BfT iB 5lMl BWMiffy'WIBBlHP wiw" " " H ii 1 ' n 1. r "ym- V r ,- a arEPFOKD MATL TftTBTJNE, MEDFOITD. OTCEOOX, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1910. aaaaiMMiMaaaiMiiMii Crowds Increase Daily as People Find Out What a Tremendous Reduction We Have Made-Time is Growing Short 0. E. Tackstrom's Alaska Investments Demand His Immediate Attention and Time is More Valuable to Him Than Money GIGANTIC QUIT BUSINESS SALE ! 1 ' - - -' " - - - ' . r - . . : ' ? vr H ft Hi H J I Si S i , 1 III II! ii i This r 3'' 3 I I I r l 5 I I ' " " I 'HI I ; '. fc I : II H J X . l in , f . ' I i V M, n, i " i;;!i I f?- & tXJ K Is Proving a Great Boon to Women Who Want to Dress Stylish on a Small Income "BE SURE AND COME TOMORROW" $8.00 Waists Now $4.99 All colors, navy blue, brown and black nicssalinc, also in stripes; tailored waist with Gibson tuck long sleeves also in Kimono. Regular $8.00, (M QQ now V && Corset Reduction Superb Assortment tof Fine Hair & Hair Goods $o.00 Warner Cor sets $4.10 $3.50 LaOrequo Cor sets . ..; $2.75 $8.00 All Wool Sweat ers $4.39 A line far surpassing anything ever shown before in this city and at prices to close it quickly, which are wav below the actual manufacturers' cost. PUFFS $3 Hair Puffs $1.65 $5 Hair Puffs .... 3.45 $8 Hair Puffs .. .. 5.65 SWITCHES $5 IJair Swtiches $3.45 $( Hair Switches 4.25 $7 Hair Switches 4.85 $10 Hair Switches 6.49 One of the Many Black Cheviot Suit, jacket semi-fitting, tailored pockets; skirt box pleated front and back and gored over hips; was splendid value at $20; J1 A A A yji v v w now See the Hundreds of Gift Articles at the Lowest Prices Ever Seen in Southern Oregon Chances Like This Come But Once in a Lifetime "Get Your Share" - I, , , N , , - I,, I I I I I 111 I I - t " --- THE EMPORIUM No Mail Orders Filled No Goods Delivered O. E. TACKSTROM, Proprietor At the Old Stand, 126 East Main Street, Medford, Ore 1MMJMMMMMMiMM Vk$i4mP 'i SiJJa) &g tt v j - v . i 'w smJ7 Jm - r-. m&- '-tf-Y.7"rr-. --SiSEffliSllSS MW&mZ3Xa& myJj'S L s i". & x K. ' tS 0' The Arrival of Old Saint Nicholas w Every man, woman and child in Medford is looking forward to Xmas day and the arrival of Old St. Nick. It is tho ono groat desire of every man and woman to make their home on Xmas morn one of pleasure and happinoss. It is on this day that each and every member of tho family expects a Xmas gift of some sort. What has boon provided for the family in the way of presents for Xmas? Remember only three more days remain in which to complete your purchases. If you will visit this store we will be glad to suggest something that will be of interest something useful as woll as ornamentaland it is in the presentation of such gifts that Xmas joys are host realized. We have just received another shipment of holiday goods from the east. Perhaps you will find lioro now just the proper thing for overy member of the family. m ''-$ ..?' :.: & M'l IS ten y s. Medford Hardware Go. Open Evenings -.. - . i - - wi Va?' I JsrT i .M M -T. a', TC Uj li ?i &rmf 'mr 0J N r A y ,r- 1 .. t-a-, t , l4..4 ,?0 m I 4 I i . i t ' i