WI M . - -.. .-. ll- i?i'fr'qH jft,6 MW't'6KTBlV'jHfcv. T5 r '7 3. j. - - ..--! a MKTrKOKD 7MAI n TlUnrKIC, M 10I)KOI?I), QIM'XIOX, St'XDAY, DKfMHUQI? 1, inm. AAmmtht mww. iqiif FtR.FOR PAVEMENT URGED rilRTLAMi New Mafkct for Orcnon Produc' Gives Wonderful Promise Tim hcrmen Arc Much Interested in tin Matter. CORN GROWERS p i- ' ,? j i? F m l- I- 44 14 !' i fo T iv i 1 w f ft AREiENTERTAINED Winners of Great Corn-Growinn Con test Arc Given Royal Gieeting by President and Secretary Wilson In Wasliinnton. WASHINGTON. I). (, Dec. 17. Hli-von country Iiojh, tho 1 1 lii'Ht com gurnets In tho United Slates, from 11 KoiitliPin sfnten, lmvo Junt licon Hit riichH of Scrictiuy of Am-lcultuif Wllrou, ulin declined tlisC tltey an tbo prltlo of his licfli t. He innlM no rert of tlm fart H-at ln Ik most Jeal OUH Of tllClll. It WUH tlllOURll tllPHC joiini; iiKili-iiIluilHlH and tlio medium of Hie bc.vs' rorn dubs tti:it tin unit! riitiilHlu-d nt-.iily oni-tlil:d of tin- na tion's nop of (orn for J 91(1. Tlmif 1 1 leaden) of tlm nntlon'f fjtrn.ciH ate men- IiiiIh, lioyii wbo lnnl In f?-t oetinud rroin'BeliooI In older lo altPHil tlm HPcn-tarj'H "p.mtv". I'oyH wlio i'(t rv.lniiuliiK vv1hmi tbev can get an liom off fioin Hit- lioeliiK and Urn ba.vlnr. In Hip hot minimm time. Thpy mo, lioHldi-H their oilier dlMllnt'tloiiH, tlm youiiKcst com t;i')W pih In tho world who havo achieved nncli honor. The 11 joitiiK fanneiH are thu wln norn of the coin KrowhiB contt-Ht which Iuib heon koIiik on la alumni eory Hoiilhorn Htntu Miico plnntlm; time !aat bpiIiik. They won out In competition with no less than lfi,2.'i5 othur ImyH. Hacb of Hipho lalfiod an aeio of corn hint Hiimmor. Tho hiu vem of each wan i.ent to the countv faliH, win-in the rirHt pi!7P won awauled In each lonnty. Then the wlnnciH of Hip county fair compctl tluiiH Kent nelectloiiH of their pioiluelH to tlio Mtato raliH In 11 muti-ii. The wlnneiH In the Htute conti-HtH whip choHon nml, iitcoiilliiB to tho porvi Ioiih or tho ctnti-Ht, tho winners or the Htutn contPMtH wcor to bo Hunt to WaHliliiBton to hpo Secietnry WIIhoii, and throiiBh tho boihI orflct-H of "Un cle .11m" they wore Invited to tho White llniihii. wlieio IMcHldont TaH told thorn how pi oud tho nation was of tH woild-lu-nHiiB coin riciwois. Of tho 1 1 boyH, ono camp fiom piich of tho HtatoH of Oklahoma, Tpniih, Ai' 1H,11BI1H, TlUlllOHRCO, MIshIhbIpiiI, I.oiiIh luna, Alnhania, (U-oiBla, South Caro lina, Ninth Caiollna and Virginia Their i-roiJ run fiom 10 to t. The conli'htB wom Iiiiitltutpd by the Kurm iii f' Co-opeiatlvo and DenionHtiutlon lnnpaii of tho ilupurtniout of umlcul tiio thiouijh the medium or the boyH' cun clubH. Moiu-j to pay for tholi flpH to WiiHlilui,tnii was lalKcd b) iiiloun iiipiiiih In Home InstaiiioH piihlle-inliiiH-d Inillvlduals volunteoiod to pit) Hip oxpoiiHPH or the pil.e win jpi rioin IiIh iitato. Senator Onto or Oklahoma a leHpoiiKlble fur the lad from IiIb Htato. In other i-.ihpm KtatP bankets ttBHoclaUinw oi other H'ate oiBanliriitloiiB iiRieed to defiav ll-e pxppiiHim of ono ho for one week. Ill WuHliliiKtmi the Iioh wpio paid ll-i IiIkIikhI Iiohoib pnmHblo by the do pnitmeiit of iiBrlculluiP. Upon their aulval limy woio tuiiieil oor to Sec rc'itn WIIhoii, vhom they bine Ioiir wnmblpped fiom arm The Heeie lai adopted them on hIbIK. Ho llihtKh thev mo Hip riimrt II bujs i; i utiiiitiN rei pioduced. WHO CAUGHT THEM LONDON, Dpi-. 17 llui-jliii win Killed two polipi'iui-ii Im-1 innlil m a pihtol lllll'l Willi flP I'tllPI olllPPI- wpio tuimelllliu: to u null rnnliiiiiinv 4-111(1,11(11), iiiMoiiliii(f to iiiloiiuatioii KlVPli nut lit Seotlanil Vuid. The lohliur bail htaitml I lie tuuiu-l fiom ii lunihu in (.'utlor xticd to tlr miiiIU ol tlio Ilenroi llanib jeweln xliup at lloiuulbiliteli, mill tlio Ihiiiiiu wiim ileal l enmpli-tpil. A pnheemai) ilteoPH)il the tunnel ami huiiiiuoiiciI help, III Hie liitlit that Inllnwcil l" puljeo oltieeu won- lulled nml tlit nilihi'io iiocapetl. A eoip of .'ill (le-luctm-ft in KeeKiuic (lie liui'liiir. Sons of Veterans. Attention, Kun.uf Voteiiin. I'. S A.: t'lieolor A. lutjpu- I'uiiip, No. DU. ol .Meilloul will unlet uaeh weok, lie Xinuiiitf ui-.M MoiiiIiin uiitlil. ul Aitule Opera Iihiihc All nit'iiiliti eoiue mill liulp aiiuiitiP tor iipM eaiV ot lieyn Hill! otliKi buimhi. (ll-;0. . DYKK. H. V. Coin. 3:11' If Voltr prupjikitiun i not n tfitl onu. HihuilUinv hi thi newnpHpei' will (tot pw.V .voil. D it i, it will, l-'or tlio puyplp who mt inlluHiicisI li. Hit wrtlniim "know" and ilm. inpKti jrnlo lliut wliicli hppiiu u leuritiiuiiie !iiKitiuillv, Mini ihf ikoMi that hI wlueli iloph nut "nii' 1 1 iii-" BURGLARS KILL POLICE PORTLAND. Or.. Dec. 17. Uhp or Ori-Bon fir ror wood block pavt-mont on a laiRo scnlc, not only In Poit liuiil, but thioUBhoiit tho country, b i new mmkut or woiiilorful piomln ror the iinllmlteil tnrest product this htate whl'-li Ib ciik:ikIiib eilnm hoiiBbt or local lumber oppiatoiH Wood blot-K paeinont Is riovIub Ip 'avoi aiiniialh HiibIiiooiIiik and en luraucp testH havp piocl tlio Oreoi wood capeclally uffli IphI. And jp liiiKon rir has flBiuuil In tin- pavlm uiplily lo an almost unnppn-clabli jiiinifut. Poilliind and Oicon Biiwntlll nioi lope to boo a chaiiBP. Thoy know hat about 'it oi IK) per cent or even I en dit In the roii-BlB or this Hint- ,'oph now iib waste. All the uppi ioi Hon or the Biiperb trunk, which I i.iBsed at pichPiit In the demand ro iIbIi-i-Iiihh Baw Iors, In left to bun i. lot. Tin-go lipotopn would bo Reed ,:nv Iorh In other IiiikIb, but out lieu' he htand.iids ot lumber aie ho IiIrI" hut thoy me not touched Moie be: mil ruinlUiie ractoilos have bcei iiiBBCBted aa a meaiiB ror urliiR tin Inreilor RradoB of lumlmr Hint louli! )i inaniiractuit-d rioin tieetopB and orb now k-rt In Hie rotPHl. but un lor pxIbHiir econonlc, tiauipoitiiHoi mil mm Kill (ondftloiiB Hipho aet-iu t' io Impracticable. Wooden bioi K pavement N now be itR tinned to iib an even moie pioni hIiib markot. TIiIh Ib a ninti-ilal whlc i an be made or a vt-iy Knott or biok ii trunk llundieds or mlllloiiB o hi'iii i on Id bo tinned out month!' 'i oin tojiB lc-rt by IorrIhr opeintloiiH iood woodoa IiIocKb (oiniuanil a bet or flRiiro than loidwood, and in loubt Is fell that under piopei condl oiih a vast pin Hon or what Ib how hiown away iib waste could bo Hiived ad inndP to yield mmij huuilio'' thoiiHiiml dollalrt to tho uoitbweHl ner tho picBt'nt timber and linn mr lncoino. A Committee 1Mb been named b he Oiproii .t WaHhlni'.ton Lunibpi Manuracluioii' in-soilatiou to take up - Htudv or wooiIpu block piiwnnont, mil will make Its fliHt iopoit at the neutliiR of tho aHBOclatlon to be hold mum low artoinoon. I-'ai-ts have boei .itl-Pied or the pioriphh mucin In ihp ot thin niateiliU. and all aio hiii irlBcd al tho uiplil incli-ast'. Man IIIob an- iibIiiR It oNtonrlvelv, am atlsraiHoii U ho Rieat Hint tho men mpi1 oiilaiROS nipldlv. A nolHi'lPhs pinliiR on which Iioim an Ri-t a fnoHiiR. and ol which ha Hi iiNPiiiRo weailiiR lire, Ib the Rieat limldeiatinn or pavliiR oiiRlneen Wooili'ii bloiK. PHpeclally Hip IourI Iiukciu Hi. piiibodli-H these element nolo loniplelelj than an other Tlin It Iiiih not bi'Pii iihi'il moie Ib a Bin rise to tboHo ranilllai with Its ipial 'Het. To Ret the northwi-Bt liimlx uiiuuractiiiPiH la pciHltlon ti piofl ij tlio Inimense buslnpB sun- to loin nun a levhal In wood block pa ub th" special loiinnltlee of I oca nen will pn-BH Hh wink ror nionllif f r H CbliiiRO. New YoiK and nine awtein cltlen, and even lleilln an I'ails. tan attoul to um wmuli- iIoiKh fin pavement eteiiHlvel , linn bet inanulactuieiB an- niniu'lliiR win I'oitland. Taconia and Sitatlle, the ww heiut or the Rieat Hi liu!uliv mould not une moie, becaiiBo tit Hit lelatlvo iheaimeBH heie. Ladies, Why Not Preserve Youth and Beauty? Yoiii I'niiHiiii Siirp, the tpnek-ai tim hair ipxloict, im now toi miIo in Moil WI at tin- ill iib miIio of Clin Sliaiiic mill i miIiI with a i'iriiI ruiii autee nt -i) eeuti a lame bottle. 1'iiiii.nui Suio has an ituuu-UM .ale, nml heie ate the iphmmi: It it. Mile nml lianiileHh. It euiP ilaniliult' in two weeks. In ktllitiB tho ilmiiliutt uoiiii. It rttnpto ralliiiK luui'. It piompll.v btop itoliitiK ir Un neulp. It uiiiU the Ituir soul'l mnl luuii nut. It uive life mnl luuiutv o the hmi It U not ktiek.v oi' it i easy. It if. thu bet, the moot ipn-aiii mnl iiniuiuiitiitK liuir drenMi.. uimle. Coal. Coal. Coal. Coal. Coal Home M'i eliuice Kuek Spiui lump t-oal now tliH-liurttiuB. Vpi In tie inure ot tin- i-mi be lint! llu win tor. Si'P or phone W. J. UtiHu ul tlit ilruvuiau. Yn will want mum of tltix puhI. Onee tnt'il, mi wil1 ntr lie witlinilt it. I'lnuie UuU Main. '-:; TF VOUcanM iliiiikofsonietliiiiffllinl would bo useful juhI that he is sure to appreciate, just (!ll n.oi'igon 1 iiion,'s shop and see the Inrftc-jl-aiid classiest array of clothing and furnishings ever bliown in and the question will be quickh answered. , .1 We will be jileased to lav iiu:u am thing you wish and hold until ym fan 'oiim llU'11,n " ;'', r us lol. allv If yen like, wo gladly tie im umr parcels lor .vou ready to send om and s,n e x cm tne riou m. 01 tnese duties ine !(': $ CnrMI?IOATJDkrU l J SUIT CASES AND HAND BAGS: II nii w.in . Su'i i'.t-i ti I ! .ml Hub thai 5 J is sun' to mv i-'i" '" i mi n nml hiuih-5 J HitiiB tl .u will tie ai'i'iiiniil "nine and ue-J J led rioni mn IiIr u-hoitiiit nt ii i rum ' J J M.I. CHICKS t C l( t-JOUO 2 7 f twit m 9 MUFFLERS, Tlii- i the pi. i vou tiiulil i M i wii i, mm up in .". .m.BVjt SEE OUR CLOTHING, RAIN J COATS, ETC. j You blmuM i. ill and c il lino of flno iloiliin- all iit-iii iiu t s and are to pli'u-e tu J rile laiicui a ''ip v s pot. -.1 hi v find I 'I nen it i X LOUNGING AND Tin -welli t Inu vii J . ,.11 Ht .Hill till !. I "( J V t 1 1 111 I i nil lin I li 11- In J $5.00 nml up to 12 50. pleasure is jii ours. I.1... t.l. I.. N :r.iPTTHawrrrltmJti'lTi8yiin-ffi7fTO -ir-r iii I i.u.t w Jhl in'i be .1 M' tine J ii ii. tl i ltit REEFERS AND FULL DRESS SCARFS tn i . (Hon ami lb iumU'"! itteiiB Hue no i ' In it' and select tlum .it lioiu ."10c k i J A luMUtliiil wold i.Ht uiukcrx. ; J i i8 put up iu in -ivb fi- Blld WPttl J tlio ttein ror out' of bis present. .Mlc ..VU ALO.VU I'd !'J.()0 HO piles' bat OU itniltl J itMiii.t iMv' '' - . BATH ROBES: j DRESS iv(i m lor -"lulj l III. --I ' ill ' ' J "I l ii tl l ! l"l' - J s s K t mil, ln'ti- II 1 I lilt - J .1 1 II TUTn-nmr .fl fnm ttrrrr BRADLEY MUFFLERS 'I In .lie JllM the tltik to k - till lll'i s s t s s i A tun and once win wi.n inn win j S i s tihoiit om .main Wt hbow J IlB&oi tail 111 .lllllOSt all Hll.ldi'8 J lies. HOUSE COATS "too tin- ii-ntlMinii iii w oi inline i win itppiei uiie 1'ilu.l fniin $SW anil iiIoiir SUSPENDERS line tif fine lituliluv Sii end-J iK.ui'it il hollilav boxos Just J s s . 4 0 SHIRTS AND VESTS . i.i I ul .1- -hnw vou tlu lill 1- Vt ,!m ill! - 111 Im-.- J lll.lt I III I I . -I V : mil f4 Vi. M.!.'... NECKWEAR hlvnll Hum if !. i.... . ..... .i. S ii ' u'u -- in,, upvk s i...n.ij..-i .;.. . ........ ."""-. ' " innmiiiiHK nun in him i, in Dr.. oil t. o i.e.. I.. V I'IMCH.s Tt) hll s s 7 AND SMOKING JACKETS ifi(i - . Miruiliin ill I !llfll. ( ,,M nt lu Mil u lt , nuue tli.in .tint bin to f;..-ii UMBRELLAS p n.e sh..inK .. fine- lum of i.ilnp.oofl j rmbiellns for nu-n . voI(1 ,, , ,,u. In Jwloila. unltiii unit hilk tuvtirt lap,. ,.,ll!08 t-u . and Hit-piitos die v,iv iw. ' M,bt8' X 9I.00 .M)T(llii.(Mt ""....,rttt """". .tr,.tttti COLLAR BAGS AND GLOVES $ I I ! Hu p, , , , i ni i Ik i i, i ,j ,n , Villi I- Ml l ,, . 11 ' till mi t ,,11,11 'I mi u - mi .. uVt ' ' ' l I In-. w,; . - ' . 1 . U I - ' . i i ilivnl', , b " S ",,, ' : : -; : ; ' ; -: : ; : -: f I w int .ul. In - II i I in- iii I iMMMM'MMM ItoHtW f . 1M ii Tin Mail Tiilnme -.11-