2 MUDFOKHkAILTRIBUNK, MIODFORT), OKIffiOX. WEDNESDAY, IVKCfiLMliKR 21, 19JO. ID GUN MISSES: US IT AS CLUB KILLS BAR Oil ANTS PASS, Dec. 21. George Lawrence weara tlic bolt for bra ory among nil tho numerous boar hunters In Curry. Vlillo out for n bear lni nt with Elinor Miller anil .lolin Ostrnndor last Saturday, oOorgo lind nil tho fun ho anticipated. Tlio dogs Htnrtcd n largo boar and ran It several hours, finally bringing It to bay In l'l&tol rlvor. oOorgo, who wnH fleeter than Ills companions, boat thorn to whoro tho dogs were baying 1 JIIs nerve, however etondy It was, was botler than his Judgment, for he missed tho boar and laying tho fault lo tho gun decided nt once- that the rifle would bo a better club Uinn gun, so be waded out to whoro his bear ship was and dealt him a deadly blow over the head with tho gun barrel. Air. Ilrnln succumbed to tho blow and George carried bin gun home In his havoiHack, thcro being more pieces than he could carry In his lunula. 1 KERSH IS FEDERAL COURT FOUND GUILTY MAY PERM Swoons When Jury Finds Her Guilty of Manslaughter Jury Was Out Sovcnty-two Hours Before Thev Arrived at a Verdict. I'OHTI.ANI), Dee. '21 After dc libornliim a lew minutes ovur 72 bourn, the jurv in the ctihe of Carrie lCeih, eliurail with murder in con neelion witli tlm death of V. A. .Inhitmni, the union depot trunk vic tim, Inwl night returned a veiilict nl maiiHltiugiiter. Jlr. Kcrnh hwooiiimI when she hoard the veiilict mid wan curried I nun the courtroom in mi uiicon neioiiH condition. It is under-lnnd Hint the verdict wi,h a compi-nnn-. The jurv in the previous trial of Mr-. Koi'hIi dimitcrot'd. Wnul-nihorliso Tor a new cleil; n. office-worker -and your huHiuc rontine will c.nrcol.y lie inlerriipted liv the exit of Hie other one. ROGUE FISHING GOLD HKACII, Dee. 21.- It Is re ported Hint the Hume estate will be-: bound gin nctlon In the federnl court against I " the state of Oregon to have tho vote on tho cIobIiik of the Rogue to cooin morclal fishing nnnulletl. Tho fed eral court should annul this vote and ' not allow It to become a law, as It, originated through personal splto to wards tho lata It. I). Hume. There would ho as much justice to st,op tho .Medford people from raising fruit1 for tho commercial mnrket as to close the Ilo'fiio to commercial fishing. euleitnitiiiie; ever given by llio school. k winning condition, the eccentric j.re- iTIieio wure chariot races, single walloper on his lett skate had my-- I nices, skaliiiK ngain-t lime and tim-' teiioiisly yotten above the doodad ins against skates. The chariot nice I and put him oftt of commisvinn. Tobe wits won by Ed I'ickard's Sccnfc Hroitfcc refrained from pultinj,' on the IleightH ClydoBdnla. Joe .Memsic nudj rollers in the intcrent ol safety ii. Mmtin Welch. The great two-men j the new beginners. The fancy knt- Ivnce occuned between Slim Adnminr ineliidinir figure eights, ligure i and I'ob Flyiin. This was a huiidi-lniiiuit nncl pigeon wing, wns executed icap race with broom -lick, lirst l.'ll by .Judge Williington, and the esM'u falls winning the money. Slim Ad-jclobcd in n roar of iipplin. The ains won in l.'!'-. mn nil -., liaxiug Til , fin- will meet agiiiii next Samba the floor, not countum the second 'morning at !. Tom Jackson u.is not Butte Falls Items MANY RALLY 10 THE SUPPORT OF PAPER BOOKS RookwoodandTeco ...Pottery... PRICES ALWAYS CON SISTENT WITH QUALITY. MEDFORD ..Book Store.. A Story About Pants Soma people prefer to call them "trousers," but anyway, they are made by tho "Old Woolen Mills," of Mayflcld, Ky , and-are the best In the world. Tiny jtnrt tho line with the genuine Old Kentucky Joans at $1 25 a pair, and run to tho fine all-wool grades at $0.00. WICST .MA IX STltHKT The Wardrobe West Main Street. VFrtrMAMifiW.rf For Sale ' FOK SALti A .10-lor subdivision, high, sightly lo cation; special price, 3300; terms. See Van Dyke Realtv Co., 123 Main street. lClmer Snencer ban Just returned outside of colds -during the season , M.iMr,i ti-iw.ni 1m linn been I ninl we expect an early spring slnco , . ', . the season set In sooner than usual, p.ovlug up on IiIh homeslead. ., .. 4..... .l.l -- - the Inquiries lire many and freiiuoiil about our town. Tho Motel "View" will give a fine The Slurry team has gono to the alley to haul in supplies Tor V. Spencer ol live unsiirveyeil section. Tb county coiiiiiiIhhIoiiois have set men to work on tho ro.uls which are nearly ImpiiHsablo anil much dif ficulty Is experienced In getting In hooiIh for the titores as the railroad was unable lo have Its roadbed so as to bring In supplloa, but wo aio not i.tarvlng-far Troiii It and yet we do 'feel Inconvenienced somewhat which will 7.o overcome another enr. The ladles aie arranging for a Christmas baanr and tree for tho rhlluicn and wo expect lo havo ti pleasant holiday tlmo and inultu tho "youngsters" happy. Wo havo bad an usual amount of ralltall thus far and everything hi wot and damp around, but as wo havo ubiindnnco of dry wood and shelter wo aro not likely to suffer. ' flii.lut mini illinwif nit irriinl. ni'fiiiiirii- lions aio being made for the event and it is expected that Airs. Marc will bo well patronized (ihrlstnias. .1. I. I'allon has moved Into ills now bouse and has his family com fortably domiciled. Heil. Kredenbiirgb has been mak ing some Improvements around bis home and getting leady lo fence his loin. .Mrs. Wright has loft us and will, after visiting hor son In Central Point, Journey on to Missouri. A revival moot lug Is expected Is expected to bogln about, .lanuary ami II. Is hoped it will accomplish much good us the field Is ripe and the ma terial hero. The mall carrier (Mr. llarnlsli) h.ivh If the loads aio put In shape Wana ParUor with a erew of men i ho will probably run the stage all Id trying to put our highways In soiuo sort of travelablo shape. It Is a shame with tho nintorlal right at hand and the amount of taxos raised x la Ibis road district that wo aro com pelled to rldo and haul over such abomlnablo roads. It Is about tlmo for Oregon to put Its hliways In such shnpo that persons tutu uuel-gooils In for tho stoics them at any tlmo or tho year. Lot foot bridges bo put over tho Htrouins or else crossings bo made for the public travel, "Wo havo not had any sIcIihobb winter as his contract does not call for him to "pack" over Mie roads. Mo has Interviewed tho county court about putting tho roads in condition that ho may carry tho until ovoi lliom. ICtl Cowtloii and tho Mnrcy team are kept constantly busy hiuillng SlrJATTliK, Wash. Dec 21.- With piotesls still pouring into t ho Sta) office over the sentencing of two ol Its editors lo Jail for contempt or court in ciltlclslng the judge for giantlng an Injunction, the doiulnaii' note Is teday: "Carry the light Into Mm leglsl.i luie." Kroiu inoiiibuis newly elected In the assembly and Iroin many private cltieiis conio suggestions ubouljtou laws which shall estab Mills vbki.i 1.1.. i. ..1...11 ....... i.ii.i. it... ....in. lilWK WHICH mum 'Jm.iuiinu mu i win- .I..!., ri'.iinliitii nf Hut nriiHK unit shall a 11 r i -i j i n n t t A ir-rr""""' ' """,? coffeen sl pfjce I One bill i.i being drawn Which shall , n Nor.tl) J) St..Mc(lf0Jll Ore. PllOlie 303 X nullify the piesent law of construe-' - v live contempt that Is, contempt out-1 Nrc'f-'tf-!f----''iei side tho court room. Another, In ( which the labor unions are Interest (! Is a new injunction law which J diall forbid the use of tbeliijiiiiction J and restraining older without a heal- i lug of both sides. Other suggest Ions aio for inotlin cation or tho contempt law to inn- ? vldo Hir Jury trials. tSlll another I I that no judge be permitted to try his own contempt case. Whatever the Mnal finin of tho law, It Is certain to ? be a big feuturo of the .lanuary bos- j slou. JL 3-J Iv J3LJ-JJE-L 3 wJr Z SII.AM ADI!0I WATCRIICAIING ? r r----9-r i JSJOOi Coiii as ections FOR &jJj& Two fine lots on West Seventh street, opposite end -of Summit avenue; $1000 each; terms $-100 cash, balance in one and two years.- ATan Dyke Ucalty Co., 123 Main street. Phone 082. "WANTED To list cood farms and fruit ranches; also swell tracts. Van Dyke Ucalty Co., 123 East Main street. i a, A 4 A 4 4 t 4 J 4 4 i 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 r-t'4''''',''','4' Van Dyke Realty Co. 128 Main Street 4SnV sT -0 -s S t- A Good Buy J'r Sale A new modern li-room htingalow, lot HOx lo-l, close in; jiice residence district; at i'itht )rice. Also lots on Kiuiy street. Kor )articiilars imiuiro til (510 Oakdale Ave.', S. . OWNIflK. 1 i ' s & s i ? I $ I , , J L., r .J Mrs. Cliisplll accompanied hor hus band, Scott, to the valley on Wednes day and returned aMer pui-chiielng goods for her emporium ami bring In fi eight foi tho store. Central Point Items Mis Wright or Unite Kails, for- apples to Sacramento Saturday, nierly or Central Point, lott Saturday Uev. K. 11. SyckafiiHS, has rcblKiied wltli her family for St. Louis, .Mo., its pastor of tho Christian chuicli where she will inalto her perniitneii'l residence. W. J. Kreeuiau Is oxpeuted to re- heie to take effect not later than (hi first or April. (Jeoige W. lilltle loft Mil morn- luin homo soon, from an extended , lux for the Alberta country wheiv hi east, ' I Utf lla tnkeu up tt homestead. Mrs. Kinll llroplty of Ablitnd In name Warden Churlos II. May vis the guest of her mother, .Mm. Uelle Hod his lather ami mother beie be Pleasants, for h Thw days. j Iweou trains Tuesday morning. Miss Kvu NorcrtHW, oiu tit thu j Mr. Illssell of .Medfoid made a vopular tuutihor In our school, iv on j business trip here on Tuonluy. Hie sick list I A1 rit. lid Mhith. Miss Citloy, lloiuei (Vnluil Point can b(tl ir winie ' Perl. I'riitik Weslou hiu! wife. .Mrs. expert cundy makei-a. The results uuil .Minn Sluuil, .Mi. ICiitllitnil and me mauy aro niskliig thtflr own emi- falher weie mniK Mio Cijnlral dies for the holidays. ltlul people Mutt went to Medford II 1 Mitton shipped it car of fine TuVsday. Kerv tiny soiue .slore-palroiih who ougiit to come to iour stole go else where lo their own and your u ailviintagc bccaiihO your advertiss 111 ; was not unite impelling enougii. ROLLER SKATING CLASS MAKES GREAT HEADWAY Piolc-Mir U.miu'. puuor and en ioit'liifh mcl in punt ceioii at Ihc roller skiiliug school Siiud.iv nioiiiing and l lie h"iuii w.i one "I the mi'-i YOUNG MEN OF MEDFORD, THIS IS THE PLACE TO COME FOR FINE CONFECTIONS. YOU GET SOMETHING FOR YOUR MONEY HERE AND THE RECIPIENT WILL LOVE YOU EVER AFTER RECEIVING JHE GIFT. uy "Her" A Fancy Box of Candy AND' WIN HER HEART. GOOD CANDY. YOU CANT GO WRONG BY GIVING Phoenix and Vicinity . I'. IS W I, INS. MihuIiI a new -i.iht in lipniKi nl In i. il , bub up, .nc uiwiiu us e dttai. "lell the Until, I lie wlinl" j .niiii - 1'i.t iiii.iuee: l''oiuieii,. (ninth inid iiullium but the truth?" (when il .i iicicftr, to gel ml nl Il l- teluletl down in I'iiIiI'iiI'iim eeiluiii Iniubli-iuiut oltieniU 01 tli.ii an editor tried it lor one vtctfo. Mat htt'tillly suet ended in irtMtiug one iv4iu aloiiK that line. SoiuutUiuK Ukt the iollnwiiiK ApiwuitMl it) ltis tuoru mif ine: "Marned- Ali Cylviu IthodoMa to Jonknifc (.'ynnaiuon, Uel Suiidio tnorning, nl Ute HhuU.iI church. The bride was u very oftli n.uv town k'nl und dotu't know any uiwie iihiuil liotii ekMiii limn it inn bit. Site uuer )ivlHd Hur luollter llirue ilifi in Xmx lit'o. bite i not clwrk r olIifiK. i huh uid tlifx worn "tirt'tl," "ttirnud oul," "di. eluireil," "dismixsetl," elt?. Ttu niodern and up-Lo-iluto und more po lite mid Hiit'vr wuy is to say lJu "rexigiied." l'ttHltui of iiltureltsh hiv uvvtfr "distowfd" iiownda.vit tlv. hIwii.vm "rwijnt." XoiUiet' tlo tlt npplv lor it ulace Ulg ill tlWHMIHll' wbvh "ettUtiJ." Alter all, imi'I tliU btltorf Umy r, neeord- pUtMtdoK., Ul IW- lieaulji' liy uity iiiesnw uiitl has it gait1 t;aiie it man is ual'orttitutU1 tii.d liko 11 duck. The Krootu i an tip-to-' loe hi- jtJb uuil u doHU. why ltould date 1 0 ale r und hits breti htinif ul'l kick Itiut or mIiiut kiiu with barsit the old folks nil bis life, nnd h 'pitln'if U' yon wmil U gvt rid ot tloeoit't amount t" sbuok uobotf.'ait "tutdi'oirublw" twpio.w, uu'l it They will Junu u lisrd pull tbroutib Mle utote I'brwtuu lu oak hiiu t- life." It U twi"id, ibt lttlwt u ' ieifii and thus .itv hut fttdiUK und wo lutvo, tliut the ! tot is utill in th'ibu honor ail vm cn tbuu it i U liofipital. Iiiiuircl bun with such drgradtnt: TJlO ItboVO Ollil' w.i- tut nil- iinllnu ,i ' im-d." "kicked out." timor. Ho bntl not ' in !' . . .' . . ' nowbpnpcr c-iliu'o i . . ednes a wry kind imitation Irom Mis. Lamkiii. lonelier ol' the Inde pendence school, to attend (he Xmii- s enteilaininent to lie kim'ii at i'.c selioolliouce on h'liduy, December 'J.t at '2 p. m. We i eg re I very much III i'. previiniA engageiiieiili. will prevcu' .teeeptiug the kind invitation. All who were expeeliug lo ullci il the inlly at Central Point last wed. did uol hiieeced ill geltiu 'I"'" Among tlie numliiT who iailed we Mrs. UoMir (printed lloer) .urn Mrs. Kiclier. M the way, I think i. iiiii" be the' printer's "devil" wlm m'Is the type Tor these nolo, Im.n the inaiiv misprints that occur. m'oiii- to be lriiig to get the wut i into tumble. Miks Migiuis, .Misx llnxel J 1 1 1 1 "i .mil .Miss Wright, tin the literal .tin) program eoiiiniillee for the Chii-li.ni church Chiii-liniix lice enterlaniiin m are working lnmuoully lo get t'u ebildieu lined up mid till in readme for the occumoii. It is expected ' have the tree electrically lighted .mil uicelv ilecoi'illed. Illid tlli of it -' ' will he worth coming lo ee. I'lii Iriciim Mr, Wright hn- kindh ln leered to provide for this I'eaiuic the entertainment. Mr. himI Mi. J. 'V. Wilder ivinlnd home htl Satunlu.V night on Uie no I itigltl I rum from it luo weekV i-n with their hod, Will, lornieily it I'boeiiiN, ul .Itinctiiin (Ity. We wen glad to stt ibeut und nl clum-li airain lust Sunday. I'"i(l Irwin, M. StelJn ami Mi -t'lirintintt Irwin ol Tit lent ntleiuli . xenicc at the ClirWdiuii ehurclt la-i Siiuduy nighl. I'miH uguitt, I'ulkk; ulwHVh weltHititu. Ifev. Mr. AdttuiH, wlor-tvaii-i' lit fur the l'tvU.leiiuii ehiiuh m Hotitbrti Uregon, will iMigiti ifvi service for Dr. Iluillitt's chtinh i. Pbot'iii tin? firol Suiidttv in Jan.i ury. illitig will continue about two wwks. .U Kthd KvaiiK of Medford i iUtl wit It ber friud. Miss llaiol An ilvrson, luat Sundav atnl al tended utrvie ut the Obrwiiun cburcb. iiorn -In l'liocoix, Alonduv. Do ( i mini I1'. In the wifi'nt' Irs Dunlar LADIES WE SELL THE FINEST PIPES SUPLIES TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. AND SMOKERS s s f - Ritter & Dunlap 7Vf-4r''!tfe-cTrfiff4tjr--5-?--tf 4 A ti h a A 4 4 4 4 4 ft I 4 4' 4 4 I 4' 4' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4 i ; v s ! s oodies For The Ymas Tlinner Land For Sale l'Vrlilc Cniit ami jiII'mII'ii laud in small and large (pads. Hen rod and imolonrod. Torius and )rioc roasoiiablo. V Address Box 16, Tolo, Oregon V I I V f V lOvory housowifo is dosiruus ul' previding: the host dinner possible Tor her family on Xiuas day. In these days oi' hig-h cost ol' living i( pays every woman (o Ije eeonomieal. AVe are here to supply your needs in staple and I alley groceries, green goods, candies, nuts, fruits and Bakery Products IT you want something made up special we will he pleased lo accommodate. Remember that we handle PURE WHITE FLOUR (he bcsl hard wheal Hour sold. We also earn a soft wheat ('lour (hat is just a Jittie bettor (ban anvtliiuir produced or sold in the Itogue KMver Vallov. ! ALLEN GROCERY CO j ? PHONE MAIN 2711. 1 MAIN AND CENTRAL WE, County Seat Real Estate Office Jnclloiiville, Ori;'on, ll .It Ii ll.lVl , -u Vll W.iU'l nil hi. (liniie biiig.nu- in iii Imi, null, ml, Luimn .mil i ii i In-.. Our Ai)lt'gnle .tllrv i.iiicIicn an. Ii.ii.nn-,, u! ii .iliitidttucu uf wttler i'or il'llg.ili, Uun'l iurget that .laik- i- i lie county scat am? thai it b installing an up In d.i'e i( nt. . I"' mi .i '1 -ii' uk. We'll intifi't iu. LUY (SL COLLINS - - - - ------ -- -- ---. I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Union Livery SlaWes and will conduct a general feed and boarding establishment. Horses boarded by tho day, woek or mouth. I guarantee a square deal to nil. R. GUANYAW UNION MVERY BARN. RIVERSIDE AVENUE To the People of Medford Nut luiij; i.jj.i we .iucl.aM-.l ll . ,u. .s.,,,,1,,.,.,, Uu..,(), Tea & CnlTce Utiv and have .in. ,. urc.n i.,ilaraed it. Wo m.tv cum a coniitJete, liue nf Maple and tanc Ki..eiio, liuiu inn! veBetnl.les, ,(h well us the largtM Mock ut CulTce j Kotttliuru Oro Ki.ii. In fuel, we have everything in our lino for ti,0 holiday tradj. Wt, urv not on Main Mroel i jriuk ,,Iuol ,mt , til-ela stHiid oh a side Mreet, ttonhy our e.xn.o aro Hlm.i nnd can doty competition. b Xrii:!"" '"" uivc ' -"" -' tw Southern Oregon Tea and Coffee Co. IMUNT.M.1 1UP1 "' MU 111 (JRAPE ST. " M ' "" 'ft I I. I l Mill ' Il .llV ' 1, : wt-1 THE NEWS THE DAY IT HAPPENS ttj