"WW Km svTr Vr4,l Mr;v. kv.s t. A"i V r T- i 04, H M . i i i ii i L I i i i n nit Z ' SAYS SOCIALISTS WILL WiN IN 1916 LOS ANOELESj.Cnl., Dee. 21. Clint Its Edward IIushuI, opUiltl candidate for governor of New York ill the recent election, predicted to day thnt the socialists will be suc cessful iu the national election oi 10 IG and that u stcialisl president 'will occupy the white hoii&c. after that year. "We now have two grout, politie.d pnrtitw," Russell ,wiid, "Both arc putrid with, corruption. One ban, been on trial, for years'-, and it has failed and betrayed the people. The other, the democratic, will lime ns chance, unci, believe ine, it will make n horrible mess of things. When the people realize that both the old pur tics have failed to provide a panace.i for existing conditions, the socialists will be given their innings." Hussell took ihMio with the so called Hoo-evcltiai anti-race stiioid declaring that the bringing of clul dieninlo 11 wolld. "run as this world COVaK3Ht adjoining city limits we arc now offering for .2000 cash will bo cut into IJO lots and sold out for not less than .200 per lot. Don't joa want this snap?, Just timo enough to get the land platted, ready for the spring rush. See us quickly. Rogue River Land Co. S ' NO. II NORTH Save on Your Groceries Teas and Coffees It will pay you to step a ii'lt block off Main, shed, out of tin. high-rent district, and buy your grocciies at a saving. Not long ago we purchased the stock of the Southern Orego 1 Tea & Cofffee Company, and lne since gieatly enlarged it. Wo npw carry a complete line of siaplu and fancy Groceries, fruits and vegetables, as well as the largest stock of Coffee in Southern Ore gon. Iu fact, -we have everything in our line for the holiday trade. We are. not on Main street in a big biick block, but have a fiiht class stand on u side street, so thereby our expenses are light and can defy competition. Wo, request thnt you give us a trial, and wo assure you that wo save you money. OPEN EVENINGS Southern Oregon Tea and Coffee Co. IM IOXI2 MAIN J 001. t Olmstead & Hibbard For Christmas Groceries Fruits, Nuts, Etc. Cranberries ,Yo have just received about 1000 quarts at 2 quarts for 25c. ? i- Vegetables Lettuce 6nions Onbbatfo Squasli Pumpkins Turnips Heels Sauer Kraut The right kind at 15c per quart. ; English Walnuts X This year's crop and are cxcopitonally nice. lJer lb., 2nc. Filberts, Almonds, Pecan, Brazil J AVe are anxious to trive bit' service, and WO ask that 1 ..ll ,, ..r. n.M. ir ..r. wlC.r.;iW f. .mnli.mh.n i-,irrl.,r I ' :. . -i -l.i , HHii run is iin ediiv no iivaaiuiv. ou mmuim.wu v;vii.- iluiwru'icnll nnt if hr ihiMMn X it to us and we will gladly adjust it to your satisfaction. I Phone 571. V ' J Olmstead & Hibbard opi;v nvKxtxos. Phptip 571.. West Side. f4i44tn-n-i'r'"t''" is run, is nothing Short of criminal. "Under existing circumstance" he said, "nice suicide is the only thing standing between the working cmsups and starvation." 1 SCHOOL CHILDREN Often need Glasses during the formatiVe period of ctilldhoori Let us prepare the glasses for your children's oyes, and the chances arc the slight error will he speedily corrected and ivitiiln a"short time the chil dren's, eyes will he restored lo normal. DR. STEPHENSON . Office Over Allen's Store, Main. and. C Street, Phone Main 1857. Medford, Or. ' They're All Buying Tickets for Medford through the middle west, say J. ,A. Perry and all wlu fm fft'oiu the cast. Do you know what this means' It means that before manv ' months that live-acre trim CENTRAL AVE. j V'-.': 30 SOUTH GRAVE ST. rN.rsrNsr' Sweet Pototoes The very finest we could buy at 5c per lb. Mincemeat An especially good pack age at 10c. Heiiizo bulk "mincemeat in jars. Fruits ' CJrajjya Bananas Grapefruit Fresh Eggs Por your pumpkin pie, 50c i dozfiii. our friends the best possi- you make up. your order ; -i. "... i...' I mivfliiiirr is wvmur Tiifni-n Every advertisement oC n store Hives 10 Miuieuou.y penuips 10 iiiiiii.Yi people their first impressions of I that store. And first impressions abide, with Strang persistence. Jfor Kent Boarding house, modern cnuip- ( incut; toilet, bath, city water, elec tric lights, range and hot watdr heal er.; located witahiii one block Mcdfoid depot. Impure Aldcnhugen, Rogue Iyver Eycctric ,Cq. . y FOR SCLE . t)0 acres, all cleared,, lVj miles' Kagie Point, $00 per acre, finest soil. 110 neves, 70 .cleared, 0, in orchard, ' 3 milcs'btnlion, buildings, :?S5 pot acre. 320 acres duivv and alfalfa ranch, 70 cleared, close in, $7000, terms. IG0 acres nicely located, closo in, good buildings,, trado for city lots will niako gooil spu-dlvlslon., .14 acres, under ditch, fine ponr,hnd alfalfa land, 3 miles out, cleared and fenced; $250 -per ncro. CITY PROPERTY' Two lots near P. O., trade or soil equity .27i0. City acreage on West 2d, near new schoolhunjjo. " ;,'.; Lot 5Uxl15, 5 blocks postoffio1, $850, easy terms. Rooming house. It! rooms, oil Eusl Main, :lose in; price cut for quick sale. ' ' S lot, WcBUl'nhn st., $225 each. 2-rooin house, near school, 'sener, sidewulk,-. city water; '$050, easy tonus. Lot on,-paving, 50x200, $750. Lots in West Walnut Pnrk, $275 to $350, easy terms. WANTED Oitls for general housework. Listings of city proporty and ranches. E. F. t Room 206. Tavlnr' & Fhinns Blriq. NEW ADS TODAY., WANTED -Medford property for modern 0-rooin house in Central Point, newly built, ou large lot, tel ephone, lights, city water, plumbed throughout, value. $3000. See O. V. Meyers, above Allen grocery, or write owner, 'Lock Box, 1)5, Central Point. 235 320 ACHES hill land, deep soil, for --Medford proporty. value $4500; Kit) acres for Medford property; this is also hill land, with some cleared, lots of wood, value $2500. Lock Box !)5. Central Point. 235 LOST. LOST Liberal reward for the re turn pr for information loading to the return of my female pointer dog A. Gluck, 503 S. Oakdalc. Phone (1021. 237 LOST An Airedale pup. Return to 350 S. Riverside and receive re ward. 232 rQR EXCHANGE. Ileal Estate. EXCHANGE Seuttlo income prop erly, $12,000, for ranch or fruit land. Mrs. L, 128 Holly st. 233 TO EXCHANGE For Medford preperly: 20 acres, unimproved, $2000; 10 acres, unimproved. $1000; 20 acres, unimproved, $1000; 18 acies, improved,' $7,000: 52 .acres, improved, $11,000; 3(5 acres, improved, $0000. W. T. York &. CoT tf Miscellaneous. FOR EXCHANGE -Medford and Bub, urban proporty, ranches, limbai lands, for other propertyl Address Box 100, core Mail Tribune. tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Miscellaneous. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Fiva passengcr 4-qyIiudor touring auto mobile. Address Box 200, care Mail Tribune office . tf FOR LEASE .V Miscellaneous. V. .... I 1. A U, I... .11.. ,...!.. I mine. Call on AldonliEgon. Rogue! Itlvor Electric Co,, 5J1C Woatl Main. . tf J FOR RENT.' Funns. FOR " RENT Farms from 40 acres to 400 acres, alfalfa laud, fruit ranches, gurden lands, general fanning ranches. Gold Ray Realty Pi Olfl Wnat Ifnm IP "' -" '"- "...... ; : Housekeeping Rooms. FOR HKNT-rFuniisJicU housekecp- ing rooms, one, two or three rooms) in a suite; also single rooms. 711' N. Central avc. 'Jito ' Furnlslicil Hoonis. i.'nr? iji.'VP Vi,ii... r .tui.,..! ....... i j 0.j,j. i : 7 1 POi; RENT Ni. cIV funliHlifd room ' 203 Oleson st I'l'uuie Main 1171. 1 M FOR RENT. Furnished Hooius. FOR KENT Two large connecting f route l;otjms, fine! for " office -or dressmaking parlors, upstairs, can tcr of town; 0302. ? $25 month. Phono 300 " FOR RENT -7 Sunny furnished rooms, -ono block from postoffice; board if desired. 208 N. Central hve.t corner, 5th st. 300' FOR RENT Furnished rooms for trnnsicalsiat No. 10 N. Grrtpc sL, ,iiicxt to. Fanners' & Fruitgiowers llniTk b'ldg. ,t tr'1 FOR KENT By dav or week, plonk? ant attractive furnished rooms. 123, S. HoliV- st., nenr City Park. 235, FOR RENT At the Cottage, pious--art, furnished rooms, with hot nnj 'cold running -water; baths, lar-i sunny porches. C01 W. 10th Sl.or 124 King St. . tf. .' Hoard and ltooiu. BOARD with room, $G par week', 1 meals served, -family stylo, homo. cooking. 44G S. Evcrgroon st., cor,. 12th. on Southern Pacific trnek.234 WANTED Hoard, $5 per weck,aiid room and board, .$(1.50 per weel;. 5)00 E. Main st. 233 Itoanl and Itoout. PRIVATE BOAltD AND ROOM at 402 S. Central ue. Mrs. C. II. Hart. Houses. FOR RENT 5-room furnished bun galow, $30 per mouth. 820 Ren- - nclt nve., East Medford. Apply at Edmeades Bros.' shoo store. tf IiU8Uicr l(ooms FOR RENT Office rooms,' $4 each per month, it) Hostel's modern block at Central Point, Ore. Par- tics desiring well located office rooms will do well to examine these. ' 250 FOR RENT Office rooms ovor the Postoffice. See G. F. Dyer, 123 V. Alain st., i;oom 2. FOR HENT-rOffico rooms in Elec tric building, modern oquipment, steam boat, electric light, baths, toilet, hot umtrfooll water. Gold Ray Realty Co., 21G W. Main st. If FOR RENT Business room on W. Main st.. 24x140. suitublo for rcs- tauranl or billiard room or other business, sio.v.n hent. Gold Hnj Realty Co., 21fi W. Main st. tf FOR SALE OR RENT. UiihIiiosb l'roM-rty. FOR SALE" OR RENT 8-rooni houso at 70(5 S. O-tkdnlo avc., newly painted and dcobrutcd, 'cement basement; will sell at n bargain .villi best of terms; monthly pay ments if desired, llurry ll. Tuttle. Pnrk nve., immediately buck of the above houso. Phone 71. tf FOR SALE OR RENT Good opon ing for general irtorchandiso atoc in now town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 milos from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co, 200 W Main. .If. Houses. FOR SALE OH HENT Modem bungalow, all furnished; cheap ii taken at once. 403 N. Holly st. 233 FOR SALE. Ileal KsUile. FOR SALE- N. B.. Hie Loomis orch ard, O'j acies hoTd for $12;000 on Wednesday; conic to Talent, Or., mid sec this orchard 1 have lo sell; 2 miles I'mm Talent; 17 acies, II acres iu bearing fruit I ices, 150 Si-iUciibtirgH, 100 Nowtowns, 100 H. C. Pippins, 200 (Iraveiihteins, 200 B. D., 18 Abtraclian, 18-20 Y. Pip pin, 50 pear tiees (mostly Winter Neji.s), about 30 pouch tiees, 10 cherry, a few plums, prunes, grapes, etc.; all iu bearing; price $10,000, half down, if possible. Come lo Talent and let mo show you this or chard before von buy anywheie else. If you write, inclose stump-j. L. N. Judd Roberts bldg., Talent. Or. . If Business Tropci-ty. FOR SALE Choict business piop orty at a bargain, on long lime; easy terms, Address Condor Wa: t or Power Co. 3 MK SALE-Tlurd floor of Adkins bldg., formerly usod by Oddfellow. Apply to D. F. Day, Frank Wilsou 1 or ... II. Wood. . tf LOtM. FOR SALE Residence Irttb, close in. high elevation, commanding u beau tiful view of the city and valleys best residence district, at price), that are right. A. F. Burnett, Jack son Co. Bunk bldg. Phone Main 42, rosido'ice 2571. IE VOU SALE $200 each, $10 down " 1 Pr ,u"111'' for hlx tmo lM"M.' 'olh' "'0-xlSO, one block rom pnvemCnt on North C st. In- (pure l r. urnugti st. it Acivagc, tructs with perpetual water right for Hilo qii easy payment plan. IfnjMii -liiiirt . luc..romlfd, Pn-rt N CuiainiiiK-., iiianaei' tf FOR SALE. Acreage. FOR SALE Largo modern houso with south and cast front, 113 feel front on paved street, by 181 feel long, nicely improved grounds; ev erything strictly modern; reason for selling, lady of huso needs 'i change of climate; this place is suitublo for nico homo Or first class rooming lions"; e,ijsy terms lo 'riglit pari v. S. tlio Jnok'sui County Realty C.).,,Q0l West Tenth st. Wo also buvo largo and small tracts of iuunoved nnd unimprov ed orchard lands. tf FOR SALE In small tracts, or us a whole, 2(10 acres finest fruit or alfalfa land, 2 tnilcs fiom rairoiid, 11 miles from Medford; hind is ab solutely frc'O soil, deep and rich; no hardpun; slopes gently lo and faces on main colinty road; wo must sell this tract in the next 30 das; price and terms are right. Sec l'lul in our office. D. II. Jackson & Co., 118':. Main st. Photic 2722. tf FOR SALE Beautiful hillside build ing site, about 1 aorcjusl outside or city limits iu East Mqdford high and sightly, with beautiful view of Medford and the valley; will sell 1 noro for the price yon would have to pay for a good city lot; small cash payment, easy tonus on bal ance. Address P. O. Box 702. 211 FOR SALE 5 and 10-ncro truocs just within and ud.jpiniug city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Addicss Condor Water ,Powcr Co. FOR SALE 14 ueros, 10 acres planted to pears, one milo from Central Point, $225 per ncro. W. T. York & Co. tf FOR SALE 22 acres of good fruit or farm laud iu the Wolf Creek dis trict; will sell cheap if taken at once. Address P. O. Box 11(1, Med ford, Or. 237 Houses. Medford Mali Tribune Want ads aro business brlugora. HOME FOR SALE Iu Tulent. .luck son county, Oregon, a newly incor porated town, a finu homo of 18 acies; loved fertile alfalfa, and fruit' laud, irrigated; one block from postoffice, on the main rmd and extends to Bear creek; has two acres bearing Nowtowns, 11 yours old; 12 acres Bartlolt and IVAnjou pears; 2 acres alfalfa; all ii fine garden laud; u (i-room house; cli "mule very 'mild; pure water flora the, mountains; healthy; churches. schools and literary societies; no saloons or drunkenness it is a dry town; it is midway between thy thriving cities of Medford and Ash land ;price $10,000; $4500 down, the remainder on limo at o per 1 cent. Conio lo Talent and let mo take you oor the place, or write, enclosing stamps. L. N. Judd, Tal out. Or., Dec. 8. 1010. 240 FOR SALE A strictly modern five room bungalow with bath, built-in buffet, chiffoniers and refrigerator. buffet, kitchen, mission electrical lixtmes; will consider oilier prop oily us part payment. Cull ;m owner, 210 S. Grape, after, 5 p. in. 235 FOR SALE Limited numbor pure bred Poland China boars, 3 and 1 months old, eligible (o go in llio best herds and cheap euoligh for any fanner to bijy. Berkeley Or- chiuds, Geo. C. Osgood, mgr. Phono Fanners 703x3. If Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Placer ennui;' 00 ncrci., ditch, reservoirs, sma',1 hoiifco, goo 1 land; .iijcljsonvillo mi'en; prico right. Address V. A Spriugford, Jacksonville, Or. 21 FOR SALE Strawberries from your own guidon; sots now for sulu at Oregon Rooming house, 414 X. Front st,: v-cliungu Cor heilb. 231 FOR SALE A nuuibji of White Leghorn pullets at u bargain if taken at once. Address "Poultry," Mail Tribune office, FOR SALE--Excoplivnul bargain; 1010 ChaliDors l,)etroit "30." See Ira. J. Dodge, Fruitgrowers' Bank bldg. t FOR SALE Cookstovo, burned two months, cost $17iwill tuko $ip. In iiiiro Qn1go'ry'h S(,?ulio. ' FOR SALEPotatoes, Al runeh po tatoes, 1 cent a pound while they ijht. 707 "W. Mali). FOR Sa'LEJ-I t- i r-' r 'Ittt top officio ihiU P. O. Box 421. and revolving cliair Phono 5182. FOR SALE Iiuggv, good us now, cheap. 230 North Ivy st. 30,0 FOR SALE C'luncv. -Com. Dr. R. M. T WANTED. AllvcollaneoKB. WANTED Four mules; must be MEDFORD BRICK CO, Bound nnd used to working ou an, Pridv, 0. D. Naglo, orchard. Address "Mules," curoi .Mail Tribune. 235 i WNNTl'D Chan pnllmi Mail Tiibune ottice ia" ' 1 HELP. WANTED. Help Wanted Male. WANTED Foreman to take charge of yaung orchard, wife to cook for men. Must furnish lcf ereuccs. Boudiuot Conner, Central Point. 320 WANTED Salesmen ip every local ity of the northwest; money ad vanced weekly; ninny mnko over $1000 month; choico of .territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Tup penish, Wnr.li. WANTED A first-elnsa Japanese boy for housework, 2 iu family and good wages. Apply morning!; 210 N. Onkdalo. tf Help Wanted Fcmnlo. WANTED-A good rcliablo womnn to do cooking and general houso- Vwork. Address Mrs. Wilbur Jones, Jacksonville, or cull Phone 173 or 101. tf WANTED Girl tor 'general house werk: wanes $1 per day. Call at 21G" W. Main at. tt Situations Wanted. ORDERS, solicited Mrs. A. M. Link, representing Direct (lolh Co. St. Louis, Mo wishes to announce to ladies of Medford sho will take orders for niadc-to-iuoasuro gar ments and goods by the yard at 23G N. Central, during full and winter season "prices low, satis faction guaranteed. 235 WANTED Nursing by Mrs. K. Mc Roynolds. Call at 320 N. Riverside nve.. or phono Alain 32. WANTED Jupnnesc woman wants position, housework and help cook Phono aiu (1051. 235 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. D. R. WOOD General accountnnt. Your books audited and kept for .i reasonable figure; your businc'ss solicited, room 200. Offico Phipps Phono 3122. blilu Architect. JOHNS & TURNER, Aroliilcots and Builders. Officu 7-8, 325 Main. Phone Main 3471. Residence phone 744. AsMiyi'i and Analyst. EARL V. 1NGELS, B. S.J-Bo.it equipped assay offico iu Oregon; food products, soils, fertilizers, spray products, water, Otc, nn nlvrod. Grants Pass. Attorneys. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col, vig, C. L. Rcnincs. Lawyers. Of fico Medford National Bank build ing, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Altornoya-nt-Iaw. No. 0 I) street, ground floor. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Gurnott- Corey bldg. ' ' WITHLNGTON & KELLYT-Lawyors1. Palm huildiig. Ullliard Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards Ci gars and Soft; Drinks. Up stnirs. Young & Hull building. A nice) cool place to spend tho hot after noons, i Illll Pouters. VERNE T. CANON Bill poatflani) Distributor. All ordora promptly fillod. Room 20, Jackson County Bank building. Medford. Or. ' Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & AKTLE, Smokobouso DealoiH in tobacco, cigurn and 3inorol(H' sii)plies. Exclusive ngonls of Lewis Single Binder. El Morilt and El Paloncia. 212 West Mnin street. Collections ACCOUNTS collected in any purt of tho woild. No charge if. not col lected. Pueillu Collecting Co., 33 Jackson Co. Bank bldg. Fidelity and Surety HoikJh, L. L. SMALL, bonds of nil kinds in the best companies. 33 Jackson Co, Hank bide. ' i Viirulluro. 1 II. F. WILSON. & CO., dealers in iiow and hi'ond-huud furniture and hardware. Agents for House." hold stoves and ranges. 1 Fir street. Phono Main 3 10 South HOI. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS - Corner 8lh and Dolly ttrools, Med. lord. Mission furniture- tpado to order. Cabinet work of all kinds, A' trial order solicited. MORDOFF & VOLFFr-Cookstovc3 and ranges. New and eccond-hnud furniture Ends' old stuud. 1& W V st.. South. Phono 01. Medford Uruuito Works. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 210 f. Main st.,. manufacturers and deal ers in gmonumcutal and buildin granite crashed granito common brick and prosscd brick, coarse and fino wnsjiod river sand. Goo. W. Geo. T. l) Jtrien uontraotore ana manu facturers of brisk; dcnlors in pressed briofc and Jiino, Offico in 0 iriiftt c,uo Mori room 401 lib floor. Phono No. am IUSttMS?DMEGltQgftu, ,, ,. .-., tfm- i-ii.ifc..,i, ii hi ii n. ll-W .M-JL M H- M SSMW 'o . 'jfaajK. NOTARY nffipo PJ7UL1G . Irilma: -- NttrHcricfl. -Hit ! QUAKER NURSERIES-Our trans aro budded, not grafted. Our, sto'ik is not irrigated. Wq Kuarantee py- fj crything put out. Vb nra not in tho trust. II. B. Pattorson, offioo removed to 110 E. Main sL ROGUE RIVER SERY CO., VALLEY NUR- inc. Growers of' high tfriulo nurpory sjock. Office 25 W. Main. Tel. 1201. " Nursery Products THE OREGON NURSERY products nro all one-year bud on U-ye'a; roots; represcntnlivo office now iu Medford; can supply apple,' pear and walnut trcos on short nblipo; all guaranteed in every rcspqot"; ranch ers, write us of your needs; will bd glad to quote you prices., Painters ami I'npcrhunger. DECORATE your, tinted, wnlja jvfth stencil borders by A. Risdon, paint er, decorator and pnporliangor, No. 5 E. 3d st.Modford. Photographers. HAVE your Xmns photos made by Mackey if you want something to please. riijhlclans nml Siirgcous. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physicion nnd Surgeon. - Offico 2H) E. Main st., over IliU. kins' drug store. Phono Main 1001. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Pkv siciuiiB and surgeons, Tuylor u!i'v Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offico phono 501, rcsidenco phono (112. Officu hours 0 n. tn. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, 'DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to Rooms 41(5 and 4J7, Garnett-Coroy bldg. Phone Main 0351. DR. E. ii. PORT.ER Discuses of women u specialty. Rooms b, 0, 7, 8. St. Mark'n bldg., Medford, Or, Phenes: Offico 4001, residence 4051, DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prac tice limited to discaocs bf the eye, oar, nooo and throat. Office 210 E. Main St., over Medford Haul ware Co. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE-Office iu Jtinlto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extivctiou of teeth. Telephouo Main 081. Night phono 4432. , . DR. W. W. WICK Homeopathic physiciun; residence 203 Olson St., jihone M'uia 4474; offico, rooms 3 junfl 4 St. Murk's block, photic Mum l"871. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offico GuruoU-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 1002. RqsT denuo 113 Laurel st., phono 2002. W. A. LOVELACE Contractor .ami practical builder; estimates frco; patronago appreciated. 125 South Almond st. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD Pruolico limited to disonsos of vo inon. Office Hiiskius bldg. Phono Main 1001. DR. STEPHENSON fits glassos to correct airy dufoet of tho eye. Of fice over Allen & Reagan's. Phone Muin 1851. Dr. W. M. Vun Scoyoc. Dr. C. C. Vun Scoyoc. Dentists. FruitgrimorH Bank bldg., Medfoid, Or. Phono 3072. Printers and PubllNhers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho bost equipped job offico in South ern Oregon; Portland pricos. 37 South Central, nvonuo. Ktefiograpuoru. ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm Block. Stenographic work done quickly and well. PUBLIC- STENOGRAPHER 402 Garnet t, Corey building, Wdt Side. 245 Tin Hhopn. J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin And shcot iron waro on hand and made to ordor. 128 North O at. ' ' Road . Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. -Undertakers. Day phono 1151. N'glt. phones: C. W, Conkllu 3001; J, E. Butler 3571; John A- Peri 411L Unions. CARPENTERS' UNION. LOCAL 1840 Moots nt Smith's hall. f2 North Grape street, every Thn day evening promptly at 8 o'clock. All jourooymBu carpenters, as wJl as local members, urged to bo- preh eat. Business ctf xitwl int,HWt to all oarpoptorfl trrtliwoted at thn-' mtsetiiiRa. J. J, Beat, buaiuMu t. i t(f -V