KS &? i wr ' aSri5D.FGr?TJ.jrAJJJ TRIBUNE, MKPffORD, OK MOON. SUNDAY, DtiCKAiniOL' IS, 1!)1Q. N CENTRAL POINT BANK GROWS BOOM i Makes 72 Per Cent Increase in One Year, Showinn Wondprful Dc velopncnt Gping on In That Sec tion of the Valley. CKNTIiAL POINT, Due. 17.--Thnt Central Point ami lliu rit-h i'niil Kt'owiiiK section, immi!ilia(uly Mir roiiiidiiiK it t'ompriHcs one of the iiiohI rapidly growing coiiiiMiinilii'.s n Oregon in hIiowii y (ho In I out htnlu nient of the Contra! Point Stall1 lm ii lr, which, when compared with the Klatuinunt of (hi; hiiiiio iiinlittiiion I 'J months ngo, shown I ho wondorfiil in -crease in hiiHinorts in that timo oi 72 pur (iont. I'lobiiMy po ohor Kim ilur institution pf lliu muni! age it Iho Pacific, northwest can wake an 1'ipia! showing. Tho Conlral Point Stalo hank Iiiih heon cstahlishod more titan four years and fina enjoyed n Htondy growth every month since il was osIiiIiIimIumI. Since last Hiring. however, when J. 0. Isaacson hc eanio president of the institution, the increase of IniHiness lias hcun par tienlarly marked. While conforming; to .the Htrii'fcHl rides of hanking methods, Air. Isaacson has followed a progressive policy, and the steadily increasing vidiime of htisinesN since that time is tho hesi indicator of the status, of an institution that is hnsed on the natural wealth n the bc.il apple and pear section on cnrlli. AT EAGLE POINT acres adjoining town lias heen huh divided and is now being sold m small tracts to actual settlor-, and this fact alone will undoubted! v mid large! v to 'the Inline growth and prosperity of Kngle Point. Judge J. S. Beard Dead. ORGANIZ E RANK II New Depot, New Bank Building anil ,),,. jm ,s. jjuard, for many Two New Store Buildings Planned, ' ",,t" . l,at ve"r ,'1H?.'io1' ( I judge ol bifekryou eoiinty. I alitor- as well as Many Hesiuenccs Streets to Be Graded, Walks Laid. in addition to the new hank build ing to bo erected at Kagle Point in the spring, there will bo at least two nia, and one of our neighboring county's most honored and respected old-tune citizens, died at Yrcka on the l-ll ins-t.. aged "1 years. Death followed a sudden attack of neural gia of the heart. AT EAGLE POINT:! Articles of Incorporation Filed with Secretary of State and Charter Granted Burglar-Proof Safe Or dered and New Building Planned. 'the business iiit-ti and residents ol Eagle Point, to make their town a 'live wire in the future doU'lopineut i ..i' ii... ... i:...... ....IImv OL lliu jikiii; nmi "-ji Auiomr the promoters are (. . VS. .ake of Kagle J'oint. but recentl from Pierre. S. I).; X. Newbanks. a 'banker from Pierre, S. I)., and .1. . Huberts, cashier of the l'iit na tional bank of lSundon, Or. ' OREGON SHORT LINE PAYS 11 BIG PROFIT idoiuato advertising frank in- XMAS PRESENTS. modern store buildings erected as r,,,.,,,;,,.,, fil(.n,, freipient being a soon as the weather permits, and iturl of (l HUmH MVviva ,,, vmi ;, is understood that these structures, r0(nvs tlml a good storo is neeeb- will lie limit near tlio new itopot ois.iriv .. ...pi ,l(i..n..i:M!li Ri0,,, .. . . . i . , -.-.--- ino rncinc, ec lMiMuni, ami lorm .i nucleus around wiiiJi will soon hi the new business center of Kagk Point. The present business bunion are strung along one street, near tlu rii'fir. null lit! ill' tliiiin rfiHiMt iiIk.ii. I lete, and it would be next to iinpo--sible to make it an attractive busi ness street, mixed as it is, with all maimer of frame stoiebiiildiiigs audi residences, , Opera glasses make the best Xnui haglo Point is growing and will presents, "There's a reason." The continue to grow. The P. & K. has iHMt (l ,f,.tiine. Tit whole family can shown its faitb in the town by building a handsome station that DANGER IN DELAY. would accommodate a city of .'tllllt. Many new residences are planned for the coming season. Streets are (o be graded, cement walks laid i'rom, lc tliuutur. (lie depot down town and around the; fine assortment in morocco, business hoclion. A now lumberyard I blinked and -ii-hitn neurl. irold mount - is planned to meet tlio needs of lliu',.,1. with and without handles, at Dr. use them. They increase tho pleas ure of shows one-half. You can rum! (he orchestra music from the bal cony, thus anyone can see the ad- autage of having opera glasses at r Articles of iiicoiporatioti have been filed with llo secretary of state and a charter granted to he Kagle I'oint P.aiik te-jhii-t t'o. 'f Kagle I'omt. 'J'iie. new hank will lie roauy lor biiHine just a-, .-non as the ne cessary fixtures and -.applies can lie obtained. ()iu of the latest types o. Kli-Xorris iiiangane-e steel burglar proof safes has been oidered lor the new iuoltliitiou. . As there is-no Mutable building to be had at prosont, the bank will bo compelled lo open in temporary iuut'(ers, until siu-h time as a new brick or concrete building can be orectud, which will bebailt as soon as tho spring weather permits. The resideiittttof Kagle Point and vicinity will welcome the new insti tution as filling ,n long-felt want, tu addition to being another important -lcp in tlio determined movement of Those who do not read the newa of the day know little of what is happening in tho World. And those who fail to read the ads know little of values or of what is huppoflfng ug ((( $1:5,075. 330 111 tlio store-world. SAMflM, Or.. Dec. 17. That tho Oergon Short Line lias sliced a "mel on" after reserving its earnings for some time la bidteatod in a report j far of 5.170,1.19.09, the road costing 15 different corporations In tlio north west and Intorinountnln countries., the expenditure on this work amount ing to ?8,10n,SG7.;iS. The report or tlio Alnllicur Valley road Is not a financial report and contains utatouientu oi)ly in relation to Its organization and tho aihance being made in Its construction. It Is shown to ho leased to tho Oregon Short Line and Is built at a cost so Just filed with tho state railroad com-! ?n..)5;,-( JS vvr ,le. mission, In which it showcil that tut1; ; road this year declared dividends of 50 per celiac tho dlvldeitds amouut- XOTICK OP HA liK. Ii growing town. Oilier retail biisiuiMh houses will come in during, the com- (loblo's Optical Parlors. For Rent Hoarding house, modern cipiip- tiiciit ; toilet, both, city water, dec iug year and there will be loom for them, ns this part of the valley i- 'tween Portland and Sacraiuenlo. apmiy titling up with new people. Sue big ovo bigu. Kidney Diseases Are Too Dangerous jTIlu '"'w UHoii trad of li-lu For Mcdford People to Ncfjlcct. Glasses ground whilo you wail.! t,j,. ijghis. range and hot water lieat- Tliu most complole optical tliop lie ...... lcaled witnliin mie block .Mudfoni depot. Jmpiii'u Aldinhagen, Itogue lier Kveetric Co. Careful Operating revenues for the entire Jf f-r A-fT Q no amounted to S20.S22,8 1C.nri and.lyiVJ' V tA O ! (heo peratlng expenses $1). 5 1 1,57:5.80, j parcs movin( Will (lo Well to Call Oil Tho hoard of directors or school' the report stawag inai 1110 n.. .y TTHEWg & LAK district No. I!t will coimhlur liltlB foil oporating expenses to operating rev-, the purchase of the house now situat-jeaues as 15.82 per cent. Tho net cor-, to hanie t,cr household rjS. oil on the property which wild district ' pornto Income for the road Is placed Tney pack ani s,ip furniture anil has acquired from W. II. Crawford. I nt 1!M20.:GI. 01. Tho road advanced ' unpack an( sct up furniture anil do said building to be removed from considerable money for the construe- iaM,u, 0f all kinds. BaQtjaoC ln sald proiM-rty. Tho properly is sltuat-i Hon.. betterment and equipment of c,e(t Photic 2151. ed on tho north side of West Jackson j , ; ;. -r-: : : street and near the John Demmer place. Tlie board reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. . llids to be in by December - lth. Oilia CKAWKORD, 2:;i Clerk. -tu. Tho great dapgor of kidney trou bles is thai they gel a firm hold be foro tlio sufferer recognizes Iheui. Health is gradually undermined. Backache, headache, uervoisios.-i, lameness, soreness, lumbago, urinary troubles, dropsy, diubeles and Jlriglil's disease follow in merciless succession, poii't neglect your kid iieyij. Cure tlio kidneys witli th.1 certain and safe reinedy,,l)onu,H Kid ney Pils, which has cured peopk right I live in thin locality. Jl. Powell, -J(i:i Oak street, Ami lnd, Or., h.VH: "!, buffered a groat deal from kjdiley trouble and back ache and sometimes could hardly got around. On arising in the iiorp ing . was stiff and lame uipl tho kidney Heorotions anno.ved mo by their irregularity in passage. As spun as 1 opnuiieueed Inking )oau h Kidney J'iils 1 improved and 1 an) now in good health. I still use Dona's Kidney Pils occasionally, however, but more us a pruventivo than anything else. I always insist upon having Doiui'h Kidney Pills, for 110 substitute eau bo as effective a they." Pip- sale by nil dealers,. I'rico fit! cents. Kostor-Alilburn Co., Iliiffalo, X. V., sole agents for tlio United' Ht,alos. Ileuiepibnr (I'O name -Doan's and lake no oilier. Wapl-advertiso for tenants, for Unit gniid-ououuh-lo-ndvortiso furn ished room. California ''or Business Use Let Us Sine mui :H) per cent of your fuel We will install on your stove a dam per that we guarantee to save yom fuel and protect your rooms from overheat and give you a uniform SAFETY ECONOMY DAMPER CO., 110 Sherlock i'.ldg.. Portland. .JO!!Nr 11. WIMKK. Kepiesentative lor Medford. I.'j South Harllett Street. Mrs. Tay lor's Ilo.udi.ig House. -25 t C3U-Z 1 t ri-r-Si """ .i?JTit... .-.l'lS'iTflL . lT ft-W if1! I11111 cousi t Lt JSJ i-V-rf IT- THE YOUNG BUSINESS MAM should stall a bank account at ou . It will nio him a better standing wiln those with whom he deals. It wnl save him from the stint from nil dU pules as lo payments. It will sae derable in tlii'.lrniisiuissioii of money. If you huve started or arc about to slurl in. business open an account at the Farmers' Fruit growers' Bank.. You will not be the oulv depositor. Is the place to visit. Orange groves iu full bloom, tropical Honors, fa pious hotels, hibtoriu Old Mission, attractive watering places, delightful climate making that favored section the Nation' most popular retreat. You can see it ( its host via the Shasta Route j nd I "The Road of a Thousand Wonders"! SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Up-to-dnio trains, firnt-class in every rospoet, unexcelled dining-cai service, ipiiek time and diieet con lieetiuns to all points south. 1 ! 1 STECIAL ROUND-TRIP FARE OF . $55.00 ! 1 ' Portland to Los Anncles and Return. Willi oorresiioiidiug low fares from till other sections of the Northwest. Liberal stop. overs ii each direction pud long limit. Interesting and at tractive literature on the various re sorts mid attractions of California mui bo had oil application lo any H P. or O. U. & N. Agent, or from WM. MoMURRAY. General Pnssciificr Aflcnt Portland, Ore. There are a great many places and occasions when the possibility of get ting extra heat immediately effects an economy by decreasing the discomfort of the worker. In the office, in theearly morning or late at night, before or after the steamheat is on, it is of importance to have extra heat. In the builder's outside office, in the shipping room, in the checker's shack, on exposed lofts, in railroad stations, in studios, the PKRrJECTi J Smokeless Absolutely smokeless and odorless Is often a necessity. It is safe, smokeless find odorless. Apply a match, and It gives heat quickly. Willi four quarts of oil It bums nipc hours. Has auto-nintlc-locldnij Home sprendcr, which prevents- the wick from being turned high cnpiiRh to smoke, and is easy to remove and, drop hack so that the wick can be cleaned in an instant. It has a coo! handle and a damper top. An indicator always shows the amount of oil In the font. The tiller-cap it Is put in like a cork in a bottle, and is attached to the font by a chain. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, because of a new de vice la construction, and consequently, it can always he easily unscrewed in an instant forrcwicking. The Perfection Oil Heater is finished in Japan or nickel. It is strong, durable, well made, built for service, yet light and ornamental. Vtaltn LrKwhtr It 1 -I at r;, unit f r dtscmUx arcuUr 10 mt nearest arny cj it.t SCHOOL CHILDREN Often need Glasses tliirint) the formative period of childhood. Let us prepare tlio ylasscs for your children's eyes, and the chances' are the slicjlit error will he speedily corrected and vitiiin a short time the chil dren's eyes will be restored to normal. .STEPHENSON Office Over Allen's Store, Main and C Street, Phone Main 1057. Mcdford, Or. For Sale l?OU SALIO A :i()-lol .subdivision, high, sightly lo cation; sneml price, tfo500; terms. fcjL'c Van Dyke Realty Co., V2) Main street. !X)U KALIS Two Tine lots tfi West Seventh street, opposite end of Summit avenue; $1000 each; terms -100 cash, balance in one and two vears. Van Dyke Jtwilly Co.. V2'l Main street. Phone 082. WAXTIOD To list good farms and fruit ranches; also swell tracts. Van Dyke liealty Co., Vlo Kast Main street. Van Dyke Realty Go. 128 Main Street lllillW IIIIMIIiHIl B llillHWH illl l II MiHi 1 1 IMIMI imWHH lllil III ) j , I -- - . KtMWaQM Standard Oil Company WnewpJrAtncJj 'MBmsmmsm sS r - ---- -t-f -t tin . , DIAMOND ujurriiKiuis From $10.00 to $600.00 V xM..-'S. ? V. ITT l r Intending hiners, upon investigation, will find qimlih and econ- t)my, the ruling essentials, governing tmr extensive line of solitaires What we tell you of our rings are facts, hacked up hv a guarantee that is a substantial one, thereby making vour purchase' a safe proposition from this store. CUT GLASS Eat- Figola rea'i J. E. ENYART, President. JOHN S. OHTU, Cnshier. J A. PER11V, Vico-Prcsidcnt. W. 1). JACKSON. Ass't Cashi&r. THE MEDF0RD NATIONAL BANK Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL BANKING GUSISESS TRANSACTED WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. 1IAWKKK rich nil glass t n( from ihe genuine blank is I he finest on the mar ket. M select ion comprises many very desirable pieces. The prices sire riudit. JCbntains ingredients oi' Kigs. ffTIIK BIJKAD OF Ml' KIT. fJNot. in name only, but in reality. fJA wholesome, nutri tious bread. JAids digestion SOLD KXCLCSIVKI.Y1U" TODD &C0. AlKDKOK'D HAKLORY AXDDKL1CATKSS10N ; DVY YOn IfOAKT t TCKKKYIIKUK J J i rnr t T rr$ r v mii"'i i ) mwit mi i hi iwwi il jnnxwifvkr.wT, tj PLUMBING SHAM AND HOI WA1CH IIEAIING All Work (iuarunleed prices lleasoiuiblo COFFEEN . PRICE 11 North 1) St..Mc(1foul,Oro. Phono 303 -DIAMOND GIFTS l INHTOT OtTl DIAMOND 01FTS. TI1KY liKIMfKSKXT TIIM lil-ST IN Ol'LITV STVI V vh UVKRY KSSKNT1ALTIIAT (JOMS TO MAKK TDK VEUIW'V Al TlCLl' TIllVl) S (1N1N IS UFY ELATION OFT1II0 DKSIONKICS ALT AM) CAN ONLY UK . ! 'm-ri Tl'l ! I Y N IVNSPhv' TIOX. AND IN A 1JI0DDY 150X TIIKY .MMAN SO AUT-U MOl M I ' S k 1N1M nr NO ...For Sale... DRY BLOCKS , ...Phone... MAIN 2601 G. E. MORSE NECKLACES LAVALLIERS PENDANTS BROOCHES MEDALLIONS BAR PINS CUFF LINKS EAR RINGS BEAUTY PINS WAIST PIN SETS CLUSTER RINGS DINNER RINGS PRINCESS RINGS SOLITAIRE RINGS Martin J. Reddy, The Jeweler, Near STODDARD DAYTON Automobiles Dr. F. C Page Mgr. Local Agency ; r ! ( i i Xmas Confections ' YOUNG MEN OF MEDFORD, THIS IS THE PLACE TO COME FOR FINE CONFECTIONS, YOU GET SOMETHING FOR YOUR MONEY HERE AMD THE RECIPIENT WILL LOVE YOU EVER AFTER RECEIVING THE GIFT. Buy "Her" A Fancy Box of Candy AND WIN HER HEART. YOU CANT GO WRONG BY GIVING GOQP CANDY. LADIES-WE SELL THE FINEST PIPES AND SMOKERS' SUPLIES TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. Ritter & Dunlap ifSt m '1 um .m "K! ' 'fl i v '1 f ,., ...,. , AttUB