T "$- MEKFOBP MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOJIP. OKKCiOX. AVKDNKSPAY, DK01311H13R 21, 1910. 3 ) BLUNDER WAS CAUSE OF SCARE i around the world. General Wood directed the submission of the docu- jinont to tho presldonta nd supposed this find ben done. I It turned out thnt tho report-never reached the president's desk. Secre tary Dickinson returned, read tho re- 1 lrt and gave It his sanction In the belief that Its contents wero known Secret Report Had Not Been Shown to the president. Not until the report, had cono to APPLEGATE IS A MR VISITOR agent might have Riven out some vnl- 'tlint ,l ,R sol(1 wltu a registered gtiar uuble informntion, hu declined to rto!tlIlt(, t0 refund your money If It 'so. lint. i?nvr. out a i-onv .if hW btnn. . falls to effect a cure. Booklet on ' - . --- - -.. ...... .. , , nml report, which, ho saul, "lold the whole story. Taft Before Congress Got It, ami Then for Several Hours There Was Somethinn Doing. CHICAGO, Doc. 21. A special dis patch from Washington to tho Trib une says: Somebody's blunder was the cause of the "war scare" which has net of ficial circles topsy-turvy for the last fnw days. Tho disclosure of cross-nuruoscB In connection vlth the report of the fiecretary of war, was occasioned by Home-tiling that went wrong In bureau (tratlc routine. Tho president was entirely Ignor ant or the contents of the report sent to congress by Secretary of War Dickinson and afterwards suppressed, Secretary Dickinson understood that tho piesldent had seen his report and approved Its contents. The repoit was prepared by Major. General Leonard Wood during tho ab- congress an a "confidential docu ment," nnd been returned, did tho i president know of Its existence, or Secretary Dlckinnon and GenoraV Wood know that thy president had not seen It. -" New Cases. State Land Agent Calls on Old Friends Has Just Filed His An nual Report With Governor Ev erything' in Good Shape. Tho following new en uses for ac tion wore filed wjlli (lie clerk of tlu court .since limt Sal unlay: v Nellie Drake vs. Cyrus Drake, di vorce. John Ilnekin-'oii vs. City of Ash land, a municipal corporation, action! to recover money. fleorau Coster vs. John .Mai lis uinlj J. Tl. Kviuis, foreclosure of lien. i C. V. Mutl hew vsir.l. VI Slieuivrj action to recover money. (Indilis & Dixon s. .1. Fold audi Walter Mainly, action to iccowr nouey. I Wanl-adveriiso for dial's the, only business inetho dof "eltinir biis.' nonce of tho secretary on his trip jK.RS help. i Peter Applegutc, stal6 land agent, was in the citv Mpndnv tiight nnd Tuesday. Mr. Applcgato was calk 1 to Woodvillo on official business and upon arriving there found that be must come to Medford. -Mr. Apple gate in bis biennial report to the governor, asserts that upon assuming the duties of state land ugent be found I lie book oT the oflice m good condition. At thai time Die price fur stale indemnity lands was $8.7." ppr acre and was advanced under his udmhiitrnlioii to $10 per acre and later to $15 per acre. The gross amount of state laud sales amounts to $(!29,(i!)7.:i0. Mr. Applegnto spent Tuesday in .Mcdford, relurning to Salem Wed nesday morning. While it is possible that the land igcut niighl have gone o 12fll5(i U How to Cure Drunkenness" freo on request. The Orrlno Co., C32 Orrlne Building, Washington, D. C. Sold In this city by Leon B. Has kins, Medford, Or. ."VICTIM OPIIItlMv XKKDH OKltlXi: ' Drink cunningly destroys the will power, nnd while tho drunkard wants ui no wnai you iuii mm, no wants n' WASHINGTON" Dccv ''1 Prei thousand times more tho drink thalj(1onL Tiiil'swiit V. the senate loilnv ho craves. Medical treatment Is nec-j(l(l mintion of Charles A. Col essary so that the drink will not bo'rill of Toledo to lie collector or iu misscd nnd restores the patient to u,nin, m ,,,, , Honolulu, Hawaii. hen,th- Cotterill is u negro. A protest from This remedy Is thoror-,;hy sclen- Honolulu that a resident of (bat cits tlflc and Is so uniformly cuccessful v,,i j,,, nll.inl0tl wns unheeded OPENING OF THE Manhattan Ca JL C The Place to Eat. Fit for a King. Moderate Priced Cafe The Manhattan Cafe will be opened for business Thursday morning. Every thing new. The best equipped restau 1 rant in Southern Oregon. Vf other wk "" eeds it. Cusine Unexcelled. Best the Market Affords. Campbell & Jessiman PROPRIETORS 18 and 20 North. Front Street. 2 mmzl Dr. Goble's Optical Parlor 301 EAST MAIN. StilO Til 10 1)1(1 10V10 rrt-, - - QUIT - -BUSINESS - - SALE - - Is the Place to Come for Your "Xmas Presents" Everything for Women and Everything at Bona-fied Sale Prices, The Lowest Ever Made The EMPORIUM Duffield Bros. Offer complcln lines of all dcsirablo hIiikIcs mill styles in bouse slippers for men, women and ililldrcn. Made of leather, of fell, they last for years and no ailiclcs could be inure ap preciated as Christmas Gifts Finest Unit of II 1(111 TOPS in the county. Haw a look at I lie ".I. At .M." IImc. Offutt Rornes ITBffl ixm .."&&!-' ;AutoCo. if-' i Automobiles a Pair of Glasses i for Christinas The most useful present you could give your mother would lie n good pair of glasses, (lo to Dr. Cobles, purchase the glasses, give them to your mother on Xmas, then let her go to the office' and have her eyes fitted and the lenses ground to suit her eyes. For the fitting and grinding there will be no ex tra charge. We have them in all styles, double vision, single vision, with and without rims, riding hows, straight temples, and all kinds of up-to-date eye glasses. If you buy a pair of eye glasses and she wants riding hows we will change them free of charge. Ye have mountings and frames in nickel, alumi num, gold filled, and solid gold of all descriptions. Coal. Coal. Coal. Coal. Some very choice Hock Springs lump eoal now discharging. Very lit tle more of Hub can bo hnd this win ter. Seo or phono V. J. Hurbridge, I lie drnymnn. You vill want sojnc of (lift coal. Once tried, you will never he without it. l'lione 1002 Main. 237 Coal. XOTICK TO THK rUBMOl H , ' o ...For Sale... DRY BLOCKS ...Phone... MAIN 2601 G. E. MORSE ?100 If yo fall "to givd draft td any smoking chimney. Owlett & Hyde, chimney nweep exports. Wo repair chimneys, paint and clean roofs nnd gutters. Lcavo or ders for one week at NldiolSoh Hardware Co., tho leading hnrdwaro dealers. Phono Main 301. 238 SECOND TERM of the Mcdford Conservatory for MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Will Regit! on JAN. 2, 1911 O. TAILLANDIER, Director. Medford Iron Works E. Cf. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. THE MAIL TRIBUNE IS THE ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED IN A CITY THE SIZE OF MED FORD HAVING ITS OWN LEASED WIRE. 30' Troutman Orchard Heater The world's standard of efficiency and economy. They burn air. Made in seven types to meet any requirements. "Special prices for short time. We also manufacture tho lard pail hears. Write Karl R. Wundt. General Agent, Meridian, Idaho. & ASHLAND I Ashland, Oregon Swedenbdrg Block This is the school that will make you Suc cessful, Train you for Business and Help you to a Position. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND AND ENGLISH Secure your Business Education at homo at a very moderate expense and, if you wish, we will secure you a position in any of tho large commercial centers. NO BETTER SCHOOL ANYWHERE AT ANY PRICE ENTER AT ANY TIME P. RITNER, A. M., President. Come to the g (j Grocery First And You Will Have No Worries Over Your Christmas Dinner A few of our Special Offers for this week: Smoked and Salted Meats. Host Standard Iincoit. .'JfioZ Sugar-Cured IIuiiih 1(1 to J He j Salmon 'J0c I Herring, keg ..fl.l'i ? Co.lIM, (Fih KIhI-oh), 'J Butter, Lard, Ecjgs. l! tJorhoy Hraud, 2 lh.s8fle: loh -10e;; . d, .1 Ih. pail f.roc:; KggH, guaranteed 10c ; . Kuola (iSo ;: cuiih Cololouo 7f)0 t- p p. ! Clunlor HitiHiiiH 'p Raisins and FiS. IISc, 'J5e ! SCiMllesH KatHins iU'uO I; Illiu-k Kigs l'J'je: ;; white Figs inc. Dates J.jc X '' Teas and Coffees. Ilill'd Host Coffee, 45o, -l6o If M. J. . Hrand 40o! White Houso -lOel: 5 Our SL'KCJAr. Coffee UOo;; A Wonderful Variety of Gift Articles Imported Japanese Basltets 40c to $5.00 eacK Our Fruitti and Veritable are Unsurpassable At Prices Avera-aing LessThan Elsewhere. Superb Assortment of Haviland China -Sets $25.00 to $125.00. Our slock of Enflllsll Ware is the largest nnd finost in tho city. Complete sets from $0.75 to $1". Our Cut (Muss Dishes are of a gift nunlity, from $1.00 up; in fact we hao everything worthy of desire for a Christmas prosent. B & C CASH STORE LZ Kt 4 ni:TKI(AI OVKWIAUUNG & MACIIIKK KKI'AII.INQ. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. 1M10NH MAIN 0231. C'ornor Cuntral Avo. nml 8th St Medfotd, Or. 223 West Main Medford Oll3X KVtiXlXGS. mnnimrrr-" "'