tffiK 11 "(J-J1 " - v c MEDFCRD MALL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1910. Medford Mail tribune AW INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUB&ISHED DAILY EXCEPT BATUB- DAY BY THE MEDrORD pniNTINO CO. A consolidation of tlio Med ford Mall, established 1889, tli6 (Southern Oregon Inn. established 1302; tljo Democratic Times, established 1872J the Ashland Tribune, established 1896, and the Med- nrni Tribune, esiauusneu juu. ai:ORQn PUTNAM. Editor and ManaRer Sit iinint-nii ns Hcnond-class matter No .,.,..!,i. i. ions, nt tlin noatofflco ui Medford. Oregon, under tlio act cf March 3. 1879. Official Paper of the City of Medford SUBSCRIPTION RATES. n Ono year, by mall I".0C One month by mall .61 Per month, delivered by carrier In Irw1"rf1 .Innk Annvllla nnd Cen tral Point 'J Riimliv onlv. bv mall, per year.... 2.00 Weekly, per year 16' rull Zioased Wire United Freiv Dispatches. Tho Mall Tribune 1b on sale, at th 1'erry News Htand, Kan Kranclsco. I'ortlund Hotel NeWH Stand. Portland Dowmnii News Co, Portland, Or. W O. Whitney, Seattle, Wash. Hol'il Spokane Nowa Htand, Hpokano. SWORN CIRCULATION. Average dally for January. 1910 2,12. March, 1910 2,205 April 1910 2,301 May, :910 2,-ICC June, 1910 2, r.0? July, 1910 2, 5H August, 1910 2,G8i Heptomber, 1910 2,531 October, 1910 2,79 November Circulation. J,..; 3,100 ic ... .1,07' 8 3.SG0 17 3,07. 3...-. 3,100 18 3,051 4....'. 3,100 20 3,1011 0 3,150 21 3,050 7 3,100 22. 3,051 8 3,100 23.., 3,051 9 3,100 25 3,050 10 3,100 27 3,075 11 3,100 28 3,00b 13 3,160 29 3,000 14 3,100 30 2,975 IB 3,100 Total . ,76,999 Dally nveruKe, 3.080. BTATE OV OltnaON, County of Jack on, ss.: "On" tlw first day of December, 1910 personally nppeared before me, Qeorgf Putnam, tnnnuRcr of tho Medford Ma Tribune, who, upon oath, acknowledger that the nbovu figures lire true unci cor rcct. H. N. YOCKEV, (Heal) Notary Publlo for Oregon NEWSPAPER INFLUENCE. in the MEDrORD, OREGON. Metropolla of Southern OrcRon anil Northern California, and tho fastest growing city In OreKon. Population U. H. census 1910; 8810 estimated In November, 1910, 10,000. Klvo hundred thouHitnd dollar Gnivlt Water HyHtem conuiletcil, giving fines supply iniro mountain water iiml nix teen miles of street being paved um contracted tor ui ii com exceeding i. 000,000, making a total of twenty indue of pavemont. PoBtnfflcn receipts for year endlnr November 30, 1910, tthpw a gain of CI per cent. Hank dcpoHlts woro 2,37C,532, a Rail of 22 per cent. llnnner fruit city In Orogon -Hogm lllver Hpltzcnbcrg npplcH won sweep stakes prlzo and tltlo of "Apple XInir of the World" nt tlio National Apple Show, Spokane, JUUV, Ullll U Ulf III NUWIOWUS won ririt Prize in 1010 ntCnnadlan International Apple Show Vancouver, U. C. Itogue. Itlvur pears brought highest prices In nil markets of tho world dur Iiir tho past six years, Wrlto Commcrclul club, Inclosing fi cents for postngo Tor tho finest commu nity pamphlet over written. Fifty Years Ago Today. : Dec. 21. f ! Ilonihnrdnicnt hy tlio Sardinian : tinny of Gnoln, tlio lust rufiiRo ; of Kliitf FnuiclH II. of NujiIoh, WJ1H bectiti. ScinloiIlcIuIflBiiros of tho eighth . census kuvo tlio population of . tho Willed Stntoi tll.OOO.OOO, (In ISoO tho IIkuich woro 123,000, 000.) Twenty-five Years Ago Today. ' Tho formation of tho tmrltory of Oklahoma vnn dlucimsed In COIIKrC'MH. Tho hydropholila mwneetH bit ten In Nowurk, N. J., on tho :id arrived In I'm In and wcru In ouulated by Pasteur. WHEN Lal'o Young of I own told the senate that the editors, and not congress, made the laws and ruled the nation, lie told a half truth. The power of an honest press is irrisitible, but so many of the great newspapers have become journalistic prostitutes or are owned outright by the "interests" that also control congress, that the power of the press is slight compared to what it might be. TJiccoinmercjialijmi.of ilie,,)r(&s Las Jcept pace (i the growth of commercialism generally. Much capital is required to finance a great newspaper. Those furnishing the money, not only demand interest upon tJie investment, but also protection in news and editorial columns. The counting house dictates the policy., 1 writers must live and they write accordingly, not because they believe what they say or have any heart or soul in it, but they need the moiiey. It is only here and there that an editor really has the last say, is the dominant force in the metropolitan journal. Once in a while the owner of such a paper is a trained newspaper man, who conducts his paper fearlessly and in dependently for the right as it is given him to see it, but such instances are rare and the plodding of the hired an along the lines of least resistance, has largely replaced ie fire of genius and the ring of sincerity. To attempt to secure an expression or puonc opinion oy ((noting metropolitan newspapers in various sections of the countrj , is wasted effort. But few of them reflect what the people are thinking, or what their own editors are thinking, but what the "interests," who not only con trol the newspapers, but various allied commercial and political interests, want published.. Ilence the readers, more and more, look to the ,city newspaper simply for news and take with a grain of salt the tainted editorial column, distrust it entirely or overlook it altogether, bo the editorial is in danger o'ij becoming sort of a vermiform appendix of journalism. Such fields of human interest, as the management and control of government and business, the. growth of special privilege, the development of the billionaire, and the com plex and changing social conditions have been left to popu larize the magazine which from being purely a literary product, by appropriating more and more the functions of tlio newspaper is becoming a necessary factor in the na tion's life by filling a universal demand for that which the newspaper ought to but fails to supply. And the maga zine is written by the former journalist denied tho right to voice his convictions and findings in the newspaper. The country press is as a rule more independent than the city pressbut it is often tainted by commercialism as well as inefficiency, lazyness and cowardice, and fre quently hampered by poverty. It is claimed that most country papers are as good as their support warrants, but the way to secure better support is to make a better prod uct, and no matter how small the paper is, it can be made worth while. DKINER IS IN RAO WIN Believes in Doing the Thing That Will Promote the Most Good for the Most People Against Special In terests, Rings, Cliques and Graft. MISS CRYSTAL MIRY IS LAID AT REST Tho trond of lltiirnry people Ih to Now York nnd London. Fifty-six Indiana counties have U)Ht In popu lation ulnco tho 1000 cuntjua. A most imprehsivo funeral service was jpild Tuesday nlleinoon over tlio body of .Miss (Yyslnl McNnry, who miHseil away nt Kimono .Mondav nj,'ht. The body reached heie from Himeiip al 10:!H) and lay in wtnto at the M. K. eltuieh until J o'clock Tuesday, when the funeral service werejield, the Hoy. .Mr. Ilulkmip of fieialiiit;. .Tlio lloral pieeofc, cniiMhtiiiK f crosses, mild) njnr and other de 'iuiis, which necoiiipnnicd tho liodv. were ninny . mid heaiitilnl, nliowiny llii) hiuli Chtouin in which she was lipid nt Kukoiio, llor cliihhinutoH who LNiulnatud with her from tlio .Med fold liiuh school in 11)10, nnd inuin friends who knew her attended the funeral and blnecd upon Iter hiei un Hands of love and umpect. The pallheaieis wete chosen from amoiiu her f i lends and weie; Kail WeviiohK Sum Qliisuow, Walter 1. Valentino Kail (mUin, Merle I'nvuo and Janice Coolev. CORBETT IS LOOKING 'S E If that aviator roally w lilont Tuft to go up In why didn't ho toll him It would help tho party? -.X SANTA CLAUS HITS Great lliltaln will have to hold hor elections somehow the beet hIio can without any eloquent words of ad vice from Colouol HookovoU. The fiu.;ar trout did not have to wait for Snnta Claim to put huiiio thing In Its tjtockliiK; Undo Sam tnih-ntltutod. Mary Garden's presentation of "Salome" hn been barred In Chicago. Tills will probably kmvo Mary from an attack of pneumonia. Tlip returiiH nj;g now all In nnd It Is found that tho only statiw to show iopiillran villus were Mexico and l'orttiKHl. Ah Mr, Morgan hwiiiiioii tht Undo Ram Ih to wla the oil and tubnoou caBos tho courts uoed no loutior hel. tato, NKWAItK, X. .1, D.c. 21. Altci a run of seveial du, the Townshi Seliool Hunk of New Providence, N J., find itolf Htill solvent, but with u bnlnuoe of only $11 in doHiit ie iimiiiink'. Tlie bank wim oivnitmid U help hoIiooI eliildrou save (lieu money. Any uui from i cunt up Hccopleil. I,uit wtik (lie Oinulmiu liuyin,. feur acigod tlio depeitort, anil (lioie wiM n uisli of withdruwnls. Whvi llie week' leports woro nil hi. th OMnliicr struck u halnnno mui found lliat 3itutu CIhum luid come within $11 of wipiui; out the invitation. - OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklu., Dec 20. .luuie-. J. Coibetl admits Hint he is still out on u still-limit for n "hope of tho while race" that ! leally n "hope." "Kverywhere I k I urn conlinu ally J'acinj; the all too improxsiu fuct that there are no roally jmii heavywei;htH except Jack .loliiison,' said t'oihott today. "Ilul I'm slil looking for seinuono to whip the. hi, black." CoibeltV visit hero is said to haw boon pioinnti'd by n desiie to bo . few iituuds willi Cml Mortis, Okla homu'h "hope." Coihott will he nt Hie rinsidi nhen Moniti and .Mumu Unit u I.oiiisMlle, Ky., meet here tonight. 1 Morris shows nnvlhiiiK like ch.ii.i pioiiship caliber aptmxl Hail it is im mlikch (hut Coibolt will urrauue i. take him oa-t to nnet some of th. uiui; crop ot lienwwuuhK, A NOW IN CALCUTTA Most of the voter of Medford nre busy thinking nhoul Hie eouiiug elec tion tiritl in6Bt of the citizens n this lair city uie desirous of bcein; the best inun elected to till that office Medford iH one of the best cities in the entire United States and foi its size it has no ciual in the world. We .should have it man at tho iiead of the city government a ninu that will Ktaud up for what is right nt all times and under nil circumstances; u man that knows how to choose men to iill the uppointho offices who will do their duty nnd who will have the nroper knowledge t ocnable them Jo do their duly nnd who will huve the proper knowledge to enable them lo do their work in the best possible manner. We nre pioud of (Jiis city; we .should elect men to otiices in llii city go eminent that will make oui city fnmous from all standpoints, men who will look alter the welfare of tho city of Medlord from the dandpoint of proper morals, propel civic beauty, -pioper engineering, nroper sanitation and health, and lust, but by no means least, men who will give us an economical ns well as a progressive adminisl ration. I beliovo Hint I can give to this city the best administration thai slit will ever have enjoyed, and J hae hmidieds of friends here who believe that I should be elected to the office of mayor. It you haven't thought about the mailer, just think it over and if you arc a good citizen and want McdfoiV. to continue to giow and prosper all along all lines, if you want Medlord governed So Ihhl the gicatest good 'liny be tloile" for the greutost num ber of people, you will vote for .me I represent no rings, no eliipics, no special intciests, end only promise to carry out the will of tho citien jf Mcdfoid as.rnxprc-.scd in the iim lority of vdVesHcast at the coming lection. If you are for all that is right against bor?K mid nngj;nlo in t lit best 'of lili cities if you 'want a fair, tonest, business administration, free t'lotn gtnfl, I ask you to oto for me. If you wunt"h wide-open town 'XrixHi nnd a lot f entering to-special interests, rings Itud cliques, then yoi 'lad bottciMiol vote for me, for I ill do nothing to fuvor any one llml will in any way infiinge on lb .ights of nurit,hor uplcs it is for th jood of the gegicug .number of jieo ile nnd is right? fnr'nll concerned. Sincerely. K. V. A. WTTNKII. ' K.VDS W1NTKU TItOUIU.IIS. To many, winter Is a season or 'rouble. Tho frost bltton toes and 'Ingors, chapped handB and lips, chil blains, cold boios, red and rough skin, novo' this. Hut snob troubles fly be fore Hiicklon's Arnica Sajvo. A trlnl onvlaces. Greatest healer of Hums, HoIIh, Piles, Cuts, Sores, Kcema and Sprains. Onlj 23e nt all druggists. NO CAR LOAD DEMAND EOR APPLES will nutko your hair luxuriant. I bright nnd beautiful, nnd It la the most refreshing, pleasnnt and Invig orating hair dicasluB i"'l- 'f'o ' with the Auburn hair on every bot tle. - , , Tho Northwestern Fruit Exchnnge Issues the following bulletin under date of Portland, December 19: t A.PpIes: Ab predicted In otr prc vlous nd vices, tbo carload demand hns disappeared nc fruit jobbefs are now 'devoting all of their attention to supplying the retail trade out of the stocks which- they Jkjvc accumulated, and as a consequence are not buying further until they aro clenned up. Wo have a few crs In transit jvhich will have to be sold, nnd may have to hold cam for a jtew days until the demand revlvei. Meanwhile, wo report sales made since our last repert: PKE 71CD, from Oregon Decem ber 12, mixed varieties and grade3, many lines indefinitely graded, prac tically orchard run, as follews: "Uabbltts, Kings, Spies $1.25; other varieties all fl.00 f.o.b. Oregon, to a buer In Minnesota. I'FK C-131, from Tho Dalles, Ore gon, Sth, -185 fancy, 1-87 choice ICaighns ?1 100 f.o.b. Oregon, to a buyer In Texas. PFK 5, from Wellsdale, Oregon, Decdmber 9, S73 orchard run choice Bon Davis. Tho shipper neglected to check the sizes in this car, nnd it Is somewhat of n "pig in a, pohe." Sold to an buyer in New York for ex port, at ?1.00 per box f.o.b. Oregoon, subject to Inspection and acceptance at New Yotlt. GN 92011, from lcshnEtln, De cember 8, mostly choice- Ben Davis and Ulnck Dens, 'balance of the car split up in choice grades of 17 dlf- J forent varieties, tho car running heavy to small sizes, 192 C-tler, at a straight price of 85c per box f.o.b. Washington, to a buyer In Minnesota. CDQ 37C27, from Peshnstin, De cember 8, 030 boxes of mixed varie ties of choice grade, ono lino un known variety, mostly 1 y and 5 tlor, at a sttaight prico of ?1 jior box f.o.b. "WuWshlngton, to a buyer in Minnesota. PAIIISIAX SAGE. Puis Hair on Your Head and Keeps t There. Man or woman, no mnttor how old you aro, Parisian . Sage, tho im 3(iialed hair tonic, will mnko you look younger. Why not go to Chns. Strang and got a generous sized bottle today, it inly costs 50 cents, nnd your money ( back If it does not cure dandruff; I stop falling hnlr, or itching scnip. It The Christinas Feast TiE YOU prepared fori lib fensf onXmns (lav? TJow. aliout carvers? A cjelie- iouslv flavored nice looking tinv will iaste all tlio better for being properly served and carved. No one ought to attempt to earvc a Xinas feast .with unfit tools. It's an insult to ihe turkey, to the host and sug gesis despair to the guests especially if the ieeth aren't quite up io date. "We arc show ing a beautiful line of carving sets ranging in price from $3.00 to .$35.00. The more ex pensive ones arc handsomely cased, have genuine stale handles,- solid silver mountings and hand forged steel blades. "Why not a carving Set for the Xmas present. Medford Hardware Co Open Evenings. ' B (50-JS9'iaK(S'- ,rftr''J''ft M LOCAL INTERNMENT T m 8 8 3; Christmas Fur at Reduced Prices h. I J 7 Especially opportune is this event with Christmas ij 2 . . it so near for nothing is more acceptable than rich turs. That Mcdtoid possenvp talent n he theatrical hue and that local lid nt Miipu es mueli ol the piole "lonal l.ilenl eouiiiig tlu way wa ninen at the .Mud foul Opera Ihmim Tue-dav night, l'ocnhimta F.odiff uxiliarv to tho Improved Hcd .Men va icpttiibihlo for the produdinii nid t hut the drtuuu wa well pei t'oimed i onl luliusc it mildl. Among ilut who covered tin m .olvet. with ttlorv wai llnrry Slmuli who, us a blaehfjIPu eomediNU, wa- Senator Young of Iowa rtUtluc fur a few days In the seat of tho deimrt cd oDUIvor mid Iohos no time In mule lug copy for his own and other nw$. papors. if. nu no nHson. me o.utorH ,. hu,iIB.M ,,,- i.n.. nil,i iuv, and not congress run tho cuntr).(Birt.t.,N i)( ,, (.;,v fl. H mwA (l. Notice Notice i Iwieby jfivwi that tlio UH ilrtiiriirtl will apply to the city ooiin eil of hi city of .Medt'oiil, Or:, nt iti regtiltir inMlinj; on JHUiinry a, 1011, for a lieetme i tell i)irituoii. vinouM nnd mull litpior in (iiiantitio ltu than a kaHou t llee of LutiMiiKM in the llolel XmhIi buddiuw, why wiih no no eagir to ab indou the tripod for tho toga? IV I'l M III !- NASH l'OMl'AN, I'ALCl TTA. Dee. Jl Klnbimiu prepaialm.iK ,iu being made lor th itppiiiaehmg ecu-u.s, anil as many a 11)00 eiiumerali r are being employ eil, ah ugaiiiHt the H00U who wun onsidered fut'l'ieient tit tli eMt 1 (till eai ago. It ih epelod tlin .unuiur tho best in iivik,tiiiua. tllO IHtlAtlW lil 11)11 will .llAV 11 IU1I1 MM... M 1.1- I II .. . . ...T ,.,.... ,. ..v ,.y,. (k j iiv )iiinnoiii eiuo iiirNiMietL tin iiiiiikiii uu vtueiiiin u more nun very bet ol initio nnd the entile l.umUHHi inli.ihittmU, tuni id u Iitth uiteieht u being taken n to the uum by i- whieh the eeiiKuti will duoloi The eviixuii in India nruno. foel nig which mo pioUnhlj mIimhU in tie at majoiitv of other eountrieM, hiu hi (lie eiuihint of 1001 Mich efiU meut pi e ailed ui the uorthern iptiu tor of CnloiiltN that it who thotiuh ndiinhli to hold (litve public meet ;ug lor the puipowe of making clii to th piHiUe that the quetiont. pm to lliwa hmt no kiuwtr puiiHiwe bi hiiiii thoiti. Died. .Mania Frederick MuiAy, Ihe U months old son of .Mr. Mini .Mr. 0 M. Miinihv.-dieiUt la-IOWnl -m! v iiinriiinir of luinnmi" 1 In : t , Hill occur Tburxdav ua imu the f.iiiuU uridine i nt tU'i s .nid t'vntval uvciinu. ourfoiiuanee was highly appreeiuiei hv a lame ennvd. Th plv will hi nrohented in AsIiIniuI tonight. SAVIJI) KIIOM AWI'IM. DKATII. I low nu appalling enlnmlty In hi family wiifc pi evented Is told by A. I) McDonald of Knyettovlllo. X. C. It. F O. Xo. s. "My sister Jind; avnBuntn tlon." lie writ-, "oho 'was very tlilu ud imlu. had no appotlto and seemed to glow weaker every day, ns all rem mllos aflled. tin Dr. Klujf's Xow DU cry waa tiled, and so complete cm wl her that tdio has not been trouobled with a cough since. beat medicine I evgr Baw or heurd of " Fur ooughs, cold, lngrlppo, asthma. nroii, hemoi rlmgo, all bronchial 'roubbm. It Iimh no equal, f.Oe. $1.00. Trial bottle freu. Otinituitued by all dnigglBU. 2? j5 A line of Stoles and Throws in Chin- Jv ehilla, lole, natural Opossum, Squirrel, ? etc.; regular values .$(.30 ?J and $7.00. Xmas special . A l.lack C1oney Set, large pillow Aluff, a medium length shoulder cape; 5 regular value $21.00; frj Xmas special '.. A Black Southern Lynx Set, rug muff, long stoles, heauti fully made up; ? S $5.00 $!6.50 iV J J i n $24.50 11 regular value $29.50. Xmas special A beautiful set of Iceland Fox Furs, large barrel muff, handsome stole; an excellent value at regular (TO nr price, $:JS.50. Xmas special ...P3 .Many beautiful Japanese Mink Sets, Silk Kimonas for Gifts . $15.00 Ours are priced at dl'JO ?f $1.9.1, $7.30, up to Pv.l)U i 9 $ i 4 VC not an Evening or Reception Clown for a gift I If it should nor miff wo Avould I'heerfully exchange aftea holidays! Choose from a fresh stock; our's zZ ? hasn't been handled over the lull season; many have been on displav onlv z about three weeks. Prices are reduced one-fourth. ' Silk Petticoats for Gifts It V Other Xmas Suggestions yv its thf'Vt v ZZ SILK WAISTS, LINEN WAISTS, SWEATERS, UMBRELLAS SCARFS Xi HAND BAGS, NECKWEAR, HANDKERCHIEFS, BACK COMBS BAR-' 55 RETTES, JEWELRY, BELTS, OSTRICH PLUMES, ETC -avussm Give Useful G ifts, buy Them at AIIREN'S Ihuklns fqr-lUwlth, 222 West Main Street A. .' !!52:S?'''';' i 444444M4M44l