n3f-i ;?$) ' IT t-i i . P' MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1910. 3. ;k - "- SENSATIONAL SALE OF ORIENTAL RUGS Here Is the Opportunity of Yogr Life to Buy a Fine Oriental Rug at a Very Great Saving. It is customary to holll tiuminl elenrance snIbsUf'Qilieutnl.'nlKS at thia time of tho. your, and Abiycli JJns. of Portland, Or., tho lur'Chl dealers in Oriental rujjsj in tho entire northwest, will hold pales' in all of their stores on the coast at this time. Maj. Hanief has been delegated to Jiolfl a L'nS-atiounl clearance sahiiili Weeks & MuGoNvan's store, beginning next Tuesday. AH persons interested in Oriental rugs Hhould come and learn the prices atid see tho best display of Oriental rugs that will bo shown in Mcdford for a long time to come. This is tho opportunity of a life time and you will do well to purch ase now, for -the present stock of rugs will be closed out hero at the lowest prices evor made in the north west. . ' - Koniembor, when you buy an Ori ental ruji you are simply making an investment and if at at any time in (the iutuie you wish to 'dispose ot It he same you can got almost full lvalue and: sometimes moro titan you paid. Come early Tuesday and select from a large asrortment and wo will ijguarantee that you will bo glad the frost of yottr life. LettersCommending . F. A. Bittner 'Letters From Pcopple Who Knew Mr. Bittner in Cities Where He For merly Lived, Speak Highly of Him. Hawlins", Wyo., Dec. 20, 1010. To Whom It May Cencern: This is to certify that f have known 13. F. A. Uittner in Grovor and Sligo, Colo., where wo resided to gether for nenrly three years, nnd that I always found him to be a man of his word, honest in all things and doing want no promised, never promising impossibilities and faith ful and earnest in his endeavors at whatever ho undertook. He is a man of high character and uoblo instinuts and ouo that always stood up for right and justice, oven at tho sacii- fico of his own personal and financial fgaui. lie wijs honored by the people of Colorado in offices of trust and re sponsibility, being at one time coro- iner,' at another justice of tho pence 1 HB' BHr seated at the National bowhng con gtess, which meets in tho spring in Spokane. 0. I'atton, who enjoys somo fame its an export bowler, is fjitu)rintr J be Joeal ltMigjic. NEW ADS TODAY. FOR SALE One acre, will make six i Jarge lots, between two streets to bo paved, close in, with now two- .slory house and shnck; will take a close-in Ipl in trade, $3000, or will Sell any 'font to'&'nit tuirchaser. John Roter, 0 S. Central nvfl. tf FOR RENT House,. and furnituie Tor sale. Inquire at 003 S. King st 238 FOR SALE Quick, small house and lot. Kit ft I Washington st., $0."iO, easy levins; rents for. .$12 per month. 1. p.Uox 803. , 230 FOR SALE Modern o-rooni houe, furnished, $22. Moor-Ehni Co., 212 Fruitgrowers' Hank bldg. 230 WANTED City lots in part payment for f and G-room houses. Moor Ebni.Co.,212 Fruitgrowers' Hank bldg. 230" FOR SALE 30 acres red fruit laud, 4VL niles from Jledford; will set to' any kind of fruit and furnish trees f;Or "200 per noro; land as it is, .$i2." per acre; if interested, write 11. E. Howmnn, Jacksonville, Or. 2(10 FOR SALE Rnnch of 120 acres, 2 miles south of Eagle Point 32 acres 1-year-old orchnrd, G-rootn bungalow with running water,, two largo barns nnd stock; 100 acres can bo planted ; cheaper than neighboring raw land and easiest terms. Box 158, Eaglo Point, Or. 23(5 FOR EXCHANGE 230 acres on Rogue river, fine- water right, 100 acres cleared, fine alfalfa land, fine Stock or fruit ranch, good buildimrs, .fl.V.OOO; will exchnnge for good city inonmo or residence property to the amount of .OOO or $8000; .foOOO ensh. balance terms. A. L. Cusick. 3 140 W. 10th. Phone. ?232. 241 K. 1 A. JHTTNKK, Candidate for .Mayor. (Paid Advertisement.) and at anolher postmaster of Sligo, ami in all these positions bo was Taithful and true, never a person peaking an ill word of him. It i with pleasure that I would commend him to tho favor of the poo- do ol Mcdford for the high office of mayor of that place, and I can iim-ihv them that they would novel regret electing him to the position, it ilhc desire clean, honest, high-minded, ilygrc-oivo and progressive offi- eel-, l'i. f.. IjWWIM, Editor Rawlins Republican, Raw lins, Wyo. Grovor. Colo., Dcujr 10,, 1910. Editor Mail Trflitinc, Mcdford, Or.: have hcon informed 'that our former (citizuu, Mr. E. F- A.tIHttnpr, is u cnu ididatv tor mnvor "of yotlr city. It giw Iiih friond-s Iiore- pleasure . u) iknowf that he Juvs been nnminntcd for I such a responsible office, and they (,i n--tire the people of Mud ford that if Mr. Hittnor is elected he will ;gi the city a clean numuutrntior and carry out all tho nnte-electioi. promise he makes. Fraternally JMiurn, 1). II. WILLIAMSON. BOWLING LEAGUE MAY BE ORGANIZED HERE There is a movement on foot in Ui- ut fo nrgrfntzo a howling league li In'i'or I luit MwiUoid iimv- bo repre- FOR SALE Cheap, good cow; also team, horse, wagon and harness. TiKiuiie 211 W. Maiii. 230' Attention ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A RANCH HOME OR INVESTMENT? i . 160-Acre Farm and Fruit Ranch. 100 acres, of which 120 acres is level valley laud and 40 acres bench land; soil nearly all red loam, bal ance river bottom sit; about 100 acres fenced, 73 acres under cuti vntibn, 20 acres binder irrigation ditch, oO inches of water for irrigiw tion from stream of fine water; fur ther irrigation, if desired, could be obtained by pputting down wells; 5 acres now in alfalfa, ,j acres of good bearing orchard, mostly Spitzenberg apple-, trees 8 to, 15 years old, in good condition; place well improved wilhgood buildings, consisting of a aoml 12-room house, plastered and hard 'finish, two barns, one of which will hold 100 tons of hay; apple liou-e, granary, smokehouse, wood shed, etc.; three-quarters mile to school, 2 miles to store nnd postof fitfo. 8 miles to Giants Pass. This is positively one of tho best )lacos in the country with a value u'uuter than the price. Th'p land is all deep, rich fruit land -oil; tho survey of tho Grants Pass & Western railway passes within two mijes of the place; this road is sure to bo Juilt this coming season; tho surveyors Jiavo been in tho Held for months and pro now in the lield cheeking up the final work Diolimihary to beginning work ui the grade. The buildings nlouo on 'this place could not be rebuilt for less than .foOOO. This fact, considered in connec tion with the fact that tho fivc-ac-e orchard is conservatively worth WOO por acre, and the entire acrengo is firt-chins orchard soil, make-. Mu ll very' attractive place. The land, cxoltjsive of the orchard and the buildings, is worth the price asked. The price is $1)000, half cash, Iml nnqo five years at fl por cent. Prompt action nocoisnry. Tho big value in this place at' tho piio" is ;o apparent that it is sure to be snapped up. Fo.r sale by H. H. Basler , 2l3'2 NORTH 6TH STREET. Phone 15 J. ' GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Alttcronoo Any bnnk in the Vitv nfter careful tct nnd comparison had been mado of all makes of nrsennto of lend manufactured In tho United States. Tho growers of this vnlley will tliereforo hnvo this season n snfo and effective spray ndorsed by tho highest authorities. Tho winners of tho grand swoop Land Owners Attention , Tlio'Orcgoii Orchards S3rndieatc, 116 E. Main street, Mcdford, have buyers for the following properties. Have y5u any land that will come up to them: Want about 30 acres for fruit and poultry. iVants aboout 20 acres within 5 miles of city. Wants about 10 acres bearing orchard. Wants 160 acres for dairying stock. Wants 50 to 100 acres for farm. Wants 160, will go 10 miles out. , Wants young orchard, about 20 acres, 3 years old. Want 40 acre alfalfa ranch, out close in. Want 100 -acres, for farm. egi'LP: dai fa mi'wj'm NOW, Mr. Land Own er, if you want to sell, come and see us at once, bufdo not expect a bear ing orchard price for RAW land. We, or any one else can not get it for you. The bikers are ready to do business. ARE .YOU? Oregon Orchards Syndicate 116 East Main Street. Medford, Ore. stnkes prlzo nt Spokdnq Nntionaf Ap ple bIiows wero as follews: 1908 M. Hornn, Wcnntclice,' Vftah, 1999 TrojiBon nnd Guthrie, Eagle Point, Ore. 1910 C. H. Sprond, Hood rtlvor, Ore. All sprayed with Grnsscllt Lend. Tho Hood lltver Apple Growers' union hnvo used tlilsbrnnd of lend for tho pnst two seasons, nnd Unvo rcnowed their contrnct for tho com ing season. 23C Why Pay High Prices' for Real Estate You know perfectly well that now is tho time to buy. Why? . " ( llccnuso the man who Is now anxious ,to well his house, lot or "orchard' wants a little ready casli and to get it is usually willing to make a goud "deal" as to price, terms, etc. s Kxcellcnt opportunities at most desirable prices and terms await your call. Sec R. H. LINCOLN REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. 21 Jackson County Bank Btiildlnti. 0m I , . ' ; TUB SHASON'S UHKBTINCIS AND OUU IH5ST ,' jWISHEJ FOU A PKOSl'EUOUS, HAIH'Y NEW YEAH. ' s 1 1 m- Gaddis & Dixon ! THE IAOK WJKE FENCE MEN. LIKE THE FUltEST EM, MAY YOU It v. Christmas be Flawless AND THE IMIOSPKCTS FOU 1911 Sparkle Like Diamonds i J. W. DIAMOND i i I i: r.rr MEDFORD THEATRE TUESDAY, DECEMBER, 27th y mm . m Willamette University Glee Club FIRST TI&E IN SOUTHERN OREGON An Evening of Music and Fun Concluded with 'The Rajah of India" A. Comic Opera SKetch Seats on Sale, Saturday, Dec. 24th Our sincerest wish is that all may enjoy a Perfect Christmas and see the realization of their endeavors in the coming NEW YEAR. WOODS LUMBER COMPANY --------- TO OFK FRIENDS AND KTIONS WE SAY:' "MAY THE Hl'MCIl OF THE UNIVERSE MEASURE TO YOU IN l'ML DOL'HLE THE I'ROSI'ERITY WHICH HAS FALLEN TO OUR LOT IN 11)10. WITH A HL'SINKSfi RFC PHD FAR IN EXCESS OF OUR EXPECTATIONS. WE MOST HEARTILY THANK ONE AND ALL AND WISH YOU THE GREATEST (1LADNESS THIS CHRISTMAS AND THE REALIZATION OF YOUR FONDEST AIMS DURING THE YEAR AIIOUT TO DAWN." YOURS WITH REST SERVICE, Warner, Wortman 6 Gore SlorJ will bo open Mujjay until 10 -- -- t.--..,. ' . i - J.i . iBIilii ill,..,,..- m.f, , . a 'y ------------- ----- - ---. t- --.-- 1 T RYING an wo have lo.n'ivo ur i'riciiIs ai.il patroiih a "Kiiuuru Dual," iiimI iraliz in tr that our ut't'orts liai met uitli almost iniivi-ihal t'aor, wi uinh o lluuilc yn for every courley of Hie past aul wish one and all an ENJOYABLE CHRISTMA5 nnl the realization of your fonduht hope in the ylad Now Year about to arrive. &e EMPORIUM 0. E. TACKSTR0M. Prop. mMiMMMMtMMMMMMMMM t - - u TIIANKI FATI :iNO OUR MANY FRIENDS AND 'RONS FOR A SPLENDID BUSINESS IN 1010 AND ASSURING YOU THAT WE WILL HE AT YOUR SERVICE IN 1011, WE WISH ALL A Glad Holiday Season, i Nicholson Hardware Co. WITH ONLY THANKFULNESS FOR THE SPLENDID BUSINESS OF THE PAST YEAR, WE WISH ONE AND ALL THE Compliments of the Season AND THE REALIZATION OF ALL UNDERTAKINGS IN THE NEW DAWNING. MERITORIOUS YEAR JUST' MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. pp&pjpj0 , Meeker's MAY YOUR CHRISTMAS DRING MANY TOK ENS OF WARM FRIENDSHIP AND MAY THE . NEW YEAR SEE YOU AllOt'T TO REALIZE YOUR MOST COVETED DESIRES, IS THE SIN- ' CERE WISH OF W. H. Meeker & Co. T P0JPJPJP-P-J--P-9- HANKING OUR MANY FRIENDS FOR THE MANY MANIFESTATIONS OF CONFI DENCE IN 1010 AND WISHING ALL THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON, WE REMAIN, SINCERELY. Garnett-Corey Hardware Comoanv 4t44444444'4''4 M ' I H ' 1 -i -i r I i! . 4 ' i -" it