MUDFCJID MAIL TUIBI'NM, mm?OUD, OKtidON, Kl'J)AY, DKCKMIJKK IS, 11)10. JM.MW,W. l1 "W NE1LL HIKES A ERBSTEiN JURY IS HOPELESSLY DISAGREED IS SUICIDE Ml .Hcd a throiuth tickit.i" L Angela Inm K Pn mi. He (,.(( the suitca-.' and other baggngo on the train. The jodv will be hold at Ogilby n.idin the receipt of instructions from lin den il man's roliitiu-. ' Ilaskins for liealth. J 44r, J J L. CHRISTMAS REMEMBRANCES j NO f v I W ' r r 4i Government Official Acts as Arbi trator Between Engineers and Railroad Managers In Executive Session. CHICiVOO, 111., Doc. 37. Answer. iiiK tlio iippi'iil of (ho (L wx'Hturn ruilruiulrt threatened with n slriku of their engineers unless they n'uiil in inerense of wall's, ConuniHsionei of Lubor Chmlus 1'. Neill arrived in Chicago today to confer with the railroad maunders. Neill and the representatives of the railroads went into an executive iiicelintr soon af'tet liis arrival, lie will meet the repre sentatives of the Hrotherhood of En yincers Monday. Neill and Chairman Knnpp of the interstatu commerce njiiiiuixhion have lieoii asked to nihil into the dif ferences between the railroads mid their locomotive oniiioors under the provisions of tho Kidman act. GARNET-COREY OPENS STORE Great Crowds Flock to Opening of Handsome Establishment Hot Biscuits and Dustpans Given Vis itors at Opening. CHICAGO. 111.. Ucc. 17. A disa greement was reported by the jury which has been Vuriwr the case ol Charles Erbsloiu, churned with hav ing attempted to bribe jurors in the trial of Lee O'Nuil Mrownc. It was reported that the jury was evenly divided. .Judge Ilrcutano or dered a retrial during the present term of the eifnrt. Died. COU,IK At the Southern Oregon hospital, .Medford, Or., December 17. 11110. V. ,1. Collin, who has been n resident of Central Point, for some time. With store advertising so effective thai every copy of lliis newspaper becomes a salesman for you, you'll find that business continues to im proveto the verge of your capacity to handle it. Waut-adverlise for work for .t strong want ad is nil the "influence'' you'll need. AT LONELY SPOT Man Leaves Train on Desert and Cuts Tliroa't With Janticd Edge of Rusty Can Had With Him Picture of a Girl. r ' Kli CKNTKO, Cul.. Dec. J 7. -Sheriff Puck today is investigating the case of Harry Kane, said to be a member of a well-known family who is reported to have left a South ern Pacific train at Ogilby, a h(h tiou on the desert, and committed suicide by cutting his throat with jagged edge of a tin can. ICiiue was honorably disclaimed last .Monday from Company I. Twenty-third t'liited Slates jul'aiilrx at Kl Piiho, Tex. He boarded a train and started for Los Angeles. In (he poekelM of Hie man' clollir weru Kane's discharge (tapers' letters from Kane's parent in New York', asking him to return home. There also was a photograph of beautiful girl. The man had purib RfyrypfO We are showing a very fine I rtLVILIYlDLJK line of Cutlery, Silverware,! Nickel ware, Carving Sets, Roasters, Gnus, Sport-1 ing Goods, Etc., Etc. To Trade for Seattle Income Property 56 acres. Fine im provements; 40 ac. in- bearing orchard, balance set to trees 24 years old; less than 2 miles from city; price $55,000. ROGUE RIVER LAND CO. i tOW-fl-St-ft-- U N- CENTRAL AVE. MKUJFOltD, OR. Yon will rind the above named articles to lit- most appropriate for gift ar-S tieles. . I (Vmie here before selecting your Hm'slums remembrances wo may be X able to save vou some monev. I X w,,, lNs s s rr9 & NICHOLSON HARDWARE CO, t v rrrr rrrr - S s s s X X l MAIL TRIBUNE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS I -i- & f t4 941 & 4 s5wgasgBaiMBiyvii Did you get out to tho opening? -Most every one in this neck of the woods was there and they saw a liurdwiiro store that was in keeping with anything found in any city ol tho land. From 1 :H0 to into Satur day evening the big double store jus I opened by the. Oarnett-t'orey Hard ware company wus comfortably fill ed wjth eager throngs of visitors. Every portion who visited tho store . went away with a 'souvenir in th? . shape of u dustpan that will cor ' tainly be appreciated. Tho visitotrs . were treated to hot biscuits and strain's of music. Oarnett-Corey, Co. are to be con gratulated for having such u well nppojn'tod ' iiiiM commodious store, Everything is conveniently arranged ho Hint shoppers can look easily and cpiickly. Tho stock is virtually nil new, bought especially for the now - store, and when it was spread out on r show it certainly did loom finer than anything over exhibited in this sec tion of .the country. .Medford is certainly proud to have z sueh a store here and no dmib) hip ; wlutl it will bo most loyally snp- ported. r Tho windows extend south on z (Jrapo street for a diMnneo of our 'III feet uud across the eutins front : some ."0 feet, milking over SI) feet ol j the finest show windows in the stale : I auing into eoiisideialiou that Ih ". store is modern in uvory particular I fixtures mudo.of nulivo fir and eiv - conveniently arranged uud, conl ering tho lighting, windows uud aii ' this store is certainly I lie lines hardware store hi tho slule. I.illlo more enn be sunl. i.v.i.i.i I Inil there aio ici io.miin Ihi men ! uud women nil eoiicuieutl. located and overy one in invited to iim- (.m. looms whenever they come down j ' lown. When you ure tired, :just drop in ut Ilia Cbunetl-Coiev llaidwai.' conipaii.v and lake a rest. One lea ' lino of tho opening wus Hi,. oIim-iv nlory on tho roof, the eniuv build ' iuif buing owned by the IMIe eompum. Iohl of tho visiljor took a ride on the first elevator uxor installed ic Ibis city and spent a few moment -on tho roof, where vou e,m see jui over the entire Houe Kiw-r x.ille, . I SHERIFF AND POSSE ON MURDERER'S TRAIL SAN IHKUO, Tub, Dec. 17 A liuW under Sheriff .Inmiiuu todax , huarohed tho JhiiiuI valloy, .'(() miles east of hon. fur the iniirdoier of M. ft, .Man, a -liVx-OHi-old iimelior win. wns shot uud killed vetcrduy. Mau's body win. found by his brother when he returned Truiii h trip to Janiul . I i Mil nigui. i no cninii in diM.nit and hud been The brothurk lived j,om. ,u ranoh, whiah U m a louHv smi in the vnlloy. Jt is beliexed ihe irt large uin of money eoivieil m ih (tabiii. It i not kiuiHu wlieih,.,- M. money xvah secureil by the imnideis. To every lady who visits our si ore before Christ mas day we will give a usei'iil Souvenir. &n& a Christinas Greetini Medford Furnitur eCoo The'On We are prepared to lay aside par cels for delivery on the day before Christmas. Now we're off. This week will be devoted to bargains. A SPECIAL SALE OF ROCKERS at priced never be fore heard of. A big discount will be given on our entire line of Furniture, Rugs, etc. Come early. This mam moth stock will be slaughtered for one week, ending Dec. 24. A souvenir and present for all. They are free. The wants of the 'Housewife are manifold, but how easily met by a visit to our China Department IS if iMmM i -. . mmmnh-r-&w-&a I I ClIOCOLATK I'OTS OLLVK THAYtf SALAD HOWLS CAK. yjk v. PLA'I'lfiS -w WI'OON IIOIiDKU'S liTflMT DISIIKS IMfKAl) AND Ul'TTKIi IM ATKS DKaSISUT IM.ATIdS MILK PriVlllWN .K-'KiMnOAM SKTS ' HOlHiRONTtTS.-luil SAUOil;S ibvVSu D'lNNKlf (.'OKKKM (T lS A Present for "Him" il is ni'iicrally Ihonhl that Dwlcct a present for a man is a very hard problem, but it should be remembered that, though he is liable to be called a "erank," still he likes some of the same luxuries that are on.joved bv the lender sex. Consider these: Plato for the plate rail Vaso for his chnmbor Rug for his bodsido Coffoo Cup and Saucor Footstool Smoking Utensils Fruit Dish for his table Clock for his mantol Mat for his bathroom Rocking Chair Pocket Knifo Shaving Utensils SILVER TABLE CUTLERY Vou should see ware. Light and strong and theplating is exei guarantee lor twenh-hw years goes with every our line of plated lent. There is a piece. .A" 1 a JU Huyy Wr;uyj 4 ,3 tl)l V" -IX V i A Present for "Her" BRIC-A-BRAC A new line which icn we are sliowinir conlni.. n... I ., .. . . . ... . - imin u.-ll . i-.n-i in sjune iniely colored i imi ir v.-ies in ii( he colors riu and wares. I ago ware is verv m.,.fiv i . .1 , . . I i '. tire iiiiriv .iin ti i I. i? . that will blend harmonionslv w h . '" ' "! ' : !11,IS,K '"" unit:. ful and ornaniiu usHortiuent of m- Jioi e.xnensive. offerinif ; wortli i Sets i line o pruvs. T! CI II).-' lev are SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES V( are ,, ... ...... i ,,. .Japanese wareat speci.,1 y ol deei). rid i imiinn.. .....i .1, M j az.;i,i wisiuv;;.,;;,:';,;;,;;, ,:,; ;' rr;1S;L,,l,J,r l,nw :J.00i,or set: si,!.,.!,!!, .,... 01 n '"u ,s V1 Ulm' decora- 7 : i i . ?i.,vu nerset. ivaiu iiitc-hcr if imimu- 4 .i.....4 i'i r "i i-7i i 1 1 ii w iiitf.i I. i ..... i t urth 1: special priee. $1.25? ,M ",m mm r v UT Medford m0fHH Hi 1 f-Q 1 1 1 1 II 1 Kvory liny somu utori-iMiiioii,. who oiiaht to (hiiiio to your hii.i ?o ti-i-wlmrrf to tlioir own Hint uiir ti nlvniitfii Ittinii yiuir .kIu-iii in; mis nut tiuti' uiiH'llni hii . - . Open Evenings Until Christmas 1 " alltlitersi ' i ti WMirafwnH'Ww - t "" """i.iiiiuaii;tifTMll uJKSZUSKamn