" r v ' ' f 'BWSBJJPP'. T ",jlF7''" " ' ' 'i?',; , I n fc I I, rEDFOrm MATT TRTlUNKM13rai,ORD;'0'R!C(ON, WEDNESDAY, DEOEAmiStt 21, 1910. I I' i F TETRAZZIHI TO SING UN STREET Greatest Diva of Afle to Sing In San Francisco Christmas EVc in Token of Her Appreciation to Her Favo-rlteCity. SAN PHANCISCO, Cnl., Dec. 21. At Lutta'fl fountain, In the lienrt of San Krniicisco, before thousands! of persons, Louisa Tctrnzzlnl, whom Walter DatnroRch has Htyled the greatest diva of the nrosont age, will Hlng on Christmas Kvc. TctrnzzinI has promised that the people of her "unloved San Francis co" shall hear her volco In the open air In a special program. A staging will bo built nt the. fountain, pre sented to the city by Lotta Crabtree, the songstress who won the hearts of th mon of MO. Tetrazzlnl will mount this structure at D'oclock In the evening, A number of choir boys will also appear and a special orchestra under tho leadership ol I'aul tSoludorff will accompany the ulngero. Tho Dilncllial selection will be "Sompro Libra," from Vordl't "Travlatu." This was tho opera In which Tetrazzlul made her first lilt In Sau Kraiuilsco and which directed to her eyes of Impressarlos of Nofr York and or Kurope. Tho diva will nlso slug Iho "Last Hose of Summer" and as an additional Christmas gift to San Franciscans will render "Home, Sweet Home." elltween tho numbers tho choir hoys will sing Christmas carols. GERMANY IS SLIGHTED: SORE Little Ovcrsiflht of Ethics in Inter national Code Leads to Unpleas antnessGermany Said to Be Bit ter in Regard to Affair. TO SETTLE THAT I t 7 BOUNDARY OW EACH DAY IN WEEK WILL BE PAY DAY tMTTSnimO, eo. 31.-r-Kvcry day this woel: will bo pay day for tho men In the mills, inllios and factories in the Pittsburg district, and It Is esti mated that 5:1,000,000 will be distrib uted to tho workers In time for them to do tholr ChrlRtmns shopping. For the first time In several years the Christmas pay will ho much In , ; excess of previous Yuletldes. Ap- irroxfjiiatoly tho amounts distributed in tho various crafts will be: Iron and stool, $1,250,000. Coal and coke, $800,000. Other Industries, $700,000. 1JEHMN, Dec. 21. The fraterniz ing of English, American and French fleets with tho exclusion of Germany's vessels, Is said to have caused hitter .eellng on JJiu pnrt of Germany's na val heads. The fall tiro of the Ameri can fleet on Us European tour to stop over nt Wllhemsbavon, although It passed within four hours sail of that pot, Is regarded as an affront by some of (lermnny's lending naval and military men, and as theltlnerary of the fleet was outlined by President 1'nft and the heads of the navy and tato departments, they nrelncllncd to regard It as mi affair between na tions. Count Itevontlow, an eminent Ger niali naval expert, is ono of the load ers In the anti-American faction. Tho count has expressed himself as bit terly angry at tho alleged affront, and also has taken exception to sev eral speeches made at public 'enter tainments to Iho American fleet In England by American speakers. Attorney-General Bell of Washing ton Will Attend Conference After Arguing Matter, Cdnferecss Will Tata Trip Up River. DANGER IN DELAY. OI.YMPIA, Wnsli., Dec. 21. It was learned today that Attorney General Roll will represent Washington at tho conforenco in Portland Decem ber 22, which nan boon called for the purpose of finally settling tho Ore gon-Washington boundnry dispute. Ever since Washington attnlnod state hood tho boundary question lias been subject for intention. Governor liny has written the governor of Oregon that he would be unable to attend as Washington's reprcsontathe and that Attorney General Hell would act In his place. After arguing tho points' on which they aro disagreed, tho representa tives of tho two states will take a trip down tho Columbia for tho pur pose op viewing llie sections of tho river under llspute. Tho principal point at Issue hinges on the qtictslon of whhh ntatc has lurlsdlctlon ovar tho fishing Industry at various points along tho river. 8 Lots, Located on We& Palm Street For Immediate Sale $225.00 Each Bittner & Clark Phipps Building, Medford rr4''rr.'e Kidney Diseases Arc Too Dangeroth - For Medford Pcdple to Neglect. IS GORE WITNESS BEFORE COMMITTEE WASHINGTON, I). C, Dec. 121. .Airs, ThoinuH J', (lore, wife of Sena tor Gore of Oklahoma, was the prin cipal witness today before the linur-c committee on Indian ijt'fiui' ntn the hearing of tho charges of Suuutoi Goi'o that .Jacob lluuimoml offeree! him 11 hriho for his vole on the coa lirmalioii of Indian lauds sale coil Irncls. .Mrs. CJnvo contriulieteil the ttmti inoiU'Y of HiiiiiiuoihI, who doelitred that ufter tho time of (lie alleged hriherv il For he visited the. Goiv home unil was cordially received. The witness sail! lliinimoiul's recep liou was "very chilly." 1). W, Lawrence teslifieil thai lie necoinpniiicil Hammond tu Gore's of ivv mid corroborated lliimmoiid's testimony that Goie, on that occas ion, said; 'Make, if I ever have a chance to steal anything for you, 1 will if yo wnnt me to." The committee probably will con tinue its hearings throughout the ho iiln season. The great danger of kidney trou bles is that they get 11 firm hold he lore (he sufferer recognizes llicm Health is gradually undermined Backache, headache, nervousness (auieiiess, soreness, lumbago, urinary (roubles, dropsy, diabeles and MrigiiB disease follow in merciless succession. Oo'n't neglect your kid neys. (Jure .the kidneys with llu certain iihi! safe remedy, Donn's Kid ney I'ills, which has cured people right here in lliis locality. ll. Powell, 'Jtlll Oak si reel, Ash lahd, Or., tm.VS: "I suffcfcll n gVent deal froii) kiduoy trouble and bnck ncho and sometimes I could hardl.v I'd nroutid. On arising in the morn ing I was stiff anil lame and the kidney secretions iiiiuoved me b their irregiilnrily in passage. A flopn as I commenced taking poaii Kitlnoy Pills I improved and I air now in good health. I still m lldan.'s Kidney I'ills oucnBiounlly. ho.wever, hut more as a preventive lliau anylhiuir else, I always insist Upon liitvlufr Donn's Kidney I'ills, foi 110 siilislilute t'lilr ho as effective 11 Uwy.M ' For salo by nil dealers. Price- oil eenls. Poster-iMilhurn Co,, Huffalo N. Y.. sole ngenls for the United Rtnles. Hemcinher I he name - Dean's hud take no other. STODDARD DAYTON Automobiles Dr. F. C. Page Mgr. Local Agency No Coacliin.fi for Jones. ' POIITMNP, Or., Dec. 21.--Fielder .Jones, the ex-lender of the fa mous ehicngp White Sex, refused today to consider an offer to eoaeli the Harvard baseball squad for up- season. The crimson lenders did not twine a formal offer to the ox-big leaguer ut iusl nsked him In consider .it; offer, and he replied ju (he iiegnlive AN EASY AND HARMLESS WAY TO DARKEN THE HAIR. "Who docs not know of tho vftlue of age nnd sulphur for keeping the hair dark, soft, slossy and In Reed condition? Ah a inhtfcr of fact, sulphur Ii ft natural element of hair, and a deficiency of it In the hnir Is held by many Mulp spe cialists to he connected with loss of color and vitality of tho hair. Unques tionably, them is no better remedy for hair and fenlp troubles, especially prenm Jlirc frrnyness, than sage nnd sulphur, If properly prepared. This Wyelh Clie1nlc.1l Company, 71 Cortlhnilt St., NW York City, put up en Ideal preparation of this kind, called AVyeth'H Sane and Sulphur. It Jd ftoltl by oil lendbiB druggists for fiOc. and $1.00 a bottle, or is seat direct by tho maint'actureis uyou receipt of price. I.eon It. lluskiils, Medford, Or. HtiHltliiH for lioalth. CITY NOTICES. PRIVATE WIRE PHONE 1831 Moss 6 Co. WANT EXACT MEASURE ? GRAIN AND STOCK BROKERS W. L. BAIN LOCAL MGR NO. 10 NORTH FRONT ST. MEDFORD, OREGON WASHINGTON, 1). V . Dec 20 In order to conform with the pure food Inwo, all tho pnekaget: of foods will have tu bear a utntomuut of the ex act measure of the contents on the label, If n Biihutltuto bill to bo sub mitted to tho house today by Itepre Kontatlve .Mann of Illinois becomes n Jaw. Tho tuiluilituto bill Is calculated to talto tho place of Mann's original amendment to tho pure food law. Mann decided to change IiIh bill after) a conforonco with Clileako and New I YnrklHwIiioHfl men. I OHDIXANCK NO. .I2. An ordinance making tho annual tax lovy of tho City of Medford, Ore gon, and tho Medford Koad DiKtrlct ror the year 1910. The City of Mediord Doth Ordain as Pol lews: Section 1. There Bhall bo levied for U10 year 1010 the following taxes upon tho tiEsesscd valuation of all tho taxable ropo.'ty In tha City of Medford, Oregon, ns uhown by the asacbHinept roll for .Jackson county, Oregon, for tho year 11)10, for tho following purposes, to-wlt: Por city purposes two and flvo teutliB mills 011 tho dollar; for debt fund, for paymont of Interest on city debt, one mill 011 tho dollar; for street and road purposes, two mills on tho dollar. Tho levy for street and road pui poses shall ho levied upon all the taxable properly In the City of Medford and In the Meilfonl road district. For general sower purposes, one mill on the dollar; for park purposes three-tenths of a mill on tlo dollar; for library purposes, two-tenths of a mill oa the dollar; for bridge fund, one mill on the dollar, Section 1!. It Is hereby mado the duly of the city recorder to certify to tho county clerk of Jackson coun ty, Oregon, tho lovy mado by this ordinance. Tho foregoing ordinance was passed by tho City Council of tho City or .Medford, Oregon, thin Hth day of December, 11)10, by the fol lowing vete: Welch aye, Merrlol; aye, Kinerlek aye, Wortuinii aye, Nlfort nyo and Denimer aye. Approved 'December II, 19 10. V U. CANON, Attest Mayor, ItOllT. W. TKhFHU, City Recorder The Famous IZp&b id we Ltump vi iit-ui iJtuuiy because it gives thcbest light of all lamps. The Rayo gives a white, soft, mellow, diffused light easy on the eye bepause it cannot flicker. You can-use your eyes as long as you wish under the Rayo light without strain. The Rayo Lamp is low-priced, and even though you pay $5, $10 or $20 for otner lamps, you may get more expensive decorations but you cannot get u better light than the low-priced Kayo gives. A strong, durable shade-holder holds the shade on firm and' true. This season's new burner adds strength and appearance. Once a Rayo User, Always One. r Dtattrt Evtrywhtrt. If noi at yours, wrttt far tttstnpth. " circular to tkt ntarrst erttcy oftht Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) tiunrntiteod Honest nnd Reliable Messengers. Tray and Pnckngo Delivery n Specinlty. Medford Messenger Service Under New Manaaemcnt. PRnMPT AtlD RELIABLE SERVICE. mil parcels or mesngci delivered fivo hloekfs or under.. 10c :ive blocks nnd under ten l'Q All sm Over fiv Over tcn'bloeks and under fifteen Over fifteen blocks - ;; 7 ;"'" FHED HANRPAJr. Prop. 337 South Central Ave., Telephone Mnih 1143., , Medford. Oregon. 20o Win Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, f CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 208 FRUITGROWERS BANK BUILDING. A L . i.JJlu "J keS ft The finest Sample Rooms in the city. Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Hotel Moore Telephone In Every Room RATJ-MOHR COMPANY Proprietors. EUROPEAN PLAN Xma pples Extra Fancy Spitzenbergs Just the thing for Christmas Gifte for Your Friend 5 tier $l.SO a Box 4 1-2 ,, S1.75 4 $2.00 L. E. HOOVER I'lione l."ii, or IMeilfortl Ice and Storage Plant. I Willi store advertising so olfeetlu Hint ovory copy of lliin newspaiu-i liecouies n HulcHtuuii for you, ytm !l Hud that liiiHinesK eoiitinues lo im inove -to lite verge of your epaeit tu luuulle it. CLEAN BREAD THAT KEEPS THE FAMILY HEALTHY. i a lieu-are no otie cnu aftiiiil It lie williout. It n nuide right here. IIAVK YOl TUIKD Figola Broad MEDFORD BAKERY 4 DELICATESSEN TODD & OO. SOUTH CENTRAL AVE. I os Angeles AND RETURN $31.55 If sufficient number desire to make tho trip an excursion will be conducted Medford to Los Angeles and returh some time in January or Feb ruarr at the round trip rale of $31.55 with a thirty day limit to return. Tickets will permit of stopovers and be ijood via either line to and from Los Angeles. Vuv further information see or phone A. S. ROSENBAUM, Local S. V. .Agent, or call at the Passenger J Station. Pone.'Wl. 251 H. B. PATTERSON The QUAKER NURSERYMAN HAS EVERYTHING IN THE NURSERY LINE PEARS, APPLES, CHERRIES, PEACHES, AP RICOTS. PRUNES; ALL KINDS OF NUT TREES ANO A FULL LINE OF FLOWERINC SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC., A FINE LINE OF SHADE TREES. COME IN AND GET PRICES. Office 116 Main Street Office Phone 238! Res. Phone 2493 svrssrsssNssr.rsr4vrssrsssr, - J:f;f: J MMMM m 1 ! Check Those Grnv Hairs as They Appear Now do not vyU until your hirii full $ T 111 IIICIIl. HAY'S HAIR HEALTH will re. tore litem to (heir naturtl color in no lime. Uicd rcjultrly, leepa the hir oH, beautitully loy, anil entirely free from dindrufferm. IS NOT A DVn. p, &ina i.-. lor UvU "Tbo Cro rf t.x lUIr ao4 Wtlu." l'hilolU) rSiv,Co.,NYwark. N. J VJS.A. MKJ1ISK ALL SUBSTITUTES $1 and 00c. bolllcu, at dragglwta FOIt SALK 11Y LKON 1). HAS KINS, MUDFOUl), OH. J. E. ENTART, Presitlont. JOHN S. OHTII, Cashier. J A. PERRY, Vico-Presidont. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Capital $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 & 1 I 4144W-i-4-4? SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING iUSlNESS TRANSACTED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. LANDQUIST, JOHNSON 6 LILIUS, INC. Real Estate and Insurance Special Representative for International Real Estate Association, Chicago, 111. AGENT FOR FRANKLIN FIRE INS. CO. RELIANCE FIRE INS. CO. BARGAINS AND MONEY MAKERS IN FARMS, ORCH ARDS & TIMBER LANDS. 201 St. Mark's Building, Phone 24H TIMBER LANDS WANTED List with us what you have for sale. Timber cruising and estimates furnitshed. HARRIS TIMBER LAND COMP'Y 208 FRUITGROWERS BANK BLDG-, MEDFORD, OREGON. R. F. PUERIN (8b CO. 4 MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, Have a number of APPLICATIONS FOR FIRST LOANS of from $500 to $3000 to return Investors 10 annum. If you have money to loan it will pay you to investigate them MORTGAGE per cent 'per Vfi m n i ii ,'i .1 .a V'i i unfairi mm n ifliMMT'inr arirr i