, FOR SALE Cookstove, bnrnod two irtonths, cbst $17; will tnko $10. li qulro Gregory's Studio. FOR SALE Potatoes, Al ranch po tntocs, X (!ht ft pound whilo they last, 707 W. Main. l-OR SXLE Hay, delivered at any time from Isaacs ranch. 23(1 FOR SALEConu Clanoyt . . Dr. R. M, WANTED. Acreage. WANTED Lund; several men with ample menus, with families, dosirc to move to u more ideal climnto; want unimproved land capable -of highest state of development; good water, good mods, fine scenery es sential; we .represent different trades and profes.sions; would probably (develop nl natural re sources nnd raw materials iq (ho Hcetioti whure we locale; full infor mation deired before wo inspect the property; enn bring to tho plueo. we ehooso n very high class lot of people; no literature on "ten-ncre plots'- desired. F. S. Culver, Port Clinton. U 238 MlNcellaneoHH. WANTED Havo buyer for house, also vacant lots, close in, East Mud ford preferred; will pay not to ex ceed $3000 for house and lot; own er only recognized. Address C. W. Munson, Box 347. 238 WANTED Two' eurlonds of hogs Lewis & Sons, butchers, Central Point. Or. WANTED Clean cotton rags at Mail Tribune office. WANTED. Boarders and roomers. 510 N. Riverside avo. tf WANTED-A puppy for child's pet, 330 N. Front st. ' 237 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Mnlo. WANTED - Foremnu to take charge of young orchard, wife to cook for men. .Must furnish ref. ereuees. Boudiuot Conner, Central Point. ' 320 WANTED Salesmen in every locnN ity f tho uoithwest; money ,od vuueed wcokly; ninny mnko over $1000 month; choice of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top pcuisli, Wuuli. HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Male. WANTEL-Ten men to chop cord wqod nt Butte Fnlla; return you cash 00 cents cord. Address J. J. Wenuineham., Bijtlc Falls, Or. 24.1 WANTED A first-class Japanese boy for housework, 2 in fnmily and Good wages.' Apply mornings 219 2X. Onkdnle. , tf WANTED A young tnnu who is. n eotnpcient stonogrnplior. Apply nt office Big Pines Lumber Co, , Help Wanted 1'onialc. WANTED Woman or girt to do light housework for bdnrd and room. 323 S. Grape or phono 1021. tf. '. WANTED Girl for general housed work; vcaccs $1 por day. Call nt 21 C W. Main st. tf Situations Wanted. WANTED-Position by local yenni: uvui to. koqp sot ot book.8 lor small finn, from 4 to 0 p. pi., or in tho evenings; nm $o stenographer. Address F. R., care Mail Tribune office. 23(1 WANTED Nursing by Mrs. K. Mo- Reynolds. Cnll at 329 N,.Rivorsido nve,. or nhouo Main 32. W A NTHD Position ns houseTcceper by widow for widower or elderly eoilple. Mrs. L. Enrlbert, gonoral delivery, Medford. 230 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books nudited nnd kept for a reasonable figuro; your business solicited. Office Phipps bldg.f room 200. Phone 3122. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER. Architects and Uuildorn. Office 7r8, 325 Main. Phono Main 3471. Residenco phone 744. Assayet' and Analyst. EARL V. I KG ELS, B. ,S.-.Bost equipped assay' offieo in Oregon; food products, sois, fertilizers, spray .products, wator, etc., an alyzed. Grants Pass. J Attorneys, COLVIO & REAMES W. M. Col vig.i C. L. Ronmcs. Lawyers. Of fieo Medford Nntionnl Bank build in tr. second floor. PORTER J, NEFF. WM. P. MEA LEY Attomeys-nt-lftw, Nob. 1 nnd 2y Postol'fieo building. A, E, REAVES Lawyer, Garnott Corey bjdg. WITH1NGTON & KELLY Lawyers . ' I'lUm ouildmg. Ililllard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars nnd Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A nice, cool piaco to spend tho hot after noons. Hill Posters. VERNE T, CANON Bill poster anr Distributor. AU ordors promptlj filled. Room 20. Jackson County Bonk hnildintr. Mndford. Or. Cigars and Tolacco. IRELAND & ANTLE, SmokohouBo Dcalqrs in tobacco, cigars and smoroks' supplios. Exclusivn agents of Lewis BInglo Binder. El Moritl nnd El Pnloneia. 212 West Mam strcot. ColleetloiiH ACCOUNTS collootod in any part of tho world. No charge if not col lected. Pacific Collecting Co., 33 Jackson Co, Bank lddg. Klilellty and Surety Hoods, L. L. SMALL, bonds of all kinds in the best companies. 33 Jackson Co. Bnnk bldg. Kuriiltiiro. H. F. WILSON & CO., denlora in now nnd HVond-haud furniture nnd hardware. Agents for House hold $tovcs and ranges. r10 South Fir street. Phono Main 3101. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS -Cdrnur 8th and Holly ntreets, Med ford. Mission furniture, mado to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial ordor solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF-CookHtovos ' and ranges. New and nocond-linnd furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W. F st.. South. Phono 01. Medford CI ran 1 to Works. QOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 210 W. Main st., manufacturers and deul ers in gmonumcutnl and buijdin granito, crushed granito common brick n,,d Pressed brick, coarso and fino washed rivor sand. MEpFORD BRICK CO.-Geo. W. Priddy, O. D. Nnglo, Geo. T, O'Brien Contractors und mann- fnctnrcrs of brisk; dealers n presged brick and limo. Offieo in Oaruett-Corov block, niom 201). 2d rioor Phonn Vn K1S1 Notary Public. NOTARY PUBLIQ-Ttopm 207, Phipps bldg, NOTARY PquHCMniT Tiibum o((ice. IUSJNESS DIRECTORY. T AvHr9virj'8v TTT" CjtJAICER NUHSKRIIS-08r trM are budded, not grafted. Our stock i9 not irrigated, ffe guarantee ev erything put .out; Wo are notiri tho trust. H. B. Patterson, office removed to 116 E. Main st. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., inc. Growers of high grado riUrsory stock. Office 25 W. Main. .Tel. 1201. ' - ." " ' , Ntrt-scry lroductn THE OREGON NURSERY products nro nil one-year . bud on 3-yenr rontSi AhrmiMitntivn- ntYlnA Anw ; Medford;1 cap supply .npple, jpear mill wnltlllt iretna mi t-lini-t nnllno. nit "guaranteed in ovory rgspcol; rnncli- uio, iimc us oj. -your nccus, win uo glad to quote yon prices. Painters' and Pnpcrhanger. DECORATE your tinted walls with stencil borders by A. Risdpn, pnint or, decorator nnd pnporhnngor, No. ,5 Es 3d Bt., Medford. Photogrnphers. HAVE your Xmas photoa made by .Mnekoy if yoq want somothlng to plenso. Physicians nnd Surgeons. J. E. SHEARER M. D., Physician and burgeon. Special attention given to internnl medicine and gen eral offieo practice. Office hours, 1,0 to 12, 2 to. 4. Offieo phono 731, residence Phono 4542. Offieo over Strang's drug store. r firn'"'i itV mm !, .. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon, Office 210 E, Maiiv st., over Hoi.. kinb.' drug store. Phono Main 1001. DRS, CONROY & CLANCY Pky sieinns and surgeons, Taylor u&K Phippg bldg., rooms 210211-312. Office phono 501, rcsidonco vphont 012. Office hours, 0 n, m. to 8 p. m. DR. F, G. CARLOW. DR, EVA MAINS CARLOW' Osteopathic physicians. Movod to Rooms -410 luul 4J7, Gnrnett-Coroy bldg. Phone Main. 0351. , TJK. E. 11. PORT.ER Diseases of women a spooinlty. Rooms 6, 0, 7. 8, $i, Mnrk'u. blda, Medford. Or. J Phenes: Office 4001, residency 4001. n DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prnc, tieo-limited to diseases of, tha,oye, car. uouq nnd throat. Office 21U E, Main at., over Medford Hard ware Co. - . DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE Offieo in Hiulto bhlg., 123 E. Main, tins udminisfored for extrfotion ' cjf; tooth. Telophono MiuwOSl.- Night phono 4432. " ' DR. W. W. WICK Homeopathic physician ; residenco 203 Olsbn st., phono Main 4474; offieo, rooms 3 and 4 St, Mark's block, phone Main 1871. DR. STEARNS Physicinn nnd stir, gcou. Offieo Gnrnott-rCoroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 1002. Resi denco 113 Laurel nt., phono 2002. ' - W. A. LOVELACE-Contractor nnd practical builder; estiraatos free; pntronugo npprccintqd. 125 South Almond st. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD Prnctico limited to diseases of wo men. Office Haskins bldg. Phono Main 1001. DR. STEPHENSON fits glassos to correct any dofeet of tho oyo. Of fice over Allen & Roagnn's. Phono Main 1851. Dr. W. M. Van Scoyoo. Dr. O, C, Vnn Scoyoo. Dontists. Fruitgrowers Bank bldg., Medford, --Hit Phouo 3072. I'rlnters and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING 00.' has the j host equipped job offieo in South ern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Central avenue. Stenographers, ELLA M. OUANYAW Pahn Block. qtonotraphip work done qoiokly and woll.. . , , , PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 403 Gimiott, Corey buihliug, West Sido, . 245 Tin Shops, J. A. SmithTin shop. Tin- and shoqt iron wnro on hupd nn.d made to order. 18 North, Q st. ReaaT- ( - , . - ! u , , . Undertukers, MEDFORD. FURNITURE CO. -Unr dortakors. Dny phhno 351. Night phenes: C. W. Coukliq 3(101; J..E. Mutlor 3,r71 : John A. Peri 4111. Unions, CARPENTERS' UNION. LOCAL 1810 Moots at Smith's hall. 128 North Grape streot, every Thurs day evening promptly at 8 o'olook, All journeymeu carpenters, as well aa local members, urged to a pres ent. Business of .vital Uterfcrt U all cnruQlltera. trmoiiaJ Af U.U.A 1 meetlHu J. J; 81., Vmakaaaaat. .. - i t , ,4