IP TVS .- T j?"''!,rvir7,T'J ?;P ?.! i MTCDFOliT) MAIL TRTTtFNR fEDFOKT), CRTCCION. SUNDAY, DlOTMHftR 18, 1910. Eden Precinct Items STAFF OF LIFE. Central Point Items Woodville Items I II. C. Caton returned from Sac ramento Thursday night. Miss Esther Morrltt returned home Tli'itruflnv nl-nnlllf ftVUll nprknlnV. i, ii i. 0UUJ v.i.i...d - - .-.w,, . Jallfornla, and as Mrs. Merrltf health eanont ho depended on "Miss Esther will probnbly remain. M. It. England, the druggist, re turned from a business trip to Port land Thursday. The Christlnn church of Central Point Is holding a convention rally nt their church. On Friday there was an all-day service and splendid discourses by prominent speakers. Mrs. Jacob Stone of this place was taken suddenly ill ji few days ago but is now improving. John Ilamrlck left on No. 13 train for California Thursday. It Is rumored that the Central Point picture show In a short time will bo a thing of the past. Many will regret to hear this especially the young people. It was a prace where one could go and see something worth nil of 10 cents. Besides the humor ous part of it there was much his tory, such as the birth of Christ, the courtship of Miles Standlsh, etc. If this rumor be true it Is hoped that Trail The upper Rogue Rlvor Orchard ranch hns changed hands. Charles Skyemnn has returned home from the valley. Ho has taken IliiK daughter, Clara, down to Agate Uo Mr. and Mrs. Tnrfell's where she R will stay and spend the winter In :& RCllOOl. There Is going to be a false ball at Trail, Chrlatmns. Mrs. A. II. Lawrence Is improv ing. She has been under the weather tor some time. Mr. Touchet of Trnil Is' very 111. Mrs. J. T. Fry and Miss Mary Fry were pleasant callers on the Law lonco's recently. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald aro visit ing their parents on Train creek. Mr. Mayfleld of the Meadows was over on Train hunting cattle recent ly. Ed Briscoe has gono out to the valley with a party from the Red Cloud mine. EaglePoint Eaglets Last Tuesday Ed Clemens and Mr. Lewis, tho man who bought tho Tur rel place, came out on tho cars, pro em ed n rig hero and went to tho farm. It Is the old West place near Brownsboro. Ho is planning to mako considerable improvements on tho place this winter. J James Ringer, who was bndly hurt 3 last fall by having a porch roof fall 7 on him, has uo far recovorod as to bo able to c to work again. Ho Is papering his son-in-law's, Joseph Mumaw's, now house and occaclon- Inlly doing a little palntlns. Ho had &. .... his ribs broken looso nom tno spine faml is still quite feeble. Frank Manning of Peyton, wife and dnughter came last Tuesday and Wednesday went to Medford, and at tliis writln, Fildny, has not return ed. R. E. Poyton of Peyton, and wjfo to and two younger children roturned from a visit to relatives In Illinois ilast Tnesdn: and romalned hero tin- Itll Thuisday. when they employed 5ud Edsall to take them as far as I)erby, where they were met by their boii to take thorn on up homo. They 'dxprosbed great delight over getting back to our lovoly country climate. t Scott Clasplll and wlfo enmo out fiom Butto Falls Wednesday nnd went to Medford tho next day to lay In a supply of dry goods for their storo in B. F. M. F. Hanloy nnd another man whoso name I did not learn spent tho night with us Wodnesdny. Moso Barkdull, Dell Hazol, Jack - Plymalo and another man whom I .11.1 k.. Iinmii lini.ft linnn inin Inmllnir Mllll IIUC IVllWn IIUIU Ml-Vtt ! Hii.UHif, ii car of appleb Thursday and Friday. ' K, 'V A. D. Wolfer, a brother of our f'-'strawborry man, and his rrlond, Mr. Z( "Strang of Portland, came in on E. S. Wolfer Tuesday evening unan nounced. Ed said that- ut first ho hau!!y knew his brother. Elmer Spencer and Mr. Smoot enmo out Tuesday, wont 'to Medford and Wednosday made tholr final proof on tholr homestoads, and on Thursday morning took tho stage for Butto Falls. We had quito an oxcltomont horo at the Sunnysldo Wodneaday night. The leport was startod thnt Mrs. Gor n.an and her slstor, Miss Emma Amos were lost In tho fog. Thoy had start ed from their home on tho Loo Brnd shaw placo to como to Eagle Point and reached horo all O. K.. but when thoy startoj bark about 1 p. m. tho fo-; bottled and thoy being unac qualnted with tho country, took the wrong coure. I ut finally found the place about an hour ahead of the some one will he on the progressive move and start another. W. A. Cowley hns purchased the haidware store of Warner & Son. Humor is that Mr. Warner, Sr., will leavo Central Point soon to mako his home In Eugene. Hay and Ben Plggott of Washing ton are visiting here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffories. The members of the Presbyterian church hero had a very enjoynblo time at the residence of W. II. N'or cross Thursday evening. M. nnd Mrs. F. J. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs Usher, Mr. and Mrs Peneger, Mrs. S. Slmpklns, Pearl Ross, Mary Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Manning, A. J. Dunlap, Ell Jones, Dr. Pollltt, J. W. Jacobs, Mrs. A. W. Beobe were nmong the many from Central Point that went to Medford Thursday. Mr. Jacobs, the assistant passen ger agent at the Southern Pacific depot here, who was reported to have resigned, has decided to re main. T. M. Jones, proprietor of the Cen tral Point Furniture Store, has a beautiful display of holiday goods. See the windows. Dr. Ray of Medford was a business visitor hore Friday. Items Jess Ragsdnlo has been hunting for cattle for tho past week. He found a fev, nnd took them down to Trail to F. Y. Allen. J. T. Fry has been hauling hay down from his son's, C. R. Fry's ranch to his own ranch. Fred Warner hns rented the Blg ure ranch for n few years. Rubo Johnson, F. Y. Allen nnd Dave Pence went up on Trail creek to got some cattle recently. Chauncoy Dennis Is now lsltlng his homestead on Trnil. He has been working for tho Cinges of Bea gle. Oliver Gaines visited Trail recent ly. Miss Gladys Allen, who has been working In Medford for some time, came up to visit her father, but while vlsltitu; at G. Lynch's got water bound nnd could not reach homo. By A. O. Kowlett. hunters. They ran across Mr. Grey, who lives on the old Moomaw place, and he put them on tho right track, but they got bewildered in tho fog and tramped for quite a while In stlckoy before they found tho plnce, and now they laugh at their first ex perience in sticky and tho fog. Mr. and Mrs. Quackenbush, the new coiners on tho Loo Bradshaw place, went to Medford Friday eve ning to romnln until Sunday. Married By John Wntklns, J. P., Mr. Monday and Mrs. J. A. Bbzbot, I in Eaglo Point, the ovonlng of the 1 1th of Dccembor, 1910. Daniel Y. hidings, secretary of tho Rogue Rlvor Valley Orchards company of San Francisco, Oil., spent tho night with us Wednosday. Ho was horo looking nftor tho Inter ests of tho company. Thoy have the Ulrich-Hamllton tract of land at their disposal and ho was hore also to in terview othor parties who own large tracts of land. Ho seemed to think that this section of the country will soon bo quito a prominent factor in jjackson county. J Mr. Ainstondor and two holpers ' camo out Friday to survey off the I Bradshaw placo. They are stopping jat tho' Sunnysldo. CHRISTMAS BEEF FOR PORTLAND PURCHASERS 1 GAKKLIitt, Cnl.. Dee. 17. Good- , ale & Cu-edv shipped tluee cur-. nt heel' fro inthis place to I'ortlniui. One ear contained six ol the homiest steers over shipped from thir. coun ty nt one time, each steer woiKliin;; over 2100 pounds. It will bo re ineinborod thnt Goodnle & Cased took nil the first prizes nwaided ,it the C'liristiniitj salo of cnl tie nt Port land Inst year with cattlo they had shipped from this point. Tliey an expoetinir to make nnollier nood showing nt tho coining Christinas siilo. Improving Sisson System. SISSOX. Cnl.. De'. 17. The U'le phone eninpnnv lias a laijje rev j men nt woik horo oiiKiiuctl in eon .miction work. Thoy aio putting ii now polos ami wiro in all paiK o town, and will niuke minus nthi iiuproveineniri in Ihe system lier? The work i- iu oharjro of Willi.un i I.owis of Sacrninento, who ii-run that it will take until Januan 1 t I cnmplete the job, weather peiuu. lui'-'. i i ' Ilu-kins for health. C. T. Payne and family of Ferns Valley wns In Talent Inst Monday. Mrs. Mark Fern of Fern Valley was over attending tho bazaar Thursday. Mrs. W. R. Colemnn of Jackson ville was out to Phoenix Thursday. Joe Rador nns had a large street lamp installed In front of his fine bungalow home south of Phoenix. Mrs. J. F. Wortuinn of South Medford was In Phoenix attend ing the bazaar Thursday. Mrs. Joshua Patterson of North Tnlent, and son Clay, were In Med ford trading Thursday. Mr. and, Mrs. Louie Colvor of Phoenix were in Modfmd attending tho piny, Princess of Patches. Mrs. G. A. Jlorris of West Talent was one among the ladies who con ducted tho bazaar Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Hughes of Fern valley were In Phoenix last Thurs day afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Anderson and Mrs. John Graffor of North Phoenix wore over Thursday to attend the bazar and trading in Phoenix. Mr. nnd Mrs. 13. F. Jacobs of North Talent were trading in Med ford Thursday. Mrs. Pllkingtou of Roseburg is visiting her mother, Mrs. Hoxio of Pohenlx. A. S. Furry of South Phoenix Is over in the Butto creek section buy ing cattle. Mrs. C. Carey of North Talent wns attending tho bazaar at Phoenix last Holiday Sweets At OS X JL.I. Rardon's Grocery and Bakery "The Home of Good Things to Eat" THE GREATEST DISPLAY OF CANDY EVER - i i i SHOWN IN MEDFORD. FANCY BASKETS AND BOXES, ALL SIZES AND PRICES; FANCY NOV ELTIES TO SUIT ANY WHIM OR PURSE; NEW pi I II. I I M I I, . t YORK.DELATOUR CHOCOLATES; IMPORTED FIGS AND DATES; SHELLED NUTS, IMPORT ED AND DOMESTIC; 1000 LBS. FRUIT CAKE. Tons of Medium-Priced Candy. See our dis play at both Stores W. H. Rardon & Co. 135 W. Main 36-38 N. Central R. F. GUERIN a co. 4 MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, Have a number of APPLICATIONS FOR FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS of from $500 to $3000 to return investors 10 per cent per annum. If you have money to loan it will pay you to invcstiijate them Troutman Orchard Heater The world's standard of They burn air. Made in seven types to meet any requirements. Special prices for short time. We also manufacture the lard pail hears. Write Karl 11. Wundt, General Agent, Meridian, fdaho. Thursday afternoon. Mrs. A S. Furry has tho dress maker out from Medford this week sowing for her. J. S. Spltzcr of Talent went to Medford after a load of groceries for his store, Friday. Gcorgo Chandler came out from Medford Friday morning to sco his father, Wllles Chandler, of North Talent. Duffield Bros. i Offer complete line of nil ileslrnblo similes ami Mjles In Iioiim' slippers fur men, women ami dilblreit. .Made of leather, of felt, they Inst for joins ntitl no at tides could lie moiv ap preciated IIH Christmas Gifts Finos! lino of 111(311 TOPS III (lie county. Have n look nt the ".I. .V M." line. efficiency and economy. I .1. Reed, hrother-ln-lnw of J. A. McCord, hns lionet tho Cornell ranch, south of Woodville. Mr. Heed Is planning; IjIb Improvements nnd expects to htilld a fine farm house on the place. Chnr'o Gay, tho game warden, was In Woodville tills week on hnsl ness connected with his office. J. Owens Is remodeling his hiilld liiK and putting It in shape for tho drug store'. Hall llros. have put In a pool hall In AVoodville. Mayor Mathews is bimy this rainy weather, draining the streets and making other Improvements. Wo hopo to soon have sidewalks and everything tip to date In our thriving town. --- - ----- --- - - I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE PURCHASED THE Union Livery Stables nnd will conduct u general food bonrded by the duy, woek or month. I gunrttuteo n square deal to all. R. GUANYAW t UNION LIVERY BAltN. . - I 9tpp-s99ppJJ&&' Determined to Sell This beautiful country place, comprisinn 14 acres, is located within a mile of Medford upon one of the best country roads in the valley. It is practlcr.iiy all sot to trees, with a family orchard in bearing. The huildinus, which could not he duplicated for less than $2,700, are all new. Tho house (hunnalow) is exceptional ly attractive. For the next few days We have heen authorized to offer the property at the low price of $3000.00. Any reasonable terms will he accepted. Arranrje to sec this uarcjaln Monday. If the price is not rirjht, make us an offer. Huntley-Kremer Co. 214 FRUITGROWERS' BANK BUILDING. irf' TIMBER LANDS WANTED List with us what you have for sale. Timber cruising and estimates furnitshed. HARRIS TIMBER LAND COMP'Y 208 FRUITGROWERS BANK BLDG-, MEDFORD, OREGON. Medford Ircm Worlis E. 0. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. "TT To the People of . Medford Not lniijr auo we purchased the stock of the Southern Origin Tea - Col'tiiu Co., ami Inivc . inco greatly uiilaryi'd it. We now ;iit a coinploti! lino of tttaph and fancy iiiceiicH, I'niils and cm tallies, ax wo u tho Ini'uasl took of Cul'ft'o in Soutlieiu Oic von. In fact, wo havo overylliiiiir iu our lino for tho holiday tiad We ai'j not on Main si met iu a liiy hrick block, bill hac i In I-cIiik Htuiid on a side hlreot, Kit Ihoroby our oxpausex aie liit and can defy compotitioii. We ieiiiCHt that you ive iik Hie you laoncy. Southern Oregon Tea and Coffee Co. lMIONi; A1AIN" 101)1. mmmammmmmmimiimmmm County Seat Real Estate Office JacKsonville, Orojjon, I l.i - iiuiueroiu choice haiKUum la citv IiU, orchard, l'ai'inin and alialla lanclies. Our Applupito vailed lauclios io buruaius: a'l li ni' mi abundance of water fir in uralum Dmi't forvet that Jaik a villc in the ctaiilv ct an1 Ih.tt it i intallin an up-to d.i'e w iti'i f U i.. ( iiiiki aid sie ii- We'll iuti if t u CUY fa COLLINS W. ,T. Vawter was In Woodville on Tuesday. ltov. MuKoo of tho lluptlal church Is in town assisting Hev. Coon In the meetings hero. Several have heen added to tho church membership horo during theso meetings. Ilaumbach and Campbell wero In town on Monday. These men aro at the head ot our now bank, and, while here, had a meeting of tho stockholders. Miss Elder Stollo Is clerking In tho it. C. IContner Co.'s storo here, during the holldny rush. Mr. and Mrs. W. N Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Campbell and Dr. and Mrs. Oovlno of Medford, spent last Sunduy In Woodville, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,T. Jacobs. -- ------ - .-- ---- and bonrdiug establishment. Horses RIVERSIDE AVENUE. -------- ---- x - ." - a trial, and wo asaiue you that we .'Id SOI Til (IU AIM'. ST I MAP7sVifMM AT ALL GROCERIES AND RARDON'S BAKERY. PRIVATE WIRE PHONE 1831 6 Co. GRAIN AND STOCK BROKERS W. L. BAIN LOCAL MGR NO. 10 NORTH FRONT ST. MEDFORD, OREGON The iiivri'luml mUsL never relax liia anxiety In create liuyiiij: opporltnti liu for liis ivitnins not ono turn and lli'Mi, lint an omlloxs clmtn of llintu. A STORY ABOUT PANTS Soino people prefer to call them "trousers" but anyway, I hey aro iiuiilu by I lie "Old Woolen Mills" f Mayfield. ICy and nro the Itust iu the world. Thoy start the line with the genuine Old Kentucky Jeans at $1.25 a pair, and run to the fine all-wool grades at $6.00. 73hQ WARDROBE WEST MAIN ST. Moss Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles nKN'KHAL OVKMIAUIilNa & MACIUNB HKl'AIKINfl. First-Class Workmanship Guarnntcctl. PI ION K MAIN 02111. Corner Central Ave. and Slli rit Medford, Or. MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. Pure Clear Sparkling Voti can't afford to do without tins Rpluudid, refrevhiiiK drink. Call up and ordur a oubq eont to tho house. The parent, most healthful drink known is SISKIYOU MINERAL, WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent.