y 8KS-J 33-S3?S s.-j-tfrf'w-.r lV.& - -uri;.""-! il I - ? - Jx j:s& t i M U i w . .. kit w J Central Point Items Mrs. Daisy StcUham wont to Grants Pass Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Southard nro visiting jIr. and Mrs. Perkins. Mrs. Southard Is a sister of Mrs. Perkins. The box social given by the Central Point high school on Inst Friday night wns a decided succoss. There was quite a rivalry among the young ladles as to who could get up the handoouicst and most artistic box. The ronsen,uonco was there was Some beautlfu boxes of all sizes and shapes to bo auctioned off to the Itlghust bidder. The largest price paid for a box was $0.75. Net re ceipts amounted to some $00. It wns well attended and the pro gram was splendid. The "Gorman song" whs the hit of the owning, and kept somo giuwslng. The encore brought forth peals of laughter from all present. The eighth grade of tho CoiHral Point grammar school was highly honored on lust Friday nftenjoon by a visit from three soldlors, who cerv od In the civil war, each one giving an Instructive Illustration of their hardships and trials during that pe riod, one of them liclii;: a sploudld mathematician, gave the puplH some very perplexing problems. Tho soldiers here are going to have PERNOLL SOLD TO Younii Southpaw of Grants Pass Likely to Show California Fans Real Baseball Made Splemli.l Record Last Year in East. At the meeting of tho American and National leagues hold tu Now York during the past fov days sev eral transfers of players worn record ed, and among them Is the sale of Henry Pernoll, the chubby left-handed pitcher from Grants Pass, Or., who waB dlcposod of by the Detroit Amor lean league team to the Oakland club of tho Pacific Const league Pernoll broke Into professional baBebalJ under Walter McCredlo hi 10 t)C and pitched for Portland that f-JNistfn and part of the following sea ijon, when ho was sold to tho Aber deen club of tho Northwestorn league along with Anson Molt and Knnon 1 1 I Gnllff. Pernoll pitched good bull for Aberdeen in 1 90S and at the end o inu j., vu ni'iinuii uu hub HI I'lMirji.'d by Detroit. Last season ho had a II... innn .......,... i i t ...... y sum, jear wmi ..eunuigs 1 1. , gers, but was not used much In t.u !, box except as a relief pitcher lis orvlcoH ought to help OoaMand dm - L 4lderably, or Pernojl is really n good v :..... -""".. . niKKiy iiyim and voan (iiogg, who Hjiuut the Inst two weeks hunting In the vlelnlt of Medford and Cold Hill, Hi southern OreKon, returned to Port- ...... I U. .!... I I 1. .. II... ..1 mini Olllillliu.l illlll Ulll'll 1. IUU 11111 - uih announced huving had a ...osf succesuful shoot and a good time with tho Moiithern Oregon enthusiasts. Hoth Iiyim and (JrciiK succeeded In kill- lug two boars each and are highly j OIiiKhI over their success as big gaino I l)iintors. lit addition both lmd un- -4jsual success at duck hunting und jjeoiod heavy bags at every attempt. Iti'Bii will Iomvw Monday for his home "In Denver, but wll be on hand at the Nlii'iuK training camp with the Mea 'ors next Match, mid he says Port land is going to win the pennant again. OVER 4000 FEET By Kceiilnii His Head Aviator Suc cessfully Glides to Earth Nar- rowly Escapes Autoinohllcs. Strikini) Row ol v V V V V V V V V KRJfiBNO. I'u... Urn-. 10. "liml" .yre. tho Curtins uiUitor, in reeei iilt tho uouKruttilntiou of lib IriciuU twdny.lieoimK Im i 111111. 1U.1 Mkiv tor n fracliou uf M uoond lost hi head duriug fliglit ,vPMtirln alici noon it would h"e licea n (liffmcui tnio. n ess a.n8 .Marx Htontllv tell from a hen: V. of 1000 feet. Wliile r.uig for ih count idtilii'it) lccoid hit- eiigiiu' -lopped in wldnir. Aviator Olcnn KID M (iiili niid ( 'lift lies Willard, wiu ii.ili.cd uliiil hud occiirmJ, vci ii.iu-ii.c(l with lionvi, ixpacliiig (. -i ilicir iciiia-inate uivtl th iuiu f. 'i thiil iivettoiik Ifnlph Jolinlon .,. I .tr, hid the ennwj iltoiiuhi i.i spfclainlar ilf-ifiil warn inl piul lilt- rcglllai m-i I iiii men. Mars n n i l n ied r i lulu n I v i I ii .Ii Jnli'-. ill 1 1 v V V V f V V V V V n camp flro and lmrnequo shortly aft er Christmas. Whiteside brothers are shipping much mistletoe to Portland. The stato convention rally of the Christian church wus held at Central Point beginning Thursday and last ing until SnU'rdny morning. Tho dolcgates, namely: State Socrotary C. P. Swandors, Hugene; Mrs. Kiln Hunt er, president of board foreign illu sions, tiugene; Mrs. Kssen, stato Sun day school superintendent, Kugene; Mre. Uonton, superintendent of Chris tian Kndeavor, Medford; W. L. Mat lock, secrelar." of Christian IOiuIchv or. Medfoid; P. T. ltojlins, president of Christian tfndcnvor, Phoenix; (1. K. Kery of Ashland, O. O. Iliimliart, field secretary of the ICugeno llllile university. I. .1. Purl;eypile Is whipping many turkeys to Sail Francisco for the hol iday trade. Councilman Kd Whiteside and wife Mrs. Ilrooko, Miss Southard, Mrs. Per liius, Tom Merrlman ans family, Mil dred Klllofl, Mrs. Ralph Heal, Mrs. Wolverton, Mr. and Mrs. Stone, Miss Stone, Kd Fnrra, Pearl Jones, Clar ence Pnnliey, Walter Itoblnett and wife, Miss llerrlu, Miss Manning were among Ihe Central Point peopjo that were at Medford Saturday. WHITE IS NOW CHIEF MICE Takes Oath of Offico as Mead of Su premo Court of United States Assumes His Office. WASHINGTON. J). ( Kdwurd Dougltib While Dee. III.--loduy loot his out It el' ot'lice ins chief justice oi the supremo court of tlie I'uilt'il Htutc, and uHNiuued liiw place nl tli liend ol' the highest triliuiiul in tho land. The induction look place .i! 1 1 :80 o'clock this mouiing. file Mail Tribune mint nils bring romilts. tlie nturtiug field, pluneu iiliruptlv, swerved around, ground in sulci v. He tilled lii' Iiomcvci, and coining to i'i- California Is tlie pluce to visit. Orange groe ,,. ,, , . ,,.., , holo . m M ,.., wn(l,ri , ,,,,,,,, - inih.e. making that favored Jum. , Nn(i(,lV , , 'You can sec it at it- bc-t iu the Shasta Route and HTI. r.,...l i . ti . The Road of a Thousand Wonders' SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY u.-io-.uue iraius, ini-eniss n l'v,,''.v lol. unexcelled dining-c.ii ''V'1'- 'Hiick time and direct con "i"'!'""" lo "II poinls s.uilli. STECIAL ROUND-TRIP FARE OF $55.00 Portland to Los Aiiflclcs and Return. With mri copending low laics from all other section-, nf the Northwest, j Liberal hlop-ocis m cci tlitr-clion und long limit. Interesting and al liactivti literature uu (he various ic--orts und attiaciious of t'uliloium , can be had on aiiplieatiou to nn S , I' or O K vV N. Agenl, or lroni VVM. McMURRAY, General Passcujicr Aijcnt Portland, Ore. jM'rjj ry- For Sale KOU1 iSALK A :U)-lot subdivision, liili. sightly lo le lo cateon: speeuU pi'iiT, .triOO; leniis. Ki-c N'Jm Ovko Ucalt Co., 12:i .Main stivot. KOI J SALK- -Two fino lots on A Vest Seventh stiwt, oppositt- t'lid of Summit avenue: $1000 each; terms $100 cash, Imlance in one and two vcai's. Van Dvke Realty Co., VJ.D Main street. Phone (kS'J. WANTKD To list good farms and fniit ranches: also swell tracts. Van Dyke Realty Co, VS, Kast .Main street. Van Dyke Realty Co. 128 Main Street MRIWORP MAIL TRJ niTNHf G DECLINES TO Senator Announces That He Would Not Allow His Name to Be Consid ered Even if Legislature Should Deadlock on Others. I'UOVIDKNVK. If. !.. Dec. Ml. NoIhoii V. A lunch unequivocally ilc dined to run for I'nileil Stale- seiiu tor Tor nuother tunn loilay. Alilridi iinuoiiiieud lie would no! ullow in luuni' (o lie '(riniil('i('(. even if I lie legiNluture liucnum hopi'lcwdy dc(i iucl't'il on otlicfT candidates. XOTICK OP SAIjK. The board of dlreutors of school district No. '1!) will consider bids for tho purchase of the houso now situat ed on tho property which said district has acquired from W. II. Crawford, said building to be removed from said property. Tho property Is situat ed on the north side of West Jackson streot and near the John Demmer place. The board reserves tho right to re ject any and all bids. llids to bo In by Duccmber 2 1th. ORIS CltAWFOIM), U.'lt. Clork. IT Miti are working til a "niakc--hilt" job. pimply because the suil able position is not to be hud, begin ii classilicd advertising campaign i'oi "cir-bctternienl. There is a good job lor ou and you can find it through advertising. Very likely there is no oilier way to find it. Tlie completeness (alwnys) of i stoic1 iidvcrliMing is a reliable le I of the completeness of the stoic sei vice. Let Us Save vou 210 per cent of your did We will install on. your stove a dam '.,l'1' ,lmt WP Krntuo to ,ie youi, 1 nl and protect vour rooms l'ron nerhent und give you a unifonn SAFETY ECONOMY DAMPER CO., Ill) Sherlock Iild-'.. I'mtlauil. JOHN II. WIMKK. K'eprcsi-iiiiilne for Mcdlord. I" South Ilarllelt Street, .Mrs. Tr ior's Hoarding House. SCHOOL CHILDREN Often need Glasses tlurinn. tho formativo period of childhood. Let us prepare the nlasscs for your children's eyes, and the chances arc the slinht error will he speedily corrected and vltiiln a short time the chil dren's eyes will he restored to normal. DR. STEPHENSON Ofllcc Over Allen's Store, Main and C Street, Phone Main 1857. Medford, Or. For Rent n.iiiiilint: linti-c, modern cipiin litcnt; toilit, b..tll, city water, clce Hie lights, uiiiuc and Imt water lien t ci ; located witalnn one block Medloii! depot lii.piiio Aldculiageii, lu'U'U Unci 1 eciiic t ii - .j j--r -x-'-j-j-s--'-4-t MEDFOIU), 0 KM ION, MONDAY", DKCIOMtSHR 19, 1010. HI JACKSOIIILE LOIR RATE FOR RUN BALL PARK SOLD OFFER BERTHS Grandstand, Bleachers and All to Be Taken Down at Once Residences WIN Bo Erected Where the Fan Was Want to Fan. The Tana and t)siuelml players of southern Or-iKcim HI he much Htir prlned to learn thai tlie lmneball park on Klftli fitreot lnm heun Hold. The Kin mint and . lileacluTK and fence will noon he ruiuovml und the pari; will he cut Into city lo. Already some heautlftil rciliiunrcH have hoen plan ned for the location. The miiIc- of the --rounds was hroiiKht'about o white to the jack of Interuft In Hit! national kiiuic during the past few houmous. Kor the last two seasons the Krouuds hnvo not paid ex'penses. It Is probable that from now on Jacksonville- will be a dead one In the lino, of baseball. Tho few clever play ers who have homes In this town will not lie shut off entirely from the nine by the sale of the 'rounds, as i there are always positions vacant In the neiKliborliiK town teams. It is also piohabe that the boys will be able to lind another location for a hall park. Coal. Coal. Coal. Coal. Coal. Some very choice Rock Spruit; lump conl now di-chnrjiintr. Wry lit lie more of, this can he had Umh win tcr. See or phone V. .J. Ilutbrid'ic the drayman. You wilt want some of this coal. Once tried, you will necr be without it. Phone 1(102 Main. ' 'W - - ---- - ola tl JCoiiiniiis ingredients ol' Jigs. qVUK VAIKAT) OF IIIOIUT. GJNol in lmnie only, but in reality. SjA wholesome, nutri tions bread. JAids digestion SOLO TCxrLrsivici vr.v TODD fiGO. riODFOUl) 13AKI0R.Y AXDDlOliKWTJOSSKX BUY YOtTIi UOAST 'ITRKIGY mift ...For Sale... DRY BLOCKS MMMMMHMaM---NM--M----M-aHMMn ...Phone... MAIN 2601 G. E. M 0 R S E STODDARD DAYTON Automobiles Dr. F. C. Page Mgr. Local Agency Fence I Eat- Fig .a JfjL JLJb. Duffield Bros. Offer ciiiiiK'tt Hues if all diirnlilt sliudus and hlylt-s In Ikmim slliui fur intMi, -mhuimi and i-lillilrcii. .Made of leather, of felt, tlioy lat for jcar.i mill no aniili could lo iihmv ap lui'ilatnl as Christmas Gifts riiuM lino of II Kill TOPS In tin -omity. Have a tnoh at Uu ",t ,v "M." Hup. Interstate Commerce Commission Or ders Rates on Uppers Reduced to a Basis of 80 Per Cent of Charflc Made For the Lowers. WASHINGTON. I). (. Dec. IB. The interstate commerce commission today ordered the rules for upper berths in t'ttlluitiii curs reduced to n Imsis of SO per cent of the price ot the lOwor. ..Pi - bjxpirrj - .f - t - J. E. ENYAItT, Ptcsiclcnt. JOHN S. ORT1J, Casbior. THE MEDFORD J Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 3AFC BSCPCSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GEMERAL BANKING 3US13JES3 TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT' YOUR PATRONAGE. v 5 it I reo5v4r;rnr - IT JlJ STEAM AND HOT t All Work Guaranteed COFFEEN Z 11 North 1) Pt..Mf dfoul mas :?"STIT 2 JSL. JUL. -A. Confection YOUNG MEN OF MEDFORD, THIS IS THE PLACE TO COME FOR FINE CONFECTIONS. YOU GET SOMETHING FOR YOUR MONEY HERE AMD THE RECIPIENT WILL LOVE YOU "EVER AFTER RECEIVING THE GIFT. i luy I s s A Fancy Box of Candy AND WIN HER HEART. GOOD CANDY. YOU LADIESWE SELL THE FINEST PIPES SUPLIES TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. Ritter & rj4-r m rr. '- -- - - I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT it w union Livery mid will vonduot a general feod and hoimling establishment. Horses boarded by tho day, week or raontb. I Rimraaleo a squaro doal to nil. R. GDANYAW I'MON LIVERY BARN. Land For SaSe Fertile fruit and all'aU'a land in small and large traels. Cleared and uncleared. Terms and price reasonable. Address Box 16, IIHWiIiI'iIiiIHWHIM-I. I County Seat Real Estate Office Jacksonville, Oregon, tl - uu iM. uis ib, i.e li.neuiii- i ..I'.ui.i l.iuclii'-. Dur AimlotrHt M, i i.. ...... .. ... .. iiuitiiuuuio vi wnivr i.n -wxillo i. the cixiiiiv oat an iUT -.WtMIl ( i .1 1 i.l set' tl". WVII illlt-IVitt 1'ersoiinlly, you mny not like the publisher, the editor, the punier, the atluian or the printer's dcil, but when you can talk to VJ.UUO people ly ntUcrtisinjc in the Jledfoid Mnil Tribune, from a lnc-mos stand)oint WON'T Y0.1T FEEL THAT YOU WOULD HE DOING A WISE ACT 13Y USING HEASONABLE AMOUNT OF SPACE -.4 4 H If ou are sure Hint your store of fers iicttcr values than any other 1.1 your line, be equally sure tlial it is better udverlisod. Ifasldn1 for Itc'ilfli. r'rii A. PERRY, Vicc-Prosident. V. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. NATIONAL BANK 1 1 i IS wo--v---i--SO-f- ti Tirvrtjtfrcyyftftfv - .tfrft fta.tft?''j'r.ft ymix r WATER HEATING Prices Reasonable 8 . PRICE Ore. Phone 303 "Her" - CANT GO WRONG BY GIVING AND SMOKERS' Dimlap- - rsr' - ssrsfwAAc, - - - -- -- - I HAVE PURCHASED THE RIVBHIDE AVENUE. . ti Tolo, Oregon iii !..i. uii-Ii.nd. ttiniinj- ., ..i .ilL l.tmli.. n u.,....m ' ' '. V . ""'". ' i nriuainm. Hon t tor-t that .!'- k that it U uistallinif an im.i.,..i ,-.. Will. ' Stables STAFF OF LIFE. AT ALL GROCERIES AND RARDON'S BAKERY. PRIVATE WIRE PHONE 1831 GRAIN AND STOCK BROKERS W. L. BAIN LOCAL MGSt. NO. 10 NORTH FRONT ST. MEDFORD, OREGON v A ft The merchant must never relax !us anxictv to create buying opportuni ties J or his patrons not olio now ;uid then, but an endless cliniu oC tlioin. A STORY AB OUT PANT S Some people priTer to call them y routers," but any way. Ihev are made bv the "Oil Woolen Mills," of .Mnyficlil. Kv.i und are tlie best in tho world. . . They start ihe line with tho genuine Old Kentucky -leans at $1.25 a pair, and run to the fine all-wool grades at ip'O.UO. otto WARDROBE WEST MAIN ST. Offutt Roraes Auto Co. OKN'KRAL OVHKHAULINO & MACIIINK ItKI'AlIMNG. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PI ION K MAIN G231. f..i.in (Vnlt.ri Am nud 8th -St Mcdlnd, Or. MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, i S JJJLK.KCTOR. I'lWMIHWttMt.M'l if,J 1 Moss S Co. ? Automobiles ' Pure Clear Sparkling You cm 'I afford to do without tins splpudid, lefreshinK tlriul. ''1 up and order a case sent to ho ho'ise. Tho purest, most '..-.ii.hti! (Irjnk known is SISKIYOU MINERAL WA-TE R P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. i LUY (Si COLLINS j-w4-4-v-ir4-4,444444j-.4rHt.4r-tf..iv4.4g,r "T"T 7