Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 18, 1910, SECTION FOUR, Image 19

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One Week From Today is XmasHave You Finished Your Shopping' Yet
Medford Mail Tribune
Continued rains.
Tiio Manage of th Tlxgu.
White Fair weatlior.
IJIup Haiti or enow.
Wlilto and bluo Local sliownrn
Illnck triangular Abovo whllo,
wnrmori below wlilto. colder.
White with black centor Cold.
No. 230.
In the Work-Shop of jGenius
Local Writer Surprises With Latest Production D. H. Havykins
Searcher for Truth, Gives His Impressions in Reckless Disregard
of Their Impressions on Either Writer or Recipient.
I). II. Hawkins, who enjoys mi trn
uubje reputation as a writer of nolo
on .sociological and psychological
subjects, has written a volume of
blank verse for the holiday trade,
which is just off the press. It is en
titled. "Mizraim." The author sinus
himself, "Leostine."
Mr. Hawkins uives us in this vol
ume an insight into his own o.uc'st
for truth. However, lie ipueklv be
trays that he is not a judicial ob
server. Had his brush instead of hi-.
pen been his medium of expression
he would have been an impressionist
of the deepest dye. It is this tjuul
ilv that makes the first reading ot
his book Jin adventure and a won
der, and embalms in them a poignant
zest that does not crumble away in
many reading. To interpret the
questions and existing conditions of
a busy, iion-heediiif,', corrupt world
in blank verse, spurning that cus
tomary medium, the essay, was his
aim, and it will be lonjr before lii -.
haid-driven facts arc equalled for
their intensity or directness. His
was the artist's impulsion, tlte ar
tist's pntieneu and devotion to his
work, with no eye to ulterior mo
tives. This work lakes the reader into
the workshop of genius ami slunv
the riotously rich imagination in its
unordered condition. At times tliov
arc slartlin-r in their self-revenlnient.
Such things. as all men of keen sen
sibilities and intense sympathies arc
apt to feel, but seldom say, are hero
poured out in reckless disregard o
Hie effect upon cither writer or re
cipient. There are few pages in the
book that fail to charm with exam
ples of philosophy and extraordi
nary vividness of style. Hut turning
from many of wider application it m
pleasant to gain this glimpse of the
author's quest for truth. One feels
instinctively that the man, as the
wayfarer, is none other than Mr.
Hawkins,' the student, himself.
For instance, io quete:
"Thus once did a lean wayfaroi
These and other ouestioas ponder,
As witli weary step he plodded
Lone across a desert nioon-plaiu.
Him had harsh misfortune prodded
With her twelve-lined fork of errors.
Him had life-storms rudely broken
On the devil rocks of hatred.
Slept he often on the marl beds,
Where the envy-lizards lapped him;
And, where creedal beetles stung him
With their poison tongues of malice.
rVientls betrayed him unto poverty,
Hold him into lowly serfdom.
Countrymen and patriots smote him
That he dared to sow his ideals,
Hut the world knew not his' calling.
Save to name it fruitless senrching:
Scinching (seeking) habitation
Where consistent men abideth;
Where, e'en Christian men are hum
hie. Where, e'en Christians follow Ksus,
Money For Postoffices Will Be Scarce
Until Washington's Buildings Are Completed.
.-, , . ' ; ,J j-
ffiBffiTlT'rVti1r1it,r 'rSH
l'fiTTTTTi t TiTriTiii" I ' V I'lH Ml liiTmi 1111 gVJBII iTH rl (W fly -?CX,CK!ftWIW',Wi' VSUBflV' SSl
ffiMI il & ill ILL Pl -K
HitOi.;S iJlj-l Silrih DJl - Vr' - ' a '" """"'
Children Free for Two Weeks
Let Them Run About Outdoors in
With Nature's Best Tonic One
Hearts of Her
Order to Fortify Their Systems
Teacher Succeeds In Reaching the
True, there are ninny cities nuit towns Hint want new postolllees. Few are going to get them. The capital of
the United Statu ihmhN I lie moiuy for buildings. Tho plnns to tnnko Washltiglon the wonder city of the world
C'tll for u great outlay or funds. The work has been roIiis on for a long time, and many beautliul uiilldlngH hnvo
been conitileied, The' new postolllee building tn Washington Is one of the benutlful structures Unit Is to help add
harmouT to Hie go eminent structures. The building Is a costly one-so costly, tn fact, tLat the erecting of post-
-.tlwir ,.i..j ....! inu-iw will nnvc to li ipio nr.wu uir nciihu lime io conic.
W t
Where, e'en Moralists are moral,
Where, e'en temperance men aro tem
perate!" Hut the queol for truth fails, aaid
in a closing pouring-out of his feel
ings, the author cries:
''1 would know why Mammon con
duct's, Mounts and conquers even Christ
men. Why the silks and satins rustle,
Where the pew-rents, are so fabulous.
Why' the ruicst diamonds glitter.
In the shirt-fronts of the vile men.
I would know why Chrisl-doniers
l'ass the "pinto" in ehurelily vest
ments." Hut he sees hope for the future,
for he cencludes:
"In the course of human progress
When tho eye of mortal, piercing
Through the unmeasured deep of
Scans the naked moons of Saturn,;
When man's knowledge is the sub-
Of best seeking and revealing,
Then shall man stand i'oitli appnrel-
In the garments of the god-hood.
Pence hypocracies and pretense
Must give place to generous favor!
Maj Ilnnicf, tho native weaver of
lino Oriental rugs, who has been ex
I hibiting some very lino specimens in
e Weeks & McOowan comnnu'
store, on West Main street, will go
to Ashland today and will exhibit
there for a week, after which time
lie will return to Medford lor it spe
cial clearance sale.
All lovers of the Oriental art are
urged to bear this in mind and see
Mr. Ilnnicf when he returns to Med
ford. Mr. llnuief is one of the most ox
perl rug men ever on the coast and
represents a house that enjoys the
very highest standing in ovory city
on the Pacific coast. You aro simply
investing your money when you pur
chase an Oriental rug.
Want -advertise and thus "hunt
for woijc" in the business-like way.
That Christinas should this year
fall on Sunday permits of tin ideal
vacation nrranagement for the
school children and only shouts of
approval have been heard from lusty
throats; since it became current in
formation two weeks ago that one
week of freedom from school duties
was to precede, and the other follow
the anticipated heliday: Time is thus
afforded tho young people to make
their desired preparation for the sur
prises and enjoyments of the day,
while an equivalent in time is avail
able for recuperation from excite
ment, over-onting and irregular
hours, and also for furthering other
pursuits of a social or industrial na
ture. Keep the child outdoors during ev
ery available moment of his holiday ;
let him enjoy exercise and occupa
tion in tho open air, fortifying his
system with nature's best tonic, oxy
gen. The weather will probably clear,
but if it should not, a light rain eapc
and stout shoes will provide ample
protection to the normal child for a
long run each day, even in rainy
hast week, while giving a glowiutr
nnd graphic account of the work
done in her room, u little girl belong
ing to one of the middle grades in the
local schools was heard to remark.
"When I have a nice teacher like
Miss niank 1 just love- Io have morn
ing come." Not every child has the
power of self-expression dovclopcd
to a point where she can cast aside
self-consciousness and develop un
der assigned tasks, but it is truo that
"Miss Illank," if able to foster a
similar spirit in the majority of her
young charges, understnnds tho sub
tle aro of securing an ideal educa
tional atmosphere for work. 'Tis
impossible to estimate how far slio
may be assisted in the cure of each
individual child, by wiso parental din
cipliuo at home, which involves suf
ficient exercise, plenty of sleep, reg
ular study hours and simple habits of
SISSON, Cab, Dee. 17. Tho tele
phone company lias a large crew of
mon at work hero engaged in con
struction work. They aro putting up
now poles and wire in all parts of
town, and will mnko various othor
improvements in tho system hero.
The work is. in charge of William
Lewis of Sacramento, who figures
that it will take until Jnnun'ry 1 to
complete tho job, weather pormi!,
ting. Some day there is sure to be a real
buying opoortunity for you in ouo
of the "Vor Sale" ads. Every day
thoy aro interesting. Kvery day
more and more people turn to them,
with "an eye to business."
The Mail Tribune want ads bring
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The Christmas spirit is in the air. The world's- un
selfish tim'e is upon us. We nead not remind you that the
Greatest Happiness comes to ourselves when when we make
uuicia uaypy wiui ixu&.
But we will remind you that our store is the "Christmas
Store" where you can buy "Quality" merchandise at reasonable
prices. We respectfully invite you to make this store your store
for your holiday shopping.
Medford's Big- Department Store
You know that we have a big store full and overflowing with the best line of Christmas goods that can possibly be found.
You know that our prices are always the lowest, whether on sale or at regular. Come and shop in this "Christmas Store" when
the displays are attractive and the assortments pleasing and where you will find courteous sales people will attend your wants
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Usefull Gifts
In AH Departments
Handkerchiefs- 7n- up to $..00.
Hand Bags $1.00 to lo.OO.
Suit Cases and Trunks.
Silk Waist Patterns, Silks by thu yard also Drosn
(loods in rcat variety choose a pattern for her Xtnas
Fine Hosiery 20c and up to $3.00.
Umbrellas $1.00 to $7.00.
Fancy Goods of all descriptions the finest selec
tion ever shown in all of southern Oregon.
Make Out Your List of Presents, then come here
to shop. We are confident that you will find most
everything right here under one roof and all will he of
good iuaut, righth priced.
Choose From Our Superb
Line of Ladies'
Ready-to-wear Goods
The women all appreciate ready-to-use garments ;uxl
you are sale in choosing from our lines. Von will find the
newest styles and exceptionally large assortments.
Suits, Coats, Wraps, Skirts,
Dresses, Skirts, Petticoats,
Waists, Raincoats, Etc. Etc.
Your ,si.e is here; your color is here; the kind of ma
terial you prefer is here. welcome awaits all who look.
Choose early. The prices will please.
Useful Gifts
For Husband, Son, Father,
Brother or Sweetheart
Men's Hats-$l.f)0 to sjtf.GO.
Mon's Umbrellas $1.00 to $7.00.
A .
Men's Shoos Medium and high tops the best for
wear and fit.
Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Half Jlose,
Shirts, Neckwear, Sweaters, Rath Robes, Smoking
.Jackets and everything in clothing. Raincoats, Over
coats, etc.
Hart, Schaffnor & Marx Clothing is sure to please
lor two seasons $15 to $35.
m good iualit, rignnv priced. lor two seasons $15 to $35.
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