Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 18, 1910, SECTION FOUR, Page 3, Image 21

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T ' ErnrfiwT
XKW YOHK. Dec. lO.Tltenk-r-goers
will loiifx Imve enuwc to rumem-
her iiiis wuck, uir u nuuu i piuys
will be loobecl before the end of the
week such us has not been known
liure i Iuiilt, long time. Tliu enr
rent week will be marked by the re
turn to tbu local stnuc of Mine.
Hornhnrdt, of Miss Julia Marlowe,
and lO. II. Sotliern, of William Oil
let t u and Miss Oljju XetherM)le, and
the produi'lioii of a long list of pluv
and the revival of many familiar
Mine. Hernhardt, after four yours'
absence from the New York singe
returns for a three week.-.' engnjii"
ment. On Monday evenim; he ap
peared in "L'Aiglon," a play in m
acts by Kdmond Kostand. Mine.
Hernhardt at the mje of (!7 appeared'
as young as the youth she portrayed
There were no .signs of feebleness in
her acting no indication of age n
her voice. The audience rose to wild
enthusiasm in the scene where the
ambitious youth is made to look at
his own weak form in the glass and
to realize the impossibility of iiU
ambitions, here her voice reached it
greatest pitch and fullest volume
The Wagram scene, too, brought
much apolaiise, and tested the pow
ers of the actress, who seems to be
beyond test. One of the features 01
Mine. IJernhart's engagement will Ik
her appearance for the first lime
here in "Jeanne d'Arc," a play b
Mons. Kmile Moren. It is not to be
confounded with the iilay of the sami
title by Mons. Jules llnrbicr, ii
which she appeared years ago. Slu
will also be seen in "Caiaille," "L.i
Sorciore," by Mons. Victorien Siir
don and Mons. Miguel Jamacois,
"Les Houffons."
"The Aviator" will be reviewed in
next week's letter.
"Macbeth" at Broadway.
K. II. Sotliern and Miss Julia Mar
lowe gave a very notable perform
ance of "Macbeth" at the Bmadwav
theater. Laudatory adjectives have
long been exhausted in describing i $
their art. Mr. Sothern's "Macbeth"
was wcellent and in the scene with; X
Hnnquo's ghost, Sotliern was sn-1
.....i. !:.. r....i .., i ...i.. M....1...11. i
jfrilf. iiliss mill urn v .s uiiuv .wui-ut'ui 4 f
was a delight to the eye and ear. She! Squash
was beautiful to look upon and her1
diction was more charming than herj
face, her art as appealing as either, z
The most impressive moment of thoU
piny is when Macbeth, completely j
broken with the terrors of the ghost's J
visitation, his lady seeks to allay his'j
fears, then succumbs 'herself audi
falls hysterically weeping across his X
knees. This moment is touched with J
tender pity. It would be hard to say
where she was better in infu-ing
into the hesitant Macbeth her own
fire and steely purpose, in merging
her fears and remorses with hei
lord's after the banquet scene or ii
that sleep-walk of a distracted mind
and conscience that shortly pr
called belore the curtain by well-deserved
applause. How-land Bucii
stone as the porter was on the static
minute, out lus appear- ..i,,,,,
only a few
mice brought forth a round of an
phiuse. The witches are worthy of
mention if only for the art displayed
in their make-up. They were imper
sonated by Albert S. Ilowson, .Mal
colm Mradley and I.eonore Chippen
dale. "Mary Magdalene" at New Theater.
.Maurice .Maeterlinck's Hiblieal
play, "Mary Magdalene," was pre
sented at the New theater, with Miss
Olga Xethetsole in the title role. It
is full of poetic beauty as a literary
production. "Mary Magdalene" fol
low the Hiblieal story of Mary ol
Magdala, and her reformation
brought about by a spiritual contact
with the Nazarene. As a drama it is
not at all convincing, the weak point
of the piny, technically speaking, is
that the reformation of Mary
through the influence of the Savior
is not strongly enough emphasized.
Miss, Aetliersole acted in the mam
very well indeed. Edward Maekny
gave a good representation of Lu
cius Yenis, and Arthur Forrest as
Annoeu.s Silanus, the philosopher,
was admirable.
"Sherlock Holmes" at Empire.
Sherlock Holmes, in the person of
William Gillette, furnished thrills
galoie at the Kuipiic theater, wheic
Mr. Uillette begun a short engage
ment, reviving his famous detective
play. Never did Ibi- actor's audi
ences of other years show keener de
light, and with good reason, for he
had lost none of his power to por
tray the cool, shrewd detective who
vs was ready for the eineigeney
through his wonderful ability to
reason from the most- trivial things.
Mr. Gillette responded to nine cur
tain calls after the gas chambei
scene, but was deaf to calls for a
"Daddy Dufard" at the Hackctt.
"Daddv Dufard," a comedy by
Leclnnere Worm II and Albert Chev
alier, in which Albert Chevalier, mu
sic hall artist, delightfully acts an
old French actor. The play is a very
simple one. The first two acts are
rather titesome, but the third act i
mi good that it makes up for all
shortcomings. Chevalier's old
Frenchman is excellent. Daddy Du
fard. the old French actor, bass a
daughter in whose talents he has
much faith. She is to have the prin
cipal role in a sketch at the Cale
donia theater, but after a few re
hearsals the theater manager is per
suaded to give the part to one of his
other actresses because he is afraid
of her. The author of the sketch,
I'nnl Hammond, is in love with Du
fard's daughter, Hose. The old man
finds an opportunity to take up resi
dence as a baron in a gambling house
that is about to be raided on a
charge of cheating, mid as a baron
'ie bring the mumc hall manager to
his terms regarding Hose. The girl
makes her first appearance' uecess
t'ully, pleases the manager and re
ceives the salary that her father
think is due her. liv the third act he
ippears as Chevalier, us Chevalier
is mid U sings two coster songs,
"Mrs. 'Fury 'Awkins" and "Hight as
Niuepence." He also docs his fa
miliar "Workhouse .Man" uvitntion
In these impersonations h.- vns
splendid, and the house applauded
him vociferously. Thi was b far
the best feature of the evening, and
the play seemed merely a iuoiiolo!(U'
for Albert Chevalier. Miss Yiolet
Iteming played the leading rile
charmingly. Leslie Kcnyon was good
as the music hull manager. Artluu
Hrankstou played the French gam- the llackett theater under the
bling house manager realistically am' Hon of Frank Lea Short
K. Murker was very good u-ii
Mine. Foulard, Dufard's landlady.
Tips and Talcs.
William A. Hrady sprung , sur
prise at the Circle theater, when Jn'io
Corcoran, who has been playing tin
conlparativelv small putt of F.lV.n
beth Terhune. the show ' girl, ill
"Mother," was presented in the lend
ing role of Mrs. Catherine Wetherill.
Hiehnrd Walton Tally, who wrote
"The Hose of the Hancho" with Da
vid Hclasco, has just complete i a
stage version of Hubert W. Cham
bers' novel, "The Firing Line."
The first production of the Amer
ican Dramatic guild this season v'1
be the morality play, "Mankind," niu
the miracle play. "The Second .Shep
herds' Flay," both to be presented at
Itilliu Muiko appeared iif "Su
zanne" in Huffalo. It is a comedy
by Franz Fonson and Fernand Wieh
Truly Shattuck has been engaged
bv o,!e Weber for the role of Alum in
"Alma, Where Do You Live!" Slaw-ill
succeed Kilty Gordon in the
Charles Dillingham began rehears
Hoyal Mux," at Adler's Thalia the
ater, on the Howery, tonight. Mr.
ICessler will assume the role of Kd
muud Kcnn. HAZBL tiASTMAtf.
GAZFLLF, Cab, Dee. 17. Good
ale & Casedy shipped three cars o
beef fro mttiis place to Portland.
als of "Sentimentnl Sally." a play! One car contained six of the heaviest
by David and Milton Iliggins.
Knuna Dunn, who retired from the
cast of "Mother," intends to go into
vaudeville, playing the role of a
lleurv Miller will produce a new
plnv bv II. S. Sheldon, called "The
. David Kessler, the Yiddish actor,
will give the first Yiddish perform
ance of Charles Coghlon's piny, "Tho
toers ever shinned from this coun
ty ut .one time, each steer weighing
over 2100 pounds. It will be u
inenibered Unit Goodale & Cascdy
took all the first prizes awarded .it
the Christmas sale of cattle at Fort
land last year with cattle they hud
shipped from this point. They are
expecting to make another1 good
showing at the coming Christmas
Olmstead 6 HMard
For Christmas Groceries
Fruits, Nuts, Etc.
have ;just received
1000 ciuai'ts at 2
quarts for 25e.
Sweet Pototoes
Tho very finest wo could
buy at oc per lb.
rp,, ,.: !-. i'
i in iiij. .OL'L'IS
Sauer Kraut
The right kind at 15c per 0 rapes
English Walnuts
Tin's year's crop and are
An especially good pack
age at 10c. Heinle bulk
mincemeat in jars.
Now Is kHe Time to Buy Your
Christmas Things
Is a Christmas Store Now
oxcepitonally nice. Per
lb., 25c.
Filberts, Almonds,
Fresh Eggs
For your pumpkin pie, 50c
"We are anxious to give our friends the best possi
service, and we ask that you make up your order
? bk
ecedes X a,1(l 0iX Uii l-s early as possible. "Wo
her death. The production of ".Mac
beth" is- probably the most elaborate
that New York has .seen. It is given
in six acts and 20 scenes. The test
of the play is given in full, with the
exception of a few lines here anil
there. Of the siipportiuir cast, Fred
crick Lewis, as Macduff, shared tlu
honors of the evening with the lea-ling
characters. In his grief, lifter
the revelations of I?oss, he brought
tears to the eyes 0f many. lie was
thing wo sell, and if by chance anything is wrong return
ii to us and wo will gladly adjust it to your sattslaction.
Phone 571.
Olmstead & Hibbard
Phone 571. West Side.
The store is full of giveable things. Beautiful, appropriate, acceptable and still useful and sensible.
Handkerchiefs, Waists, Bags, Hosiery, Veils, Neckwear, Petticoats, House Slippers for men and women,
Etc., Etc.
H1---- 4
French Kid O loves; two-clasp; in black
and all popular shades (
French 'Kid C5 loves, black, white and
colors, two-clasp length
Silk lined Mocha (i loves for winter wear,
in black :
Clark's Make
rays a
Silk Hosiery r,
"WKLCOaiN (1IKT Black silk Hosiery,
with lisle garter tops, heels and toes
Clark make guaranteed fine lisle nose;
best made: for
r '"'
Charming Waists
Our Waist superiority is recognized.
Waists of all silk taffeta, in black
Silk Waists in newest designs; plain with
net yokes; assorted colors
Persian plaid, mcssalino and taffeta silk
Waists in a variety of latest styles, at ....
Suits at less than coafe price. About-f0 newest
"Winter Coats, selected from our most desirable
make, will be sold at cost prices.
Leather Bags
Handsome gift for XniasCoat Seal Bag, lined
with leather or i noire silk; good gunmotal tf 1 A)
or gilt
frames, at
$10.00 Coats
$12.00 Coals.
$15.00 Coats .
$20.00 Coats,
$25.00 Coats .
$:15.00 Coats
.... $8.50
.... $9.50
.. $13.50
.. $16.50
.. $22.50
mmrxcrri wLmmSX
Christmas Presents for Everyone
For the holiday trade we have secured a very high-class line of novelties and staple articles, any and all of whichjnake
HiAuibiTJiJ and DESlKAbLilii unnstmas urns-
A Swell Line of
Leather Goods
"There's Nothing Like Leather." And
nothing like tho selection of leather novel
ties to be found anywhere in town, that
equals tho collection in our new Leather
(Joods I)epartment.
A few hints as to what we have:
Music Rolls, Brush Sets, Hand Bags, Card
Cases, Bill Books, Pocket Books, Coin
Purses, Combination Bill Books, Cigar
Cases, Manicure Sots, Picnic Sots, Writ hit?
Sots, Stationery Sots, Xote Books.
New Arrivals in Toilet
Articles and Novelties
Toilet Sots, Thermos Bottles, Atomizers,
Perfume and Toilet Water Retainers, Fancy
Soap and Powder Boxes, Shaving hots,
Combs, Brushes, Military Brushes, Work
Baskets, Mirrors, Posl Card Albums, Sta
tionery, Cigars, Fountain Pens, in fact space
will not allow a full list of the many beaut i
J'ul presents in this collection. A visit to our
store will surprise you.
109 East
Main. Phone 232
West vSide Pharmacy
Fruitgrowers' Blclg;. Phone 651