"""n r , v .r iy One Week From Today is XmasHave You Finished Your Shopping Yet Medford Mail Tribune SECTION THREE Circulation MAIL TRIBUNE'S CIRCULA TION YESTERDAY WAS 2975 FJKTIT YEAR. MMDJFORD, OKKOON, SUNDAY, l)KCMLMlil01l 18, 1910. NO. 230 ILL HOPE GONE STRICTER RACE E FOUND '"VT T MHO DISTRICT RICH CENTRAL POINT Assessment of Central Point School District Is Over $ 1 ,000,000, Aside From Assessment of Railroad and Equipment. Natives of West Africa Clash With French Troops; Hundreds Slaughtered. MINERS .SAFETY GAME LAWS 4v j AM I :S ,' i. v No Chance Now to Reach Miners in, Tumiel No. 2 of Lydcn Mines Commissioner Urges Safciiuardinn. of Other Mines. DENVER, Col.. Dec. 17. All hope of rescuing alive the ten miners en tombed In tunnel No. 2 of the Ley don mine was nbandoned today, when the first division of oxygen-helmeted searchers returned to the surfneo nnd reported that they had failed to find tho imprisoned men. A relief corps that followed the first division then set out to explore the extreme right wing of the mine, the only part of tho tunnel that the searchers Minvo not yet reached. At 0 o'clock this morning the men had been entombed 02 hours. State Labor Commissioner Brake, who has been Investigating the Ley- den explosion, today predicted that others of tho samo kind would follow In mines in this vicinity within the next six months unless radical steps are taken to safeguard against it. v" IK "There will bo more explosions nnd v' more dead miners unless something is Fdpne," said tho commissioner. "Tho Colorado Fuel and Iron company's mines at Hastini's. Sntiris nnd Eiicle- "Kvflle. it is my belief, are In partfeu Mtirlj bad shape, and 1 think explo sions will occur there unless ladical measures are taken to safeguard the 5'. men." D'S INCOME IS 1119 A MINUTE NEW YORK, Dec. 17. John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Income is $170 a minute, according to tho quar terly dividend of 10 por cent amount ing to $10,000,000 on nil the stock which has been authorized by the dl- mt rectors. It was estimated today that Rockefeller slnco $18S2 has received $180,000,000 In Standard Oil dlvl- J. ilcnds in addition to $100,000,000, his equity fn the profits of the con cern, since lasz tlio company litis 'JOHN WUtlsburscd $709,812,G20 out of Its .''profits of $1,120,4 12,001,, leaving a : surplus of $! 19,679, 111. 1 To understand l'cnl estate condi lions and values in this citv one must T.ZA ' 'stuilv real estate ndortising nnd i" 'SI'" 1""' investigate advertised prop- tyaJuTTii's. For tlio advertising columns '.ToKthih paper uro the textbooks ot nljlwho really study real estate, and ho shilling of cciitiT.s of nctiit and (lie rise and fall of values. State Warden Would Prevent Slaugh- tcr of Deer, Elk and Ducks Also Recommends Closed Season for Trout on Rogue River. Laws which would moro stringent ly regulate tho killing of deer, elk and ducks tiro urged by It. O. Ste venson, state game and forestry war den, in his annual report Just trans mitted to the governor and covering the operations of his department up to December 1. , Warden Stevenson declares the ' open season on doer should be closed on October 1 instead of November 1 nnd ho would also make the owner or persons having charge of any dogs found pursuing deer guilty of a mis demeanor. He snys this would put a stop to running deer with dogs and then making tho plea that tho dogs, had got beyond control. "There is a widespread feeling, In which I Join," says Stevenson, "that tho present penalty providing for tho killing of nn elk, the most splendid of our gamo animals, Is not suffl- clently severe, and I would rccom- mend that tho law be so amended thnt the unlawful killing of any elk oe punished by Imprisonment." Reaver have multiplied so rapidly in some localities that their depre dations have caused injury nnd an noyance, says tho report. The war den says he believes It advisable to remove the protection for one year. "The present limit on killing ol ducks is not to exceed UK In any con secutive cevenu dnys," says tho war den. "This Is too high. It permits a veritable slaughter of theso splen did game fowls, and I earnestly urge tho limit be reduced to 25 In seven consecutive days and that no persons be permitted to have In his posses sion moro than tho killing limit at one time. I recommend further that It bo lawful to sell ducks In the open market at any time when It is law ful to kill." Laws providing a trout season on the Rogue river, regulating tho fish ing of snlmon trout in general and preventing night fishing on tho Co qulllo river are urged. There Is $55,107.31 In the gnme protection fund, uiid tho warden re ports that under the law ho Is unable to spend any part of this sum for trout hatcheries, which are desired. Ho recommends amendment of, the law In order to permit this. Salo of Chinese pheasants raised In captivity has been satisfactory, it lb reported, atld recommendation is mado that this provision bo extended to all gamo birds during the closed season nnd to dcor and all other cdl blo gamo animals. Tho summary of arrests during the Will be enjoyed most by the families who live in their We have furnished the material for most of the homes Woods 1 s ' " '. .s SsJwIeSiiSEafitev &B&r illl '-3&KE&& ajrau S?! JlVx w n w M .-Mfms m:skm im'tmm3mm. 11 m . jr X j tf J5afcR Lfii fifty! -. 'M ,v Ifji' rriH'l" ni - f .M V PHOTO l&ay OVDERWCOD g- UNDERWQOK?t . Tm W. I'nrls Is excited over the fact that i-'rencli troops have been In a number of serious engagements with natives of West Africa During November, according to cablo it-ports, tho French had three bitter lights, ono battlo ro suli lug l.i the killing of COO natives and the killing and wounding of many French soldiers. Several garrisons aro loported surrounded by tribes. The wur department in Paris has cabled for complete details, but no answer Is ex pected before the last of December. In the meantime more troops are being sent to Africa. The French war do part,ment has about concluded that a strong force must be bent to tho scene of thu long drawn out conlllcts nnd tho unlives, who. lime objected to French rule, brought to terms once and for all. year shows that a totalof 280 cases wero prosecuted mid fines totaling $10,055 levied. Thero were only sev en acquittals and flvo cases dismiss ed. Six hunters were sont to Jail. Most of the inefficient workers gel their joha through tlio "influence of fiiends" and most of the eflicieut ones through the purely !iiihine-.s method of wuiit advertising. iMo-t employes understand this- so it's "citing harder all the time to sccire n good job through "influence." BIG TACQMA STORE WIPED OUT BY FIRE TACOiMA, Wash Dec. 17. Over whelmed by tho Iohh of their big apartment store at Fifteenth street and Pacific avenue, which was wiped out by fire about midnight, Just as tho store was beginning to fool the heavy Christmas rush, Thonins and James McCormnek of McCormnck Brothers woro unnblo definitely to stato what they future plans would be. The loss practically la comploto and excopt for u fow thousand dol lais' woith of siock in tho warehouse the business of thu firm was com pletely wiped out. Tho stock was partially Insured. Tho Iobs will bo above $100,000 and $10,000 on tho building. Tho cause of tho flro Is not known. Wireless Is Employed to Get Racing Tip Farmer Becomes Suspicious and Went to the Authorities With tho Story. LOS ANflKLES, Cut., Dec. 17.--County officers today tiro investigat ing what Suundcrs Williams, n Santa Paula rancher, declares to he ti modern adaptation of tlio nnciont nieetraeU. wire-tapping game, and which ho alleges is operated through u wireless station at Hedondo Hench. As n result of Williams' charges, William Laeey and .lames Martin were nrrestcd under thu "confidence operator" clause of the vagrancy statute, and Lacey was sentenced to six months in jnil, following his plea of guilty. Williams told the authorities thai soon after his u nival in Los Angeles for n vacation lie met Lacey, who proposed n trip to Hedondo beach. On the way to the bench, ho said, Laeey told, him of ti system ho hnd evolved of getting rnco' tips via wireless, nnd later took him to the room where tlio apparatus was in stalled. "I mado several hots on the strength of tlioso tips," snid Wil liams, "and always won. Finally I bet .foOO, giving n draft for the amount. 1 won again, and then the men insisted thnt I should go to a bunk with them nnd prove- that the draft was nil right before they paid me. I bcptuno suspicious and went to tho nutliorities." Martin pleaded not guilty when nrr raigncd with Lncey. His trial wai sot and he was released on .$."500 bail. GREAT SEALSKIN SALE IS ON IN LONDON VKTOHIA, Doc. 17. Tho seal skin sale held ycslcrdav tit Lamp sou's, in Loudon, tit which ho total cutrh, over MOO skins, of the Vic toria pelagic fleet, the United States catch of 12,000 from tho l'ribyloff rookeries nnd catches of locally, own ed schooners in the South Alluntie and Antarctic, about 10,000 or 17, 000 pelts in till, wero offered, showed no advance in the price over Inst year, according to advices received hero today. In fact, tlio general nvorngo will slut va decline in the price of the Horiug .sealskins, and there was a l'alliiig-off of 30 por cont in tlio price of tho South Sen seals. Tito average ptico brought by tho Iloring sea seal skins was .fUS per skin; last year the majority of thu skins brought $28 nnd $:!(). iii i i i Medford Mull Trlbuno want nth bring results. own homes. in Medford. Co CENTRAL TOINT, Or., Dec. 17. Outsldo tho assessment on railroad right of way, depot and groundB, roll ing stock and other accessories, as well as telegraph nnd telephone with in tho district boundaries, tho assess ed valuation of proporty within tho confines of tho Contral Point school district amounts to the snug sum ot $1,099,211, as repotted to School Clerk Jacobs recently by W. R. Cole mnn, county clorlc. This Is consider able Increase ovor any past assess ment and Insures tho mnterlnl wel fare ot tho school kids for tho next year or so. Jackson county proper la rapidly ndvnnclng in vnluo with each passing year, which fact makes nil of us look pleasant nnd smllo sweetly when wo pay taxes. Brokers Suspend. NKW YORK, Dec. 17. Tho sus pension of tlio brokerage firm of Judsoti & Jiulsou was announced today on tlio stock exchange. Tho firm was esttiblislicd in 11101 and tho principal members tiro A .M. Jud son, George 1'. Judson nnd Percy Sherman. MADE GREAT FLIGHT ACROSS RIVER PLATA BUENOS AYRES, Dee. 17. Thnt Aviator Cattaneo's flight across tho Plata river was as hazardous as ono ncross tho English channel Is tho opinion of aviation enthusiasts hero today. It took Cnttnneo two hours ind 20 minutes to fly over tho river. This Is n considerably longer tlmo than Latham consumed In crossing tho channel. Catttinco flow from Buonos Ayrca to Colonln. n dlstanco of 24 miles. Ho oncountored strong headwinds, which accounts for his clow tlmo. CHICAGO, 111., Doc. 17. "Sid" Mi.llio. head of tlio alleged Chicago bucket shops, which woro raided on Thursdny by ordor of tho lcdorai authoritioH, surrendered himself to day into custody. Ho gave 10,000 bonds and vvus released. Mcllio was supposed to bo in Florida and an of ficer with a warrant for his arrest already had slarled for Tampa. , t v-1