?v G IBUFOUn MAH TJUltUNHS, MISD.KORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, l!)J0. prs? s; IS wV . V fc. H .' I ft 'if K $' V I V Zr ' S ; S- I COUNTRY WEALTH LRI IS Ml per capita of .fKloll, or about .fdSOOi per average family of five person -, for 11)10. .If lli' nominal dollar' wore always ol the same purchasing nowcr, wo would ho ncnrly eigh' times richer tluiii were the founder of the repuhlie; hut mich is not the fuel. Measured by the price of la bor, or of any of the jjront product I of labor, we are perhaps two or three TwCllty-fiVC Billions Average Pi'r' times n rich; and that ought to be i "Oiilioioiitly grntil ying. I To the bimineHH hiiiiui, however, the .lijtiiifienncc of (lies fiuroH, iimhiiiii- iuy that thev arc reasonably reliable, is far different. 'J'hcy m-iii to show that capital increases in thi country. after all risks and Iohsck are su-- , . . . , i . ... . iaine.1. are ai nci raic 01 auotii oVa U L()I,im(,r ,- ,,iniljH ,. (.iurgox CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. Total Is Estimated at Hundred audi Capita Over Thirteen Hunilreil Populatlon Gains. OIIDI.VAN'CK NO. JUL Oregon; 50 reet; rate per foot $1 45; An ordinance assessing the prop- amount $72.50. erty adjacent to and benefited by1 Assessment No. 13. Mrs. Pleslly the G and 8-lnch Interal sewer con-1 Lapp. Lot 1, block 31, Original structed along South d'AnJou street Townslte of ho City of Medrord, Or from Eighth Btroet to Thirteenth egon. Frontline 50 foot on tho west street for tho coat of constriictlriB tho side of South D'AnJou street, and de same nnd providing tho manner of scribed In Vol. 02, page 100, county ,, ,,, carrying said asccssmeuts into full recorder's records of Jackson county, Report Exonerating Him From effect. ! Oregon; 50 leet; rate per foot $1. 45; ,.,.. , 'fhe city of Medford doth ordain 'imount $72.50. CharflCS Of Buying His Seat in the as follews: Assessment No. 1L Arthur P 1. Whereas, tho Council! "J?.1!?!!: . J'",1 ( b ,,!)loc!? li""'."' iniuiuuii ui im; ,ny iji 1U t'tl 1 1)111, JVV CITY NOTICES. Senate Is Adopted hy the Senate1 S(',ctfn (ltd Itlit'fltrifntin Hn..l.1.. t. (in1lnniii. ' lrV,r h, nJ '" i ZS rn'".tW! ''' fcot oh the west'side of .... ..., .,.,. 'n -4.- W....V.W w 'hn' YOHK, Due. 20. With n ec"MjiHi! for coiilinuiilnl United State- of about (12,000,(1110 and an ostium; Todav. property adjacent to and benefited . by the construction of the lateral 1 sewer hereinafter de-scribed to ap- WASIIJNOTOX. J). C, Dec. 20.-, pear before said council and show report exonerating Senator Wil-, cause, .If nny, why said property 1 national wealth of about $l:.v!',(,r ''m"' "ml I'"1' ciorylhiii; gniocd ,1!Jt ,I0 st.,.Hm i,;s Hoelion to the OOO.OUO.miO, the utenily growth o dr.te of both wenlth and population of thin country hucotncM an inlciel iiijr MlHily. HemillK of douonninl ociisiiio, with wall omnpiiliitions for intermediate ydac ns tfore made at the lime by uetotHWythM mid statisticians of re p ii to,'-in millioiiH, eempiire: Per (inula South D'AnJou Btreet, and described in vol. ;.,, page .180, county record er's records of Jackson county, Ore gon; 50 feet; rate per root $1.45; amount $72.50. Assessment No Tho foregoing ordinance was passed by tho City Council of. the City of Medford, Oregon, this 1-lth day of December, 1910, by the fol lowing vete: Welch aye, Merrick aye, Hmerlck aye, Worttnan aye, Hlfort aye and Demmer aye. Approved December 14. 1910. W. 11. CANON, Attest: Mayor. JIOBT. W. TKLFEK. City Recorder. Hasklnn for Health. 1 " ' i i Careful Movers Parties moving will do well to call on MATTHEWS & LAKE i to handle their household goods. iThey pack and ship furniture and unpack and set up furniture and do hauling of all kinds. Baggage in cluded. Phone 2151. Pop. 1010 02.0 1&00 7(!.:t 1SQG (!!).0 isorr 02.ii 1SS0 oO.'S 1S70 :I8.(I i so. : ni.Q 18(511 :im 1SB0 211.2 lfl 17.1 110 12.U' IS20.'. !).(! 1S10 8.-1 1fcH) 7.2 ISOO fi. 17J11; -1.1 Weal lb. .fl'jri.ooo 1M.000 70,111 (jti.jioti i:i,(ioo :ir,ooo 2-1,51(10 m.is:i 0,1 74 :t,7(M 2",or.:t 1 .882 1,800 1,A00 1,072 7r.o at a iiigncr laic iwaiiuii.ie.i wiin ri-u i'ni S..,lH M11.ll1 (i,,.,,..,,!, ,.,,is which risk, however, may be very livL, jri(.liy Wh flnil,y IMl.ple.i; anco with said ordinance more than Lilian or rciuoic. Coiitniriivixc, it would follow thai capital lent at n lower rate, i either like lliciiivcHtiueiil in 2 pel' ccul IioihIj" purchased for national haiikiuir pur pones, lent lor the sake of other ad WilitiiL'CH, or in lent to hIow. Some allowance i- l be made for foreign Ulintllfl Nnt ll niirti.m r.tl ni. 41... rt1.1 i structlon of said sewer, and did' fix "m ii? m I'iL2 .I'i0 m' .V'Tn"'1' a tlmo for bearing any such protests, i " '11Uo to,tho City or Medford, Oro- al.l,.l. nntln.. ,.. ..Iv-nn I.. nm.m-.l. I ?"" '' 'OlltagO 50 feet Oil tllO WCflt side of South D'AnJou street, and de scribed in Vol. 83, page 480, county odnv .by the senate committee on ten days lieforo the beginning of tho recordor'B records of Jackson county rivilces and election. . coiintructlon of Bnl.l sewer, but .no Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $1.45;' protests against said construction of amount $72.50. 4-f4 -f-f-f-f l HH capilal invchled in this country, mid i f .";ir,j)inu the other hand, for American capi-1 f 1.2;!. I, HO l,0)0 806 007 71o l.'il 200 220 200 IDli 21-1 2S 202 1811 Valtie of inortga:cs mill oilier in cniifbrnuees deduclcd. 'alnc of ilav-s deduelcd. The ii'miII i en nvcrau.i wealth nil invcsien aiiroao; inn even ii iuoc two Mums hIioiiM noi ciitiiil one in:-' f oilier, (he balance would be too -in.'ill f to ul'fcft the rcHiillH deduced from f lite colo-tHil figures which porl ray ' tin towlli of our nntioiial wealth i -f 4- f Coal. Coal. Coal. Coal. Coal. Some very choice. Ii'ocl; Spriim lump conl now discharging. Very lit tle more of lliis eau be had lliin win tbr. See or phone V. .1. I tin bridge. Ihe drayman. You will want some of this coal. Once "tried, you will never lie without it. Phone 1002 Main. . 237 Want-ndveitise j in the "For Sine cbissilientioiiH and inlcie-.led peo oli- wijl re.nl our ad. .Mr. Merchant: ' Personally, you mny not like the publisher, the editor, the printer, the adman or the printer's devil, but when you can talk to 12,000 people by advertising in Ihe Medford Mail Tribune, from a business standpoint DON'T YOt; VKKL THAT you would uk doing a wish act my usino a kkasonamlk amount op spaci-: If il were possible to so lixe thai we would please ev ery person in this world every man would so iic. It isn't possible. It in possible lo boosl your business by adverlising and our 12,000 renders will feel more like patrouiiu; those me retinitis wlni ns I,- tiir Iheir Iradc. (MM aKsessment of tho tost tbeieof was Assessment No. 1C. Arthur I. Lot 3, block 3. Lumsdcn'a made by anyone and said sewer was,! itnriii.'rt by said Council ordered constructed, addition to tho City of Medford, Or And, whereas the cost of the con-jogoni Krontngo 50 feet on tho wesl BLiii.uwii .i muu newi-i in -. iitt-n . 8(Io of SoUl D'AnJou street and d ?r9wi7 nn lwmln"a "' 1, th0 8,"n. scribed in Vol. 83, page 481). conn Present ti;t "j-Crtrt if W'YwWjfiiJWJfvThW'tTlf . txP "i y&If v93moLvV - f3f rlWftSSv (T?a3P , .U JRW HiCrtS V-liri! Bw" J s. w -it f it ' C -w Jr i5, . ,inifiMHVHnt3MEXj-r j.m nfwrBEK I wmma -- ri sjnsi s ? J ni x S Kml "" -v 1 1 1 3NII s s s i'i J 11jS s fe Player Piano That Now therefore, said city doth or dnln and declnre that each parcel of proicrty described below Is adja cent to and benefited hy that certain lateral sewer (I and inches in size, constructed on South d'AnJou street from Klghth street to Thirteenth street, and tBat the proportion of the cost of said sewer which each of said parcels of land should bear, based on tho benefits derived re spectively by Htild several tracts or land Is the amount pet opposite tho description of each parcel below, that each of said parcels Is actually bene fited In the amount set opposite i,ts description beiow' hy the construc tion of said sewer, and that said several amounts icpreient the pro portional benefits of said several par cels from said son'cr. And each of said parcels Is lujrehy assessed the amount set oppoultc its description below for the construction of said sewer. ASSICSSMKNT KOR A I AT H RAT HKWICR ON SOITTII D'ANJOU HTRIOKT l.'RO.M HAST lOItillTM STRKIOT TO MAST TIIIRTICUNTH STRDJOT. Assessment No. 1.--Oregon & Cal ifornia R. R. Co. That portion or the right of way fronting On the west side of South l)"Anjou street and lying between the south lino ol Kast lOlghth street and the north Hue of Hast Tenth street. Frontage I'llil) feet on the west side of South 1 D'AnJou street, and described In Vol. - pago , county recorder's records of Jackson County, Oregon; ,Hti0 foot; rate per foot, $1.45-; .amount $0.57. Assessment No. 2. D. I'. Thomp son Co. Lot (1. block 30, Original 1 '!',.. i'i,ul!,i nf (lin r'ltv ,.f MVwlriril . .Wl'l.1..l " .J .v.. 1.. ..( I. t., 2 'Oregon. Urontnpe 50 foot on. the ?j went side of South D'AnJou street. J and described In, Vol. SO. page 3S!, X i-nuiit recorder's recorda of Jackson 1 county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per i foot $1.45; amount $72.50. 2 Assessment No. 3. D. P. Thomp-j'-on Co. Lot 5. block 30, Original I Townslte or tho City or Medford. Oregon. Frontage 50 leet on the s west side of South D'AnJou street, iltind described In Vol. SO. page 3S!, ;' county recorder's records of Jackson i-oumy, iiregoa; (o leet; rate jier root $1.45; amount 72.50. Assessment No. 4. D. P. Thomp son Co. Lot 1. block 30, Original Townslte of the City of Medford, Or egon. Frontage no reet on I lie wesl side of South D'AnJou street, and described In Vol. SO. pago 3 SO, conn s' recorder's records ot Jackson count v, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot $1.15; amount $72.50. Assessment No. 5. D. I. Thomp son Co. Lot 3, block 30. Original Townslte of the City or Medford, Or oKon. Frontage 50 foot on tho west sble of South D'AnJou street, and de scribed la Vol. SO, page 3S9, county recorder's reeouls of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rato per foot $1.15; imouiit $72.50 Assessment No, 0. S. L. Leonard. Lot 2. block 30, Original Townslte or the City of Medford, Oregon. Frontage 50 feet on t'.io west side r .i i i r t J'01 South D'AnJou street, and do- Uwna the exclusive right oF plnyinp. downward on the keys. i scribed In Vol. 70. page 527, county Owns the METRONOME Motor as essential us a. tenclier'a I recorder's records of Jackson county. metronome. 2 Oregon; 50 feet; rate per fool $t.5; Was first to piny 88 notes. Accents the melody correctly in all compositions. Pltiys nn accompaniment or any composition in any desired key. est de- ty recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 5 0 feet; rate per foot $1.45; amount $72.50. Assessment No. 17 W. .T. Dea con. Lot 4, block 3, Lumsdon"n ad dition to tho City of .Medford, Ore. Frontago 50 feet on the west side of South D'AnJou street, and described In Vol. 83, page 384. county record er's records of Jackson county, Ore gon; io reet; rato per foot $1.45; amount $72.50. Assessment No. 18. Win. Klllson. Lot 5, block 3, Lumsden's addition to the City of Medford, Ore. Front age 50 feet on tho west aide of South D'AnJou street, and described in Vol. 07. page 507. county recoider"s rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot, $1.15; amount $72.50. Assessment No. 19. Win. Ellison. Lot 0, block 3, Lunisdon"s addition to the City of Medford. Oregon. Frontage 50 feet on the west side of South D'AnJou street, and described in Vol. 07, page 507, county record er's records of Jackson county, Ore gon; 50 feel; rate per toot $1.15; amount $72.50. Assessment No. 20.- Mrs. 1). (1. Ross. Lot 7, block 3, Lumsden's ad dition to the City or Medford, Ore gon. Frontage 50 feet on tho west side of South D'AnJou Btreet, and de scribed In Vol. 25, pago l!M, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 foul; rale per fool $1.45; amount $72.50. Assessment No. 21.--Mollle llate man. Lot S, block 3, Lumsden's ad dition to the City of Medford, Ore gon. Frontage 50 Jeot on tho west side of South D'AnJou street, and de scribed In Vol. 20, pago 472. county recorder s records of Jackson county, Oregon; 50 icet; rate per foot $1.45; amount $72.50. Section 2. And It Is hereby or dered and ordained that said sev eral, assessments and tho liens there of be entered In the Hen docket of said city, and that thereupon notice he given to the owners, or reputed owners, of said property, and that tho Hiinie be enforced and collected in tho manner provided by the char ter of said city, for tho collection of assessments for tho Improvement of streets therein. Section 3. It is further ordered that the notice above nrovlded for he published three times in the Dall.v' i Main Tribune, a newspaper pub- i llshed and of general circulation In1 saio cuy, in in manner oroiiiied by ordluuncu No. 250 of said cly. Tho foregoing ordinance was passed by the City Council of (he City of .Medford,. Oregon, on tho 14th day of December, lit 10, by tho fol lowing vete: Welch aye, Merrick aye, Kmerick aye, Wort man aye, Klfort aye and Deinmer aye. ' Approved December 15, 1010. W. 11. CANON, Attest: Mayor. ROUT. W. THLFKR, City Recorder. Oiiaraulecd Honest and Reliable Messengers. Tray nnd Package Delivery a Specialty. Medford Messenger Service Under New Mannucmcut. PROMPT AMD RELIABLE SERVICE. All smnll parcels or messes- delivered five blocks or under.. 10c Over five blocks and under ten '' Over ten blocks and under i'ii t ecu -"' Over fifteen blocks ';, ;'J""J I'RKD IIANSUAM, Prop. 337 South Central Ave, Telephone Main 114:1. Medford. Oregon. rtt Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PHONE 3231. 208 FRUITGROWERS BANK BUILDING. t Che finest Sample Rooms in the citv. Single rooms or en suite also rooms with bath Hotel oore Telephone In Hvery Room RAU-MOHR COMPANY Proprietors. EUROPEAN PLAN sss'rNrsr-s''--rs- H. B. PATTERSON The QUAKER NUKSSRYMAN Have you quit puy..lui(! your bum about which is the btn player piano? I lave j on decided to buy one at random, trustine to huh m net tl,. lu.ct t Wouldn't ou like to settle the question and h.tvo the pla)cr at home lieforo ttmus? Wouldn't it help ou to know uy the Melville Clark Piano Company is nblt uanmttt that the Apollo is the y phiyei in the world that actually has the human touch? t Wouldn't it help you to know why the Metronome Motor can e ijuaranteed to produce correct tumpo? " W ouldn t it hely you to know why the Apollo is guaranteed to be the only plajor piano in tho world that can accent the melody correctly in all compositions? Wouldn't it help you to settle the player piano question if you knew why a house of the financial standing ot tho MeUille Clark Piano Company could (uantHtu tho aboic stateineiu; in the face of the cttiinii made and advertised by certain of their competitors? ouldul tliey be lunkuipt if ttu-y touldu'i fruit the things they tayt oulda't ou like to imiiv k'toic ou put SS(Hor$1000 into a plavor luann put vli.tt ou.uo fiouiK to roi toitlut money? l'lii-n unt mp MleHoonu andi;t(-Mifrlfut-hjinUiionlciljio thai will nuke ou IimImciiu'Iu our iiimtmwu. Weaieou'liikiveaijoiits fortius tonitoi). W'c allow hbrially loi used piano and 1u) omncuhance and anaiige I'oinciiitiiK payments. j I AHMCHKiticut N'o. 7. S. L. Leonard. J Lot 1. block :'.01. Original Townslte J of the City of Mediord, Ore. Kiont- 7 titv.i fill frnt (t Hr witol iltilit tt nllt1l D'AnJou Btieet, and described in Vol. 70, pane ."7, county recorder's rei oiiIb of .inckwon county, Oregon; ."ill feet; rate per foot jl.lS; amount $7:'.:.o. Atiemmeut N'o. S. (loo. It. Llnd ley. Lot li. block 31. Original Towu Hlte of the t'lty of Medford, Oregon. Prontuge 50 feet on the west Hide of South D'AnJou Htreet, and described in Vol. 7.s. piiko RUS, county recor ders recordH of .luekwon county, Oie Kou; ."i0 feet: rato per fool 11.15: amount $7:2.50. Assessment Xo. 0. - (loo. H. HAS EVERYTHING IN THE NURSERY LINE PEARS, APPLES, CHERRIES, PEACHES, AP RICOTS. PRUNES; ALL KINDS OF NUT TREES ANO A FULL LINE OF FLOWERINC SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC. A FINE LINE OF SHADE TREES. COME IN AND GET PRICES. jjLlndle.v. Lot 6, block III. Orlutnal , (,. ,ni, NlMr l!Uo iTownsitc of Hie City of Medford. Ore-, -rj,,, t;ltv ,)f ll, J'koii. l-'roatace 50 foot on tho votlas Ktillews: NOT1CR. To the owner, or reputed owner, of each parcel of property described In the foregoing ordinance, as named therein, and in the lieu declared by said ordinance, as recorded in the docket of city liens: . I You are hereby notlfleij thnt the) assessment declared by the foregoing! ordinance has been made and t tit i lien therefor entered In the city lion docket, and that tho same is due and you are hereby required to pay the Hiiino to the City Recorder with in ten days from the service of thin notice, vbiclt sen Ice is made by pub lication of the foregoing ordinance ami this notice three times In the Medfoid Mail Tribune pursuant to an order or the City Council of said city. KOUT. W. TKLFKK. ' City Hecorder. OltDIVANCK NO. I'Jrt. An ordinance making the annual tax levy of the City or Medford, Ore gon, and the Medford Itoad Dirtrht Office 116 Main Street Office Phone 2381 Res. Phone 2493 I k "" -ii. ? X s s X s X X X s s s X s X s s s V s s s s X s s s s V y will.. if sS. i,i Ii IV l.it.iit utre.il Mm! ii... Cll' ... .'.',., .' ..J.,(. T. . 1. ...... . FOR THE FIN JEST PIANOS j AND PLAYER ? PIANOS AT X LOWEST 1 ?PRIUES. J- JLT VfctfV ' irr' J I X sE-jzZ JLyS9tt0vWLm. r i . .jl T X J st'iilHul lit Vol. 7S, imKO r 1! S , rouut . . A k t . . reconier s recoi'is or .iticKson county. Oregen: 50 feet: rato per foot $1.13; amount $72 ( AhsoMinieut No. 10.-- Geo. H. Llnd ley. Lot I. block 111, Original Townslte or the City of Medford. Or egon, l-'ronta-e 50 feet on the west side of South D'AnJou street, and de scribed in Vol. 7S, page BUS, county recorder's recorilB of .lackion county, Oregon; 50 tcet; rato per foot $t.l.i; i .imouiit $72.50. i Vshehhiuent No. U. Goo. H. Llnd-! Ic Lot :i. block l. Original TowiH dford Doth Ordain Section 1. There shall bo levied for the year 1010 the following taxes upon the nMotiscd laluation of all tho taxable roperty in the City of Medford, Oreiiou, as shown by the assessment roll for Jackson county, Oregon, for the year 1010, for the follow lug purposes, to-wlt: For city purposes two and five tenths mills on the dellar: for debt fund, for payment of Interest on city debt, one mill on the dollar; for street nnd .road purposes, two mills on tho dollar. The ly for strivt Hint road purpot.fK shall be levied LANDQUIST, JOHNSON 6 ULIUS, INC. Real Estate and Insurance Special Representative for International Real Estate Association, Chicago, 111. AGENT FOR FRANKLIN FIRE INS. CO. RELIANCE FIRE INS. CO. BARGAINS AND MONEY MAKERS IN FARMS, ORCH ARDS & TIMBER LANDS. 201 St. Mark's Building, Phone 2411 UJAUrUnilCri s.il.. m tli.. I'llv nf M.iilfnr.1 Or.Ufmi i "!'" '" ' liMiHTi III I IIU CORNER Vxonlmv 50 foot on the wet -We1 J;"V!iVih- "IUl '" ' Mi,U,u,, j"""f"l ot South DAnJou street, and de- rofl dUtrlot. UAKUALt s..,i.,i ii, vol 7S. iniuo 52S. countvl 1-or general iewer purpoKot;, ono AVENUE AND reiouler's re.-ords of .lackson county,! ni 'i h dellar: for park purposed ItNTH STS MEDFORD, OR. J Oregon, .'u feet; rate iiur foot $1.45: three-teuths of a mill on the dellar: amount $72.50. for library purposes, two-tenth of a AhM'BMiieni No. 12.- Mr. Pleslly ' mill on the dellar: for bridge fund, Lapp Lot '.', block SI, Original! one mill ou the dollar. TowiMte or tho City ot Medford.' Section 2 It is hereby made the Oit rioutugc 50 feet on the west dty 0f the oP recorder to cettlfyil do of South D'AnJou street, and do- to the countv cleik of .larksoa conn. , uii"M in oi tc, page ion. couihv , urogou, llie le) m.uie by tlila icio dci s toiouU of JacUson count), ordinance i R. F. GUERIN CO. 4 MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, Have a number of APPLICATIONS FOR FIRST LOANS of.from $500 to $3000 to return investors JO MORTGAGE per cent per annum. If you have money to loan it will pay you to investigate them j MAIL TRIBUNE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS