Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 19, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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    - r&-m'rTTF
vwmfew t v
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LidfVf Should Mot Be Hidden, but
Always Exposed.
Reward Will Bo a Position In the
Mediatorial Kingdom to Be Set Up
In tho World Shortly.
Ilnrtfon, Conn..
Dee. IS. -Pastor
Huseeil of Drool;
lynTnuornncle wus
here toUny. He
ntldrowd Inre
niulicuees In the
Oiorn House. He
had excellent ut-
iciuiou. wo re
port one of his
discourses from
the following text
"Cast not away
tliPi'pfoie your con
fidence, which liath Ktrnt recompense of "-Hebrens x, 33.
Our IikIIsIi word confidence Is n syn
onym for faith. It Is a very pretty
thought that C should not cast nwny
our faith, hut hold (Irmly to It anil
pi In a rewaid. This thought Is ox-
prexsi'd elsewhere in the Scriptures,
but it is not the thought of our text.
Here the word confidcnie more proper
ly slKiillles (iHSiiitinvc or tut-si,ulieii)icii,
rourayeou.s presentation of a mesMitfo
not always Ulndly received. The Apo.s
tie Is iii'kIiik tho followers of Olirist to
lnf of wood courage, or. in the lnnguiiKi'
of the Savior, that they hlionid not put
their "llh'ht under n hushelv hut on a
candlestick," whore it would shine out
for the blessing of men.
There Is n practical side to the Gos
pel. KrcrythiiiK enjoined upon the fol
lowers of Christ and all their tryln;.
experiences in life nro wisely intended
to woik out for them characler-devel
opment of good. Ilrm, line texture. It
Is u mistake to think, as some of u.
have thought In the past, that It Is the
will of CJod that we should nierelv i
hear of Christ and give a nominal an
M'lit to the message of lil.s death as our
itedeemcr and turn from outward
forms of sin and flien, contented with
our progress, help others to the same
low standards.
The Father Does tlio Drawing.
Quite to the contrary, tho teachings
of .leans and his Apostles Ignore the
world as a whole and merely seek for
u special clnss with hearing ears und
appreciative hearts. Tho Gospel ines
wige set forth in the Bible knows
nothing of the ordinary mission work
of levelling drunkards and harlots and
the profane. While not refusing pub
Means and harlots It did not go about
seeking them. It walled for them to
seel: for righteousness and. as tin
Master said. "Xo man can come uu
to-me except the Father which sent
me draw him": "and whosoever cometh
unto me I will In no wise cast out"
(John v. ".7. -II. (."). As a matter
of fact, those who came to tho .Mas
ter and those who have been Interested
In Ills message eer since, have not
in any large proportion, been the rich.
tne great. (lie learned, the noble, tie
cording to the course of tills world,
but chlelly the poor, rich In 1 alt li to
ward our God.
Take as an Illustration St. I 'a til V
course when ho went to Athens. We
do not 11 ml that lie started u mission
Sunday School and offered I ho chll
dren tho prospects of a picnic or r
Sunday School treat. In order to galhei
them for a half hour's talk about noth
iug, "To keep them off tliu street."
Neither did he !cok out the drunkards
In the slums ami establish a slum mis
slon. On the contrary lie sought the
ear of the Intelligent classes, the think
iug classes. Irrespective of their wealth
or station. Why? Because he had a
message a message which children
could not understand: a message
which drunkards were Incapacitated
from understanding; a message which
should appeal, If at all. to the best
pcoplo of Athens, whether rich or poor
Have wo not had. to a considerable
extent, the wrong Idea? Are wo wiser
than the Lord and the Apostles and
able to give them polutors as to moth
oils Instead of following their exam
pie. ns we were instructed to do';
They proclaimed the Second Coming
of Meslah and the establishment or
hs Kingdom. They preached tint the
very object of his Iteign of ltigliteous
nes for a thousand years will bo the
putting down of sin In Its every form
and the lifting up of poor, fallen hu
manity. They taught that there was
danger of attempting to muko a prose
lyte and really doing more harm than
good thereby. They taught that the
special work to which God's people are
now commissioned as ministers or sen'
nuts of Christ is the proclaiming of
the l"ospel-j"the Good Tidings of the
Kingdom" not the proclaiming of eter
iinl torment nor the attempt to drive
the world of mankind from slu through
fear. They taught that tho work of
this present Age is the selection from
i monght mankind of the Bride class, to
bo Mos-iahV associates in his King
doiu. for the blessing of nil the world
it I;? this message of the goodness of
God that our text declares should be
proclaimed with courage, with bold
ness. with outspokenness.
A Great Fight of Afflictions.
St. Paul is criticizing some who had
for quite a time been Christians and
who had been granted large opportun!
lias for growth lu grace and knowl
edge. He says to thei-e. "For the time
ye ought to be teachers, but ye uihmJ
ihnt one teach you again which be
i he l.rst principles of tho doctrine of
f" Thev liHfi lost the tlit prin
rinipq. Thev had gotten entangled
With vain philosophies anu tueir spir-
ituality was at a low ebb. Conditions I
nro very similar today. After eighteen
centuries of DUliio Instruction nud '
with tlw wuuderfyriilMP unw qt our,
A&s,? mm
Ma1tOR nU5SBi.Lt
command and wflh helps for Dlblc
study, what manner of Christians
ought we to he-ln faith, in love. In
obedience, in courage!
St. Paul points out tho necessity for
tho Lord's people o aseuible them
selves together for fellowship and for
the Fliuly of his Word and to provoke
one nuotner to love and good works.
The necessity for this, he suggests. Is
that sin on the part of those who
nave received a knowledge of the
Truth nml been made partakers of the
Holy spirit Is a much more sorlqua
matter than the same conduct would
Have been before they enmo Into the
precious relationship of splrlt-bogotten
children of God. He says. "For If we
sin after that we have rooelvml n
knowledge of the Truth, there remain
eth no more a sacrltlco for sins, but n
certain fearful looking for of condom
.nation and fiery Indignation which
shall devour us as God's adversaries"
(verses '.'IS. 27).
Hare we grasped the import of tho
thought? It signifies that those of ua
who have accepted the Divine ternii
and entered the family of God will
have no future opportunity In another
life. We must either make our "call
ing and election sure" under the terms
of the call, as ncceptcd. or bo rejected
as unworthy o life everlasting ns tit
for the Second Jieatli annihilation.
He who dcopised Moses" Law ded
without meroy. Hut he who, having
come to a clear knowledge of the
Truth, shnll be found a willing sinner
will not only be cut off from 11 further
opportunity In the present Age, but bo
everlastingly cut off from life, destroy
ed. "God is able to destroy both soul
and body" the present life and our fu
ture hope. These thoughts should
make very earnest, very diligent, all
who have accepted Christ and been
accepted by him.
Nevertheless Be Not Discouraged.
These tilings were written, not only
for the Hebiew Christians of St. PauI'M
da-, but Intended by the Holy Spirit
for all tho household of faith. We
should not rock ourselves to sleep, nor
give to each other ophites. While the
tcailil Is not yet on trial for eternal
life, the Church Is now being tested
for life or death eternal. The thought
should sober us. As the Apostle sua-
Rests, "Be diligent, be sober," be
faithful, following in the footsteps of
But St. Paul or. rnilier, the Holy
Spirit through him, tool; cognlznuco
of tho fact that the Lord's people are
in a world that is "no friend to grace
to help them on to God." The Apostle
recognized that we might become dis
couraged with our own faults and
weaknesses. Hence, after earnestly
cxhortiug to faithfulness and energy
and after pointing out tho dangers of
slothfulness and of being over-charged
with the cares of this life and tho dc
celtfulucss of riches and thus losing
tho spirit of Christ, he turns from this
threatening attitude and uses encour
aging words.
Ho says. "Call to mind the former
days hi which, following your illumi
nation of tho Holy Spirit, you endured
a great fight of allilctions." St. Paul's
Intimation is that at that Mine, while
suffering persecutions, the" brethren
wero really In a better, more alive,
spiritual condition than later. The
prosperity, privileges, freedom from
persecution enjoyed, had made them
slothful and less courageous. He
would have them and us call to mind
the vlctoiles won In the past, that we
might have courage for the picsuut
and the future. How gracious, how
helpful, are all the provisions of our
God for tlioso who now hear Ids call
and seel: to walk in Jesus' steps! To
these ho guarantees that every pxperi
once of life which his providence shall
permit shall work for good, for bless
ing, for valuable experience and edu
cation along lines of righteousness and
Two Classes of tho Faithful.
In time of war not nil can go forth
as soldiers. Some, unlit for such serv
ice, may perforin a useful part at
home supporting, encouraging, send
ing supplies to those at the frout. etc
Aud so It is In the army of the Lerd:
Jesus is tho Captain of all those who
volunturlly enlist as soldiers of the
cross to battle against sin, especially
In themselves lighting a "goo.d light
of faith" and overcoming the spirit
of the world which surges all about
them, threatening to overwhelm thea
us New Creatures In Christ.
St. Paul Intimates u strong persecu
tion, openly manifested by tho worldly
spirited. Satan-deceived people of God
llo says. "Ye endured a great tlglt of
allilctions. partly whilst ye were made
a gazing stock both by reproaches nud
allilctions and partly whllht ye be
Camo ciJnipaulons of them that were
so used. For ye had compassion of
me In my bonds, nnd took Joyfully the
spoiling of your goods" (veres .TJ-fll).
St. Paul and others prominent
amongst the Loid's tollowcrs natural
ly would receho (ho brunt of Satan's
attacks. Jt is presumed that the I 'pis
tie of which our test Is n pait was
written while St. Paul was a prison
er at Borne. Fellow Jews, so far from
belug sympathetic for a countryman,
reproached him us n traitor, unortho
dox, seeklug to tear down the work
of God and to Ignore tho Divine prom
ises belonging to Israel and tholr sa
cred traditions By the Bomans, too.
he was regaided with suspUlon. as one
giving nlleglnnco to another King,
.leans, and not therefore- disposed to
use bis Uoman cltlzeiiihlp specially for
the pride and glory of the Umpire. St.
Paul declares that thus himself and
those who espouse the cause of the
Lord are despised and reject rd by jII.
m. hmvs Unit wo ait counted as the
tilth and offs-ouiiug of the earth
that which nobody Mm for or vuJueu.
but which all would like to get in of.
ns the darkness always bate the light .
and seeks to quench it and reigns corn
pieieiy oniy wiien mi ki uu
tlnculkbed. ChrbtlaiM, fur and near,
olthor by exprewdug Mympatliy for the
Aixwtlo or fcllowhliltoS wllii Win.
or. by defeujllu;.' UUtt Uvw lUe UUjwst
jl)lft)liD AIAIL TIUUUjME,
nnd malicious" slanders dr. ul.:ted
rgnlnst hlni, thereby exposal them
foiveg to similar rcproai lies and d's
pstecm, opposition from their neigh
bors, etc.
' History tells us of various terrible
peiSH-utlons of the Chilstlans by the
Uoman IJmporors. it declares, for In
stance, that to gratify -nris depraved
mind Nero, the Kinperor, caused a cer
tain portion of the city of Home to be
) burned by Incendlnrles and that when
lie found how angry tho people were
he blamed the entire matter upon the
Inoffensive Christians partly, no
doubt, because theso had no friends,
either at court, or ntuongst the people.
They could be blamed with impunity
and the Hmperor's own vicious crim
inality would thus be hidden. On this
account hundreds of Christians were
publicly and brutally put to death.
"Great Recompcnso of Reward."
Poor human nature finds It difficult
to stand alone with God nnd with the
few who are on hls-tdde the side of
righteousness aud truth. When, addi
tionally, there comes persecution It
tries their hearts, proves tbeir loyalty
This Is exactly what the Lord designs.
He Is now seeking a special class of
overcomeis to he Joint-heirs wllh'his
Son on the spirit plane ns the Bride
of Me-shih. Through these he Jutends
shortly To to Israel and. through
Israel, to all mankind glorious bless
ings of Instruction and restitution. To
he qualllled to thus serve lu the In
struction and uplifting of humanity It
is necessary that these called ones
should be of strong character copies
of their Master, in the spirit of their
niluds. To these he says. "To him
that overcouieth will I grant to sit
with mo in my throne, even as I also
overcame, nnd am set down with my
Father In his throne" (Iter. 111. 111).
We-cnn readily see how some of the
more prominent followers of the Lord
who suffered mnrtyrdom beeau3o of
their loyalty to the principles of
righteousness and to the nnuie of Je
ans would bo accounted overcomors
and members of the Kingdom class.
But sometimes It is dllllcult for us to
discern clearly bo"w Uio less promi
nent, less persecuted ones stand with
God. St. Paul's nrguineut proves that
they stand ice? that God counts them
In as martyrs, ns faithful unto death.
If they have the martyr spirit, if they
nro loyal, courageous for the Truth,
even thoygh they never seal their tes
timony at tli stake, even though they
never are counted worthy of open, or
public opposition or persecution. Here
Is an encouragemejit for all nnd this
Is exnetly what sf. Paul would stim
ulate us to in the words of our text.
W Must Let tho Light Shine.
He says, "Cast not away, therefore,
your outspokenness, which bath great
recompense of reward." The Lord has
not promised a great reward to us for
merely believing, merely trusting, nnd
In u cowardly manner keeping our
light hidden, lest its expedite should
bring to us persecution or repijach.
Ho seeketh not such. Such will not be
counted worthy of a place In the King
dom which is to bless the world
fit. P;iul elsewheie d edit res, "If we
deny him. he will also deny in" (II
Timothy 11, BJ). If we have accepted
the Lord as our Counsellor. Guide.
Captain, Teacher, Hxeiuplar. Bride
groom, he expects of us courage to
confess him ns such and on all sulfa
bleund proper occasions to let our
light so shine before men that they
may see our good works and glorify
our Father which Is In heaven"
(Matthew v, 1G). Our good works are
to so accord with the Master's teach
ing that, however we may be repre
sented by others, all who know us In
timately will tuko knowledge- of us
that we have been with Jesus nnd
have learned of him. They should
also see that our courage, our bold
ness, our outspokenness, Is not a de
sire to preach ourselves, not vainglory
In ourselves, but that, on the contrary,
we preach Christ und the glorious
message of his Word, which always
has brought opposition und persecu
tion from tho Adversary and trom all
wito are under Ills blinding Influence.
livery faithful follower of Jesus
must be a confessor must show his
colors. Wo do not menu by this that
he must ,bo belligerent and light a
carnal warfare, either with swords or
spears or hands or tongue. On the
contrary, like bis Master, he must ever
be alert to do good. Ills orders from
the Captain are, "Spoak evil of mi
man." What he must speak forth and
show forth by his life Is the doctrine
of Chtist-the Truth, the Light. In
contrast with tho prevailing Frror and
The loward which tho Scriptures
hold before our eyes of faith Is so
great that, to the worldly, It seems
foolish to believe lu It. It Is to con
slst of a share with our Lord lu his
glory, honor mid immortality; lu his
Mediatorial Kingdom soon to be estab
llshed; lu his great work as the Medi
ator of tho Now Covenant In granting
Dlvlno blessings, through tho merit of
I he belter sacrifices, to the people of
Israel and eventually through them lo
nil mankind. Not nil have a knowl
edge or this groat reward: not all.
therefore, have the encouragement to
faithfulness which this knowledge In
spires. Not all evon have the ears lo
hear. It Is written. "Tho secret of
the Lord is with them that fear him
md ho will show them hU Corannnt"
Psalm xxv, 1-1).
Warmth Not Wanted.
"This would be u plensanter world If
people put more warmth-genuine
warmth in their letters," snld the
man of sentiment.
"I don't agree with you," replied hie
worried friend, "there was a warmth
about ome of tho buslunss lelter I
got this morning that 1 didn't ut all
Didn't Hide His Joy.
Janot Viola says thorp was only one
drawback to her wedding. Fajiny
What was Ihnt? Jaimt She says her
father looked too cheerful whan he
gate her away - Button Globe
In tho Clrcut Court of tho Stnto of
Orecon for tho County of Jnokson.
In tho mutter of tho application of
the Kbguclnnda Incorporated to reg
ister tltlo to tho following described
premises, situated In tho county of
JnckBon and strte of Oregon, to-wlt:
Lots 11-70 Inclusive; lots 72-102
Inclusive, and lots 104-193 Inclusive
all In tho Boguolantls irrigated or
chard tracts.
Mr. James W, Coakloy, Louisa
Coakley, Anron 11. Mengley, Franklin
Wortz, M. L. Forges, K. S. Forbes,
Elizabeth McLaughlin, Thomas Stott
lor, Mnrgarot Holmes, C. H. Bay,
Desert Oil company, an Oregon cor
poration. Mound School District No.
1, und all whom it may concern, de-
That on tho 10th day of November.
1910, nn application was filed by the
Hogtiolnnds Incorporated In tho cir
cuit court of Jnckson county for Ini
tial registration of the tltlo of tho
land above describe '.
Now, unless you appear on or be
fore tho 24th dny of Decejnbor, 1910,
and show cnuso why silch applica
tion should not be granted, tho samo
shnll be taken ns confessed and a de
cree will be entered according to the
prayer of tho application, nnd you
will bo forover bnrred from dlautlng
tho same.
Clerk o tho Circuit Court.
By M. II. TOW.NE, Deputy
NEFF & MEALEY, Attorneys for
In the Circuit Court of tho Stnte
of Oregon for tho County of Jackson.
In tho matter of tho application of
tho Roguelnndo Incorporated, to reg
ister title to tho following described
promises, situated in tho county of
Jackson, stato of Oregon, to-wit:
Lots 41-70 inclusive; lots 72-102
Inclusive, and IoIb 104-193 Inclusive,
nil in the Bogiiolands irrigated or
chard tracts.
Mr. James W. Coakley, Louisa
Coakley, Aaron II. Mengley, Franklin
Wertz, M. L. Forbes, K. S. Forbes,
Elizabeth McLaughlin, Thomas Stott
ler, Margaret Holmes, C. It. Ray, Des
ert Oil company, an Oregon corpora
tion, Mound School District No. 1,
nnd nil who it may concern, defend
ants. To James W. Coakley, Louisa
Coakley, Aaron II. Meagley, Franklin
Vertz, Elizabeth McLaughlin, Thomas
Stottlor and Margarot Holmes, tho
tho above nnmed defendants.
In the nniiio of tho state of Oregon,
you nnd each of you aro hereby re
quired to appear in tho abovo named
court to anBwor tho application of the
Uoguolnnds Incorporated, tho above
pamed application on f llo therein
ngalnst you within nix weeks after
tho date of tho first publication of
tho summons heroin. Said period of
Six weeks being tho time fixed by tho
abovo entitled court In its order for
servlco of the summons herein by
publication, within, which time the
said defendants nro required to ans
wer said application which order of
application boars tho dato of Novem
ber 10, 1910.
And you, nnd each of you will take
notice, that If you fall to nnswor said
application In tho tlmo nforosald, the
applicant will apply to tho court for
tho rollef prayed for in snld applica
tion, a succinct statement of which
rollef Is ns follews:
For a decree of tho abovo ontltled
court finding tho title of tho applicant
In tho following descrlbod premises,
Lots 41-70 Inclusive; lots 72-90" m
cluslve; lots 131-110 incluslvo; lots
92-100 incluslvo; lots 109-119 luclu
slvo; lots 151-1G2, all In tho Uoguo
lnnds Irrigated orchard tract, Jack
son county, Oregon, free and clear
from all encumbrances, oxcopt a cor
tain mortgage held by tho Jackson
County Improvement company.
Also for u decreo of said court
finding tho equitable tltlo In and to
tho following descrlbod promises.
Lots 91, 107. 120-130 Inclusive;
141-M(i incluslve: 153-102 Inclusive,
nnd lots 104-193 Inclunlve, all In said
ItogueiandH Irrigated orchard tracts,
in this applicant with tho legal tltlo
thereof vested In Sophonla J. Ish
Goro, freo and clear of all oncuin-.
brnnco, oxcopt the mortgago thereon,
hold by tho Jnckson County Improve- i
ment compnny, and to grant such
other and fuithor relief as shall he
according to ouulty. '
Attorneys for Applicant.
Dato of tho first publication of '
this summons Is Novombor 21, 1910
In tho Circuit Court Stato of Ore-1
gon for tho County of Jackson. .
In tho matter of tho application of,
Roguolands Incorporated to regis-1
ter tho tltlo of tho following described
premises, situated lu tho county of '
Jnckson, Stnto of Oregon, to-v.if '
Lots one (1) to forty (10) lnclu-
slvo of tho Uoc'.ipIuiuIh irrigated or
chard tractH excepting that portion of
lot six (0) described ns follews: '
Commonc.Mg at tho .outheast cor-,
nor of Donation had claim nurnbei ,
flfty-flvo (:&), township thirty-six J
(30). south range two (2) west of j
tho Willamette meridian, und from i
srtld point running thonco south 1.51
chains; thenco west . 3D chains;
thoi co north 1.51 chains; thonco 4.35
Chains to tho pliuo of boglnnliii'.
All who it m.ty concern, dofondants.
That on the 10th day of Novom
bor, 1910, nn application was filed
by said UoeueUnds Incorporated lu
tho circuit court of Jnckson county
for Initial leglat-utlon or tho tltlo
of tho land a-boo descrlbod.
Now, unless you appear on or be
fore tlio 2 S til day of Decombei, 1910,
ajid ahow cause why such applica
tion should not be granted, tho same
spall bo takon as confessed and a lo
ci eo will bo entored uccordinic to the
prayer of the app'.lcatlou, and you
will be forover buried from disputing
tho same.
Clork or tVo Oiroult Court.
By II. B. TOWNW, IJpputy.
NBFF &. J1EAL1CY, Attorney for
O. J. Engcii, prominent rati es
tnte nmti ot Aberdeen, Wash., is m
the city. Air. Kngen eunie to" the val
ley with u view lo investing nud
will do '.o. lie is plensed beyond ex
pectation Willi Mediord ilnd the en
tile valley and will no doubt invust
soinu money in this gi owing otty.
Air. Kngeii did not wait to bo linked
wliut he. thought of the vulloy lull
proceeded to loll it without intonM
gulion nud in the course of his re
marks he said:
"This vnlley is a inosl fertile suor.
1 think it is as food und better than
the great Ynkiuui valley iu Washing Washing
eon: it has' mine roMiurcos und 1
iiiuoli better Intnl. Not only that,
but you liuve n elininto here- which
far surpiishOR that of the Ynkiiim
valley. While wo do not admit thai
n ooutilry oxistw which can surpns-'
the Wonntelioe, Washington, country j
for Wiuesnp apples, we certainly con-
cede the plum to Uoguo river vnllov j
on Newtown Pippins nud Spitzen-1
burgs. Your city is Uiu bushiest 1
lmve ever seen to tlio sizo ol' the
piupo nnu looits goott to me. i uiu
going to Grants Puss on business to
day but I nm coining back us 1 lime mnde up my mind to huv
Mime property iu or near Med ford."
People will not assume tlitil your
hloro is ns good as its strongest
competitor unless its advertising is
ns good.
in a modern product. From tlmo Imme
morial msu and sulphur have been ieed
for the hair and sc.ilp. Almost every
one knows of l lie value of such a com
bination for dnrkcuiui; tlio hair and taak
itiK it srow. lu olilon times the only way
to Kct a huir tonic of this .sort was to
brow it in tlio homo fireplace, a method
which was troublesome and not nlways
Satisfactory. Nowadays almost every up-to-date
druiMjIst can supply his p.itroim
with a ready to use product, skillfully
Compounded la perfectly equipped labora
tories. Such a preparation is W.u-th's
Sage nud Sulphur, which 'is sold by all
lending dniRBlsts for COc. nnd $1.00 a
bottle, or which In sent direct by tlio
Wyeth Chemical Company, 74 Cortiandt
St., New York City, upon receipt of price-
For sale and recommended by Leon
B. HaBklns.
Tho Klrl who sii.vb that alio won't
marry tho beat man living 1b lucky
If sho dosen"t ovontually capture tho
Made Her
Preserve Your Youth and Beauty by Using
It Is Pure. Safe And Reliable
It Is Not Sticky. Oily Or Greasy
It lo An Elegant, Refreshing Dressing
It Makes The Hair Soft And Glossy
It Ouickly Removes Dandruff
It Restores Faded And Gray Hair To Natural Color
ItJStops Hair Falling And Makes The Hair Grow
ItJWill Make You Look Years Younger
50c.and $1
Leon B. Haskins,
E. Q. Trowbridge, Prop.
All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps,
Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for
Troutman Orchard Heater
The world's standard of efficiency and economy.
They burn air. Made in seven types to meet any
requirements. Special prices for short time. Wo
also manufacture the lard pail hea'ers. Write Karl
R. Wundt, General Agent, Meridian, Idaho.
Ashland, Oregon Swedenburg Block
This is the school that will make you Suc
cessful, Train you for Business and Help
you to a Position.
Soeure your Business Education at home
at a very moderate expense and, if you wish,
we will secure you a position iu any of the
large commercial centers.
P. R1TNER, A. M., President.
Flight Turned Backward"
Look Twenty Years Younger
Stath or Ni w VsmK I
County ok MonTiok
IK )
I Nancy A. Ilcrrick, being duly sworn, deposes and says: When
I was a girl, I had a head of heavy, long, dark brown hair which
was the envy of my schoolmates, aud which attracted the atten
tion and remarks of strangers As I grew older, my hair com
menced to come out, just a little at first, hut gradually more and
more, and then began to turn gray. I was induced by the many
good reports I had heard of Wyctlfs Sage and Sulphur Hair
Remedy to try a bottle. My hair was quite thin aud gray when
I began using Sage and Sulphur, and you can imagine my satis
faction when I found that it was fast coming back to its natural
condition, being thicker, darker and more glossy than it had been
for a long time. I continued to use Sage anjl Sulphur, and my
hair is now as heavy, dark and Miiooth as when I was a girl of
sixteen. It is now four years since I commenced using Sage and
Sulphur, and my hair is still in splendid condition.
Swrnlo btore
El Yonr Druaolnt Does Not Keep If,
Send Us The Price Iu Stamp), And
We Will Scud Vou A Large Uottle.
Kxxirejjs Prepaid.
Iron Works
Rochester, N. Y.
ne thh Uth.
i!V. &&.&
itotatyPuUic, l
74 Codlqnut Sf. v
Medford, Ore.
v 8
m . w WW?
LjUliHRHiHlEIS7??P9W? j.TM. .-' t' .!'-