y-fmKzmrtmM" mtmsLm&immv 'Wimivrau-aaJrM.dAM MtiDFQRD MAIL TRJBUNE, M1SDF0RD, OREdON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 10 10. i r ?! t I, 5 IS? r i DRAWS URGE CROWDS DAILY Store Constantly Filled With Buyers Efifjcr to Secure tho Splendid Sale Offerings. Why Pay High Prices for Real Estate You Know perfectly well thai now i& the tnno lo buy. Why? HcrnuBO (lie ninn who is now anxious to Hull liis honc, lot or orphan! wnN u lilllo ready cash arid to net it is usually willing t make ii yood "deal" its to urine, terniH, etc. Kxcellent oppoitiinitics nt mo-t desirable prices mid terms n wiii t voiir mil. Spo R. H. LINCOLN v REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. 21 Jacksnn County Bank Building. kp?-5ppjt; Tlio Emporium'" plosirifr-ont sale rcpiiis to bo the Muitr ffor till (lie Christmas shoppers. The store ii cnntintlv idled with a (broils of oimer buyers who seleel (bo splendid Mile nf'forinoft with u est. Jf von me looking for n qimlitv (riirineiit ,i a uilt don't fail to attond this sale. Licenses to Wed. Siimnel Jf. Mundy lo Sarah U. Ah bolt, both of Knlo I'oint. loliii 0. CNbimiIh ugyo to' snibc I'niiluie Sturjfis, both of .laphwon i-oiintv. Cliulon Smith lo Alice Liitnnii boili of .hieUMon county. W. K. .Marvin lo OncudolM Stickle, holh of Jackson enmity ....ALFALFA LAND.... SOLANO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. Choicest dnirv mid iilfiilla propoMti n'm the ulnte, located on the inniii line oi the Southern JV.i" Nulioud. between Sncniinonlo mid Sim Knincisco. jdi:ai, (LnLVii: AlHNOAN'Ci: OF WATIiH Villi JUIMUATION. Wntc I lor Ii Joimntion. Dixon Alfalfa Land Co, Dixon, Col. B Wiuit-iidoiliso for that's the' onl business inctlio dof got ting bn incsH help. Wfij&l -- - --. -- I Land ii Owners ii Attention The Oregon Orchards Syndicate, 11G 10. Alain street, Med ford, have buyci's for the following properties. J lave yon any land that will come up to them: Want about 30 acres for fruit and poultry. .Vauts aboout 20 acres within 5 miles of city. Vauts about 10 acres bearing orchard. Wants 100 acres for dairying stock. Wants 00 to J 00 aeVes for farm. Wants 100, "will go 10 miles out. Wants young orchard, about 20 acres, 13 years old. Want I0 acre alfalfa ranch, out close in. Want 100 acres, for farm. egfLP: dai fa mfwvm NOW, Air. Land Own er, if you want to sell, come and see us at once, but do not expect a bcar- .. mg orchard price ior :: RAW land. We, or any '.' one else can not get il - for you. The buyers are ready '' it) do business. Aifo :: YOVi Oregon I Orchards si Syndicate :: 11G East Main Street. ? Medford, Ore. We Want You To Come and See Our TURKEYS - CHICKENS GEESE and DUCKS Fisli Company Tor Xmas Orders ME5SLER&KENW0RTHY FisH. Company 1 t. ' PLUMBING 2 STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING 2 All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEEN (St PRICE 11 North B SL.Rlcdfoid. Ore. Phone 303 x44r4r4r4r44f4&&&4r Read!! vs. Figures!! II will pay to investigate this proposition, promptly. For stile by owner, at a bargain, 229 acres, till good fruit land, on main road, renced rabbit proof ;new two-story house with telephone, large first class barn, good spring, drilled well tit house; handy tosschool; within two or three hours duive.of .Medford. Price $17,000. Terms, half cash, balance three to five years at (I per cent. Address P. 0. Io- 20!', Central Point. Xmas Confections , YOUNG MEN OF MEDFORD, THIS IS THE PLACE TO COME FOR FINE CONFECTIONS. YOU GET SOMETHING FOR YOUR MONEY HERE AND THE RECIPIENT WILL LOVE YOU EVER AFTER RECEIVING THE GIFT. ' ' toy "Her" A Fancy Box of Candy AND WIN HER HEART. GOOD CANDY. YOU CANT GO WRONG BY GIVING LADIESWE SELL THE FINEST PIPES SUPLIES TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. AND SMOKERS' Ritter & Dunlap rv..srvrr aa ptiTiMlJSlAl(UtipltlWMWi VS or t t Cut Flowers Si Plants i J. lo JOKUVIJJUY ck&io. Kerns, Palms, Holly Wreaths, Greenery, etc. Loraine llegonias, I'oinsettas, Cyclomeu and .A alias. American Heauty Kose.s, Carnations, Narcissus, County Seat Real Estate Office Bldfi., Jacksonville, Or. Office in Bank of Jacksonville iTus numerous choice lmie;ainsxin city lots, orchard, fanning and iilfaifu Tiinchos. Our Applcgato valley ranches nro bargains; a!l lime an nbundanco of water for irrigation. Don't forget that Jaek Mtmillo is the- county sent and that it is installing an up-to-date water system. Como and ceo us. Wo'll inteiest you. LUY CSL COLLINS For Sale FOR SALE A 30-lot subdivision, high, sightly lo cation; special price, $3500; terms. See Van Dyke Realty Co., 123 Main street. FOR SALE Two fine lots on West Seventh street, ' opposite end of Summit; avenue; $1000 each; terms $400 cash, balance in one and two years. Van Dyke Realty Co., 123 Main street. Phone 682. WANTED To list good farms and fruit ranches; also swell tracts. Van Dyke Realty Co., 123 East Main street. Van Dyke Realty Co. 128 Main Street tf' : I A Good Buy For Sale A new modern 0-room bungalow, lot 50x151, close in; nice residence district; at right price. Also lots on King street. For particulars inquire at 010 Oakdale'Ave., S. OAVNER. mi s SS You Can Work Near a Window llvaciiiths, elc, etc. ilcrs todav. Sec our display and place or Corner 6th, and Central Avenue: A.t Cothberts Open I'hcnings. iMMlMjrii,inMiVMMMMMMV Jf T:?3rs W in winter when you have a Perfec tion Oil Heater. It is a portable radiator which can be moved to any part of a room, or to any room in a house. "When you have a 4tfViVU-cKAcccccu-VMVtf ,,, -, GrQodies For The mas Dinner Perfection s Smokeless sr,,w'Msr J r-----rrNr'-r--N'4 7 ii J? S S s s II s s s s s s s n II Jr, "W " LI of Genuine Seal and Bags is still complete. NE Sterling Mesh You will miss it if you fail to get our prices. S i .ii i J. W. DIAMOND Palm Block iMecWorcVs Only Exclusive Jewelry Storo. it s s i S s s S S s s s s s s s s t s s u il' i ill Absolutely smokeless and odorless you do not have to work close to the stove, which is usually far from the window. You can work where you wish, and be warm. You can work on dull winter days in the full light near the window, without being chilled to the bone. The Perfection Oil Heater quickly gives heat, and with one filline of the font burns steadily for nine hours, without smoke or smell. An indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font. The filler cap, put in like a cork in a bottle, is attached by a chain. This heater has a cool handle and a damper top. The Perfection Oit Heater has an automatic-locking liamc spreader which prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back, so die wick can be quickly cleaned. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged and can be unscrewed in an instant for rewicking. The Perfection Oil Heater is finished in japan or nickel, is strong, durable, well-made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. DaUrs EvtryKitrt. Jf ret at ymri. vrlt far di serif Hit circular to ti t mart it axtney cf I he Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) Every housewife is desirous of providing the best dinner possible for her family on Xmas day. In these days of high cost of living it pays every woman to be economical. Wo are here to supply your needs in staple and fancy groceries, green goods, candies, nuts, fruits and Bakery Products If you want something made up special we will be pleased to accommodate. Remember that we handle PURE WHITE FLOUR the best hard wlfe'at flour sold. We also carry a soft wheat flour that is just a little better than anything produced or sold in the Rogue River Valley. I ALLEN GROCERY CO. i ? PHONE MAIN 2711. MAIN AND CENTRAL WE. For Christmas Cut Flowers Of All Kinds p m 1 H " T Christmas Prices on Carnations, Home Grown Select $1,00 per dozen. Extra Selct $1.25 Imported 60c dozen. A Specialty Holly and Holly 'Wreaths Mnde to Order I I I L Medford Green PHcme TJU,, 924E MMMnal; To the People of Medford Tn Nw'pr R"r W P;ol,ase,! t,, st0 f tlo Southern Oic-nn Icn & (ufico Co., nml Imve oJ,i,.0 j;,ontly onlnri-,l it. Wo now wirrv n ootnploto lino of staple ami fmioy grncorieq i'ruits nn.l wimbles, , W0 8 tho Ini-BCt stock of" Coffee in Southern Ore' son. 1., faot, wo have overythu.tr in our line ior the holiday trade. Wo nr not on Main stieet in a l,i hriek block, but hnvo a .M-clnss gland on a ,le .treet, m, the.eby our espouses ? )Ua and oan defy uompotition. n Southern Oregon Tea and Coffee Co. PIKKB MAIS 10M. M sovm 0BApg SUBSCRIBE FOR THE MATT, mtom ? G-ET THE NEWS THE DAY IT HAPPENS r J ITWl 3741 Main